
更新:西元 2025-01-17

特別聲明:本篇文章尚未完全校對妥當;疏漏錯繆難免,讀者應慎思明辨。僅供法友參考;並祈藉此拋磚引玉,眾法友能共襄盛舉,共同圓滿此譯事。 Nanda 謹識。

Transcending Time

24th August 1958

[This is one of the Buddha’s teachings on time and space; it's explained by Sayadaw with humor. It looks like a Buddhist science and philosophy. It reminds us Einstein’s theory on time/space. He discovered more than three dimensions. The Buddha discovered directly multiple dimensions and the state of no dimension or timelessness and spacelessness.]

Morning and night times are eating the khandha (eyes, ears, etc.). Every day the body becomes weak and is getting old. Don’t stay under the sun and moon. When getting old everything is lost. Whatever khandha you get, it will never free from the sun and moon. So the khandhas are always eaten by them. Good kamma and intelligence are reducing every day. Chickens, pigs, animals are eaten by human beings but they (men) themselves are also eaten by time. Without the sun and moon there will be no time. Chickens in a farm will be eaten by their master is for sure every day. Therefore 31‐realms of existence are like chicken cages.

Asking for someone when this person had died is the same as when he had eaten by time. There is no sun and moon in Nibbāna so it’s timeless. There is also no four elements (earth, water, fire and air elements), only with happiness and liberation. We were eating by time for uncountable lives and time—span. We must try to re‐eat them. First, we have to eat time. Second, must come out from time span. If you are making prayer to be a rat ~ it means, “May I be eaten by cat!” Praying to become a deva or Brahma is also like praying for a rat. Getting old is eaten by time. Dying is killing by time. After eaten become clean (disappear). (Sayadaw continued to teach vipassanā practice by using the Paṭiccasamuppāda.) As an example a desire to eat something arise (here the mind) and observe it. On the body if itchy sensation arises, don’t follow with the hand. Differentiate them as a little itching, a middling itching and a strong itching. After a little itching and then a middling itching arises. All of them are arising one by one. Observe their differences. Analysing the feelings and cutting of the continuity (i.e., santati). After pleasant feeling (sukha vedanā) ceases, the small unpleasant feeling (dukkha vedanā) arises. After the small unpleasant feeling ceases, the middling unpleasant feeling arises. After the middling one ceases the strong one arises. After the strong one ceases, the pleasant feeling re‐appears. (Here Sayadaw gave an example of an unpleasant feeling process and how to contemplate them.) Knowing the spaces between them is the present knowledge. In this way we must eat the future time with Path Knowledge. Then we shall transcend time—span and liberate from their eating.





詢問某人何時死亡,就等於詢問他何時被時間吃掉。在涅槃中沒有太陽和月亮,因此它是無時間的。在涅槃中也沒有四大(地、水、火、風),只有快樂和解脫。我們在無數的生命和時間中被時間吃掉。必須努力重新將它們吃掉。首先,我們要吃掉時間。其次,我們必須脫離時間的範疇。如果你祈禱成為一隻老鼠,就等於是在說「願我被貓吃掉!」祈求成為天神或梵天,也像是在祈求成為一隻老鼠。老化就是被時間吃掉。死亡就是被時間殺死。被吃掉後,變得乾淨(消失)。(Sayadaw繼續講解禪修實踐,並使用緣起法作為示例。)例如,欲望想吃某樣東西時(此時是心),觀察它。如果身體上有癢的感覺產生,不要用手去抓。區分它們:輕微的癢、中等的癢和強烈的癢。經歷輕微的癢後,中等的癢會隨之而來。所有的感覺都是一個接一個地出現。觀察它們的差異。分析這些感受,並切斷它們的延續(即,斷除連續性)。當愉快的感受(sukha vedanā)消失後,輕微的不愉快感受(dukkha vedanā)隨之出現。當輕微的不愉快感受消失後,中等的不愉快感受出現。當中等的不愉快感受消失後,強烈的不愉快感受隨之而來。當強烈的不愉快感受消失後,愉快的感受再次出現。(在這裡Sayadaw舉了不愉快感受的過程以及如何觀察它們的例子。)知道它們之間的空隙即是當前的智慧。以此方式,我們必須用聖道知識來吃掉未來的時間。然後我們將超越時間範疇,從它們的吞噬中解脫出來。




[這是佛陀對時間與空間的教導之一; 沙彌答以幽默的方式解釋。 這看起來像佛教的科學與哲學。 它提醒我們愛因斯坦關於時間/空間的理論。 他發現了超過三個維度。 佛陀直接發現了多個維度以及無次元或無時間性的狀態。]

早晨和晚上都在吞噬蘊 (眼、耳等)。 每天身體都變弱,都在變老。 不要停留在太陽和月亮之下。 變老時,一切都會失去。 不論您獲得什麼蘊,它都將永遠無法擺脫太陽和月亮。 因此,蘊總是受到它們的吞噬。 善業和智慧每天都在減少。 雞、豬、動物被人類吃掉,但他們(人類)自己也被時間吃掉。 沒有太陽和月亮,就沒有時間。 農場裡的雞肯定每天都會被主人吃掉。 因此,三十一界就像雞籠。

詢問某人這個人在死後是什麼時候,就像他被時間吃掉的時候一樣。 涅槃中沒有太陽和月亮,所以它是無時的。 也沒有四大元素(地、水、火、風元素),只有快樂和解脫。 我們被時間和時間跨度吞噬了無數的生命。 我們必須嘗試重新吞噬它們。 首先,我們必須吃掉時間。 其次,必須從時間跨度中出來。 如果您祈禱成為一隻老鼠——這意味著,「願我被貓吃掉!」祈禱成為天人或梵天也像祈禱成為老鼠一樣。 變老是被時間吃掉。 死亡是被時間殺死。 被吃掉後就乾淨了(消失了)。(沙彌答繼續使用緣起法來教授觀慧修行。)例如,想吃東西的慾望(這裡是心)出現,觀察它。 如果身體上有癢的感覺,不要用手去抓。 將它們區分為輕微的癢、中度的癢和強烈的癢。 輕微的癢之後,中度的癢出現。 所有這些都是一個接一個地出現的。 觀察它們的差異。 分析感受並切斷連續性(即:santati)。 愉悅感(sukha vedanā)消失後,輕微的不愉悅感(dukkha vedanā)出現。 輕微的不愉悅感消失後,中度的不愉悅感出現。 中度的不愉悅感消失後,強烈的出現。 強烈的消失後,愉悅感再次出現。(這裡沙彌答舉例說明不愉悅感的過程以及如何觀察它們。) 知道它們之間的間隔就是當下的知識。 這樣我們必須用道知來吃掉未來時間。 然後我們將超越時間跨度,從它們的吞噬中解脫。

更新:西元 2025-01-17

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