namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa


Dhammapada 法句經(第十二:自己品)

第十二:自己品(ATTAVAGGO)(The Self)
偈 頌 次 了參 法師 譯 敬法 法師 譯 英譯
157 若人知自愛,須善自保護。三時中一時,智者應醒覺。 若人懂得愛惜自身,他應當好好地保護自己。在(生命)三個階段的任何階段裡,智者應保持(對邪惡)警覺。 If someone holds oneself dear, let him guard himself very well. In any of the three watches of the night let the wise one be watchful.
158 第一將自己,安置於正道,然後教他人;賢者始無過。 人們應自己先修好善法,然後才可教導他人。此等智者不會有煩惱。 Let one first establish oneself in what is proper, and then instruct others. A wise one should not be impure.


( 典故 )

若欲誨他者,應如己所行(自)制乃制(他),克己實最難。 自己所作的應如自己所教的;只有在完全制伏自己後才可制伏他人。制伏自己的確是很困難的。 If only one always did what one advises others! One well restrained can teach others. Indeed, it is difficult to control oneself.
160 自為自依怙,他人何可依?自己善調御,證難得所依。 自己的確是自己的依歸,他人怎能作為自己的依歸?制伏自己之後,人們獲得了難得的歸依處(阿羅漢果)。 One is indeed one's own lord. What other lord would there be? With oneself well restrained, one will obtain the lord that is so hard to get.
161 惡業實由自己作,從自己生而自起。(惡業)摧壞於愚者,猶如金剛破寶石。 自己所造之惡,由自己所生,由自己造成,它摧毀了愚人,如同金剛粉碎了寶石。 The evil is done by oneself, proceeding from oneself, originating from oneself. It crushes the fool, just like a diamond crushes a hard gem.
162 破戒如蔓蘿,纏覆裟羅樹。彼自如此作,徒快敵者意。 如同蔓藤纏住娑羅樹,無德者為自身所作的,正是其敵所願的。 Who is of extremely bad morality, like a creeper spread over a Sala tree, he will do unto himself, what an enemy wishes to do unto him.
163 不善事易作,然無益於己;善與利益事,實為極難行。 要做對自己有害的惡事是很容易的,真正最難做的是對自己有益的善事。 Easy done are deeds, that are wrong and harmful to oneself. What is beneficial and good, that is indeed most difficult to do.


( 典故 )

惡慧愚癡人,以其邪見故,侮蔑羅漢教,依正法行者,以及尊者教,而自取毀滅,如格他格草,結果自滅亡。 持有邪見的愚人誹謗阿羅漢、聖者、住於正法者的教法,實是自我毀滅;如迦達迦樹生果實,實是為自己帶來滅亡。 Who scorns thee teaching of the Arahants, the Noble Ones, living righteously, the fool, who is relying on wrong beliefs, produces fruit just like a bamboo - for his own destruction.
165 惡實由己作,染污亦由己;由己不作惡,清淨亦由己。淨不淨依己,他何能淨他? 只有自己才能造惡,自己才能污染自己;只有自己才能不造惡,自己才能清淨自己。淨與不淨只看自己,無人能夠清淨他人。 The evil is done by oneself; by oneself one becomes impure. The evil is undone by oneself; by oneself one becomes pure. Purity and impurity depend on oneself. No one can purify another.
166 莫以利他事,忽於己利益。善知己利者,常專心利益。 無論利益他人的事有多重大,也莫忽視了自身的利益;清楚地知道了自身的利益,他應當盡全力獲取它。(註:attadattham「自身的利益」是指道、果與涅槃。) Let one not neglect one's own spiritual attainment for other's spiritual attainment, however great. Having fully understood one's own spiritual attainment, let one pursue the true attainment.

備註:英譯可參考 "佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 巴利語教學 經文選讀 (英)

巴利文經典最突出的特點,同時也是缺乏同情心的讀者最感厭倦的特點,就是單字、語句和整段文節的重複。這一部分是文法或至少是文體所產生的結果。 …,…,…,

…,…,…, 這種文句冗長的特性,另外還有一個原因,那就是在長時期中三藏經典只以口授相傳。 …,…,…,

…,…,…, 巴利文經典令人生厭的機械性的重覆敘述,也可能一部分是由於僧伽羅人(Sinhalese)不願遺失外國傳教師傳授給他們的聖語 …,…,…,

…,…,…, 重覆敘述不僅是說教記錄的特點,而且也是說教本身的特點。我們持有的版本,無疑地是把一段自由說教壓縮成為編有號碼的段落和重覆敘述的產品。佛陀所說的話一定比這些生硬的表格更為活潑柔軟得多。

(節錄自: 巴利系佛教史綱 第六章 聖典 二 摘錄 )