更新:西元 2025-01-16
特別聲明:本篇文章尚未完全校對妥當;疏漏錯繆難免,讀者應慎思明辨。僅供法友參考;並祈藉此拋磚引玉,眾法友能共襄盛舉,共同圓滿此譯事。 Nanda 謹識。
Samatha And Vipassanā
20th October 1961
(Sayadaw mentioned a monk named Assaji who was seriously ill. The Buddha went to see him and gave instruction for practice.) He had dukkha vedanā and could not develop samādhi and in low spirit. The Buddha told him, in his sāsana samādhi should not be taken as the essence of the teaching. Vipassanā practice was the main one. May be you say we are practicing for quite a long time now, but still don't have samādhi. Never be in low spirit even your samādhi is weak. Samādhi is not the real essence in the Buddha's sāsana. Assaji's mind became in high spirit again. Samādhi is only a supportive dhamma and wisdom is the main one. "Pay attention to what I say." Then the Buddha asked him practising vipassanā. "Here is feeling, mind, the 5‐khandhas. I ask you and give me the answer." The Buddha turned his mind to the contemplative object. His samādhi was unstable and also very ill, so the Buddha taught him insight practice on the khandhas.
這位比丘因為有強烈的苦受(dukkha vedanā),導致無法發展定(samādhi),心情也非常低落。佛陀告訴他,在佛陀的教法中,定並不是修行的核心,觀禪(vipassanā)才是最主要的修行方法。
From now on you all should develop the habitual kamma (āciṇṇaka kamma). Every feeling arising contemplate its impermanence. People have strong wrong view should contemplate the mind and strong craving on feeling. Anytime make it as a habitual kamma. Āciṇṇaka kamma means continuous practice. I really remind you for this. Why? You are searching for wealth with desire. And don't want to separate from the children (sons and daughters). The wealth you have worked for will be left behind including with the children. It will be difficult for dying. All these things are not important. Should develop the habitual kamma told by the Buddha. Knowledge (ñāṇa) means continuous practice.
從現在開始,你們都應當培養習慣業(āciṇṇaka kamma)。每當感受(vedanā)生起時,便觀察其無常(anicca)。若有人執著於強烈的邪見(wrong view),應該觀察自己的心(citta);若有人對感受有強烈的渴愛(craving),也應該加以觀察。任何時刻,都要將這種觀察變成習慣,作為自己的習慣業。
習慣業(āciṇṇaka kamma)意指持續不斷的修習。我在此特別提醒你們,為什麼呢?因為你們總是帶著欲望追求財富,也不願與子女分離。但你辛苦所追求的財富,最終都將被留在身後,包括你的子女也是如此。這將使死亡之時變得困難與痛苦。所有這些都不是重要的事情。
這段教導強調持續修行(āciṇṇaka kamma)的重要性,並提醒我們不要過分執著於財富和親情,因為一切皆是無常的。只有將觀察感受、心、以及渴愛的過程變成習慣,才能真正培養智慧(ñāṇa)並逐步走向解脫。
從現在起,你們應培養習慣性行為(āciṇṇaka kamma)。每當感受生起,便觀照其無常。有強烈邪見的人應觀照心,有強烈貪欲的人應觀照感受。隨時隨地,將此作為習慣性行為。Āciṇṇaka kamma意為持續修行。我真心地提醒你們。為何?你們尋求財富,帶著慾望。不願與子女分離。你們辛苦賺來的財富,連同子女,都將留下來。臨死時會很困難。所有這些都不重要。應培養佛陀所教導的習慣性行為。知識(ñāṇa)意為持續修行。
Contemplate a lot on the mind and feeling. Impermanence (anicca) and seeing impermanence (anicca ñāṇa) must happen simultaneously (The same meaning as seeing anicca.). Practice every day is āciṇṇaka kamma. With a lot of habitual practice and when the time of death comes, you don't want to separate from your family members. And also don't want to let go of your wealth. All these can come in to your mind at that time. Give an example for the above situation, habitual kamma is like strong flowing current water. The mind which doesn't want to separate with family members and wealth is like a piece of wood come across the current. The current is too strong and striking the wood away. Your everyday vipassanā practice is like strong water current. At that time the habitual wholesome kamma gives the result and the unwholesome maraṇāsanna kamma (kamma come in at the time of dying) shuns away. At the time of dying to be successful urgently make the preparation beforehand.
要多加觀察心(citta)與感受(vedanā)。無常(anicca)與見到無常的智慧(anicca ñāṇa)必須同時發生,也就是說「見到無常」即是如此。每日持續修行,這便是習慣業(āciṇṇaka kamma)。
你每天進行的內觀禪修(vipassanā),就如同那股強勁的水流一樣。在臨命終時,習慣性的善業會現前並給予結果,而那些不善的臨終業(maraṇāsanna kamma)將被擊退。
這段教法再一次強調習慣性修行(āciṇṇaka kamma)的重要性,並以水流和木頭的比喻形象地說明了持續修習的力量,能夠沖散臨終時的不善心與執著。唯有日積月累地培養善業與智慧,才能在生命的最後一刻平靜自在,走向解脫。
觀照心與感受。無常(anicca)與見無常(anicca ñāṇa)必須同時發生(與見無常同義)。每日修行即為āciṇṇaka kamma。透過大量習慣性修行,當死亡來臨時,你不會想與家人分離,也不會想放手財富。所有這些念頭可能會在那個時候湧現。
舉例來說,習慣性行為就像強勁的水流。不想與家人和財富分離的心念,就像是一塊木頭橫渡水流。水流太強,將木頭沖走。你每天的禪修就像強勁的水流。在那時,習慣性的善法會產生結果,不善的臨終業(maranāsanna kamma)會退避。為了在臨終時成功,必須事先做好準備。
Āciṇṇaka kamma is everyday training. Maraṇāsanna kamma is the kamma come in near dying. If you don't do vipassanā, maraṇāsanna kamma will give the result. It's frightening. Attachment to family member leads to painful rebirths. Attachment is craving. According to Dependent Arising, it is: Taṇhā → upādāna → kamma → painful rebirth. Maraṇāsanna kamma throw you down there. You all have wholesome kammas and merits. But you are not doing these things all the time. You must continuous training with one of the Four Satipaṭṭhāna. Cars, properties, houses are enemies. They will come to you near dying. These are fearful things. These are maraṇāsanna kammas close to the dying moment of the mind. They are arising near the death consciousness. Some of the Buddha's disciples (laypeople) and monk disciples took painful rebirths were these maraṇāsanna kammas. That was because they did not possess vipassanā knowledge. With Path Knowledge these kammas can’t do anything to you. You must develop āciṇṇaka kamma. Queen Mallikā at her near dying, maraṇāsanna kamma came in and she fell into hell. She had done the biggest dāna during the Buddha's time. But without Path Knowledge was unstable. Must have the Path Knowledge or develop the āciṇṇaka kamma. Remember these two points. Near dying family and business matters can come in. Without practice, when the time come for separation is not an easy thing. Āciṇṇaka kamma send you to happy rebirth or Nibbāna. Don't be lazy. At the time of dying have to put full energy to contemplate. Why can you put full energy for contemplation? It's because of āciṇṇaka kamma. Without it if you see hell vision will go there as what you have seen. Seeing animal vision will be born as animal. A person who had developed the āciṇṇaka kamma can change all these visions. By seeing hell fire, he knows that he has to go there. He also heard about these things before. At that time he has to put full effort for contemplation.
習慣業(āciṇṇaka kamma)是每日的修行,而臨終業(maraṇāsanna kamma)則是在臨終時現前的業力。如果你不修習觀禪(vipassanā),那麼臨終業就會現前並給予結果,這是非常可怕的。對家人的執著會導致痛苦的再生(rebirth)。執著就是渴愛(taṇhā)。根據緣起法(Dependent Arising),流程是:渴愛(taṇhā) → 取(upādāna)→ 業(kamma)→ 痛苦的再生。臨終業會將你拋向痛苦的境界。
你們都具足善業與功德,但你們並沒有時時刻刻去修行。必須持續透過四念處(Four Satipaṭṭhāna)之一進行修行。汽車、財產、房屋這些都是敵人,它們會在你臨終時浮現,這是極為可怕的。這些是臨終時的業,緊隨著臨終的死識(death consciousness)而生起。即便是佛陀的弟子,包括一些在家弟子與出家弟子,也因為臨終業而墮入痛苦的境界,原因就在於他們沒有具足觀智(vipassanā knowledge)。
若已證得道智(Path Knowledge),這些臨終業便無法影響你。你必須培養習慣業。例如摩利卡王妃(Queen Mallikā),在臨終時因為臨終業的干擾而墮入地獄。儘管她曾在佛陀時代完成了巨大的布施(dāna),但因未證得道智,其境界仍不穩固。因此,必須具足道智,或是透過持續修行來培養習慣業。請記住這兩點。
臨終時,家人和事業的牽掛會浮現出來。如果沒有平時的修行,臨終時面對分離將不是一件容易的事。習慣業能引導你走向善趣(happy rebirth)或涅槃(Nibbāna)。不要懶惰!在臨終之時,必須傾注全力進行觀察與觀照。
這段開示極力強調習慣業(āciṇṇaka kamma)的重要性,並指出日常持續修行才能在臨終時擊退不善業的干擾。透過日常四念處的觀照,培養出堅固的善業與智慧,便能在臨終時轉危為安,遠離痛苦的再生,走向解脫之道。
Aciṇṇaka kamma 是日常的訓練。Maraṇāsanna kamma 是臨死前的業。如果你不修習禪觀,maraṇāsanna kamma 將會結果。這是可怕的。對家人的執著會導致痛苦的輪迴。執著是貪欲。根據緣起法,它是:Taṇhā → upādāna → kamma → painful rebirth。Maraṇāsanna kamma 會將你拋入其中。你們都有善法和功德。但你們並不總是這樣做。你必須持續訓練四念處之一。
汽車、財產、房屋是敵人。它們會在臨死前來到你身邊。這些是可怕的事情。這些是臨死前的 maraṇāsanna kamma。它們在死亡意識附近生起。佛陀的一些弟子(在家和出家)因 maraṇāsanna kamma 而墮入惡道。那是因為他們沒有觀慧的智慧。有了道智,這些業力無法傷害你。你必須發展 āciṇṇaka kamma。末利迦王后臨死時,maraṇāsanna kamma 來臨,她墮入地獄。她在佛陀時代做了最大的布施。但沒有道智是不穩定的。必須有道智或發展 āciṇṇaka kamma。記住這兩點。臨死前,家庭和商業事務可能會出現。沒有修行,臨別時並不容易。Āciṇṇaka kamma 送你到快樂的輪迴或涅槃。不要懶惰。臨死時,必須全力以赴地觀照。為什麼你能全力以赴地觀照?因為有 āciṇṇaka kamma。沒有它,如果你看到地獄的景象,就會像你所看到的去到那裡。看到動物的景象,就會出生為動物。發展了 āciṇṇaka kamma 的人可以改變所有這些景象。看到地獄之火,他知道自己必須去那裡。他之前也聽說過這些事情。在那時,他必須全力以赴地觀照。
By seeing anicca, disenchantment for anicca, the ending of anicca and then will realize Nibbāna (i.e., The three insight knowledge mentioned in suttas.). There is nothing to be low spirited. Someone had accinna kamma even could become an arahant at the near dying. (see MN 144: Channovāda Sutta, Majjhima Nikāya) Without this habitual kamma, one has to take rebirth accordingly to the visions. The Buddha explained the difference between prayer with chanting and vipassanā. Prayer with chanting is faith and refuge, only leading to happy rebirths. Practice is leading to Nibbāna. Let do prayer with chanting to be lesser than practice. If you do a lot of practice, it becomes āciṇṇaka kamma. Don't listen to talks just for merits. The Buddha preferred the practice to cut off all the wholesome, unwholesome and mixed kammas (black and white) (vipassanā kamma and magga kamma cut off all kammas). Practice and stopping can’t become āciṇṇaka kamma. Have to do a lot. If anicca and magga become simultaneously, then you have succeeded. Assaji by practicing accordingly to the Buddha's questions and answered and became an arahant. Samādhi is only a support for the contemplation. Don't think it as that there is no samādhi; there is no perfection (pāramī). Vipassanā is leading by wisdom factors. If you do vipassanā, it also includes samādhi. And if you discern anicca, it also includes samādhi factors. It is also including sīla factors during the practice.
通過觀察無常(anicca),對無常生起厭離(disenchantment),並徹底斷除無常,最終便能證悟涅槃(Nibbāna)。這便是經典中所提到的三種觀智(insight knowledge)。因此,絕不應該心生沮喪。
即使在臨終之時,若已培養習慣業(āciṇṇaka kamma),仍然有機會證得阿羅漢果。例如在《中部經典》第144經《闡陀尊者經》(Channovāda Sutta,Majjhima Nikāya)中,便有這樣的例證。若沒有這種習慣業,眾生將根據臨終時所現起的境界(visions)而決定投生(rebirth)。
佛陀也曾解釋過祈禱與誦經與觀禪(vipassanā)之間的差異。祈禱與誦經是基於信心與皈依,其結果僅能導向善趣(happy rebirths);而實修則是導向涅槃(Nibbāna)。因此,應當讓祈禱與誦經少於實修。如果你多加實修,這將成為你的習慣業。
不要只是為了獲得功德而聽法。佛陀強調實修的重要性,因為唯有實修才能斷除所有的善、不善及雜染業(黑業與白業)。唯有透過觀禪業(vipassanā kamma)和道智業(magga kamma),才能徹底斷除一切業力。若只是偶爾修行,然後停下來,這無法成為習慣業。必須持續地精進修行。
- 修習習慣業(āciṇṇaka kamma)能導向涅槃,即便臨終也有機會成就。
- 祈禱與誦經雖可獲得善趣,但唯有實修才是通往解脫的真正道路。
- 觀禪中自然涵蓋了戒、定與慧,無須擔憂自己缺乏定力或波羅蜜。
通過見無常、厭離無常、無常的終結,然後將證得涅槃(即經文中提到的三種智見)。沒有什麼好氣餒的。有些人甚至可以在臨死前成為阿羅漢,因為他們有習慣性的善法。(見《中部經》144:禪諾瓦達經)沒有這種習慣性的善法,一個人必須根據幻象投胎。佛陀解釋了誦經祈禱與禪修的區別。誦經祈禱是信仰和皈依,只引導到快樂的輪迴。修行則引導到涅槃。讓誦經祈禱少於修行。如果你多修行,它就會成為 āciṇṇaka kamma。不要只為了功德而聽法。佛陀更喜歡斷除一切善、不善和混合業(黑與白)的修行(觀慧業和道業斷除一切業)。修行和停止不能成為 āciṇṇaka kamma。必須多多修行。如果無常和道同時出現,那麼你就成功了。阿薩芝按照佛陀的提問和回答進行修行,成為了阿羅漢。禪定只是觀照的支撐。不要認為沒有禪定,沒有圓滿(pāramī)。觀慧由智慧因緣引導。如果你修習觀慧,它也包括禪定。如果你辨別無常,它也包括禪定的因素。它也包括修行中的戒律因素。
更新:西元 2025-01-16
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