Dhammapada 法句經(第二十四:愛欲品)
偈 頌 次 | 了參 法師 譯 | 敬法 法師 譯 | 英譯 |
334 335 336 337 |
若住於放逸,愛增如蔓蘿。(此)生又(彼)生,如猿求林果。 若於此世界,為惡欲纏縛,憂苦日增長,如毘羅得雨。 若於此世界,降難降愛欲,憂苦自除落,如水滴蓮葉。 我說此善事:汝等集於此,掘愛欲之根,如求毘羅那,掘去其甜根。勿再為魔王,屢屢害汝等,如洪水(侵)葦。 |
沉於怠惰之人的渴愛有如蔓藤般滋長。他有如林裡貪吃果子的猴子,從這一世跳到那一世。 在這世上,對於為卑劣的渴愛所控制的人,他的痛苦就會增長,有如受到好好澆水的野草般增長。 在這世上,對於能克服這難以克服的卑劣渴愛之人,他的痛苦則會消失,就有如水珠從荷葉上掉落一般。 如是我當向你們這些在此集會的人宣說此善法:「有如在掘一枝良好的樹根一樣,把渴愛連根拔起。別讓魔王不斷地折磨你,有如洪水不斷沖擊蘆葦般折磨你。」 |
The thirst of the person of careless actions grows just like a creeper. He flows from existence to existence, just like a monkey in the forest desiring fruits. Who in this world is conquered by this miserable thirst and craving, his sorrows grow, like grass after rains. Who in this world conquers this miserable thirst that is difficult to overcome, sorrows fall down from him, like a drop of water from a lotus. I tell you this; bless all of you that have come here. Dig up the root of thirst, like somebody desiring a Usira root would cut off the Birana grass. Let not Mara break you again and again, like a stream breaks a reed. |
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不傷深固根,雖伐樹還生。愛欲不斷根,苦生亦復爾。 彼具三十六(愛)流,勢強奔流向欲境,是則彼具邪見人,為欲思惟漂蕩去。 (欲)流處處流,蔓蘿盛發芽。汝見蔓蘿生,以慧斷其根。 世喜悅(欲)滋潤,亦喜馳逐六塵。彼雖向樂求樂,但唯得於生滅。 隨逐愛欲人,馳迴如網兔。纏縛於(煩惱),再再長受苦。 隨逐愛欲人,馳迴如網兔。比丘求無欲,故須自離欲。 |
如被砍倒的樹,若其根未受損而深固,它即會重生。同樣地,若潛伏的渴愛未被根除,此苦(生老死)即會不斷地生起。 那持有邪見及具有奔向欲境的三十六道強(愛)流之人,為欲思惟沖走。 渴愛之流奔向一切感官目標;渴愛之藤自(六門)而生,及纏住(六塵)。看到渴愛之藤在滋長,你應以道智砍斷其根。 在眾生之中,流著的是受到渴愛滋潤的快樂。那些執著與追求欲樂的眾生,必須遭受生與老。 為渴愛所困的人驚慌得有如落網的野兔。他被束縛緊緊地綁住,必須長期受苦(生死輪迴) 為渴愛所困的人驚慌得有如落網的野兔。因此,想令自己獲得解脫者應滅除渴愛。 |
Just like the tree will grow again if it is cut down, but its roots are strong and uninjured, so this suffering will come back again and again if the dormant craving is not destroyed. The person in whom strong and carrying thirty-six streams flow towards the pleasurable things, is carried towards wrong views by his thoughts full of passion. The streams flow everywhere. The creeper sprung up and stands firm. Having seen that creeper grown, cut off its root with your wisdom. People experience joy that is flowing in from the senses and is full of desires. Those people attached to pleasure and desiring happiness, will undergo birth and old age. People followed by thirst crawl around like a captured hare. Bound by the bonds of the Ten Fetters, they will undergo suffering again and again, for a long time. People followed by thirst crawl around like a captured hare. Therefore you should remove thirst and wish for being free of passions yourselves. |
344 | 捨欲喜林間,離欲復向欲,當觀於此人;解縛復向縛。 | 在捨離欲林(即俗家生活)之後,他去到修行林(即比丘生活)。但當離開欲林之後,他卻又趕著回去那欲林。看吧,這已獲得自由者又趕著重投束縛。 | Imagine somebody who is free from the householder's life, inclined to live as a monk. Then, free of the forest of the householder's life, he runs back to it. Come and look at that person! After being set free, he runs back to the bond! |
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鐵木麻作者,智說非堅縛。迷戀妻子財,(是實)為堅(縛)。 能引墮落者,智說為堅縛。彼雖似寬緩,而實難解脫。斷此無著者,捨欲而出家。 |
智者不會說由鐵、木與麻繩所造的束縛是堅牢的;他們只說對珠寶、妻子與兒女的渴愛執著的束縛才是堅牢的。它們把人拖到(惡道)去;雖然看似柔軟卻難以解除,智者斷除此渴愛之束縛,堅決地捨棄欲樂與出家去。 | That fetter is not really strong, say the wise, that is made of iron, wood or grass. Strong infatuation with gems and ornaments, whatever longing there is for sons and wives, That fetter is really strong, say the wise, it seems loose, but it leads you astray and is difficult to be freed from. Having cut off this fetter, those without desire wander about as monks, having abandoned all sensual pleasures. |
347 | 彼耽於欲隨(欲)流,投自結網如蜘蛛。斷此(縛)而無著者,離一切苦而遨遊。 | 執著渴愛的人隨著自己所造的欲流而去,如蜘蛛投向自己所結的網。智者斷除渴愛之束縛,捨離一切苦而遨遊。 | Those who are excited by passion fall into the current as if a spider would fall into his own web. Having cut off this, the wise ones without desires wander about as monks, having abandoned all suffering. |
348 | 捨過現未來,而渡於彼岸。心解脫一切,不再受生老。 | 捨棄過去、末來與現在。在到達最後一生之後,心已解脫一切,你將不會再有生與老。 | Let go of the past, let go of the future. Let go of the present. When you cross over to the other shore of existence, and your mind will be completely free, you will never again come to birth and aging. |
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惡想所亂者,求樂欲熾然,彼欲倍增長,自作堅牢縛。 喜離惡想者,常念於不淨。當除於愛欲,不為魔羅縛。 |
對於受到欲念擾亂的人,他的渴愛很強,不斷把事物看成美好,其渴愛也不斷地增長。誠然,他弄到自己的束縛更為堅牢。 樂於平息(欲)念及時刻保持正念的人,觀照(身等)不淨,肯定能夠脫離渴愛。此人將會斷除魔王的束縛。 |
The thirst of a person who has confused thoughts, is strongly passionate and contemplates only the pleasant things will only grow more. Such a person makes his fetters stronger. Who is devoted to calming of thoughts, meditates on impurity, is always mindful, such a person will put an end to craving. Such a person will cut off the fetters of Mara. |
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達究竟處無畏,離愛欲無垢穢,斷除生有之箭,此為彼最後身。 離欲無染者,通達詞無礙,善知義與法,及字聚次第,彼為最後身,大智大丈夫。 |
已證得阿羅漢果的人是無畏、無貪與無煩惱的。他已斷除了生命之剌(例如渴愛)。這是他的最後一生。 無貪欲、無執著、通達聖典的詞義語法與次第的人是為「此生是最後一生的大智者、大丈夫」。 |
One who has attained perfection, is without fear, free of thirst and pure, cut off the arrows of existence. For such a one, this is the very last life. If one who is without thirst, free of attachments and skilled in the language of the scriptures should know the arrangement of the texts in the right sequence, he then is known as a great person of great wisdom, living his last life. |
353 | 我降伏一切,我了知一切。一切法無染,離棄於一切,滅欲得解脫,自證誰稱師? | 我已征服了一切、了知一切、不執著一切、捨棄一切。在滅除了貪欲之後(即證得阿羅漢果),我脫離了諸煩惱。自證四聖諦之後,我應稱誰為師? | I have conquered all and know everything. I am unstained by anything. I have given up everything, freed through destruction of thirst. I have found all out by myself; whom should I point out as my teacher? |
354 | 諸施法施勝;諸味法味勝;諸喜法喜勝;除愛勝諸苦。 | 在一切施之中,法施最殊勝;在一切味之中,法味最殊勝;在一切悅之中,法悅最殊勝:滅除渴愛戰勝了一切苦(生死輪迴)。 | The gift of Dharma conquers all gifts. The taste of Dharma excels all tastes. The joy of Dharma excels all joys. The destruction of thirst conquers all suffering. |
355 | 財富毀滅愚人,決非求彼岸者。愚人為財欲害,自害如(害)他人。 | 財富毀滅愚人,但毀不了尋求彼岸之人。愚人以對財富的貪欲毀滅了自己,如害他人般害了自己。 | Possessions hurt the stupid, but not those who are in search for the opposite shore of suffering. With his thirst for possessions the fool hurts the others as well as himself. |
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雜草害田地,貪欲害世人。施與離貪者,故得大果報。 雜草害田地,瞋恚害世人。施與離瞋者,故得大果報。 雜草害田地,愚癡害世人。施與離癡者,故得大果報。 雜草害田地,欲望害世人。施與離欲者,故得大果報。 |
雜草損壞了田地;貪欲害慘了眾生。因此施予離貪者,必將獲得大果報(10)。 (註10)大果報即是大福報。 雜草損壞了田地;瞋恨害慘了眾生。因此施予離瞋者,必將獲得大果報。 雜草損壞了田地;愚痴害慘了眾生。因此施予離痴者,必將獲得大果報。 雜草損壞了田地;欲望害慘了眾生。因此施予離欲者,必將獲得大果報。 |
Fields are ruined by weeds. This mankind is ruined by passions. Therefore, what is given to those devoid of passions brings much fruit. Fields are ruined by weeds. This mankind is ruined by hatred. Therefore, what is given to those devoid of hatred brings much fruit. Fields are ruined by weeds. This mankind is ruined by delusion. Therefore, what is given to those devoid of delusion brings much fruit. Fields are ruined by weeds. This mankind is ruined by desires. Therefore, what is given to those devoid of desires brings much fruit. |
備註:英譯可參考 "佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 巴利語教學 經文選讀 (英)
巴利文經典最突出的特點,同時也是缺乏同情心的讀者最感厭倦的特點,就是單字、語句和整段文節的重複。這一部分是文法或至少是文體所產生的結果。 …,…,…,
…,…,…, 這種文句冗長的特性,另外還有一個原因,那就是在長時期中三藏經典只以口授相傳。 …,…,…,
…,…,…, 巴利文經典令人生厭的機械性的重覆敘述,也可能一部分是由於僧伽羅人(Sinhalese)不願遺失外國傳教師傳授給他們的聖語 …,…,…,
…,…,…, 重覆敘述不僅是說教記錄的特點,而且也是說教本身的特點。我們持有的版本,無疑地是把一段自由說教壓縮成為編有號碼的段落和重覆敘述的產品。佛陀所說的話一定比這些生硬的表格更為活潑柔軟得多。
(節錄自: 巴利系佛教史綱 第六章 聖典 二 摘錄 )