長部16經 第四頌 - 大般涅槃經 多譯本對讀
第一頌 | 第二頌 | 第三頌 | 第四頌 | 第五頌 | 第六頌 | 整部《大般涅槃經》 |
在摩揭陀國 | 遊化至毘舍離 | 捨壽 | 世尊最後一餐 | 在拘尸那羅 | 大般涅槃 | |
In Māgadha | The Journey to Vesali | Relinquishing the Will to Live | The Last Meal | At Kusinara | The Blessed One's Final Exhortation |
本頌(第四章:世尊最後一餐 The Last Meal)細目
- 龍象回顧 (Nāgāpalokitaṃ); The Elephant's Look
- 四大法教 (Catumahāpadesakathā); The Four Great Referalls; The Four Noble Things; The Four Great References
- 鐵匠之子純陀的事 (Kammāraputtacundavatthu); The Last Meal; The Buddha's Last Meal
- 取水 (Pānīyāharaṇaṃ); Bringing Drinking Water; The Clearing of the Waters
- 末羅人之子晡古色的事 (Pukkusamallaputtavatthu); The Story concerning Pukkusa Mallaputta; Pukkusa the Malla
- At the Kakuttha River ; 在迦俱陀河
- Cunda's Great Gain ; 純陀的大獲得; Relieving Cunda's Remorse; 解除純陀的懊悔
本對讀包含下列數個版本,請自行勾選欲對讀之版本 (感恩 Siong-Ui Te 師兄 提供程式支援):
巴利原典 (CSCD)[1] | Nāgāpalokitaṃ
Atha kho bhagavā mahatā bhikkhusaṅghena saddhiṃ yena bhaṇḍagāmo tadavasari. Tatra sudaṃ bhagavā bhaṇḍagāme viharati. Tatra kho bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi – ‘‘catunnaṃ, bhikkhave, dhammānaṃ ananubodhā appaṭivedhā evamidaṃ dīghamaddhānaṃ sandhāvitaṃ saṃsaritaṃ mamañceva tumhākañca. Katamesaṃ catunnaṃ? Ariyassa, bhikkhave, sīlassa ananubodhā appaṭivedhā evamidaṃ dīghamaddhānaṃ sandhāvitaṃ saṃsaritaṃ mamaṃ ceva tumhākañca. Ariyassa, bhikkhave, samādhissa ananubodhā appaṭivedhā evamidaṃ dīghamaddhānaṃ sandhāvitaṃ saṃsaritaṃ mamaṃ ceva tumhākañca. Ariyāya, bhikkhave, paññāya ananubodhā appaṭivedhā evamidaṃ dīghamaddhānaṃ sandhāvitaṃ saṃsaritaṃ mamaṃ ceva tumhākañca. Ariyāya, bhikkhave, vimuttiyā ananubodhā appaṭivedhā evamidaṃ dīghamaddhānaṃ sandhāvitaṃ saṃsaritaṃ mamaṃ ceva tumhākañca. Tayidaṃ, bhikkhave, ariyaṃ sīlaṃ anubuddhaṃ paṭividdhaṃ, ariyo samādhi anubuddho paṭividdho, ariyā paññā anubuddhā paṭividdhā, ariyā vimutti anubuddhā paṭividdhā, ucchinnā bhavataṇhā, khīṇā bhavanetti, natthi dāni punabbhavo’’ti. Idamavoca bhagavā, idaṃ vatvāna sugato athāparaṃ etadavoca satthā – ‘‘Sīlaṃ samādhi paññā ca, vimutti ca anuttarā;
Anubuddhā ime dhammā, gotamena yasassinā.
‘‘Iti buddho abhiññāya, dhammamakkhāsi bhikkhunaṃ;
Dukkhassantakaro satthā, cakkhumā parinibbuto’’ti.
Tatrāpi sudaṃ bhagavā bhaṇḍagāme viharanto etadeva bahulaṃ bhikkhūnaṃ dhammiṃ kathaṃ karoti – ‘‘iti sīlaṃ, iti samādhi, iti paññā. Sīlaparibhāvito samādhi mahapphalo hoti mahānisaṃso. Samādhiparibhāvitā paññā mahapphalā hoti mahānisaṃsā. Paññāparibhāvitaṃ cittaṃ sammadeva āsavehi vimuccati, seyyathidaṃ – kāmāsavā, bhavāsavā, avijjāsavā’’ti. |
漢譯(莊春江 譯, 莊春江工作站)[2] |
「阿難!這將是如來對毘舍離的最後一看,來!阿難!我們去貨物村。」 「是的,大德!」尊者阿難回答世尊。 那時,世尊與大比丘僧團一起抵達貨物村,在那裡,世尊住在貨物村中。在那裡,世尊召喚比丘們: 「比丘們!因為對四法的不隨覺、不通達,這樣,我與你們就流轉過這長途的輪迴,哪四法呢?比丘們!因為對聖戒的不隨覺、不通達,這樣,我與你們就流轉過這長途的輪迴;因為對聖定的不隨覺、不通達,這樣,我與你們就流轉過這長途的輪迴;因為對聖慧的不隨覺、不通達,這樣,我與你們就流轉過這長途的輪迴;因為對聖解脫的不隨覺、不通達,這樣,我與你們就流轉過這長途的輪迴。比丘們!這聖戒已隨覺、已通達;聖定已隨覺、已通達;聖慧已隨覺、已通達;聖解脫已隨覺、已通達,有的渴愛[CFn080] 已被切斷,有之管道[CFn081] 已盡,現在,不再有再生。」 這就是世尊所說,說了這個後,善逝、大師又更進一步這麼說: 在那裡,當世尊住在貨物村時,他就對比丘們多作這法說: 「像這樣是戒;像這樣是定;像這樣是慧,當已遍修習戒時,定有大果、大效益;當已遍修習定時,慧有大果、大效益;已遍修習慧的心就完全地解脫煩惱,即:欲的煩惱、有的煩惱、無明的煩惱。」 |
漢譯(蕭式球 譯, 香港志蓮淨苑)[3] |
阿難尊者回答世尊: “大德,是的。” 於是世尊便和人數眾多的比丘僧團一起前往賓達村。世尊住在賓達村。
“比丘們,因為不覺悟、不洞悉四種法,所以我和你們長期輪迴生死。這四種法是什麼呢? “比丘們,因為不覺悟、不洞悉聖者之戒,所以我和你們長期輪迴生死。 “比丘們,因為不覺悟、不洞悉聖者之定,所以我和你們長期輪迴生死。 “比丘們,因為不覺悟、不洞悉聖者之慧,所以我和你們長期輪迴生死。 “比丘們,因為不覺悟、不洞悉聖者之解脫,所以我和你們長期輪迴生死。 “比丘們,因為現在我覺悟、洞悉聖者之戒,覺悟、洞悉聖者之定,覺悟、洞悉聖者之慧,覺悟、洞悉聖者之解脫,所以我截斷了有愛,盡除了有因,從此不再受後有。”
漢譯(巴宙 譯, 1971 CE)[4] |
「是,世尊。」尊者阿難回答說。於是佛與大比丘僧眾向班達鎮進行。到已,如來即住在鎮上。 02 爾時佛告諸比丘說:「諸比丘,因不瞭解四種法,我與汝等長期奔陟於生死之途。何者為四?諸比丘,是聖戒、聖定、聖慧及聖解脫。諸比丘,若能瞭解及證悟此四種法,,則世欲已盡,塵緣已絕,永久不受後有。」 03 薄伽梵作如是語已,慈喜之導師復以偈曰: 戒定慧與無上解脫,
※ ※ 04 佛陀在班達鎮時亦向諸比丘如是宣說圓滿法語:「此為戒,此為定,此為慧。修戒則定有很大利益與果報,修定則慧有很大利益與果報,修慧則心從漏得解脫--欲漏、有漏、見漏及無明漏。」 ※ ※ |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Ven. Ānandajoti Bhikkhu)[5] |
[27: The Four Noble Things]
“Very well, reverend Sir,” venerable Ānanda replied to the Gracious One. Then the Gracious One together with a great Community of monks arrived at Bhaṇḍagāma. There the Gracious One lived near Bhaṇḍagāma. There the Gracious One said this to the monks: “Because of a lack of understanding and a lack of penetration, monks, of four things both you and I have been wandering and running along (in Saṁsāra) for a long time.[AFn117] Which four? 1) Because of a lack of understanding and a lack of penetration of Noble Virtue[AFn118] both you and I have been wandering and running along (in Saṁsāra)[AFn119] for a long time. 2) Because of a lack of understanding and a lack of penetration of Noble Concentrated (Development)[AFn120] both you and I have been wandering and running along (in Saṁsāra) for a long time. 3) Because of a lack of understanding and a lack of penetration of Noble Wisdom both you and I have been wandering and running along (in Saṁsāra) for a long time. 4) Because of a lack of understanding and a lack of penetration of Noble Freedom both you and I have been wandering and running along (in Saṁsāra) for a long time. (But now) this Noble Virtue has been understood and penetrated, this Noble Concentrated (Development) has been understood and penetrated, this Noble Wisdom has been understood and penetrated, this Noble Freedom has been understood and penetrated. Craving for continued existence has been cut off, what leads to rebirth has been exhausted, there is no continuation in existence.” The Gracious One said this, and after saying this, the Fortunate One, the Teacher, said something more: “Virtue, Concentrated (Development), Wisdom, and unsurpassed Freedom, These things have been understood by the Famous Gotama,[AFn121] Thus after knowing it deeply the Buddha declared the Teaching to the monks, The Suffering-Ender, the Teacher, the Visionary One[AFn122] who is Emancipated.” * * * There also the Gracious One, while living in Bhaṇḍagāma, spoke frequently to the monks about the Teaching, (saying): “Such is virtue, such is concentration, such is wisdom, when virtue is well-developed it yields great fruit and brings great advantages in regard to concentration, when concentration is well-developed it yields great fruit and brings great advantages in regard to wisdom, when wisdom is well-developed the mind is completely liberated from the pollutants, that is to say: the pollutant of sensuality, the pollutant of (craving for) continued existence, the pollutant of ignorance.” |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Sister Vajira & Francis Story)[6] | Part Four: The Last Meal The Elephant's Look
"So be it, O Lord." And the Blessed One took up his abode at Bhandagama together with a large community of bhikkhus.
"Virtue, concentration, wisdom, and emancipation unsurpassed — These are the principles realized by Gotama the renowned; And, knowing them, he, the Buddha, to his monks has taught the Dhamma. He, the destroyer of suffering, the Master, the Seer, is at peace."
巴利原典 (CSCD)[1] | Catumahāpadesakathā
漢譯(莊春江 譯, 莊春江工作站)[2] | 四大法教
「來!阿難!我們去象村、去芒果樹村、去閻浮村、去財富城。」 「是的,大德!」尊者阿難回答世尊。那時,世尊與大比丘僧團一起抵達財富城,在那裡,世尊就住在財富城的阿難塔廟。 在那裡,世尊召喚比丘們: 「比丘們!我將教導你們這四大法教[CFn157] ,你們要聽!你們要好好作意[CFn024] ,你們要聽!你們要好好作意!我要說了。」!我要說了。」 「是的,大德!」那些比丘回答世尊。 世尊這麼說: |
漢譯(蕭式球 譯, 香港志蓮淨苑)[3] |
……芒果村…… ……閻浮村…… 世尊在閻浮村住了一段時間後,便對阿難尊者說: “阿難,來吧,我們一起去波伽城。”
比丘回答世尊: “大德,是的。” 世尊說: |
漢譯(巴宙 譯, 1971 CE)[4] |
06 「是,世尊。」尊者阿難回答說。於是佛與大比丘僧眾向上列諸處進行(每處均複述上列之二、三、四各節)。 07 到已,佛陀即住在波戞城之阿難陀神舍。彼告諸比丘說:「諸比丘,我將宣說四大教法,且專心諦聽!」 「是,世尊。」諸比丘回答說。 |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Ven. Ānandajoti Bhikkhu)[5] | [28: The Four Great Referalls]
“Come Ānanda let us approach Hatthigāma (Elephant Village), Ambagāma (Mango Village), Jambugāma (Rose-Apple Village), Bhoganagara (Wealthy Village).” “Very well, reverend Sir,” venerable Ānanda replied to the Gracious One. Then the Gracious One together with a great Community of monks arrived at Bhoganagara. There the Gracious One lived near Bhoganagara at the Joyous Shrine. There the Gracious One addressed the monks, (saying): “I will teach these Four Great Referrals,[AFn123] monks, listen to it, apply your minds well, and I will speak.” “Very well, reverend Sir,” those monks replied to the Gracious One, and the Gracious One said this: |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Sister Vajira & Francis Story)[6] |
"So be it, Lord." And the Blessed One took up his abode at Hatthigama together with a large community of bhikkhus. And when the Blessed One had stayed at Hatthigama as long as he pleased, he took up his abode at Ambagama, then at Jambugama. And at each of these places the Blessed One often gave counsel to the bhikkhus thus: "Such and such is virtue; such and such is concentration; and such and such is wisdom. Great becomes the fruit, great is the gain of concentration when it is fully developed by virtuous conduct; great becomes the fruit, great is the gain of wisdom when it is fully developed by concentration; utterly freed from the taints of lust, becoming, and ignorance is the mind that is fully developed in wisdom."
"So be it, Lord." And the Blessed One took up his abode at Bhoganagara together with a large community of bhikkhus, and stayed in the Ananda shrine. The Four Great References
"So be it, Lord." 8-11. Then the Blessed One said: |
巴利原典 (CSCD)[1] |
‘‘Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṃ vadeyya – ‘amukasmiṃ nāma āvāse saṅgho viharati sathero sapāmokkho. Tassa me saṅghassa sammukhā sutaṃ sammukhā paṭiggahitaṃ, ayaṃ dhammo ayaṃ vinayo idaṃ satthusāsana’nti. Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno bhāsitaṃ neva abhinanditabbaṃ nappaṭikkositabbaṃ. Anabhinanditvā appaṭikkositvā tāni padabyañjanāni sādhukaṃ uggahetvā sutte osāretabbāni, vinaye sandassetabbāni. Tāni ce sutte osāriyamānāni vinaye sandassiyamānāni na ceva sutte osaranti, na ca vinaye sandissanti, niṭṭhamettha gantabbaṃ – ‘addhā, idaṃ na ceva tassa bhagavato vacanaṃ; tassa ca saṅghassa duggahita’nti. Itihetaṃ, bhikkhave, chaḍḍeyyātha. Tāni ce sutte osāriyamānāni vinaye sandassiyamānāni sutte ceva osaranti vinaye ca sandissanti, niṭṭhamettha gantabbaṃ – ‘addhā , idaṃ tassa bhagavato vacanaṃ; tassa ca saṅghassa suggahita’nti. Idaṃ, bhikkhave, dutiyaṃ mahāpadesaṃ dhāreyyātha. ‘‘Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṃ vadeyya – ‘amukasmiṃ nāma āvāse sambahulā therā bhikkhū viharanti bahussutā āgatāgamā dhammadharā vinayadharā mātikādharā. Tesaṃ me therānaṃ sammukhā sutaṃ sammukhā paṭiggahitaṃ – ayaṃ dhammo ayaṃ vinayo idaṃ satthusāsana’nti. Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno bhāsitaṃ neva abhinanditabbaṃ…pe… na ca vinaye sandissanti, niṭṭhamettha gantabbaṃ – ‘addhā, idaṃ na ceva tassa bhagavato vacanaṃ; tesañca therānaṃ duggahita’nti. Itihetaṃ, bhikkhave, chaḍḍeyyātha. Tāni ce sutte osāriyamānāni…pe… vinaye ca sandissanti, niṭṭhamettha gantabbaṃ – ‘addhā, idaṃ tassa bhagavato vacanaṃ; tesañca therānaṃ suggahita’nti. Idaṃ, bhikkhave, tatiyaṃ mahāpadesaṃ dhāreyyātha. ‘‘Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṃ vadeyya – ‘amukasmiṃ nāma āvāse eko thero bhikkhu viharati bahussuto āgatāgamo dhammadharo vinayadharo mātikādharo. Tassa me therassa sammukhā sutaṃ sammukhā paṭiggahitaṃ – ayaṃ dhammo ayaṃ vinayo idaṃ satthusāsana’nti. Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno bhāsitaṃ neva abhinanditabbaṃ nappaṭikkositabbaṃ. Anabhinanditvā appaṭikkositvā tāni padabyañjanāni sādhukaṃ uggahetvā sutte osāritabbāni, vinaye sandassetabbāni. Tāni ce sutte osāriyamānāni vinaye sandassiyamānāni na ceva sutte osaranti, na ca vinaye sandissanti, niṭṭhamettha gantabbaṃ – ‘addhā, idaṃ na ceva tassa bhagavato vacanaṃ; tassa ca therassa duggahita’nti. Itihetaṃ, bhikkhave, chaḍḍeyyātha. Tāni ca sutte osāriyamānāni vinaye sandassiyamānāni sutte ceva osaranti, vinaye ca sandissanti , niṭṭhamettha gantabbaṃ – ‘addhā , idaṃ tassa bhagavato vacanaṃ; tassa ca therassa suggahita’nti. Idaṃ, bhikkhave, catutthaṃ mahāpadesaṃ dhāreyyātha. Ime kho, bhikkhave, cattāro mahāpadese dhāreyyāthā’’ti. Tatrapi sudaṃ bhagavā bhoganagare viharanto ānande cetiye etadeva bahulaṃ bhikkhūnaṃ dhammiṃ kathaṃ karoti – ‘‘iti sīlaṃ, iti samādhi, iti paññā. Sīlaparibhāvito samādhi mahapphalo hoti mahānisaṃso . Samādhiparibhāvitā paññā mahapphalā hoti mahānisaṃsā. Paññāparibhāvitaṃ cittaṃ sammadeva āsavehi vimuccati, seyyathidaṃ – kāmāsavā, bhavāsavā, avijjāsavā’’ti. |
漢譯(莊春江 譯, 莊春江工作站)[2] |
又,比丘們!這裡,比丘可能這麼說:『有上座、有上首的僧團住在名叫像那樣的住處,我從那個僧團的面前聽聞、領受此:「這是法,這是律,這是大師的教導。」』比丘們!對那位比丘所說既不應該歡喜〔認可〕,也不應該排斥,不歡喜〔認可〕、不排斥後,好好地學習那些文句,它們應該能被進入經中,應該在律中能被對照,如果當進入經中、在律中對照時,它們既不進入經中,也不在律中被看見,你們應該來到結論:『確實,這不是那世尊、阿羅漢、遍正覺者之語,這是那個僧團的錯誤把握。』比丘們!像這樣,你們應該捨棄它。但,比丘們!這裡,比丘可能這麼說:『有上座、有上首的僧團住在名叫像那樣的住處,我從那個僧團的面前聽聞、領受此:「這是法,這是律,這是大師的教導。」』對那位比丘所說既不應該歡喜〔認可〕,也不應該排斥,不歡喜〔認可〕、不排斥後,好好地學習那些文句,它們應該能被進入經中,應該在律中能被對照,如果當進入經中、在律中對照時,它們進入經中,也在律中被看見,你們應該來到結論:『確實,這是那世尊、阿羅漢、遍正覺者之語,這是那個僧團的正確把握。』比丘們!你們應該憶持這第二大法教。 又,比丘們!這裡,比丘可能這麼說:『眾多多聞、通曉阿含、持法、持律、持論母的上座比丘們住在名叫像那樣的住處,我從那些上座們的面前聽聞、領受此:「這是法,這是律,這是大師的教導。」』比丘們!對那位比丘所說既不應該歡喜〔認可〕,也不應該排斥,不歡喜〔認可〕、不排斥後,好好地學習那些文句,它們應該能被進入經中,應該在律中能被對照,如果當進入經中、在律中對照時,它們既不進入經中,也不在律中被看見,你們應該來到結論:『確實,這不是那世尊、阿羅漢、遍正覺者之語,這是那些上座們的錯誤把握。』比丘們!像這樣,你們應該捨棄它。但,比丘們!這裡,比丘可能這麼說:『眾多多聞、通曉阿含[CFn161] 、持法、持律、持論母的[CFn162] 上座比丘們住在名叫像那樣的住處,我從那些上座們的面前聽聞、領受此:「這是法,這是律,這是大師的教導。」』對那位比丘所說既不應該歡喜〔認可〕,也不應該排斥,不歡喜〔認可〕、不排斥後,好好地學習那些文句,它們應該能被進入經中,應該在律中能被對照,如果當進入經中、在律中對照時,它們進入經中,也在律中被看見,你們應該來到結論:『確實,這是那世尊、阿羅漢、遍正覺者之語,這是那些上座們的正確把握。』比丘們!你們應該憶持這第三大法教。 又,比丘們!這裡,比丘可能這麼說:『某位多聞、通曉阿含、持法、持律、持論母的上座比丘住在名叫像那樣的住處,我從那位上座的面前聽聞、領受此:「這是法,這是律,這是大師的教導。」』比丘們!對那位比丘所說既不應該歡喜〔認可〕,也不應該排斥,不歡喜〔認可〕、不排斥後,好好地學習那些文句,它們應該能被進入經中,應該在律中能被對照,如果當進入經中、在律中對照時,它們既不進入經中,也不在律中被看見,你們應該來到結論:『確實,這不是那世尊、阿羅漢、遍正覺者之語,這是那位上座的錯誤把握。』比丘們!像這樣,你們應該捨棄它。但,比丘們!這裡,比丘可能這麼說:『某位多聞、通曉阿含、持法、持律、持論母的上座比丘住在名叫像那樣的住處,我從那位上座的面前聽聞、領受此:「這是法,這是律,這是大師的教導。」』對那位比丘所說既不應該歡喜〔認可〕,也不應該排斥,不歡喜〔認可〕、不排斥後,好好地學習那些文句,它們應該能被進入經中,應該在律中能被對照,如果當進入經中、在律中對照時,它們進入經中,也在律中被看見,你們應該來到結論:『確實,這是那世尊、阿羅漢、遍正覺者之語,這是那位上座的正確把握。』比丘們!你們應該憶持這第四大法教。 比丘們!這些是四大法教。」 在那裡,當世尊住在財富城的阿難塔廟時,他就對比丘們多作這法說: 「像這樣是戒;像這樣是定;像這樣是慧,當已遍修習戒時,定有大果、大效益;當已遍修習定時,慧有大果、大效益;已遍修習慧的心就完全地解脫煩惱,即:欲的煩惱、有的煩惱、無明的煩惱。」 |
漢譯(蕭式球 譯, 香港志蓮淨苑)[3] |
漢譯(巴宙 譯, 1971 CE)[4] |
09 「復次,諸比丘,若比丘作如是語:『於某寺宇有僧伽及其長老與導師居住,我從其僧團親口聽受:此是法,此是律,此是導師之教言。』諸比丘對該比丘所言不應稱讚,也不應藐視,應瞭解其每字與音節,而與經律相比較、相對照;既較對以後,若其不與經律相符,則其結論應為:『誠然,此非佛陀之教言,而是該比丘之誤會。』因此,諸比丘,汝等應拒絕之。若與經律相比較、相對照以後,彼能與之相符,則其結論應為:『誠然,此是佛陀教言,該比丘善瞭解之。』諸比丘,此是第二大教法,應當學。 10 「復次,諸比丘,若比丘作如是語:『於某寺宇住有眾多博學多聞、深具信仰、深入於法、精嫻毘尼及通曉律尼的僧團長老。我從諸長老親口聽受:此是法,此是律,此是導師之教言。』諸比丘對該比丘所言,不應稱讚,也不應藐視,應瞭解其每字與音節,而與經律相比較、相對照;既較對以後,若其不與經律相符,則其結論應為:『誠然,此非佛陀之教言,而是該比丘之誤會。』因此,諸比丘,汝等應拒絕之。若與經律相比較、相對照以後,彼能與之相符,則其結論應為:『誠然,此是佛陀之教言,該比丘善瞭解之。』諸比丘,此是第三大教法,應當學。 11 「復次,諸比丘,若比丘作如是語:『於某寺宇住有一博學多聞、深具傳統信仰、深入於法、精嫻毘尼及通曉律儀的比丘。我從該長老親口聽受:此是法,此是律,此是導師之教言。』諸比丘對該比丘所言,不應稱讚,也不應藐視,應瞭解其每字與音節,而與經律相比較、相對照;既較對以後,若其不與經律相符,則其結論應為:『誠然,此非佛陀之教言,而是該比丘之誤會。』因此,諸比丘,汝等應拒絕之。若與經律相比較、相對照以後,彼能與之相符,則其結論應為:『誠然,此是佛陀之教言,該比丘善瞭解之。』諸比丘,此是第四大教法,應當學。 「諸比丘,此是四大教法應當學!」 ※ ※ 12 薄伽梵在波戞城阿難陀神舍住時,亦向諸比丘如是宣說圓滿法語: 「此為戒,此為定,此為慧。修戒則定有很大利益與果報;修定則慧有很大利益與果報;修慧則心從漏得解脫--欲漏,有漏,見漏及無明漏。」 |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Ven. Ānandajoti Bhikkhu)[5] |
If, when these are laid alongside the Discourses, compared with the Discipline, they do not fit in with the Discourses, they do not compare (well) with the Discipline, you may here come to this conclusion: ‘Certainly this is not the Gracious One's word, it is not well learned by that monk,’ and, monks, you should abandon it. If when these are laid alongside the Discourses, compared with the Discipline, they do fit in with the Discourses, they do compare (well) with the Discipline, you may come to this conclusion: ‘Certainly this is the Gracious One's word, it is well-learned by that monk.’ This, monks, is the first Great Referral you should bear in mind. 2) Here, monks, a monk might speak like this: ‘In a certain dwelling place lives a Community with elders and leaders, I have heard this directly from that Community, directly I learned it: “This is the Teaching, this is the Discipline, this is the Teacher's Dispensation.”’ Those monks' speech, monks, is not to be rejoiced over, not to be scorned at. Without having rejoiced over it, without having scorned it, after learning those words and syllables well, they should be laid alongside the Discourses, they should be compared with the Discipline. If, when these are laid alongside the Discourses, compared with the Discipline, they do not fit in with the Discourses, they do not compare (well) with the Discipline, you may here come to this conclusion: ‘Certainly this is not the Gracious One's word, it is not well learned by that Community,’ and, monks, you should abandon it. If when these are laid alongside the Discourses, compared with the Discipline, they do fit in with the Discourses, they do compare (well) with the Discipline, you may here come to this conclusion: ‘Certainly this is the Gracious One's word, it is well-learned by that Community.’ This, monks, is the second Great Referral you should bear in mind. 3) Here, monks, a monk might speak like this: ‘In a certain dwelling place live many elders, very learned, who have learned the traditions, who are bearers of the Teaching, bearers of the Discipline, bearers of the Tabulation,[AFn125] I have heard this directly from those elders, directly I learned it: “This is the Teaching, this is the Discipline, this is the Teacher's Dispensation.”’ Those monks' speech, monks, is not to be rejoiced over, not to be scorned at. Without having rejoiced over it, without having scorned it, after learning those words and syllables well, they should be laid alongside the Discourses, they should be compared with the Discipline. If, when these are laid alongside the Discourses, compared with the Discipline, they do not fit in with the Discourses, they do not compare (well) with the Discipline, you may here come to this conclusion: ‘Certainly this is not the Gracious One's word, it is not well learned by those elders,’ and, monks, you should abandon it. If when these are laid alongside the Discourses, compared with the Discipline they do fit in with the Discourses, they do compare (well) with the Discipline, you may here come to this conclusion: ‘Certainly this is the Gracious One's word, it is well-learned by those elders.’ This, monks, is the third Great Referral you should bear in mind. 4) Here, monks, a monk might speak like this: ‘In a certain dwelling place lives one elder, very learned, who has learned the traditions, a bearer of the Teaching, a bearer of the Discipline, a bearer of the Tabulation, I have heard this directly from that elder, directly I learned it: “This is the Teaching, this is the Discipline, this is the Teacher's Dispensation.”’ That monk's speech, monks, is not to be rejoiced over, not to be scorned at. Without having rejoiced over it, without having scorned it, after learning those words and syllables well, they should be laid alongside the Discourses, they should be compared with the Discipline. If, when these are laid alongside the Discourses, compared with the Discipline they do not fit in with the Discourses, they do not compare (well) with the Discipline, you may here come to this conclusion: ‘Certainly this is not the Gracious One's word, it is not well learned by that elder,’ and, monks, you should abandon it. If when these are laid alongside the Discourses, compared with the Discipline, they do fit in with the Discourses, they do compare (well) with the Discipline, you may here come to this conclusion: ‘Certainly this is the Gracious One's word, it is well-learned by that elder.’ This, monks, is the fourth Great Referral you should bear in mind. These, monks, are the Four Great Referrals you should bear in mind.” There also the Gracious One, while living near Bhoganagara at the Joyful Shrine, spoke frequently to the monks about the Teaching, (saying): “Such is virtue, such is concentration, such is wisdom, when virtue is well-developed it yields great fruit and brings great advantages in regard to concentration, when concentration is well-developed it yields great fruit and brings great advantages in regard to wisdom, when wisdom is well-developed the mind is completely liberated from the pollutants, that is to say: the pollutant of sensuality, the pollutant of (craving for) continued existence, the pollutant of ignorance.” |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Sister Vajira & Francis Story)[6] |
"In such a case, bhikkhus, the declaration of such a bhikkhu is neither to be received with approval nor with scorn. Without approval and without scorn, but carefully studying the sentences word by word, one should trace them in the Discourses and verify them by the Discipline. If they are neither traceable in the Discourses nor verifiable by the Discipline, one must conclude thus: 'Certainly, this is not the Blessed One's utterance; this has been misunderstood by that bhikkhu — or by that community, or by those elders, or by that elder.' In that way, bhikkhus, you should reject it. But if the sentences concerned are traceable in the Discourses and verifiable by the Discipline, then one must conclude thus: 'Certainly, this is the Blessed One's utterance; this has been well understood by that bhikkhu — or by that community, or by those elders, or by that elder.' And in that way, bhikkhus, you may accept it on the first, second, third, or fourth reference. These, bhikkhus, are the four great references for you to preserve."
巴利原典 (CSCD)[1] | Kammāraputtacundavatthu
Atha kho cundo kammāraputto tassā rattiyā accayena sake nivesane paṇītaṃ khādanīyaṃ bhojanīyaṃ paṭiyādāpetvā pahūtañca sūkaramaddavaṃ bhagavato kālaṃ ārocāpesi – ‘‘kālo, bhante, niṭṭhitaṃ bhatta’’nti. Atha kho bhagavā pubbaṇhasamayaṃ nivāsetvā pattacīvaramādāya saddhiṃ bhikkhusaṅghena yena cundassa kammāraputtassa nivesanaṃ tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā paññatte āsane nisīdi. Nisajja kho bhagavā cundaṃ kammāraputtaṃ āmantesi – ‘‘yaṃ te, cunda, sūkaramaddavaṃ paṭiyattaṃ, tena maṃ parivisa. Yaṃ panaññaṃ khādanīyaṃ bhojanīyaṃ paṭiyattaṃ, tena bhikkhusaṅghaṃ parivisā’’ti. ‘‘Evaṃ, bhante’’ti kho cundo kammāraputto bhagavato paṭissutvā yaṃ ahosi sūkaramaddavaṃ paṭiyattaṃ, tena bhagavantaṃ parivisi. Yaṃ panaññaṃ khādanīyaṃ bhojanīyaṃ paṭiyattaṃ , tena bhikkhusaṅghaṃ parivisi. Atha kho bhagavā cundaṃ kammāraputtaṃ āmantesi – ‘‘yaṃ te, cunda, sūkaramaddavaṃ avasiṭṭhaṃ, taṃ sobbhe nikhaṇāhi. Nāhaṃ taṃ, cunda, passāmi sadevake loke samārake sabrahmake sassamaṇabrāhmaṇiyā pajāya sadevamanussāya, yassa taṃ paribhuttaṃ sammā pariṇāmaṃ gaccheyya aññatra tathāgatassā’’ti. ‘‘Evaṃ, bhante’’ti kho cundo kammāraputto bhagavato paṭissutvā yaṃ ahosi sūkaramaddavaṃ avasiṭṭhaṃ, taṃ sobbhe nikhaṇitvā yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṃ abhivādetvā ekamantaṃ nisīdi. Ekamantaṃ nisinnaṃ kho cundaṃ kammāraputtaṃ bhagavā dhammiyā kathāya sandassetvā samādapetvā samuttejetvā sampahaṃsetvā uṭṭhāyāsanā pakkāmi. |
漢譯(莊春江 譯, 莊春江工作站)[2] | 鐵匠之子純陀的事
「來!阿難!我們去波婆城。」 「是的,大德!」尊者阿難回答世尊。 那時,世尊與大比丘僧團一起抵達波婆城,在那裡,世尊住在波婆城鐵匠之子純陀的芒果園中。 鐵匠之子純陀聽聞:「世尊已到達波婆城,住在我的芒果園中。」那時,鐵匠之子純陀去見世尊。抵達後,向世尊問訊,接著坐在一旁。在一旁坐好後,世尊以法說開示、勸導、鼓勵鐵匠之子純陀,使之歡喜。那時,鐵匠之子純陀被世尊的法說開示、勸導、鼓勵、使之歡喜後,對世尊這麼說: 「大德!請世尊與比丘僧團一起同意明天我的飲食〔供養〕。」 世尊以沈默同意了。 那時,鐵匠之子純陀知道世尊同意後,起座向世尊問訊,然後作右繞,接著離開。 那時,那夜過後,鐵匠之子純陀在自己的住處準備勝妙的硬食與軟食,以及很多豬喜歡的菇蕈類[CFn163] 後,時候到時通知世尊: 「大德!時候已到,飲食已〔準備〕完成。」 那時,世尊在午前時穿好衣服後,取鉢與僧衣,去鐵匠之子純陀的住處。抵達後,與比丘僧團一起在設置好的座位坐下。坐好後,世尊召喚鐵匠之子純陀: 「純陀!凡這些所準備之豬喜歡的菇蕈類給我吃,而其他硬食與軟食給比丘僧團吃。」 「是的,大德!」鐵匠之子純陀回答世尊後,凡所準備之豬喜歡的菇蕈類給世尊吃,而其他硬食與軟食給比丘僧團吃。 那時,世尊召喚鐵匠之子純陀: 「純陀!凡這些殘餘之豬喜歡的菇蕈類全部埋入坑裡,純陀!在這包括天、魔、梵的世間;包括沙門、婆羅門、天、人的世代中,除了如來以外,我不見任何受用者能來到完全消化它。」 「是的,大德!」鐵匠之子純陀回答世尊後,將殘餘之豬喜歡的菇蕈類全部埋入坑裡,然後去見世尊。抵達後,向世尊問訊,接著坐在一旁。在一旁坐好後,世尊以法說開示、勸導、鼓勵鐵匠之子純陀,使之歡喜,接著起座離開。 |
漢譯(蕭式球 譯, 香港志蓮淨苑)[3] |
阿難尊者回答世尊: “大德,是的。” 於是世尊便和人數眾多的比丘僧團一起前往波婆。世尊住在波婆純陀.鐵匠[SFn17] 子的芒果園。
純陀.鐵匠子回答世尊: “大德,是的。” 於是他把所有木耳給世尊,把其餘所有硬食物和軟食物給比丘僧團。
純陀.鐵匠子回答世尊: “大德,是的。” 他把所有剩下的木耳埋入地下,然後回到世尊那裏,對世尊作禮,然後坐在一邊。世尊為純陀.鐵匠子說法,使他得到開示,得到教導,感到景仰,感到歡喜,然後起座離去。 |
漢譯(巴宙 譯, 1971 CE)[4] |
「是,世尊。」尊者阿難回答說。於是佛與大比丘僧眾向波婆進行。到已,佛住於鐵匠窮達的杧菓林。 ※ ※ 14 鐵匠窮達聞佛已到達波婆,且住於彼之杧菓林。於是彼走向如來的住處,向佛作禮,就座其側以後,薄伽梵向其宣示法要,使之歡喜愉快。 15 窮達對佛所開示的法要甚為喜悅,他白佛言:「唯願世尊慈允於明天與大比丘僧眾赴舍間午餐。」佛陀默然受請。 16 窮達知佛已許可,即從座起,向佛作禮,右遶而去。 17 爾時鐵匠窮達於其夜清旦在自己家裹備辦甜粥糕餅及栴檀樹耳[PFn01] , 白佛言:「世尊,諸事已備,唯聖知時。」 18 爾時薄伽梵於清晨著衣持缽,與大比丘僧眾走向鐵匠窮達家裹。到已,坐於敷座後佛告窮達說:「窮達,凡是你所備辦的栴檀樹耳盡奉獻與我,其他食物如甜粥等則分給比丘僧眾。」 「是,世尊。」窮達回答說。於是他將所備辦的栴檀樹耳獻佛,其他食物如甜粥等,則分奉給比丘僧眾。 19 爾時薄伽梵告窮達說:「窮達,所有餘剩的栴檀樹耳應埋藏一小孔裹。窮達,我不見地上任何人、或魔、天、與梵天、或沙門、婆羅門、或神、或人,除如來外,若服食該物能有適宜的消化。」 「是,世尊。」窮達回答說。他將餘剩的栴檀樹耳埋藏一小孔後,走向佛前向佛作禮。他就座其側以後,佛陀向窮達開示法要,使之發心喜悅,即從座起而去。 |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Ven. Ānandajoti Bhikkhu)[5] | [29: The Last Meal]
“Very well, reverend Sir,” venerable Ānanda replied to the Gracious One. Then the Gracious One together with a great Community of monks arrived at Pāvā. There the Gracious One lived near Pāvā in Cunda the Smith's[AFn127] mango wood. Cunda the Smith heard: “The Gracious One, it seems, has arrived at Pāvā, and is dwelling near Pāvā, in my mango wood.” Then Cunda the Smith approached the Gracious One, and after approaching and worshipping the Gracious One, he sat down on one side. While Cunda the Smith was sitting on one side the Gracious One instructed, roused, enthused, and cheered him with a talk about the Teaching. Then Cunda the Smith, having been instructed, roused, enthused, and cheered by the Gracious One with a talk about the Teaching, said this to the Gracious One: “May the Gracious One consent, reverend Sir, to me (offering him) a meal on the morrow, together with the Community of monks.” The Gracious One consented by maintaining silence. Then Cunda the Smith, having understood the Gracious One's consent, after rising from his seat, worshipping and circumambulating the Gracious One, went away. Then after the night had passed, Cunda the Smith, in his own residence, having had excellent foodstuffs made ready, and an abundance of tender pork,[AFn128] had the time announced to the Gracious One, (saying): “It is time, reverend Sir, the meal is ready.” Then the Gracious One, having dressed in the morning time, after picking up his bowl and robe, together with the Community of monks, approached Cunda the Smith's residence, and after approaching, he sat down on the prepared seat. Having sat down, the Gracious One addressed Cunda the Smith, (saying): “Serve me with the tender pork you have prepared, Cunda, but serve the Community of monks with the other foodstuffs which have been prepared.” “Very well, reverend Sir”, said Cunda the Smith, and after replying to the Gracious One, he served the Gracious One with the tender pork that had been prepared, but served the Community of monks with the other foodstuffs which had been prepared. Then the Gracious One addressed Cunda the Smith, (saying): “Throw that left over tender pork into a pit, Cunda, (for) I do not see, Cunda, in the world with its Divinities, Māra, and Brahmā, in this generation with its ascetics and brahmins, princes and men, one who, having eaten it, could completely digest it, except for a Realised One.”[AFn129] “Very well, reverend Sir”, said Cunda the Smith, and after replying to the Gracious One, and throwing what was left over of that tender pork into a pit, he approached the Gracious One, and after approaching and worshipping the Gracious One, he sat down on one side. While sitting on one side Cunda the Smith having been instructed, roused, enthused, and cheered by the Gracious One with a talk about the Teaching, having risen from the seat, went away. |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Sister Vajira & Francis Story)[6] |
"So be it, Lord." And the Blessed One took up his abode at Pava together with a great community of bhikkhus, and stayed in the Mango Grove of Cunda, who was by family a metalworker. The Buddha's Last Meal
"So be it, Lord." And with the sukara-maddava prepared by him, he served the Blessed One; and with the other food, hard and soft, he served the community of bhikkhus.
And Cunda the metalworker answered the Blessed One saying: "So be it, O Lord."And what remained over of the sukara-maddava he buried in a pit.
巴利原典 (CSCD)[1] |
Cundassa bhattaṃ bhuñjitvā, kammārassāti me sutaṃ;
Ābādhaṃ samphusī dhīro, pabāḷhaṃ māraṇantikaṃ.
Bhuttassa ca sūkaramaddavena,
Byādhippabāḷho udapādi satthuno;
Virecamāno viriccamāno (sī. syā. ka.), viriñcamāno (?) bhagavā avoca,
Gacchāmahaṃ kusināraṃ nagaranti.
漢譯(莊春江 譯, 莊春江工作站)[2] |
「來!阿難!我們去拘尸那羅。」 「是的,大德!」尊者阿難回答世尊。 「我聽聞:吃了鍛工純陀的食物後,
漢譯(蕭式球 譯, 香港志蓮淨苑)[3] |
世尊對阿難尊者說: “阿難,來吧,我們一起去拘尸那羅。” 阿難尊者回答世尊: “大德,是的。” 此是我所聞:
漢譯(巴宙 譯, 1971 CE)[4] |
於是薄伽梵語尊者阿難說:「來,阿難,我等去拘屍那羅。」 「是,世尊。」尊者阿難回答說。 我聞彼服食鐵匠窮達的齋供以後,
※ ※ |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Ven. Ānandajoti Bhikkhu)[5] |
“Very well, reverend Sir”, venerable Ānanda replied to the Gracious One. “Having eaten Cunda the Smith's food, so I have heard,
The Firm One experienced a very strong affliction, such as ends in death.
For the Teacher, who had eaten tender pork,
A very strong sickness arose.
While (still) purging the Gracious One said:
‘I (will) go to the town of Kusinārā.’ ”[AFn130]
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Sister Vajira & Francis Story)[6] |
巴利原典 (CSCD)[1] | Pānīyāharaṇaṃ
Dutiyampi kho bhagavā āyasmantaṃ ānandaṃ āmantesi – ‘‘iṅgha me tvaṃ, ānanda, pānīyaṃ āhara, pipāsitosmi, ānanda, pivissāmī’’ti. Dutiyampi kho āyasmā ānando bhagavantaṃ etadavoca – ‘‘idāni, bhante, pañcamattāni sakaṭasatāni atikkantāni, taṃ cakkacchinnaṃ udakaṃ parittaṃ luḷitaṃ āvilaṃ sandati. Ayaṃ, bhante, kakudhā nadī avidūre acchodakā sātodakā sītodakā setodakā suppatitthā ramaṇīyā. Ettha bhagavā pānīyañca pivissati, gattāni ca sītīkarissatī’’ti. Tatiyampi kho bhagavā āyasmantaṃ ānandaṃ āmantesi – ‘‘iṅgha me tvaṃ, ānanda, pānīyaṃ āhara, pipāsitosmi, ānanda, pivissāmī’’ti. ‘‘Evaṃ, bhante’’ti kho āyasmā ānando bhagavato paṭissutvā pattaṃ gahetvā yena sā nadikā tenupasaṅkami. Atha kho sā nadikā cakkacchinnā parittā luḷitā āvilā sandamānā, āyasmante ānande upasaṅkamante acchā vippasannā anāvilā sandittha sandati (syā.). Atha kho āyasmato ānandassa etadahosi – ‘‘acchariyaṃ vata, bho, abbhutaṃ vata, bho, tathāgatassa mahiddhikatā mahānubhāvatā. Ayañhi sā nadikā cakkacchinnā parittā luḷitā āvilā sandamānā mayi upasaṅkamante acchā vippasannā anāvilā sandatī’’ti. Pattena pānīyaṃ ādāya yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṃ etadavoca – ‘‘acchariyaṃ, bhante, abbhutaṃ, bhante, tathāgatassa mahiddhikatā mahānubhāvatā. Idāni sā bhante nadikā cakkacchinnā parittā luḷitā āvilā sandamānā mayi upasaṅkamante acchā vippasannā anāvilā sandittha. Pivatu bhagavā pānīyaṃ pivatu sugato pānīya’’nti. Atha kho bhagavā pānīyaṃ apāyi. |
漢譯(莊春江 譯, 莊春江工作站)[2] | 取水
「來!阿難!請你為我將大衣摺成四折,阿難!我已疲倦,我要坐下。」 「是的,大德!」尊者阿難回答世尊後,將大衣摺成四折,世尊在舖設好的座位坐下。坐好後,世尊召喚尊者阿難: 「來!阿難!請你為我取水來,阿難!我已渴,我要喝。」 當這麼說時,尊者阿難對世尊這麼說: 「大德!現在,有五百輛之多的貨車駛過,那淺少的水被車輪切過,擾動而混濁地流動,大德!這有清澈的水、令人愉快的水、清涼的水、透明的水、美麗堤岸的、愉快的葛古踏河在不遠處,在那裡,世尊將〔可〕喝水,並作肢體的清涼。」 第二次,世尊召喚尊者阿難: 「來!阿難!請你為我取水來,阿難!我已渴,我要喝。」 第二次,尊者阿難對世尊這麼說: 「大德!現在,有五百輛之多的貨車駛過,那淺少的水被車輪切過,擾動而混濁地流動,大德!這有清澈的水、令人愉快的水、清涼的水、透明的水、美麗堤岸的、愉快的葛古踏河在不遠處,在那裡,世尊將〔可〕喝水,並作肢體的清涼。」 第三次,世尊召喚尊者阿難: 「來!阿難!請你為我取水來,阿難!我已渴,我要喝。」 「是的,大德!」尊者阿難回答世尊後,取鉢,接著去那條河,那時,那淺小的河被車輪切過,擾動而混濁地流動著,當尊者阿難抵達時,清澈、清淨、不混濁地流動,那時,尊者阿難這麼想: 「實在不可思議啊,先生!實在未曾有啊,先生!如來的大神通力、大威力狀態,因為這條淺小的河被車輪切過,它擾動而混濁地流動著,當我抵達時,它清澈、清淨、不混濁地流動。」 以鉢取水後,去見世尊。抵達後,對世尊這麼說: 「實在不可思議啊,大德!實在未曾有啊,大德!如來的大神通力、大威力狀態,大德!現在這條淺小的河被車輪切過,它擾動而混濁地流動著,當我抵達時,它清澈、清淨、不混濁地流動。世尊!請喝水,善逝!請喝水。」 那時,世尊喝水。 |
漢譯(蕭式球 譯, 香港志蓮淨苑)[3] |
阿難尊者回答世尊: “大德,是的。” 之後把大衣摺為四疊。
世尊說了這番話後,阿難尊者對他說: “大德,現在有大約五百輛牛車過河,這條少水的河被車輪輾得充滿泥濘和混濁。大德,在不遠的地方就是迦俱陀河,河水清淨、清甜、清涼、清澈,有美麗的河岸,十分怡人。世尊可以去那裏喝水,也可以去浸涼肢體。”
阿難尊者第二次對世尊說: “大德,現在有大約五百輛牛車過河,這條少水的河被車輪輾得充滿泥濘和混濁。大德,在不遠的地方就是迦俱陀河,河水清淨、清甜、清涼、清澈,有美麗的河岸,十分怡人。世尊可以去那裏喝水,也可以去浸涼肢體。”
阿難尊者回答世尊: “大德,是的。” 之後拿起缽去小河。當阿難尊者去到小河的時候,被車輪輾得充滿泥濘和混濁的河水變得清澈、清淨、不再混濁。
於是,世尊飲水。 |
漢譯(巴宙 譯, 1971 CE)[4] |
「是,世尊。」尊者阿難回答說。他遂將衣疊為四摺。 22 薄伽梵坐於敷座後語尊者阿難說:「阿難,請取水與我,我甚渴,欲飲水。」 於彼作如是語後,尊者阿難白佛言:「世尊,今有五百牛車渡河,車輪擾水,流水既淺又混濁。不遠即是卡枯塔河,其水清涼淨潔,入水甚易,令人欣悅。佛陀既可飲水,又能涼身。」 23 第二次薄伽梵語尊者阿難說:「阿難,請取水與我,我甚渴,欲飲水。」 第二次尊者阿難白佛言:「世尊,今有五百牛車渡河,車輪擾水,流水既淺又混濁。不遠即是卡枯塔河,其水清涼淨潔,入水甚易,令人欣悅,佛陀既可飲水,又能涼身。」 24 第三次薄伽梵語尊者阿難說:「阿難,請取水與我,我甚渴,欲飲水。」 「是,世尊。」尊者阿難回答說。彼即持缽詣該小河。爾時該小河剛被車輪擾水,流水既淺又混濁。但恰好在尊者阿難抵達時,河水立即變為澄清淨潔。 25 爾時尊者阿難自念:「誠然,如來的大威神力是奇妙不可思議。此小河剛被車輪擾水,流水既淺又混濁;當我到來時,河水立即變為澄清淨潔。」彼遂用缽取水,回到佛陀的住處,白佛言: 「世尊,如來的大威神力是奇妙不可思議。因該小河剛被車輪擾水,流水既淺又混濁;當我到達時,河水立即變為澄清淨潔。世尊,請飲水!慈尊,請飲水!」 薄伽梵遂飲水。 ※ ※ |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Ven. Ānandajoti Bhikkhu)[5] | [30: Bringing Drinking Water]
“Very well, reverend Sir”, said venerable Ānanda, and after replying to the Gracious One, he prepared the outer robe folded in four, and the Gracious One sat down on the prepared seat.[AFn131] While sitting the Gracious One addressed venerable Ānanda, (saying): “Come now, Ānanda, bring drinking water, I am thirsty, Ānanda, and will drink.” After that was said, venerable Ānanda said this to the Gracious One: “Just now, reverend Sir, five hundred wagons have passed by, and the little water that flows, having been churned by the wheels, is stirred up and disturbed. The Kakutthā river is not far away, with transparent water, agreeable water, cool water, pure water, with beautiful banks, a delightful (place), there the Gracious One can drink drinking water, and can cool his limbs.” For a second time the Gracious One addressed venerable Ānanda, (saying): “Come now, Ānanda, bring drinking water, I am thirsty, Ānanda, and will drink.” For a second time venerable Ānanda said this to the Gracious One: “Just now, reverend Sir, five hundred wagons have passed by, and the little water that flows, having been churned by the wheels, is stirred up and disturbed. The Kakutthā river is not far away, with transparent water, agreeable water, cool water, pure water, with beautiful banks, a delightful (place), there the Gracious One can drink drinking water, and can cool his limbs.” For a third time the Gracious One addressed venerable Ānanda, (saying): “Come now, Ānanda, bring drinking water, I am thirsty, Ānanda, and will drink.” “Very well, reverend Sir”, said venerable Ānanda, and after replying to the Gracious One, and taking the bowl, he approached the little river. Then that little river that was flowing, which had been churned by the wheels, and was stirred up and disturbed, as venerable Ānanda was approaching, flowed transparent, clear, and undisturbed. Then it occurred to venerable Ānanda: “Surely it is wonderful, surely it is marvellous, the Realised One's great power and great majesty, in that that little river that is flowing, which has been churned by wheels, and is stirred up and disturbed, as I was approaching, flowed transparent, clear, and undisturbed.” After taking a bowl of drinking water he approached the Gracious One, and after approaching, he said this to the Gracious One: “It is wonderful, reverend Sir, it is marvellous, reverend Sir, the Realised One's great power and great majesty, in that that little river that is flowing, which has been churned by wheels, and is stirred up and disturbed, as I was approaching, flowed transparent, clear, and undisturbed. Please drink the drinking water, Gracious One! Please drink the drinking water, Fortunate One!” Then the Gracious One drank the water. |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Sister Vajira & Francis Story)[6] | The Clearing of the Waters
"So be it, Lord." And the Venerable Ananda folded the robe in four and laid it down.
27-29. But a second time the Blessed One made his request, and the Venerable Ananda answered him as before. And then for a third time the Blessed One said: "Please bring me some water, Ananda. I am thirsty and want to drink."
巴利原典 (CSCD)[1] | Pukkusamallaputtavatthu
漢譯(莊春江 譯, 莊春江工作站)[2] | 末羅人之子晡古色的事 192. 當時,阿拉勒-葛拉麼的弟子,末羅人之子晡古色走在從拘尸那羅到波婆城的旅途中。末羅人之子晡古色看見世尊坐在某棵樹下,看見後,去見世尊。抵達後,向世尊問訊,接著在一旁坐下。在一旁坐好後,末羅人之子晡古色對世尊這麼說: 「實在不可思議啊,大德!實在未曾有啊,大德!大德!出家者們確實以寂靜的住處而住。從前,阿拉勒-葛拉麼走在旅途中,他離開道路,坐在不遠處的某棵樹下作中午的休息。大德!那時,有五百輛之多的貨車一一靠近駛過,大德!那時,走在那些貨車後面的某位男子去見阿拉勒-葛拉麼,抵達後,對阿拉勒-葛拉麼這麼說:『大德!是否看見五百輛之多的貨車駛過?』『不,朋友!我沒看見。』『大德!但,你聽見了什麼聲音嗎?』『不,朋友!我沒聽見聲音。』『大德!但,你在睡覺嗎?』『不,朋友!我沒睡覺。』『大德!但,你有意識嗎?』『是的,朋友!』『大德!你有意識;正醒著,有五百輛之多的貨車一一靠近駛過而既沒看見,也沒聽到聲音,大德!你的大衣是否被灰塵散布呢?』『是的,朋友!』大德!那時,那位男子這麼想:『實在不可思議啊,先生!實在未曾有啊,先生!出家者們確實以寂靜的住處而住,確實因為他有意識;正醒著,有五百輛之多的貨車一一靠近駛過而既沒看見,也沒聽到聲音。』他告知對阿拉勒-葛拉麼偉大的淨信後離開。」 |
漢譯(蕭式球 譯, 香港志蓮淨苑)[3] |
畢俱沙.武士子看見世尊坐在樹下,便去到世尊那裏,對世尊作禮,坐在一邊,然後對世尊說: “大德,真稀奇!大德,從沒有發生過!大德,遊方者能夠這樣寂靜地安住下來!
“ ‘賢友,我沒有看見。’ “ ‘大德,你聽見牛車經過的聲音嗎?’ “ ‘賢友,我沒有聽見那些聲音。’ “ ‘大德,你睡著覺嗎?’ “ ‘賢友,我不是睡著覺。’ “ ‘大德,你有知覺嗎?’ “ ‘賢友,是的。’ “ ‘大德,你有知覺,不是睡著覺,但五百輛牛車接近身邊經過也看不見、聽不見。大德,你的大衣不是染滿了塵土嗎?’ “ ‘賢友,是的。’ “大德,於是這個人心想: ‘真稀奇!從沒有發生過!遊方者能夠這樣寂靜地安住下來;他有知覺,不是睡著覺,五百輛牛車接近身邊經過也看不見、聽不見!’ 他對阿羅邏.迦藍表達深信,然後離去。” |
漢譯(巴宙 譯, 1971 CE)[4] |
馬拉少年蒲枯沙見佛陀坐於樹下,即走到佛前向佛作禮,就座其側以後,白佛言:「世尊,彼諸出家者度時於如是和平心境,此事實為不可思議!」 27 「世尊,往昔阿拉羅﹒卡拉馬是沿路步行,後來在熱氣正盛之際,他坐於路側樹下休息。世尊,爾時有五百牛車逼近阿拉羅﹒卡拉馬絡繹駛過。時有一人尾隨諸車輛之後,走向阿拉羅﹒卡拉馬住處。到已,他向阿拉羅﹒卡拉馬說: 『師尊,你曾見五百牛車駛過?』 『不,我不曾看見。』 『師尊,你曾聞其聲音?』 『不,我不曾聞其聲音。』 『師尊,你是否入睡?』 『不,我不曾入睡。』 『師尊,你是否有知覺?』 『是,我有知覺。』 『師尊,你是清醒而有知覺,對那逼近你絡繹駛過的五百牛車,既不見,又不曾聞其聲音,甚至灰塵飄墜在你的衣服上?』 『正是如此。』 「爾時其人如是思維:『彼諸出家者度時於如是和平心境,此事實為奇妙不可思議。雖然說他是清醒而有知覺,但對那逼近他絡繹駛過的五百牛車,既不見,又不曾聞其聲音,甚至灰塵飄墜在他的衣服上。』於其表示對阿拉羅﹒卡拉馬有甚深信仰以後,即告辭而去。」 |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Ven. Ānandajoti Bhikkhu)[5] | [31: The Story concerning Pukkusa Mallaputta]
Formerly, reverend Sir, Āḷāra Kālāma[AFn132] descended from the highway he was travelling along, and was dwelling for the day sat not far away at the root of a certain tree. Then, reverend Sir, about five hundred waggons passed by very close to Āḷāra Kālāma. Then, reverend Sir, a certain man who was traveling along behind those waggons approached Āḷāra Kālāma, and after approaching he said this to Āḷāra Kālāma: ‘Did you not see, reverend Sir, about five hundred waggons pass by?’ ‘I did not see, friend.’ ‘But, reverend Sir, did you not hear the sound?’ ‘I did not hear the sound, friend.’ ‘But, reverend Sir, were you sleeping?’ ‘I was not sleeping, friend.’ ‘But, reverend Sir, were you conscious?’ ‘Yes, friend.’ ‘So you, reverend Sir, though conscious and awake, when about five hundred waggons passed by very close neither saw (them) nor heard a sound! Why, reverend Sir, even your double-robe is covered with dust!’ ‘Yes, friend.’ Then this occurred to that man: ‘It is wonderful, it is marvellous, that those who have indeed gone forth live such a peaceful living. Because though conscious and awake, when about five hundred waggons passed by very close he did not see (them) or hear a sound!’[AFn133] And having gained great confidence in Āḷāra Kālāma, he left.” |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Sister Vajira & Francis Story)[6] | Pukkusa the Malla
巴利原典 (CSCD)[1] |
‘‘Ekamidāhaṃ, pukkusa, samayaṃ ātumāyaṃ viharāmi bhusāgāre. Tena kho pana samayena deve vassante deve gaḷagaḷāyante vijjullatāsu niccharantīsu asaniyā phalantiyā avidūre bhusāgārassa dve kassakā bhātaro hatā cattāro ca balibaddā balibaddā (sī. pī.). Atha kho, pukkusa, ātumāya mahājanakāyo nikkhamitvā yena te dve kassakā bhātaro hatā cattāro ca balibaddā tenupasaṅkami. Tena kho panāhaṃ, pukkusa, samayena bhusāgārā nikkhamitvā bhusāgāradvāre abbhokāse caṅkamāmi. Atha kho, pukkusa, aññataro puriso tamhā mahājanakāyā yenāhaṃ tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā maṃ abhivādetvā ekamantaṃ aṭṭhāsi. Ekamantaṃ ṭhitaṃ kho ahaṃ, pukkusa, taṃ purisaṃ etadavocaṃ – ‘kiṃ nu kho eso, āvuso, mahājanakāyo sannipatito’ti? ‘Idāni , bhante, deve vassante deve gaḷagaḷāyante vijjullatāsu niccharantīsu asaniyā phalantiyā dve kassakā bhātaro hatā cattāro ca balibaddā. Ettheso mahājanakāyo sannipatito. Tvaṃ pana, bhante, kva ahosī’ti? ‘Idheva kho ahaṃ, āvuso, ahosi’nti. ‘Kiṃ pana, bhante, addasā’ti? ‘Na kho ahaṃ, āvuso, addasa’nti. ‘Kiṃ pana, bhante, saddaṃ assosī’ti? ‘Na kho ahaṃ, āvuso, saddaṃ assosi’nti. ‘Kiṃ pana, bhante, sutto ahosī’ti? ‘Na kho ahaṃ, āvuso, sutto ahosi’nti. ‘Kiṃ pana, bhante, saññī ahosī’ti? ‘Evamāvuso’ti. ‘So tvaṃ, bhante, saññī samāno jāgaro deve vassante deve gaḷagaḷāyante vijjullatāsu niccharantīsu asaniyā phalantiyā neva addasa, na pana saddaṃ assosī’ti? ‘‘Evamāvuso’’ti? ‘‘Atha kho, pukkusa, purisassa etadahosi – ‘acchariyaṃ vata bho, abbhutaṃ vata bho, santena vata bho pabbajitā vihārena viharanti. Yatra hi nāma saññī samāno jāgaro deve vassante deve gaḷagaḷāyante vijjullatāsu niccharantīsu asaniyā phalantiyā neva dakkhati, na pana saddaṃ sossatī’ti suṇissati (syā.). Mayi uḷāraṃ pasādaṃ pavedetvā maṃ abhivādetvā padakkhiṇaṃ katvā pakkāmī’’ti. Evaṃ vutte pukkuso mallaputto bhagavantaṃ etadavoca – ‘‘esāhaṃ, bhante, yo me āḷāre kālāme pasādo taṃ mahāvāte vā ophuṇāmi sīghasotāya siṅghasotāya (ka.) vā nadiyā pavāhemi. Abhikkantaṃ, bhante, abhikkantaṃ, bhante! Seyyathāpi, bhante, nikkujjitaṃ vā ukkujjeyya, paṭicchannaṃ vā vivareyya, mūḷhassa vā maggaṃ ācikkheyya, andhakāre vā telapajjotaṃ dhāreyya ‘cakkhumanto rūpāni dakkhantī’ti; evamevaṃ bhagavatā anekapariyāyena dhammo pakāsito. Esāhaṃ, bhante, bhagavantaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi dhammañca bhikkhusaṅghañca. Upāsakaṃ maṃ bhagavā dhāretu ajjatagge pāṇupetaṃ saraṇaṃ gata’’nti. |
漢譯(莊春江 譯, 莊春江工作站)[2] |
「大德!五百輛貨車或六百輛貨車或七百輛貨車或八百輛貨車或九百輛貨車或一萬輛貨車將如何能比呢?有意識;正醒著,在天空下著雨、天空打雷並出現閃電、雷電爆裂時既沒看見,也沒聽到聲音,這比較難做到,比較難克服。」 「晡古色!有一次,我住在阿都瑪的糠屋中,當時,天空下著雨、天空打雷並出現閃電、雷電爆裂,在糠屋不遠處有二個農夫兄弟與四頭牛被殺害,晡古色!那時,在阿都瑪的大群眾出來,去看被殺害的二個農夫兄弟與四頭牛,晡古色!當時,我從糠屋出來,在糠屋不遠處的屋外經行[CFn164] ,晡古色!某位男子從那個大群眾中來見我。抵達後,向我問訊,接著在一旁站立。在一旁站好後,晡古色!我對那位男子這麼說:『朋友!現在,為何有這大群眾的集合呢?』『大德!現在,在天空下著雨、天空打雷並出現閃電、雷電爆裂時,有二個農夫兄弟與四頭牛被殺害,在這裡,有那大群眾的集合,大德!但,你〔當時〕在哪裡呢?』『朋友!我就在這裡。』『大德!但,你看見什麼嗎?』『不,朋友!我沒看見。』『大德!但,你聽見了什麼聲音嗎?』『不,朋友!我沒聽見聲音。』『大德!但,你在睡覺嗎?』『不,朋友!我沒睡覺。』『大德!但,你有意識嗎?』『是的,朋友!』『大德!你有意識;正醒著,在天空下著雨、天空打雷並出現閃電、雷電爆裂時,既沒看見,也沒聽到聲音嗎?』『是的,朋友!』晡古色!那時,那位男子這麼想:『實在不可思議啊,先生!實在未曾有啊,先生!出家者們確實以寂靜的住處而住,確實因為他有意識;正醒著,在天空下著雨、天空打雷並出現閃電、雷電爆裂時,既沒看見,也沒聽到聲音。』他告知對我偉大的淨信後,對我問訊,然後作右繞,接著離開。」 當這麼說時,末羅人之子晡古色對世尊這麼說: 「大德!凡我對阿拉勒-葛拉麼的淨信,我讓它在大風中吹走,或在湍急的水流中沖走。大德!太偉大了,大德!太偉大了,大德!猶如能扶正顛倒的,能顯現被隱藏的,能告知迷途者的路,能在黑暗中持燈火:『有眼者看得見諸色』。同樣的,法被世尊以種種法門說明。大德!我歸依[CFn122] 世尊、法、比丘僧團[CFn023] ,請世尊記得我為優婆塞,從今天起終生歸依[CFn165] 。」 |
漢譯(蕭式球 譯, 香港志蓮淨苑)[3] |
“ ‘大德,之前雨下得嘩啦嘩啦作響,閃電和打雷,雷電劈死了農夫兩兄弟和四頭牛,所以現在眾人在這裏聚集一起。大德,當時你在哪裏呢?’ “ ‘賢友,我就在這裏。’ “ ‘大德,你看見當時的情形嗎?’ “ ‘賢友,我沒有看見。’ “ ‘大德,你聽見那些聲音嗎?’ “ ‘賢友,我沒有聽見那些聲音。’ “ ‘大德,你睡著覺嗎?’ “ ‘賢友,我不是睡著覺。’ “ ‘大德,你有知覺嗎?’ “ ‘賢友,是的。’ “ ‘大德,你有知覺,不是睡著覺,但雨下得嘩啦嘩啦作響,閃電和打雷,雷電劈死了農夫兩兄弟和四頭牛也看不見、聽不見?’ “ ‘賢友,是的。’
漢譯(巴宙 譯, 1971 CE)[4] |
29 「若作一比較,此五百牛車,或六百、七百、八百、九百、一千,甚至百千萬牛車能算什麼!當一人既清醒而有知覺,既不聞驟雨的飄灑,雷霆的震吼,也不見電光的閃灼,實是較困難而不易舉行與應付。」 30 「蒲枯沙,往昔我住於阿吐馬打穀場。當時驟雨的飄灑,雷霆的震吼,和電光的閃灼,打穀場有農夫兄弟二人和四頭牛被擊斃。蒲枯沙,爾時有一人群從阿吐馬赴該農夫兄弟和四頭牛被擊斃之處。」 31 「蒲枯沙,爾時我離開打穀場,只在打穀場門首空地上往來經行及思維。時有一人從該人群中向我走來並行禮。他侍立一面後,我告其人說:『朋友,為何群眾集會?』 32 『世尊,適才有驟雨的飄灑、雷霆的震吼,和電光的閃灼,有農夫兄弟二人和四頭牛被擊斃。因此,群眾聚集。但世尊,您是在何處?』 『我一向在此。』 『世尊,您曾見此事?』 『我不曾看見。』 『世尊,您曾聞其聲音?』 『我不曾聞其聲音。』 『世尊,您是否入睡?』 『我不曾入睡。』 『世尊,您是否有知覺?』 『是,我有知覺。』 『世尊,您是清醒而有知覺,對驟雨的飄灑、雷霆的震吼,和電光的閃灼,是既不見,又不聞其聲音?』 『正是如此』 33 「蒲枯沙,爾時其人如是思維:『彼諸出家者度時於如是和平心境,此事實為奇妙不可思議。雖然說他是清醒而有知覺,但對那驟雨的飄灑、雷霆的震吼,和電光的閃灼,他是既不見,又不曾聞其聲音。於其表示對我有甚深信仰以後,他即向我頂禮,告辭而去。」 34 於彼作如是語後,馬拉少年蒲枯沙白佛言:「世尊,現今我對阿拉羅﹒卡拉馬的信仰如迅風揚塵,如河中急湍的沖洗。世尊之言最為佳善!此正如傾者扶之,晦者顯之。迷途者示以道路,住黑暗者示以明燈,因而有眼者能視外物。佛陀用種種方便對我宣說真理亦復如是。世尊,我今以佛法僧為依歸,請薄伽梵接受我為優婆塞,從今日起至於命終。」 |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Ven. Ānandajoti Bhikkhu)[5] |
“Why, reverend Sir, what to make of five-hundred waggons, six-hundred waggons, seven-hundred waggons, eight-hundred waggons, nine-hundred waggons, one thousand waggons, or one-hundred thousand waggons? This is the more difficult to do or the more difficult to come by: that someone, though conscious and awake, when the Divinities rain down, when the Divinities throw it down, and the lightning flashes, and the thunder crashes forth, should neither see (it) nor hear a sound.” “One day, Pukkusa, I was living near Ātumā at the Decorated House. Now at that time the Divinities rained down, the Divinities threw it down, and the lightning flashed, and the thunder crashed forth, and not far away from the Decorated House two brothers who were farmers died, along with four oxen. Then, Pukkusa, a great crowd of people having departed from Ātumā, went to the place where the brothers who were farmers and the four oxen had died. Then, Pukkusa, at that time, after leaving the Decorated House, I was walking in the open air near the gate to the Decorated House. Then, Pukkusa, a certain man from that crowd approached me, and after approaching and worshipping me, he stood on one side. While standing there, Pukkusa, I said to that man: ‘Why, friend, has that great crowd of people assembled?’ ‘Just now, reverend Sir, the Divinities rained down, the Divinities threw it down, and the lightning flashed, and the thunder crashed forth, and two brothers who were farmers died, along with four oxen, and that great crowd of people assembled here. But where were you, reverend Sir?’ ‘I was right here, friend.’ ‘But, reverend Sir, did you see (it)?’ ‘I did not see, friend.’ ‘But, reverend Sir, did you hear the sound?’ ‘I did not hear the sound, friend.’ ‘But, reverend Sir, were you sleeping?’ ‘I was not sleeping, friend.’ ‘But, reverend Sir, were you conscious?’ ‘Yes, friend.’ ‘So, reverend Sir, though conscious and awake when the Divinities rained down, when the Divinities threw it down, and the lightning flashed, and the thunder crashed forth, you neither saw (it), nor heard a sound!’ ‘Yes, friend.’ Then, Pukkusa, this occurred to that man: ‘It is wonderful, it is marvellous, that those who have indeed gone forth live such a peaceful living. Because though conscious and awake when the Divinities rained down, when the Divinities threw it down, and the lightning flashed, and the thunder crashed forth, he did not see (it) or hear a sound!’ And after gaining great confidence in me, worshipping and circumamblating me, he left.” After this was said, Pukkusa Mallaputta said this to the Gracious One: “That faith, reverend Sir, I have in Āḷāra Kālāma, I clear away as with a great wind, I wash (it) away as with a fast-flowing river: Excellent, reverend Sir! Excellent, reverend Sir! Just as, reverend Sir, one might set upright what has been overturned, or open up what has been closed, or show a path to one who is lost, or bear an oil lamp in the darkness so that one who has eyes can see forms, just so has the Teaching been made clear by the Gracious One in more than one way. I go to the Gracious One, reverend Sir, for refuge, and to the Teaching, and to the Community of monks. Please bear it in mind, Gracious One, that I am a lay disciple who has gone for refuge from today forward for as long as I am furnished with life.” |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Sister Vajira & Francis Story)[6] |
"'I was here, brother.' 'Yet, Lord, did you not see it?' 'I did not see it, brother.' 'But the noise, Lord, you surely heard?' 'I did not hear it, brother.' Then that man asked me: 'Then, Lord, perhaps you slept?' 'No, brother, I was not sleeping.' 'Then, Lord, you were conscious?' 'I was, brother.' Then that man said: 'Then, Lord, while conscious and awake, in the midst of a heavy rain, with thunder rolling, lightning flashing, and thunderbolts crashing, you neither saw it nor heard the noise?' And I answered him, saying: 'I did not, brother.'
巴利原典 (CSCD)[1] |
漢譯(莊春江 譯, 莊春江工作站)[2] |
「來!某人!你為我取一對光亮的金色衣服來。」 「是的,大德!」那位男子回答末羅人之子晡古色後,取了一對光亮的金色衣服來。那時,末羅人之子晡古色將那一對光亮的金色衣服親手交給世尊: 「大德!這是一對光亮的金色衣服,請世尊出自憐愍[CFn166] 我而接受它。」 「這樣的話,晡古色!一件讓我穿,一件阿難。」 「是的,大德!」末羅人之子晡古色回答世尊後,一件使世尊穿上,一件阿難。 那時,世尊以法說開示、勸導、鼓勵末羅人之子晡古色,使之歡喜。那時,末羅人之子晡古色被世尊以法說開示、勸導、鼓勵,使之歡喜後,起座向世尊問訊,然後作右繞,接著離開。 |
漢譯(蕭式球 譯, 香港志蓮淨苑)[3] |
下人回答畢俱沙.武士子: “主人,是的。” 之後拿來一雙金色的細滑披肩。 於是畢俱沙.武士子把一雙披肩供養世尊,並說: “大德,世尊悲憫,願大德接受我這雙金色的細滑披肩。” “畢俱沙,既然這樣,你給我披上一件,給阿難披上一件吧。” 畢俱沙.武士子回答世尊: “大德,是的。” 之後給世尊披上一件,給阿難披上一件。
漢譯(巴宙 譯, 1971 CE)[4] |
「是,先生。」其人回答說。彼即攜來兩件製就的金縷衣。 蒲枯沙將該兩件金縷衣奉獻與佛說:「世尊,伏維垂愍,請接受此兩件製就的金縷衣!」 「既如此,你給我穿上一件,另一件則給阿難穿上。」 「是,世尊。」蒲枯沙回答說。他即給佛陀披上一件,另一件則給阿難披上。 36 薄伽梵遂向馬拉少年蒲枯沙宣示法要,使之發心喜悅。當其對佛陀所示法要表示發心喜悅後即從座起,向佛作禮,右遶而去。 ※ ※ |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Ven. Ānandajoti Bhikkhu)[5] |
“Very well, reverend Sir,” said that man, and after replying to Pukkusa Mallaputta, he brought a pair of polished gold-coloured (robes), ready to wear. Then Pukkusa Mallaputta offered that pair of polished gold-coloured (robes), ready to wear, to the Gracious One, (saying): “Please accept, reverend Sir, this pair of polished gold-coloured (robes), ready to wear out of compassion for me, Gracious One.” “Then, Pukkusa, clothe me with one, and Ānanda with the other.”[AFn134] “Very well, reverend Sir,” said Pukkusa Mallaputta, and after replying to the Gracious One clothed the Gracious One with one, and Ānanda with the other. Then the Gracious One instructed Pukkusa Mallaputta roused, enthused, and cheered (him) with a talk about the Teaching. Then Pukkusa Mallaputta, having been instructed, roused, enthused, and cheered by the Gracious One with a talk about the Teaching, after rising from his seat, worshipping and circumambulating the Gracious One, departed. |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Sister Vajira & Francis Story)[6] |
"So be it, Lord." And he thereupon robed the Blessed One in one, and in the other he robed the Venerable Ananda.
巴利原典 (CSCD)[1] |
Siṅgīvaṇṇaṃ yugamaṭṭhaṃ, pukkuso abhihārayi;
Tena acchādito satthā, hemavaṇṇo asobhathāti.
漢譯(莊春江 譯, 莊春江工作站)[2] |
「實在不可思議啊,大德!實在未曾有啊,大德!大德!所有如來的膚色都是清淨的、皎潔的,大德!當世尊的身體被這一對光亮的金色衣服穿上時,它看起來顯得失色。」 「正是這樣,阿難!正是這樣,阿難!在二種時候如來身體的膚色成為極度清淨的、皎潔的,哪二種呢?如來現正覺無上遍正覺[CFn167] 之夜與如來般涅槃於無餘涅槃界之夜,阿難!這是二種時候如來身體的膚色成為極度清淨的、皎潔的。阿難!今日,在後夜,在末羅拘尸那羅附近的沙羅樹林中的雙沙羅樹中間,將有如來的般涅槃。來!阿難!我們去葛古踏河。」 「是的,大德!」尊者阿難回答世尊。 「一對金色的衣服,晡古色令人帶來,
漢譯(蕭式球 譯, 香港志蓮淨苑)[3] |
於是阿難尊者對世尊說: “大德,真稀奇!大德,從沒有發生過!大德,如來的膚色這麼清淨、這麼明晰,在世尊身上一雙金色的細滑披肩似乎變得失去光澤!” “阿難,正是這樣。阿難,有兩次如來的膚色是特別清淨、特別明晰的。哪兩次呢?阿難,一次是如來覺悟無上正等正覺的時候,一次是如來進入無餘湼槃界的時候。阿難,這兩次如來的膚色是特別清淨、特別明晰的。
阿難尊者回答世尊: “大德,是的。” 披上金披肩,
漢譯(巴宙 譯, 1971 CE)[4] |
爾時尊者阿難白佛言:「世尊,如來的膚色是如此明皙!此誠奇妙不可思議!當兩件製就的金縷衣披上佛身後,該衣即失去光彩。」 「阿難,誠然,如來的膚色有兩次是異常明皙。何為兩次?一次為如來證無上正等覺之夜,另一次則為如來證無餘涅槃界之夜。阿難,此兩次如來的膚色是異常明皙。」 38 「阿難,今夜三更時分,在拘屍那羅之鳥帕瓦塔那,馬拉之娑羅樹林,娑羅雙樹間,如來將取涅槃。來,阿難,我等去卡古塔河。」 「是,世尊。」尊者阿難回答說。 兩件製就之金縷衣,
※ ※ |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Ven. Ānandajoti Bhikkhu)[5] |
Then venerable Ānanda said this to the Gracious One: “It is wonderful, reverend Sir, it is marvellous, reverend Sir, how pure and clean is the Realised One's skin-colour, reverend Sir! This pair of polished gold-coloured (robes), ready to wear, reverend Sir, when placed on the Gracious One's body have lost their gleam!” “Just so, Ānanda, on two occasions, Ānanda, the Realised One's skin-colour becomes exceedingly pure and clean. On which two occasions? That night, Ānanda, the Realised One perfectly awakens to the unsurpassed and Perfect Awakening, and that night the Realised One is Finally Emancipated in the Emancipation-element which has no basis for attachment remaining. On these two occasions the Realised One's skin-colour is exceedingly pure and clean. Today, Ānanda, during the last watch of the night, near to Kusinārā, in the Mallas' Sal Wood at Upavattana, between a pair of Sal trees will be the Realised One's Final Emancipation. “Come Ānanda let us approach River Kakutthā.” “Very well, reverend Sir,” venerable Ānanda replied to the Gracious One. “A pair of polished gold-coloured (robes) was offered by Pukkusa,
Once clothed with it the Teacher's golden (skin) colour shone forth.”[AFn135]
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Sister Vajira & Francis Story)[6] |
巴利原典 (CSCD)[1] |
‘‘Evaṃ, bhante’’ti kho āyasmā cundako bhagavato paṭissutvā catugguṇaṃ saṅghāṭiṃ paññapesi. Atha kho bhagavā dakkhiṇena passena sīhaseyyaṃ kappesi pāde pādaṃ accādhāya sato sampajāno uṭṭhānasaññaṃ manasikaritvā. Āyasmā pana cundako tattheva bhagavato purato nisīdi. Gantvāna buddho nadikaṃ kakudhaṃ,
Acchodakaṃ sātudakaṃ vippasannaṃ;
Ogāhi satthā akilantarūpo sukilantarūpo (sī. pī.),
Tathāgato appaṭimo ca appaṭimodha (pī.) loke.
Nhatvā ca pivitvā cudatāri satthā pivitvā cundakena, pivitvā ca uttari (ka.),
Purakkhato bhikkhugaṇassa majjhe;
Vattā satthā (sī. syā. pī.) pavattā bhagavā idha dhamme,
Upāgami ambavanaṃ mahesi.
Āmantayi cundakaṃ nāma bhikkhuṃ,
Catugguṇaṃ santhara me nipajjaṃ;
So codito bhāvitattena cundo,
Catugguṇaṃ santhari khippameva.
Nipajji satthā akilantarūpo,
Cundopi tattha pamukhe samukhe (ka.) nisīdīti.
漢譯(莊春江 譯, 莊春江工作站)[2] |
「來!純陀葛!請你為我將大衣摺成四折,純陀葛!我已疲倦,我要躺下。」 「是的,大德!」尊者純陀葛回答世尊後,將大衣摺成四折。那時,世尊以右脅[CFn168] 作獅子臥,將〔左〕腳放在〔右〕腳上,正念、正知,意念作起身想[CFn169] ,而在那裡,尊者純陀葛就坐在世尊前面。 「佛陀去葛古踏小河,清澈的水、令人愉快的水、明淨的,
形色非常疲倦的[CFn170] 大師進入,如來在世間中是無比肩的。
漢譯(蕭式球 譯, 香港志蓮淨苑)[3] |
純陀迦尊者回答世尊: “大德,是的。” 之後把大衣摺為四疊。
41. 佛陀大導師,
漢譯(巴宙 譯, 1971 CE)[4] |
「是,世尊。」尊者窮達卡回答說。彼遂將衣疊為四摺。 40 爾時薄伽梵偃臥右側,將雙足疊併。彼靜寂入定,存念將再起來。尊者窮達卡即坐於佛前。 41 佛陀既到卡古塔河,
※ ※ |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Ven. Ānandajoti Bhikkhu)[5] | [32: Cunda's Great Gain ]
“Very well, reverend Sir”, said venerable Cundaka, and after replying to the Gracious One, he prepared the outer robe folded in four. Then the Gracious One, lay down on his right side in the lion's posture, after placing one foot on the top of the other, mindfully, with full awareness, having applied his mind to the thought of rising. And venerable Cundaka sat down right there in front of the Gracious One. “The Awakened One, having gone to the little river Kakutthā,
Which had water that was transparent, pleasant, and clear,
The Teacher, very weary, entered (the river),
the Realised One, who is unmatched here in the world.
After washing and drinking, the Teacher came out,
And in the middle of the Community of monks, at the front,
The Teacher, the Gracious One, having taught the Teaching here,
The Great Sage went to the mango wood.
He addressed the monk called Cundaka, (saying):
“Spread out (the robe) folded in four for me to lie down on,”
Cunda, urged by the One with Developed Mind,
Very quickly spread (the robe) folded in four.
The Teacher, very weary, lay down,
With Cunda sat right there at the front.”[AFn137]
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Sister Vajira & Francis Story)[6] | At the Kakuttha River
"So be it, Lord." And Cundaka folded the robe in four and laid it down.
巴利原典 (CSCD)[1] |
‘‘Dadato puññaṃ pavaḍḍhati,
Saṃyamato veraṃ na cīyati;
Kusalo ca jahāti pāpakaṃ,
Rāgadosamohakkhayā sanibbuto’’ti.
Catuttho bhāṇavāro. |
漢譯(莊春江 譯, 莊春江工作站)[2] |
「阿難!〔有人〕可能會使鐵匠之子純陀的追悔生出:『純陀學友!那是你的損失,那是你的惡獲得,因為如來食用你的最後施食[CFn171] 後,般涅槃。』阿難!鐵匠之子純陀的追悔應該這麼被排除:『純陀學友!那是你的獲得,那是你的好獲得,因為如來食用你的最後施食後,般涅槃。純陀學友!我在世尊面前曾聽到這樣;當面領受:『這二種正果[CFn172] 、正果報的施食比起其它施食有極更大果、更大效益,哪二種呢?如來食用施食後現正覺無上遍正覺、如來食用施食後般涅槃於無餘涅槃界,這二種正果、正果報的施食比起其它施食有極更大果、更大效益。導向壽命的業被尊者鐵匠之子純陀累積;導向美貌的業被尊者鐵匠之子純陀累積;導向安樂的業被尊者鐵匠之子純陀累積;導向名聲的業被尊者鐵匠之子純陀累積;導向天界的業被尊者鐵匠之子純陀累積;導向統治權的業被尊者鐵匠之子純陀累積。』阿難!鐵匠之子純陀的追悔應該這麼被排除。」 那時,世尊知道這個義理後,那時候自說優陀那: 「施與者增大福德,〔自我〕抑制者怨恨不被累積,
第四誦品〔終了〕。 |
漢譯(蕭式球 譯, 香港志蓮淨苑)[3] |
“阿難,應這樣清除純陀.鐵匠子的懊悔,為他說: ‘賢友,你有得著,這是你的得益,如來最後吃了你的食物便入滅。純陀賢友,我曾在世尊跟前聽聞及受持,有兩次食物布施同樣有很大的果、很大的報,比起其他的食物布施有更大的果報、更大的利益。哪兩次呢?一次是吃了那些食物,如來覺悟無上正等正覺;一次是吃了那些食物,如來進入無餘湼槃界。這兩次食物布施同樣有很大的果、很大的報,比起其他的食物布施有更大的果報、更大的利益。賢者純陀.鐵匠子所造的業能帶來長壽、美貌、快樂、名聲、生天、為王。’ “阿難,應這樣清除純陀.鐵匠子的懊悔。”
第四阿羅邏方廣誦完 |
漢譯(巴宙 譯, 1971 CE)[4] |
「阿難,若有此種悔憾於鐵匠窮達應如此糾正之。」 43 爾時薄伽梵念及此事,以偈頌曰: 佈施者其福德增長,
第四章竟 |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Ven. Ānandajoti Bhikkhu)[5] |
If there is remorse for Cunda the Smith, Ānanda, drive it out in this way, (saying): ‘There is a gain for you, friend Cunda, it is a good gain for you, in that the Realised One, after eating his last almsfood from you, attained Final Emancipation. I heard this face to face with the Gracious One, friend Cunda, I learned it face to face: ‘There are these two almsfoods which have the very same excellent fruit, have the very same excellent result, that is a greater fruit, a greater result than other almsfood. Which two? That almsfood which, after eating, the Realised One awakens to the unsurpassed and Perfect Awakening; and that almsfood which, after eating, the Realised One attains Final Emancipation in the Emancipation-element which has no basis for attachment remaining. These are the two almsfoods which have the same fruit, have the same result, that is an exceedingly greater fruit, a greater result than other almsfood. Friend Cunda the Smith has accumulated a (good) deed that is conducive to long life, friend Cunda the Smith has accumulated a (good) deed that is conducive to beauty, friend Cunda the Smith has accumulated a (good) deed that is conducive to happiness, friend Cunda the Smith has accumulated a (good) deed that is conducive to fame, friend Cunda the Smith has accumulated a (good) deed that is conducive to heaven, friend Cunda the Smith has accumulated a (good) deed that is conducive to sovereignty.’ (If) there is remorse for Cunda the Smith, Ānanda, it should be driven out in this way!” Then the Gracious One, having understood the significance of it, on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance: “For the one who gives merit is increased,
From restraint hatred is not accumulated.
The skilful one gives up what is bad,
Through the destruction of passion, hatred, and delusion, he is emancipated.”
The Fourth Chapter for Recital (is Finished). |
英譯(Translated from the Pali by Sister Vajira & Francis Story)[6] | Relieving Cunda's Remorse
Who gives, his virtues shall increase;
Who is self-curbed, no hatred bears;
Whoso is skilled in virtue, evil shuns,
And by the rooting out of lust and hate
And all delusion, comes to be at peace.
[1] | (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) 〔註001〕 巴利原典 乃參考 【國際內觀中心】(Vipassana Meditation (As Taught By S.N. Goenka in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin)所發行之《第六次結集》(巴利大藏經) CSCD (Chaṭṭha Saṅgāyana CD)。網路版請參考: 3. Mahāparinibbānasuttaṃ [original: 原始出處請參考: The Pāḷi Tipitaka (http://www.tipitaka.org/) (請於左邊選單“Tipiṭaka Scripts”中選 Roman→Web → Tipiṭaka (Mūla) → Suttapiṭaka → Dīghanikāya → Mahāvaggapāḷi → 3. Mahāparinibbānasuttaṃ )。] |
[2] | (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) 〔註002〕 本譯文請參考:般涅槃大經;莊春江 [原始出處請參考:臺灣【莊春江工作站】 → 漢譯長部/Dīghanikāyo → 13 → 長部16經/般涅槃大經(大品[第二]); 莊春江 03/08/2015 15:48:37 更新]。 |
[3] | (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) 〔註003〕 本譯文請參考:【長部.十六.大般湼槃經】;蕭式球 〔原始出處請參考: 香港【志蓮淨苑】文化部--佛學園圃--5. 南傳佛教--5.1. 利文佛典選譯-- 5.1.1.長部 → 16 大般湼槃經 → 長部.十六.大般湼槃經 蕭式球 (或 志蓮淨苑文化部--研究員工作--研究文章--南傳佛教 → 16 大般湼槃經 → 長部.十六.大般湼槃經 蕭式球 )〕 |
[4] | (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) 〔註004〕 本譯文: 南傳大般涅槃經;巴宙譯 (1971 AD) |
[5] | (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) 〔註005〕 請參考: The Discourse about the Great Emancipation ; PDF ;A Translation of Mahāparinibbānasutta (DN 16) (June, 2008 / 2552), edited and translated by Ven. Ānandajoti Bhikkhu [感恩 阿難陀樵第尊者慈允轉載(This is copied by courtesy of Ven. Ānandajoti Bhikkhu)];原始出處請參考(original: The Discourse about the Great Emancipation (DN 16)-- English (英文) ; Texts and Translations (巴英對照) ] ( Ancient Buddhist Texts → Texts and Translations → Ancient Buddhist Texts ) |
[6] | (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) 〔註006〕 此英譯為 Sister Vajira & Francis Story所譯(請參考: Maha-parinibbana Sutta: Last Days of the Buddha, translated from the Pali by Sister Vajira & Francis Story [原始出處請參考(original): Maha-parinibbana Sutta: Last Days of the Buddha: Translated from the Pali by Sister Vajira & Francis Story © 1998) (Access to Insight → DN → Digha Nikaya/The Long Discourses → DN 16: Maha-parinibbana Sutta — Last Days of the Buddha → Vajira/Story → Maha-parinibbana Sutta: Last Days of the Buddha: Translated from the Pali by Sister Vajira & Francis Story © 1998) |
[CFn010] | 〔莊 註010〕 「瞿曇」,南傳作「喬達摩」(gotama),菩提比丘長老英譯照錄原文。按:「喬達摩」(gotama,古音譯為「瞿曇」),其意思為「黑(tama)牛(go)」,為釋迦牟尼佛、尊者阿難家族的姓。 |
[CFn023] | 〔莊 註023〕 「僧團」(saṅgha, saṃgha),另譯為「僧伽;和合眾」,或簡略為「僧,眾」。「弟子僧團」(sāvakasaṅgha),另譯為「聲聞僧伽」。 |
[CFn024] | 〔莊 註024〕 「善思;善思念之」,南傳作「你們要好好作意」(sādhukaṃ manasi karotha,直譯為「你們要善(十分地)作意」),菩提比丘長老英譯為「仔細注意」(attend closely)。「作意」(manasikaroti)為「意」與「作」的複合詞,可以是「注意」,也可以有「思惟」的意思。 |
[CFn080] | 〔莊 註080〕 「有的渴愛」(bhavataṇhā,另譯為「有愛;存在的渴愛」),菩提比丘長老英譯為「為求存在的渴望」(craving for existence)。「有」(bhava)即十二緣起的「有支」。 |
[CFn081] | 〔莊 註081〕 「有流」,南傳作「有之管道」(bhavanetti),菩提比丘長老英譯為「往存在的導管」(the conduit to existence),並說明此詞與「有的渴愛」(bhavataṇhā)為同義詞,註釋書解說為「有之繩」(bhavarajju)。按:「有」(bhava),為「十二緣起支」中的「有」支。 |
[CFn083] | 〔莊 註083〕 「大師」(satthā,原形為satthar),菩提比丘長老英譯為「你們的老師;我們的老師;老師」(your teacher,our teacher,The teacher)。按:「大師」一詞,在佛陀時代指的是教派的宗師,佛弟子口中的「大師」,就只能是指佛陀。 |
[CFn122] | 〔莊 註122〕 「自歸;自歸命(AA)」,南傳作「歸依」(saraṇaṃ gacchāmi),菩提比丘長老英譯為「我前往依靠」(I go for refuge to)。 |
[CFn155] | 〔莊 註155〕 「定」(samādhi),音譯為「三摩地;三摩提;三昧」,義譯為「等持」),菩提比丘長老英譯為「集中貫注」(concentration)。 |
[CFn156] | 〔莊 註156〕 「有眼者」(cakkhumā),菩提比丘長老英譯為「有眼光者」(the one with vision, AN.7.66),並在SN.6.1的註解中說明「有眼者」是指佛陀,參看《雜阿含1192經》 「有眼者」比對。 |
[CFn157] | 〔莊 註157〕 「四大教法(DA.2);四大廣演(AA)」,南傳作「四大法教」(cattāro… mahāpadese),菩提比丘長老英譯為「四大參考」(four great references)。「法教」(padese),另譯為「教示;指示」,又譯為「地方;國土;場所;部分;限定;區域」,後者應該不適合於本經。 |
[CFn158] | 〔莊 註158〕 「朋友;道友;學友」(āvuso,原意為對平輩的稱呼),菩提比丘長老英譯為「朋友」(friend)。 |
[CFn159] | 〔莊 註159〕 「應該能被進入經中」(sutte otāretabbāni),菩提比丘長老英譯為「在經中核對它們」(check for them in the discourses, AN.4.180)。 |
[CFn160] | 〔莊 註160〕 「錯誤把握」(duggahitanti,另譯為「錯持;誤解;惡握持」),菩提比丘長老英譯為「不良地學習」(badly learned, AN.4.180)。 |
[CFn161] | 〔莊 註161〕 「通曉阿含」(āgatāgamā),菩提比丘長老英譯為「傳承的繼承人」(heirs to the heritage)。 |
[CFn162] | 〔莊 註162〕 「持法、持律、持論母者」(dhammadharā vinayadharā mātikādharā),菩提比丘長老英譯為「法的專家,律的專家,概要專家」(experts on the Dhamma, experts on the discipline, experts on the outline, AN.3.20)。「母」(mātika)即「摩得勒伽」,為「先標舉綱目後加以解說」的體裁,經、律中皆有,參看印順法師著《原始佛教聖典之集成》第五章 摩得勒伽與犍度。 |
[CFn163] | 〔莊 註163〕 「栴檀樹耳(DA.2)」,南傳作「豬喜歡的菇蕈類」(sūkaramaddavaṃ,逐字直譯為「豬+柔軟」或「豬+喜歡的」),此字指嫩豬肉或菇蕈類,至今為止無法定論。 |
[CFn164] | 〔莊 註164〕 「露地」,南傳作「在屋外」(abbhokāse,另譯為「露地;露天;室外;野外;野天」),菩提比丘長老英譯為「在戶外」(in the open)。 |
[CFn165] | 〔莊 註165〕 「盡壽歸依」(SA另譯為「盡形壽歸依;盡其形壽歸依」)、「終身自歸」(MA),南傳作「終生歸依」(pāṇupetaṃ saraṇaṃ gatanti),菩提比丘長老英譯為「前往終生依靠」(who has gone to refuge for life)。 |
[CFn166] | 〔莊 註166〕 「為哀愍故(SA);以憐愍故(GA);慈哀愍念;為慈愍故(MA)」,南傳作「出自憐愍」(anukampaṃ upādāya,直譯為「取憐愍後」),菩提比丘長老英譯為「由於憐憫;由於同情」(out of compassion)。 |
[CFn167] | 〔莊 註167〕 「阿耨多羅三藐三菩提」(anuttaraṃ sammāsambodhiṃ)為音譯,義譯為「無上遍正覺;無上等正覺;無上正等覺;無上正等正覺;無上正盡覺(MA)」,菩提比丘長老英譯為「無可凌駕、已純然無瑕的開化」(unsurpassed perfect enlightenment)。這個詞,經文中只看到用於「佛陀」(阿耨多羅三藐三佛陀),不見用於「阿羅漢」或「辟支佛」上。 |
[CFn168] | 〔莊 註168〕 「右脅而臥(SA/MA);右脇著地(AA);偃右脇如師子王(DA)」,南傳作「以右脅作獅子臥」(dakkhiṇena passena sīhaseyyaṃ),菩提比丘長老英譯為「像獅子在其右側躺下」(lies down, lion-like, on his right side)。 |
[CFn169] | 〔莊 註169〕 「作起覺想(SA);常欲起想;常念欲起(MA)」,南傳作「意念作起身想」(uṭṭhānasaññaṃ manasi karitvā),菩提比丘長老英譯為「在你的心中印記了起來的念頭後」(after noting in your mind the idea of rising, AN),或「作了起來的想法」(having attended to the idea of rising, SN),或「在我們的心中印記起來的時間後」(after noting in our minds the time for rising, MN)。 |
[CFn170] | 〔莊 註170〕 「形色非常疲倦的」(akilantarūpo,原意為「形色不疲倦的」,疑為sukilantarūpo之訛),Maurice Walshe先生與Sister Vajira & Francis Story均英譯為「疲倦」(weary),他們所依的原本均作sukilantarūpo。 |
[CFn171] | 〔莊 註171〕 「施食」(piṇḍapāta),菩提比丘長老英譯為「施捨的食物」(almsfood),為「球;團食;食物」(piṇḍa)與「落;投」(pāta)的複合字,意思是「投入或落入鉢裡的一團團食物」,也就是「托鉢的食物」,所以也譯為「鉢食;托鉢食;乞食」,北傳漢譯為「乞食」,或容易使讀者誤解為動詞的「乞食」(bhikkhati),故譯為「施食(施捨的食物)」。 |
[CFn172] | 〔莊 註172〕 「正等(DA.2)」,南傳作「正果」(samasamaphalā, samaphalā),Maurice Walshe先生沒譯,Sister Vajira & Francis Story英譯為「平等成果」(equal fruition)。按:sama的含意有:「相同;同一的;平等的;正的;正確的」。 |
[SFn14] | 〔蕭 註14〕 大象觀看身後的事物時要全身作一百八十度的轉向。經文中說佛陀像大象那樣觀看毗舍離,是指佛陀轉過身來觀看毗舍離。 |
[SFn15] | 〔蕭 註15〕 四大教法是指以法和律來衡量 “四” 種佛陀“教法” 的來源。 |
[SFn16] | 〔蕭 註16〕 阿含(āgama)有 “教典”的意思。漢譯本的原始佛教經典就是稱為《阿含經》或《阿笈摩》的。 |
[SFn17] | 〔蕭 註17〕 巴利文kammāra可指鐵匠或金匠。在《吉祥悅意》中,說純陀為金匠。 |
[SFn18] | 〔蕭 註18〕 巴利文sūkara-maddava是一個富爭論性的詞語,在《吉祥悅意》中的解釋是“不太老、不太嫩的豬的肉” ,但也有學者指是一種 “菌菇類食物”,漢譯本的《遊行經》譯作 “栴檀樹耳” 。原始佛教(中國人稱它為 “小乘佛教”)的戒律中沒有素食的規定,所以在原始佛教中的佛陀,吃別人如法供養的 “豬肉”或 “木耳” 都是不成問題的。 |
[SFn19] | 〔蕭 註19〕 阿羅邏.迦藍(Āḷāra Kālāma)是一位教授禪修的外道。悉達多太子(覺悟前的佛陀)在尋師訪道期間曾跟隨這位大師學習禪修。 |
[SFn20] | 〔蕭 註20〕 一隻腳比另一隻腳高些是避免腳眼雙疊而產生痛楚。 |
[PFn01] | 〔巴宙 註01〕 巴利原文為 Sukara-maddava 似為菌類植物 |
[AFn115] | (Ven. Anandajoti 115) Comm: Buddhānaṁ saṅkhalikāni viya ekābaddhāni hutvā ṭhitāni, tasmā pacchato apalokanakāle na sakkā hoti gīvaṁ parivattetuṁ; the Buddhas' (bones) are bound together like a chain, therefore at the time they look behind, they are unable to turn the neck. |
[AFn116] | (Ven. Anandajoti 116) Bhaṇḍa means goods, wares, merchandise, so the village was probably a market-town. |
[AFn117] | (Ven. Anandajoti 117) Compare this with section 13 above, which is almost identical, but the four things there are the Four Noble Truths. Compare also with the summary of the teaching given at the end of most sections. |
[AFn118] | (Ven. Anandajoti 118) The Commentary doesn't comment on this section and this and the next 3 terms do not seem to have been defined elsewhere either. Perhaps Ariyasīla would mean the Virtue section of the Eightfold Noble Path (Right Speech, Action and Livelihood); Ariyasamādhi the Concentrated (Development) section (Right Endeavour, Mindfulness and Concentration), Ariyapaññā the Wisdom section (Right View and Thought). Then Ariyavimutti would refer to Right Freedom (Sammāvimutti) and Right knowledge and Insight into Freedom (Sammāvimuttiñāṇadassana) in the extended Tenfold formula. |
[AFn119] | (Ven. Anandajoti 119) Saṁsarita and Saṁsāra are both derived from the verb saṁsarati, to run on, run along. Saṁsāra implies running on from birth to birth. |
[AFn120] | (Ven. Anandajoti 120) If the note above is correct then Ariyasamādhi refers to Right Endeavour, Mindfulness and Concentration, which means that Samādhi here must mean something more than simply concentration, being a concentrated development of the mind in various spheres. |
[AFn121] | (Ven. Anandajoti 121) This verse seems to have been spoken about the Buddha, not by him (it also occurs, however, with the same ascription, at AN Bks. 4.1 and 7.66). |
[AFn122] | (Ven. Anandajoti 122) Cakkhumā, the Buddha has the physical-eye (maṁsacakkhu), the divine-eye (dibbacakkhu), the wisdom-eye (paññācakkhu), the Buddha-eye, and the All-Round-eye (samantacakkhu). |
[AFn123] | (Ven. Anandajoti 123) Parse as mahā + apadesa. It should not be translated as authority, the authorities are actually stated below to be the Teaching and the Discipline (Dhammavinaya). |
[AFn124] | (Ven. Anandajoti 124) The Commentary has a hard time here explaining what is comprehended by Sutta and Vinaya, because the Abhidhamma is not mentioned explicitly. Eventually it settles on the following definition: Sutte ti Tepiṭake Buddhavacane otāretabbāni. Vinaye ti etasmiṁ rāgādivinayakāraṇe saṁsandetabbānī ti; alongside the Discourses, they should be laid alongside the Buddha's word in the Three Baskets. With the Discipline, they should be compared with the means of disciplining passion. |
[AFn125] | (Ven. Anandajoti 125) Commenting on this phrase the Commentary to AN (PTS 2:189) says: Dhammadharā ti Suttantapiṭakadharā, Vinayadharā ti Vinayapiṭakadharā, Mātikādharā ti Dvemātikādharā. The last item in defined therefore as being bearers of both the Bhikkhu- and Bhikkhuṇī-Pātimokkhā. |
[AFn126] | (Ven. Anandajoti 126) When we trace the last leg of this tour on a map it very much looks like the Buddha was actually heading for Kapilavatthu, where he had grown up and where his kinsfolk were, but attained parinibbāna before he could reach his destination. |
[AFn127] | (Ven. Anandajoti 127) Comm: Suvaṇṇakāraputtassa, the Gold Smith, I take -putta here as pleonastic, otherwise it would mean son of the (Gold-)Smith. |
[AFn128] | (Ven. Anandajoti 128) Sūkaramaddavan-ti nātitaruṇassa nātijiṇṇassa ekajeṭṭhakasūkarassa pavattamaṁsaṁ; tender pork means fresh meat from a great pig that is not too young nor too old. Elsewhere in the Commentaries there are some further suggestions: that it was made of soft rice cooked with the five products of a cow; an elixer of life (rasāyanavidhi); bamboo shoots trampled by pigs; or mushrooms. |
[AFn129] | (Ven. Anandajoti 129) It is presumably this passage which makes people think that the last meal was the cause of the Buddha's illness, however the Commentary denies this: bhuttassa udapādi, na pana bhuttapaccayā; it occurred when he had eaten, but not because he had eaten. |
[AFn130] | (Ven. Anandajoti 130) The Commentary notes: Imā gāthāyo Saṅgītikāle saṅgītikārakehi vuttā - these verses were spoken by the recitors at the time of the (first) Council. |
[AFn131] | (Ven. Anandajoti 131) The Commentary tells us that the Buddha had to sit down like this 25 times on the way from Pāvā to Kusinārā. |
[AFn132] | (Ven. Anandajoti 132) Āḷāra Kālāma had been one of the Gotama's early teachers, who taught him the attainment of the sphere of nothingness (ākiñcaññāyatana). The Bodhisatta wasn't satisfied with this though, and sought out another teacher, Udaka Rāmaputta. Nothing more is known about Āḷāra, but he was evidently an adept at absorption (jhāna), as the following story shows. |
[AFn133] | (Ven. Anandajoti 133) Comm: neva dakkhitī ti na addasa. Yatra saddayuttattā panetaṁ anāgatavasena vuttaṁ; he did not see, he didn't see. He used the future (tense) because of the connection with yatra. However, it appears dakkhiti is also used as a present tense verb. See PED *Dassati p. 316 where examples are given. |
[AFn134] | (Ven. Anandajoti 134) This is curious as Ānanda had made it a condition of his serving as attendant to the Buddha that he would not receive robes from him. The Commentary, quite embarrassed, has a weak explanation of the event, saying that his service to the Buddha had now come to an end. |
[AFn135] | (Ven. Anandajoti 135) Comm: Siṅgīvaṇṇan-ti gāthā Saṅgītikāle ṭhapitā; gold-coloured, this verse was placed (here) at the time of the (First) Council. |
[AFn136] | (Ven. Anandajoti 136) The Commentary explains that Ānanda was still wringing out his bathing robe (udakasāṭakaṁ), so the Buddha asked Cundaka to help. We can see from this and other references that it was normal for the monks to spread their robes on the floor and to sit or lie down on them. |
[AFn137] | (Ven. Anandajoti 137) Comm: imā pi gāthā Saṅgītikāle yeva ṭhapitā; these verses were placed (here) at the time of the (First) Council. |
[VFn36] | (Vajira-Francis 036) The Comy. says that the Buddhas, when looking back, turn the whole body round as an elephant does. |
[VFn37] | (Vajira-Francis 037) In the earlier edition of this work, mahapadesa was rendered as "great authorities." It is now known that the proper meaning of apadesa is not "authority," but "reference" or "source." Besides, from the passage it is clear that there are only two real "authorities" — the Discourses (Suttas) and the Discipline (Vinaya). |
[VFn38] | (Vajira-Francis 038) Sukara-maddava: a controversial term which has therefore been left untranslated. Sukara = pig; maddava = soft, tender, delicate. Hence two alternative renderings of the compound are possible: (1) the tender parts of a pig or boar; (2) what is enjoyed by pigs and boars. In the latter meaning, the term has been thought to refer to a mushroom or truffle, or a yam or tuber. K.E. Neumann, in the preface to his German translation of the Majjhima Nikaya, quotes from an Indian compendium of medicinal plants, the Rajanigantu, several plants beginning with sukara. The commentary to our text gives three alternative explanations: (1) the flesh from a single first-born (wild) pig, neither too young nor too old, which had come to hand naturally, i.e., without intentional killing; (2) a preparation of soft boiled rice cooked with the five cow-products; (3) a kind of alchemistic elixir (rasayanavidhi). Dhammapala, in his commentary to Udana VIII.5, gives, in addition, young bamboo shoots trampled by pigs (sukarehi maddita-vamsakaliro). |
[VFn39] | (Vajira-Francis 039) Comy.: "These verses, and several to follow, were inserted by the elders who collected the Dhamma (texts at the First Council)." |
[VFn40] | (Vajira-Francis 040) Alara Kalama was one of the Buddha's teachers before his Enlightenment. He taught the Bodhisatta how to attain the sphere of nothingness, but could not show him the path to Nibbana. |
巴利文經典最突出的特點,同時也是缺乏同情心的讀者最感厭倦的特點,就是單字、語句和整段文節的重複。這一部分是文法或至少是文體所產生的結果。 …,…,…,
…,…,…, 這種文句冗長的特性,另外還有一個原因,那就是在長時期中三藏經典只以口授相傳。 …,…,…,
…,…,…, 巴利文經典令人生厭的機械性的重覆敘述,也可能一部分是由於僧伽羅人(Sinhalese)不願遺失外國傳教師傳授給他們的聖語 …,…,…,
…,…,…, 重覆敘述不僅是說教記錄的特點,而且也是說教本身的特點。我們持有的版本,無疑地是把一段自由說教壓縮成為編有號碼的段落和重覆敘述的產品。佛陀所說的話一定比這些生硬的表格更為活潑柔軟得多。
(節錄自: 巴利系佛教史綱 第六章 聖典 二 摘錄 )