Dhammapada 法句經(第十八:垢穢品)
偈 頌 次 | 了參 法師 譯 | 敬法 法師 譯 | 英譯 |
235 236 237 238 |
汝今已似枯燋葉,閻魔使者近身邊。汝已佇立死門前,旅途汝亦無資糧。 汝宜自造安全洲。迅速精勤為智者。拂除塵垢無煩惱,得達諸天之聖境。 汝今壽命行已終。汝已移步近閻魔。道中既無停息處,旅途汝亦無資糧。 汝宜自造安全洲。迅速精勤為智者。拂除塵垢無煩惱,不復重來生與老。 |
如今你就像一片枯葉,死亡使者已在你近旁;你就快要開始漫長的旅程了,然而卻沒有旅費。 你應當為自己建個歸依處,快快勤修以成為智者。在清除污垢與解脫煩惱之後,你會上生天界的聖地。 你的生命已到了終點,就快要去見死亡之王了,途中又沒有休息站,然而你卻沒有旅費。 你應當為自己建個歸依處,快快勤修以成為智者。在清除污垢與解脫煩惱之後,你將不會再有生與老。(註:漫長的旅程是指生死輪迴。Dibbam ariyabhumim「天界聖地」即是色界天的淨居天,只有阿那含聖者才能投生其地。) |
You are like a withered leaf. Yama's men are ready for you. You are standing in the mouth of death. And you have nothing to take with you. Be an island unto yourself! Strive quickly; be wise! Without impurities and clear, you will approach the heavenly place of the Noble Ones. You have come to the end of your life now. You are getting close to the presence of Yama. On the way there, there is no resting place for you. And you have nothing to take with you. Be an island unto yourself! Strive quickly; be wise! Without impurities and clear, you will never again come to birth and aging. |
239 | 剎那剎那間,智者分分除,漸拂自垢穢,如冶工鍛金。 | 智者漸次地、一點點地、剎那至剎那地清除自己的污垢,如同金匠清除銀或金的雜質。 | A wise one should cleanse oneself of impurities, gradually, little by little, moment by moment - just like a smith does with silver. |
240 | 如鐵自生鏽,生已自腐蝕,犯罪者亦爾,自業導惡趣。 | 如鐵銹自鐵而生,生銹後反蝕其鐵;同樣地,造惡者的惡業導致他投生惡道。 | Just like rust eats the very iron from which it has arisen, so the one who is indulging too much in the use of four requisites of a monk is led to a miserable existence by his own deeds. |
241 | 不誦經典穢,不勤為家穢。懶惰為色穢,放逸護衛穢。 | 不背誦是學習的污垢,不維修是屋子的污垢,懈怠是美貌的污垢,無正念是守護者的污垢。 | Non-studying is the stain of sacred texts. Neglect is the stain of houses. The stain of beauty is idleness. The stain of a guard is negligence. |
242 243 |
邪行婦人穢,吝嗇施者穢。此界及他界,惡去實為穢。 此等諸垢中,無明垢為最,汝當除此垢,成無垢比丘! |
邪淫是婦女的污垢,吝嗇是施者的污垢;惡法的確是今生與來世的污垢。 比這些更糟的污垢是無明,它是最大的污垢。諸比丘,當捨棄這污垢,以成為無垢之人。 |
Wrong conduct is the stain of a woman. Stinginess is the stain of a donor. Evil things are impure - in this world as well as in the other one. Ignorance is the ultimate stain, greater than any of these other stains. Having abandoned this stain, be pure, monks. |
244 245 |
生活無慚愧,鹵莽如烏鴉,詆毀(於他人),大膽自誇張,傲慢邪惡者,其人生活易。 生活於慚愧,常求於清淨,不著欲謙遜,住清淨生活,(富於)識見者,其人生活難。 |
無恥與勇若鳥鴉者的生活是容易的,他兩舌、虛偽、傲慢與腐敗。 知恥與常求清淨者的生活是艱難的,他無著、謙虛、有禮、清淨活命及有智見。 |
Easy is life for somebody who is shameless, unconscientious, offensive, braggart, reckless and impure. And difficult is life for somebody who has conscience, is always striving for purity, sincere and cautious, of clean livelihood and seeing the truth. |
246 247 248 |
若人於世界,殺生說妄語,取人所不與,犯於別人妻。 及耽湎飲酒,行為如是者,即於此世界,毀掘自(善)根。 如是汝應知:不制則為惡;莫貪與非法,自陷於水苦。 |
在今世殺生、說妄語、盜取不與之物、犯邪淫及沉湎於飲酒的人,連自己今生的根也都給掘毀了。 你應當知道:「不自制即為惡。」莫讓貪與非法帶給自己長久的痛苦。 |
Who kills living beings, speaks falsely, takes whatever in the world is not given and goes to another's wife, And whichever person enjoys drinking alcohol, he digs out his own roots right here in this world. My dear man, know this: evil things are difficult to restrain. Let not greed and injustice bring you suffering for a long time. |
249 250 |
若信樂故施。心嫉他得食,彼於晝或夜,不得入三昧。 若斬斷此(心),拔根及除滅,則於晝或夜,彼得入三昧。 |
人們依照信心與喜好而行佈施。若人對他人所受的飲食心懷不滿,其心晝夜皆不得安定。 若人能斷除、根除與消滅此不滿,其心晝夜皆得安定。 |
People give alms according to their faith and gratification. In this matter, who is discontented with others' food and drink, he will never attain concentration, by day or night. And who has cut off, removed and destroyed by the rot such thinking, he will attain concentration, by day or night. |
251 | 無火等於貪欲,無執著如瞋恚,無網等於愚癡,無河流如愛欲。 | 無(任何)火可相等於貪欲(之火),無(任何)執著可相等於瞋(的執著),無(任何)羅網可相等於痴(的羅網),無(任何)河流可相等於渴愛(之流)。 | There is no fire like passion. There is no grasp like hatred. There is no net like delusion. There is no river like thirst. |
252 | 易見他人過,自見則為難。揚惡如颺糠,已過則覆匿,如彼狡博者,隱匿其格利。 | 要見到他人的過失是很容易的,但要看到自己的過失卻很難。他如同播掉穀糠般宣揚他人的過失,卻如同遮蔽自己的狡猾捕鳥者(5)般隱藏自己的過失。 (註5)原文是 satho「賭徒」,註疏解釋它為捕鳥者。 |
Easy to see are faults of others; one's own faults are difficult to see. One exposes the faults of others like husks. One's own conceals like a cheating player of dice an unlucky throw. |
253 | 若見他人過,心常易忿者,增長於煩惱;去斷惑遠矣。 | 常挑他人的過失及貶抑他人者,其煩惱增長。滅煩惱離他真是遙遠。 | Who finds faults with others and is always irritable, his taints only grow. He is far away from dissolution of taints. |
254 255 |
虛空無道跡,外道無沙門。眾生喜虛妄,如來無虛妄。 虛空無道跡,外道無沙門。(五)蘊無常住,諸佛無動亂。 |
虛空中沒有行道,正法之外無聖沙門。凡夫樂於延長輪迴的束縛,諸佛皆已解脫這些束縛。 虛空中沒有行道,正法之外無聖沙門。沒有任何有為法(6)是永恆的,諸佛皆不受動搖。 (註6)有為法是由因緣和合而生之法,即一切名色法。 |
There are no tracks in the sky. There is not a true monk outside of this teaching. Mankind delights in obsession. The Buddhas are free of obsession. There are no tracks in the sky. There is not a true monk outside of this teaching. There are no conditioned things that are eternal. There is no instability in the Buddhas. |
備註:英譯可參考 "佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 巴利語教學 經文選讀 (英)
巴利文經典最突出的特點,同時也是缺乏同情心的讀者最感厭倦的特點,就是單字、語句和整段文節的重複。這一部分是文法或至少是文體所產生的結果。 …,…,…,
…,…,…, 這種文句冗長的特性,另外還有一個原因,那就是在長時期中三藏經典只以口授相傳。 …,…,…,
…,…,…, 巴利文經典令人生厭的機械性的重覆敘述,也可能一部分是由於僧伽羅人(Sinhalese)不願遺失外國傳教師傳授給他們的聖語 …,…,…,
…,…,…, 重覆敘述不僅是說教記錄的特點,而且也是說教本身的特點。我們持有的版本,無疑地是把一段自由說教壓縮成為編有號碼的段落和重覆敘述的產品。佛陀所說的話一定比這些生硬的表格更為活潑柔軟得多。
(節錄自: 巴利系佛教史綱 第六章 聖典 二 摘錄 )