我的人生道路——阿瞻 蘇查自傳

Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

阿瞻 蘇查(Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto)


His Holiness Somdet Phra Yannasangvorn, The late Supreme Patriarch of the Thai Sangha
His Holiness Somdet Phra Yannasangvorn, The late Supreme Patriarch of the Thai Sangha

“I provide knowledge to anyone who is interested in practicing the Dhamma and at the same time, I am repaying the kindness of my preceptor by serving His Holiness Somdet Phra Yannasangvorn.”

Ᾱcariya Mahā Boowa Ñāṇasampanno
Ᾱcariya Mahā Boowa Ñāṇasampanno

「Por Mae Kru Jarn, means Father, Mother, and Teacher. The novices and monks staying with Luangta Mahā Boowa were treated as if they were his sons while Luangta himself was regarded as both father and mother to them.”


本傳統中文體版 [1]_ 取材自: 同名(《我的人生道路》) 簡體中文版 PDF 〔2016, 1月; 譯自 2014, 11月 阿瞻 蘇查 (Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto) 英文版 My Way- An Autobiography by Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto [2]

另一英文詳細版自傳: Beyond Birth (PDF)




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維基百科之「 傳統中文體(繁體字) 」: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%B9%81%E4%BD%93%E5%AD%97

維基百科之「 正體字 」: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%AD%A3%E4%BD%93%E5%AD%97

維基百科之「 簡化字(簡體字) 」: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%AE%80%E5%8C%96%E5%AD%97

[2]參考: 阿羅漢向.阿羅漢果,阿瞻摩訶布瓦尊者著,2011, https://forestdhamma.org/books/%e4%b8%ad%e6%96%87-chinese-books/