
更新:西元 2025-01-15

特別聲明:本篇文章尚未完全校對妥當;疏漏錯繆難免,讀者應慎思明辨。僅供法友參考;並祈藉此拋磚引玉,眾法友能共襄盛舉,共同圓滿此譯事。 Nanda 謹識。

Satipaṭṭhāna Objects and the Contemplative Mind

16th September 1961

The Buddha gave a talk for three reasons. By requesting, not requesting by anyone and depending on the events and situations. Just by compassion gave a teaching without anyone request. This is nothing to do with suitable or unsuitable situations. As an example for the depending on a situation was the quarrel between his 2-sides of relatives for water problem. Without any request he gave the Fool and the Wise discourse. The Buddha had the most disapproving attitude for getting another khandha (rebirth). It would make him happiest if someone did not get it. In the past, because of ignorance and volitional formation, in this life we had rebirth consciousness, mind/body, internal bases, contact, feeling or the 5‐khandhas (avijjā → saṅkhāra → viññāṇa → nāma‐rūpa → saḷāyatana → phassa → vedanā). In suttas described as a series. In reality it is happening together (from viññāṇa to vedanā=5‐khandhas). In suttas described as a series. In reality it is happening together (from viññāṇa to Vedanā=5‐khandhas). In the suttas mentioned 3-types of feeling arise. This is intellectual knowledge (ñāta pariññā). The real thing is contemplation (tīrāṇa pariññā). In practice only each feeling is arising and must know it when arises. Only with tīrāṇa pariññā that pahāna pariññā (abandoning of defilement) can be possible. Whatever arising, know it and observe it. When the observing mind comes in, the arising phenomenon already passes away. Why I say this? Because two feelings can’t happen at the same time. During the observed feeling arising, the observing feeling can’t arise. Two feelings can’t appear together. Why? The arising feeling is pleasant feeling and the observing mind is neutral feeling. The observed feeling is anicca, and the observing mind is saṅkhāra. Saṅkhāra observes the anicca. The arising dhamma or saṅkhāra (observing mind) is observing the passing away dhamma. (Here it's important to understand the term saṅkhāra. Whatever arising dhamma is saṅkhāra and arise by conditions)





  1. 應請說法:應他人請求而宣說。
  2. 無請自說:出於慈悲心,主動開示,無需請求。
  3. 隨因緣而說:根據當下的事件或情境而宣講。


  • 當兩族親戚因水源問題而爭吵時,佛陀無請自說,開示《愚者與智者經》(Fool and the Wise Discourse)。

  • 佛陀最不願看到眾生再次獲得五蘊(khandha,即再生),

    ◦ 若有人能夠超越輪迴、不再受生,這才是佛陀最欣慰的事。


  • 過去因無明(avijjā) 和行蘊(saṅkhāra),

    ◦ 令今生生起了識蘊(viññāṇa),進而引生名色(nāma-rūpa)、六處(saḷāyatana)、觸(phassa) 和受(vedanā),即五蘊。

  • 在經典中,緣起法看似為「順序發生」,

    ◦ 但在現實中,五蘊是同時發生的,

    ◦ 也就是從識到受的過程是並行的。


  1. 在經典中提到三種受(樂受、苦受、捨受),這是智解層次(ñāta pariññā)。

  2. 真正的修行是觀照層次(tīrāṇa pariññā):

    ◦ 每當感受生起,必須立即觀照它的生滅。

  3. 唯有透過觀照層次,才能達到捨斷層次(pahāna pariññā),

    ◦ 即捨斷煩惱,超越執取。


  • 任何現象生起, 觀知並觀察它。
  • 當「觀照的心」生起時,被觀照的現象已經消失了。


  1. 被觀照的感受 和 觀照的心 是不同的:

    ◦ 被觀照的感受 是「樂受」或「苦受」,

    ◦ 觀照的心 是「捨受」(中性)。

  2. 現象的本質:

    ◦ 被觀照的感受 是無常(anicca),

    ◦ 觀照的心 是行蘊(saṅkhāra)。


  • 「行蘊」 指的是一切依靠因緣生起的法。

  • 在內觀中:

    ◦ 生起的「現象」即是行蘊,

    ◦ 觀照該現象的「心」同樣也是行蘊,

    ◦ 行蘊觀照行蘊,即:

    ▪ 生起的法觀照正在滅去的法。


  1. 當「樂受」、「苦受」或「捨受」生起,立即觀照其無常(anicca)。

  2. 觀照的心 生起時,被觀照的現象已經滅去,

    ◦ 這正是內觀的**「生滅現象」**。

  3. 透過不斷的觀照,逐步達到:

    ◦ 捨斷煩惱,

    ◦ 超越執取,

    ◦ 進而體證涅槃。


  1. 佛陀的教法以慈悲心應時應機,目的在於解脫輪迴。

  2. 五蘊是依因緣而生起的現象,必須透過觀照其生滅,才能斷除煩惱。

  3. 行蘊觀照行蘊:

    ◦ 生起的現象是行蘊,

    ◦ 觀照該現象的心也是行蘊,

    ◦ 觀察現象的生滅,即見無常,斷除執取。

  4. 內觀的關鍵:知生滅,斷渴愛,達解脫。









佛陀最不希望眾生再次輪迴受苦。若眾生能免於輪迴,佛陀將感到最為喜悅。過去因無明與造作,今生我們有了再生意識、身心、內處所、觸、受或五蘊(avijjā → saṅkhāra → viññāṇa → nāma-rūpa → saḷāyatana → phassa → vedanā)。經文中描述為一連串的過程,但實際上它們是同時發生的(從viññāṇa到vedanā,即五蘊)。

經文中提到三種受的生起,這是智慧性的理解(ñāta pariññā)。真正的實踐是觀照(tīrāṇa pariññā)。修行時,僅需知曉每一個生起的受。唯有透過tīrāṇa pariññā,才能達到pahāna pariññā(斷除染污)。



Saṅkhāra observes the anicca. Passing away is anicca. The arising dhamma is saṅkhāra. Here it's arising, when you look at it and already disappeared. The disappearance and the arising mind or observing mind meet together. If I don't explain this, what happen to the yogis? They will think the contemplative mind (observing mind) is constant or permanent. As like saying my mind is fixing on the object become permanent view (sassata diṭṭhi). The contemplative mind is saṅkhāra anicca and also the arising dhamma (both of them are saṅkhāra anicca). Without dispelling wrong view first, vipassanā practice becomes fruitless (Sayadaw in many his talks emphasized this important point very often. We had many evidences from the time of the Buddha to the present day yogis.). The Buddha concerned about was people could not dispel wrong views. Sometime you are saying that we are observing but can’t see impermanence. It seems that the observing mind is permanent. Contemplate the anicca with saṅkhāra. This dhamma is quite difficult but also very true. If not the objects (ārammaṇa) are anicca and the observing mind (ārammaṇika) is nicca. Practice with this wrong view can’t succeed. In Visuddhimagga commentary—saṅkhāra dhamma contemplates the saṅkhāra dhamma (saṅkhāre saṅkhāra vipassanti). In this way wrong view can be fallen off from both sides. If not, it will be like Sāti monk who had permanent wrong view. He took all other dhammas except consciousness were passing away (MN 38: Mahātaṇhā—saṅkhaya Sutta). With wrong view sotāpatti magga can’t arise. Therefore, teacher is important. Gautama Buddha was a short life span Buddha so he left a lot of dhamma teachings behind him for the later generations. Need to be made more clearance here. The observing mind of (saṅkhāra) is observing the object of saṅkhāra when it shows anicca. An example is a rat comes in from the entrance door, do you see it before entering or after entering? You see it after entering. Here also the same. The dhamma arise and you see it or know it. Before the rat comes in you are not looking at it. After the rat comes in, the seeing mind arises. The observed object is anicca, and the observing mind is saṅkhāra.



  1. 所觀的現象(arising dhamma):

    ◦ 它是「行蘊」(saṅkhāra),即依條件而生起的法。

    ◦ 這個現象的「消失」就是無常(anicca)。

  2. 觀察的心(observing mind):

    ◦ 同樣是「行蘊」(saṅkhāra),

    ◦ 它觀察到「所觀現象」的消失(無常)。


  • 所觀現象 與 觀察的心 兩者皆是行蘊(依緣而生的法),皆具無常的本質。


  • 在修行中,若未正確認識:

    ◦ 所觀現象 是無常,

    ◦ 但誤認為 觀察的心 是「常住不變的」,

    ◦ 這便是常見(sassata diṭṭhi)的錯誤觀念。


  • 修行者可能認為:「我的心一直專注在所觀的對象上,這是固定不變的。」
  • 這種錯誤見解將阻礙內觀的進展。


  • 觀察的心 也是依條件而生起的「行蘊」,同樣是無常的。

  • 行蘊觀照行蘊(saṅkhāre saṅkhāra vipassanti):

    ◦ 觀察的心(行蘊)觀照所觀的現象(行蘊),

    ◦ 覺知兩者皆是無常的,才能破除錯見。


  • 老鼠從門口進入屋內:

    ◦ 你是在「老鼠進入後」才看到它,

    ◦ 而不是在它進入之前看到它。

  • 同樣地:

    ◦ 所觀的現象(行蘊) 生起後,

    ◦ 觀察的心(行蘊) 隨之生起,覺知它的「消失」(無常)。


  1. 未破除錯見,修行無法成功:

    ◦ 錯誤見解 如同當時的薩底比丘(Sāti monk)所持的觀念:

    ▪ 他認為「除了識之外,其他法皆會消失」,

    ▪ 這種常見的錯誤觀念,導致他無法證得須陀洹果(sotāpatti magga)。

  2. 破除錯見的修行方法:

    ◦ 行蘊觀照行蘊,

    ◦ 覺知:

    ▪ 所觀的現象是無常,

    ▪ 觀察的心也是無常。


  • 佛陀在短暫的一生中,留下了廣博的教法,

    ◦ 這些教法是為了幫助後世的眾生能夠正確修行,破除錯見。

  • 良師的重要性:

    ◦ 沒有善知識的指導,修行者容易落入錯誤的觀念,

    ◦ 而無法體驗真正的無常與解脫。


  1. 所觀的現象(行蘊) 與 觀察的心(行蘊) 皆是依因緣而生起的法,皆具無常的本質。

  2. 修行時,須覺知:

    ◦ 所觀的現象是生起後即消失(無常),

    ◦ 觀察的心也是依緣而起,並非常住。

  3. 行蘊觀照行蘊, 破除對觀察的心是常住的錯誤觀念,

    ◦ 才能達到正確的內觀智慧,證入涅槃。





造作觀照無常。滅去即無常。生起法即造作。當你觀照時,它已滅去。滅去與生起心或觀照心同時相遇。若不解釋清楚,修行者會誤以為觀照心(觀照心)是常或恆常。就像說我的心固定於對象,而產生常固見(sassata diṭṭhi)。觀照心是造作無常,生起法亦是造作無常(兩者皆是造作無常)。若不先破除邪見,禪修將徒勞無功(師父多次強調此重要點,從佛陀時代到現代的修行者皆有許多證據)。


《清淨道論》註解中提到:造作法觀照造作法(saṅkhāre saṅkhāra vipassanti)。如此,方能從兩方面破除邪見。否則,將如薩提比丘,執著常固見。他認為除意識外,所有法皆是滅去(《中部經》38:大貪欲經)。若有邪見,初果道無法生起。因此,善知識很重要。


更新:西元 2025-01-15

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