namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa


Dhammapada 法句經(第八:千品)

第八:千品(SAHASSAVAGGO)(The Thousand)
偈 頌 次 了參 法師 譯 敬法 法師 譯 英譯
100 雖誦一千言,若無義理者,不如一義語,聞已得寂靜。 一句有意義及聽後心得平靜的話,好過千句無意義、與證悟涅槃無關的話。 Rather then a thousand speeches without meaningful words, is better one meaningful word, after hearing which, one can attain calm.


( 典故 )

雖誦千句偈,若無義理者,不如一句偈,聞已得寂靜。 一首有意義及聽後心得平靜的偈,好過千首無意義、與證悟涅槃無關的偈。 Rather then a thousand verses without meaningful words, is better one word of a verse, after hearing which, one can attain calm.


103 ( 典故 )





Who should say even a hundred verses without meaningful words, better is one verse on the Dharma, after hearing which, one can attain calm.

If one should conquer thousands of people in the battle, and if one should conquer just one thing - himself, he indeed is the victor of the highest battle.







It is better to conquer oneself than to conquer other people. Of a person, who tamed himself, who is always acting with self-control,

not a god, not a Gandharva, not Mara with Brahma, can turn into defeat the victory of a person of such form.

106 月月投千(金)──供犧牲百年,不如須臾間,供養修己者,彼如是供養,勝祭祀百年。 雖人月復一月佈施千個錢幣(給普通人)長達百年,然而,向一位有修行的人頂禮一剎那,卻勝過百年的佈施(給普通人)。(註:錢在此可以是銅、銀或金的。有修行的人是指修習觀禪的比丘。) If one should sacrifice every month thousand times even by hundreds, and if one should even for a moment pay respects to somebody, who has developed himself, then such a devotion is better than hundred years of sacrifice.
107 若人一百年──事火於林中,不如須臾間,供養修己者,彼如是供養,勝祭祀百年。 雖人在林中拜祭聖火百年,然而,向一位有修行的人頂禮一剎那,卻勝過拜祭聖火百年。 Whatever person should worship fire in the forest for hundred years, and if one should even for a moment pay respects to somebody, who has developed himself, then such a devotion is better than hundred years of sacrifice.
108 若人於世間,施捨或供養,求福一週年,如是諸功德,不及四分一,禮敬正直者。 雖人整年作了許多大小佈施,然而這一切佈施卻比不上向行正道的聖者頂禮的福業的四份之一。 Whatever sacrifice or oblation in the world might someone sacrifice in a year, looking for merit, all that is not worth one fourth. Showing respect to those of upright conduct is better.
109 好樂敬禮者,常尊於長老,四法得增長:壽美樂與力。 時常尊敬長輩及具德者之人的四種利益會增長,即:壽命、美貌、快樂與力量。 For somebody, who is showing respect to those of virtuous character, who is always paying homage to the venerable ones, four things grow for him: life-span, beauty of complexion, happiness, strength.
110 若人壽百歲──破戒無三昧,不如生一日──持戒修禪定。 有德及有禪修的一天,好過無德與不能自制諸根的百年生命。 Who would live for hundred years, with bad morality, without a firm mind, better is the life for one day of somebody who is virtuous and meditating.
111 若人壽百歲──無慧無三昧,不如生一日──具慧修禪定。 禪修智者的一天,好過不能自制諸根之愚人的百年生命。 Who would live for hundred years, without wisdom, without a firm mind, better is the life for one day of somebody who is wise and meditating.


( 典故 )

若人壽百歲──怠惰不精進,不如生一日──勵力行精進。 精進於禪修者的一天,好過怠惰之人的百年生命。 Who would live for hundred years, indolent and of poor effort, better is the life for one day of somebody who has undertaken a firm effort.
113 若人壽百歲──不見生滅法,不如生一日──得見生滅法。 ( 113 研讀 ) 知見五蘊生滅者的一天,好過不能知見五蘊生滅者的百年生命。 Who would live for hundred years, not seeing rise and fall of things, better is the life for one day of somebody who is seeing their rise and fall.
114 若人壽百歲──不見不死道,不如生一日──得見不死道。 知見不死道(涅槃)者的一天,好過不能知見不死道者的百年生命。 Who would live for hundred years, not seeing the state of deathlessness, better is the life for one day of somebody who is seeing the state of deathlessness.
115 若人壽百歲──不見最上法,不如生一日──得見最上法。 知見至上法者的一天,好過不能知見至上法者的百年生命。(註:至上法是指九出世間法,即:四道、四果及涅槃。) Who would live for hundred years, not seeing the highest Law, better is the life for one day of somebody who is seeing the highest Law.

備註:英譯可參考 "佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 巴利語教學 經文選讀 (英)

巴利文經典最突出的特點,同時也是缺乏同情心的讀者最感厭倦的特點,就是單字、語句和整段文節的重複。這一部分是文法或至少是文體所產生的結果。 …,…,…,

…,…,…, 這種文句冗長的特性,另外還有一個原因,那就是在長時期中三藏經典只以口授相傳。 …,…,…,

…,…,…, 巴利文經典令人生厭的機械性的重覆敘述,也可能一部分是由於僧伽羅人(Sinhalese)不願遺失外國傳教師傳授給他們的聖語 …,…,…,

…,…,…, 重覆敘述不僅是說教記錄的特點,而且也是說教本身的特點。我們持有的版本,無疑地是把一段自由說教壓縮成為編有號碼的段落和重覆敘述的產品。佛陀所說的話一定比這些生硬的表格更為活潑柔軟得多。

(節錄自: 巴利系佛教史綱 第六章 聖典 二 摘錄 )