護法法師 Home Page of Ven. Dharmagupta

  • 身體之城 (The City of the Body, Kāyanagara)
  • The City of the Body (Kāyanagara)
  • Dhammapada —The Way of the Truth (in Nepalese language, translated by Bhiksu Dharmagupta Mahasthavira)
  • Dhammapada Aṭṭhakathā —Dhammapada commentary; Buddhist Legends (in Nepalese language, translated by Bhiksu Dharmagupta Mahasthavira)
  • Mahapariptra —The Book of Protectionin (in Nepalese language, editated and translated by Bhiksu Dharmagupta Mahasthavira)
  • Dhātukatha —Discourse on Elements (in Nepalese language, translated by Bhiksu Dharmagupta Mahasthavira)
  • Paṭṭhāna —Conditional Relations (in Nepalese language, translated by Bhiksu Dharmagupta Mahasthavira)
  • Vissuddhimaggo —The Path of Purification (in Nepalese language, translated by Bhiksu Dharmagupta Mahasthavira)


Ven. Dharmagupta 師父法相


  護法法師於一九六五年五月十一日出生在喜馬拉雅山麓的尼泊爾。九 歲接觸佛教寺院以後,即十分嚮往簡單而超脫的出家生活。十三歲出家。 十七歲閱畢南傳大藏經。十八歲前往泰國佛教大學攻讀哲學。法師精通巴 利文,曾經出版尼泊爾文、巴利文、英文等佛法書籍。一九八九年來到台 灣,應聘於台南開元禪學院,教授巴利文,梵文及佛法。一九九五年成功大 學歷史語言研究所畢業。