更新:西元 2025-01-16
特別聲明:本篇文章尚未完全校對妥當;疏漏錯繆難免,讀者應慎思明辨。僅供法友參考;並祈藉此拋磚引玉,眾法友能共襄盛舉,共同圓滿此譯事。 Nanda 謹識。
Observe The Mind-Body With Paññā
28th Feb.1959
In this body only has mind and form (nāma‐rūpa). Whatever you want to do is the mind. Whatever movement and action happening are accordingly to the order of the mind. This is form. You have to place a wise man between them. He can observe the mind and form. Mental factor of discernment (paññā cetasika) is wisdom mind. Now, we have three of them. One observes the two. This is vipassanā. If you have a long tongue and it will be long (A Burmese colloquial language and means as talkative.) In short it's only that much. If you can place or insert paññā between them and it becomes vipassanā. Looking for here and there can’t become vipassanā, only will find the vipassanā records. We are wasting times with records. The mind and form will send you to Nibbāna. Whatever you have loaded inside the boat, it will arrive at the other shore. The boat is mind and form. The boat man is knowledge (ñāṇa). The other shore is Nibbāna. Whoever rides this boat will arrive there. It's easy. Even though it's easy and too close to us we can’t see it. Your eyelashes are the closest to your eyes. Can you see it? You can’t. Why is that? It's because you are looking at far distances. But look at near this time. Is there anything closer than mind and form to you? Look at it without moving. When it moves, observe its movement. When it's calm, observe its calmness. Calm mind and moving mind. Calm form and moving form. The mind and body will tell you. Form will tell you that I am not the form before and the later form. Also the mind will tell you that I am not the mind before and the later mind. If they are talking to you like this a lot, in this body nothing is owned to you. Before, we thought it as our own was a big mistake. If you see it rightly become right view vipassanā. It will always tell the truth to the yogi who is watching. If you don't believe what others say is all right, but you must believe what the mind‐body itself tells you. They will tell you that we are changing all the times. Then you will want to follow them by nodding your head as "that's right", "that's right". Even, if you don't want to agree with what the Buddha and arahants were said also all right. But when the mind‐body tells you must agree. Then you don't need to doubt about it as right or wrong. So, no need for the Buddha and arahants told you that it was not yours only anatta. The mind and body will tell you about this. It doesn't stay or behave as you want them. By knowing one's own mind‐body very well is the knowledge of the way as It is or as It Really is (Yathābhūta Ñāṇa). If you arrive that much craziness and blindness are gone. You know how to look at it then craziness and blindness disappear. If you know your mind‐body very well and will surely arrive at Nibbāna.
然而,你必須在這兩者之間放置一位「智者」(paññā,智慧),他能觀察心與色。這位「智者」就是智慧心(paññā cetasika,智慧的心所)。現在,我們便有了三者:心、色與觀察它們的智慧。這便是觀禪(vipassanā)。
- 當心在動時,觀察它的動態。
- 當心靜止時,觀察它的靜態。
- 當色身動時,觀察它的動態;當它靜止時,觀察它的靜態。
- 色身會告訴你:「我不是先前的色身,也不是後來的色身。」
- 心也會告訴你:「我不是先前的心,也不是後來的心。」
這便是正見觀禪(Right View Vipassanā):
身與心不依你的意志行事,這是你必須理解的真相。徹底了解自己「身與心」的真實本質,便是達到如實知見(Yathābhūta Ñāṇa,如實知的智慧)。
- 智慧(paññā)作為觀察者,觀察「心」與「色」。
- 觀察身與心的動態與靜態,以洞察它們的無常與變化。
- 徹底理解:身與心皆非我,無法依你的意志控制。
- 透過如實知見(Yathābhūta Ñāṇa),斷除無明,走向涅槃。
在這個身體裡,只有心和色(nāma-rūpa)。你想要做什麼就是心。任何動作和行為都是按照心的命令進行的。這是色。你必須在它們之間放置一個智者。他可以觀察心和色。辨別的心理因素(paññā cetasika)是智慧心。現在,我們有三個。一個觀察另外兩個。這就是觀慧。如果你有一條長舌頭,它就會變長(緬甸俗語,意思是多話)。
簡而言之,就這麼多。如果你能在它們之間放置或插入 paññā,那就成為觀慧。到處尋找無法成為觀慧,只能找到觀慧的記錄。我們正在浪費時間記錄。心和色會送你去涅槃。你把什麼裝在船上,它就會到達彼岸。船是心和色。船夫是智慧(ñāṇa)。彼岸是涅槃。任何乘坐這艘船的人都會到達那裡。這很容易。雖然很容易,也很接近我們,但我們看不到它。你的睫毛離你的眼睛最近。你能看到嗎?你不能。為什麼?因為你正在看遠處。但現在看看附近。有什麼比心和色更接近你嗎?靜靜地看著它。當它移動時,觀察它的運動。當它平靜時,觀察它的平靜。平靜的心和移動的心。平靜的色和移動的色。心和身體會告訴你。色會告訴你,我不是以前的色,也不是後來的色。心也會告訴你,我不是以前的心,也不是後來的心。如果他們經常這樣對你說,那麼這個身體裡沒有任何東西屬於你。以前,我們認為它是我們自己的,是一個很大的錯誤。如果你正確地看到它,就會成為正確的觀慧。它會一直對正在觀察的瑜伽士說真話。
即使你不願意同意佛陀和阿羅漢所說的話也沒關係。但當心身告訴你時,你必須同意。然後你不需要懷疑它是對是錯。所以,不需要佛陀和阿羅漢告訴你它不是你的,只是無我。心和身體會告訴你這一點。它不會按照你的意願停留或行事。非常了解自己的身心就是如實知(Yathābhūta Ñāṇa)。
Mostly we are wasting our times without any benefits, because this is without a teacher to show the right way. Looking at other things is samatha. Only looking at the mind‐body is vipassanā. Instead of watching at what really exists, we are looking at what does not exists. Therefore, we are in suffering. Vipassanā becomes difficult because without a teacher to show the way. The mind and body tell you the truth. Knowledge (ñāṇa) is the believer. The Buddha said that seeing by yourself and making your own decision would realize Nibbāna (Sayadaw recited the Pali verse. He continued to use Sāriputta's Kāyaṃ imaṃ Gāthā to talk about the vipassanā process.). Sāriputta gāthā:
- 看向其他事物的修行是止禪(samatha)。
- 唯有觀察身心(nāma-rūpa)的修行,才是觀禪(vipassanā)。
舍利弗尊者的偈頌:Sāriputta's Kāyaṃ imaṃ Gāthā
- 「此身」(Kāyaṃ imaṃ)是一具無常、苦與非我的五蘊(khandha)。
- 觀察此身的實相,便能洞察其變化不定、剎那生滅的本質。
- 透過不斷觀察,最終生起厭離心(nibbidā),並洞察苦諦(Dukkha Sacca),達到涅槃。
◦ 色法(色身)會說:「我非過去的色身,也非未來的色身。」
◦ 心法(意識)會說:「我非過去的心,也非未來的心。」
- 師長的指導至關重要,能讓你少走彎路。
- 身心的觀察才是真正的觀禪,不應執著於外在或虛幻之物。
- 智慧(paññā)是觀禪過程中的核心,幫助你洞察並做出正確的決定。
- 最終,通過親身的觀察與體證,你將走向涅槃的安穩之境。
"Kāyaṃ imaṃ sammasatha, parijānātha punappunaṃ;
Kāye sabhāvaṃ disvāna, dukkhassantaṃ karissathā"
(Milindapañha / 6. Opammakathāpañho / 2. Samuddavaggo / 9. Kammakāraṅgapañho)
Kāyaṃ imaṃ sammasatha: watching and observing this body with knowledge; parijānātha punappunaṃ: contemplate it again and again; Kāye sabhāvaṃ disvāna: will see the impermanent nature of this body with insight; dukkhassantaṃ karissathā: and then will see the end of dukkha. According to Sāriputta by watching at mind‐body process will realize Nibbāna and watching with the knowledge given by the Buddha. If you have this knowledge the Buddha exists and without it no Buddha. The day the Buddha enters into Nibbāna is the day this knowledge disappears. The mind‐body always tells us that it is anicca, dukkha and anatta. It is never lying to us because they are the phenomena of ultimate reality (paramattha dhamma). It's only telling you these things very often that your ears become bitter (A Burmese colloquial language and it means don't want to hear anymore.) And then you become displeasure in it. You have to follow the khandhas to the end. Watching and observing to the end of it. After arriving at the knowledge of not wanting, all the dying process (anicca or dukkha) disappear. The bad things disappear and the good one appears. Impermanence, suffering and loathsome (anicca, dukkha, asubha) disappear and Nibbāna appears. The reason of you can’t see the three universal characteristics (i.e., anicca, dukkha, anatta) and Nibbāna is looking at the mind‐body with the eyes given by the people of the world. With the eye given by the Buddha you will sure to see it.
「Kāyaṃ imaṃ sammasatha, parijānātha punappunaṃ;
Kāye sabhāvaṃ disvāna, dukkhassantaṃ karissathā」
(出自《彌蘭王問經》(Milindapañha)/ 譬喻品 / 海洋章 / 業務行問)
- Kāyaṃ imaṃ sammasatha:以智慧觀察與審察這具身體(身心)。
- Parijānātha punappunaṃ:反覆地、不斷地進行觀察與審察。
- Kāye sabhāvaṃ disvāna:通過內觀,洞察到這具身體的本質,即其無常(anicca)的真相。
- Dukkhassantaṃ karissathā:最終,通過這樣的洞察與智慧,將終結苦(Dukkha),實現涅槃。
- 佛陀的智慧眼:如果你具備這種智慧,那麼佛陀便仍然「存在」;若沒有這種智慧,佛陀便「不在」。當佛陀入涅槃的那一天,這種智慧也隨之消失於世間。
- 無常(anicca):變化不定,剎那生滅。
- 苦(dukkha):不穩定、不圓滿,帶來苦迫。
- 無我(anatta):無法控制,並非「我」或「我的」。
這些都是究竟真相(paramattha dhamma),它們從未欺騙我們。身心總是在告訴我們這些真相,但我們的耳朵聽得厭煩(苦悶),甚至不願再聽(這是緬甸俗語,表示不耐煩)。
當你達到不再渴求(not wanting)的智慧階段,所有的生滅過程(即無常與苦)便會消失。
◦ 無常(anicca)、苦(dukkha)、不淨(asubha)將消失。
◦ 涅槃(Nibbāna)將顯現。
- 身心的無常(anicca)。
- 生起對無常的厭離(nibbidā)。
- 證悟涅槃,終結一切苦。
- 以智慧觀察身心,反覆深入洞察,直至徹底體會身心的無常、苦與無我。
- 徹底放下對身心的執著,達到不再渴求的境界,五蘊的生滅過程自然止息。
- 當所有的無常與苦消失時,涅槃便會顯現。
- 以佛陀的智慧眼觀察,而非世俗之眼,才能真正洞察真理,走向解脫。
“Kāyaṃ imaṃ sammasatha, parijānātha punappunaṃ; Kāye sabhāvaṃ disvāna, dukkhassantaṃ karissathā” (Milindapañha / 6. Opammakathāpañho / 2. Samuddavaggo / 9. Kammakāraṅgapañho)
Kāyaṃ imaṃ sammasatha:以智慧觀察和觀察這個身體;
parijānātha punappunaṃ:反覆思考它;
Kāye sabhāvaṃ disvāna:以洞察力看到這個身體的無常性質; dukkhassantaṃ karissathā:然後會看到苦的終結。
根據舍利弗的說法,通過觀察心身過程,並以佛陀給予的智慧觀察,就能證悟涅槃。如果你有這種智慧,佛陀就存在,沒有它,就沒有佛陀。佛陀入涅槃的那一天,就是這種智慧消失的那一天。心身總是告訴我們它是無常、苦、無我。它從不對我們撒謊,因為它們是究極真實(paramattha dhamma)的現象。它只是經常告訴你這些事情,你的耳朵變得苦惱(緬甸俗語,意思是不想再聽了)。然後你對它感到不愉快。你必須跟隨五蘊到盡頭。觀察和觀察到它的盡頭。到達不想的知識後,所有的死亡過程(無常或苦)都消失了。壞事消失了,好事出現了。無常、苦、醜陋(anicca、dukkha、asubha)消失,涅槃出現。你不能看到三法印(即無常、苦、無我)和涅槃的原因,是因為你用世人的眼睛看身心。用佛陀給予的眼睛,你一定會看到它。
更新:西元 2025-01-16
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