Dhammapada 法句經(第十:刀杖品)
偈 頌 次 | 了參 法師 譯 | 敬法 法師 譯 | 英譯 |
129 | 一切懼刀杖,一切皆畏死,以自度(他情),莫殺教他殺。 | 一切眾生都害怕刑罰,都害怕死亡。推己及人,人們不應殺害他人,或唆使他人殺害生命。 | Everybody trembles at punishment; everybody fears death. Having made the comparison with oneself, let one not kill, nor cause another to kill. |
130 | 一切懼刀杖,一切皆愛生,以自度(他情),莫殺教他殺。 | 一切眾生都害怕刑罰,都愛惜自己的生命。推己及人,人們不應殺害他人,或唆使他人殺害生命。 | Everybody trembles at punishment; life is dear to everybody. Having made the comparison with oneself, let one not kill, nor cause another to kill. |
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於求樂有情,刀杖加惱害,但求自己樂,後世樂難得。 於求樂有情,不加刀杖害,欲求自己樂,後世樂可得。 |
傷害他人以求己樂者,來世不得安樂。 不傷害他人以求己樂者,來世得享安樂。 |
Who hurts with a stick beings that desire happiness, searching for happiness himself, he will not reach happiness after death. Who does not hurt with a stick beings that desire happiness, searching for happiness himself, he will reach happiness after death. |
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對人莫說粗惡語,汝所說者還說汝。憤怒之言實堪痛;互擊刀杖可傷汝。 汝若自默然,如一破銅鑼,已得涅槃路;於汝無諍故。 |
莫向任何人粗言惡語,受辱罵者將會反擊。憤怒之言的確是苦因,換來的只是痛擊。 若你能保持沉默平靜,像一隻破裂之鼓不再聲響,你肯定會證悟涅槃,不再存有憤怒。 |
Do not say anything harsh, those spoken to might reply to that. Angry talk is painful, retribution might be attached to it. If you yourself do not vibrate, just like a broken gong, then you have reached Nirvana. Anger does not exist for you. |
135 | 如牧人以杖,驅牛至牧場,如是老與死.驅逐眾生命。 | 如同牧牛者以棍棒驅趕牛群至牧場,老與死亦在驅逐著眾生的壽命。 | Just like a cowherd drives cows to pasture with a stick, so old age and death drive the life of living beings. |
136 | 愚夫造作諸惡業,卻不自知(有果報),癡人以自業感苦,宛如以火而自燒。 | 愚人造惡時不知其惡,然而他卻因自己的惡業而受苦,如同被火焚燒的人。 | A fool does not realize when he is committing bad deeds. The stupid person is tormented by his own deeds just as if burned by fire. |
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若以刀杖害,無惡無害者,十事中一種,彼將迅速得。 極苦痛失財,身體被損害,或重病所逼,或失心狂亂。 或為王迫害,或被誣重罪,或眷屬離散,或破滅財產。 或彼之房屋,為劫火焚燒。癡者身亡後,復墮於地獄。 |
若人以棍棒傷害無害、不當受到傷害的人,他會很快就遭受到以下十種惡果之一: 他會遭受到劇痛,或不幸,或身體傷殘,或重病,或發瘋,或因國王發怒而遭殃,或被誣陷,或失去親人,或財產破毀,或家被火燒毀。該愚人死後將會墮入地獄。 |
Who offends with a stick somebody who is uncorrupted and without violence, he will quickly go to one of the ten states: He would get harsh pain, loss of property, and bodily injury, serious illness, or derangement of mind. Or a trouble from the king, and cruel accusations, or loss of relatives, or destruction of wealth. Or then a blazing fire will burn his houses. And after death this fool will be reborn in hell. |
141 | 非裸行結髮,非塗泥絕食,臥地自塵身,非以蹲踞(住),不斷疑惑者,能令得清淨。 | 不是裸行,不是結,不是以泥塗身,不是睡在露天之下,不是以灰塵塗身,也不是蹲著勤修能夠清淨還未破除疑惑的人。 | Not wandering around naked, not matted hair, not mud on the body, not fasting, nor lying on the bare ground, dust and sweat, sitting on one's heels - nothing can purify a mortal who has not overcome his doubts. |
142 | 嚴身住寂靜,調御而克制,必然修梵行,不以刀杖等,加害諸有情,彼即婆羅門,彼即是沙門,彼即是比丘。 | 雖有莊嚴其身,若他是平靜的、脫離了煩惱、制伏了諸根、擁有道智、完全清淨及捨棄了對一切眾生的瞋恨,那麼,他的確是婆羅門,是沙門,是比丘。(註:在此,婆羅門、沙門與比丘都是指阿羅漢。) | Even if one would walk around like an adorned man, [but he would be] peaceful, self-controlled, restrained and pure, having given up punishing of all living beings, he is a Brahmin, he is a recluse, he is a monk. |
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以慚自禁者,世間所罕有,彼善避羞辱,如良馬避鞭。 如良馬加鞭,當奮勉懺悔。以信戒精進,以及三摩地,善分別正法,以及明行足,汝當念勿忘,消滅無窮苦。 |
在這世上,由於羞於為惡而自制者是稀有的,他保持警覺及不造令人指責之事,如良馬不會作出受到鞭打的導因。 如良馬受到鞭策,人們應精進及對生死輪迴感到悚懼。以信、戒、精進、定、抉擇法、具足明行與正念來解脫這無量之苦。(註:dhammavincchayena「抉擇法」是指karanakarana jananam「辨明諸法之因與非因」。) |
In this world, does there exist a person restrained by conscience, who avoids blame, like a good horse avoids a whip? Be like a good horse when touched by a whip - strenuous and anxious. By faith, virtue, effort and concentration, by investigation of truth, by having knowledge and conduct, by being mindful abandon this big suffering. |
145 | 灌溉者引水,箭匠之矯箭,木匠之繩木,善行者自御。 | 治水者疏導水,矢師矯正箭,木匠修飾木,善行者制伏自己。 | Irrigators lead water. Arrow-makers bend arrow-shaft. Carpenters bend wood. Virtuous ones master themselves. |
備註:英譯可參考 "佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 巴利語教學 經文選讀 (英)
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(節錄自: 巴利系佛教史綱 第六章 聖典 二 摘錄 )