更新:西元 2025-01-16
特別聲明:本篇文章尚未完全校對妥當;疏漏錯繆難免,讀者應慎思明辨。僅供法友參考;並祈藉此拋磚引玉,眾法友能共襄盛舉,共同圓滿此譯事。 Nanda 謹識。
Nibbāna Is Near; Not Far Away
15th December 1961
The Buddha talked about Nibbāna without anyone asking. He wanted to dispel people's doubts. Atthi Bhikkhave Nibbānaṃ—Monks! Nibbāna exists. It's sure that Nibbāna exists. It starts from saṅkhata to arrive at Nibbāna, from conditioned to unconditioned. Someone who wants to leave the conditioned will arrive there. Saṅkhata Dhamma, Asaṅkhata Dhamma—Condition Dhamma, Unconditioned Dhamma (from the Dhammasaṅgaṇi). Nibbāna always exist as a natural phenomenon (Sabhāva Dhamma). It exists all the time and why only with the Buddha's help many can realize it. (Before the Buddha, only Pacceka Buddhas had realized it). He could only teach the way to be there. Couldn't make it happen. Nibbāna is unconditioned and exist as a natural phenomenon. It's existing in nature should be encounter by someone. According to the Buddha it's impossible. Why? It needs to be got on the right train. Only the one who takes the maggan train or who do the work of the path factors will arrive there. The train is called magga paccayo (Path Condition). There are trains from good rebirth to good rebirth (sugati to sugati), good rebirth to bad rebirth (sugati to dugati), and good rebirth to Nibbāna. Without the Buddha appeared all take the first and second trains in turn. Nobody can take the third one. Without the Buddha only Pacceka Buddhas were taking the right train. No one can write about Nibbāna. Not by drawing or showing Nibbāna, even can’t show a fake one (Sayadaw referred to scholars and artists). It's without form, shape and images so can’t be deformed or inconstant. A place without deformity and inconstancy is the best place. All living being are living inside the province of conditions and never have the chance for living with safety.
佛陀說道:「Atthi Bhikkhave Nibbānaṃ」 ——「比丘們!涅槃是存在的。」涅槃的存在是確切無疑的。涅槃是從有為法(saṅkhata)通向無為法(asaṅkhata)的境界,亦即從條件所生法到達無條件法。
凡是願意離開有為法的人,最終都能到達涅槃。《法聚論》(Dhammasaṅgaṇi)中提到:有為法(saṅkhata dhamma)與無為法(asaṅkhata dhamma)。涅槃作為自然法則(Sabhāva Dhamma),永遠存在於自然之中。涅槃並非只有在佛陀出現時才存在,而是始終存在著。
按照佛陀的說法,涅槃的證悟必須搭上正確的列車。唯有乘坐通向涅槃的道列車(maggan train)或依循道支(path factors)修行的人,才能到達涅槃。這列車被稱為道緣(magga paccayo)。
- 從善趣到善趣(sugati to sugati)。
- 從善趣到惡趣(sugati to dugati)。
- 從善趣通往涅槃(sugati to Nibbāna)。
在沒有佛陀出現的時代,眾生只會搭乘前兩列車,輪迴於善趣與惡趣之中。唯有辟支佛(Pacceka Buddhas)才能找到並搭上通向涅槃的列車。
- 涅槃是確實存在的,作為自然法則(Sabhāva Dhamma)永恆不變。
- 只有通過佛陀的教法,眾生才能找到通向涅槃的「正確列車」(道緣)。
- 涅槃超越一切形式與無常,是真正安全、安穩的終極境界。
佛陀未經任何人請求,就談論涅槃。他想消除人們的疑慮。阿比達摩!涅槃存在。涅槃存在是確定的。它從有為法開始,到達無為法。想要離開有為法的人會到達那裡。有為法、無為法(來自《法集要頌》)。涅槃一直存在,作為一種自然現象(Sabhāva Dhamma)。它一直存在,為什麼只有在佛陀的幫助下,許多人才得以證悟?(在佛陀之前,只有獨覺佛證悟了它。)佛陀只能教導到達那裡的方法,無法使之發生。涅槃是無為的,作為一種自然現象而存在。它自然存在,應該有人遇到它。根據佛陀的說法,這是不可能的。為什麼?需要搭上正確的列車。只有乘坐道列車或做道因工作的人才能到達那裡。這列火車稱為magga paccayo(道因)。有從善趣到善趣(sugati to sugati)、善趣到惡趣(sugati to dugati)、善趣到涅槃的列車。沒有佛陀出現,所有人都輪流乘坐第一和第二列火車。沒有人能乘坐第三列火車。沒有佛陀,只有獨覺佛乘坐正確的列車。
Asking you to contemplate impermanence is to want you seeing the conditioned; wanting you for disenchantment to conditioned; wanting you to transcend or get out of conditioned; wanting you to sharpen the knowledge and to get out of conditions by the knowledge. Therefore, I am asking you to contemplate every day. Wanting to arrive Nibbāna have to follow to the end of saṅkhata. So I am asking U Than Maung (one of his disciples in the audience) as; "Are you arriving at the end of inconstancy yet?" At the ending of saṅkhata you will find it. It's close to the ending of saṅkhata. In the Saṁyutta the Buddha said: Nibbānass'eva santike—Nibbāna is not far away, very near (SN.1.46/ (6). Accharāsuttaṃ). Therefore, the Buddha taught to Rohitassa Devaputta to look for Nibbāna at 2‐armed‐lengths body (everyone's height is only 2‐armed‐lengths of his/her own hand) (AN.4.45 Rohitassasuttaṃ). Contemplate this 2‐armed‐lengths body back and forth will see inconstancy and disenchantment of it. After that make a firm decision as it's truly dukkha sacca and then come to an end. It looks like you are watching a movie when it ended the white screen appear before you. Before it ending the screen was complicating with moving pictures. Here also the movie saṅkhata ends and Nibbāna white screen appears. The meaning is it's closing behind. If you are going by maggan train only short moment. I encourage you to make effort. With the khandhas disappear and Nibbāna appears here. It's near but far away for someone who cannot overcome the saṅkhata. Don't say overcome it even very few people see impermanence. One cannot arrive at nicca Nibbāna because of not seeing anicca. If you say far away, people are retreating. Saying near they don't know how to look for it. Some heard from others said that Nibbāna was far away. And also don't know how to look for, so they decide to develop perfection (pāramīs) slowly. It's not pāramī but to have maggaṅga (path factors).
若想要到達涅槃(Nibbāna),必須走到有為法的終點(saṅkhata)。我問在座的吳丹茂(U Than Maung):「你到達無常的終點了嗎?」
在《相應部》(Saṁyutta Nikāya)中,佛陀曾說:
「Nibbānass'eva santike」 ——「涅槃不遠,非常接近。」(SN.1.46 阿遮羅經,Accharāsuttaṃ)
因此,佛陀也曾教導羅希達沙天子(Rohitassa Devaputta)尋找涅槃:
「就在兩臂長的身體內尋找涅槃。」(AN.4.45 羅希達沙經,Rohitassasuttaṃ)
之後,確立堅定的見解:「這確實是苦諦(dukkha sacca)。」這樣一來,便能走向終點。這個過程就像是在看一部電影,當電影結束時,白色的螢幕便顯現在眼前。電影播放時,畫面是變化與混亂的;當電影結束時,背景的白屏出現。
同樣地,當有為法(saṅkhata)結束時,涅槃(Nibbāna)的「白屏」就會顯現。這表示涅槃就在背後緊隨著。如果你搭上「道支列車」(maggan train),只需要一瞬間便能到達。
不要說超越它了,事實上,很少有人能真正見到無常。因為看不到無常,所以無法證得涅槃這個「常住的境界」(nicca Nibbāna)。
若說涅槃很遠,修行者會退縮;若說涅槃很近,他們卻不知道如何尋找。有些人聽說涅槃遙不可及,於是決定緩慢地積累波羅蜜(pāramīs)。然而,重點不在於波羅蜜,而是要具足道支(maggaṅga,path factors)。
- 觀察無常是邁向涅槃的必經之路。
- 涅槃並不遙遠,卻需要道支的修行來達到。
- 不要認為涅槃遙不可及而退縮,也不要盲目地等待波羅蜜的成熟,關鍵在於當下修行。
在《雜阿含經》中,佛陀說:涅槃不遠,非常接近(SN.1.46/(6). Accharāsuttaṃ)。因此,佛陀教導羅睺羅太子在兩臂長的距離內尋找涅槃(每個人的身高只有自己雙臂長的距離)(AN.4.45 Rohitassasuttaṃ)。觀照這個兩臂長的軀體,來回觀看,就會看到無常和厭離。之後,堅定地決定它是真正的苦諦,然後結束。
In Petakopadesa (a commentary, and also said by the Buddha), it mentioned that listening to the Sacca Dhamma (talks on Noble Truths) with proper or wise attention, by practicing in this way would penetrate the Truth of Dukkha and realize Nibbāna. It did not mention about the pāramīs. This maggan train can be ridden only by one oneself and it can’t carry his family members. Each person rides with one's own train. Therefore, Path Knowledge can’t share with others. (Not the same as merits) Paccattaṃ veditabbo viññūhī—each person enjoys the happiness or peace by oneself. Magga paccayo—Nibbāna is Path Condition, it came from the Paṭṭhāna (law of conditionality). In the whole of saṁsāra (round of rebirth), we were taking the wrong train and suffered by it. Don't look for the culprit. People are talking as making money to feed your family is encouraging to ride the dugati train from the sugati (sugati—good or happy, dugati—bad or painful). Even may be you will think it as he is friendly to me. Some encourage others to ride the sugati train for the betterment of next life. This is for your old age, sickness and death. If you ride the middle train (maggan), they will say you are still so young. Do you see the disadvantages make by your good friends? This is reminding you for the future.
在《攝阿毘達摩義論》(Petakopadesa,佛陀所說並由後世註解)中提到:若能以正念或智慧注意(wise attention)來聽聞四聖諦之法(Sacca Dhamma,Noble Truths),並依此實踐,便能洞察苦諦(Truth of Dukkha),證悟涅槃(Nibbāna)。此經文中並未提及波羅蜜(pāramīs)。
道支列車(maggan train)只能由自己親自乘坐,無法攜帶家人同行。每個人必須獨自乘坐自己的「列車」,因此道智(Path Knowledge)是無法分享給他人的(不像功德那樣可以回向)。佛陀教導道:「Paccattaṃ veditabbo viññūhī」 ——「涅槃之樂或平靜,唯有親證者才能體會。」
道緣(magga paccayo)是涅槃的必要條件,這觀念源自於《法集論》(Paṭṭhāna,Conditionality之法)。在漫長的輪迴(saṁsāra)中,我們長久以來搭乘錯誤的列車,因此飽受苦難。
不要尋找罪魁禍首。人們總說:「努力賺錢養家」是正確的,卻不知這種追求其實是在鼓勵你從善趣列車(sugati train)轉向惡趣列車(dugati train)。有些人會如此告訴你:「這是為了家人、為了你的老年、疾病與死亡著想。」
- 四聖諦之法(Sacca Dhamma)若以正念聆聽與實踐,便能洞察苦諦,證悟涅槃。
- 道智無法分享,證悟涅槃是個人努力的結果。
- 大多數人不知不覺搭乘了善趣與惡趣的列車,唯有通過道支才能走向涅槃。
- 他人的「好意」與「建議」往往成為束縛的藉口,提醒修行者須具足智慧,自行抉擇道路。
在《毗婆舍論》中,提到以正確或明智的注意力聆聽四聖諦法語,通過這種方式修行,就能洞悉苦諦,證悟涅槃。沒有提到波羅蜜。這列道列車只能由一個人自己乘坐,不能載他的家人。每個人都乘坐自己的列車。因此,道智無法與他人分享。(與功德不同)Paccattaṃ veditabbo viññūhī——每個人獨自享受快樂或和平。Magga paccayo——涅槃是道因,來自於《因緣論》。在整個輪迴中,我們乘坐錯誤的列車,因此受苦。不要尋找罪魁禍首。人們說賺錢養家是鼓勵從善趣(sugati——善或快樂)乘坐惡趣列車(dugati)。甚至可能認為他是對你友善的。有些人鼓勵他人乘坐善趣列車,以改善來世。這是為了你的老年、疾病和死亡。如果你乘坐中間的列車(道),他們會說你還很年輕。你看到你的好朋友造成的缺點了嗎?這是提醒你未來。
You want to follow the middle way because of the appreciation of Nibbāna. And want to follow it after you have dispelled uccheda diṭṭhi. Ehi passiko (come and see)—Dhamma is calling you. Sandiṭṭhiko (observing or contemplating)—you are following it and Paccattaṃ veditabbo viññūhī—each person will realize the Path Knowledge. (Sayadaw used the 6‐qualities of dhamma to explain the practice quite often.) Realization comes by practicing only, not by prayer or chanting. There are also wrong ways of following with the dhamma (e.g. a mosquito bites and following with the hand). The others are following with craving, anger and delusion. Ehi is sense objects (ārammaṇa), and Sandiṭṭhiko is contemplation (ārammaṇika). If these two are harmonizing you are on the right train. You are seeing the saṅkhata. Ignorance and craving (avijjā and taṇhā) covered on the knowledge. (This is one cover) Again dukkha covers on Nibbāna (the 2nd cover). If you still don't see impermanence, defilement covers on the knowledge. If you are still not in disenchantment with impermanence, and will not make a firm decision as Truth of Dukkha (Dukkha Sacca). Then you will not see Nibbāna. Therefore, to Nibbāna have to go with practice. You can’t have it for free. Kilesa and Dukkha cover up Nibbāna. If you can uncover these two will see it. (First uncover kilesas and see anicca, 2nd uncover Dukkha) The biggest enemy is defilement. It let you can’t penetrate the Truth of Dukkha, so that Dukkha cover up again. You have not overcome defilement if you still have not seen anicca. Not seeing Nibbāna still not penetrate Dukkha yet. If you win kilesa, you will find dukkha. By penetration of dukkha and then Dukkhasa antaṃ karissati—at the ending of dukkha, you will realise Nibbāna.
你之所以選擇走中道(The Middle Way),是因為對涅槃(Nibbāna)的欣喜與渴望;並且,只有當你摒除了斷滅見(uccheda diṭṭhi,認為死後一切皆滅的錯誤觀念)後,才會真正踏上這條道路。
佛法呼喚你:「Ehi passiko」 ——「來吧,來親身觀察與體證。」當你開始修行時,便是Sandiṭṭhiko ——「觀察、如實洞察法。」最終,每個人都將通過自身的努力,證得道智(Path Knowledge),即:Paccattaṃ veditabbo viññūhī ——「唯有親證者方能體驗真理之樂。」
證悟唯有通過實修才能達成,並非祈禱或誦經所能獲得。此外,也存在錯誤的修行方式。例如:被蚊子叮咬,便用手去抓撓,這是錯誤的跟隨。還有些人被貪、瞋、癡(taṇhā, dosa, moha)所帶領,而不是隨著法(Dhamma)行走。
然而,無明(avijjā)與渴愛(taṇhā)會遮蔽你的智慧(這是第一層遮蔽);而苦(dukkha)則掩蓋了涅槃(第二層遮蔽)。如果你仍無法見到無常(anicca),你的智慧將被煩惱(kilesa)所覆蓋。若無法對無常生起厭離(nibbidā),也無法堅定洞察「這確實是苦諦」(Dukkha Sacca),最終將無法證悟涅槃。
- 首先,去除煩惱:透過觀察無常(anicca),見到煩惱的本質,洞察真理。
- 其次,揭開苦:當煩惱消除後,便能看到「苦」的本質,深入洞察苦諦(Dukkha Sacca)。
若能戰勝煩惱,便能看到「苦」。通過洞察「苦」,你將達到Dukkhasa antaṃ karissati ——「在苦的盡頭,你將證悟涅槃。」
- 修行的過程是:觀察無常 → 生起厭離 → 洞察苦諦 → 證悟涅槃。
- 煩惱(kilesa)與苦(dukkha)是涅槃的兩大遮障,唯有透過觀察無常才能逐一去除。
- 涅槃是可達到的,但必須靠實修,不能靠祈禱或誦經。
- 每個人必須獨自努力,親自乘坐中道的列車,方能達到涅槃之境。
你想追隨中道,是因為你對涅槃的欣賞。並且想在破除了斷見之後才追隨它。Ehi passiko(來看看)——法在呼喚你。Sandiṭṭhiko(觀察或觀照)——你正在追隨它,Paccattaṃ veditabbo viññūhī——每個人都會獨自證得道智。(師父經常使用法的六種特性來解釋修行。)
覺悟只能通過修行而來,不能通過祈禱或誦經。也有錯誤的追隨法的方式(例如,蚊子叮咬,用手追隨)。其他人則以貪婪、憤怒和愚癡追隨。Ehi是感官對象(ārammaṇa),Sandiṭṭhiko是觀照(ārammaṇika)。如果這兩個和諧,你就上了正確的列車。你正在看到有為法。無明和貪欲(avijjā 和 taṇhā)遮蔽了智慧。 (這是第一層遮蔽)再次,苦遮蔽了涅槃(第二層遮蔽)。如果你仍然看不到無常,染污遮蔽了智慧。如果你仍然沒有厭離無常,並且不會堅定地決定它是苦諦,那麼你將看不到涅槃。
因此,要到達涅槃,必須通過修行。你不能免費獲得它。煩惱和苦遮蔽了涅槃。如果你能揭開這兩層,就會看到它。(首先揭開煩惱,看到無常,其次揭開苦)最大的敵人是煩惱。它讓你無法洞悉苦諦,因此苦再次遮蔽。如果你還沒有看到無常,你就沒有克服煩惱。沒有看到涅槃,就還沒有洞悉苦。如果你戰勝了煩惱,你就會找到苦。通過洞悉苦,然後Dukkhasa antaṃ karissati——在苦的終結,你將證得涅槃。
更新:西元 2025-01-16
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