Content of Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw-- Emptiness, Conditioned, and Unconditioned

Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw

-- Emptiness, Conditioned, and Unconditioned. Translation based on the recorded tapes by Bhikkhu Uttamo

Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw
Translator's Notes Introduction D.A. Process Part 1 Part 2
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Epilogue
Appendix ( Manuscript of Translations ) About the translator Full Text ; (PDF, 2021-10-21) Full Text (PDF, background in green, 2021-10-21)    

Part 1 ( content of Part 1 )

Part 2 ( content of Part 2 )

Part 3 ( content of Part 3 )

Part 4 ( content of Part 4 )

Part 5 ( content of Part 5 )

Part 6 ( content of Part 6 )

Part 7 ( content of Part 7 )

Part 8 ( content of Part 8 )

Part 9 ( content of Part 9 )

Part 10 ( content of Part 10 )

Part 11 ( content of Part 11 )

Part 12 ( content of Part 12 )

Part 13 ( content of Part 13 )

Part 14 ( content of Part 14 )

Part 15

Part 16

Under Construction!

About the translator: this link

For printing full text of this book:

  • Size: B5, General (12 pt, PDF)

    • full text (1115 pages, 2021-10-21)

    • Vol. I (569 pages, 2021-10-21); Note: There are three (3) pages which are colourful for print on this Volumn:

      a. Page 41 (31) (D. A. Process),
      b. Page 52 (42) (Kammabhava, D. A. Process) and
      c. Page 330 (320) (the Axle of the Taints,part5-5).

    • Vol. II (558 pages, 2021-10-21)

  • Size: B5, Large font (14.5 pt, PDF)

    • full text (1483 pages, 2021-10-21) Note: There are three (3) pages which are colourful: Page 53, 67 and 446.

    • Vol. I [515 pages, 2021-10-21, Translator's Notes ~ Part 05-16 (The Most Important Thing in Life)]; Note: There are three (3) pages which are colourful for print on this Volumn:

      a. Page 53 (42) (D. A. Process),
      b. Page 67 (56) (Kammabhava, D. A. Process) and
      c. Page 446 (435) (the Axle of the Taints,part5-5).
    • Vol. II [511 pages, 2021-10-21, Part 05-17 (To Know Yourself) ~ Part 10-04 (Our Murderers)]

    • Vol. III [483 pages, 2021-10-21, Part 10-05 (The Four Noble Truths) ~ Vipassanā Bhāvanā (Appendix)]

  • Size: A4 , General (12 pt, PDF, 835 pages, 2021-10-21)

  • Size: A4 , Large font (14.5 pt, PDF, 1073 pages, 2021-10-21)

  • Cover: Vol-I , Vol-II , Vol-III (2022-02-28)

revised on 2024-03-27

  • Content of Publications of Bhikkhu Uttamo

According to the translator—Bhikkhu Uttamo's words, this is strictly for free distribution only, as a gift of Dhamma—Dhamma Dāna. You may re-format, reprint, translate, and redistribute this work in any medium.

據英譯者—鄔達摩比丘交待,此譯文僅能免費與大眾結緣,作為法的禮物(Dhamma Dāna)。你可以在任何媒體上重新編製、重印、翻譯和重新發布這部作品。