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特別聲明:本篇文章尚未完全校對妥當;疏漏錯繆難免,讀者應慎思明辨。僅供法友參考;並祈藉此拋磚引玉,眾法友能共襄盛舉,共同圓滿此譯事。 Nanda 謹識。

The Five Darkness and the Five Lights

4th May to 8th May, 1961(In Mandalay)

(These five talks are the same subject of the above three talks, entitled Breaking the Shells of Ignorance. But the times and places were different and also the contents.)


[Sayadaw mentioned that when the Bodhisatta meditated on the day of his enlightenment, with the development of vipassanā knowledge, his body emitted a kind of light (obhasa). It was so strong that spreading upwards to the Akaniṭṭha Brahma World and downwards to the Great Eight Hells. All living beings are under the influence of avijjā (darkness), born and die again and again without ending. Sayadaw gave five talks on avijjā and vijjā (ignorance and true knowledge) based on the Suttanipāta. (1) The First light is Kammassakatā Sammādiṭṭhi ~ Right view on kamma: Doing good has good result etc. Even many human beings don’t have this light. Sayadaw mentioned some of them, Christians, Muslims and hill tribes. ]

How were we be in the whole of saṁsāra? (Round of existence) The Buddha said those who never had the light and covered with only darkness born in the darkness, and were living in the darkness and dying in the darkness of ignorance. (He mentioned the Buddha’s Light.) With the Buddha’s Light, living beings knew that a Buddha had arisen. Some human beings had the chances to rely on this Light, but you of all were not having this chance. Under the influence of ignorance, we created kammas. Therefore, these 5‐khandhas were never free from the shadow of darkness. We created kammas under ignorance, so born under its shadow. Whoever gets Dukkha Sacca is under the darkness and discerns Dukkha Sacca has the Light. Even you had a happy rebirth don’t take it as good luck. It’s sure that in many of your lives you did not get the Light. Now with the chances if you don’t get it and will never be. (Sayadaw gave two examples for under the influence of darkness with earth worm and butterfly. Many of his talks were foods for the heart.) In talking about the Noble Truth (Ariya Sacca), I can’t even spare dāna, sīla and samatha. Whatever worldly happiness, it is still under the avijjā. Brahma Worlds are under its shadows. Some people think human world is not good enough so want to go to the heavenly worlds. All these are changing the names only. (Sabbe Saṅkhāra Dukkha~ All conditioned phenomena are dukkha.) (Then he explained many things in daily life under the influence of avijjā.)

In the Discourse of Turning the Wheel of Dhamma, vijjā udapādi ~ means knowing the Noble Truth. Those who do not become vijjā are under the darkness. The province of ignorance is very wide. In the 31 realms of existence wherever you go, you are never free from its influence (except the five pure abodes of noble being connection with the fourth Jhāna.). Start getting the sotāpatti magga (the knowledge of stream entrance) and start getting the light. If not, you are going like an earth worm. If the 5-darkness covers up, the 5-lights will never come out. There are five kinds of Ignorance, but most people know only one. (1) Kammassakatā Ñāṇa ~ even this knowledge all the animals and other religions don’t have. Animal rebirths are uncountable; moving around in the 4-painful births. No. 1 ignorance is not a small one. Human beings, heavenly beings and Brahma gods have wrong view. Even you get this right view, still covering with the other four darkness.





尊者提到,當菩薩於成道之日修行時,隨著內觀智慧的發展,他的身體散發出一種光(obhasa)。這光芒強烈至足以向上照亮至阿迦尼託天(Akaniṭṭha Brahma World),向下照亮至大八熱地獄。所有眾生都受無明(黑暗)的影響,一直在生死輪迴中徘徊,無法結束。尊者基於《經集》(Suttanipāta)講述了無明與正知(無知與真知)的五個層面。

  1. 第一道光:

    ◦ 業果正見(Kammassakatā Sammādiṭṭhi):正見業與業果,做好事會有好的結果等。即使許多凡人也未必具備這道光。尊者提到其中一些人,例如基督徒、穆斯林及山區部落。





在談到四聖諦(Ariya Sacca)時,我甚至無法放過施捨(dāna)、持戒(sīla)與禪定(samādhi)。無論是世間的快樂,它仍然受無明的束縛。梵天界也在無明的陰影之中。許多人認為人間世界不夠好,於是想要去天界,但這些僅僅是名稱的更換而已。(諸行無常,皆是苦)


在《轉法輪經》中,正知升起(vijjā udapādi)——意思是認識到四聖諦。那些未能達到正知的人依然處於黑暗之中。無明的範圍非常廣泛,無論你走到三十一界中的哪個地方,都無法擺脫其影響(除了與第四禪有關的五淨住)。

一旦開始得到聖者入流道(sotāpatti magga),便開始獲得光明。若不如此,你就像蠕蟲一樣。在無明的覆蓋下,五種光明無法顯現。


  1. 業果正見(Kammassakatā Ñāṇa)——即便是這種智慧,動物和其他宗教的人都不具備。動物的輪迴是無數次的,總是徘徊於四種痛苦的生命中。無明的第一層不是一個小問題。人類、天人、梵天神也存在錯誤的見解。即便你擁有正見,仍然會被其他四種黑暗所覆蓋。



1961年5月4日至8日 (於曼德勒)

(此五次談話與上述三次談話主題相同,名為「破除無明之殼」。 但時間與地點不同,且內容亦異。)


[沙彌答提及,當菩提薩埵於成道之日禪定時,隨著觀慧智之發展,其身放射出一種光 (obhasa)。 此光極為強烈,向上散播至無想天,向下散播至大八地獄。 所有眾生皆受無明 (黑暗) 之影響,生生不已,無有終結。 沙彌答根據《雜阿含經》,以五次談話論述無明與明智 (無明與真實之知見)。 (1) 第一光明為業感正見 ~ 信業報 (因果) 之法。 即使許多人類不具有此光。 沙彌答提及其中一些,基督教徒、穆斯林與山地部落。]

我們如何處於整個輪迴 (Round of existence) 之中? 佛陀說,那些永不具備光,而僅以黑暗覆蓋者,生於黑暗中,而活於黑暗中,並死於無明之黑暗中。 (其提及佛陀之光。) 以佛陀之光,眾生知曉佛陀已出世。 一些人類有機會依賴此光,但您卻無此機會。 在無明之影響下,我們創造業。 因此,此五蘊永不脫離黑暗之陰影。 我們於無明下創造業,故而生於其陰影之下。 不論何人得苦諦,皆處於黑暗中,而辨別苦諦者具有光。 即使您得善趣,亦不視為好運。 確定於您之許多生中,您未得光。 現在,若您不把握此機會,則永不將得之。 (沙彌答舉例以蚯蚓與蝴蝶說明處於黑暗之影響下。 其許多談話為心之食糧。) 於談論聖諦 (Ariya Sacca) 時,我甚至無法捨棄布施、持戒與禪定。 不論何種世間之快樂,其仍處於無明之下。 色界天處於其陰影之下。 一些人認為人間不甚良好,故而欲往天界。 所有此等僅是改變名稱。 (Sabbe Saṅkhāra Dukkha~ 所有受緣法皆苦。) (然後,其解釋日常生活中處於無明影響下之許多事物。)

在《轉法輪經》中, vijjā udapādi ~ 意謂知曉聖諦。 那些不成為明智者,處於黑暗中。 無明之領域極為廣闊。 在三十一界中,不論您往何處,您永不脫離其影響 (除五淨居天與第四禪相應之聖者)。 開始得入流道 (stream entrance 之知見),而開始得光。 若不,則您如蚯蚓般行走。 若五種黑暗覆蓋,則五種光明永不出現。 有五種無明,但大多數人僅知曉一種。 (1) 業感知 ~ 即使此知見,所有動物與其他宗教亦不具有。 畜生趣之再生不可計數; 在四苦趣中遊走。 第一種無明非小者。 人類、天人與梵天具有邪見。 即使您得此正見,仍以其他四種黑暗覆蓋。



[Another meaning of avijjā is not knowing of what should be known and knowing of what should not be known. Sayadaw mentioned modern science and technology developments as wrong knowledge (micchā ñāṇa). He gave examples of atomic bomb and large scale meat productions. We can say any knowledge harmful is micchā ñāṇa. (2) The second light is Nāma‐rūpa Pariccheda Ñāṇa ~ Knowledge of the mind and body. (3) Paccaya Pariggaha Ñāṇa ~ Knowledge of Cause and Effect process. (4) Vipassanā Ñāṇa or Lakkhaṇa Ñāṇa ~ Knowledge of the 3-signs of universal characteristics. (5) Magga Ñāṇa ~ Nibbāna. In living beings 5-kinds of darkness (avijjā) covered up the above 5-kinds of light (vijjā). For the first darkness, Sayadaw gave the story of Todeyya Brahman who was stingy and not believed in kamma (Majjhimanikāya‐aṭṭhakathā (Papañcasūdanī) / 5. Cūḷakammavibhaṅgasuttavaṇṇanā). Later died and born as a dog in his house. His son Subha treated this dog very well. One day the Buddha passed by his house and the dog was barking at him. The Buddha spoke to the dog that after death he would be born in hell. Subha heard this and met the Buddha. The Buddha suggested him to feed the dog with milk gruel and when it fell into sleepiness stroke its body gently. Later asked the dog where some of the treasures hid by Todeyya. Subha did what the Buddha said and then found the treasures hid by his father. The dog died and was born in hell. For the second kind of Light, Sayadaw did not mention much about it in this talk, because most of his disciples already had listened many years for his talks. He said simply the desire (chanda) to do something is the mind and the movements of the physical body is material. For the third, he said that understanding of Paṭiccasamuppāda is not enough, because it starts from avijjā > saṅkhāra…etc, it’s the letters of Dependent Arising (see the 12-Links). You must understand khandha Paṭiccasamuppāda. Every khandha Paṭiccasamuppāda arising starts from consciousness (viññāṇa) e.g., eye consciousness (seeing), ear consciousness (hearing) etc.]

Avijjā is not knowing of what should be known and knowing of what should not be known. It’s very bad dhamma. In the western countries there are many competitions. They know which are not good to know (He gave some examples.) Five darkness and five Lights come from the Suttanipāta and Paṭisambhidā Pali. Christians and Muslims do even not believe in kamma and its result. They only believe in permanent God and Mohammed. Don’t talk about the animals. Even in human beings very few populations believe in it. (He told the story of Todeyya Brahman). If you do merits offer with the knowledge of Sacca Ñāṇa (Noble Truth).


[「無明」的另一層意思是不知道應該知道的事,卻知道了不應該知道的事。說法師提到現代科學和技術的發展作為錯誤的知識(micchā ñāṇa)。他舉了原子彈和大規模肉類生產的例子。我們可以說任何有害的知識都是錯誤的知識。 (2) 第二盞光是「名色分別智」~ 心識與身體的知識。 (3) 「因緣攝取智」~ 因果過程的知識。 (4) 「內觀智」或「三法印智」~ 了解三法印的知識。 (5) 「道智」~ 涅槃。生物的五種黑暗(無明)遮蔽了以上的五種光明(智慧)。對於第一種黑暗,說法師舉了托德耶婆羅門的故事,他是吝嗇且不信因果(Majjhimanikāya‐aṭṭhakathā(Papañcasūdanī)/ 5. Cūḷakammavibhaṅgasuttavaṇṇanā)。後來他死後轉生為他家中的狗。他的兒子蘇婆對這隻狗很好。一天,佛陀經過他家時,這隻狗對佛陀吠叫。佛陀對狗說,牠死後將會生入地獄。蘇婆聽到後去見佛陀,佛陀建議他用米糊餵狗,並輕輕地撫摸狗的身體,當狗昏昏欲睡時,然後問狗關於托德耶藏起來的寶藏。蘇婆照做後找到了父親藏起來的寶藏。這隻狗死後轉生到地獄。對於第二種光,說法師在這次講話中未多作提及,因為大多數弟子已聽過多年他的講解。他簡單地說,做事的慾望(chanda)是心,身體的運動則是物質。對於第三種,他說,理解「緣起法」並不夠,因為它是從無明 > 行等開始的,這是緣起的文字(見十二因緣)。你必須理解五蘊的緣起。每一個五蘊的緣起都是從識(viññāṇa)開始的,例如眼識(看見)、耳識(聽見)等。]

「無明」是指不懂應該懂的事,卻懂了不該懂的事。這是一種非常惡劣的法。在西方國家有許多競爭。他們知道哪些是不該知道的(他舉了一些例子)。五種黑暗與五種光來自《相應部》和《法集經》。基督徒和穆斯林甚至不信因果和其結果。他們只信永久的上帝和穆罕默德。更不用提動物了。即使在這些人類中,也只有極少數相信此法。(他講了托德耶婆羅門的故事)。如果你行善供養時,應該帶著「聖諦知識」(Sacca Ñāṇa)。



[無明之另一意義為不知曉應知之事,而知曉不應知之事。 沙彌答提及現代科學與科技發展為邪知 (micchā ñāṇa)。 其舉例如原子彈與大規模肉類生產。 我們可說任何有害之知見為邪知。 (2) 第二光明為名色別解知 ~ 心身之知見。 (3) 因緣取知 ~ 因果過程之知見。 (4) 觀慧知或相應知 ~ 三相之知見。 (5) 道知 ~ 涅槃。 在眾生中,五種黑暗 (avijjā) 覆蓋上述五種光明 (vijjā)。 對於第一黑暗,沙彌答舉例托德耶婆羅門之故事,其慳吝,且不信業報 (《中阿含經》-《阿毘達磨俱舍論》 / 5. 《小業處經》之註解)。 後來死亡,而生為其家中之狗。 其子蘇婆善待此狗。 一日,佛陀經過其家,而狗吠之。 佛陀對狗說,死後將生於地獄。 蘇婆聽聞此,而遇見佛陀。 佛陀建議其以乳糜餵食狗,而當其入睡時,輕撫其身。 後來詢問狗托德耶所藏之寶藏所在。 蘇婆照佛陀所言而行,然後發現其父所藏之寶藏。 狗死亡,而生於地獄。 對於第二種光明,沙彌答在此次談話中未多提及,因為其大多數弟子已聽聞其談話多年。 其簡單地說,欲為意 (chanda) 而為之事,即是心,而身體之動作為物質。 對於第三者,其說理解緣起 (Paṭiccasamuppāda) 不足夠,因為其始於無明 (avijjā) > 行…等,此為緣起之文字 (見十二支)。 您必須理解蘊處緣起。 每個蘊處緣起之生起,皆始於意識 (viññāṇa),例如,眼識 (見)、耳識 (聞) 等。]

無明不知曉應知之事,而知曉不應知之事。 此為極惡之法。 在西方國家,有許多競爭。 他們知曉何者不應知曉 (其舉例)。 五種黑暗與五種光明出自《雜阿含經》與《阿毗達磨》。 基督教徒與穆斯林甚至不信業報 (因果) 之法。 他們僅相信永恆之神與穆罕默德。 不必談論動物。 即使在人類中,極少數人口相信之。 (其講述托德耶婆羅門之故事)。 若您以聖諦知見 (Sacca Ñāṇa) 之知曉而行功德。



[In every talk Sayadaw always started with Saṁvega— sense of urgency to transcend Dukkha. He pointed out wrong views (diṭṭhis), on craving (taṇhā) or pointed out disciples’ mistakes and weakness in worldly life etc.; so that they may develop urgency for practice. And then he started the main point for the talk. He always based on the Truth of Dhamma (Sacca Dhamma) for the practice and realization. Wanting his disciples to remember what he taught, that every talk had repetitions. Sometimes he asked questions for their understanding. His style of teachings is very similar to the Buddha and some of his great disciples. Most of them were an hour talk. If a subject topic was not finished, in next talk he mentioned that again and made them remembered it.]

In our whole round of existence, we were covered up with ignorance that did not get the Path Knowledge. As much as many lives we were jumping into the fire of ageing and death. Therefore, we were always in suffering. Living beings are covering up with the five layer shells of ignorance (He compared it with the simile of a chick inside the egg.) Some had dispelled their wrong views intellectually but when they encountered with problems and difficulties, the second knowledge did not arise. These were evidences for the power of ignorance. Desire to do something is the mind (nāma). Following the desire to act is the body. This is roughly to know the mind and the body. 3. The knowledge of knowing cause and effect—not knowing the process of dependent arising of the khandhas is covering up by the darkness of ignorance. Even you can’t see the impermanence; whatever arising in the body is only the 5‐khandhas. Knowing it as not a living being and not me is a little better. Every time khandhas arise knowing as it is only khandhas, and No. 2—ignorance fall away. The important of dependent arising is becoming clear. It’s not starting from avijjā (ignorance). It’s the letters of dependent arising (the12‐links). It starts from sense‐consciousness such as seeing, hearing, smelling etc. These are our present moment's processes. After seeing and wanting, then craving (taṇhā) arise. And then become clinging / attachment (upādāna) arises. Causes and effects are connecting or continuously arising. Where is there any person, living being or me? So No. 3 ignorance falls away.


[每次講話,說法師總是從「懺悔」——急迫心開始,強調要超越苦的緊迫感。他會指出錯誤的見解(diṭṭhis),如貪欲(taṇhā),或指出弟子們在世俗生活中的錯誤和弱點等;以此來激發他們對修行的急迫感。然後他開始進入講話的主要內容。他總是根據「法的真理」(Sacca Dhamma)來進行修行和實踐。他希望弟子們記住他所教導的每一堂課,因此每堂課都會有重複。有時他會問一些問題來檢驗他們的理解。他的教學風格與佛陀和一些偉大的弟子非常相似。大多數的講話時長約為一小時。如果某個主題尚未講完,下一堂課他會再次提及,並讓弟子們再次記住。]




[在每次談話中,沙彌答總是始於出離心 – Saṁvega – 超越苦之緊迫感。 其指出邪見 (diṭṭhis),於貪 (taṇhā) 或指出弟子於世間生活之錯誤與弱點等; 以便其能發展修行之緊迫感。 然後,其開始談話之主題。 其總是基於法之真理 (Sacca Dhamma) 而修行與證悟。 欲使弟子憶念其所教導者,每次談話皆有重複。 有時,其詢問問題以求其理解。 其之教導風格極似佛陀及其一些大弟子。 大多數為一小時之談話。 若主題未完成,則於下次談話中提及之,而使他們憶念之。]

於我們整個輪迴中,我們以無明而覆蓋,而未得道之知見。 如許多生,我們跳入老死之火中。 因此,我們恆常處於苦中。 眾生以五層無明之殼而覆蓋 (其比喻如蛋中之雛雞)。 一些人以智力而驅散其邪見,但當其遭遇問題與困難時,第二知見不生起。 此等為無明之力之證據。 欲為意 (chanda) 而為之事,即是心 (nāma)。 隨欲而行動,即是身。 此粗略地知曉心與身。 3. 知曉因果之知見 – 不知曉蘊之緣起過程之連續,以無明之黑暗而覆蓋。 即使您不能見得無常; 不論何物於身中生起,僅是五蘊。 知曉之非眾生,而非我,較佳。 每一次蘊生起,知曉之僅是蘊,而第二 – 無明滅去。 緣起之重要性變得明瞭。 此非始於無明 (ignorance)。 此為緣起之文字 (十二支)。 其始於六根識,如見、聞、嗅等。 此等為我們現行之過程。 見得與欲求之後,然後貪 (taṇhā) 生起。 然後成為執著 (upādāna) 而生起。 因果相連或持續不斷地生起。 何處有人、眾生或我? 故第三無明滅去。



[Sayadaw continued the third Light. He said some of his disciples, after listening to his talks, realized that their parents and grandparents died without knowledge about these kinds of Light. Knowing the khandhas arise and the continuity of causes and effects have these Lights (No. 2 and No. 3). Meeting together of inner and outer sense bases (āyatanas) (sense doors and sense objects), sense consciousness arises and then follow with vedanā, taṇhā, upādāna and kamma etc. So, wrong view and doubt are clear up. It’s the knowledge of cūḷa‐sotāpanna and next life will not fall into painful rebirth. But it’s not very reliable and can be lost again in the future. He gave the story of Subrahmā Devata who was born as a deva because of his good kamma in the past (SN. 2. 17 Subrahmāsuttaṃ SA.i.88f.; DA.iii.750; MA.i.190f). But he also knew that after seven days he would die and born in hell. But later with a teaching of the Buddha he entered the stream and changed his destination. For the fourth Light, it's to see the anicca khandha (impermanence of the aggregates). Any khandha arises, seeing its impermanence. The khandhas always show the 3-lakkhanas (anicca, dukkha, anatta). Why don’t we see it? Because of avijjā covers it up. Sayadaw said most of his disciples already arrived at this stage and was closer to the last Light. They must work hard to dispel this darkness. ]

If we talk about the power of ignorance, 31‐realms of existence are the graveyards of living beings. Brahma worlds are for wise people, human and celestial worlds are for good people and the four painful places are for foolish people. 31‐realms are the provinces of ignorance. These places are his arrangements for them. Even some people are worshipping the Brahma God (The Creator). They are worshipping the ignorance. His directions are cemeteries. Don’t choose any of them. All are without blessings (Because of Dukkha Sacca). Among the 31‐realms, wherever place you like and it is only foolishness. Ignorance is like a fisherman setting up the 3-nets of kāma (sensual planes), rūpa (material jhāna planes) and arūpa (immaterial jhāna planes) for the fishes (living beings). Whatever living beings come into these nets are beaten to death by his (jara‐maraṇa) old age and death men. Which one of the nets is better than others? Even many human beings don’t have the first Light. They think foods and drinks are created by God. Births are created by God. They don’t believe in kamma and result. Therefore, other faiths are covering—up with all the 5-darkness of ignorance. In the Buddha First Discourse—vijjā udapādi ~ true knowledge arises, ñāṇaṁ udapādi, āloko udapādi ~ Light arose are this fifth Light.

The No. 2 Knowledge of mind and body is similar to the boatman and the boat. With only by the boatman (the mind) can’t arrive to the other shore and with only by the boat (body) is also the same. (3) Understanding of the Dependent Arising ~ these are natural procedures (Dhammaniyāma) and continuation of cause and effect phenomena. There is no me, no person, no living beings. And with this knowledge, doubt is overcome. This third ignorance is falling away. Don’t be only satisfied with the 1, 2, and3 Lights. During with these Lights can be fallen back into darkness again. For example Subrahmā Devata arrived in heaven by the first Light. With avijjā, saṅkhāra ~ doing black kamma is sure to fall into painful rebirth. The fourth ignorance covers—up the 3-lakkhanas. So you can’t discern impermanence. Here in this group (Sayadaw’s disciples) many discern anicca but still avijjā left over. So darkness can be come back, except the practice of vipassanā all other matters are the business of ignorance. I am very glad if you discern anicca. Why? Only dimness is left. If you put more effort, it will totally light up, and sure to be free from the dangers of painful births and 31‐realms of existence.


[說法師繼續談論第三盞光。他說,有些弟子在聽了他的講話後,意識到他們的父母和祖父母在死亡時並未了解這些光。了解五蘊的生起及因果的連續性,就是擁有這些光(第二光和第三光)。內外感官基礎(āyatanas)(感官門和感官對象)相遇時,感官識生起,接著是受、貪欲、執著和業等。因此,錯誤的見解和懷疑得以澄清。這是屬於小流通聖者的知識,來世不會墮入痛苦的再生。然而,這並不十分可靠,將來仍有可能再度失去。他舉了蘇婆羅摩天神的故事,這位天神因為過去的善業而轉生為天神(SN. 2. 17 Subrahmāsuttaṃ SA.i.88f.; DA.iii.750; MA.i.190f)。但他也知道七天後他將死去並轉生到地獄。然而,後來通過佛陀的教導,他進入了聖流,改變了他的命運。對於第四盞光,是看到五蘊的無常(五蘊的無常)。任何五蘊的生起,看到它的無常。五蘊總是顯示出三法印(無常、苦、無我)。為什麼我們看不見呢?因為無明遮蔽了它。說法師說,大多數弟子已經達到這個階段,並接近最後一盞光。他們必須努力消除這層黑暗。]

如果我們談論無明的力量,三十一本生死界是眾生的墳場。梵天界是智慧之人的住處,人類和天界是善人的住處,四種痛苦之地是愚人的住處。三十一本界是無明的省分。這些地方是無明的安排。即便有些人崇拜梵天神(創造者),他們崇拜的是無明。他的引導是墳場。不要選擇任何一個地方。這些地方都無福(因為有苦的真理)。在三十一本界中,無論你選擇哪個地方,那也只是愚昧而已。無明就像是漁夫設下的三張網,分別是欲界(感官界)、色界(物質色界)和無色界(無形色界),用來捕捉魚(眾生)。任何落入這些網中的生物,都會被他的老死(jara‐maraṇa)之人打死。哪一個網比其他的更好呢?即便許多人類也沒有第一盞光。他們認為食物和飲料是由神創造的,生命是由神創造的。他們不相信因果報應。因此,其他的信仰覆蓋了五層無明的黑暗。在佛陀的第一次講經中——「智慧生起」~ 真實的知識生起,知識生起,光明生起~ 這就是第五盞光。

第二種關於心與身體的知識,就像是船夫與船。僅有船夫(心)無法抵達彼岸,僅有船(身體)也是一樣。 (3) 了解緣起法 ~ 這些是自然的過程(法律的規律),是因果現象的延續。沒有我,沒有人,沒有眾生。帶著這個知識,懷疑被克服了。這第三層無明正逐漸消失。不要僅僅滿足於第一、第二、第三盞光。即使在這些光明中,也可能再次回到黑暗中。例如,蘇婆羅摩天神透過第一盞光來到天界,然而,由於無明和行為,做了黑業,他必定會墮入痛苦的再生。第四層無明遮蔽了三法印。所以你無法辨識無常。這裡在這一群人中(說法師的弟子們),許多人能辨識無常,但仍有無明殘留。所以黑暗可以再次回來,除非修行內觀法,其他一切都是無明的事業。如果你能夠辨識無常,我會感到非常高興。為什麼呢?因為只剩下微弱的昏暗。如果你更加努力,光明將完全點亮,並且必定能夠擺脫痛苦再生和三十一本界的危險。



[沙彌答繼續第三光明。 其說其一些弟子,於聽聞其談話後,體認到其父母與祖父母於無此等光明之知見下而死亡。 知曉蘊之生起與因果之連續性,具有此等光明 (第2與第3)。 內外六處 (āyatanas) (六根與六塵) 之會合,六識生起,然後隨之而來感受、貪、執著與業等。 故而,邪見與疑慮清淨。 此為初果須陀洹之知見,而下一生將不墮入苦趣。 但其不甚可靠,而於未來可再次失去。 其舉例蘇婆呼瑪天 (Subrahmā Devata) 之故事,其因過去之善業而生為天人 (《雜阿含經》- 2. 17 《蘇婆呼瑪經》 SA.i.88f.;DA.iii.750;MA.i.190f)。 但其亦知曉七日後,其將死亡而生於地獄。 但後來以佛陀之教導,其入流,而改變其去處。 對於第四光明,即見得無常蘊。 任何蘊生起,見得其無常。 蘊恆常顯示三相 (anicca, dukkha, anatta)。 何以我們不見得之? 因無明覆蓋之。 沙彌答說其大多數弟子已到達此階段,而更接近最後光明。 他們必須努力以驅散此黑暗。]

若我們談論無明之力,三十一界為眾生之墳場。 梵天界為智者,人天界為善人,而四苦趣為愚癡人。 三十一界為無明之領域。 此等處所為其安排之處。 即使一些人正在禮拜梵天 (造物主)。 他們正在禮拜無明。 其之指示為墳場。 不要選擇任何一者。 所有皆無有福報 (因苦諦)。 於三十一界中,不論您喜愛何處,僅是愚癡。 無明如漁夫設立三網,欲界、色界與無色界 (無色禪定界),以捕魚 (眾生)。 不論何眾生進入此等網中,皆被其 (jara‐maraṇa) 老死二使者而擊斃。 何者之網優於其他? 即使許多人類不具有第一光明。 他們認為食物與飲品由神所創造。 出生由神所創造。 他們不信業報 (因果) 之法。 因此,其他信仰以所有五種無明之黑暗而覆蓋。 於佛陀初轉法輪 – vijjā udapādi ~ 真實之知見生起, ñāṇaṁ udapādi, āloko udapādi ~ 光明出現,此為第五光明。

第2心身之知見似船夫與船。 僅以船夫 (心) 不能到達彼岸,而僅以船 (身) 亦同。 (3) 理解緣起 – 此等為自然之程序 (Dhammaniyāma) 與因果現象之連續。 無有我、無人、無有眾生。 而以此知見,疑慮克服。 此第三無明滅去。 不要僅滿足於第1、2、3光明。 於此等光明之際,可再次墮入黑暗。 例如蘇婆呼瑪天,以第一光明而到達天界。 以無明, saṅkhāra ~ 行黑業,確定將墮入苦趣。 第四無明覆蓋三相。 故而您不能辨別無常。 在此群體中 (沙彌答之弟子) 許多辨別無常,但仍有殘餘無明。 故而黑暗可再次而來,除觀慧修行之外,所有其他事物皆為無明之事業。 若您辨別無常,我極為歡喜。 何以? 僅有微暗。 若您更加精進,則將完全明亮,而確定脫離苦趣與三十一界之危險。



Becoming vijjā is seeing Nibbāna. On the way to Nibbāna by going with the sign posts are better. By knowing the levels on the way are no need to put everything on pāramīs. Only need to fulfill the level. You all start from the fourth level (i.e. contemplate impermanence because most of his disciples know the lights of 1, 2, 3 by listening to his talks for many years already.) You have to contemplate for discerning them. If you see it, don’t be negligent and will be realize the fifth light of Sotāpatti magga (Knowledge of Stream Entrance). It’s important for the fourth to mature. How to make it maturity? (He gave the example of building a fire by rubbing of 2-pieces of bamboo.) If, it’s becoming hot, it’s the sign of the fire for coming out. If you are continuing without stopping for rubbing it, and it’s sure the fire will come out. For the fire to come out or not is depending on the effort of that person. Therefore, the fourth is like rubbing the 2-pieces of bamboo, the fifth like the coming out of fire. Without the fourth, then the fifth is impossible. The text of Nāmarūpa Pariccheda (a Pali Text) mentioned that by contemplation and discerning more anicca and the gapping become narrowing between them. Later the contemplative mind disbands anicca and run into the unconditioned Nibbāna. The contemplative mind goes straight towards impermanence means it’s becoming mature. At that time don’t let any matters come in and continue to do the contemplation. Later with a blip the contemplative mind is discarding the impermanence. The khandhas only have impermanence, so you will only see impermanence. The two aniccas are saṅkhāras ~ conditioned phenomena (i.e., the object and the mind). The mind (ñāṇa) runs into Nibbāna and the ending of anicca. Therefore Nibbāna is near, and not far from us.

Without the fourth ignorance will be discerned anicca. Among the 5-ignorance, the fourth is the important one. It makes you not knowing the reality of existence. It’s hiding between anicca and ñāṇa (knowledge). Sometimes you discern it and sometimes not. At the time avijjā is thinner you see it and when it’s thick you can’t. How to correct it? I am sitting quite a long time now and can’t see impermanence. Maybe I have no pāramīs. Don’t think it in this way. It needs the method to expel avijjā. Return to the Paṭiccasamuppāda process, the third light. Whatever arises now is for dying. With this knowledge the fourth ignorance falls away. This is important for the yogis. If not, indolence will come in the practice. May be you will think I don’t have the pāramīs and get up and run away from the problem. Now, you watch and observe it. If you don’t see anicca, it’s sure that ignorance is covering up them. You should retreat back to look for the arising of Paṭiccasamuppāda ~ the third light. As an example return to the breath, there is a wanting to breathe in and out. If you see it arising and ignorance falls away. After that, continue to contemplate all the new arising. These two points are very important. I am concerning that near the end of the practice, you will give up. Even you can’t find the newly arising dhamma, the breath is always there. The desires to breathe in and out, both of them are impermanence. After getting the evidence, whatever follow behind are anicca. Return to the third and arrive back to the fourth. Sometimes it seems that nothing is happening. By not knowing how to expel ignorance and take it on pāramīs is wrong.

Without seeing the No. 3, you can’t come to No. 4 (not seeing or knowing the arising). Without the No. 3, darkness (wrong view) falls away, by sitting the whole day and it doesn’t work. Follow to catch on the arising Paṭiccasamuppāda khandha. If seeing consciousness arises just know it. When hearing consciousness arises just know it. If you can catch on it, ignorance falls away. If not the whole day sitting will not work. If you find out the beginning again will be continued to catch on the arising process. No. 4 is the mind staying with anicca. If you discern the increasing rate of the impermanence, the fourth ignorance has fallen away. But after that don’t let the mind to think of “I will get Nibbāna”. When this mind—state arises, ignorance comes back. The rate of anicca is going down. In my experience of teaching people, most of them fell back at this place. The wanting taṇhā come in and hinder the practice. Therefore, fall back to No. 3. Whatever the rate of impermanence, the mind (ñāṇa) has to follow it. Don’t let any mind—state come in. I am concerning your falling back, if not I will not talk about it. This point is very important. It's a place where the practice can be gone down. The yogis’ duty is to contemplate for maturity. To see Nibbāna is the duty of discernment (Ñāṇa). From near the No. 5 go down to No. 3 is quite a loss. Therefore No. 4 is quite important. By seeing more on dukkha and wanting to escape from it.

It’s like sharpening a knife. Continuing to sharpen the knife, it becomes sharper and sharper by itself. It has nothing to do with our wishes. Nibbāna is also the same, nothing to do with prayers. Only concern with the effort (It’s interesting to know that in the factors of enlightenment: viriya is 9times, sati 8times, paññā 5times, ekaggatā—samādhi 4times, saddhā 2times etc). Don’t forget the simile of rubbing two bamboos to build a fire. The contemplative mind (ñāṇa) is turning towards Nibbāna ~ Is that means khandhas don’t have anicca? Not at all! The Buddha already mentioned that, Sabbe—saṅkhāra anicca—all conditioned phenomena are anicca. Discernment (ñāṇa) becomes mature that the fifth ignorance falls apart and Nibbāna appears. If it’s not changed into Nibbāna, then it's still not mature yet. Continue to contemplate anicca. After the Path Knowledge (Magga Ñāṇa—Nibbāna), it's not difficult for entering the fruition state. Like a fire which already has the power of acceleration.





這就像是磨刀。繼續磨刀,它會越磨越鋒利,這與我們的願望無關。涅槃也一樣,與祈禱無關。只有關注於努力(有趣的是,在開悟的因子中:精進9次,正念8次,智慧5次,專注(samādhi)4次,信心2次等)。不要忘記用兩根竹子摩擦生火的比喻。觀察心(ñāṇa)正在朝向涅槃──這是否意味著五蘊沒有無常?根本不是!佛陀已經提到過:「一切行法無常。」辨識(ñāṇa)變得成熟時,第五無明會破裂,涅槃會顯現。如果還沒變成涅槃,那麼它還不夠成熟。繼續觀察無常。達到聖道知識(Magga Ñāṇa-涅槃)後,進入果位狀態並不困難。就像一把火,已經具備了加速的力量。



成為明智 (vijjā) 即見得涅槃。 沿著路標而往涅槃,較佳。 知曉途中之層次,無須將一切置於波羅蜜。 僅需圓滿該層次。 您皆從第四層次開始 (即思惟無常,因為其大多數弟子已聽聞其談話多年,而知曉第1、2、3之光)。 您必須思惟以辨別之。 若您見得之,則不應疏忽,而將證得入流道之第五光明 (Sotāpatti magga)。 第四者成熟極為重要。 如何使其成熟? (其舉例以摩擦二根竹子而生火。) 若其變得熾熱,則為火將出現之徵兆。 若您持續不斷地摩擦之,而確定火將出現。 火之出現與否,取決於此人之力。 因此,第四者如摩擦二根竹子,第五者如火之出現。 無第四,則第五不可能。 《名色別解經》之經文提及,藉由思惟與愈加辨別無常,而其間之差距變得愈加狹窄。 後來思惟之心解散無常,而奔入無為之涅槃。 思惟之心直往無常,意謂其變得成熟。 於此時,不令任何事物而入,而持續不斷地作思惟。 後來以一閃,思惟之心捨棄無常。 蘊僅有無常,故而您僅將見得無常。 二無常為 saṅkhāra ~ 受緣法 (即:對象與心)。 心 (ñāṇa) 奔入涅槃,而無常之終結。 因此,涅槃臨近,而非遠離我們。

無第四無明,則將辨別無常。 於五種無明中,第四者極為重要。 其使您不知曉存在之真實性。 其隱藏於無常與 ñāṇa (知見) 之間。 有時您辨別之,而有時不。 於此時,無明較薄,您見得之,而當其較厚,則您不能。 如何修正之? 我坐禪相當長時間,而不能見得無常。 或許我無有波羅蜜。 不要如此思惟。 其需方法以驅逐無明。 歸於緣起過程,第三光明。 不論何物現行生起,皆為死亡。 以此知見,第四無明滅去。 此對於瑜伽行者極為重要。 若不,則懈怠將入於修行。 或許您將思惟我無有波羅蜜,而起身而逃避問題。 現在,您觀察之。 若您不見得無常,則確定無明覆蓋之。 您應當退回以尋找緣起之生起 – 第三光明。 例如歸於呼吸,有欲求吸入與呼出。 若您見得其生起,而無明滅去。 之後,持續不斷地思惟所有新之生起。 此二點極為重要。 我關心於修行之終結,您將放棄。 即使您不能發現新之生起法,呼吸恆常存在。 欲求吸入與呼出,兩者皆為無常。 獲得證據之後,不論何者隨之而來,皆為無常。 歸於第三,而返回第四。 有時似無物發生。 不知曉如何驅逐無明,而將其置於波羅蜜,是錯誤。

無見得第3,則您不能來至第4 (不見得或不知曉生起)。 無第3,黑暗 (邪見) 滅去,藉由坐禪整天,而其不生效。 隨之而來捕獲生起之緣起蘊。 若見識生起,僅知曉之。 當聞識生起,僅知曉之。 若您能捕獲之,則無明滅去。 若不,則坐禪整天將不生效。 若您發現開始,則將持續不斷地捕獲生起之過程。 第4為心住於無常。 若您辨別無常之增長率,則第四無明已滅去。 但之後,不令心思惟「我將得涅槃」。 當此心 – 狀態生起,無明而來。 無常之率下降。 於我教導人之經驗中,大多數人於此處墮落。 欲求之貪 (taṇhā) 而入,而阻礙修行。 因此,退回第3。 不論無常之率,心 (ñāṇa) 必須隨之。 不令任何心 – 狀態而入。 我關心您之墮落,若不,則我將不談論之。 此點極為重要。 此為修行可下降之處。 瑜伽行者之職責為思惟以成熟。 見得涅槃為辨別 (Ñāṇa) 之職責。 從接近第5下降至第3,極為損失。 因此,第4極為重要。 藉由愈加見得苦,而欲求脫離之。

這就像磨刀一樣。 繼續磨刀,它會自然地變得越來越鋒利。 這與我們的願望無關。 涅槃也是如此,與祈禱無關。 只要專注於精進即可。(有趣的是,在菩提覺支中:精進(viriya)出現9次,念(sati)出現8次,慧(paññā)出現5次,一心(ekaggatā—samādhi)出現4次,信(saddhā)出現2次等。)不要忘記摩擦兩根竹子生火的比喻。 觀察的心(ñāṇa)正轉向涅槃——這是否意味著蘊沒有無常? 絕對不是! 佛陀已經說過:「Sabbe—saṅkhāra anicca」——一切受緣法皆無常。 觀察(ñāṇa)成熟,第五無明即瓦解,涅槃出現。 如果它沒有轉化為涅槃,那麼它還不夠成熟。 繼續觀察無常。 在道知(Magga Ñāṇa—涅槃)之後,進入果地的過程並不困難。 就像已經具有加速力的火一樣。

更新:西元 2025-01-17

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