
更新:西元 2025-01-16

特別聲明:本篇文章尚未完全校對妥當;疏漏錯繆難免,讀者應慎思明辨。僅供法友參考;並祈藉此拋磚引玉,眾法友能共襄盛舉,共同圓滿此譯事。 Nanda 謹識。

Looking For Nibbāna at The Right Place

Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw (no date noted)

(Sayadaw gave a few talks on Nibbāna and explaining with his own similes but this one without it. It was like a puzzle. But instead of thinking and speculation on Nibbāna, it is better to understand what Dukkha is. And then will appreciate Nibbāna and desire to transcend Dukkha. Only by understanding Dukkha can be understood Nibbāna.)


摩谷尊者(Mogok Sayadaw)法談(未標註日期)





  1. 不要猜測涅槃的本質,應該將心力放在理解「苦諦」上。
  2. 深刻洞察「苦」的本質,便能體會涅槃的究竟安穩,生起出離心(渴望解脫)。
  3. 理解苦,才能正確認識涅槃,走上超越苦的解脫之道。







In the khandha there are three Noble Truths. Form (rūpakkhandha) is fuel and Dukkha Sacca, unstable dhamma. Kilesa is fire and Samudaya Sacca, unstable dhamma. Magga Sacca also is unstable dhamma. Therefore, can’t rely on them. Today I will talk exactly about Nibbāna. The Buddha asked to look for Nibbāna in this 2‐armed‐lengths body. But only found the unstable dhamma. Form is rūpakkhandha. Greed (lobha) and path factors (maggaṅga) are saṅkhārakkhandha. All of them are not free from the khandhas. At the present khandha, only the three Noble Truths can be found and without Nibbāna. You couldn't find Nibbāna there. Why? It's because Nibbāna is not connected with the khandha. If including in the khandha, it will be unstable. But the Buddha told us that the Four Noble Truths are in the khandhas. Therefore, Nibbāna is not mix up with the impermanent khandhas. In this case must outside the khandhas. Even the khandhas perish, it does not. Therefore, dhuva (stable) nibbāna and sukha (pleasant, happy) nibbāna. Not everyone can see it. Someone who learns and studies from a teacher will see it. This is the work of a person who works out until not wanting and cessation of the khandhas. After that become one's own property. Understanding Dukkha Sacca with penetration will realize Nibbāna. It's not mixing up Dukkha Sacca that must be Sukha Sacca.

在五蘊(khandha)之中,包含著三聖諦(Three Noble Truths):

  1. 色蘊(rūpakkhandha)是燃料,亦即苦諦(Dukkha Sacca);它是不穩定的法(unstable dhamma)。
  2. 煩惱(kilesa)是火焰,即集諦(Samudaya Sacca),同樣是不穩定的法。
  3. 道諦(Magga Sacca)也是不穩定的法。

因此,這些都不能依賴(can’t rely on them)。

今天,我將直接談論涅槃(Nibbāna)。佛陀教導我們,在這具兩臂長的身體(2-armed-lengths body)中尋找涅槃。然而,所找到的卻只是不穩定的法(即五蘊)。

  • 色(rūpakkhandha)是色蘊。
  • 貪愛(lobha)與道支(maggaṅga)則是行蘊(saṅkhārakkhandha)。


若涅槃被包含在五蘊之內,那麼它將同樣是不穩定的。然而,佛陀告訴我們:四聖諦(Four Noble Truths)存在於五蘊之中。因此,涅槃必然不與無常的五蘊混雜。


  1. 即便五蘊滅去,涅槃仍然不會滅去。
  2. 涅槃是常住的(dhuva,穩定、不變的)。
  3. 涅槃是究竟樂(sukha,快樂、安穩的境界)。



透過洞察苦諦(Dukkha Sacca)並徹底穿透它,便能證悟涅槃。

涅槃不是苦諦的混雜物,而是樂諦(Sukha Sacca),是究竟的安樂之境。


  1. 五蘊中包含三聖諦(苦諦、集諦、道諦),但不含涅槃。
  2. 涅槃超越五蘊,是穩定(dhuva)且安樂(sukha)的境界。
  3. 若要證悟涅槃,必須透過洞察苦諦,直至厭離五蘊並走向滅盡。
  4. 涅槃只能靠修行達到,唯有透過師長的指導與自己的實修,才能親證涅槃。






It will be in safety only by getting there. During the practice by not wanting Dukkha Sacca of the khandhas and then instantly the khandhas disappear and Nibbāna appears. Something is existing and no connection with the khandhas. It appears without the khandhas. The practicer stays with the imperishable thing. Not seeing Nibbāna is don't know how to clear up things which cover on it. As an external nature and not an internal one, Nibbāna is a strange phenomenon. One can’t find it outside the khandhas. The Buddha asked Rohitassa Devata to look inside the khandhas. It exists in 2‐armed‐lengths khandhas as an external matter or thing and not an internal one. Why we can’t realize Nibbāna? It's because of the affection to impermanence nature; such as one's own khandha, family members, wealth etc. If you don't want these impermanent things will realize it. Ask you to contemplate is to understand the impermanent phenomena. The first step is to discern impermanence, the 2nd its disenchantment and the 3rd its ending. If you desire impermanent phenomena, you will get these things. By not desiring, then you will get the permanent one. If you find the unstableness, you are on the way to Nibbāna. Continue to follow the unstableness to its ending will find out the constant Nibbāna.

唯有到達涅槃(Nibbāna),我們才能真正獲得安穩與安全。在修行的過程中,當我們不再渴求五蘊(khandhas)所展現的苦諦(Dukkha Sacca)時,五蘊便會瞬間消失,而涅槃便會顯現。



這是因為我們不知道如何清除覆蓋於涅槃之上的障礙。涅槃作為外在的自然現象,並非內在的事物,它是一種奇特的存在。然而,它並不在五蘊之外,佛陀也曾指導羅希達沙天子(Rohitassa Devata)去五蘊之內尋找它。





  1. 觀察無常(anicca):第一步是如實觀察,洞察一切現象的無常。
  2. 生起厭離(nibbidā):第二步是對無常的現象生起厭離心。
  3. 滅盡無常:第三步是讓對無常事物的貪愛完全滅盡,五蘊也隨之止息,涅槃便會顯現。


  • 如果你渴求無常的現象,你最終只會得到這些不穩定的事物。
  • 如果你不再渴求這些無常的事物,你將證悟到那個永恆、穩定的境界。

當你發現並洞察到不穩定(unstableness),你已踏上通往涅槃的道路。繼續跟隨這不穩定的現象,直至它的終點,便能找到那個恆常不變的涅槃(constant Nibbāna)。


  1. 涅槃超越五蘊,雖存在於五蘊之內,卻與五蘊無關。
  2. 執著於無常的現象,如五蘊、家庭、財富,會阻礙我們證悟涅槃。
  3. 三步修行:觀察無常 → 生起厭離 → 滅盡無常,從而證悟涅槃。
  4. 不渴求無常的事物,便能得到那穩定不變的涅槃。





更新:西元 2025-01-16

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