Dhammapada 法句經(第二十五:比丘品)
偈 頌 次 | 了參 法師 譯 | 敬法 法師 譯 | 英譯 |
360 361 |
善哉制於眼。善哉制於耳。善哉制於鼻。善哉制於舌。 善哉制於身。善哉制於語。善哉制於意。善哉制一切,制一切比丘,解脫一切苦。 |
律儀眼是好的,律儀耳是好的,律儀鼻是好的,律儀舌是好的, 律儀身是好的,律儀語是好的,律儀意是好的,律儀諸根是好的,律儀諸根的比丘得以解脫一切苦。 |
Restraint over the eye is good. Good is restraint over the ear. Restraint over the nose is good. Good is restraint over the tongue. Restraint over the body is good. Good is restraint over the speech. Restraint over the mind is good. Good is restraint everywhere. The monk who is restrained everywhere will be freed from all suffering. |
362 | 調御手足及言語,調御最高(之頭首),心喜於禪住於定,獨居知足名比丘。 | 制御己手、制御己足、制御己語、能夠完全自我控制、樂於修觀與平靜、獨處與知足的人是為比丘。 | Who has control over his hands, feet and speech, who is fully controlled, with inward joy and firm, in solitude and contented - him do people call a monk. |
363 | 比丘調於語,善巧而寂靜,顯示法與義,所說甚和婉。 | 比丘制御自己的言語,以平靜的心善巧地說話,能解說法的涵義。這比丘的話是柔和甜美的。 | Sweet is the speech of the monk, who has control over his mouth, speaks cleverly, is not proud, and explains the Dharma and its meaning. |
364 | 住法之樂園,喜法與隨法,思惟憶念法,比丘不復退。 | 住於法、樂於法、禪修法、憶念法的比丘不會脫離正法。(註:在此法是指 saddhamma「正法」,即三十七菩提分及九出世間法。) | The monk who is delighting in the Dharma, devoted to the Dharma, pondering the Dharma and always bearing the Dharma in mind, will never fall away from the true Dharma. |
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莫輕自所得;寞羨他所得。比丘羨他(得),不證三摩地。 比丘所得雖少,而不輕嫌所得,生活清淨不怠,實為諸天稱讚。 |
不應輕視自己所得的,也莫妒嫉他人所得的。妒嫉他人的比丘不會獲得定力。 若比丘所得雖少,卻不輕視自己所得的,諸天肯定會稱讚這生活清淨與不怠惰的人。 |
One should not neglect one's own spiritual gain. One should not envy others. The monk who envies others will not attain concentration. Even the gods praise the monk, who is living a pure life and is active, who does not neglect his spiritual profit, even though he has few material gains. |
367 | 若於名與色,不著我我所,非有故無憂,彼實稱比丘。 | 不視名色為「我和我的」,及不為名色的壞滅感到憂悲者是真正的比丘。 | Who is not attached to anything in his whole mind and body, who does not grieve for nonexistent things, he is truly called a monk. |
368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 |
住於慈悲比丘,喜悅佛陀教法,到達寂靜安樂,諸行解脫境界。 比丘汲此舟(水),(水)去則舟輕快。斷除貪欲瞋恚,則得證於涅槃。 五斷及五棄,而五種勤修。越五著比丘──名渡瀑流者。 修定莫放逸,心莫惑於欲!莫待吞鐵丸,燒然乃苦號! 無慧者無定,無定者無慧。兼具定與慧,彼實近涅槃。 比丘入屏虛,彼之心寂靜,審觀於正法,得受超人樂。 若人常正念:諸蘊之生滅,獲得喜與樂,知彼得不死。 若智慧比丘,於世先作是:攝根及知足,護持別解脫。 態度須誠懇,行為須端正;是故彼多樂,得滅盡諸苦。 |
住於慈愛及勤修正法的比丘將會證悟寂靜、無為與安樂的涅槃。 諸比丘,汲掉這船(身)的水(邪念)。汲掉水後,船就能迅速地行駛。在斷除貪欲與瞋恨後你將會證悟涅槃。 斷除五個(低層次的結)(11)、捨棄五個(高層次的結)(12)及培育五個(五根)(13)。已脫離五種執著(14)的比丘被稱為「已渡過瀑流者」。 修禪吧,比丘。莫放逸、莫讓心沉迷於欲樂。莫失念與吞(熱)鐵丸;當你被獄火焚燒時,莫哀號「這真是苦」。 無慧者無定,無定者亦無慧。具足定慧兩者的人,真的已近涅槃。 比丘去到僻靜處(修禪),他的心是平靜的,能清晰地知見正法,體驗到凡夫所無之樂。 每當觀照五蘊的生滅時,他獲得喜樂。對於智者來說,這即是朝向涅槃之道。 對於有智慧的比丘,開始修行時應:防護感官、知足、遵守別解脫律儀(15)、親近精進與生活清淨的善友、友善及行為端正。然後,在(時常)充滿喜悅之下,他將滅盡苦惱(生死輪迴)。 (註11)五個低層次的結: sakkayaditthi「身見」、vicikkiccha「疑」、ilabbataparamasa「戒禁取見」、kamaraga「欲欲」與 byapada「瞋恨」。 (註12)五個高層次的結: ruparaga「色欲」、 aruparaga「無色欲」、mana「慢」、uddhacca「掉舉」及 avijja「無明」。 (註13)五根是信、精進、念、定與慧。 (註14)五種執著是貪、瞋、痴、慢與邪見。 (註15)別解脫是比丘的根本戒。 |
The monk, who is abiding in loving-kindness and trusting in the Buddha's teaching, will acquire the peaceful state of Nirvana, quieting of all conditioned things and happiness. Empty this boat, monk! Empty it will travel quickly. Having cut off passion and hatred, you will approach the Nirvana. Cut off five things, abandon five, five further cultivate. The monk who has overcome five attachments is called the one who has crossed over the flood. Meditate, o monk! Don't be negligent! Let your mind not wander in the five strands of sensual pleasures. Don't negligently swallow the metal ball. When you are burning, don't lament, "This is suffering!" There is no meditation for the ignorant one. There is no wisdom for someone, who does not meditate. Who has both wisdom and meditation, he is indeed close to the Nirvana. The monk, who dwells in solitude, whose mind is tranquil, and who truly sees the Dharma with insight, experiences superhuman joy. Whenever one understands thoroughly the rise and fall of the five aggregates, he will obtain joy and happiness. For those, who understand, this is known as "the deathlessness". This here are the basic tasks for the wise monk: watchfulness over his senses, contentment and restraint in the monk's precepts. Associate with virtuous friends who are of pure livelihood and active. Act friendly and let your behavior be good. Then, full of joy, you will make an end of suffering. |
377 | 如跋悉迦花,枯萎而凋謝,汝等諸比丘,棄貪瞋亦爾。 | 諸比丘,如娃斯迦樹令其枯萎的花脫落一般,你們亦應捨棄貪欲與瞋恨。 | Just like the jasmine sheds its withered flowers, so you should shed passion and hatred, monks. |
378 | 身靜及語靜,心寂住三昧,捨俗樂比丘,是名寂靜者。 | 身語意皆平靜、善於得定、及已捨棄世俗快樂的比丘是為「寂靜者」。 | The monk who is calm in body, calm in speech, tranquil, composed, and has discarded all worldly gains, is called calmed. |
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汝當自警策,汝應自反省!自護與正念,比丘住安樂。 自為自保護。自為自依怙。自為自調御,如商調良馬。 |
比丘,你應訓誡自己、檢討自己、防護自己及保持正念,如此你將生活安樂。 自己的確是自己的依歸,(他人怎能成為自己的依歸?)自己的確是自己的依靠。因此,你應如馬簡看護良馬般地看護自己。 |
You yourself exhort and control yourself. The monk, who is self-guarded and mindful, will live happily. One is indeed one's own lord. One is indeed one's own destiny. Therefore restrain yourself, just like a merchant restrains a good horse. |
381 | 比丘具歡喜心,誠信佛陀教法,到達寂靜安樂,諸行解脫境界。 | 常充滿喜悅與勤修正法的比丘將證悟寂靜、無為與安樂的涅槃。 | The monk who is full of joy and trusting in the Buddha's teaching, will acquire the peaceful state of Nirvana, quieting of all conditioned things and happiness. |
382 | 比丘雖年少,勤行佛陀教,彼輝耀此世,如月出雲翳。 | 比丘雖然年輕,若勤修正法,亦會照耀這世間,如無雲之月。 | The monk who, while young, practices the teaching of the Buddha, illuminates this world like a moon freed from cloud. |
備註:英譯可參考 "佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 巴利語教學 經文選讀 (英)
巴利文經典最突出的特點,同時也是缺乏同情心的讀者最感厭倦的特點,就是單字、語句和整段文節的重複。這一部分是文法或至少是文體所產生的結果。 …,…,…,
…,…,…, 這種文句冗長的特性,另外還有一個原因,那就是在長時期中三藏經典只以口授相傳。 …,…,…,
…,…,…, 巴利文經典令人生厭的機械性的重覆敘述,也可能一部分是由於僧伽羅人(Sinhalese)不願遺失外國傳教師傳授給他們的聖語 …,…,…,
…,…,…, 重覆敘述不僅是說教記錄的特點,而且也是說教本身的特點。我們持有的版本,無疑地是把一段自由說教壓縮成為編有號碼的段落和重覆敘述的產品。佛陀所說的話一定比這些生硬的表格更為活潑柔軟得多。
(節錄自: 巴利系佛教史綱 第六章 聖典 二 摘錄 )