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特別聲明:本篇文章尚未完全校對妥當;疏漏錯繆難免,讀者應慎思明辨。僅供法友參考;並祈藉此拋磚引玉,眾法友能共襄盛舉,共同圓滿此譯事。 Nanda 謹識。

The Important of Right Attention

14th January 1959

[Sayadaw started his talk with the 4-dhamma verses composed by him. (1) Any conditioned phenomenon (saṅkhāra) is impermanent and truth of dukkha. (2) Taking impermanence as me and mine become attachment, the cause of dukkha(samudaya). (3) All the impermanent of mind‐body cease is Nibbāna. (4) Knowing the ending is Path Knowledge. These 4-verses are about the Four Noble Truths and also describe the practice.

In the beginning of the practice, it is to watch the breath and calm the mind down. Most of his many closed disciples under his training had to develop up to upacāra samādhi (access or neighborhood concentration) for sometime. And then develop insight. But in most of his talks for general public, he asked them to do it for about 20 or 30 minutes. It was depended on people’s situations. For vipassanā, by watching the breath, then a saṅkhāra dhamma arises from the 6‐sense doors, e.g., a thought, as soon as a thought arises, knowing the breath disappears. By observing the thought it’s ceased already.

In this process without the disappearance of watching the breath, thought can’t arise. So the observing mind is also anicca. After the thought arises by observing it and also ceases. So the observing mind is seeing impermanence of the thought. The observing mind is yonisomanasikāra—right attention. At that moment it has 5‐factors; i.e., sammādiṭṭhi—right view, sammāsaṅkappa—right thought, sammāsati—right mindfulness, sammāvāyāma—right effort and sammāsamādhi—right concentration. By seeing anicca (impermanence), dukkha (suffering), anatta (not‐self), asubha (loathsome), anyone of the characteristics, then the yogi penetrates the dhamma. All of them are dukkha. Sāriputta gave a simile of the foot print of the elephant. (see the Mahā‐hatthipadopama Sutta—the Great Elephant Foot Print Discourse, Sutta No. 28, Majjhima Nikāya, MN 28). Any foot print of an animal will fall into the foot print of the elephant. (i.e., similar to dukkha)

According to Sayadaw, yonisomanasikāra is right attention or right contemplation, equal to sammādiṭṭhi. Know anicca as anicca, dukkha as dukkha and anatta as anatta. In Sayadaw’s own words ~ “If the reality and the knowing are equal, it’s yonisomanasikāra. Then the Truth of Dukkha (Dukkha Sacca) and the Truth of the Path (Magga Sacca) arise. If not equal to the reality, then ignorance (avijjā) and craving (taṇhā) arise—Samudaya Sacca or Dukkha Sacca and Samudaya Sacca arise.”]

If you discern impermanence you are a 3‐rooted person (tihetuka) and also know the truth of dukkha (Dukkha Sacca) (Tihetuka—a person was born with 3-wholesome roots, i.e., non‐greed, non‐hatred and non‐delusion.). Because, any conditioned phenomenon is impermanent and the truth of dukkha (He recited the first verse as mentioned in the beginning.). A person with yoniso (right attention) is seeing anicca. (Some Pali words became Burmese words but using in short form, such as yoniso=yonisomanasikāra). Having yoniso means knowing impermanence as impermanence, dukkha as dukkha and anatta as anatta, whatever mind arises not noting as mind but as dukkha arises. At first watch with mindfulness (sati). During the watching, the mind or material phenomenon, one of them will arise. Only the watching mind not exist that another mind can arise. Therefore, the watching mind is impermanent. Again with the watching mind to contemplate the arising mind and then the arising mind is not there anymore. This is not a nothingness concept (abhava paññatti). By contemplating the existence to non‐existence is vipassanā. The watching mind is the right attention mind (yonisomanasikāra). Pay attention to the process that is from existence to non‐existence. Know the impermanence as impermanence. It is becoming jhānato—passato (contemplation and knowing). In the Saṃyuttanikāya, it explained as a contemplation and knowing person. Doing vipassanā is the task of right attention.

The first watching mind ceases and then another mind can arise. If no mind arises one will die. And then again the watching yoniso mind contemplates the new arising mind. At this time, know the arising mind of its existence to non‐existence. Therefore, right attention is vipassanā because of knowing anicca as anicca—seeing impermanence. Ignorance (not knowing), craving (greed), this me/this mine (wrong views) are dying away. Therefore, the Buddha said that yoniso is right view (Sammādiṭṭhi). So, right attention is right view. Every time discerns anicca with the 5-path factors, and then you are in right attention. It becomes developing the contemplation (bhāve tabba). Don’t be in the situation of what I have to contemplate. Even the Buddha taught differently according to different people. Watching whatever arising is becoming yoniso. The beginning of vipassanā is right attention. In some places what the Buddha taught on yoniso was knowledge because the 5-path factors come in together. On the 3-universal characteristics of phenomena whichever one you discern, in the end, it’s the Noble Truth of Dukkha (Dukkha Sacca).

In the Sāriputta’s teaching of Hatthipadopama Sutta, all the foot prints of other animals go inside the elephant’s foot print. In the same way all conditioned dhammas go inside the Noble Truth of Dukkha. Therefore, in the beginning of practice, we see the truth of dukkha. So we are contemplating the truth.

(Sayadaw recited the 4-verses of the Four Noble Truth composed by him.)

  1. Any conditioned phenomenon is anicca and the truth of dukkha.
  2. Take impermanence as me and mine become the cause of dukkha (samudaya).
  3. All the impermanence of mine/body cease is Nibbāna.
  4. Knowing the ending is Path Knowledge.

By seeing impermanence, knowing the truth of dukkha as disgusting and useless, and then getting the knowledge of the truth (Sacca Ñāṇa). [Usually Sayadaw translated dukkha as duk=disgusting, kha=useless, dukkha=disgusting and useless] By knowing the nature of oppressive (pīḷanaṭṭha), then get the knowledge of functioning (Kicca Ñāṇa). Continue to practice and seeing the ending of dukkha, then getting the Kata Ñāṇa. The ending of dukkha is Nibbāna (Nirodha Sacca). The knowledge of knowing the ending is the Path Knowledge (Magga Ñāṇa).

In the Suttas and commentaries there were including many ways for practice. In the end with the inclusion of yoniso is enough. Some were only for the bhikkhus. No need for the lay people to follow. In vipassanā for you all is catching the (1) with (2). (1) is the arising of the object of vipassanā, and (2) is yoniso. The beginning of vipassanā is yoniso. The meaning of yoniso is suitability. It’s the word coming out from the reality and the knowing or right contemplation. If you want to realize Nibbāna, just do the knowing of in accordance with the reality (Just knowing the reality).




  1. 任何有為法(saṅkhāra)都是無常的,並且是苦的真諦。
  2. 把無常當作我和我的東西,會變成執著,這是苦的因(samudaya)。
  3. 所有無常的身心現象消失就是涅槃。
  4. 知道結束的過程就是道知識。]

在修行的初期,是觀呼吸並讓心靈平靜下來。他的許多閉門弟子在他教導下,大多需要發展到「近行禪」(upacāra samādhi)(即「接近集中」或「鄰近集中」)一段時間,然後再發展見道(insight)。但在大部分面向一般公眾的講座中,他會要求他們練習大約20或30分鐘,具體時間依照個人的情況而定。對於內觀(vipassanā)來說,通過觀察呼吸,從六根(眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意)中會有一個有為法(如一個念頭)出現,一旦念頭產生,呼吸的觀察便會消失。當觀察這個念頭,它已經消失了。

在這個過程中,如果沒有呼吸觀察的消失,念頭無法產生。因此,觀察的心也屬於無常。當念頭出現時,觀察它,並且念頭會隨之消失。因此,觀察的心是看到念頭的無常。觀察的心是「正念」——「正念」即「正念注意」(yonisomanasikāra)。在那一刻,它包含五個因素;即「正見」(sammādiṭṭhi)、「正思維」(sammāsaṅkappa)、「正念」(sammāsati)、「正精進」(sammāvāyāma) 和「正定」(sammāsamādhi)。通過看到無常(anicca)、苦(dukkha)、無我(anatta)、厭惡(asubha)等特徵,修行者便能深入理解法(dhamma)。所有這些都屬於苦。薩利佛(Sāriputta)給出了一個比喻:象腳印的比喻(參見《大象足跡經》——《中部經典》28經)。任何動物的腳印都會落入大象的腳印中。(即類似於苦)

根據Sayadaw的解釋,正念注意(yonisomanasikāra)等同於「正見」(sammādiṭṭhi)。正確地知道無常是無常,苦是苦,無我是無我。Sayadaw說:“如果現實與認知是相等的,那就是正念注意(yonisomanasikāra)。然後,苦的真諦(dukkha sacca)和道的真諦(magga sacca)便會顯現。如果與現實不等,則會產生無明(avijjā)和貪欲(taṇhā)——苦的真諦和苦的因(samudaya sacca)會顯現。”

如果你辨識出無常,那你就是一個三根人(tihetuka),並且了解苦的真諦(dukkha sacca)。“三根人”指的是一個擁有三個善根的人,即無貪、無瞋、無痴。因為任何有為法都是無常的,並且是苦的真諦(他在開頭誦讀了第一句)。擁有正念的人看到無常。(某些巴利語變成了緬甸語,並以簡化形式使用,例如正念(yoniso)=正念注意(yonisomanasikāra))。擁有正念注意的意思是知道無常是無常,苦是苦,無我是無我,任何現象的出現,不將其視為「我」或「我的」,而是將其視為苦的出現。最初是用正念(sati)來觀察。在觀察過程中,心或物質現象會出現。只有當觀察的心不存在時,其他的心才能出現。因此,觀察的心是無常的。再次用觀察的心來反思新出現的心,然後新出現的心便不再存在。這不是虛無的概念(abhava paññatti)。通過反思存在到不存在的過程,就是內觀。觀察的心是正念心(yonisomanasikāra)。注意這個從存在到不存在的過程,知道無常就是無常。它變成了禪定的「觀照」——「認識」(jhānato—passato)。在《相應經》中,這被解釋為觀照與認知的人。做內觀是正念的任務。

最初的觀察心消失,然後另一個心可以出現。如果沒有心出現,一個人就會死。然後,正念的心再次觀察新出現的心。在這個時候,知道這個新出現的心從存在到不存在。因此,正念注意就是內觀,因為知道無常是無常——看到無常。無明(不知道)、貪欲(貪)、這是我/這是我的錯誤觀念正在消失。因此,佛陀說正念注意就是正見(Sammādiṭṭhi)。因此,正念注意就是正見。每次辨識無常,與五道的因素相結合,你就處於正念注意之中。這成為了發展內觀的過程(bhāve tabba)。不要處於「我應該觀察什麼」的狀況中。即使佛陀根據不同的人教導不同的方式,觀察任何出現的現象都在變成正念。內觀的開始就是正念注意。



  1. 任何有為法都是無常的,是苦的真諦。
  2. 把無常當作我和我的東西會成為苦的因(samudaya)。
  3. 所有的無常的身心現象消失就是涅槃。
  4. 知道結束的過程就是道知識。

通過看到無常,知道苦的真諦是令人厭惡和無用的,然後獲得真理的知識(Sacca Ñāṇa)。[通常Sayadaw將“苦”翻譯為“duk=令人厭惡,kha=無用,dukkha=令人厭惡和無用”] 了解壓迫的本質(pīḷanaṭṭha),然後獲得功能的知識(Kicca Ñāṇa)。繼續修行,看到苦的終結,然後獲得成就的知識(Kata Ñāṇa)。苦的終結是涅槃(Nirodha Sacca)。知道結束的知識就是道知識(Magga Ñāṇa)。

在經典和注釋中,有許多方法可以修行。最終,包含正念注意(yoniso)就足夠了。有些方法僅限於比丘,不需要在家人跟隨。在內觀中,對你們來說,抓住(1)與(2)。(1) 是內觀的對象的出現,(2)是正念。內觀的開始是正念注意。正念注意的意思是適應性。它來自於現實與認知或正確的反思。如果你想實現涅槃,只需做出與現實相符合的認知(即了解現實)。

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 正念的重要性


[沙彌答以其所作之四句偈頌開始其談話。(1) 任何受緣法 (saṅkhāra) 皆無常且為苦諦。(2) 以無常為我與我所有,而成為執著,苦集之因。(3) 所有身心之無常滅去,即為涅槃。(4) 知曉滅盡,即為道知。 此四句偈頌關於四聖諦,亦描述修行。

於修行之始,即觀察呼吸而使心平靜。 其大多數閉關弟子在其指導下,必須發展至初靜定 (upacāra samādhi) 之一段時間。 然後發展洞見。 但在其大多數對大眾之談話中,其要求他們修行約二十分鐘或三十分鐘。 此取決於人之情況。 對於觀慧,藉由觀察呼吸,然後 saṅkhāra dhamma 由六根門而生起,例如,一念頭,於一念頭生起之際,知曉呼吸消失。 藉由觀察念頭,其已滅去。

在此過程中,無呼吸觀察之消失,念頭不能生起。 故而觀察之心亦無常。 念頭生起之後,藉由觀察之,亦滅去。 故而觀察之心見得念頭之無常。 觀察之心為 yonisomanasikāra – 正念。 於此時,其具有五支; 即:正見 – sammādiṭṭhi、正思惟 – sammāsaṅkappa、正念 – sammāsati、正精進 – sammāvāyāma、正定 – sammāsamādhi。 藉由見得無常 (anicca)、苦 (dukkha)、無我 (anatta)、不淨 (asubha),任何一相,則瑜伽行者貫通法。 所有此等皆為苦。 舍利弗尊者舉例於象之足印。(見《大象跡經》– Mahā‐hatthipadopama Sutta – 經藏第28經,中阿含經,MN 28)。 任何動物之足印將落入象之足印中。(即:似於苦)

根據沙彌答, yonisomanasikāra 為正念或正思惟,等於正見。 知曉無常如無常,苦如苦,無我如無我。 以沙彌答之言 – 「若真實與知曉相等,則為 yonisomanasikāra。 然後,苦諦 (Dukkha Sacca) 與道諦 (Magga Sacca) 生起。 若不等於真實,則無明 (avijjā) 與貪 (taṇhā) 生起 – 苦集諦 (Samudaya Sacca) 或苦諦與苦集諦生起。」]

若您辨別無常,則您為三有根人 (tihetuka),亦知曉苦諦 (Dukkha Sacca) (Tihetuka – 一人生於三善根,即:無貪、無瞋、無癡)。 因為,任何受緣法皆無常且為苦諦 (其誦念於開始時所提及之第一偈頌)。 具有 yonisomanasikāra 之人見得無常。 (一些巴利語成為緬甸語,但以簡短形式使用,如 yonisomanasikāra=yoniso。) 具有 yonisomanasikāra 意謂知曉無常如無常,苦如苦,無我如無我,不論何心生起,不標記為心,而是苦生起。 首先以正念 (sati) 而觀察。 於觀察之際,心或物質現象,其中之一者將生起。 僅觀察之心不存在,則另一心可生起。 因此,觀察之心無常。 再次以觀察之心思惟生起之心,然後生起之心不再存在。 此非無有之概念 (abhava paññatti)。 藉由思惟存在至不存在,即為觀慧。 觀察之心為正念之心 (yonisomanasikāra)。 留心於此過程,即從存在至不存在。 知曉無常如無常。 此成為 jhānato—passato (思惟與知曉)。 於《雜阿含經》中,其解釋為思惟與知曉之人。 行觀慧為正念之任務。

第一觀察之心滅去,然後另一心可生起。 若無心生起,則一人將死亡。 然後再次以觀察之 yonisomanasikāra 思惟新生起之心。 於此時,知曉生起之心之存在至不存在。 因此,正念為觀慧,因為知曉無常如無常 – 見得無常。 無明 (不知曉)、貪 (貪欲)、此我/此我所有 (邪見) 皆滅去。 因此,佛陀說 yonisomanasikāra 為正見 (Sammādiṭṭhi)。 故而,正念為正見。 每一次以五道支而辨別無常,然後您處於正念。 此成為發展思惟 (bhāve tabba)。 不要處於我必須思惟之情況。 即使佛陀依不同之人而教導不同。 觀察任何生起者,成為 yonisomanasikāra。 觀慧之始為正念。 於某些處所,佛陀教導 yonisomanasikāra 為知見,因為五道支共同而入。 於三法印中,不論您辨別何者,於終結,即為苦諦 (Dukkha Sacca)。

於舍利弗尊者之《象跡經》中,所有其他動物之足印皆入象之足印中。 同理,所有受緣法皆入苦諦。 因此,於修行之始,我們見得苦諦。 故而我們思惟真理。

(沙彌答誦念其所作之四聖諦之四句偈頌。) (1) 任何受緣法皆無常且為苦諦。 (2) 以無常為我與我所有,而成為苦集之因。 (3) 所有身心之無常滅去,即為涅槃。 (4) 知曉滅盡,即為道知。

藉由見得無常,知曉苦諦如厭惡且無用,然後得真理之知見 (Sacca Ñāṇa)。 [通常沙彌答翻譯 dukkha 為 duk=厭惡,kha=無用,dukkha=厭惡且無用] 藉由知曉壓迫之性 (pīḷanaṭṭha),然後得作用之知見 (Kicca Ñāṇa)。 繼續修行而見得苦之滅盡,然後得作知 (Kata Ñāṇa)。 苦之滅盡為涅槃 (Nirodha Sacca)。 知曉滅盡之知見為道知 (Magga Ñāṇa)。

於經藏與註解中,包含許多修行之方式。 於終結,以包含 yonisomanasikāra 足夠。 一些僅為比丘。 俗人無須跟隨。 於觀慧中,對於您等皆為捕獲 (1) 以 (2)。 (1) 為觀慧之對象之生起,而 (2) 為 yonisomanasikāra。 觀慧之始為 yonisomanasikāra。 yonisomanasikāra 之意謂適合性。 此為從真實與知曉或正思惟而出之字。 若您欲證得涅槃,僅作依據真實之知曉 (僅知曉真實)。

更新:西元 2025-01-17

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