This Dhammma book is sponsored by
Mr. Oliver K. Chang
We would like to express our admiration to
Mr. Oliver K. Chang for his contribution to
print Buddhist books for free distribution.
May all merit gained by printing and
distribution of this book go to the liberation
of all sentient beings from the wheel of
May all beings be well and happy.
作 者:護法法師(Dharmagupta) 整 理 者: 法光法師、法命法師、法住法師、法智法師、陳建宏、邱秀華 印 贈 處: 法藏講堂 Fa-chang Lecture Hall 郵政 劃撥: 31451523 戶 名: 法藏講堂 地 址: 711 臺灣‧臺南縣歸仁鄉民權八街85巷1號 (法藏講堂) No.1, Lane 85, Ming Chuen Street 8, Guei Ren Hsiang, 711 Tainan County Taiwan Tel: 886-6-2301406 Fax: 886-6-2391563 電 話: (06) 230-1406 傳 真: (06) 239-1563 2003(民92)出版 【非賣品,本書贈送結緣】