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特別聲明:本篇文章尚未完全校對妥當;疏漏錯繆難免,讀者應慎思明辨。僅供法友參考;並祈藉此拋磚引玉,眾法友能共襄盛舉,共同圓滿此譯事。 Nanda 謹識。

Nandaka’s Exhortation

18th to 19th December 1961

[Note: Sayadaw based his talks from the suttas not necessarily the exact serial ways or took all of them as mentioned in the suttas. He only used the points from the suttas to explain the dhammas and about the practice.]

I condense the story of Nandaka and the bhikkhunīs told by Sayadaw. It was based on Nandaka’s Exhortation, Suttas No.146, Majjhima Nikāya.





此故事取自中部經典(Majjhima Nikāya)第146經——《難陀迦的教誨》(Nandaka's Exhortation)。








The Buddha sent monks to teach the bhikkhunīs regularly. Everyone did it except Nandaka; he was never willing to give his service. Every time when his turn arrived, he gave various reasons not to go because they were his consorts in some of his past lives as kings. At the time of the Buddha many arahant had psychic powers to know people's past lives. Then one day the Buddha asked Ānanda who had been arranged to teach the bhikkhunīs. After the Buddha knew the situation, he ordered Nandaka to teach the bhikkhunīs.

佛陀會定期派遣比丘前往教導比丘尼們,所有比丘都依次執行這項職責,唯獨難陀迦尊者(Nandaka) 一直不願意前往。每當輪到他時,他總會找各種理由加以推辭。



在佛陀的時代,許多阿羅漢具備宿命通(psychic powers to know past lives),能夠知曉眾生的過去世因緣。

後來有一天, 佛陀詢問阿難尊者(Ānanda) 誰被安排去教導比丘尼們。







Concern with the practice of vipassanā, I'll talk about Nandaka and 500 bhikkhunīs. There are two types of intimacy. In the past lives one had intimacy with one another. And then in this life one knows each other and become close relationship. He invited them that if they did not understand and not clear about what he said and could ask him. If he asked them they should answer. He talked about feeling by the sense doors. Here is form (visual object). It is particle element. These particle elements are formed by eight fundamental elements. These are elements of earth, water, fire, air, color, smell, taste and nutriment. "Are the visual form permanence or impermanence?" "It is impermanence." "In that which is impermanence easeful (sukha) or stressful (dukkha)?" "It is stressful." "And is it fitting to regard what is impermanence, stressful as: 'This is mine, This is myself, This is what I am'?" "No, Venerable sir." "Why is that?" "Because we have already seen it well as it has come to be, with right discernment." "Even you all know it before, by hearing again is more beneficial." (After this Sayadaw continued to the other five sense objects, from sound to idea=dhamma ārammaṇa)




  1. 過去世的親密:

    ◦ 在過去世中,彼此之間曾有親密關係或因緣。

  2. 今生的親密:

    ◦ 在今生中,彼此認識並成為親密的關係。


  • 若聽不懂或不明白他所教導的,可以提出問題請教;
  • 同樣地,他若發問,她們也必須回答。


難陀迦尊者以感官門(sense doors) 中的「色法」(form,視覺對象)作為起點,開示了佛法的實相:

  1. 色法的本質:

    • 色法是由「微細粒子」(particle elements)構成的,這些粒子由八種根本元素 所組成:

      ◦ 地元素(earth),

      ◦ 水元素(water),

      ◦ 火元素(fire),

      ◦ 風元素(air),

      ◦ 色(color),

      ◦ 香(smell),

      ◦ 味(taste),

      ◦ 食素(nutriment)。

  2. 問答開示:

    • 「這些色法(視覺對象)是常住的(permanence)還是無常的(impermanence)?」

      ◦ 比丘尼們回答:「它是無常的(impermanence)。」

    • 「在無常的現象中,是安樂(sukha)的還是苦迫(dukkha)的?」

      ◦ 比丘尼們回答:「它是苦的(stressful)。」

    • 「那麼,將這些無常、苦迫的現象執著為『這是我的(mine),這是我自己(myself),這是我所是(what I am)』,這樣合適嗎?」

      ◦ 比丘尼們回答:「不,尊者。」

    • 「為什麼不合適?」

      ◦ 「因為我們已經透過正確的觀察(right discernment),如實見到它們的真實本質。」


  • 「即使你們以前已經聽過,現在再聽一次,將更加受益。」


接著,難陀迦尊者將這同樣的問答法,依次運用於其他五種感官對象(sense objects):

  • 聲音(sound)——耳根(hearing);
  • 氣味(smell)——鼻根(smelling);
  • 味道(taste)——舌根(tasting);
  • 觸覺(touch)——身根(body sensations);
  • 法塵(dhamma ārammaṇa,意識對象)——意根(mind)。



  • 一切有為法(conditioned phenomena)都是無常的;
  • 無常的事物皆是苦的;
  • 將無常與苦的現象視為「我」或「我所」是不合適的。






「色法是恆常還是無常?」 「是無常的。」 「無常法是苦還是樂?」 「是苦的。」 「無常苦法,應當執著為『我、我所』嗎?」 「不應當,尊者。」 「為什麼?」 「因為我們已經以正見透見了它的實相。」 「雖然你們已經知道,但再聽聞仍有益處。」



(Sayadaw continued to talk about the six sense doors after the six sense objects.). The eye is nicca or anicca and sukha or dukkha? It is anicca and dukkha, Venerable sir. If anicca and dukkha, can you say, this is mine, this I am and this is myself. No. Venerable sir, we had practiced and knew this before (The other five doors are also in the same way).



  • 「眼根(eye)是常住的(nicca)還是無常的(anicca)?是安樂的(sukha)還是苦的(dukkha)?」
  • 比丘尼們回答:「它是無常(anicca)的,且是苦(dukkha)的,尊者。」


  • 「若眼根是無常且苦的,你們是否能說:『這是我的(this is mine),這是我自己(this I am),這是我所是(this is myself)』呢?」
  • 比丘尼們回答:「不,尊者,我們無法如此認為。因為我們已經修行過,並如實知曉這一點了。」




  1. 眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意皆是無常(anicca)的。
  2. 它們的本質是苦(dukkha)的。
  3. 因此,不能將這些根門錯認為「我」(atta)或「我所」(mine)。




眼睛是恆常還是無常?是苦還是樂? 「是無常、苦的,尊者。」 「如果是無常、苦的,能說『這是我的、我是這個、我是屬於這個』嗎?」 「不能,尊者。我們以前修行時已經知道了。」 (其他五根也是同樣的道理。)


(After the six sense doors, Sayadaw continued to talk about the six consciousness arise from the contact of six sense objects and the six sense doors) When the eyes meet the form, eye consciousness arises. The eye consciousness is nicca or anicca and sukha or dukkha? It is anicca and dukkha, Venerable sir. If it is anicca and dukkha, can you say, this is mine, this I am and this is myself. No. Venerable sir, we had practiced and knew this before (The other five consciousness are also in the same way).



  • 「當眼根接觸色塵時,便生起眼識(eye consciousness)。那麼,眼識是常住的(nicca)還是無常的(anicca)?是安樂的(sukha)還是苦的(dukkha)?」
  • 比丘尼們回答:「它是無常(anicca)且是苦(dukkha)的,尊者。」


  • 「若眼識是無常且苦的,是否能將它執著為『這是我的(this is mine)』、『這是我自己(this I am)』、『這是我所是(this is myself)』呢?」
  • 比丘尼們回答:「不,尊者,我們無法如此認為。因為我們已經修行過,並如實知曉這一點了。」



  1. 六識(eye consciousness, ear consciousness, etc.)皆是由六根與六塵接觸而生起的。

  2. 它們的本質是無常(anicca)且苦(dukkha)的,並非穩定、持久之法。

  3. 因此,不能將它們錯認為:

    ◦ 「這是我的」

    ◦ 「這是我自己」

    ◦ 「這是我所是」


透過對六識的如實觀照,修行者能夠破除對「識」的執著,進一步洞察「無常、苦、無我」的真理,從而斷除「我見」(sakkāya diṭṭhi),邁向解脫之道。



當眼睛遇到色,眼識生起。眼識是恆常還是無常?是苦還是樂? 「是無常、苦的,尊者。」 「如果是無常、苦的,能說『這是我的、我是這個、我是屬於這個』嗎?」 「不能,尊者。我們以前修行時已經知道了。」 (其他五識也是同樣的道理。)


Feeling arises from eye consciousness is permanent or impermanent? It is impermanence, Venerable sir. If impermanent sukha or dukkha? Dukkha, Venerable sir. If it is anicca and dukkha, can you say, this is mine, this I am and this is myself. No, Venerable sir. There are six kinds of feeling. Feeling arise from the eye, from the ear, from the nose, from the tongue and from the mind door. Contemplate the impermanence of feeling is come from these Pali Suttas. If you extend them, it's six kinds. These are only in brief. You can extend more than that, 18 kinds also true (6 sense doors x 3 types of feeling=18). Nandaka gave examples for his talk. Put oil and wick in a container and then lit the fire. Because of the fire, light arises or appears. There are four objects: oil, wick, fire, light. Feeling arises from the three impermanent objects. Therefore, feeling is also impermanence. Here eye, form, eye consciousness and feeling are similar to oil, wick, fire and light. The elements inside the eight material phenomena are impermanent (form and eye sensitivity). Eye consciousness is also impermanent. Feeling arising from them is also impermanent. Therefore, it can’t make feeling which comes from the three impermanence become permanence. Why? The three causes are impermanent. You can say feeling is anicca, dukkha and anatta. If the fire dies out, the light has to be dying out first. Why is that? Because it has to rely on the other three. In the eye when eye consciousness arises, it arises together with feeling. Contemplate eye consciousness as impermanence. Can you say this is mine, this I am, this is myself. Don't say I see it. Feeling arises from the eye is by three causes. These causes are impermanent, so feeling must be impermanent. For example, a son dies, because the parents themselves are impermanent. Can you say why it happened to me? If you said this, then wrong view had followed you. Then you have permanent perception, knowing and view. With wrong view when a child dies or opposing us, then we are in sorrow, lamentation and stress. Now, you yourself are impermanent. You all are still alive because of the continuation of the impermanent conditions. Without these continuations you'll die. It is liked stopping the dynamo. If you can’t move the conditioned out never see anicca. Anicca is covered up by continuity. Continuity means continuous replacements from behind. So can’t see anicca. The replacements are so quick that can’t see the inconstancy. Look at it in this way. Water is flowing from the north to the south direction. Drop colour paints of white, blue and yellow respectively. Stay a little below of the droppings and watch. After the white colour paint flows down and the blue one arrives, and then the yellow one. If you ask is it the same water? The first water is already flowing downwards by the evidence of the colour changes. If the water is always there then white, blue and yellow paints would never flow downwards. Here also the same way, eye consciousness is replacing the feelings. It is not the first feeling, but the later feeling. The first seeing disappears and replacing with the later one.



  • 「由眼識(eye consciousness)生起的感受,是常住的(nicca)還是無常的(anicca)?」
  • 比丘尼們回答:「是無常的,尊者。」
  • 「若無常,那麼它是樂(sukha)還是苦(dukkha)?」
  • 比丘尼們回答:「它是苦的,尊者。」
  • 「若它是無常且苦的,你們是否能說:『這是我的、這是我自己、這是我所是』?」
  • 比丘尼們回答:「不能,尊者。」



  • 感受生起於六根門(sense doors):

    1. 眼(視覺)
    2. 耳(聽覺)
    3. 鼻(嗅覺)
    4. 舌(味覺)
    5. 身(觸覺)
    6. 意(意識門)
  • 對應到每一根門,都有三種感受:樂受、苦受、捨受。

  • 6根門 x 3種感受 = 18種感受,這是對感受的擴展分析。



  1. 在一個容器中放入油與燈芯,然後點燃火,光便會生起。
  2. 這裡有四個要素:油、燈芯、火、光。
  3. 光 的生起依賴於油、燈芯與火,而這三者都是無常的。
  4. 因此,光本身也是無常的。


  • 眼、色(視覺對象)、眼識與感受如同油、燈芯、火與光。
  • 八種物質現象(eight material phenomena)中的色法與眼根,皆是無常的。
  • 眼識 也是無常的。
  • 從這三者生起的感受 必然也是無常的。


  1. 三因緣的無常性:

    ◦ 感受的生起依賴於三個因緣(眼、色、眼識),而這三者皆是無常的,

    ◦ 因此,感受本身也必然是無常的。

  2. 「錯誤見解」的破除:

    ◦ 若將無常的感受視為「我的、我自己、我所是」,便是錯誤的見解。

    ◦ 例如:當兒子或親人去世時,若生起「為什麼這件事發生在我身上?」的念頭,這便是邪見(wrong view)。

    ◦ 這樣的錯誤見解,源於將無常的現象誤認為「常住」。



  1. 連續性(continuity)遮掩了「生滅」的真相。

    ◦ 例如:水流從北方流向南方,若在水中滴入白、藍、黃三種顏料,觀察水的變化:

    ▪ 白色顏料流走後,藍色顏料到來,接著是黃色顏料。

    ▪ 若水是「常住」不變的,那麼顏料便不會流走。

    ▪ 水流的變化顯示了「無常」的真相。

  2. 眼識與感受的「快速替換」:

    ◦ 眼識不斷地生起與滅去,後續的感受替換先前的感受,這種「快速替換」讓人誤以為現象是持續不變的。

    ◦ 事實上:

    ▪ 第一個「見」已經滅去,後續的「見」已經替代它;

    ▪ 感受亦是如此,並非原本的感受,而是後續的感受。


  1. 感受是無常的,因為它依賴於三個無常的因緣(眼、色、眼識)。
  2. 若執著感受為「我」或「我所」,便生起錯誤見解,導致苦、憂、悲、惱。
  3. 無常的真相被「連續性」所掩蓋,必須透過智慧的觀察,才能洞察「無常」的生滅。
  4. 正確的觀察與內觀,能破除錯誤知見,趨向解脫之道。



感受是由眼識所生,是恆常還是無常? 「是無常的,尊者。」 「無常的感受是苦還是樂?」 「是苦的,尊者。」 「無常苦的感受,能說『這是我的、我是這個、我是屬於這個』嗎?」 「不能,尊者。」







The same seeing means can’t overcome the replacement that saying as seeing the same things. Then you can’t leave (move) out the relationship. Seeing the same thing is view of permanence. This is the view to painful rebirth. If you want to dispel this view must know the differences of the replacement is one thing and the passing away is another thing. I'll explain the contemplation of the eye door. On the wall there are the numbers of 1,2,3,4. After you had seen number 1, and you see number 2. After you see number 2 and then you see number 3. If not in this way, you'll only see number 1 continuously. Do you see only number 1? After number 1 disappears you see number 2. After number 2 disappears you see number 3. In the same way you have to know that after the old ones are passing away and the new ones are arising. If not you can’t even count the numbers, number 1 only. The first feeling can’t feel the second feeling. We see it passing away, passing away… etc. Another seeing is here, also passing away here etc. It can’t move away from the place. Contemplate insight here. As an example, pain arises on the body. It is paining. It arises and passes away; another pain arises and passes away. It is passing away that has to replace; it is passing away that it has to replace...etc. Never forget this point. If you are watching at it, the knowledge of "It is not the same one before; It is not the same one before...etc." will develop. If you know it is not the same one before, you are seeing the impermanence. It is the method of uncover the continuity (santati) which covering up the anicca.


這使人無法覺察「生滅」的真相,而誤認為事物是「常住」不變的,這就是常見(view of permanence)。

這種錯誤的知見會導致苦趣的輪迴(painful rebirth)。


  • 必須認識到:「替換的現象」與「滅去的現象」是兩回事。
  • 應透過觀察,了解前者滅去,後者才會生起,這是無常的真相。



  1. 假設你在牆上看到一串數字:1、2、3、4。

    ◦ 當你看到「1」之後,便看到「2」;

    ◦ 當看到「2」之後,便看到「3」;

    ◦ 若無法覺察「1」已滅去,「2」生起,則你將始終只看到「1」。

  2. 這說明什麼?

    ◦ 數字「1」的消失,才有數字「2」的生起。

    ◦ 同樣地,數字「2」消失後,才有數字「3」的生起。

    ◦ 這種替換的過程,便是「生滅」的現象。


  1. 身體上的痛覺

    ◦ 例如,當你感覺到身體某處「疼痛」:

    ▪ 這個疼痛生起、隨後消失;

    ▪ 另一個新的疼痛 再次生起、消失;

    ▪ 如此重複「生滅、生滅...」。

  2. 如何觀照?

    ◦ 每一次的疼痛不是同一個疼痛,都是新的生起與滅去。

    ◦ 觀照時,將知見引導至:「這不是之前的那個,它已經滅去;這不是之前的那個,它已經滅去……」


  • 無常的真相被連續性(continuity)掩蓋,使我們誤以為事物是「同樣不變的」。

  • 正確的觀照方法是:

    ◦ 覺察到「過去的感受已滅去,現在的感受是新的生起」。

    ◦ 這種不斷替換的現象,揭示了事物的無常(anicca)。


  • 同樣的事物不斷生滅,只是被「連續性」所遮蔽。
  • 當你正確地觀察到:「這不是之前的那個,它已經消失了」,便能洞察無常。
  • 這種觀照能打破「常見」的錯誤知見, 進而開啟內觀智慧(vipassanā ñāṇa)。









Nandaka was handling the point of the cause as impermanent, so did the result. After sense object, sense door and sense consciousness arise, that feeling can happen. Three causes are impermanent, so the result is impermanent. Before the concept of continuity arises, but it is impermanent. So contemplate anicca. His instruction was this way. With feeling on seeing, hearing…etc. never take them as permanence. The causes are impermanent and the results are also impermanent. What is the benefit of this way of knowing? During the seeing, affection does not arise. Therefore, clinging, action and birth are not happening. After seeing and follow by knowing which cut off dependent Co‐arising. This is not included in the Sutta. Without this point you may ask the question of why they became arahants. With seeing and become wanting, then craving comes in and follows the law of nature (dhammaniyama) to birth (jāti). If you can contemplate you will have the benefit to Nibbāna. Nibbāna becomes near with contemplation and far away without it. Vedanā nirodha taṇhā nirodho—with the cessation of feeling craving also ceases……jara‐maraṇa nirodho—old age and death also cease. Becoming a Buddha was cut—off the Dependent Co‐arising with the Path Knowledge. The Four Noble Truths arise together. Impermanence of feeling is dukkha sacca, contemplation knowledge is magga sacca, dying of craving is samudaya sacca, not becoming of birth, old age and death is nirodha sacca.



  1. 感受的生起:

    ◦ 當六塵(sense objects)、六根(sense doors)與六識(sense consciousness)接觸後,

    ◦ 感受(feeling, vedanā)便會生起。

  2. 無常的因果:

    ◦ 三個因(六塵、六根、六識)皆是無常的;

    ◦ 因無常,所生起的「果」(感受)也必然是無常的。

  3. 觀照無常:

    ◦ 即便連續性(continuity)的錯覺生起,難以察覺「無常」,

    ◦ 但必須觀照:一切因與果皆是無常(anicca)。


  1. 觀照感受的無常

    ◦ 在「見、聞、嗅、嘗、觸、思」中生起的感受,絕不應執為常住。

    ◦ 因為:

    ▪ 因緣無常 → 結果無常。

  2. 觀照的利益:

    ◦ 在見聞當下,若能觀照無常,則愛染(affection)不會生起。

    ◦ 愛染不生,則:

    ▪ 執取(clinging) 不生,

    ▪ 造作(kamma,業) 不生,

    ▪ 再生(birth) 亦不會發生。

    ◦ 這樣便能斷除「緣起法」的鏈條(Dependent Co-arising)。

  3. 若未能觀照:

    ◦ 若在「見聞」之後生起欲望,

    ◦ 渴愛(craving, taṇhā) 便會隨之而起,

    ◦ 依自然法則(dhamma-niyama),執取、造作與生死輪迴便會繼續延續。


  • 若能觀照無常,涅槃便趨近;若不能觀照,涅槃則遙遠。

  • 佛陀所教導的「緣起法的斷除」正是藉由道智(Path Knowledge)來完成的:

    ◦ 感受滅(vedanā nirodha) → 渴愛滅(taṇhā nirodha)

    ◦ 渴愛滅 → 生、老、死(birth, old age, death)亦滅。


  1. 苦諦(dukkha sacca):

    ◦ 感受的無常本質,即是「苦」的真相。

  2. 集諦(samudaya sacca):

    ◦ 渴愛的滅盡,便是苦的集因的滅除。

  3. 道諦(magga sacca):

    ◦ 觀照無常的智慧,即是「道」的真相。

  4. 滅諦(nirodha sacca):

    ◦ 生死輪迴的止息,即是涅槃的實現。


  • 觀照感受的無常,能斷除「緣起法」的鏈條。

  • 四聖諦 同時圓滿實現:

    ◦ 苦的洞察(苦諦)、

    ◦ 渴愛的止息(集諦)、

    ◦ 觀照智慧(道諦)、

    ◦ 生死止息(滅諦)。







Taṇhā nirodha khandha nirodho Nibbānaṃ—the cessation of craving is the cessation of the aggregates which is Nibbāna. In the teaching process it is different, but in practice they happen together. Finished off the future dukkha to come is Nibbāna. This is the real Nibbāna. Nibbāna has peaceful characteristic. In contemplation eradicate craving and extinguish heat. If craving extinct heat also extinguishes. Is there any dukkha created by it? Without fire the heat also gone. The fire is gone out with the fuel. With fire and fuel, it is burning. Who had the experience of without fire and fuel? The one who contemplated had. Nibbāna is the job of a knowledge man (ñāṇa) and not an action (kammic action) or kamma. It is the duty of knowledge (ñāṇa). Therefore, is Nibbāna the way of action or knowledge is evident by this. Action (kamma) is the far cause (upanissāya=decisive support) and knowledge (ñāṇa) is the near cause (magga—paccayo=path condition). The Buddha said that the dhamma destroys defilement is the dhamma to Nibbāna. The Path Knowledge destroys kilesa and it companions; birth, old age and death will not come. The Path Knowledge experiences Nibbāna. Magga is ñāṇa. Therefore, if you do this job, not necessary to have doubt about can I realize Nibbāna or have any perfection (pāramī) If you can cut off kilesa and you will. Kilesa cuts off is Nibbāna. Samudaya (craving) forbid Nibbāna. What is the characteristic of samudaya? It has the nature of forbidding (palibodhato). Therefore, if he comes in, just forbidding. It can even forbid wholesome matters, even more so for Nibbāna. Only Path Knowledge overcomes it. Dāna and samatha can’t do it. Even it can be given encouragement for the plenty in next life to come. Keeping precepts (sīla) are also for long life. It can interfere in these matters. It can be followed up to the knowledge of change of lineage (gotrabhū ñāṇa). It becomes sure that if you don't kill him (taṇhā) can’t realize Nibbāna. It can do to living beings upside down in the 31 realms of existence. The bhikkhunīs only knew impermanence before. Now Nandaka taught them that impermanence gave birth to impermanence. The three causes are impermanent and the one result is also impermanent. Take this into your heart. He gave another simile. Tree has root, because of it the tree come into being. After the growth of the tree, its shadow appears. After the tree is destroyed, can the shadow of the tree which is created by it be survived? Which one is perished first? It's the shadow. Why? Tree still had the characteristic of continuity but the shadow doesn't. Here feeling (vedanā) is liked the shadow. It has been relied on the other three. If it has to be perished, has to be the first one.

「渴愛的滅盡即是蘊的滅盡,而這就是涅槃」(Taṇhā nirodha khandha nirodho Nibbānaṃ)。


  • 在教導中, 渴愛的滅盡、五蘊的滅盡及涅槃之現前似乎是分開解釋的。
  • 但在實修中, 這三者是同時發生的。


  • 涅槃的真實本質 是「徹底終結未來苦的生起」。
  • 涅槃的特質是平靜(peaceful characteristic)。
  • 當你在觀照中斷除渴愛(taṇhā),內心的熾熱(苦)也會隨之熄滅。


  • 火依靠燃料才能燃燒;當火滅了,熱也就消失了。

  • 誰能體驗到「沒有火與燃料」的狀態?

    ◦ 唯有持續觀照的人才能體驗到這個真相,即涅槃。

  • 涅槃不是一種業行(kammic action), 它是由智慧(ñāṇa) 完成的。

    ◦ 行動(業,kamma) 是遠因(upanissāya,決定性助緣);

    ◦ 智慧(ñāṇa) 是近因(magga-paccayo,道緣)。

  • 只有道智(Path Knowledge) 能夠徹底斷除煩惱(kilesa)。


  1. 渴愛(taṇhā)的特質:

    ◦ 渴愛具有阻礙的特性(palibodhato)。

    ◦ 它能阻礙善法的生起,更遑論涅槃的證悟。

    ◦ 唯有道智(Path Knowledge) 能夠克服渴愛。

  2. 布施(dāna)與止禪(samatha):

    ◦ 這兩者雖然能帶來善果(如來世豐足或安穩),但無法斷除渴愛。

  3. 持戒(sīla):

    ◦ 持戒的果報是長壽,但同樣無法阻止渴愛的干擾。


  • 如果不能斷除渴愛,涅槃便無法證悟。
  • 渴愛將眾生顛倒地束縛於三十一界的輪迴中。


  • 以前比丘尼們僅知道「無常」的概念。

  • 難陀迦尊者進一步教導她們:「無常的因緣」產生「無常的結果」。

    ◦ 三個因緣(六根、六塵、六識)是無常的;

    ◦ 由它們所生起的「感受」(vedanā)也必然是無常的。


  1. 樹的生長:

    ◦ 樹有根,根使樹得以生長;

    ◦ 當樹生長時,便會產生樹影。

  2. 樹的毀滅:

    ◦ 當樹被摧毀時,樹影能存留嗎?

    ◦ 不能,因為樹影依賴於樹而存在。

  3. 哪一個先消失?

    ◦ 樹影先消失,因為它沒有連續性。


  • 感受(vedanā)就如同樹影,它依賴三個因緣(眼、色、眼識)而生起。
  • 三個因緣無常,感受必然最先消失。


  1. 渴愛的滅盡即是五蘊的滅盡,而這便是涅槃。
  2. 觀察「無常的因產生無常的果」,能斷除對感受的執著,並洞察真理。
  3. 以智慧(ñāṇa)為工具,徹底斷除渴愛,便能體驗涅槃的寧靜與解脫。
  4. 感受如同樹影,依賴無常的因緣而生,必然是無常的,必須觀照此生滅之法,破除「我」與「我所」的執著。


貪欲滅,蘊滅,即涅槃。在教導過程中,它們是不同的,但在實踐中,它們是同時發生的。斷除未來將來的苦,就是涅槃。這是真正的涅槃。涅槃具有平靜的特質。在觀照中,根除貪欲,熄滅煩惱。貪欲滅,煩惱也滅。這會產生任何苦嗎?沒有火,熱也消失了。火隨著燃料而熄滅。有火和燃料,它就會燃燒。誰有過沒有火和燃料的經驗?觀照者有過。涅槃是知識(ñāṇa)的工作,而不是行為(kammic action)或業(kamma)。這是知識(ñāṇa)的職責。因此,涅槃是行動之道還是知識之道,由此可見。行為(kamma)是遠因(upanissāya=決定性支持),知識(ñāṇa)是近因(magga—paccayo=道條件)。佛陀說,摧毀染污的法,就是通往涅槃的法。道智摧毀kilesa及其伴侶;出生、老化和死亡將不會來臨。道智體驗涅槃。Magga是ñāṇa。因此,如果你做這個工作,就不必懷疑自己能否實現涅槃或擁有任何圓滿(pāramī)。如果你能切斷kilesa,你就會。kilesa切斷就是涅槃。

集(貪欲)禁止涅槃。集的特徵是什麼?它具有禁止(palibodhato)的性質。因此,如果它出現,只是禁止。它甚至可以禁止善法,更不用說涅槃了。只有道智才能克服它。布施和禪定做不到。即使它可以鼓勵來世豐盛。守戒(sīla)也是為了長壽。它可以干擾這些事情。它可以跟隨到種姓智(gotrabhū ñāṇa)。它變得確定,如果你不殺死它(taṇhā),就不能實現涅槃。它可以使眾生在31個存在領域顛倒。比丘尼們以前只知道無常。現在南陀教導他們,無常生出了無常。三個因緣是無常的,一個結果也是無常的。把這記在心上。他還舉了一個比喻。樹有根,因為有了根,樹才得以生長。樹長大後,樹蔭出現。樹被毀滅後,由樹創造的樹蔭還能生存嗎?哪一個先滅亡?是影子。為什麼?樹仍然具有連續性的特徵,而影子則沒有。這裡的感受(vedanā)就像影子。它依賴於其他三個。如果它必須滅亡,它必須是第一個。


I will explain in the way of conditional relations (paṭṭhāna). It becomes more profound. The material form (rūpa) is happening beforehand (purejāta=pre‐nascence condition). Eye sensitively also before the feeling, therefore purejāta. Feeling arising depends on them. If these two not happen before, is there any contact (phassa)? Then instantly eye consciousness arises. It's pleasant to see it, and then the pleasant feeling arises. These two material phenomena arise before are pre‐nascence condition. Mind and feeling are arising together (sahajāta=co‐nascence condition).



  • 物質現象(rūpa,色法) 先於心法而生起,稱為純生緣,即「先於後者生起的條件」。

    ◦ 眼根(eye sensitivity)便是純生緣,因為它先於感受(feeling, vedanā) 生起。

    ◦ 感受的生起 必須依賴這些「先行生起」的物質現象(眼根與色法)。

  • 若眼根與色法這兩者不先生起,接觸(phassa) 是否能發生?

    ◦ 不能, 因為接觸必須依賴於「六根」與「六塵」的存在。


  • 當眼根接觸色法時,眼識(eye consciousness)隨即生起。

    ◦ 若所見的對象是悅意的,便會生起「樂受」(pleasant feeling)。

    ◦ 這種樂受便是依賴於「純生緣」的兩個先行條件(眼根與色法)而生起。


  • 心(mind)與感受(feeling)同時生起,這稱為「俱生緣」(co-nascence condition)。

    ◦ 心法 與 受 是同時出現的,彼此互為條件而存在。

    ◦ 例如:

    ▪ 眼識 生起時,感受(樂受、苦受、捨受)同時生起,

    ▪ 它們互相支持,彼此條件而共存。


  1. 純生緣(purejāta-paccaya):

    ◦ 物質現象(眼根與色法)先於心法與感受而生起,為後者提供生起的基礎。

  2. 俱生緣(sahajāta-paccaya):

    ◦ 心法 與 受 同時生起,彼此條件,互為支持。


  • 觀照眼識、接觸、感受的緣起關係:

    ◦ 眼根與色法先行生起 → 接觸隨之生起 → 心識與感受同時生起。

  • 洞察這些條件皆是「無常」的:

    ◦ 先行的物質現象(眼根與色法)是無常的;

    ◦ 隨後生起的接觸、心識與感受同樣是無常的。



  • 物質法與心法的生起,皆依賴條件;
  • 它們的本質是「無常、苦、無我」,
  • 進一步破除「我」與「我所」的執著,邁向解脫之道。




If the two died before could they left behind? When the tree fell the shadow could not survive, it is become clear. Eye—sensitivity is the root, form is the tree, branches are consciousness and the shadow is feeling. If the tree fell can shadow be existed? The tree is older and easy to be old and die before. Explain by way of conditional relations is to dispel your doubt (vicikicchā). If you think why it is happening, then doubt comes in. It will hinder the Path Knowledge. In today talk, 3‐causes are impermanent, so that the result is also. You must know this point clear. This instruction is for knowing. In practice, contemplate as after seeing, it is passing away. If you know directly it is not there and then dispel wrong view. After overcoming doubt and by contemplation and know that it is arising here and passing away here. Then it kills wrong view. By the way of conditional relations dispel doubt and contemplation of impermanence dispels wrong view. You must remember this point. After dispel wrong view and doubt by way of teaching, the practice can be completed. Without it, it's impossible. If something happens, then doubt will come in. In practice no need to use cause and effect. Just only arising here and passing away here. Not explaining these things before hand and during vipassanā practice it can be a hindrance. Not knowing the causes have doubt, and not knowing inconstancy (impermanence) have wrong view and all these will not die out. Any kinds of feeling only have these 3‐causes. People think to know the Four Noble Truths have to work through one by one. It is not so. If you discern anicca, all these are working together. It's as the simile of a boat crossing a river. Each of the contemplation involves four together. By listening and knowing these things not fall into painful rebirth for one life.



  • 眼根(eye sensitivity) 猶如樹根;
  • 色塵(form) 猶如樹幹;
  • 識(consciousness) 猶如樹枝;
  • 感受(feeling) 猶如樹影。


  • 當樹倒下,樹影便不復存在,因為它依賴於樹而生。
  • 樹的「老化」與「毀壞」發生在前,樹影(感受)自然隨之消失。


  • 解釋「因果條件」 是為了消除你的疑惑:「為什麼這會發生?」
  • 疑惑 是修行上的障礙,會阻礙道智(Path Knowledge)的生起。


  1. 眼根(eye sensitivity)—— 無常
  2. 色塵(form)—— 無常
  3. 識(consciousness)—— 無常



  1. 知曉理論,消除疑惑與邪見:

    ◦ 疑惑(vicikicchā):不理解「為什麼」會發生。

    ◦ 邪見(wrong view):誤認感受或現象為「我」或「常住」。

    ◦ 對治方法:

    ▪ 理解「條件關係」後,便可消除疑惑。

    ▪ 透過觀照無常,直接體驗「生滅」,便可消除邪見。

  2. 實修時的重點:

    ◦ 不需理論推導因果,只需觀察當下:

    ▪ 「它在這裡生起,並在這裡滅去。」

    ◦ 這種「直接的觀照」能夠斷除對常住與自我的執著。

  3. 修行中的障礙:

    ◦ 若不事先理解條件關係,於修行時可能因不知「因果」而生起疑惑。

    ◦ 若不知「無常」,則會生起邪見,這兩者皆會阻礙進一步的觀智。


  • 有些人誤認為必須依序修習四聖諦(苦、集、滅、道)。

  • 然而,當你觀照無常(anicca) 時,四聖諦會自然地同時運作:

    1. 苦諦(dukkha sacca):所觀察的現象是苦的真相。
    2. 集諦(samudaya sacca):渴愛是苦的生起之因。
    3. 滅諦(nirodha sacca):滅除渴愛即是苦的止息。
    4. 道諦(magga sacca):觀照無常的智慧即是通向解脫的道。


  • 就如同一艘船在渡河的過程中,同時完成四個工作:

    1. 離開此岸(苦的止息)
    2. 抵達彼岸(涅槃)
    3. 承載乘客(五蘊)
    4. 穿越水流(煩惱的障礙)
  • 同樣地,每一次的觀照 都包含了四聖諦的同時運作。


  • 通過聽聞與理解這些教導,即使尚未完成修行,
  • 也能避免墮入惡趣(苦趣),保證今生不會再遭遇痛苦的重生。


  1. 理論層面:

    ◦ 理解三因緣的無常,消除疑惑與邪見,為實修鋪平道路。

  2. 實修層面:

    ◦ 直接觀照「生滅」:「它在這裡生起,並在這裡滅去。」

  3. 觀照無常的結果:

    ◦ 四聖諦自然同時運作,逐步達至解脫與涅槃。

  4. 聽聞正法的功德:

    ◦ 正確理解法義,即可遠離痛苦的重生,邁向解脫之道。






Encounter with the Buddha's Teaching was a decisive support condition (upanissāya). These people had done merits to transcend round of existence (vivaṭṭa dānas) in this Buddha's dispensation (sāsana). (Sayadaw mentioned the past lives of Nandaka and bhikkhunīs). Very long in saṁsāra is not good. Now, you all are having the supportive conditions of your past lives that met me. Now, it needs to develop the path conditions (magga paccayo). Don't misuse the chances and opportunities of meeting with the Buddha's Teachings and a good teacher. (From here mentioned the difficulties of born as human beings, encounter the Buddha's Teachings, hearing the teachings on truths (sacca dhammas) and understanding them. The Buddha compared these with two similes. The first one is dropping a needle from the Brahma World and hitting the other needle in the human world is very difficult. But the above mentioned chances are more difficult than that. The second one is a blind turtle in the ocean come to the ocean surface only once in every hundred years. There is a wooden yoke with a hole on it, and floating on the ocean water. In these kinds of situations, even one day the turtle's head can catch up in the hole of the wooden yoke. But the above mentioned chances are more difficult than that.)

遇見佛陀的教法(Buddha's Teaching)是決定性助緣(upanissāya-paccayo),能讓人從輪迴中解脫(vivaṭṭa)。


  • 這些比丘尼們與難陀迦尊者皆因過去世所修的福德,特別是能超越輪迴的布施(vivaṭṭa dāna),在佛陀的教法興盛之時(sāsana)中,得以遇見這殊勝的教法。
  • 輪迴(saṁsāra)漫長無止境,並非好事。
  • 如今,你們因過去的善業,遇見了我、遇見了正法,這是難得的殊勝因緣。
  • 現在應該進一步發展「道緣」(magga paccayo), 修習解脫之道。



  1. 獲得人身, 出生為人類。
  2. 遇見佛陀的教法(sāsana)。
  3. 聽聞真理的教導(sacca dhamma)。
  4. 理解並修行佛法,直至解脫。



  • 從梵天界(Brahma World)投下一根針,準確地落到人間另一根針的針孔上,這是極為困難的事。
  • 然而,獲得上述殊勝的機會(得人身、遇佛法、聞真理)比這還要困難百倍。


  • 在廣闊無垠的大海中,有一隻盲龜,它每一百年才浮出水面一次。
  • 同時,海面上漂浮著一個有洞的木轄(wooden yoke)。
  • 機會微乎其微, 但有一天,盲龜的頭可能恰巧穿過木轄上的洞。
  • 即便如此,獲得人身並遇見佛法,比盲龜碰上木轄的機緣還要困難。


  • 現在,你們已擁有這樣難得的機會:

    ◦ 得人身,

    ◦ 遇見佛法,

    ◦ 聽聞真理,

    ◦ 理解並修行。

  • 不要輕易浪費這些因緣,應該精進努力,發展道智(Path Knowledge), 斷除煩惱,解脫輪迴苦。





與佛陀的教法相遇是一個決定性的支持條件(upanissāya)。這些人在佛陀的教法(sāsana)中積累了超越輪迴(vivaṭṭa dānas)的功德。

(尊者提到南陀和比丘尼們的過去生。)在輪迴中長久是不好的。現在,你們都有過去生中遇到我的支持條件。現在,需要發展道條件(magga paccayo)。不要濫用與佛陀的教法和一位好老師相遇的機會。

(從這裡提到作為人類出生的困難,遇到佛陀的教法,聽到真理的教法(sacca dhammas)並理解它們。佛陀將這些與兩個比喻進行了比較。第一個是從梵天世界掉下一根針,擊中人間的另一根針是非常困難的。但上述機會比這更困難。第二個是海洋中的盲龜每百年才浮出海面一次。海面上漂浮著一個帶孔的木軛。在這種情況下,即使有一天烏龜的頭也能卡在木軛的孔裡。但上述機會比這更困難。)


Now you all come up to this place (mostly from painful rebirths) with a lot of difficulties. If you lost these chances you will encounter more difficulties. You come here in your old age (referred to old disciples in the audience) but with the ignorance father and craving mother wasting all your precious times before like a happy blind and crazy person. If you continue to do things for the growth of saṁsāra, you will go back to difficult situation. Don't live your lives carelessly. Try to practice for the knowledge of the khandha. Done away with your dukkha before and don't live a cold life. This is foolishness and under the sway of ignorance and craving. With ignorance is wrong knowledge. It is at the bad side and used it as knowledge. It covers up the good sides. For example, the knowledge of making atomic bomb (Sayadaw also mentioned the cruelty of meat industry), you all think it as outstanding. Use it in worldly matter is ignorance and transcending the world is wisdom. Under the influence of worldly or wrong knowledge, take materially progress as fortunate development in foreign countries without the sāsana and progress in materials. May be you think that they are clever. It's not praiseworthy. It is with the development of wrong knowledge and degeneration of right knowledge. (Today world situations support this point.)



  • 「現在你們來到這個境地(大多數是從苦趣中解脫出來的),經歷了無數的困難。」
  • 若再次錯失此機會,將面臨更大的困難與痛苦,重墮輪迴中的惡趣(苦趣)。


  • 對於年長的弟子們,禪師提醒道:

    ◦ 「你們在無明之父與渴愛之母的掌控下,虛度了寶貴的時光,」

    ◦ 「就像一個盲目且瘋狂的人般,沉溺於世間的快樂,而未曾覺醒。」

  • 若繼續為輪迴的增長而努力,只會重新回到痛苦與困難之中。


  • 應精進修行,透過觀照五蘊(khandha)的本質,洞察真理,遠離苦。
  • 不要讓你的生命在無明與渴愛的掌控下變得冰冷而無意義,這是愚癡之舉。


  • 無明(ignorance)帶來錯誤的知識:

    ◦ 無明蒙蔽了正確的智慧,並誤導我們將「錯誤的知識」當作有價值的成就。

    ◦ 例如:

    ▪ 製造原子彈的技術被視為「了不起的成就」,但這實質上是錯誤知識的發展。

    ▪ 殘酷的肉品工業也是同樣的情況。

  • 在世間,這些發展被認為是「進步」;

  • 但從解脫輪迴的角度看,這是無明的結果,並非智慧的成就。


  • 禪師指出:

    ◦ 在沒有佛法(sāsana)的國度裡,物質的發展被視為「幸運的成就」。

    ◦ 外在的物質繁榮 令人誤以為是幸福與進步,這是錯誤的知識在增長,而正確的智慧卻在衰退。



  • 如今的世界局勢正印證了這一點:

    ◦ 物質的發展 帶來更多的貪婪、衝突與破壞;

    ◦ 道德與智慧的衰退 使眾生更加沉淪於痛苦之中。

  • 真正值得努力的, 不是世間的進步,而是心智的解脫與智慧的成長。


  • 不要再虛度此生!
  • 不要迷失於物質的虛幻進步中,而忽略了解脫輪迴的正法與機會。
  • 把握這個難得的人身與佛法的因緣,精進修行,遠離無明與渴愛,邁向涅槃的安樂境地。







Regarding on feeling someone who is sharp wisdom faculty contemplates the neutral feeling in seeing. Those who has slow faculty is able to do it later at the active stage (i.e., vīthi cittas). Generally speaking, sharp person is at the eye‐consciousness while slow person at the later stage of pleasant or unpleasant phenomena. Whatever phenomenon is suitable for contemplation. That is sharp witted person (khippābhiññā, khippa—ābhiññā) at eye‐consciousness and slow—witted person (dandhābhiññā, dandha—ābhiññā) at cognitive process such as lobha, domanassa etc. It depends on sharp and slow vipassanā faculties. It can be done it at the eye‐consciousness with the experienced practice. (continued the Sutta, the simile of tree and shadow). Feeling (shadow of the tree) arises later but disappears first because it depends on others. Whatever feeling arises you have to contemplate. Greed, anger and delusion will arise without contemplation. If you contemplate they will die away. Combine all feelings only three kinds, with extension six kinds and 18 kinds. The benefit of contemplation of feeling is as follow. There is a dead cow. Suppose a skilled butcher carve it up with a sharp carving knife. There is skin, muscles and connective tissues between the outer hide and inner flesh. These connect the hide and inner flesh. After the carving, the hide and the cow are separated. The concept of cow disappears or not? These are attached to each other before by skin, muscles and connective tissues. Cut them off by using the knife of the path factors or enlightenment factors. Craving pulls the external base (āyatana) and internal base together. Therefore, the concept of cow does not disappear. You don't need to afraid the internal and external bases. Have to be afraid of craving which attached to them. It is important to cut off craving. To cut off others also depend on craving.



  1. 智慧敏銳者(khippābhiññā):

    ◦ 能在眼識階段(eye-consciousness)即刻觀照捨受(neutral feeling)。

  2. 智慧遲鈍者(dandhābhiññā):

    ◦ 只能在後續階段(如貪欲、瞋恚等心路過程*,vīthi cittas)觀照感受,通常是生起樂受或苦受之後。


  • 不論在哪一個階段,只要能夠觀照,都能達到修行的目的。
  • 敏銳者能即刻在眼識階段觀照無常,
  • 遲鈍者則需在後續心識階段進行觀照。



  • 樹的影子比樹本身生起得晚,但卻會最先消失。

  • 這說明:感受(feeling)依賴於其他因素(樹、根、枝)而生起,但卻最先滅去。

  • 觀照方法:

    ◦ 無論是什麼感受生起(樂、苦、捨),都應立即觀照。

    ◦ 若不觀照,則貪欲、瞋恚、無明將隨之生起;

    ◦ 若能觀照,這些煩惱將會被「熄滅」。


  1. 基本三種感受:樂受、苦受、捨受。
  2. 擴展為六種:對應於六根門(眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意)的感受。
  3. 進一步分析為18種:六根門中各具三種感受(樂、苦、捨),總計18種感受。



  1. 有一頭死牛,一名熟練的屠夫用鋒利的刀將牛剖開:

    ◦ 牛的外皮與內肉之間由皮、肌肉和結締組織相連。

    ◦ 當這些連結被切斷後,外皮與內肉便分離,牛的概念(concept of cow)也隨之消失。

  2. 對應法義:

    ◦ 外皮與內肉之間的「連結」象徵渴愛(craving, taṇhā),

    ◦ 渴愛將內六根(internal bases,眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意)與外六塵(external bases,色、聲、香、味、觸、法)黏合在一起。

    ◦ 因此,才會產生對「牛」或「我的」錯誤概念。

  3. 修行的關鍵:

    ◦ 切斷渴愛,就像用「道支」(Path Factors)或「覺支」(Enlightenment Factors)的利刀,將內外六處的執著斬斷。

    ◦ 無需害怕內六根與外六塵,

    ◦ 應害怕的是渴愛,因為它是導致輪迴與苦的根源。


  1. 感受依賴於其他因素而生起,必須透過觀照其「無常」來斷除執著。
  2. 切斷渴愛是解脫的關鍵,因為它將內外六處黏合在一起,讓「我」的概念持續存在。
  3. 透過道支與覺支的觀照,斬斷渴愛,從而滅除煩惱,邁向涅槃解脫之道。


關於感受,智慧敏銳的人可以觀照眼識階段的中性感受。智慧較慢的人可以在後來的活躍階段(即vīthi cittas)觀照。一般來說,敏銳的人在眼識階段,而遲鈍的人在後來愉悅或不愉悅現象的階段。無論哪種現象適合觀照,都可以。敏銳的人(khippābhiññā,khippa—ābhiññā)在眼識階段,遲鈍的人(dandhābhiññā,dandha—ābhiññā)在認知過程如貪、嗔等階段。這取決於敏銳和遲鈍的內觀能力。有經驗的修行者可以在眼識階段觀照。



It is better to cut off craving directly. You all take things outside as mine, and inside also mine. Attachment to inside and outside is craving. Therefore, have to cut off craving. Nandaka talked about the cutting off craving. At the same time bhikkhunīs were listening and contemplating. By the contemplation of impermanence of feeling, craving cannot come in. Let us cut off the craving of tissues and muscles by enlightenment factors.



  • 你們執著外在的事物為「我的」,
  • 也執著內在的事物(五蘊)為「我的」。
  • 這種對內外的執取 便是渴愛(craving, taṇhā) 的體現。


  • 因此,必須直接斷除渴愛。
  • 難陀迦尊者的教導 便是強調如何切斷渴愛,讓煩惱不再生起。


  • 比丘尼們一邊聽聞難陀迦的開示,一邊透過觀照感受的無常進行修行:

    ◦ 「感受是無常的,」

    ◦ 因此,渴愛便無法趁虛而入。

  • 觀照方法:

    ◦ 在每一個「感受生起」的當下,立即觀察其「生滅」:

    ▪ 「它正在生起,正在消失。」

    ◦ 不給渴愛任何空間生起,從根本上切斷執取。


  • 難陀迦尊者譬喻說:

    ◦ 就像一名熟練的屠夫,

    ◦ 用「覺支」(Enlightenment Factors) 這把鋒利的刀,

    ◦ 切斷連結「皮與肉」的肌肉與結締組織,

    ◦ 徹底分離外皮與內肉。


  • 外皮與內肉的連結象徵渴愛:

    ◦ 渴愛讓我們將「內在五蘊」與「外在六塵」執著為「我」與「我所」。

  • 若能用覺支斬斷渴愛,內外的執取便會自然消失。


  1. 直接觀照感受的無常,是切斷渴愛最有效的途徑。

  2. 透過道支(Path Factors) 與覺支(Enlightenment Factors),斬斷連結內外執取的渴愛,實現解脫。

  3. 修行的關鍵在於:

    ◦ 不要執取內外五蘊與六塵為「我的」。

    ◦ 在每一個生滅的當下觀照無常,讓渴愛無法生起,最終滅除煩惱,邁向涅槃。




In this sutta, talking about the factors of enlightenment only (Bojjhaṅga), and without mentioned factors of the path. But note it in this way. Talking about factors of enlightenment is to understand the Noble Truth. Path factors are to arrive at Nibbāna. They are the same idea. Don't take it as differently. If you practice Satipaṭṭhāna; the enlightenment factors, the path factors, the powers and the faculties are all included. With the 37 Requisites of Enlightenment factors (Bodhipakkhiya—damma) and all the mental factors are in it. Bodhi is ñāṇa (knowledge) and pakkhiya is the groups to know the truth. It's impossible by one only. Only by combination can know the truth, so Bodhipakkhiya. If you ask: Should we have to do each one of them? All are included in your contemplation of impermanence. In the Sutta mentioned differently and people think you have to do all of them. I will explain them. For example, you contemplate the impermanence of feeling; mindfulness (sati), concentration (samādhi), and right view (dhammavicaya) are there. But effort (viriya), rapture (pīti) and tranquility (passaddhi) are together with samādhi. You should understand the equanimity factors of Bojjhaṅga in this way. When you see impermanence, no wanting and no anger arise. You are contemplating with equanimity of insight (vipassanupekkhā). Therefore, it also includes upekkhā. Just know it with impermanence, no pleasant or unpleasant happening and without confusion (moha). The sense object is neutral (upekkhā). (Outside objects are nothing to do with good or bad, only our reaction to it.) The contemplating mind becomes equanimity of insight (vipassanupekkhā). It is insight knowledge and also equanimity. Where these things come from? It was in the Development of the Faculties (Indriya‐bhāvanā Sutta, MN 152, M iii 298, M 3.5.10 ). Only arriving at the Path Knowledge, it becomes the Bodhipakkhiya Damma. Vipassanā knowledge are the groups on the way to Nibbāna. Like a journey on the way and to the end. Arriving at the Path Knowledge becomes penetration of the truth. Being enlightened starts from the beginning of the process. The cause for enlightenment is vipassanā bodhi. In the Saṁyutta Nikāya, the Buddha answered that (the question was posed by a monk) the way to Nibbāna was vipassanā (Sayadaw had given a talk on this). Therefore, you will finish the journey by insight. In the Mahāvagga Saṁyutta, with Satipaṭṭhāna practice it becomes bodhi. You don't need to do the Bojjhaṅga specially. It is the Four Satipaṭṭhāna Practice. Observe and see your khandhas as Dukkha Sacca with your knowledge (ñāṇa).



  • 在這部經中,僅提到覺支(Bojjhaṅga,覺悟的要素),而未提及道支(Path Factors)。

  • 然而,禪師強調:

    ◦ 談論覺支的目的,是為了理解四聖諦(Noble Truth);

    ◦ 而道支則是通往涅槃的工具。

    ◦ 兩者的本質是相同的,無需分別對待。


  • 若修習四念住(Satipaṭṭhāna),以下修行要素皆已包含其中:

    ◦ 七覺支(Bojjhaṅga)

    ◦ 八正道(Path Factors)

    ◦ 五力(Powers)

    ◦ 五根(Faculties)

    ◦ 三十七道品(Bodhipakkhiya Dhamma,覺悟的助緣)

    ◦ 以及其他所有的心所法(mental factors)。

  • Bodhipakkhiya Dhamma的意涵:

    ◦ Bodhi 是「智慧」(ñāṇa);

    ◦ Pakkhiya 是「協助」或「組合」;

    ◦ 即:「協助悟道的各種法」。

    ◦ 這些要素並非獨立存在,唯有結合起來,才能認識真理。


  • 修行時不必逐一修習每個覺支或道支,它們皆已包含於觀照無常(anicca)之中。

  • 例如:

    ◦ 當你觀照「感受的無常」時:

    ▪ 正念(sati)、定力(samādhi) 和 正見(dhammavicaya) 已經在其中。

    ▪ 精進(viriya)、喜悅(pīti) 和 寧靜(passaddhi) 與定力相輔相成。

    ▪ 捨覺支(upekkhā) 則在內觀的平等心(vipassanupekkhā)中自然顯現。


  • 當你觀察到無常時,貪欲與瞋恚不會生起,這便是「內觀的平等心」(vipassanupekkhā)。

  • 觀照的要點:

    ◦ 覺知「這是無常的」,內心不產生貪求或瞋恚,亦無愚癡(moha)。

    ◦ 所觀察的所緣(外在事物)本質上是中性的(upekkhā)。

    ◦ 問題不在外在事物,而在於我們的反應。

  • 這種平等心即是「捨覺支」,同時也是內觀智慧(vipassanā ñāṇa)。


  • 覺支的發展過程:

    ◦ 由於內觀智慧的培育(vipassanā bodhi),

    ◦ 觀察五蘊(khandha)的生滅,進一步成為道智(Path Knowledge)。

  • 修行的次第:

    ◦ 內觀智慧 → 逐步接近涅槃 → 道智的生起 → 穿透四聖諦,實現解脫。

  • 佛陀在《相應部》(Saṁyutta Nikāya)中明確回答:

    ◦ 通往涅槃的道路是內觀修行(vipassanā)。

  • 在《大品相應部》(Mahāvagga Saṁyutta)中,佛陀也說:

    ◦ 透過四念住的修行,七覺支自然會發展, 並成為覺悟的基礎。


  1. 修行時不需刻意分別「七覺支」與「八正道」或其他要素,

    ◦ 一切皆已包含在觀照無常之中。

  2. 內觀智慧(vipassanā bodhi) 是通往涅槃的道路,

    ◦ 每一次的觀照都在培育七覺支與道支。

  3. 觀照五蘊為苦諦(Dukkha Sacca),

    ◦ 透過正念與智慧,直觀五蘊的無常、苦、無我,最終通向解脫。







這些東西從哪裡來?它來自《發展諸根經》(Indriya-bhāvanā Sutta,MN 152,M iii 298,M 3.5.10)。只有到達道智,它才成為Bodhipakkhiya Damma。內觀智是通往涅槃的道路上的群體。就像旅途中的路和終點一樣。到達道智成為真理的洞察。覺悟從過程的開始就開始了。覺悟的原因是內觀菩提。在《雜阿含經》中,佛陀回答了(由一位僧人提出的)通往涅槃的道路是內觀(Sayadaw曾就此發表過講話)。因此,你將通過洞見完成旅程。在大品相應部中,通過修行四念處,它成為菩提。你不需要特別做Bojjhaṅga。它是四念處修行。觀察並以你的智慧(ñāṇa)看到你的五蘊是苦諦。


Dependent on the sharpness of your knowledge the phenomena will show itself. In Mahā Vagga, the Buddha said, if monks did the Satipaṭṭhāna all were included. By changing the name don't think it as not include. Sammā‐diṭṭhi means right seeing and dhammavicaya means analytical seeing or not mix up in seeing. Both of them are mental factors of wisdom. By doing Satipaṭṭhāna all Bojjhaṅga are included. Their ears listened to the dhamma talk and the mind observed the khandhas. And then the mind became sharp (referred to the bhikkhunīs). In practice also the same. During the contemplation was insight knowledge, after became sharper and came the transcendental knowledge. In the end of the talk the bhikkhunīs realized the Dhamma according to each of their aspiration. If your aspiration is low, the desire and effort are small. With higher aspiration of mind is reaching higher standard. Therefore, practitioners should correct their mind for ending khandha dukkha in this lift time. Without decisive support conditions and path conditions (upanissāya and magga paccaya) can’t end Dukkha.


  • 根據你智慧(ñāṇa)的敏銳程度,法的真相(現象)會自然地呈現出來。


  • 佛陀在《大品相應部》(Mahāvagga)中明確指出:

    ◦ 若比丘修習四念住(Satipaṭṭhāna),所有修行要素皆已包含其中。

  • 七覺支(Bojjhaṅga)、八正道(Path Factors)、

五根(Faculties) 和 五力(Powers) 等,

◦ 即使名稱不同,本質上皆在四念住的修行中。


  • 正見(Sammā-diṭṭhi): 正確的「見」(right seeing);

  • 法擇覺支(Dhammavicaya): 分析性的「見」,不混淆現象的真相。

    ◦ 兩者皆是「智慧心所」, 透過修習四念住自然生起。


  1. 耳根聽聞佛法,
  2. 心觀照五蘊(khandha),
  3. 智慧逐漸增長,內心變得銳利。
  • 比丘尼們的修行:

    ◦ 在聆聽難陀迦尊者的法語時,

    ◦ 同時觀照自己的身心(五蘊),

    ◦ 智慧心逐漸鋒利,從觀智(insight knowledge) 生起,

    ◦ 最終達到出世間智慧(transcendental knowledge),證悟涅槃。


  • 修行的成果 取決於願望(aspiration)與努力(effort)的大小:

    ◦ 低層次的願望 會產生小的努力,成就有限。

    ◦ 高層次的願望 伴隨著強烈的精進,能達到更高的境界,

    ◦ 直至證悟涅槃,終結五蘊之苦(khandha dukkha)。


  • 修行者應調整自己的心,立志於此生徹底終結五蘊之苦。

  • 沒有「決定性助緣」(upanissāya)與「道緣」(magga paccaya),

    ◦ 便無法終結苦(Dukkha)。


  1. 修習四念住即已包含七覺支與八正道等修行要素,

    ◦ 不需逐一分別修習。

  2. 隨著智慧的增長,從觀智(內觀智慧)發展到出世間的道智,

    ◦ 證悟涅槃,終結輪迴之苦。

  3. 願望與努力的高度決定成就的深淺,

    ◦ 修行者應立志於此生解脫,精進修行,結束五蘊之苦。




根據你的知識敏銳度,現象會自行顯現。在大品相應部中,佛陀說,如果僧人修四念處,所有都包括在內。不要因為改變了名字而認為它不包括在內。Sammā-diṭṭhi意為正見,dhammavicaya意為分析見或不混淆見。兩者都是智慧的心因素。通過修習四念處,所有Bojjhaṅga都包括在內。他們的耳朵聽到了法義,心觀察了五蘊。然後心變敏銳了(指的是比丘尼們)。在實踐中也是一樣。在觀照期間是洞見智,之後變得更敏銳,成為超越智。在談話結束時,比丘尼們根據各自的願望而證悟了法。如果你的願望低,欲望和努力就小。以更高的心願達到更高的標準。因此,修行者應該糾正自己的心,以便在今生結束五蘊苦。沒有決定性的支持條件和道條件(upanissāya 和 magga paccaya)就不能結束苦。

更新:西元 2025-01-15

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