
更新:西元 2025-01-15

特別聲明:本篇文章尚未完全校對妥當;疏漏錯繆難免,讀者應慎思明辨。僅供法友參考;並祈藉此拋磚引玉,眾法友能共襄盛舉,共同圓滿此譯事。 Nanda 謹識。

The Four Arahants and an Ordinary Monk

19th October 1961

The first arahant contemplated on the 6-contacts (phassa) (The 6‐sense objects contact with the 6‐sense doors). When the eyes meet the form feeling arises. Contact is phassa and feeling is vedanā. He contemplated their impermanence, became disenchantment and saw their ending. These 3-knowledge developed step by step.




  1. 六觸處(phassa)的觀照:

    ◦ 六根(眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意)接觸六塵(色、聲、香、味、觸、法)時,


  1. 觸生受(vedanā):

    ◦ 例如:當眼根接觸色塵時,

    ▪ 觸(phassa)生起,

    ▪ 隨之而來的是受(vedanā):樂受、苦受、捨受。

  2. 觀察無常:

    ◦ 他觀察「觸」與「受」的無常(anicca)。

    ◦ 覺知這些現象生起後必然滅去,不具任何常住性。



  1. 知無常(anicca ñāṇa):

    ◦ 覺知觸與受皆是無常的,隨因緣生滅。

  2. 生厭離(nibbidā ñāṇa):

    ◦ 對無常的觸與受生起厭離心,


  1. 知其滅盡(nirodha ñāṇa):

    ◦ 最終,透過觀照,親證觸與受的滅盡,



  • 觀察六觸處(眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意的接觸),

  • 覺知它們生起、滅去的無常性,

  • 逐步發展三種智慧:

    1. 無常智
    2. 厭離智
    3. 滅盡智



  1. 六觸處 是觀修的所緣,

    ◦ 它是觸生起的地方,

    ◦ 同時帶來受(樂、苦、捨)。

  2. 觀察觸與受的無常,能逐步達到:

    ◦ 知無常 → 生厭離 → 親證滅盡(涅槃)。

  3. 這是修行者從內觀智慧發展到究竟解脫的過程。








The second arahant contemplated the 5‐khandhas and seeing impermanence (anicca). (In the same way as above developed three stages, with the ending of anicca and realized Nibbāna) The third arahant contemplated the 4‐great elements and realized Nibbāna. The fourth arahant contemplated whatever arising as impermanence. Seeing impermanence is yathābhūta ñāṇa (the knowledge of seeing as it is), disenchantment is nibbidā ñāṇa and after penetrated it as dukkha sacca, the Path Knowledge arises and seeing Nibbāna.

第二位阿羅漢觀察五蘊,見到無常(anicca)。(同樣經歷上述三個階段,直至無常的終結,證得涅槃。)第三位阿羅漢觀察四大元素,證得涅槃。第四位阿羅漢觀察一切生起之法皆是無常。見到無常即是如實知見智(yathābhūta ñāṇa),對之生起厭離即是厭離智(nibbidā ñāṇa),並洞察其為苦諦(dukkha sacca)後,便生起道智,見到涅槃。


第二位阿羅漢觀照五蘊,見其無常。(與上述相同,經過三個階段,以無常之滅盡而證得涅槃。)第三位阿羅漢觀照四大地,證得涅槃。第四位阿羅漢觀照一切生起法皆為無常。見無常即如實知(yathābhūta ñāṇa),厭離心即離欲知(nibbidā ñāṇa),深入苦諦後,道智生起,見得涅槃。

A worldly monk came to the first arahant and asked him how he realized Nibbāna. Contemplate the impermanence of the 6‐kinds of contact will realize Nibbāna. He went to the second arahant and asked the same question. He said to him; "You have the right view. Right view is Nibbāna. Tell me what to contemplate to get Nibbāna right view." The monk gave the answer of his experience. The difference between them was the object numbers of 6 and 5. So it dissatisfied him. Both of them were talking about contemplation of impermanence. He did not take the main point of contemplation of anicca, only aware of the 6 and 5 numbers of differences. And then went to the 3rd arahant and asked the same question. It's like give a talk to a mathematician. After the 3rd arahant he went to the 4th and asked the same question. He was even worse and only talked about anicca. The worldly monk was dissatisfied with all the answers. He could not take the point. They were all talking about the important of seeing impermanence and not the numbers of 6, 5, 4, 1. The dissatisfaction came from following or chasing the numbers. The main point is impermanence. Have to follow the anicca, dukkha, anatta and dukkha sacca. Nibbāna is only one. Don't be confused. There are 12‐links of Dependent Arising but at the end of each one of the link only impermanence exists. Catch hold of this point. The arising and passing away is the Real Way to Nibbāna. Whatever the teachers are talking about the decision to arrive Nibbāna is impossible without seeing anicca. So don't make any accusation to anyone. Their teachings are also right (may be Sayadaw referred to the systems existed in his time). There are differences without holding the main point of impermanence. Dhamma without impermanence will not arrive at Nibbāna. Make this point clear. If you discern impermanence it's right dhamma. Start from impermanence. Masters in the Tipiṭaka also start from anicca. After that the monk went to ask the Buddha. The differences were only on the way of practice. The Buddha explained with a simile. Dependent on the seasons the riddle tree (in Burmese Pauk tree) has different forms. During flowering season it's red. During bearing fruits season like an acacia tree, etc. (SN 35. 245, Kiṃsukopamasutta, The Riddle Tree) There are 5‐khandhas. Have to contemplate all the five or their impermanent nature? The Buddha talked for not going wrong. It's important to follow the root and not each of them. Following whatever dhamma arising and they will teach you. They will tell you the Truth, "I am not here anymore", "I am not here anymore". When it is said "not there" by following with nodding your head, in this way, craving, conceit, wrong view (taṇhā, māna, diṭṭhi) or the papañca dhamma (proliferation) cannot come in. Impermanence is calling you Ehi‐passiko—come and contemplate me. Sandiṭṭhiko—you have to follow it by direct experience. The arising dhamma is Ehi‐passiko and the contemplative mind is Sandiṭṭhiko. People are suffered for not following the dhamma calling. Dhamma is calling you and also disappearing. It's something like someone is drowning and at the same time looking for water.


他接著去找第三位阿羅漢,問了同樣的問題,情況就像與一位數學家進行討論一樣。他再去請教第四位阿羅漢,結果更糟糕,這位阿羅漢只談論了無常(anicca)。這位世俗比丘對所有的答案都不滿意,因為他無法領悟重點。他們全都在強調見到無常的重要性,而非六、五、四、一這些數字的差異。不滿意的根本原因在於執著於數字,而非跟隨「無常、苦、無我」與「苦諦」(dukkha sacca)。涅槃只有一個,不要被混淆。



當「不在了」這個真相顯現時,若能隨順而生起觀察,如此一來,渴愛(taṇhā)、慢心(māna)、邪見(diṭṭhi)或增盛法(papañca dhamma,即心的散亂增盛)便無法侵入。無常在呼喚你:「Ehi-passiko——來吧,來觀察我!」你必須以直接經驗跟隨它(Sandiṭṭhiko)。當法生起時,便是Ehi-passiko(來觀察我),而觀察的心則是Sandiṭṭhiko(直接見到它)。







有五蘊。必須觀照全部五蘊或其無常性?佛陀說不要走錯路。重要的是追隨根源,而非每個細節。追隨每個生起法,它們會教你。它們會告訴你真相:「我不再存在」、「我不再存在」。當說「不存在」時,以點頭隨之,如此,貪欲、我慢、邪見(taṇhā、māna、diṭṭhi)或繁雜法(papañca dhamma)無法生起。無常呼喚你Ehi-passiko——來觀照我。Sandiṭṭhiko——你必須直接體驗。生起法是Ehi-passiko,觀照心是Sandiṭṭhiko。人們之所以痛苦,是因為不追隨法的呼喚。法呼喚你,也同時消失。這就像一個人溺水,同時也在尋找水。


Here also the same. If you have khandhas and also have impermanence, you have to blame yourself for not having the Seeing Eye. The teacher needs to fix the eye for you. Don't look for dhamma, but for a teacher who can fix the eye for you. People are asking for dhamma, it is quite difficult for me because the body is dhamma. The 5‐khandhas divided by Satipaṭṭhāna become 4‐Satipaṭṭhāna. Āyatana, dhātu … etc., all are including in these 4. This is the dhamma taught by every Buddha. It looks like herding for 4‐cows. Form, feeling, mind whatever you are contemplating try to discern anicca. All of them are converging at anicca. Therefore, don't be too many dhammas. Although the Buddha entered Nibbāna he left 3‐cups of medicines behind, anicca, dukkha and anatta medicines. Contemplate anicca more and more and become mature and then anicca become Truth of Dukkha. At first you are seeing impermanence. After maturing it become disenchantment. At last, arriving at the most mature stage you can make a decision that it's truly dukkha sacca. And then all are ended, and here is not changing. The mind becomes sharp. Why it becomes sharp? By sharpening a knife, there are beginning, middle and the end stages. Which stage is sharper? All three stages are the same knife. The mind process is also in this way. Just observe. Fulfillment of perfection (pāramī) is not like a bucket overflow with water. It's talking about the mind (ñāṇa) becomes sharp. Therefore, your duty is like sharpening a knife. Continue to sharpen the mind. The first sharpening kills the active defilement (kilesas). The second one kills the defilement arising from the mind. The most sharpened one kills the latent defilement (anusaya). It's the knife can kill all the 3‐types of kilesas. Whatever contemplation is, just see anicca.

同樣地,如果你擁有五蘊(khandhas),且見到無常(anicca),但未能真正洞察,那麼應該責備自己沒有見法之眼(Seeing Eye)。這時,必須尋找一位能為你「修復眼睛」的老師。不要尋求法,而是尋找能幫助你見法的老師。人們總是在尋求法,但這對我來說很困難,因為身體本身就是法。


雖然佛陀已入涅槃,但他留下了三杯「藥」:無常(anicca)、苦(dukkha)與無我(anatta)。努力多加觀察無常,當觀察成熟時,無常便會轉化為苦的真理(Dukkha Sacca)。起初,你只是看到無常,隨著觀察的成熟,便生起厭離(nibbidā);最後,當達到最成熟的階段,你將能確定:「這確實是苦諦。」在那裡,一切便結束了——「此處」再無變化,心變得銳利且堅定。







更新:西元 2025-01-15

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