Dhammapada 法句經(第四:華品)
偈 頌 次 | 了參 法師 譯 | 敬法 法師 譯 | 英譯 |
044 045 |
誰征服地界,閻魔界天界,誰善說法句,如巧匠採花? 有學克地界,閻魔界天界,有學說法句,如巧匠採花。 |
誰能征服大地(即此身)、閻魔界(即四惡道)與人天界?誰能如熟練的花匠採花般,印證善說的真理之道? 聖學者將征服大地、閻魔界與人天界。聖學者能如熟練的花匠採花般,印證善說的真理之道?(註:學者是至少已證悟須陀洹道,但還未證得阿羅漢果的聖人。) |
Who will investigate this earth and this Yama's world with its deities? Who will understand this well taught Dharma-verse, as a skilful person picks flowers? A disciple will investigate the earth and this Yama's world with its deities. A disciple will understand this well taught Dharma-verse, as a skilful person picks flowers. |
046 | 知此身如泡,覺悟是幻法,折魔羅花箭,越死王所見。 | 知道此身如水泡般無常,以及覺知它如海市蜃樓般毫無實質,他將切斷魔王之花,脫離死亡之王的視線。(註:魔王之花是指三種輪轉,即煩惱輪轉、業輪轉與果報輪轉。) | Having understood that this body is like foam, having realized its mirage-like nature, having cut off Mara's flower-tipped arrows, one should make himself invisible to the King of Death. |
047 | 採集諸花已,其人心愛著,死神捉將去,如瀑流睡村。 | 採(欲樂之)花的人,心執著於欲樂,他被死亡帶走,如酣睡之村被洪水沖走。 | The man who is only gathering flowers, with an attached mind, the death will carry away, like a great flood the sleeping village. |
048 | 採集諸花已,其人心愛著,貪欲無厭足,實為死魔伏。 | 採(欲樂之)花的人,心執著於欲樂,他無法滿足己欲,只有被死魔征服。 | The man who is only gathering flowers, with an attached mind, unsatisfied in sense pleasures, Death gets under control. |
049 ( 典故 ) |
牟尼人村落,譬如蜂採華,不壞色與香,但取其蜜去。 | 如蜜蜂採花粉時,不損傷花朵,亦不損傷其色及香味,只取其蜜,而後飛走。且讓聖者同樣(不損害到村民的信心及財富)地在村子裡活動。 | Just like a bee leaves the flower, not hurting the color and smell, having taken its juice, so should a wise man walk through the village. |
050 | 不觀他人過,不觀作不作,但觀自身行,作也與未作。 | 不應觀察他人的過失,或已做與未做的(善惡)事;應只省察自己已做與未做的事。 | One should not look at others' wrong deeds, what the others have done or not. One should look only at what one oneself has and has not done. |
051 052 |
猶如鮮妙花,色美而無香,如是說善語,彼不行無果。 猶如鮮妙花,色美而芳香,如是說善語,彼實行有果。 |
如美麗卻不香的花朵,不能為戴花者帶來香氣;同樣的,不依言實行之人的善語,亦是沒有結果的。 如美麗且香的花朵,能為戴花者帶來香氣;同樣的,依言實行之人的善語,(肯定)是有結果的。 |
Just like a beautiful flower, colorful but without smell, is a well said speech of somebody, who does not act accordingly. Just like a beautiful flower, colorful and with smell, is a well said speech of somebody, who does act accordingly. |
053 | 如從諸花聚,得造眾花鬘,如是生為人,當作諸善事。 | 如花匠能用群花製造許多花飾,還需生死的人亦可(依於信心慷慨地善用其財富)做許多善事。 | Just as from the heap of flowers one can do a lot of garlands, so a born mortal should do a lot of meritorious deeds. |
054 055 |
花香不逆風,栴檀多伽羅,末利香亦爾。德香逆風薰,彼正人之香,遍聞於諸方。 栴檀多伽羅,拔悉基青蓮,如是諸香中,戒香為最上。 |
花香不能逆風吹送,檀香木、多伽羅及茉莉之杳亦不能;只有具德者之香才能逆風吹送,具德者之香能吹送至一切方向。 有檀香木、多伽羅、蓮花及茉莉之香,然而,戒行之香遠勝一切香味。 |
The scent of flowers, sandal, tagara or jasmine does not go against the wind. The scent of true ones goes against the wind. The true person pervades all directions. Sandal or tagara, lotus and jasmine, of these kinds of scent, the scent of the virtue is highest. |
056 | 栴檀多伽羅,此等香甚微。持戒者最上,香薰諸天間。 | 多伽羅與檀香木之香是微不足道的,具德者之香才是最勝的,甚至能向上飄送至天界。 | Very faint is this scent of tagara and sandal. Highest is the scent of a virtuous one; it blows even amongst the gods. |
057 | 成就諸戒行,住於不放逸,正智解脫者,魔不知所趣。 | 魔王找不到戒行具足、精進,及以正智獲得解脫者所行之道。(註:阿羅漢已不會再生,魔王盡了全力也找不到阿羅漢死後去了那裡。) | Mara doesn't find the way of those endowed with virtue, living in conscientiousness and freed by the right knowledge. |
058 059 |
猶如糞穢聚,棄著於大道,蓮華生其中,香潔而悅意。 如是糞穢等,盲昧凡夫中,正覺者弟子,以智慧光照。 |
如在大道旁的垃圾堆中,可能長著芳香的蓮花;在眾生雜堆中,亦可能出現佛弟子,其智慧的明亮,遠遠超越盲目的凡夫俗子。 | Just as at the rubbish heap, thrown out by the big road, can grow a lotus, of pure smell and delightful, Thus, amidst the dust-like beings, amongst ignorant ordinary people, The disciple of the truly and completely Awakened One magnificently shines with wisdom. |
備註:英譯可參考 "佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 巴利語教學 經文選讀 (英)
巴利文經典最突出的特點,同時也是缺乏同情心的讀者最感厭倦的特點,就是單字、語句和整段文節的重複。這一部分是文法或至少是文體所產生的結果。 …,…,…,
…,…,…, 這種文句冗長的特性,另外還有一個原因,那就是在長時期中三藏經典只以口授相傳。 …,…,…,
…,…,…, 巴利文經典令人生厭的機械性的重覆敘述,也可能一部分是由於僧伽羅人(Sinhalese)不願遺失外國傳教師傳授給他們的聖語 …,…,…,
…,…,…, 重覆敘述不僅是說教記錄的特點,而且也是說教本身的特點。我們持有的版本,無疑地是把一段自由說教壓縮成為編有號碼的段落和重覆敘述的產品。佛陀所說的話一定比這些生硬的表格更為活潑柔軟得多。
(節錄自: 巴利系佛教史綱 第六章 聖典 二 摘錄 )