Why Not See Nibbāna?

revised on 2024-06-10

Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw; 10th September 1962

The attainment of Nibbāna after death is when all the khandhas (i.e., five khandhas) have totally ceased and only happiness exists. Mind and form are dukkha sacca. Therefore, mind and form do not exist in Nibbāna. It’s the cessation of dukkha sacca; at the place of dukkha sacca, no dukkha appears. To arrive at Nibbāna, one must listen to suitable sacca-dhamma and, by contemplating dukkha sacca thoroughly, will realize Nibbāna in this life. Section two is dukkha sacca, which you know from the teacher's talk (see the D.A chart). After you know about it and look at your khandha, you then see whatever mind arises is vanishing. This is dukkha sacca. People talk about them (i.e., minds) as different kinds of mind with lobha, dosa, etc., but when you really observe them, you only see their non-existence.

Arising and vanishing is dukkhe-ñāṇaṃ, which is the knowledge of knowing dukkha. When the rise and fall cease, it becomes dukkha-nirodhe ñāṇaṃ – the knowledge of knowing the cessation of dukkha. You only have these two jobs and no other.

① The task you have to do is only dukkhe-ñāṇaṃ (i.e., vipassanā ñāṇa).

② Dukkha-nirodhe ñāṇaṃ (i.e., path knowledge – magga ñāṇa) will abandon it (i.e., kilesa) by itself. The process of the practice only involves two knowledges (ñāṇa):

Without no.① and no.②, nothing can happen or arise. Dana practice is the far cause for it (sīla and Samatha are also the same). This is kamma sakkata ñāṇa.

It has not entered into the knowledge of dukkhe-ñāṇaṃ yet. You only listen to the Dhamma and know dukkhe-ñāṇaṃ. Therefore, except for the Buddha and Pacceka-Buddha, all others must listen to Dhamma teachings. Nibbāna is related to the khandha (There are some hidden meanings beneath it). With the cessation of khandha dukkha, it will arise. Therefore, Nibbāna is not far from us. Why don’t you see it? It has not become dukkhe-ñāṇaṃ yet. If it arises, you will see it.

revised on 2024-06-10

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