更新:西元 2025-01-17
特別聲明:本篇文章尚未完全校對妥當;疏漏錯繆難免,讀者應慎思明辨。僅供法友參考;並祈藉此拋磚引玉,眾法友能共襄盛舉,共同圓滿此譯事。 Nanda 謹識。
Breaking the Shells of Ignorance
20th June to 22nd June, 1960 (In Amarapura)
(In these talks, Sayadaw talked about the 5-kinds of light:
- Kammassakatā Sammādiṭṭhi—belief in kamma and its result. Good action has the good result etc.
- Nāma‐rūpapariccheda Ñāṇa—knowledge of the mind and body.
- Paccaya pariggaha Ñāṇa—knowledge of cause and effect process.
- Vipassanā Ñāṇa or Lakkhaṇa Ñāṇa—knowledge of anicca.
- Magga Ñāṇa—Nibbāna.)
The 5-layer shells of ignorance are the 5-darkness. In the Discourse of Turning the Wheel of Dhamma, āloko udapādi—"light arose" means breaking away the 5-layer of shells of the darkness. (1) If you believe in action (kamma) and the result of it, the first layer of ignorance (avijjā) is broken. (2) Understanding of the mind and body, the second layer of ignorance is broken. Mind is the master and body is the slave. (3) The third is understanding the Dependent Arising or the connection of cause and effect process appearing from the 6‐sense doors. Then the third layer of ignorance is broken. Sāriputta by hearing the short teaching of cause and effect and entered the stream. If the shells of ignorance of (1) (2) (3) are broken and call cūḷa‐sotāpanna (Definition by the commentary—small stream enterer, because with sotāpanna both share the same view.) Free from the painful rebirth for next life. Dispel wrong view by knowing is ñāta pariññā. In next life not fall into painful rebirth, but the 5-layers of darkness can recover up again. Therefore, must dispel it by practice. (4) The fourth is by practice and seeing impermanence and ignorance will break off. If you can’t discern it, the process of continuity covers up impermanence. Then you have to go back to No. 3. (5) If the process of impermanence is ended, the fifth layer of ignorance is broken.
- Kammassakatā Sammādiṭṭhi——相信業與其果報,即善行有善果等。
- Nāma‐rūpapariccheda Ñāṇa——明瞭身心的知識。
- Paccaya pariggaha Ñāṇa——理解因果過程的知識。
- Vipassanā Ñāṇa 或 Lakkhaṇa Ñāṇa——無常之知識。
- Magga Ñāṇa——涅槃之知識。)
無明的五層殼即是五種黑暗。在《轉法輪經》中,āloko udapādi(光明生起)意指打破這五層無明的黑暗。
- 相信業及其果報:
- 理解身心:
- 了解因果:
◦ 例子:舍利弗在聽到一段簡短的因果教法後,證得了初果(入流)。
通過ñāta pariññā(知所斷)驅散邪見。但在下一世中,這五層黑暗可能會再次覆蓋,因此需要透過實踐進一步清除它們。
- 透過實踐觀察無常:
- 通達無常的終結:
在佛陀的首轉法輪經中,"āloko udapādi"(光明生起)象徵著破除這五層無明。每一層殼層的破除代表對實相的漸進深入理解。
- 修行始於對業果的信念,最終以對涅槃的直接體證為終結。
- 前三層提供了基礎,但真正的解脫需要堅持修行,深入觀察,徹底消除更深層次的無明。
- 如果缺乏持續努力,無明可能會再次籠罩心智,強調精進不懈的重要性。
1960年6月20日至22日 (於阿馬拉浦拉)
- 業感正見 – 信業報 (因果) 之法。 善行有善果等。
- 名色別解知 – 心身之知見。
- 因緣取知 – 因緣過程之知見。
- 觀慧知或相應知 – 無常之知見。
- 道知 – 涅槃。)
五層無明之殼即是五種黑暗。 在《轉法輪經》中,āloko udapādi – 「光明出現」意謂破除五層黑暗之殼。 (1) 若您相信行為 (kamma) 及其結果,則第一層無明 (avijjā) 破除。 (2) 理解心身,則第二層無明破除。 心為主宰,身為奴僕。 (3) 第三者是理解緣起或由六根門出現之因果過程之連結。 然後,第三層無明破除。 舍利弗尊者聽聞簡短之因果教法而入流。 若無明之殼(1) (2) (3) 破除,則稱為初果須陀洹 (註解之定義 – 小須陀洹,因須陀洹兩者共享相同之見解)。 下一生脫離苦趣。 藉由知曉而驅散邪見,即是 ñāta pariññā。 下一生不墮入苦趣,但五層黑暗可再次復甦。 因此,必須藉由修行而驅散之。 (4) 第四者是藉由修行而見得無常,無明將破除。 若您不能辨別之,則連續性之過程遮蔽無常。 然後,您必須返回(3)。 (5) 若無常之過程終結,則第五層無明破除。
[(This is an important talk on vipassanā practice. Talk about more detailed on anicca. Sayadaw quoted from Milindapañha. King Milinda requested Ven. Nāgasena to teach him how to develop vipassanā. He gave a simile. A tiger during hunting a prey, it hides himself in a bush where other animals used to come. When an animal approaches near, it jumps on the prey and kills it. If he is chasing the animal may be never catch it. In this simile, the tiger is yogi, watching is sati, bush is samādhi, jumping on and killing the prey is paññā. Watching and seeing the animal approaching is sati, killing the prey is sampajāna ~ clear comprehension. So the whole process is sati—sampajāna ~ mindfulness and clear comprehension.
After that Sayadaw continued the instruction based on Sāriputta’s saying: "Kāyaṃ imaṃ sammasatha, parijānātha punappunaṃ; Kāye sabhāvaṃ disvāna, dukkhassantaṃ karissathā" (Milindapañha/ Kammakāraṅgapañho) ~ Observe this mind‐body process again and again continuously will see it arising and ceasing nature clearly with knowledge. And then strive on until dukkha come to an end. According to Sayadaw, Nāgasena’s instruction is for beginners, because in the beginning of practice samādhi is not very strong enough, so that only can discern the body coarse sensations. After long periods of practice and samādhi develop, that can discern the subtler sensations more and more as it shows its true nature. Discerning more will understand another nature as dukkha; dukkha will come to an end with continue practice. This is Sāriputta’s instruction.) Nāgasena’s instruction is Sati-sampajañña. Sāriputta’s instruction is bhāvetabba and pahātabba (Developing and abandoning). Developing the insight knowledge and abandoning of kilesas. After discerning anicca, observing again and again continuously (bhāvetabba) until dukkha end (pahātabba). ]
Watching is sati. Caught on the prey of impermanence is sampajañña. Sampajañña means seeing rightly. It is paññā. Samatha and vipassanā are including together. You have sati so you can catch on it. If you can catch on the arising and passing away, the fourth ignorance is fallen away. Of the 5-layers of ignorance it’s important for the fourth avijjā to be fallen away. Impermanence is always there. It’s also equal to Ehi‐passiko. After that no need to watch. Nodding your head at whatever the khandha is showing you. Watching at it is Nāgasena’s instruction. After that nodding your head only is Sāriputta’s instruction. Bhāvetabba ~ by developing of seeing one’s own dukkha and knowing that it’s a great dukkha. With this making decision, then dukkha ceases. Watching and catching is for beginner in vipassanā. Sāriputta asked to observe the dhamma which is showing us its nature again and again. And then you will know the story of your khandhas thoroughly. Sāriputta taught up to Dukkha Sacca. This knowledge comes in when you see impermanence again and again. And then suddenly with a blip and there is nothing to contemplate. You will know that the greatest dukkha is not there anymore. It’s the Path Knowledge of Nibbāna. It’s true that no khandha is Nibbāna. Impermanent khandha is vipāka vaṭṭa (Resultant Round of Existence). Impermanence cease is free from the vaṭṭa. Therefore, in the mind it appears like lightness and happiness. This is no need for pāramitās (perfection). Only need for effort (viriya). The fourth ignorance can be broken by watching and catching. The fifth is only by knowing Dukkha thoroughly. When the Path Knowledge arises, what happen in the body? By seeing Dukkha continuously and this Dukkha ending will arise, and then follow by the knowledge of not wanting it. At the time taṇhā (craving) is extinguished with a blip and it ceases. It’s like cooling by pouring with 1,000 buckets of cold water.
◦ 老虎代表修行者(瑜伽行者);
◦ 觀察的行為是正念(sati);
◦ 隱藏的灌木叢是禪定(samādhi);
◦ 跳出並捕捉獵物是智慧(paññā)。
◦ 觀察並注意到獵物靠近是正念(sati);
◦ 捕捉獵物是清楚明白(sampajañña)。
"Kāyaṃ imaṃ sammasatha, parijānātha punappunaṃ; Kāye sabhāvaṃ disvāna, dukkhassantaṃ karissathā"
- 那伽犀那的教導適合初學者,因為初期的禪定力尚不足,修行者只能感知身體粗糙的感覺。
- 隨著禪定力的增強,修行者會逐漸辨識到更加細微的感覺,並進一步了解它們的真實本質——苦(dukkha)。
- 當觀察更加深入,苦的本質會清晰顯現,並隨著持續的修行最終止息。
- 那伽犀那的教導: 正念與清楚明白(sati-sampajañña)。
- 舍利弗的教導: 發展與放棄(bhāvetabba 與 pahātabba),即發展洞察力並放棄煩惱(kilesa)。
- 觀察與捕捉:
- 第四層無明的破除:
◦ 無常的體悟與《來看》(Ehi-passiko)的精神一致,強調直接的經驗。
◦ 初學者須依那伽犀那的教導進行觀察,隨後依舍利弗的教導繼續精進。
舍利弗的教導要求修行者反覆觀察身心現象,直至完全理解它的真實本質。當修行深入,會突然體悟到一切苦的終結,並且不再需要進一步的觀照,這便是道智(Magga Ñāṇa),亦即通向涅槃的智慧。
◦ 當苦徹底止息,煩惱(taṇhā)隨即熄滅。這種體驗如同被千桶冷水澆灌,帶來無與倫比的清涼與解脫感。
- 初期透過正念與智慧破除無明;
- 持續觀察身心的生滅,深入了解苦的本質;
- 終至解脫輪迴,體驗涅槃的輕安與究竟幸福。
[(此為有關觀慧修行之重要談話。 談論更詳細之無常。 沙彌答引述《彌蘭子問經》。 彌蘭王請求那先尊者教導其如何發展觀慧。 其舉例。 虎於獵食時,其隱藏於叢林中,其他動物慣於至此。 當動物接近時,其躍上獵物而殺死之。 若其追逐動物,則可能永不捕獲之。 在此譬喻中,虎為瑜伽行者,觀察為正念,叢林為禪定,躍上而殺死獵物為智慧。 觀察而見得動物接近為正念,殺死獵物為等正覺 ~ 清淨之領悟。 故整個過程為正念 – 等正覺 ~ 正念與清淨之領悟。
之後,沙彌答繼續以舍利弗尊者之言而指導:「Kāyaṃ imaṃ sammasatha, parijānātha punappunaṃ; Kāye sabhāvaṃ disvāna, dukkhassantaṃ karissathā」 (《彌蘭子問經》/《業處品》) ~ 觀察此身心過程,再三而持續不斷,將以知見而清晰地見得其生起與滅去之性。 然後精進,直至苦滅去。 根據沙彌答所言,那先尊者之指導為初學者,因為於修行之始,禪定不甚堅固,故而僅能辨別身粗重之感受。 修行長時間後,禪定發展,則能愈加辨別更為細微之感受,如其顯現真實之性。 愈加辨別,則理解另一種性如苦; 苦將以持續修行而滅去。 此為舍利弗尊者之指導。) 那先尊者之指導為正念 – 等正覺。 舍利弗尊者之指導為應作 (bhāvetabba) 與捨離 (pahātabba)。 發展洞見智與捨離煩惱。 辨別無常之後,再三而持續不斷地觀察 (bhāvetabba),直至苦滅去 (pahātabba)。]
觀察為正念。 捕獲無常之獵物為等正覺。 等正覺意謂如實見。 此為智慧。 禪定與觀慧包含於其中。 您有正念,故而能捕獲之。 若您能捕獲生起與滅去,則第四無明滅去。 於五層無明中,第四無明之滅去極為重要。 無常恆常存在。 此亦等於「來!來!」。 之後,無須觀察。 點頭於任何蘊所顯示予您者。 觀察之為那先尊者之指導。 之後僅點頭,為舍利弗尊者之指導。 應作 ~ 藉由發展而見得自身之苦,並知曉其為大苦。 以此而做出決定,然後苦滅去。 觀察與捕獲為觀慧之初學者。 舍利弗尊者教導觀察顯示予我們之性之法,再三而持續不斷。 然後您將徹底知曉您之蘊之故事。 舍利弗尊者教導至苦諦。 此知見於您再三見得無常時而來。 然後突然以一閃,而無物可思惟。 您將知曉最大之苦不再存在。 此為涅槃之道之知見。 真實無蘊即為涅槃。 無常之蘊為果報輪迴 (vipāka vaṭṭa)。 無常滅去,則脫離輪迴。 因此,於心中顯現如輕安與快樂。 此無須波羅蜜 (perfection)。 僅需精進 (viriya)。 第四無明可藉由觀察與捕獲而破除。 第五者僅藉由徹底知曉苦。 當道之知見生起時,於身中發生何事? 藉由持續不斷地見得苦,而此苦滅去將生起,然後隨之而來不欲知見。 於此時, 貪 (taṇhā) 以一閃而滅去,而滅止。 此如以一千桶冷水而澆灌,而冷卻。
(In this talk Sayadaw mentioned in brief the ten insight corruptions when anicca lakkhaṇa ñāṇa become mature.) During seeing impermanence goose flesh can be raised up. Don’t be afraid. Vipassanā Knowledge become sharp with goose flesh and gladness arise. Physical body becomes light. Don’t take care of these things. Contemplate only impermanence. The body seems to be disappeared and rising up. In the process of practice, level fourth is important. The one who discern anicca can make this decision that in this life will transcend dukkha. It needs to see the impermanence without break and don’t relax in your effort. The passing away of phenomenon is before, and the seeing is after. Whatever is arising, have to know it not there, not there. At this level only the last layer of ignorance exists. Your duty is just contemplating impermanence. Nothing has to do. The Dhamma will carry on its own functioning. Without the knowledge of past lives, you don’t know where you came from. But one thing is sure, that was dhamma sent you to here. In the same way the knowledge of impermanence will send you to the Path Knowledge. The place where its cessation occurs is disbanding or abandoning the ignorance and the craving of the khandha. Khandhas disappear. Not only disbanding the present khandha but also the future one. The fourth level disbands kilesa only, not the khandhas. Path Knowledge does both. By abandoning the khandhas and it disappears because khandha has the body. By abandoning taṇhā and its energy power is gone because taṇhā has no body.
(在這篇講座中,尊者簡要提及當無常特相智(anicca lakkhaṇa ñāṇa)逐漸成熟時,可能出現的十種內觀污染。)
◦ 當觀察到無常時,可能會起雞皮疙瘩。無需恐懼,這是內觀智慧(Vipassanā Ñāṇa)銳利化的徵兆,同時會伴隨喜悅的感受。
◦ 身體感覺變得輕盈,甚至似乎消失或浮起。這些都是修行中的自然現象,無需過於在意,只需專注於無常的觀照即可。
◦ 修行到第四階段的關鍵是能清晰地辨識無常,並堅定決心:此生必然超越苦。
◦ 必須不間斷地觀察無常,保持精進,不能懈怠。
◦ 生滅的過程是:「現象的消逝在前,觀察的行為在後。」
◦ 不論什麼現象升起,都要明白它「不在、不在」。
- 觀照無常的重點:
◦ 任務只有一個:觀照無常。無需多做其他事情,法(Dhamma)會自然地自行運作。
◦ 未得宿命通智(pubbenivāsānussati ñāṇa)之前,無法知道從何處來,但可以確定一點:是法將你引導至此。
◦ 同樣地,對無常的洞察將會引領你邁向道智(Path Knowledge)。
- 消滅的地點:
◦ 所解散的對象:
▪ 斷除現有的五蘊(khandha)。
▪ 斷除未來的五蘊(不再輪迴)。
◦ 第四階段只能斷除煩惱(kilesa),尚未觸及五蘊的斷滅。
◦ 道智(Path Knowledge)則可同時斷除煩惱與五蘊,使五蘊徹底消失。
◦ 五蘊(khandha):
▪ 因為五蘊有形體(rūpa),故其斷滅伴隨著形體的消失。
◦ 渴愛(taṇhā):
▪ 渴愛無形體,但有能量;當渴愛被斷除時,其能量也隨之消散。
- 以不間斷的正念與觀察,逐步瓦解煩惱與無明;
- 深入洞察現象的無常與生滅,直至現象的最終解散;
- 達到道智後,不僅是現有的苦止息,連未來的輪迴也被徹底終結,從而體驗真正的解脫。
(在此談話中,沙彌答簡略提及無常相應知成熟時之十種漏。 在見得無常之際,雞皮疙瘩可起。 不必害怕。 觀慧智以雞皮疙瘩而銳利,喜悅而生起。 身體變得輕盈。 不必在意這些事物。 僅思惟無常。 身體似將消失而升起。 在修行之過程中,第四層次極為重要。 辨別無常者,能做出此決定,於此生將超越苦。 其需不間斷地見得無常,且不放鬆其精進。 現象之滅去在前,而見得在後。 不論何物生起,必須知曉其不存在,不存在。 於此層次,僅存在最後一層無明。 您之職責僅思惟無常。 無須作為。 法將自行運作。 無有過去生之知見,您不知曉您來自何處。 但一件事確定,即法遣送您至此。 同理,無常之知見將遣送您至道之知見。 其滅去發生之處是解散或捨離蘊之無明與貪愛。 蘊消失。 不僅解散現行之蘊,亦解散未來之蘊。 第四層次僅解散煩惱,而非蘊。 道之知見二者皆為之。 藉由捨離蘊,而其消失,因蘊有身。 藉由捨離貪愛,而其能量力滅去,因貪愛無身。)
更新:西元 2025-01-17
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