namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa
- 本對讀包含下列六個版本:
- 巴利原典 (CSCD)
- 漢譯(莊春江 譯, 莊春江工作站)
- 漢譯(蕭式球 譯, 香港志蓮淨苑)
- 漢譯(巴宙 譯, 1971 CE)
- 英譯(Translated from the Pali by Ven. Ānandajoti Bhikkhu)
- 英譯(Translated from the Pali by Sister Vajira & Francis Story)
《大般涅槃經》多譯本對讀(分章及整部) Content of Mahāparinibbānasuttaṃ
第一頌 |
第二頌 |
第三頌 |
第四頌 |
第五頌 |
第六頌 |
整部《大般涅槃經》 |
在摩揭陀國 |
遊化至毘舍離 |
捨壽 |
世尊最後一餐 |
在拘尸那羅 |
大般涅槃 |
In Māgadha |
The Journey to Vesali |
Relinquishing the Will to Live |
The Last Meal |
At Kusinara |
The Blessed One's Final Exhortation |
- 第 一 章:在摩揭陀國; In Māgadha
- 阿闍世王; King Ajātasattu
- 作雨者婆羅門(Vassakārabrāhmaṇo)
- 國王-不衰退法(Rājaaparihāniyadhammā); Seven Things which Prevent Decline in the Vajjians; Conditions of a Nation's Welfare
- 比丘-不衰退法(Bhikkhuaparihāniyadhammā); Seven Things which Prevent Decline in the Community; Welfare of the Bhikkhus
- Seven Further Things which Prevent Decline in the Community僧團中另一種七不衰退法
- [5: Seven Further Things which Prevent Decline in the Community僧團中另外的七不衰退法; Seven Good Qualities
- Seven Factors of Enlightenment僧團中另外的七不衰退法(七覺支); Seven Further Things which Prevent Decline in the Community
- Seven Perceptions僧團中另外的七不衰退法(七想)
- [8: Six Things which Prevent Decline in the Community僧團中六不衰退法; Six Conditions to be Remembered
- Counsel to the Bhikkhus; 對比丘們常做之法說
- [9: The Story of the Teaching at Ambalaṭṭhikā]; 芒果樹苖圃之法說
- 舍利弗的獅子吼(Sāriputtasīhanādo); Sāriputta's Lion's Roar
- 破戒(壞品德)的過患(Dussīlaādīnavā)
- 持戒(有品德)的效益(Sīlavanttaānisaṃsā); The Advantages of Virtue
- 華氏城的建築(Pāṭaliputtanagaramāpanaṃ); Building up Pāṭaligāma
- 第 二 章:遊化至毘舍離; Part Two: The Journey to Vesali; The Second Chapter for Recitation
- 聖諦的談說(Ariyasaccakathā); The Four Noble Truths; , The Four Noble Truths
- 不還者與以正覺為彼岸(Anāvattidhammasambodhiparāyaṇā); The Four Specific Attainments
- 法鏡法門(Dhammādāsadhammapariyāyā); The Mirror of (the True Nature of) Things; The Mirror of the Dhamma
- Mindfulness and Clear Comprehension; 正念、正知
- 藝妓蓭婆巴利(Ambapālīgaṇikā); 歌女菴婆婆梨; The Courtesan Ambapālī; Ambapali and the Licchavis
- 在木瓜樹村進入雨季安居(Veḷuvagāmavassūpagamanaṃ);
- The Gracious One’s Sickness ; The Blessed One's Deadly Sickness; 世尊生了重病,起激烈的、瀕臨死亡的感受
- 第 三 章:捨壽; Part Three: Relinquishing the Will to Live; The Third Chapter for Recitation
- 徵相與暗示的談說(Nimittobhāsakathā); Ānanda's Failure; The Blessed One's Prompting
- 魔請求的談說(Mārayācanakathā); The Relinquishment of the Life Process; Mara's Appeal
- 壽行的捨棄(Āyusaṅkhāraossajjanaṃ); The Blessed One Relinquishes His Will to Live
- 大地震的原因(Mahābhūmicālahetu); Eight Reasons for Earthquakes; Eight Causes of Earthquakes
- 八眾(Aṭṭha parisā); The Eight Assemblies
- 八勝處(Aṭṭha abhibhāyatanāni); The Eight Means of (Mind) mastery; Eight Fields of Mastery
- 八解脫(Aṭṭha vimokkhā); The Eight Liberations
- Mara's Former Temptation; 以前魔羅的勸誘; Ānanda's Fault
- 阿難請求的談說(Ānandayācanakathā); Ananda's Appeal
- Ānanda's Fault at Rājagaha; 阿難在王舍城時的過失
- Ānanda's Fault at Vesālī; 阿難在毘舍離時的過失
- The Thirty-Seven Things on the Side of Awakening; 三十七道品的教誡
- The Last Admonition; 最後的教誡
- 第 四 章:世尊最後一餐; Part Four: The Last Meal; The Fourth Chapter for Recitation
- 龍象回顧(Nāgāpalokitaṃ); The Four Noble Things; The Elephant's Look
- 四大法教(Catumahāpadesakathā); The Four Great Referalls; The Four Great References
- 鐵匠之子純陀的事(Kammāraputtacundavatthu); The Last Meal; The Buddha's Last Meal
- 取水(Pānīyāharaṇaṃ); Bringing Drinking Water; The Clearing of the Waters
- 末羅人之子晡古色的事(Pukkusamallaputtavatthu); The Story concerning Pukkusa Mallaputta; Pukkusa the Malla
- At the Kakuttha River; 在迦俱陀河
- Cunda's Great Gain; 純陀的大獲得; Relieving Cunda's Remorse; 解除純陀的懊悔
- 第 五 章:在拘尸那羅; Part Five: At Kusinara; The Fifth Chapter for Recitation
- 雙沙羅樹(Yamakasālā); Worshipping the Realised One; Last Place of Rest
- 優波哇那上座(Upavāṇatthero); The Visit of the Divinities; The Grief of the Gods
- 四個能激起宗教信仰心之處(Catusaṃvejanīyaṭṭhānāni); The Four Places that Produce Enthusiasm; Ananda's Concern(阿難的掛念); Four Places of Pilgrimage
- 阿難問題的談說(Ānandapucchākathā)
- 值得領受塔的人(Thūpārahapuggalo)
- 阿難的未曾有法(Ānandaacchariyadhammo); Ānanda's Marvellous Qualities; Ananda's Grief(阿難的悲傷); Praise of Ananda
- 大善見經的教導(Mahāsudassanasuttadesanā); Kusinārā's History; The Past Glory of Kusinara (拘尸那羅過往的光輝歷史); Lamentation of the Mallas (末羅人的悲嘆)
- 末羅人的禮拜(Mallānaṃ vandanā); The Mallas Worship the Gracious One
- 遊行者須跋陀的事(Subhaddaparibbājakavatthu); Subhadda, the Last Direct Disciple; The Last Convert; The Lion's Roar
- 第 六 章:大般涅槃; Part Six: The Passing Away; The Sixth Chapter for Recitation
- 如來最後的話(Tathāgatapacchimavācā); The Last Instructions of the Realised One; The Blessed One's Final Exhortation
- 般涅槃的談說(Parinibbutakathā); The Final Emancipation; How the Blessed One Passed into Nibbana; The World's Echo; The Preparation of the Body;
- 世尊遺體供養(Buddhasarīrapūjā); Homage to the Remains
- 大迦葉的事(Mahākassapattheravatthu); The Story concerning Mahākassapa
- 遺骨的分配(Sarīradhātuvibhājanaṃ); The Distribution of the Relics; Partition of the Relics
- 遺骨塔的尊敬(Dhātuthūpapūjā)
資訊更新日期: 佛曆 ( BE ) 2559; (12.07, 西元 2016 CE )
巴利文經典最突出的特點,同時也是缺乏同情心的讀者最感厭倦的特點,就是單字、語句和整段文節的重複。這一部分是文法或至少是文體所產生的結果。 …,…,…,
…,…,…, 這種文句冗長的特性,另外還有一個原因,那就是在長時期中三藏經典只以口授相傳。 …,…,…,
…,…,…, 巴利文經典令人生厭的機械性的重覆敘述,也可能一部分是由於僧伽羅人(Sinhalese)不願遺失外國傳教師傳授給他們的聖語 …,…,…,
…,…,…, 重覆敘述不僅是說教記錄的特點,而且也是說教本身的特點。我們持有的版本,無疑地是把一段自由說教壓縮成為編有號碼的段落和重覆敘述的產品。佛陀所說的話一定比這些生硬的表格更為活潑柔軟得多。
(節錄自: 巴利系佛教史綱 第六章 聖典 二 摘錄 )