Follow Behind With Knowing

revised on 2019-06-14

Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw; 1st Jan. 1960

Only wrong view fall away will realize Nibbāna. Only by realizing Nibbāna, wrong view will cut off. Without the intellectual knowledge before-hand, the practice is hindering by wrong view inside and can't realize the Dhamma. Remember this point carefully. Wrong view and Nibbāna have connection. Ven. Yamaka had self view and annihilation view (atta and uccheda diṭṭhi) so he couldn't realize the Dhamma even though he had practiced. Ven. Channa had atta diṭṭhi and view of permanence. Both of them realized the Dhamma after cleansing up their wrong views. By understanding the dependent arising of the khandha and wrong views fall away. As an example, the 4-mind khandhas arise with the contact of the sound and ear-base. Sound and ear, contact are the cause (paṭicca-samuppāda) and the 4-mind khandhas are the result (paṭicca-samuppanna). The 4-mind dhammas hear the sound. Not I hear or he hears. It's only the arising of the hearing dhamma. Then identity view or self view fall away. Don't be afraid of lobha-taṇhā (greed-craving); be afraid of the ignorance or unknowing. Most people are afraid of lobha and not the unknowing of impermanence (i.e., ignorance). If lobha comes, contemplate impermanence. If you don't, it will connect with action (kamma bhāva; see the 12-links of dependent arising). The Buddha taught in the satipaṭṭhāna; if lobha comes contemplate lobha, if dosa comes contemplate dosa etc. Therefore, don't be afraid of defilements arise but be afraid of without contemplation. Lobha by itself can't give the result. If lobha arises and you contemplate it, then no clinging and action come to be. If you don't contemplate, they will come. Dependent arising is not for reciting but for cutting defilements. So whatever mind arises just know it. With the knowing will arrive to Nibbāna. You don't arrive there because you don't know it. Whatever dhamma it may be after arising has to disappear. If you know the arising and you know the passing away. Anicca and Magga (dukkha sacca and magga sacca), samudaya dies (samudaya sacca) and dukkha ceases (nirodha sacca) (craving not arises and new khandhas cease); the Four Noble Truths are working together. You have to develop it with contemplation.

Developing means knowing it again and again. Every time you know the mind arises, you are a wise person. Every time if you know the mind arising and will know the passing away. Then you are looking after your mind. By looking after your mind safety is leading towards Nibbāna. (From Citta Vagga, Dhammapada) Why the Buddha asked you to look after your mind? Because they are thieves. They are the 3-thieves of craving, conceit and wrong view (taṇhā, māna and diṭṭhi). They are coming in and stealing the impermanent dhammas. Therefore, you don't see it. Don't let them be this is mine, this I am and this is myself. Let them be impermanence. Don't be afraid of your mind; be afraid of the 3-thieves. Every time mind arises know the impermanence. The arising dhamma is the truth of dukkha. Knowing is the truth of the path. Craving not arise is the ceasing of samudaya (the truth of the cause). No khandhas follow is the truth of cessation (Nirodha Sacca).

revised on 2019-06-14; cited from (posted on 2018-12-15)

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