namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa


Dhammapada 法句經(第十六:喜愛品)

第十六:喜愛品(PIYAVAGGO)(The Affection)
偈 頌 次 了參 法師 譯 敬法 法師 譯 英譯










Undertaking what is not to be undertaken, not undertaking what is to be undertaken, having renounced spiritual welfare; one grasping after the pleasant envies one who is pursuing the purification of mind.

Don't associate with the dear ones, and never with those who are unloved. Not seeing the dear ones is suffering - and seeing the unloved ones.

Therefore, do not hold anything dear; separation from the dear ones is bad. There are no bonds for those, for whom there is nothing dear or unloved.

212 從喜愛生憂,從喜愛生怖;離喜愛無憂,何處有恐怖。 由喜愛引生憂愁,由喜愛引生恐懼。脫離喜愛者無憂,於他又有何可懼? From affection, grief is born. From affection, fear is born. One freed from affection has no grief, whence fear?
213 從親愛生憂,從親愛生怖;離親愛無憂,何處有恐怖。 由親愛引生憂愁,由親愛引生恐懼。脫離親愛者無憂,於他又有何可懼? From love, grief is born. From love, fear is born. One freed from love has no grief, whence fear?
214 從貪欲生憂,從貪欲生怖;離貪欲無憂,何處有恐怖。 由欲樂引生憂愁,由欲樂引生恐懼。脫離欲樂者無憂,於他又有何可懼? From attachment, grief is born. From attachment, fear is born. One freed from attachment has no grief, whence fear?
215 從欲樂生憂,從欲樂生怖;離欲樂無憂,何處有恐怖。 由渴愛引生憂愁,由渴愛引生恐懼。脫離渴愛者無憂,於他又有何可懼? From pleasure, grief is born. From pleasure, fear is born. One freed from pleasure has no grief, whence fear?
216 從愛欲生憂,從愛欲生怖;離愛欲無憂,何處有恐怖。 由渴愛引生憂愁,由渴愛引生恐懼。脫離渴愛者無憂,於他又有何可懼? From thirst, grief is born. From thirst, fear is born. One freed from thirst has no grief, whence fear?
217 具戒及正見,住法知真諦,圓滿自所行,彼為世人愛。 具足戒行與智見、住於法、了悟真諦及實行自己的任務者,為人人所愛。 People hold dear the one, who is endowed with virtue and seeing, righteous, knowing the truth and is doing what should be done.
218 渴求離言法,充滿思慮心,諸慾心不著,是名上流人。 欲求到達超言說(即涅槃),其心盈滿正慮(三果),及不再執著於欲界的人,是為「上流人」。(註:uddhamsoto「上流人」意為向上流去的人,即肯定會生於淨居天的阿那含聖者。) Who is intent on The Indescribable, who has an expanded mind, whose mind is not bound to sense-pleasures, he is called "going against the current".







Relatives, companions and friends are happy about coming back of a person, long away from home, safely come back from far away,

Thus, the good deeds receive the well-doer, gone from this world to the other one, just like relatives receive a beloved one, who has come back.

備註:英譯可參考 "佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 巴利語教學 經文選讀 (英)

巴利文經典最突出的特點,同時也是缺乏同情心的讀者最感厭倦的特點,就是單字、語句和整段文節的重複。這一部分是文法或至少是文體所產生的結果。 …,…,…,

…,…,…, 這種文句冗長的特性,另外還有一個原因,那就是在長時期中三藏經典只以口授相傳。 …,…,…,

…,…,…, 巴利文經典令人生厭的機械性的重覆敘述,也可能一部分是由於僧伽羅人(Sinhalese)不願遺失外國傳教師傳授給他們的聖語 …,…,…,

…,…,…, 重覆敘述不僅是說教記錄的特點,而且也是說教本身的特點。我們持有的版本,無疑地是把一段自由說教壓縮成為編有號碼的段落和重覆敘述的產品。佛陀所說的話一定比這些生硬的表格更為活潑柔軟得多。

(節錄自: 巴利系佛教史綱 第六章 聖典 二 摘錄 )