Publications of Bhikkhu Uttamo

Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw

Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw
Translator's Notes Introduction D.A. Process Part 1 Part 2
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Epilogue
Appendix ( Manuscript of Translations ) Full Text ; (PDF, 2021-10-21) Full Text (PDF, background in green, 2021-10-21)    

Part 1 ( content of Part 1 )

Part 2 ( content of Part 2 )

Part 3 ( content of Part 3 )

Part 4 ( content of Part 4 )

Part 5 ( content of Part 5 )

Part 6 ( content of Part 6 )

Part 7 ( content of Part 7 )

Part 8 ( content of Part 8 )

Part 9 ( content of Part 9 )

Part 10 ( content of Part 10 )

Part 11 ( content of Part 11 )

Part 12 ( content of Part 12 )

Part 13 ( content of Part 13 )

Part 14 ( content of Part 14 )

Part 15 ( content of Part 15 )

Part 16

For printing full text of "Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw":

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    • full text (1115 pages, 2021-10-21)

    • Vol. I (569 pages, 2021-10-21); Note: There are three (3) pages which are colourful for print on this Volumn:

      a. Page 41 (31) (D. A. Process),
      b. Page 52 (42) (Kammabhava, D. A. Process) and
      c. Page 330 (320) (the Axle of the Taints,part5-5).

    • Vol. II (558 pages, 2021-10-21)

  • Size: B5, Large font (14.5 pt, PDF)

    • full text (1483 pages, 2021-10-21) Note: There are three (3) pages which are colourful: Page 53, 67 and 446.

    • Vol. I [515 pages, 2021-10-21, Translator's Notes ~ Part 05-16 (The Most Important Thing in Life)]; Note: There are three (3) pages which are colourful for print on this Volumn:

      a. Page 53 (42) (D. A. Process),
      b. Page 67 (56) (Kammabhava, D. A. Process) and
      c. Page 446 (435) (the Axle of the Taints,part5-5).
    • Vol. II [511 pages, 2021-10-21, Part 05-17 (To Know Yourself) ~ Part 10-04 (Our Murderers)]

    • Vol. III [483 pages, 2021-10-21, Part 10-05 (The Four Noble Truths) ~ Vipassanā Bhāvanā (Appendix)]

  • Size: A4 , General (12 pt, PDF, 835 pages, 2021-10-21)

  • Size: A4 , Large font (14.5 pt, PDF, 1073 pages, 2021-10-21)

  • Cover: Vol-I , Vol-II , Vol-III (2022-02-28)

Eighteen Days in Solitude

--instructional Dhamma Talks in Retreat

by Venerable U Ādiccaramsī

the translator : Bhikkhu Uttamo (鄔達摩 比丘)

Eighteen Days in Solitude

  • full text:

    • Full Text (PDF, 2021-10-21);

    • Full Text (PDF, background in green, 2021-10-21)

    • For Print, Size: A5, general (12 pt, 145 pages, 2021-10-21)

    • For Print, Size: A5, large font (14 pt, 185 pages, 2021-10-21)

      Note: There are one (1) page which is colourful for print: Page 4 (1) (U Ādiccaramsī's photography, Introduction)

    • Cover of "Eighteen Days in Solitude" (2021-10-21)

Protection with Blessing

-- Maṅgala Sutta ( Content of Maṅgala Sutta – Protection with Blessing )

  • Full Text (PDF, 2021-10-21);
  • Full Text (PDF, background in green, 2021-10-21)
  • For Print:
    • Size: B5, general (12 pt, 458 pages, 2021-10-21)
    • Size: B5, large font (14 pt, 521 pages, 2021-10-21)
    • Size: A4, general (12 pt, 322 pages, 2021-10-21)
    • Size: A4, large font (14 pt, 362 pages, 2021-10-21)
  • Cover of "Maṅgala Sutta" (2021-10-21)

Two Sides of A Coin

(Dhamma Talks by Sayadaw U Ukkaṭṭha)

A Noble Search

(Dhamma Talks by Sayadaw U Candima)

  • PDF (For Print, Size: B5, 377 pages, 2023-08-23)
  • Cover of Bound volume of "Two Sides of A Coin" and "A Noble Search" (2022-08-23)
These two books ("Two Sides of A Coin" and "A Noble Search") are combined and bound in one volume:
("A Noble Search" includes the following sections:'On Basic Meditation', 'Pain and Samādhi', 'Dealing with Pain in Samādhi Practice', 'On Ānāpāna Samādhi', 'A Scales Like Samādhi', 'Diamond Meditation', 'Bhavaṅga Meditation', 'After Samādhi, Develop Vipassanā')

Right Samādhi and Right Insight

(Dhamma Talks by Sayadaw U Candima)

According to the translator— Bhikkhu Uttamo's words, this is strictly for free distribution only, as a gift of Dhamma—Dhamma Dāna. You may re-format, reprint, translate, and redistribute this work in any medium.

據英譯者—鄔達摩比丘交待,此譯文僅能免費與大眾結緣,作為法的禮物(Dhamma Dāna)。你可以在任何媒體上重新編製、重印、翻譯和重新發布這部作品。