Near Death and the Five Mind Moments

revised on 2019-06-14

Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw; 29th May 1960

No one can die without seeing the way of rebirth, by seeing them with the near dying mind moments (vīthicitta). Seeing the destinations with the near dying 5-mind moments and then pass away, after the dying mind moment already dead. Just send the corpse to the cemetery. The 5-mind moments are wholesome or unwholesome mental states. For example with unwholesome mental states, seeing back what one had deceived others or remembering them, seeing back the unwholesome kamma one had done. As an example for wholesome mental states, seeing back one had made dāna. For vipassanā practice, seeing the impermanence of the mind-body process reappear, seeing back the impermanence of the khandhas. People seeing whatever used to them (Habitual tendency, this point is very important.). Dying means one seeing back what one had done before. Some was seeing the destinations of their rebirths. For example, hell fire, hell woks etc. and tears run down from their faces. At that time there is no time for making correction. Therefore, before death, from now on we have to prepare. You can't even talk to your children and wife besides you. He is in fright of what he is seeing. Those who can cry out are (just) crying with fright.

There were very few stories could make corrections near death. The Buddha gave some instructions on this, by making preparation with insight practice. Near death discerning impermanence and these are anicca khandhas, dukkha khandhas and then become sotāpanna sakadāgāmin and anāgāmin before death. If die with impermanence and take rebirth in heaven. (Sayadaw mentioned about Mahānāma, the cousin of the Buddha.) He was a sotāpanna but didn't know about it. So he asked the Buddha what would happen to him if he died with accident. The Buddha answered that he didn't need to worry about it, and already had the good quality for dying. Therefore, you all must prepare for impermanence. If you can have the ears of listening to the Sacca Dhamma is a tihetuka person.

King Milinda asked Ven. Nāgasena, " Is Nibbāna always exist or not?" People who can discern anicca in practice, it's exist for them. The ending of anicca is Nibbāna. If you contemplate the mind, the mind covers up Nibbāna. If you contemplate feeling, the feeling covers up Nibbāna. If you follow them to the end and uncover by it, then Nibbāna will appear.

revised on 2019-06-14; cited from (posted on 2018-12-15)

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