
更新:西元 2025-01-15

特別聲明:本篇尚未完全校對妥;疏漏錯繆難免,讀者應慎思明辨。僅供法友參考;並祈藉此拋磚引玉,眾法友能共襄盛舉,共同圓滿此譯事。 Nanda 謹識。


(以下內容是濃縮自西亞多所講述的毘舍佉(Visākha)與法施尼(Dhammadinnā曇摩提那)的故事,該故事乃是根據《中部》第44經〈小廣解經〉(MN. 44 Cūḷa-Vedalla Sutta)。)



你將有機會聆聽毘舍佉與法施尼之間,從「身見」(sakkāya diṭṭhi)到涅槃的問題與解答。(隨後西亞多講述了他們的故事。)因此,道智(magga ñāṇa)確實具有摧毀煩惱(kilesas)的強大力量。

什麼是「身」(sakkāya)?它是五蘊(khandhas)。心與身的真實存在即是「(有)身」(sakkāya)。在座的人(聽眾)理解的「身見」是一種結合體——它是蘊的自然特性(五蘊的究竟法,paramattha dhamma),確實存在,你可以稱之為「(有)身」。(重要的是,要理解佛陀的教法是,為了實際滅苦的目的;而非為了後世傳統中的哲學思辯遊戲。)

有些人會說:「你有很多『(有)身(sakkāya)』。」這種用法是不正確的。「(有)身」並非是一種過錯,它僅指身心。真正的錯誤在於錯誤的觀點(wrong view邪見)。色(rūpa)即是「(有)身」,但若將其視為「我」或「我的」,便成了邪見。



由於邪見,人們之間爭執和鬥爭不斷。如果在五蘊中的任何一蘊加入邪見,便可能產生斷滅見(uccheda diṭṭhi)。例如:「我死了,就什麼都沒了。」「當我的心滅了,我也滅了。」這些觀念屬於徹底斷滅的想法。「我將隨著這種感受(vedanā)而死去。」這種觀念同時包含身見和斷滅見。

如果懷有邪見,執著於這種邪見便會隨之而來。在世時,我們往往抱有常見;臨終時,則容易陷入斷滅見。當生意興隆時,便滋生常見(sassata diṭṭhi);當生病時,則墮入斷滅見(uccheda diṭṭhi)。對這些真相一無所知,只是徒然虛度一生。




無我的智慧由此生起。你必須在五蘊中觀察,它如同客人般出現,又如客人般消逝。這等同於「客觀(prato)」(意為陌生人)。(佛陀與舍利弗在經典中提到過十種觀法,即如何用十種不同的方式來觀五蘊,prato便是其中之一。) [pt01-03-1] 現在我要教你如何觀無我。






如果我死了,感受(vedanā)也隨之消亡;正如火熄滅時,光也隨之消逝。因此,將火與光一同看待。火與光是不同的事物:火是熱,光是明亮。不同類型的感受依次生起,這揭示了它們的不穩定性。因此,試著觀照生起與滅去的過程。以這種方式,整個過程中就不會摻雜「我」的觀念。無論是在生起之中還是滅去之中,都沒有「我」的存在。將這一切視為陌生之物。眾生陷入痛苦的輪迴,並非因為感受;而是因為錯誤的見解(邪見)。感受只是促成邪見的條件——vedanā paccaya diṭṭhi(感受為(邪)見之緣)。


《小廣解經》(MN. 44 Cūḷa-Vedalla Sutta)是對法義疑問的解答。(此處,禪師簡述了這個故事。)當毗舍佉證得阿那含果後,他的諸根變得寧靜且平和。他的佛法成就已不適合這充滿感官欲樂的世間。通過觀照無常,煩惱逐漸減弱;達至厭離的智慧時,煩惱進一步削薄;最終完全斷除。因此,修行絕不會是徒勞無功的。唯有這種「藥方」能夠使人免於衰老、疾病與死亡的威脅。這是你唯一可以依靠的皈依處。若有生起(samudaya 集,即貪愛 taṇhā),苦(dukkha)將隨之而來。即使是無常的觀智(vipassanā ñāṇa),也極具效用。


什麼是「有身」(五蘊)的因?其來源是貪愛(taṇhā),包括對感官欲樂的貪愛(kamma taṇhā欲貪、欲愛)、對存在的貪愛(bhava taṇhā有貪、有愛)以及對不存在的貪愛(vibhava taṇhā無有貪、無有愛)。名色的因緣來自於貪愛,五蘊(khandhas)由貪愛、執取(upadhā)和業(kamma)而生起。而其主要根源是貪愛。若無貪愛的滅盡,「有身」蘊便會持續存在。有了五蘊,老、病、死的危險便緊隨而至。所有這些皆因為「有」(bhava)的貪愛而生起,並伴隨著各種各樣的苦(dukkha)。

就像因魚腥味而吸引蒼蠅一樣,因有身見(五蘊)而招致危險;風吹而遭受風災之苦,因熱而受熱災之害。不善法的因緣只能帶來不善的果報,這些皆因此生起。若你能觀察到「有身」的無常,就能超越其掌控。有身見即是苦諦(dukkha sacca)。見苦諦時,貪愛集(taṇhā samudaya)便會漸漸減弱。隨著貪愛減少,苦也會越來越少。


有身見(sakkāya)的終結是什麼?若貪愛(taṇhā)滅除,有身見也隨之滅除。簡而言之,隨著集(samudaya)的滅除,苦(dukkha)也會終結。貪愛的止息即是涅槃(taṇhā nirodho Nibbānaṁ)——貪愛的滅除便是涅槃的顯現。佛陀甚至能在說法期間,於一呼一吸之間入於涅槃的境界。他也是從觀照無常(生滅)開始,然後瞬間轉向涅槃的。

通往有身見(sakkāya)終結的修行之道是八正道。若尚未證入任何道果,則需依五道支(pañca maggaṅga 或 kāraka maggaṅga,即「運作中的道支」)來觀照。這五道支包括:1. 正念(sammā-sati)2. 正精進(sammā-vāyāma)3. 正定(sammā-samādhi)4. 正見(sammā-diṭṭhi) 5. 正思惟(sammā-saṅkappa)。


只需觀照無常;即便什麼都不做,也能暫時處於涅槃的境界。布施(dāna)、持戒(sīla)和禪定(samatha)是支持道支運作的重要助緣。這些是決定性的助緣條件(upanissāya paccayo 親依止緣);而道支本身是道的因緣條件(magga paccayo 道緣),分別代表遠因與近因。八正道的核心可分為三學:戒(sīla)、定(samādhi)與慧(paññā),其中慧(paññā)是引導修行的主導因素。





告訴我,什麼是「有身見」(sakkāya diṭṭhi)?有身見是未具備智慧且未聽聞聖者之法的人(無聞凡夫),將五蘊錯認為「我」或「我的」的錯誤見解。僅具備知識,五蘊僅是「有身」,而不至於形成邪見。五蘊本身是「有身」,但邪見則是對它的干擾與錯誤解讀。未聽聞正法,便難以破除邪見。因此,證得須陀洹(sotāpanna初果)的四個主要條件為:

  1. 親近智者〔與有智慧的導師或善知識交往,從中學習正法。〕
  2. 聽聞正法〔聆聽並學習聖者所教授的佛法。〕
  3. 如理作意〔yoniso-manasikāra 對所學的佛法進行深思熟慮,以正確方式觀察和理解五蘊的本質。〕
  4. 依法修行〔dhammānu dhammappaṭipatti, dhammānudhammappaṭipanna 法隨法行:按照佛法的指引實踐修行。〕

智慧從何而來?智慧源於聆聽正法;圓滿具足這四個條件時,便能體證正法。在每日的法談中,我曾多次提到「有身見」(sakkāya diṭṭhi)是通向地獄的種子;比貪(lobha)、嗔(dosa)、癡(moha)、嫉妒(issā)與慳悋(macchariya)更為危險。



特別聲明:以下提供兩種譯文;疏漏錯繆難免,讀者應慎思明辨。僅供法友參考;並祈藉此拋磚引玉,眾法友能共襄盛舉,共同圓滿此譯事。 Nanda 謹識。

Nothing is more fearful than wrong view; because of this someone can kill one's own mother and father. The 5-heavy kammas come from it. In sotāpanna these kammas are never happened. People said they fear unwholesome dhammas. Don't be fear! If you destroy wrong view, no need to fear any unwholesome dhammas. It's leading other unwholesome dhammas and sending beings to the 8-great hells and 120-small hells. If you see sakkāya it dispels wrong view. Why? It becomes right view and the wrong view has to go away. Wrong view must exterminate by right view. Any illness has to be cured by its own medicine. Dāna, sīla and samatha can’t overcome it. It's better to do wholesome kammas after dispel wrong view, if not will fall downwards again. The Buddha preferred the kinds of dāna, sīla and samatha enrich with vipassanā. There are 8-kinds of dāna and the best one is enriched with vipassanā. (Mentioned in the Aṅguttaranikāya) Sakkāya diṭṭhi arises because of not knowing the reality. Therefore, knowing the differences clearly and then do the merits. As an example, you shoot a bird with a poison arrow and hit the skin only. It continues to fly as long as the poison not spread enough to the whole body, and then spread enough it will fall down. In the same way any merits done with wrong view going upward temporary and later pull downward by wrong view.






身見(sakkāya diṭṭhi)是因為不明白真實的本質而產生的。





T3 (Talk 3):

Why does sakkāya diṭṭhi arise? At the time of the Buddha there were noble beings. People had identity‐view because they didn't approach them and listened to their talks. Now a day people have this view because they don't have chance for hearing the Dhamma. Not hearing the Dhamma will never dispel this view. Nothing is more important than sakkāya diṭṭhi. When the 5‐khandhas arise and don't know become sakkāya diṭṭhi. For example, there is stiffness in the body. Take the air, wind element as I am in stiffness. Someone who knows, it's just the alteration of wind element. Don't mixed up with the I‐ness. Wind element is just only wind element. Heat and cold also become, "I am in cold.", "I am in hot." It's just heat elements. Someone has diarrhea, "I don't know what happen to me." Take water element as me. Take the 4-great elements as me. "My body is itchy." Not knowing the aggregates of feeling arising and passing away become identity‐view. "I forget." is making the I‐ness to the lost memory. "I want to sleep." makes the I‐ness to sloth and torpor, the aggregate of formation (saṅkhārakkhandha). "Don't test my mind." takes consciousness as me. Every time the phenomena of ultimate reality (paramattha dhamma) are arising become wrong view. How many times a day? Uncountable!

為什麼身見(sakkāya diṭṭhi)會生起?






每當究竟法(paramattha dhamma)的現象生起時,都可能形成錯誤的觀念。這樣的情況一天會發生多少次?無法計算!


為什麼「我執見」會產生?在佛陀時代,有聖者。人們有「我執見」是因為他們沒有接近他們並聽他們的談話。如今,人們有這種觀點是因為他們沒有機會聽法。不聽法永遠不會消除這種觀點。沒有什麼比「我執見」更重要了。當五蘊生起而不認識時,就成為「我執見」。例如,身體僵硬。把空氣、風元素當成我是僵硬的。知道的人,這只是風元素的變化。不要與「我」混淆。風元素只是風元素。熱和冷也成為,「我很冷。」,「我很熱。」這只是熱元素。有人腹瀉,「我不知道我發生了什麼。」把水元素當成我。把四大元素當成我。「我的身體癢。」不知道感受蘊的生滅,就成為「我執見」。「我忘了。」是把「我」與失去的記憶聯繫起來。「我想睡覺。」是把「我」與昏沉懈怠、行蘊聯繫起來。「不要考驗我的心。」是把意識當成我。每次究極真實現象(paramattha dhamma)出現時,就成為錯誤的觀點。一天有多少次?數不清!

Why there is no sakkāya diṭṭhi? Whatever arising, contemplate as this is not mine, not I am, not me, then dispel sakkāya diṭṭhi. Contemplate the arising of feeling, mind and mental states as impermanent, suffering, not‐self. Someone who had dispelled sakkāya diṭṭhi will not fall into the 4-painful rebirths.


為什麼沒有身見(sakkāya diṭṭhi)?

無論什麼現象生起,都應觀照為「這不是我的」、「這不是我」、「這不是我自己」,如此便能驅除身見。觀照感受(vedanā)、心(citta)和心所法(cetasika)的生起,了知其無常、苦、無我(anicca, dukkha, anattā)。





What kind of dhamma can destroy sakkāya diṭṭhi? Developing the Noble Eightfold Path will overcome it. Are there any differences among them? Yes, they have. The differences are sīla, samādhi and paññā. (Explained the three sīlas) These are sīla maggaṅga (path factors of the precept). Why are there three differences in the samādhi factors? They can’t do the job separately. With the help of mindfulness (sati) and effort (viriya) samādhi develops. The commentary gave this example. How do you take (pluck) a flower, which you can’t reach out? One person (1st) has to bend his waist and gives his back to another person (2nd). This 2nd person has to climb on his (1st) back. A 3rd person standing beside the 1st person and gives his shoulder for the 2nd person to hold on it. In the same way in vipassanā the 1st person bends his waist and back is liked viriya. The 3rd person standing beside is similar to sati. Samādhi is like the 2nd person who plucks the flower. Sati and viriya support samādhi. In vipassanā, not putting effort (viriya) and no mindfulness (sati) are impossible. In vipassanā, not putting effort (viriya) and no mindfulness (sati) are impossible. Only then samādhi can go straight towards the object. Wanting to develop samādhi don't let go of mindfulness and don't reduce effort. Only then samādhi can catch hold of impermanence. If you can’t discern impermanence, one of them is lacking for the mind going straight away towards the object. These 3-factors are important. Viriya is pushing from behind and sati is helping it to pluck there. It happens only by combining three together. If one of them is lacking, you must know the situation. If you can know and correct it, your samādhi will go towards the object of impermanence. Samādhi can’t see impermanence, only leading towards it. Can plunge the mind towards where one's need is samādhi. Only wisdom (ñāṇa) is seeing impermanence. It is also not seen by sati, only pointing towards it. Three of them combine together and point towards a sense‐object. They can’t see impermanence. You must know this point. It's important for the yogis. Samādhi only reaches to the flower. It can’t choose good or bad. Why is that? It's only pointing to an object. This one is impermanent (anicca) and conditioned phenomena (saṅkhāra). These are not concern with samādhi only helping the wisdom factors.

什麼樣的法能摧毀身見(sakkāya diṭṭhi)?

修習聖道八正道(Noble Eightfold Path)可以克服身見。這些八正道之間是否有差別?是的,它們確實有差別。這些差別分為戒(sīla)、定(samādhi)和慧(paññā)三部分。(以下解釋了三種戒)這些屬於戒道支(sīla maggaṅga)。













什麼樣的法可以摧毀「我執見」?修習八正道可以克服它。它們之間有什麼區別嗎?是的,他們有。差異在於戒、定、慧。(解釋了三種戒)這些是戒道支(戒的修行道)。為什麼定道支有三種差異?他們不能單獨工作。在正念(sati)和精進(viriya)的幫助下,定力得以發展。註解給出了這個例子。你是如何摘取你夠不到的花的?一個人(第一人)必須彎腰,把他的背給另一個人(第二人)。這個第二個人必須爬上他的(第一人)的背。第三個人站在第一個人旁邊,給第二個人肩膀讓他抓住。同樣,在觀禪中,第一個人彎腰,背部就像viriya。站在旁邊的第三個人類似於sati。定力就像摘花的第二個人。sati和viriya支持定力。在觀禪中,不努力(viriya)和不注意(sati)是不可能的。在觀禪中,不努力(viriya)和不注意(sati)是不可能的。只有這樣,定力才能直接朝向目標。想要發展定力,不要放鬆正念,不要減少努力。只有這樣,定力才能抓住無常。如果你不能辨別無常,其中之一就是心直接朝向目標而缺乏。這三個因素很重要。Viriya 從後面推,sati 幫助它在那裡摘取。只有三者結合才能發生。如果其中一個缺失,你必須知道情況。如果你能知道並糾正它,你的定力就會朝向無常的目標。定力不能看到無常,只能引導它。可以將心沉入需要的地方,這就是定力。只有智慧(ñāṇa)才能看到無常。sati 也看不到它,只能指向它。三者結合在一起,指向一個感官對象。他們看不到無常。你必須知道這一點。這對瑜伽士很重要。定力只能到達花。它不能選擇好壞。為什麼?它只是指向一個對象。這個是無常(anicca)和有為法(saṅkhāra)。這些與定力無關,只幫助智慧因素。


Tell me wisdom factors. It's Right View and Right Thought. Why these are together? The eyes are in good shape. But to choose a thing for good or bad, there need to be something to turn around the object to be observed. For example, you look at an object and see only this side. It can’t see the other side. For seeing the other side, you need to turn over the object. This side is like this and the other side is like that. Right Thought providing the view, the view of impermanence.


智慧的道支是正見(Right View, sammā-diṭṭhi)和正思惟(Right Thought, sammā-saṅkappa)。







Wisdom is observing the object. Arising is something and passing away is another thing. Someone has to provide this for the seeing. Seeing only the arising and not the passing, and only the passing and not the arising, and then right thought is poor.


生起是一回事,滅去是另一回事。有人必須提供這種觀察能力,讓智慧能夠看見完整的過程。如果只看到生起而看不到滅去,或者只看到滅去而看不到生起,那麼正思惟(Right Thought, sammā-saṅkappa)就不足。




Sammā is right and saṅkappa is thinking (turning around) or providing the view. The example I want to give is: using the power glasses for the poor eye sight. In this way will see like a young boy, will see clearly with the help of the glasses. Without the glasses you can see but not clear. Here the eyes are sammā‐diṭṭhi and the glasses are right thought. In this way can see the whole process. If you can’t see clear, then helping with right thought. It means vitakka, and it gives strength for the contemplation. Therefore samādhi and paññā factors need helps.








Sammā 是正確的,saṅkappa 是思考(轉動)或提供觀點。我想舉的例子是:用強光眼鏡為視力差的人。這樣就能像年輕人一樣看得清楚,在眼鏡的幫助下看得清楚。沒有眼鏡,你可以看到,但不清楚。這裡眼睛是正見,眼鏡是正思惟。這樣就能看到整個過程。如果你看不清楚,那麼就要借助正思惟。這意味著vitakka,它為觀照提供了力量。因此,定力和慧力需要幫助。


Then why sīla factors have 3-diffenent nature. If one of them exists, other two are not included. Right speech and right action each do its own different jobs. Therefore, one can’t help the other during its performance. They have different actions (kamma). Because of their abstaining, they have the same name as sīla but different in jobs. For the yogi who is practicing, sometimes with 5‐factors and sometimes with 6‐factors. Samādhi and paññā can be come in together. But sīla can’t come in together, and can’t help each other. During vipassanā contemplation they can’t include. If one is included the other are not. When are they coming together? It is at the time of inclining towards Nibbāna element. It's not never coming together. During meditation you keep the sīla only. Unstable sīla is one of the reasons that cannot come together. Not become right view that sīla is unstable. Right view develops vipassanā. Someone has wrong view can’t rely on sīla and easy to break it. Monks who had sīlas but they couldn't dispel wrong view were born as nāga (a type of magical snake) and louse (the 1st one was from the Buddha Kassapa's time and the 2nd one was during the Buddha Gautama). Freedom from the 4‐painful rebirths is by destroying wrong view. It's the seed of hell which I mention to you every day, it is becoming clear.


因為當其中一個存在時,其餘兩個不包含在內。正語(Right Speech, sammā-vācā)和正業(Right Action, sammā-kammanta)各自執行不同的任務,因此在其作用發揮時,無法彼此幫助。它們具有不同的業(kamma),但由於它們都屬於「止惡」(abstaining)的行為,因此被統稱為戒(sīla),儘管在功能上有差異。




它們會在傾向於涅槃(Nibbāna)元素時同時生起,但這並非意味它們永遠無法同時運作。在冥想期間,你僅保持戒,但不穩定的戒是它們無法同時生起的原因之一。不穩定的戒無法成為正見(Right View, sammā-diṭṭhi),而正見則能發展內觀。如果一個人持有邪見(wrong view),就無法依賴戒,並且很容易破戒。


一些比丘雖然持有戒律,但因未能消除錯見(wrong view),因此墮入畜生道。例如,一位比丘在迦葉佛(Kassapa Buddha)的時代,因持戒而轉生為一條那伽(Nāga,神蛇);另一位在釋迦牟尼佛(Gautama Buddha)的時代,因持戒而轉生為一隻虱子。






If you can get rid of sakkāya diṭṭhi, sassata and uccheda diṭṭhis also gone. Both of them originate from this one. Only diṭṭhi dies out that you realize the First Path (magga). Diṭṭhi nirodho Nibbānaṃ—Cessation of wrong view is Nibbāna. After it had gone there are no dhammas can prevent or hinder for the higher Paths. The Dhamma will lead onwards. One also wants to continue. After destroyed wrong view no need to teach him for the higher Paths. The Buddha only taught the 4-causes for stream entering (sotāpanna) and not for the higher Paths. After diṭṭhi is gone and doubt also. Therefore, basically preventing all the Paths is diṭṭhi. After destroyed diṭṭhi no one will continue for more then seven life times. It's easy to dispel diṭṭhi. Every time seeing paramattha dhamma (conditioned phenomena) contemplate as this is not mine, not I am and not myself. Contemplate as impermanent nature.

若能斷除身見(sakkāya diṭṭhi),常見(sassata diṭṭhi)與斷見(uccheda diṭṭhi)也會隨之消失。

這兩種錯見皆源於身見。只有斷除錯見(diṭṭhi),才能證得初道(First Path, magga)。如《法句經》中所述:「diṭṭhi nirodho Nibbānaṃ」——錯見的滅除即是涅槃。




佛陀只教授證得須陀洹(stream-enterer, sotāpanna)的四因,並未特別針對更高聖道提供教導。因為一旦錯見(diṭṭhi)被斷除,疑惑(vicikicchā)也隨之消失。




每次觀照究竟法(paramattha dhamma,條件生滅法)時,應如實觀察:


並觀照其無常的本質(impermanent nature)。


如果你能擺脫「我執見」,常住見和斷滅見也會消失。這兩個都源於這個。只有滅盡了「我執見」,你才能實現第一道(magga)。Diṭṭhi nirodho Nibbānaṃ——錯誤觀點的停止就是涅槃。之後,沒有法可以阻止或阻礙更高的道。法會繼續引導。一個人也想繼續。摧毀了錯誤的觀點後,不需要教他更高的道。佛陀只教了四個進入初果(sotāpanna)的原因,而不是更高的道。滅盡了「我執見」後,疑惑也消失了。因此,基本上阻止所有道的是「我執見」。滅盡了「我執見」後,沒有人會繼續超過七世。消除「我執見」很容易。每次看到paramattha dhamma(有為法),都觀照為這不是我的,不是我,不是我自己。觀照為無常的性質。


Where is wrong view stuck in? It pierced inside of each 5‐khandhas as latent defilement (anusaya kilesa). If you see the impermanence of any khandha and it can’t come in. As an example; the dukkha vedanā that you are in pain for a long time happens because you can’t see the impermanence or cut through the continuity (santati). You take the khandhas as permanence and it comes in. If you can observe the impermanence in details and it will nearly fall away. Seeing it as now arising and now passing away, diṭṭhi cannot come in. Seeing the impermanence without a gap is very important. If not, diṭṭhi will come in. Therefore, I am asking you that do you see impermanence more and more. What do you think why I am asking at you? I am worry that diṭṭhi will come in. If you discern anicca such as you can’t put the tip of a needle inside the whole body. Then diṭṭhi cannot come in. If you see this way, it becomes weak and becomes right view. By its nature the body is packing with impermanence and without gaps. In a second, the mind is arising and passing away at the speed of 1013 times (hundred thousand billion times). So it's without a gap. Form is at the speed of 5 × 1011 times/sec. (five thousand billion times). If wrong view has the strength impermanence will become intermittently. If right view has the strength impermanence becomes more accelerated. They are combating each other. Don't think what's happening to me today. It was influenced by diṭṭhi. If diṭṭhi is too strong even can’t see it. If right view is too strong even in the beginning of sitting can see it. May be you want to ask me: “with only to discern the speed of impermanence in 1013 and 5 × 1011 times/sec, can someone realize Nibbāna?” You can realize Nibbāna without this kind of rate. It's depended on your own power of discernment. Why? These were the view of someone who had finished the path.


它深深地滲透於五蘊(5-khandhas)之中,作為隱伏的煩惱(anusaya kilesa)存在。如果你能觀察到任何一蘊的無常,錯見就無法進入。


長期的苦受(dukkha vedanā)之所以持續,是因為你無法看到它的無常或切斷它的連續性(santati)。你將五蘊誤認為是恆常的,錯見因此而入侵。如果你能詳細地觀察到無常,它幾乎會自行消失。當你看到「當下生起,當下滅去」時,錯見無法進入。持續無間斷地觀察無常是非常重要的,否則錯見就會再次進入。


你知道為什麼我這麼問嗎?因為我擔心錯見會進入。假如你能夠如實觀察無常,例如整個身體沒有一點點間隙容得下一根針尖,那麼錯見就無法進入。若能如此觀察,錯見會變弱,並轉為正見(Right View, sammā-diṭṭhi)。


身體的本質是充滿無常且毫無間隙。在一秒鐘內,心的生滅速度為每秒 1013 次(十萬億次);而色法(form)的生滅速度則為每秒 5 × 1011 次(五千億次)。




你可能會問:「是否僅僅通過察覺到無常以每秒 1013 次 和 5 × 1011 次 的速度生滅,就能證得涅槃?」答案是:即使沒有以這種速度察覺,你也可以證得涅槃。這取決於你自身的觀察力(power of discernment)。為什麼?因為這種觀點是已經完成聖道的修行者所擁有的。


錯誤的觀點藏在哪裡?它作為潛伏的煩惱(anusaya kilesa)刺入每個五蘊的內部。如果你看到任何五蘊的無常,它就無法進入。例如;你長時間處於痛苦的苦受,是因為你不能看到無常或切斷連續性(santati)。你把五蘊當成永恆,它就進來了。如果你能詳細觀察無常,它幾乎會消失。把它看作現在生起現在消滅,diṭṭhi就不能進來。無間隙地看到無常很重要。否則,diṭṭhi就會進來。因此,我問你是否越來越看到無常。你認為我為什麼問你?我擔心diṭṭhi會進來。如果你像不能把針尖插入整個身體一樣辨別無常。那麼diṭṭhi就不能進來。如果你這樣看,它就會變弱,成為正見。就其本質而言,身體充滿了無常,沒有間隙。一秒鐘內,心以10^13次(千億次)的速度生滅。所以它是沒有間隙的。形式是以5×10^11次/秒(五千億次)的速度。如果錯誤的觀點有力量,無常就會變得斷斷續續。如果正見有力量,無常就會變得更加加速。他們在互相戰鬥。不要想今天發生了什麼。這是受diṭṭhi影響的。如果diṭṭhi太強,甚至看不見。如果正見太強,即使在坐禪開始時也能看到它。也許你想問我:「只分辨10^13和5×10^11次/秒的無常速度,一個人能實現涅槃嗎?」你可以不以這種速度實現涅槃。這取決於你自己的辨識力。為什麼?這些是已經完成道的人的觀點。


They talked about it by their own discernment. It's not for the one who is still in practice. Discernment comes by one's own right view. These were the discernment of arahants. With one's own discernment will realize the path. If you ask can other discern in billion times. Again, the answer is it's the view of completion. How can it be the same, the views of worldlings and the noble ones? Why? We have a lot of defilement come in, therefore a lot of life continuum (bhavaṅga cittas) between the processes. The Buddha's discernment had only 2-bhavaṅga cittas between. Sāriputta's discernment had only 16-bhavaṅga cittas between. Our discernments have many bhavaṅga cittas between for each seeing. Bhavaṅga cittas are not the problem, because not kilesa—cittas. If kilesa comes in it will become problem. Therefore, in the Aṅguttara Nikāya, the Buddha said that if kilesa not came in between, practicing in the morning and would realize in the evening. Not mentioned about the bhavaṅga citta. Bhavaṅga cittas are normal and the law of dhamma. The numbers of bhavaṅga cittas are depending on the root of the mind (hetu dhamma).

他們依自己的洞察力談論此事。這不適合仍在修行中的人。洞察力源自於正確的見解,這是阿羅漢們的洞察。憑藉自身的洞察力,便能體悟到這條道路。如果你問,其他人能在數十億次中也有同樣的洞察嗎?答案仍是:這是一種圓滿的見解。世俗凡夫與聖者的見解怎麼會相同呢?為什麼?因為我們內心充滿了煩惱,因此在每一過程之間存在大量的生命流(有分心,bhavaṅga citta)。佛陀的洞察力在過程之間僅有兩個有分心。舍利弗尊者的洞察力僅有十六個有分心。而我們的洞察力,每次見到事物時,都有許多有分心在過程之間。

然而,有分心本身並不是問題,因為它們並非煩惱心(kilesa-citta)。真正的問題在於煩惱若進入其中,就會帶來障礙。因此,在《增支部》(Aṅguttara Nikāya)中,佛陀說,如果煩惱沒有在過程之間生起,早晨修行,晚上就能證悟。這並未提及有分心,因為有分心是正常的,且是法的自然法則。有分心的數量取決於心的根本(hetu dhamma)。


他們根據自己的洞察力談論它。這不是針對仍在修行的人。洞察力來自於自己的正見。這些是阿羅漢的洞察力。憑藉自己的洞察力,就能實現道。如果你問別人是否能在十億次中洞察。同樣,答案是這是完成的觀點。世俗人和聖者的觀點怎麼能一樣呢?為什麼?我們有很多煩惱進來,因此過程之間有很多生命流(bhavaṅga cittas)。佛陀的洞察力之間只有2個bhavaṅga cittas。舍利弗的洞察力之間只有16個bhavaṅga cittas。我們的洞察力之間有很多bhavaṅga cittas。Bhavaṅga cittas 不是問題,因為不是kilesa-cittas。如果kilesa進來,就會成為問題。因此,在《增支部》中,佛陀說,如果kilesa中間沒有進來,早上修行,晚上就會證悟。沒有提到bhavaṅga citta。Bhavaṅga cittas 是正常的,是法義。bhavaṅga cittas 的數量取決於心的根源(hetu dhamma)。

T4 (Talk 4):

The Noble Eightfold Path is the middle way. We had never been on the middle way in the whole round of rebirths (Saṁsāra). If we had been, would never return. On the path samādhi is important.





What is samādhi? It's called single-minded (ekaggatā citta). It can take one object. What is one object? If on feeling and it’s only feeling, on the mind and it’s only the mind and not all together. Pointing towards on an object and it's called the mind is in singleness (ekaggatā). Concentrating on an object is ekaggatā. If you can concentrate on an object defilement can be overcome.

什麼是「定」(samādhi)? 它被稱為心的一境性(ekaggatā citta),即心專注於一個目標(所緣)。什麼是一個目標呢?如果專注於「受」,就只有「受」;專注於「心」,就只有「心」,而不會摻雜其他的事物。當心專注於一個目標時,這就稱為「心的一境性」。專注於一個目標,即是「一境性」(ekaggatā)。如果能夠專注於一個目標,就能克服煩惱。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

什麼是定?它被稱為心一境性(ekaggatā citta)。它可以拿一個對象。什麼是一個對象?如果在感受上,就只有感受,在心上,就只有心,而不是全部。指向一個對象,它被稱為心在一境性。專注於一個對象是ekaggatā。如果你能專注於一個對象,煩惱就可以被克服。


What is the object of samādhi? It's the 4-Satipaṭṭhāna, contemplation on the body, feeling, mind and dhamma. Samādhi follows sati towards an object. If it's on feeling, it will fall on feeling straight away. In this way know about feeling. If singleness is on the mind and sati fall on it. Singleness must work with the Satipaṭṭhāna objects. The sign of samādhi is the body disappeared and knowing the feeling or mind etc. As examples, in the contemplation of feeling it just falls on feeling, and on the mind and it just falls on the mind. Then it becomes the sign of Satipaṭṭhāna. If discern impermanence, it's also the sign (nimitta). Sati fall on the object and its permanent sign disappeared and impermanent sign appeared in the mind also the sign of Satipaṭṭhāna. By seeing the impermanent sign appeared, the form and shape of man or woman is disappeared. Therefore, by seeing the sign of impermanence is the sign of Satipaṭṭhāna. Can it be by itself alone leads to realization? It must include the other member of Satipaṭṭhāna. It's effort (viriya). By putting effort towards the object the permanent sign disappears and sati—paññā see the sign of impermanence. This seeing is helping by effort. Viriya and samādhi are the factors of samādhi. Sati and paññā are the factors of discernment (wisdom). Its qualities we are talking in different ways and in discerning anicca all factors are there. Can it be realized Nibbāna in this way? It needs to be contemplating for many times (bhāvetabba). Why? Kilesa impurities are like a copper bowl, it can be shone only by polishing. From births we had impurities with us like the copper bowl. By not doing the Satipaṭṭhāna practice, stillness of practice and not putting effort for practice, then the mind becomes more and more defiled like the bowl. To do this kind of task, you have to meet a teacher and has the kind of ear to listen to the Dhamma. From the days of birth, we are grown up with craving mother and ignorance father. We are grown up on their hands and care. They are very worry that we realize the Path and Fruit and liberate from their hands. Ignorance covers up the Four Noble Truth and craving teaches us for affection to mother, sons and properties. We are doing things what they want us to do.


那便是「四念住」(Satipaṭṭhāna):觀身、觀受、觀心、觀法。定跟隨著「念」(sati)專注於所緣(目標、對象)。若專注於「受」,心便直接落在「受」上,從而知曉「受」的本質;若專注於「心」,心便直接落在「心」上。心的一境性 必須配合「四念住」的所緣。




不行,必須配合「四念住」的其他要素,那便是「精進」(viriya)。透過精進地專注於所緣,原本認為「常」的徵兆會消失,而「念」與「慧」(sati-paññā)便能見到「無常」的徵兆。這種見到的過程是由「精進」所助成的。精進(viriya)和定(samādhi) 是「定」的因素,而念(sati)和慧(paññā) 是「智慧」的因素。這些特質雖然用不同的方式來解釋,但在洞察無常時,所有因素都會同時具足。






什麼是定的對象?是四念處,觀照身、受、心、法。定隨著念指向一個對象。如果在感受上,它會直接落在感受上。這樣就知道感受。如果一境性在心上,念落於其上。一境性必須與四念處對象一起工作。定的徵兆是身體消失,知道感受或心等。例如,在觀照感受時,它只是落在感受上,在心上,它只是落在心上。然後它成為四念處的徵兆。如果辨別無常,也是徵兆(nimitta)。念落在對象上,它的恆常徵兆消失,無常徵兆出現在心中,也是四念處的徵兆。通過看到無常的徵兆,男人或女人的形式和形狀消失了。因此,通過看到無常的徵兆是四念處的徵兆。它能單獨導致覺悟嗎?它必須包括四念處的其他成員。是精進(viriya)。通過對對象努力,恆常的徵兆消失,念和慧看到無常的徵兆。這種見解是通過努力幫助的。Viriya 和 samādhi 是定的因素。Sati 和 paññā 是辨別(智慧)的因素。它的品質我們用不同的方式來談論,在辨別無常中,所有的因素都在那裡。這樣能實現涅槃嗎?需要多次觀照(bhāvetabba)。為什麼?煩惱就像銅碗,只能通過拋光來發光。從出生起,我們就有像銅碗一樣的雜質。如果不做四念處修行,不專一修行,不努力修行,那麼心就會變得越來越污濁,就像碗一樣。要完成這種任務,你必須遇到一位老師,並且有耳朵聽法。從出生之日起,我們就長大在貪婪的母親和無明的父親身邊。我們是在他們的手中長大的,受到他們的照顧。他們非常擔心我們實現道果,從他們手中解脫。無明遮蔽了四聖諦,貪欲教導我們對母親、兒子和財產的愛慕。我們正在做他們想讓我們做的事情。


So impurities pile up every day. How long it had been? In the whole round of existence it had not been polished before. Between them we also have body guards of wrong view. Diṭṭhi always control us and tell us this is your dad and this is your mom. Normally we leave it and never wash and polish it. So it piles up with impurities. This is the reason we can’t realize Nibbāna. The volume of ignorance, craving and diṭṭhi are increasing. Therefore, it needs to contemplate for many times. By polishing again and again the copper bowl which we left for a long time is becoming shining. Must contemplate for many times and put continuous effort. Contemplate continuously decrease ignorance, craving and diṭṭhi. For insight knowledge to contemplate again and again is needed and not for Path Knowledge. Path Knowledge sees Nibbāna once only. Even though Path Knowledge arises only once; it's similar to cross a river by a boat. The boat—man puts the loads in a boat and rows it to the other shore. The boat is doing 4-jobs. 1. Leaving this shore. 2. Arriving at the other shore. 3. Carrying the loads. 4. Crossing the water. In the same way, the boat liked the Path is crossing the water of defilement only once. Leaving this shore of sakkāya diṭṭhi and arriving at the other shore of Nibbāna is also the boat or the Path. The boat is also carrying the loads of khandhas. Path Knowledge happens once and finishes 4-jobs. From the impermanence of khandhas it sees the permanence of Nibbāna. Cutting through defilement is the Path and crossing towards Nibbāna, which is without dukkha khandhas is also the Path.

因此,煩惱與污染日積月累。 這種積累到底有多久了呢?自整個輪迴(saṁsāra)以來,這顆心從未被真正清洗與擦拭過。在這其中,還有「邪見」(diṭṭhi)這道護衛,時時控制著我們,告訴我們「這是你的父親,這是你的母親」。我們通常放任不管,從未認真去清洗與擦拭它,結果這顆心堆積了無數的污染與塵垢。這就是我們無法證悟涅槃的原因——無明、渴愛與邪見的分量越來越重。





  1. 離開此岸。
  2. 到達彼岸。
  3. 承載著重載(五蘊)。
  4. 橫渡過河水。

同樣地,這條船——也就是「道」(magga)——僅僅一次橫渡煩惱的河水,便完成了任務。從「此岸」的身見(sakkāya diṭṭhi) 離開,抵達「彼岸」的涅槃,這條船便是「道」。同時,這條船還承載著五蘊的重載。道智的生起僅一次,但完成了四個任務。




所以雜質每天都在堆積。已經有多久了?在整個存在輪迴中,它從未被拋光過。在他們之間,我們還有錯誤觀點的保鏢。diṭṭhi 總是控制我們,告訴我們這是你的爸爸,這是你的媽媽。通常我們放任它,從不清洗和拋光。所以它堆積了雜質。這就是我們無法實現涅槃的原因。無明、貪欲和diṭṭhi的數量正在增加。因此,需要多次觀照。通過反復拋光我們長時間留下的銅碗,它變得閃亮。必須多次觀照,不斷努力。不斷觀照減少無明、貪欲和diṭṭhi。對於洞見智,需要反復觀照,而不是道智。道智只看涅槃一次。即使道智只出現一次;它就像乘船過河一樣。船夫把貨物放在船上,划到對岸。船在做4項工作。1. 離開這個岸。2. 到達彼岸。3. 攜帶負載。4. 過水。同樣,像道一樣的船只過一次煩惱之水。離開「我執見」的岸,到達涅槃的彼岸,也是船或道。船也載著五蘊的負擔。道智發生一次,完成四項工作。從五蘊的無常中,它看到涅槃的永恆。斬斷煩惱是道,走向無苦蘊的涅槃也是道。


During the practice, one—pointedness is important, and also the sign of Satipaṭṭhāna. The helping of effort is also important. All these things happen one time is not enough. It needs to contemplate many times. The Buddha emphasized this point by giving the simile of the mother hen and the eggs. The hen has three duties to do. You also have the three duties of working with anicca, dukkha and anatta. Without these duties, all the eggs become spoiled and your knowledge becomes blunted. With continuous contemplation the shells of ignorance become thinner. Liquid of craving become dried up. The knowledge of spiked claws (the chicks inside the eggs) becomes sharper. You must spread your body of contemplation on the eggs of impermanence. Only kilesa liquid dries up and the shells of ignorance become thinner. The spiked claws become sharp; the chicks can kick the shells from inside and hatch out. It was like the hen, you have to sit on the eggs very often. If not, it's impossible. Light appears means realize Nibbāna. When the kilesa liquid dry up and the shells of ignorance thin out will see the light. The spiked claws which are similar to knowledge become sharp. The Buddha said that the one who contemplated would destroy the taints (āsavas). With kilesa the mind can’t penetrate. Even kilesa itself is inconstant. It has the power of repetition condition (āsevana—paccaya). Therefore, the mind can’t penetrate. When you go back home observe the body, don't see it as a lump of form. Contemplate feeling, the mind, and if you know how to do it, the form will disappear. If you can’t, the form of hand, feet, hair... etc, the 32 parts of the body can be appeared. Only the form disappears you are reaching the point.














She (Dhammadinnā) talked about the factors of awakening. The analysis of qualities as a factor of awakening (dhammavicaya sambojjhaṅga) is the path factors of right view (sammā‐diṭṭhi). She used the factors of awakening there. It is the way to Nibbāna that use it as bodhi (awakening). Bodhi means knowing. It also included contemplation for many times (bhāvita bahulīkata) in the factors of awakening. Therefore, right view and analysis of qualities are the same things. Right view is not enough for seeing only, but need to contemplate for many times as the factors of awakening show it. People may think path factors are no need to contemplate for many times. So, I talk about them here. Both of them are wisdom factors. If you do the path factors again and again including awakening factors. Why talk about two things? Path factors talk about cutting off defilement and awakening factors about increasing the factors. By contemplating again and again and not seeing Nibbāna yet, but don't take it as wasting time. The Buddha gave this simile—the handle of a carpenter's adze. Using it for one time the handle was eroded once. If you're continuously using it, it continuously eroded. It can’t come to be by prayers (as later traditions). At first the handle becomes smooth out, and then slowly the fingers' print appears on the handle. The thickness of kilesa developed from the round of rebirths is so thick that without continuous contemplation can it be thinned out? Therefore, insight meditation has the outcome of reducing kilesa. Don't be disappointed and giving up. If kilesa thins out, the practice is developing. Every time seeing impermanence every time it's thinning out. Seeing more and more it becomes thinner and thinner. Contemplation is stopping the process of dependent arising to continue. First kilesa thin out and later with its extinction. Effort also has to develop. You might think it's not including rapture (pīti). Already it's inside the samādhi. I am talking about only the leading factor. It's included as association with samādhi. Every good feeling of contemplation includes pīti. Not as the leader of the path factors but as follower. Contemplation without pīti, laziness will follow. Therefore, the Buddha asked to contemplate with joy and interest. Seeing something as you'd never seen before, so contemplate with gladness. I will explain the matter of seeing something never seen before. With the eyes of the Brahma gods can see a needle in the human world. They can see the needle from four hundred billion yojanas far away (4×1010 miles; 1 yojana = 10km). But they do not see the anicca.

尊者法增尼(Dhammadinnā)談到「覺支」(bojjhaṅga)的要素,並指出「擇法覺支」(dhammavicaya sambojjhaṅga)即是道支中的「正見」(sammā-diṭṭhi)。她在此處運用「覺支」的概念,這也是通向涅槃的途徑,將其作為「菩提」(bodhi,覺醒)之道。菩提的意思是「了知」,而覺支也包含了反覆地觀照(bhāvita bahulīkata) 這一層含義。因此,「正見」與「擇法覺支」其實是同一件事。


有些人可能認為,道支無需反覆觀照就能達成,但這並非事實,這正是我在此處特別說明的原因。道支與覺支 都屬於智慧的因素,若能反覆地修習道支,也同時涵蓋了覺支。








因此,佛陀教導我們,應以喜悅與興趣 來觀照,看到前所未見的事物時,便會生起欣喜之心。這便是觀照無常時,所應具足的態度。






她(達摩達多)談到了覺悟的因素。分析品質作為覺悟因素(dhammavicaya sambojjhaṅga)是正見(sammā-diṭṭhi)的道支。她在那裡使用了覺悟的因素。它是用它作為菩提(覺悟)的涅槃之路。菩提意味著知道。它還包括多次觀照(bhāvita bahulīkata)在覺悟的因素中。因此,正見和品質分析是相同的事物。正見不僅僅是看,還需要多次觀照,正如覺悟的因素所顯示的那樣。人們可能會認為道支不需要多次觀照。所以,我在這裡談論他們。他們都是智慧因素。如果你一遍又一遍地做道支,包括覺悟因素。為什麼要談論兩件事?道支談論切斷煩惱,覺悟因素談論增加因素。通過反復觀照,還沒有看到涅槃,但不要把它當作浪費時間。佛陀用木匠的斧柄打比方。用它一次,手柄被腐蝕一次。如果你不斷使用它,它就會不斷腐蝕。它不能通過祈禱(如後來的傳統)而來。起初,手柄變得光滑,然後慢慢地,手指的印記出現在手柄上。從輪迴中發展起來的kilesa的厚度是如此之厚,如果不持續觀照,它能變薄嗎?因此,洞見冥想具有減少kilesa的結果。不要失望和放棄。如果kilesa變薄,修行就在發展。每次看到無常,每次都在變薄。看得越多,它就變得越薄。觀照是在阻止依止緣起過程的繼續。首先kilesa變薄,然後隨著它的滅盡。努力也必須發展。你可能會認為它不包括喜悅(pīti)。它已經在定力中了。我只談領導因素。它作為與定力的關聯而被包含在內。每一次觀照的好感覺都包括pīti。不是作為道支的領導者,而是作為追隨者。沒有pīti的觀照,懶惰就會隨之而來。因此,佛陀要求以喜悅和興趣來觀照。看到從未見過的事物,所以帶著喜悅來觀照。我將解釋從未見過的事物。用梵天的眼睛可以看到人世間的針。他們可以從四百億由旬遠的地方看到針(4×10^10英里;1由旬= 10公里)。但他們看不到無常。


They saw it with the worldly eyes (lokiya). Here we see with the supermundane eyes. So your discernment of anicca is better than the views of the Brahma gods. A rock tablet falls from the Brahma world to the earth will take one and a half months to arrive here. Theirs are the divine eyes. The eyes belong to the time of outside the Buddha's teaching. They're samādhi eyes. Here are the knowledge eyes (ñāṇa eyes). It's not easy to have this knowledge. Here it's itching and here it's passing away. Feeling appears and disappears. So it's ñāṇa eyes. Dhammavicaya eyes or you can call it the eyes of right view or knowledge eyes. The worldling gods and Brahma gods don't realize Nibbāna, because they are lacking of this eyes. Therefore after they are passing away will return to the human world and to the animal realm.

他們所見的是「世俗眼」(lokiya),而我們在此處所見的,是「出世間眼」(lokuttara eyes)。 因此,你對「無常」(anicca)的洞察,遠勝於梵天的視野。

一塊石碑若從梵天界墜落到人間,需要一個半月才能到達。他們所擁有的是「天眼」(dibba-cakkhu),是屬於在佛法之外的境界,屬於「定眼」(samādhi eyes)。而我們在這裡擁有的是「智慧眼」(ñāṇa-cakkhu)。


在觀照中,你能洞察到:這裡正在癢,這裡正在滅去;感受(vedanā)升起又消失。這便是「智慧眼」(ñāṇa eyes),又稱為「擇法眼」(dhammavicaya eyes),也可以稱之為「正見之眼」(sammā-diṭṭhi eyes)或「智慧眼」(knowledge eyes)。






他們用世俗的眼睛(lokiya)看到了它。這裡我們用超世俗的眼睛看。所以你對無常的洞察力比梵天的觀點更好。一塊石碑從梵天世界掉落到地球需要一個半月才能到達這裡。他們是神聖的眼睛。眼睛屬於佛陀教法之外的時間。他們是定眼。這裡是知識眼(ñāṇa 眼)。擁有這種知識不容易。這裡癢,這裡消逝。感覺出現又消失。所以是ñāṇa眼。Dhammavicaya眼或你可以稱之為正見眼或知識眼。世俗神和梵天不能實現涅槃,因為他們缺乏這種眼睛。因此,他們去世後會回到人間和動物界。


Hundred thousand years before the Doomsday, human beings become fear of the day to come. Therefore many people would develop the Divine—abiding (Brahmavihāra Dhamma) and most of them became the Brahma gods. All these are by samatha practice and when the time come will fall back again. Even though this eye can see the small needle from far away can’t discern the nature of the 3‐characteristics. They practiced samatha for the craving of becoming (bhava‐taṇhā). They also had the unwholesome kammas with them. After falling from the Brahma realms even some of them become pigs (not directly from there but devatas can. See Subrahmā Deva's story). You all had become Brahmas before, and as devatas for uncountable times. But you had never been free from old age, sickness and death; and never had the eyes of insight before. Nothing is more valuable than this eye. The pleasures of heavenly gods are good but Sakka (king of the Tāvatiṃsa Heaven) himself came down to the earth for practice. He had the kammic eyes and not the knowledge eyes. Discerning impermanence is nobler than Sakka and the great Brahma gods. After seeing anicca, then come the Knowledge of Disenchantment (nibbidā ñāṇa) and the ending of anicca are sure for the realizing of Nibbāna. You must work hard to get these eyes. In the future you can’t meet a good teacher and the sāsanā like this. Comparing with the whole world very few people have these eyes. Therefore, you have to contemplate in order to see more and more and clearer. Don't exchange with them (the status of heavenly gods and Brahma gods). You are gold and they are salt. You must know one's own value. They have to be make wishes for becoming human beings to get this knowledge.

在世界毀滅(Doomsday)前的十萬年,人類對即將到來的末日充滿恐懼。 因此,許多人開始修習「四無量心」(Brahmavihāra Dhamma),而大多數人因此生於梵天界。但這些都只是透過奢摩他(samatha) 的修習所成就的,當因緣成熟時,他們終究會從梵天墮落下來。即便他們擁有能夠從極遠之處看見一根細針的「天眼」,也無法洞察「三法印」(三特性:無常、苦、無我)的真理。


但同時,他們也帶著未清淨的惡業(akusala kamma)。墮落之後,有些人甚至投生為豬(雖然不是直接從梵天界而來,但天神有時會墮入畜生道。參見Subrahmā Deva 的故事)。你們過去曾無數次生於梵天界與天神界, 但從未從老、病、死中解脫,從未擁有「內觀之眼」(insight eye)。


天界的快樂固然美好,但三十三天的天主帝釋(Sakka) 也曾降臨人間修行。他擁有的是「業力之眼」(kammic eyes),而非「智慧之眼」(knowledge eyes)。


見到無常之後,便會生起「厭離智」(nibbidā ñāṇa),隨後便能確定無常的終結,證悟涅槃(Nibbāna)。你們必須努力修行,以獲得這雙智慧之眼。







在大審判日前的十萬年,人類開始害怕即將到來的日子。因此,許多人會發展天人居止(Brahmavihāra Dhamma),其中大多數人成為梵天。所有這些都是通過禪修而來的,當時間到了就會再次跌落。即使這種眼睛可以從遠處看到小針,也無法辨別三法的性質。他們為了成為的貪欲(bhava-taṇhā)而修行禪定。他們也帶著不善業。從梵天界墜落後,甚至有些人成為豬(不是直接從那裡,而是天神可以。見蘇婆胡天神的傳說)。你們都曾成為梵天,無數次成為天神。但你從未擺脫過老、病、死;從未有過洞見之眼。沒有什麼比這只眼更有價值的。天神的快樂很好,但釋帝天(忉利天主)自己下到人間修行。他有業眼,而不是知識眼。辨別無常比釋帝天和大梵天更尊貴。看到無常後,厭離知見和無常的結束是涅槃實現的保證。你必須努力獲得這些眼睛。未來你可能無法遇到一位好老師和這樣的法教。與全世界相比,很少有人擁有這些眼睛。因此,你必須觀照,以便看得越來越多,越來越清晰。不要與他們交換(天神的狀態和梵天的狀態)。你是金子,他們是鹽。你必須知道自己的價值。他們必須許願成為人類才能獲得這種知識。

T5 (Talk 5):

Visākha asked Dhammadinnā on the attainment of cessation (nirodha samāpatti). This is nothing to do with you all and useful. So let us continue to another question. How many feelings are there? There are 3‐feelings in the body: pleasant, unpleasant and neutral feelings. If one of them exists the other not, and always one of them is there. Every time it needs to catch on with one of them. For our practice, let us extend the knowledge about them. At the physical body pleasant or unpleasant feelings or sensations can appear. From the eye, ear, nose and tongue are neutral feelings. Why? In the seeing just seeing only, because it is neutral feeling. After seeing, it's better not to continue. In hearing just hearing, do not become pleasant or unpleasant about it. In smelling just smelling and also stay neutral. If you react to it as disappointment then the mind arrives at the active phase of cognitive process (i.e. javana citta). It becomes the mind with aversion. In the beginning state it was neutral. In eating just eating is also neutral. Reacting to it as I like or I don't like and it becomes a javana citta. There are itches, aches, and pains etc. These are happening at their own places. When the body is cold, unpleasant feeling arises, and by warming with fire become comfortable → → (i.e. pleasant feeling).

毗舍佉(Visākha)曾向法增尼(Dhammadinnā)請問關於「滅盡定」(nirodha samāpatti)的事。 但這與你們當下的修行無關,並不適用,所以我們繼續下一個問題:有多少種感受(vedanā)?






嗅覺亦是如此:僅僅是聞到氣味,保持中性,不作喜愛或厭惡的反應。如果你對所聞到的氣味生起失望或不滿,心便進入了認識過程的「速行心」(javana citta)階段,此時便生起瞋心(aversion)。但在最初的狀態中,這種感受其實是中性的。








維薩卡問達摩達多關於止息定(nirodha samāpatti)。這與你們所有人無關,也沒有用。所以讓我們繼續另一個問題。有多少種感受?身體有3種感受:喜、苦、捨。如果其中一個存在,另一個不存在,並且總是其中一個存在。每次都需要抓住其中一個。為了我們的修行,讓我們擴展對它們的了解。在肉體上,可以出現喜或苦的感覺或感覺。從眼睛、耳朵、鼻子和舌頭是中性感覺。為什麼?在看中只是看,因為它是中性感覺。看完後,最好不要繼續。在聽中只是聽,不要對它感到愉快或不愉快。在嗅中只是嗅,也保持中立。如果你對它感到失望,那麼心就會到達認知過程的活躍階段(即javana citta)。它成為厭惡的心。在初始狀態,它是中性的。在吃中只是吃也是中性的。對它做出喜歡或不喜歡,它就成為一個javana citta。有癢、痛、痛等。這些都在他們自己的地方發生。當身體寒冷時,會產生不愉快的感覺,並通過用火取暖變得舒適→→(即愉快的感覺)。


Today, we're using feeling on practice. If you have some satisfaction in the heart, it's pleasant mental feeling (somanassa vedanā). No satisfaction is unpleasant mental feeling (domanassa vedanā). Whatever happening, it is all right and become neutral feeling. All the feelings which I had just mentioned; if one of them is there then the other are excluded. Why the Buddha called them the feeling aggregate? It's because feelings are happening all the times. Do you need to look for feeling or don't know their arising? On the body pleasant and unpleasant feelings (sukha and dukkha), and in the heart pleasant and unpleasant mental feelings (somanassa and domanassa), exclude the tips of the hairs, tips of the finger and toe nails, and everywhere feeling can arise. Feeling is conditioned phenomena, e.g. feeling arises in the eyes is by the contact of the eyes and form. If the eyes are blind can’t arise. It is only saṅkhāra and fall into anicca. Sabbe saṅkhāra anicca—all conditioned phenomena are impermanent. Its arising is conditioned by others. If you can contemplate anicca, it becomes mindfulness of feeling. If you don't, after seeing it becomes wanting, then continues to craving, clinging and action (taṇhā, upādāna, kamma). [Note: Sayadaw always uses the Dependent Arising in his talks; therefore, we need to understand the 12-Links of Paṭiccasamuppāda.] Seeing the thing as disgusting, then the anger of dependent arising process continues. Seeing without mindfulness become unknowing which lead to the dependent arising of ignorance. No insight meditation from the eye door creates the 3-ways of dependent arising for the round of rebirths. By not knowing these we think that it doesn't matter.


當心中生起滿足感時,這便是樂受(somanassa vedanā,心的愉悅感受);

當心中感到不滿意時,這便是苦受(domanassa vedanā,心的痛苦感受);



佛陀為何稱之為「受蘊」(feeling aggregate)呢?










「一切行無常」(sabbe saṅkhāra anicca) ——所有的緣生法都是無常的。

若能觀察到「無常」,這便是「念住於受」(mindfulness of feeling)。

若不能觀照無常,便會進一步墮入「貪愛」(taṇhā)、執取(upādāna)與造業(kamma)的循環。這就是「緣起」(Paṭiccasamuppāda) 的運作過程。


  • 見到某物 但未生起「念」(mindfulness),則會引生「想要」(taṇhā),接著導致「執取」和「造業」,這便是「貪愛的緣起過程」。
  • 若見某物生起厭惡,則「瞋心」便隨之生起,這是「瞋恨的緣起過程」。
  • 若見某物而缺乏覺知,則是「無明」(avijjā)的作用,進一步推動「無明的緣起過程」。






今天,我們正在使用感受來修行。如果你心中有一些滿足感,那就是愉悅的心感受(somanassa vedanā)。沒有滿足感是不愉悅的心感受(domanassa vedanā)。無論發生什麼,一切都很好,成為中性感受。我剛提到的所有感受;如果其中一個存在,那麼其他就被排除在外。為什麼佛陀稱它們為感受蘊?因為感受一直在發生。你需要尋找感覺嗎,還是不知道它們的出現?在身體上,愉悅和不愉悅的感覺(sukha 和 dukkha),在心中,愉悅和不愉悅的心感受(somanassa 和 domanassa),排除頭髮尖、手指和腳趾甲尖,以及到處都可以出現感覺。感覺是有為法,例如眼睛中的感覺是由眼睛和形式的接觸而產生的。如果眼睛是瞎的,就無法產生。它只是saṅkhāra,屬於無常。Sabbe saṅkhāra anicca——所有有為法都是無常的。它的產生是有條件的。如果你能觀照無常,它就成為念處。如果你不這樣做,在看到之後就會變成想要,然後繼續貪婪、執著和行動(taṇhā、upādāna、kamma)。[注意:賽亞多在他的談話中總是使用依止緣起;因此,我們需要理解十二因緣 Paṭiccasamuppāda.] 將事物視為令人厭惡的,那麼憤怒的依止緣起過程就會繼續。沒有正念地看,就會變得不知道,從而導致無明的依止緣起。沒有從眼門的洞見冥想創造了輪迴的三種依止緣起。由於不知道這些,我們認為這並不重要。


But to the Buddha not knowing the dependent arising, it's better to use the hot iron bar to poke the eyes. This makes for dying once. Every time seeing without knowing leading to painful rebirths and will die for many times. While seeing contemplate quickly as conditioned phenomena and inconstant, then the dependent arising is cutting off the 3-unwholesome dhammas to arise (i.e. lobha, dosa and moha).

對佛陀而言,如果不知「緣起法」(Paṭiccasamuppāda)的運作, 那麼寧可用灼熱的鐵棒刺瞎雙眼,因為這樣只會痛苦一次,然後死亡罷了。然而,每次見到事物而不具足「正念」與「智慧」,便會導致墮入苦趣,生生世世受苦、無數次死亡。



如此,便能切斷「緣起法」的鏈條,防止三種不善法(akusala dhamma)——貪(lobha)、瞋(dosa)與癡(moha) 生起。


  • 「見」發生時,立即觀察其是緣生法,非我、非常、非實。
  • 若不觀照,則「見」會轉為「貪欲」的生起,緊接著執取、造業與輪迴的延續。






Dhammadinnā answered the question and I show you how to use it for practice, then it becomes clearer. Knowing the arising and passing away can be freed from the taints (āsava). From seeing if craving arises, it becomes the taint of sensual pleasure. Not knowing is the taint of ignorance. It's easy to talk. In the real contemplation it becomes late. Can you stop at just seeing? If you can’t stop, then contemplate impermanence quickly. The Buddha said that by contemplating impermanence of feeling near death could become arahant or destroyed the taints. Sāriputta realized the first Path (magga) by contemplating on the body and the later 3-Paths by feeling. His realization came by during the time of listening to the Buddha's talk. The mind became sharper by contemplating on the inconstancy of feeling. This is contemplating of feeling and at the same time by following of the Buddha's Teaching. Realization can’t come by just listening to the talk. Listening and contemplation together can become stream‐enterer to arahantship in stage by stage. Therefore, I taught you very often that the ears listening to the talk and the mind observing the khandhas. Just by listening only and without contemplation can’t develop the enlightenment. The mind can’t sharp, can’t see the truth, can’t erode defilement and can’t see Nibbāna. By listening and put effort in practice. Don't listen only just for merits. In the suttas it mentioned that by listening and also contemplating. Without this can’t stop craving and wrong view.

法增尼(Dhammadinnā)回答了問題,而我會指導你如何在修行中運用,這樣就能更加清晰明瞭。知「生滅」(arising and passing away)便能解脫煩惱漏(āsava)。


  • 若貪愛(taṇhā) 生起,便成為欲漏(taint of sensual pleasure)。
  • 若無知(avijjā),便成為無明漏(taint of ignorance)。






  • 他透過觀照「身體」(kāya)的無常而證得初道果(magga);
  • 隨後,則是透過觀照「感受」(vedanā)而證得其餘三道果。




  • 「聽法」本身不足以證悟;聽法與觀照必須同時進行。
  • 單單「聽」而不「觀照」,心便無法變得銳利,無法見到真理、無法磨損煩惱,亦無法見到涅槃。


  • 耳朵聽法,心即時觀照「身、受、心、法」的生滅現象。
  • 這樣,聽聞佛法才能逐步導向「須陀洹道」至「阿羅漢道」,成就涅槃。




因此,聽法不是為了積累功德,而是為了生起「觀智」(vipassanā ñāṇa)。





In hearing, also the same, it's conditioned phenomena. Without knowing conditioned phenomena can’t know anicca. In the body whatever arising is conditioned phenomena. Their nature is ending with impermanence. Its arising is becoming and passing away is dying. If you can contemplate in this way, it is pajānāti—means knowing. What do you know? Knowing the inconstancy of conditioned phenomena.

在「聽聞」的過程中,情況也是一樣的: 所聽到的聲音同樣是緣生法(conditioned phenomena)。若不知「緣生法」,便無法洞察「無常」(anicca)。







  • 「生起」即是「成」,「滅去」即是「壞」 —— 它們瞬息變化、不停地生滅。
  • 若能觀照這種變化,便是「洞察無常」。


  • 所有的緣生法皆是無常、苦、無我。





Dīghanakha listened to the same talk and contemplated impermanence and then became a sotāpanna. (He was Sāriputta's nephew. Both of them listened to the talk on vedanā given by the Buddha.) You can contemplate in this way and three ways of dependent Co‐arising will not arise. Tongue and taste are also in the same way. Yadā paññāya passati—observe with wisdom when they're arising. The contact of the physical body and outside objects are also in the same way. Body sensitivity (kāyapasāda) comes into existence by kamma. If a being is still alive, this kamma is not finished yet, and then body sensitivity will continue to exist. "It is too cold", then become aversion to it. Therefore, if you know it is cold, then instantly—Yadā paññāya passati—contemplate it as impermanence. You know the conditioned phenomena is arising, it has to be arising (samudaya) and passing away (vaya). In reality you see the truth of dukkha (dukkha sacca).

尊者提婆達多(Dīghanakha)聆聽同樣的佛法開示,並觀照「無常」,最終證得須陀洹果(sotāpanna)。 (他是舍利弗尊者的姪子。兩人都聽聞佛陀所開示的「受」之法。)



當舌與味道接觸時,也應以「智慧觀察」(Yadā paññāya passati) 的方式進行:

  • 當味覺生起時,應知其是「緣生法」,是無常的。


當身體與外界的物質(如冷熱、疼痛等)接觸時,身體感受(kāyapasāda) 便生起。

  • 身體感受 是由過去的「業」(kamma)所造作而存在的。
  • 若眾生尚未結束其「業報」,那麼身體感受便會持續存在。



「Yadā paññāya passati」——用智慧觀察它是無常的。


  • 觀察這個冷的感受 是「生起」(samudaya)與「滅去」(vaya)的現象。
  • 它是「緣生法」,因緣和合而生,必然也會隨著因緣的變化而滅去。


  • 在此過程中,你洞察到的是苦的真相(dukkha sacca)。
  • 因為凡是生起的,都必然滅去,這就是「無常」;而無常之法,必然是苦,是不穩定的。



Dīghanakha 聽了同樣的談話,觀照無常,然後成為初果。 (他是舍利弗的侄子。他們兩人都在聽佛陀講述感受。)你可以這樣觀照,三種依止緣起就不會產生。舌頭和味覺也一樣。Yadā paññāya passati——用智慧觀察它們的生起。身體和外界物體的接觸也是一樣的。身體敏感性(kāyapasāda)是由業力產生的。如果一個眾生還活著,這個業力還沒有完成,那麼身體敏感性就會繼續存在。「太冷了」,然後對它產生厭惡。因此,如果你知道它很冷,那麼立即——Yadā paññāya passati——把它觀照為無常。你知道有為法正在生起,它必須生起(samudaya)和消滅(vaya)。實際上,你看到了苦的真相(dukkha sacca)。


Seeing is the truth of the path (magga sacca). If you discern dukkha completely, then it becomes the Path knowledge. Not complete discernment is only insight knowledge. Why were Visākha and Dhammadinnā talking about feeling? Because it is the quickest way to arahantship. It was also mentioned by the Buddha (Sayadaw quoted the Pali verse from a sutta). Therefore, contemplation on feeling was included in Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta because it can reach the goal by itself. Sāriputta and Dīghanakha finished the practice with feeling and no other contemplation. By contemplating feeling others also include. In contemplation take it as a main contemplation. Not knowing the arising does not know the passing away, and then it conceals the truth of dukkha. The Buddha also mentioned that all phenomena arising from the body are the truth of dukkha. Not seeing saṅkhāra can’t contemplate anicca. In the Q and A of Visākha and Dhammadinnā, they talked about the types of insight only (Both of them already knew the details). Here I use it for describe the practice. Contemplate impermanence of whatever feeling is arising. They are arising all the times. I only concern you of not knowing the arising. Not knowing is ignorance. Whatever arising is dukkha sacca. Dukkhe añāṇaṁ—not knowing dukkha is ignorance.

「見」即是道諦(magga sacca)的真理。

若你能夠徹底洞察「苦」(dukkha),這便成為「道智」(Path Knowledge)。若洞察尚未完全,那只是「觀智」(Insight Knowledge)。


因為觀照感受是通往阿羅漢果最快的途徑,這也是佛陀所教導的(佛陀在經中說過的偈頌已被尊者引用)。因此,觀照感受被納入《四念住經》(Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta)中,因為單憑感受的觀照便能達到涅槃的目標。

舍利弗尊者(Sāriputta)與提婆達多(Dīghanakha) 皆是透過「觀照感受」完成修行的,並未觀照其他的所緣。透過觀照感受,其他的所緣也會一同被涵蓋進來。


  1. 不知生起,便不知滅去,這便遮蔽了苦的真相(dukkha sacca)。
  2. 佛陀也曾明確指出:「一切從身體生起的現象,皆是苦的真相。」



  1. 觀照當下所生起的任何感受,無論是樂受、苦受或捨受,皆應觀察它們的「無常」。

  2. 感受無時無刻都在生起。

    ◦ 我所關心的是:你是否能覺察「感受的生起」?

    ◦ 不知其生起,即是「無明」(ignorance)。


  • 「凡是生起的現象,皆是苦的真相(dukkha sacca)。」

  • 「不知苦」,即是無明(avijjā)。

    ◦ Pāli語:Dukkhe añāṇaṁ(對苦的無知)。




看到是道諦(magga sacca)。如果你完全辨別苦,那麼它就成為道智。不完全的辨別只是洞見智。為什麼維薩卡和達摩達多談論感受?因為這是最快達到阿羅漢的途徑。佛陀也提到過(賽亞多引用了經中的巴利偈)。因此,觀照感受被包括在四念處經中,因為它可以自己達到目標。舍利弗和Dīghanakha通過感受完成了修行,沒有其他觀照。通過觀照感受,其他人也包括在內。在觀照中,把它當作主要的觀照。不知道生起就不會知道消滅,然後它就會隱藏苦的真相。佛陀還提到,所有從身體生起的現象都是苦的真相。不看saṅkhāra就不能觀照無常。在維薩卡和達摩達多的問答中,他們只談論了洞見的類型(他們倆都已經知道細節)。這裡我用它來描述修行。觀照任何生起的感受的無常。他們一直在出現。我只關心你不知道生起。不知道就是無明。任何生起都是苦諦。Dukkhe añāṇaṁ——不知道苦就是無明。


Ignorance does not stay in this way, and will do something according to its own power. Physical action, verbal action and mental action will follow behind ignorance. I'll talk about it later. If ignorance comes in, one will become shameless and fearless of consequence like an animal. These words came from the Avijjā Sutta of Mahā Vagga Saṃyutta (SN 45. 1, Avijjāsuttaṃ). How bad it is? Not knowing of whatever arising at the 6‐sense doors, doesn't know the truth of dukkha. In this way one is creating actions (kamma), mostly unwholesome actions every day.

無明(avijjā)並不會靜止不動, 它會依自身的力量驅使我們去造作種種行為。隨著無明的生起,身行、語行、意行(physical, verbal, and mental actions)便會接踵而至。這些行為皆是緣於無明的驅動,我稍後會進一步說明。


一個人便會變得無恥且無所畏懼,毫無羞恥心與道德感, 像一隻動物一般。這樣的教導來自於《無明經》(Avijjā Sutta),收錄於《相應部·大品》(Mahā Vagga Saṃyutta, SN 45.1)。


  • 當我們在六根門頭(6-sense doors:眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意)所生起的現象,若不能即時覺察到其本質——無常、苦、無我,這便是「不知苦」。
  • 不知苦的真相,便會造作業力(kamma)。
  • 這些業力多半是不善業(unwholesome actions),而且幾乎每日都在不斷地累積。


  1. 即時觀照:

    ◦ 當六根門頭生起任何現象時,應即時觀察它的「無常」(anicca)、苦(dukkha)、無我(anatta)。

    ◦ 觀察「生滅法」,洞察其本質,即可阻止無明進一步造業。

  2. 培養正念與智慧:

    ◦ 以正念(sati)與正知(sampajañña)守護六根門頭。

    ◦ 每一刻的覺知與觀照,便是斷除「無明」的利器。

  3. 覺察無明的力量:

    ◦ 無明一旦現前,便會引生貪、瞋、癡,推動身、語、意的不善業。

    ◦ 若能知曉無明的起源與過程,便可切斷「緣起法」的鏈條,避免業力的延續。




無明不會就此停滯,它會根據自己的力量採取行動。身業、語業和意業將跟隨無明而來。我稍後會談到這一點。如果無明出現,一個人就會變得無恥,無畏後果,就像動物一樣。這些話來自《大集結經》的《無明經》(SN 45.1,Avijjāsuttaṃ)。有多糟糕?不知道六根門處的任何生起,不知道苦的真相。這樣一來,一個人每天都在造業(kamma),大多是不善業。


In short insight meditation is contemplation of the truth of dukkha. The contact of thought and mind sensitivity (mind‐door) create pleasant or unpleasant feelings. These are conditioned phenomena. If become Dukkhe ñāṇaṁ (knowing dukkha), then it is knowledge. Avijjā nirodha saṅkhāra nirodho—with the cessation of ignorance, volitional formation also ceases (wholesome and unwholesome actions). And then saṅkhāra nirodha viññāṇa nirodho—with the cessation of volitional formation, consciousness also ceases. Birth is ended. It is the cessation of birth. Ajāti (without birth) is Nibbāna. It is clear that contemplation has the benefit of cutting through dukkha. By doing the job of knowing dukkha, craving (samudaya) is ceased, and realizes the cessation of dukkha (nirodha). Every time knowing dukkha is factors of the Path (magga), it done the duty of the Four Noble Truths at the same time. By contemplation of impermanence knows the others. (Sayadaw continued to talk about neutral feeling of the mind.) Every moment of contemplation realizes the momentary Nibbāna. It is worthy of doing it. You have to contemplate the five kinds of feeling. The Path Knowledge appears after craving ceases. One clears up one's own dangers by contemplation. Greed, anger and delusion are inner enemies. If you are giving many reasons for not doing it, you are following the reasoning of the defilement of craving. It is just for your own suffering.

簡而言之,內觀禪修(insight meditation)即是對「苦的真相」(dukkha)的觀照。


  • 當「思緒」(thought)與「意門」(mind sensitivity)接觸時,便生起樂受(pleasant feelings)或苦受(unpleasant feelings)。
  • 這些感受皆是「緣生法」(conditioned phenomena),是因緣所生,亦是無常的。


若能達到「Dukkhe ñāṇaṁ」 ——即「知苦」之智慧,這便是真正的智慧(ñāṇa)。


  • 「Avijjā nirodha saṅkhāra nirodho」 ——隨著無明(avijjā)的滅除,行蘊(saṅkhāra,造作:善行與不善行)也隨之滅除。
  • 「Saṅkhāra nirodha viññāṇa nirodho」 ——隨著行蘊的滅除,識蘊(viññāṇa,識)也隨之滅除。

如此一來,生便終結(birth is ended),這便是「無生」(ajāti)的涅槃(Nibbāna)。


  1. 切斷苦的延續:

    ◦ 透過「知苦」的工作,便能止息「渴愛」(samudaya),證悟「苦的止息」(nirodha)。

  2. 履行四聖諦的責任:

    ◦ 每一次知苦,即是在履行四聖諦(Four Noble Truths)的責任,同時也是修道的過程(magga)。

  3. 觀無常而知諸法:

    ◦ 透過觀照「無常」(anicca),便能洞察「苦」(dukkha)與「無我」(anatta)的實相。


  • 每一刻的觀照,都是在體驗「剎那涅槃」(momentary Nibbāna)。
  • 這是值得持續修行的,因為每一次的觀照,都能讓心遠離煩惱,逐漸逼近究竟解脫。


  1. 觀照五種感受(樂受、苦受、捨受,分別在身與心中)。

  2. 滅除渴愛後,便會生起「道智」(Path Knowledge)。

  3. 透過觀照,清除內在的危機與敵人:

    ◦ 貪、瞋、癡(greed, anger, delusion)即是內在的敵人。

  4. 放下藉口,避免隨順煩惱:

    ◦ 若你為不修行找出各種理由,那正是在隨順「渴愛」(taṇhā)的理性化,只是讓你自己繼續受苦而已。





簡而言之,洞見冥想是對苦的真相的觀照。思想和心感受(心門)的接觸產生喜悅或不喜悅的感受。這些是有為法。如果成為Dukkhe ñāṇaṁ(知道苦),那麼就是知識。Avijjā nirodha saṅkhāra nirodho——隨著無明的停止,意行也停止了(善業和不善業)。然後saṅkhāra nirodha viññāṇa nirodho——隨著意行的停止,意識也停止了。出生結束了。這是出生 的停止。Ajāti(無生)就是涅槃。很明顯,觀照具有切斷苦的益處。通過做知道苦的工作,貪欲(samudaya)停止了,並實現了苦的停止(nirodha)。每次知道苦都是道的因素(magga),它同時完成了四聖諦的職責。通過觀照無常,知道其他。(賽亞多繼續談論心的中性感受。)每時每刻的觀照都實現了刹那的涅槃。這是值得做的。你必須觀照五種感受。道智在貪欲停止後出現。一個人通過觀照清除自己的危險。貪、嗔、痴是內在的敵人。如果你為不做這件事找了很多理由,你就跟隨貪欲的染污的推理。這只是為了你自己的痛苦。

T6 (Talk 6):

Visākha asked, "Not contemplate pleasant, unpleasant and neutral feelings, what will happen?" Not contemplate pleasant feeling latent defilement of craving will follow. She answered shortly. But you must know that craving, clinging and action will follow. It continues to becoming (existence) which birth will follow. This is the natural law. If died with the pleasant feeling, so called "peta jāti" (the birth of hungry ghost). From the point of taints, it's followed by taint of sensual pleasure (kāmāsava). It refers to greed. With kāmāsava and bhavāsava (taint of becoming) will follow behind. It is very rare to find someone with contemplation. People are smiling with pleasant feeling. Not contemplate unpleasant feeling anger will follow. This anger arise from ignorance will lead to animal birth. This is followed by the taint of ignorance (avijjāsava). This taint follows up to the highest heavens (i.e. Arūpa Brahma Gods) and the knowledge of change of lineage (Gotrabhū ñāṇa) in insight meditation. When these feelings are arising, make effort to contemplate. If not, it is the path to peta and animal realms. Not contemplate neutral feeling the taint of ignorance will follow. This feeling is subtle, only for someone who has knowledge can know about it. Mostly it leads to the animal rebirth. Is it not frightening? Even performing merits without surrounded by insight and then ignorance following with it. It gives advantage to craving. With ignorance that people perform prayers with craving. Then follow by the taints of sensual pleasure, becoming and ignorance. Therefore, there are more merit makings for the continuation of rebirth than liberation from it. These are not the results of merits. It is the cause of ignorance without knowing and continues with one's own wishes. Indeed, it is rare to find a teacher who can teach people what the Buddha intended for.



但我們必須進一步了解:貪愛(taṇhā)生起後,便會引生執取(upādāna)與造業(kamma), 這一連串的過程導致「有」(becoming),進而引生「生」(birth)。這是自然法則(Dhamma-niyāma)。

  • 若帶著樂受而死,便有可能墮入餓鬼道(peta jāti)。

    ◦ 從「煩惱漏」(āsava)的角度來看,這是欲漏(kāmāsava) 所致,即內心的「貪愛」力量。

    ◦ 欲漏 和有漏(bhavāsava,渴求存在) 會跟隨而來。


  • 若不觀照苦受,瞋恚(anger)便會生起。

    ◦ 這種由「無明」(avijjā)所生起的瞋恚,會導致投生於畜生道(animal birth)。

    ◦ 此過程是由「無明漏」(avijjāsava)所驅動。

  • 無明漏的影響極大,甚至能追隨至色界與無色界的梵天(Arūpa Brahma)之中,

    ◦ 但也同樣阻礙了觀智(insight meditation)中「轉向智」(Gotrabhū ñāṇa,轉凡成聖的智慧)的生起。


  • 捨受極為微細,只有具足智慧者才能觀察到它。

    ◦ 若不加以觀照,這微細的捨受會引發「無明漏」,大多數情況下,會導致投生畜生道。

    ◦ 這是令人恐懼的事。


即使人們在行善、積累功德,若沒有「內觀智」(vipassanā ñāṇa)的指導與覺知,這些功德仍被無明所包圍。

  • 這樣的行善,給予的是貪愛的優勢,而不是解脫之道。
  • 例如:人們帶著無明與貪愛去祈禱或積德,這樣的行為會引發欲漏(kāmāsava)、有漏(bhavāsava)與無明漏(avijjāsava),進一步導向生死輪迴,而非解脫。





  • 若無正確的教導,人們很容易誤將積德行善視為解脫之道,卻不知其本質仍是無明驅動的輪迴之因。
  • 唯一的解脫之道,是透過「正念」與「觀智」,觀照樂受、苦受與捨受的無常本質,洞察「苦的真相」(dukkha sacca),進而止息渴愛與無明,證悟涅槃。





維薩卡問道:「不觀照喜、苦、捨三受,會發生什麼?」不觀照喜受,貪欲的潛伏染污就會跟著來。她簡短地回答了。但你必須知道,貪欲、執著和行動會跟著來。它繼續成為(存在),出生隨之而來。這是自然法則。如果帶著喜受死去,就會所謂的「餓鬼生」。從染污的角度來看,它接著是感官快樂的染污(kāmāsava)。指的是貪婪。隨著kāmāsava和bhavāsava(成為的染污)會跟隨其後。找到一個有觀照的人非常罕見。人們帶著喜受微笑。不觀照苦受,憤怒就會跟著來。這種由無明而起的憤怒會導致動物的出生。接著是無明染污(avijjāsava)。這種染污一直追隨到最高的天界(即無色界梵天)和洞見冥想中的種姓變化知識(Gotrabhū ñāṇa)。當這些感受生起時,要努力觀照。否則,就是通往餓鬼和動物界的道路。不觀照中性感受,無明染污就會跟隨。這種感受很微妙,只有有知識的人才能知道。大多數情況下,它會導致動物的重生。這不是很可怕嗎?即使在洞見的包圍下行善,無明也會跟著它。它給貪欲帶來優勢。帶著無明,人們祈禱帶著貪欲。然後跟著感官快樂、成為和無明的染污。因此,為了繼續重生而積累功德,比為了從中解脫而積累功德更多。這些不是功德的結果。這是不知道無明的因,繼續自己的願望。確實,找到一位能教導人們佛陀意圖的老師是罕見的。


Visākha asked, "Do these three latent defilements follow behind feelings all the time?" The answer was not always. A person who practices insight meditation is not followed by them if he contemplates impermanence. This is one way of admonishing. I have to admonish you the second way the Buddha mentioned that merits could give the results up to jhānas, paths and fruits. But wrong knowledge becomes the cause of repeated births. It is the cause of the merit makers. Generosity (cāga) is giving up so it is killing the craving (taṇhā). It is giving up mine, so killing wrong view. Therefore, dāna is the dhamma of killing taṇhā and diṭṭhi. If you don't know how to do it; it becomes I have so I give, then diṭṭhi come in. I give it so I will enjoy the fruit and then craving come in. (So, knowledge and wisdom are very important in our daily lives.)

毗舍佉(Visākha)問道:「這三種潛在的煩惱(latent defilements)是否總是跟隨著感受呢?」


若一個人正在修習內觀禪(insight meditation),並觀照「無常」(impermanence),這些煩惱便不會跟隨他。



  1. 功德(merits)的果報可達到禪那(jhāna),並進一步證得道智(paths)與果智(fruits)。
  2. 然而,若具足錯誤的知見(wrong knowledge),則功德便成為輪迴生死(repeated births)的原因,這也是「造作功德者」(merit makers)之因緣。


  • 布施(cāga) 的本質是捨離,它是在斷除貪愛(taṇhā)。
  • 布施亦是放下「我所有的」(mine),因此能夠斷除邪見(diṭṭhi)。
  • 因此,布施是斷除貪愛與邪見之法。



  1. 「我擁有,所以我布施。」

    ◦ 這種想法中生起邪見(diṭṭhi),認為「這是我所有的」。

  2. 「我布施了,所以將來我要享受果報。」

    ◦ 這便滋生了貪愛(taṇhā),渴求未來的快樂或果報。

由此可見:智慧與正見(right knowledge and wisdom)在我們日常生活中是極其重要的。


  • 布施應以智慧為引導,視為捨離貪愛與我執的修行。
  • 透過正確的知見,布施成為解脫輪迴的助緣,而非輪迴的因。


  • 若觀照感受的無常,三種潛在的煩惱(貪、瞋、癡)便無法跟隨。
  • 即使行善積德,若缺乏智慧與正見,這些功德仍會成為輪迴的因緣。
  • 因此,具足智慧,正確修行布施與內觀,才能斷除貪愛與邪見,趨向解脫之道。




It is depending on the guidance of a wise teacher. Must know how to choose the teaching and always think about that these teachings are reaching to the heart or not (connection with the Four Noble Truths). If leading to the truth it is precious. The Buddha admitted that he himself did not know the truth before had to wander for a long time in the round of rebirth. Someone has moral virtue (sīla), what should he do? Have to contemplate anicca, dukkha, anatta… etc., the 11 contemplations (disease, tumor, dirt, misery, affliction, alien, disintegrating, empty, anicca, dukkha and anatta). It was questioned by Mahākoṭṭhita (or Mahākoṭṭhika) and answered by Sāriputta. Someone has sīla and practice vipassanā can realize the path and fruit.


必須懂得如何選擇正確的教法,並時常反思這些教法是否直達內心,是否與四聖諦(The Four Noble Truths)相連接。如果所學的法門引導你接近真理,那便是珍貴的教法。





  • 觀照無常(anicca)、苦(dukkha)、無我(anatta),以及其他的11種觀照法,即:

    1. 病(如同疾病一般)
    2. 腫瘤(如同身心的腫瘤)
    3. 污穢(如同髒污)
    4. 苦難(如同痛苦的折磨)
    5. 災患(如同憂患之源)
    6. 非我所屬(如同外物,非「我」)
    7. 分解(如同必然分崩離析)
    8. 虛空(如同虛無空寂)
    9. 無常(anicca)
    10. 苦(dukkha)
    11. 無我(anatta)

這一問答出自尊者大拘絺羅(Mahākoṭṭhita) 所問,並由尊者舍利弗(Sāriputta) 回答。


  • 具足持戒(sīla)之後,繼續修習內觀禪(vipassanā),觀照「生滅」、「無常」、「苦」、「無我」。
  • 如此精進修行,便能夠證悟道智(Path Knowledge)與果智(Fruit Knowledge),逐步解脫生死輪迴。


  • 依止善知識,選擇引導至真理的教法,並將其應用於心中。
  • 具足戒(sīla),進一步修習觀智,觀照「無常、苦、無我」及其他法相。
  • 如此,便能逐步達到涅槃,止息生死苦痛,實現解脫之道。




Dhammadinnā described on the practice. When pleasant feeling arises it is pleasant, and passing away it is dukkha. Therefore, contemplate as dukkha sacca, and then it cut off the taint of sensual pleasure in the dependent Co‐arising. When unpleasant feeling arise it is painful, and passing away it is sukha. For neutral feeling, someone has sharp faculty discerns anicca. Unpleasant feeling is the opposite of pleasant feeling. We have to contemplate when they arise. Only one can arise. When sukha arises contemplate sukha, and dukkha arises contemplate dukkha. Contemplate both as the truth of dukkha. What is their opposite? Neutral feeling, it means when it arises the other two are not there. When upekkhā arises must contemplate upekkhā. If not, we think that nothing is there. One of them is always arising. Don't say we can’t find anything to contemplate. It is similar to say as there is no impermanence. It is also like seeing Nibbāna. All the feelings cease is Nibbāna. Therefore, continue to contemplate until all feelings are ended. When the mind can’t penetrate these 3‐feelings it can be mixed up because the mind follows late. The khandha arise quicker than the mind which is observing. That means defilement come in between them. This makes the realization slower. During contemplation sometime sukha or dukkha or neutral feeling continuously arising. For example for sukha vedanā—as with one sukha and with one knowing (i.e. ñāṇa) etc., each feeling with each contemplation defilement cannot come in between them. For example, if pain arises and it's continuously painful, then the mind can’t penetrate it. And aversion comes in between them. If pleasant feeling continuously pleasant the mind can’t penetrate it either. Kilesa comes in between them. For the yogis this point is very important. If neutral feeling continues, the mind can’t penetrate it. Ignorance comes in between them. Greed follows behind sukha, anger follows behind dukkha and ignorance follows behind neutral feeling respectively.


  1. 觀照樂受(pleasant feeling):

    ◦ 當樂受生起時,它的本質是「樂」;

    ◦ 樂受的滅去,便是「苦」的真相。

    ◦ 因此,將樂受觀照為「苦的真相」(dukkha sacca),這樣便能切斷「欲漏」(kāmāsava)在緣起法中的延續。

  2. 觀照苦受(unpleasant feeling):

    ◦ 當苦受生起時,它的本質是「苦」;

    ◦ 苦受的滅去,則顯現「樂」。

  3. 觀照捨受(neutral feeling):

    ◦ 只有具足銳利智慧的人,才能洞察到捨受的無常(anicca)。

    ◦ 捨受是樂受與苦受的對立面:當捨受生起時,樂受與苦受便不存在。

    ◦ 當捨受(upekkhā)生起時,必須觀照它。若不觀照,便會誤認為「什麼都沒有」,而失去修行的機會。


  1. 任何時刻,三種感受(樂、苦、捨)之一必然存在。

    ◦ 不要說「找不到所觀之法」;這等同於否定「無常」(anicca)的存在。

    ◦ 事實上,感受的生滅便是「無常」的最佳顯現。

    ◦ 所有感受的滅盡,便是涅槃(Nibbāna)。

  2. 修行中觀照感受的障礙:

    ◦ 五蘊(khandha)的生起速度 比心的觀察速度更快。

    ◦ 這使得「煩惱」(kilesa)容易趁機生起,介入感受與觀照之間,延遲證悟的過程。

  3. 如何避免煩惱介入?

    ◦ 當觀照樂受時,以「一個樂受」對應「一個覺知」(ñāṇa);

    ◦ 當觀照苦受時,以「一個苦受」對應「一個覺知」;

    ◦ 這樣的即時覺知能阻止煩惱(kilesa)介入感受的生滅之間。


  1. 樂受(sukha vedanā)持續生起時:

    ◦ 若心無法穿透樂受,貪愛(greed) 便會趁機生起。

  2. 苦受(dukkha vedanā)持續生起時:

    ◦ 若心無法穿透苦受,瞋恚(anger) 便會趁機生起。

  3. 捨受(neutral feeling)持續生起時:

    ◦ 若心無法穿透捨受,無明(ignorance) 便會趁機生起。


  • 每一種感受都必須即時觀照。若能將覺知(ñāṇa)與感受同步,煩惱便無法介入。

  • 修行者必須特別注意「連續的感受」:

    ◦ 若樂受持續,則貪愛會生起;

    ◦ 若苦受持續,則瞋恚會生起;

    ◦ 若捨受持續,則無明會生起。





Dhammadinnā 描述了修行。當喜受生起時,它是喜,消逝時是苦。因此,觀照為苦諦,然後它切斷了依止緣起中的感官快樂的染污。當不喜受生起時,它是痛苦的,消逝時是喜。對於中性感受,有人敏銳地辨別無常。不喜感受是喜感受的對立面。我們必須在它們生起時觀照。一次只能生起一個。當sukha生起時,觀照sukha,當dukkha生起時,觀照dukkha。觀照兩者為苦的真相。他們的對立面是什麼?中性感受,意思是當它生起時,其他兩個就不存在。當upekkhā生起時,必須觀照upekkhā。否則,我們認為什麼都沒有。其中一個總是在生起。不要說我們找不到東西可以觀照。這就像說沒有無常一樣。這也像看到涅槃。所有的感受都停止了就是涅槃。因此,繼續觀照直到所有的感受都結束。當心無法穿透這三種感受時,它可能會混淆,因為心跟得太慢。五蘊的生起比觀察的心的速度更快。這意味著染污在它們之間出現。這使得覺悟變慢。在觀照期間,有時sukha或dukkha或中性感受持續生起。例如,對於sukha vedanā——一個sukha和一個knowing(即ñāṇa)等,每種感受都有每個觀照染污不能在它們之間出現。例如,如果痛苦持續不斷,那麼心就無法穿透它。厭惡在它們之間出現。如果喜悅持續不斷,心也無法穿透它。kilesa在它們之間出現。對於瑜伽士來說,這一點非常重要。如果中性感受持續,心就無法穿透它。無明在它們之間出現。貪婪跟隨sukha,憤怒跟隨dukkha,無明分別跟隨中性感受。


It is not easy to talk about these things. In real practice you have to know that kilesa really come in or not. Do your mind able to catch on with each anicca? You have to observe it. If you don't, then increase your effort. You will realize Nibbāna. Not realizing is because of kilesa come in between the practice. Insight knowledge (vipassanā ñāṇa) is the forefront knowledge. The first thing has to develop. The right view of insight knowledge comes before hand. Only then the right view of Path Knowledge, which is seeing Nibbāna, will follow. In these two right views; vipassanā right view becomes sharper and Nibbāna becomes closer. Without laziness in the practice, then you will realize it. Without vipassanā right view the leader of the Path right view can’t arise. It was mentioned in the Sagāthā Vagga Saṃyutta. (SN.1.46; (6). Accharāsuttaṃ, Āditta—Vaggo, Devatā—saṃyutta, Sagāthā Vagga, Saṃyutta.)




  1. 你是否能夠緊隨每一個「無常」(anicca)的生滅?

    ◦ 修行時,必須時時觀察自己的心:

    ▪ 是否能即時覺察到每一個現象的生起與滅去?

    ◦ 若無法做到,這表示煩惱已經介入觀照過程。

    ◦ 此時必須增強「精進」(viriya),提升努力與覺知的力量。

  2. 成就涅槃的原因:

    ◦ 未能證悟涅槃,原因是煩惱在觀照與覺知之間生起並干擾了修行。

    ◦ 當能夠將心緊隨每一個「無常」而無間斷,煩惱便無法趁虛而入,這樣便能證悟涅槃。

洞察智(vipassanā ñāṇa)的重要性:

  • 內觀智(Insight Knowledge)是修行的「前導智慧」。

  • 在修行中,第一步必須培育內觀智的「正見」(vipassanā sammā-diṭṭhi):

    ◦ 這種「正見」能夠洞察無常、苦、無我的本質。

    ◦ 當內觀智的正見逐漸銳利,便為「道智」(Path Knowledge)的生起奠定基礎。


  1. 內觀的正見(vipassanā sammā-diṭṭhi):

    ◦ 這是「觀智」的領導者,必須首先發展。

  2. 道智的正見(magga sammā-diṭṭhi):

    ◦ 這是見到涅槃的智慧,唯有內觀智成熟,才能引導道智生起。




佛陀在《相應部》(Sagāthā Vagga Saṃyutta)的《天神相應》(Devatā Saṃyutta)中提到:

  • 沒有內觀正見的引導,道智的正見便無法生起。
  • 此處的教法明確指出:內觀智是通向涅槃之道的第一步,必須首先培育。


  • 持續觀照每一個「無常」,保持覺知,防止煩惱介入修行過程。
  • 內觀的「正見」是道智的前導,唯有它成熟,涅槃才會臨近。
  • 精進不懈地修行,洞察「無常、苦、無我」,涅槃的光明便會現前。


談論這些事情並不容易。在實際修行中,你必須知道kilesa是否真的進來了。你的心是否能夠跟上每個anicca?你必須觀察它。如果你不這樣做,那麼就增加你的努力。你會實現涅槃。沒有實現是因為kilesa在修行之間出現。洞見智(vipassanā ñāṇa)是前沿的知識。首先要發展。洞見智的正見先出現。只有這樣,道智的正見,也就是看到涅槃,才會隨之而來。在這兩種正見中;洞見正見變得更敏銳,涅槃變得更近。不懶惰修行,就會實現。沒有洞見正見,道之領導者正見就不能生起。《增支部》提到過。(SN.1.46;(6)。Accharāsuttaṃ,Āditta—Vaggo,Devatā—saṃyutta,Sagāthā Vagga,Saṃyutta。)


The knowledge of conformity (anuloma ñāṇa) is still in the stage of anicca. It conditions the knowledge of change of lineage (gotrabhū ñāṇa) which sees Nibbāna with proximity condition (anantarapaccayo). Why I use it here? It describes the natural process without a being. It will arise accordingly to the natural law. Knowledge of the Path comes only after the knowledge of change of lineage and seeing Nibbāna. Therefore, without the knowledge of insight and Path Knowledge can’t happen, even stand between them is the knowledge of change of lineage. Don't let disappointment and doubt come in. May be I am a 2‐rooted person (duhetuka). Had I done something wrong to someone? So I can’t realize Nibbāna. Don't let these mental states come in. The Buddha guaranteed that if you could listen to the truth of dhamma and discerned anicca, and then you would realize it (from Aṅguttara Nikāya). If no defilement comes in between anicca and contemplation, you will realize it. Don't think about these things. In some people their doubts and remorse lead them into painful rebirths, preventing them from realization.

順行智(anuloma ñāṇa) 仍處於觀察「無常」(anicca)的階段,它是轉向智(gotrabhū ñāṇa) 的前導,後者則以無間緣(anantarapaccayo) 接觸涅槃。



  • 順行智 完成其功能後,接著便會生起轉向智,即從凡夫向聖者轉化的智慧。
  • 緊隨其後的,便是道智(Path Knowledge),它生起於見到涅槃之後。


  1. 觀智(vipassanā ñāṇa):

    ◦ 觀察無常(anicca)、苦(dukkha)、無我(anatta),直至順行智成熟。

  2. 轉向智(gotrabhū ñāṇa):

    ◦ 轉化心識,由凡夫位進入聖者位。

  3. 道智(magga ñāṇa):

    ◦ 見到涅槃,斷除煩惱,獲得解脫。




  • 「也許我是二根人(duhetuka),不能證得涅槃?」
  • 「是否曾經做過什麼不善業,阻礙了我的證悟?」


  • 切勿讓這些心態進入你的修行中,因為它們會阻礙觀智的發展。

  • 佛陀在《增支部》(Aṅguttara Nikāya)中已作保證:

    ◦ 若你能夠聽聞佛法,並如實觀察「無常」(anicca),便必然能夠證悟。


  1. 煩惱的介入:

    ◦ 若「無常」與「觀照」之間無煩惱生起,你便能順利證悟。

  2. 放下疑惑與悔過:

    ◦ 疑惑(vicikicchā)與追悔(kukkucca)是不善心所,能導致苦趣的重生,並阻礙證悟。

  3. 信心與精進:

    ◦ 應保持對佛法的信心,放下所有無謂的疑慮,並專注於「當下」的觀照。


  • 修行的過程是依自然法則而生起,並非依個人的妄想或過去業力所絆。
  • 若你能如實觀察「無常」,放下疑惑與懊悔,煩惱便無法介入,你將必然證得涅槃。
  • 切勿被煩惱所欺騙,放下那些無益的念頭,精進地觀照,順行智自然會引導你走向解脫之道。


無漏智(anuloma ñāṇa)仍然處於無常的階段。它以近緣條件(anantarapaccayo)為條件,產生了見道智(gotrabhū ñāṇa),看到了涅槃。為什麼我用它?它描述了一個沒有主體的自然過程。它會按照自然法則而生起。道智只有在見道智和看到涅槃之後才會出現。因此,沒有洞見智和道智就不能發生,甚至站在它們之間的是見道智。不要讓失望和懷疑進來。也許我是個二因人(duhetuka)。我是否對某人做錯了什麼?所以我不能實現涅槃。不要讓這些心態進來。佛陀保證,如果你能聽真法,辨別無常,那麼你就會實現它(來自《增支部》)。如果沒有染污在無常和觀照之間,你就會實現它。不要想這些事情。在某些人身上,他們的懷疑和悔恨使他們陷入痛苦的重生,阻止他們實現。


There comes the knowledge of change of lineage after the insight knowledge; and next comes the Path Knowledge. These are the process of the law of vīthicitta (consciousness belonging to a cognitive process). They are always in this process. Worry and remorse (kukkucca) are very bad dhamma and danger of the path. Yogi will destroy himself. All the practices never become fruitless. The Buddha also gave encouragement. During the dying moment the practicing yogi by putting effort in contemplation can enter the stream to non‐returner. If not happen in this way by dying with the mind of insight knowledge will take rebirth in the heavenly realm. As soon as born there and enter the stream. The Buddha mentioned this definitely (Aṅguttara Nikāya). If kukkucca comes in, contemplate its impermanence. After that continue one's own contemplation, e.g. vedanā, mind etc. For someone who contemplates on feeling, worry is unpleasant mental feeling (domanassa). In contemplation of mind, worry is mind with aversion. Don't look for it. It comes for contemplation. This point is very important.

隨著觀智(insight knowledge)之後,便生起「轉向智」(knowledge of change of lineage),接著是「道智」(Path Knowledge)。這是「心路法則」(vīthicitta,心識運作過程) 的自然過程,它們始終按照這個次序運行。

憂慮與追悔(kukkucca) 是極為不善的法,亦是修行道上的危險。修行者若陷入其中,便會自我毀滅。



  • 在臨終之際, 若修行者以努力精進的觀照,便能證入「須陀洹果」至「不還果」(stream-enterer to non-returner)。

  • 即使未能如此,若臨終之際以「觀智」的心識離世,也將轉生於天界;

    ◦ 一旦生於天界,即能迅速證得須陀洹果。

    ◦ 佛陀在《增支部》(Aṅguttara Nikāya)中明確提到這一點。



  • 對於觀受的人而言, 憂慮即是「不善心的苦受」(unpleasant mental feeling, domanassa)。
  • 對於觀心的人而言, 憂慮即是帶有「瞋心」(mind with aversion)的心識。






Visākha asked, "What is the opposite of neutral feeling?" Dhammadinnā answered," It's ignorance." It is true, every time neutral feeling arise and not knowing it is ignorance. And then what is the opposite of ignorance. The answer is knowledge or knowing (vijjā). If one of them there the other is not. Therefore, your contemplation is the path of knowledge. This is the work of true knowledge arising (vijjā udapādi) and discernment knowledge arising (ñāṇa udapādi). What is the opposite of vijjā? It is fruition (phala). Vijjā is ñāṇa (knowledge). Fruition is the free mind (vimutti citta). What is the opposite of fruition? It is Nibbāna. Why? For the fruition mind to arise have to practice a lot. It is conditioned phenomena (saṅkhata dhamma). Nibbāna exist as unconditioned dhamma and without cause. So they are opposite. Visākha was very pleased with her answer. And then the Buddha asked to contemplate fruition as impermanence, because it is conditioned (from the Paṭṭhāna). It is saṅkhata dhamma so ending with anicca. For Nibbāna just only incline towards it. Whatever impermanence contemplates impermanence. Those which is permanent just incline towards it. It means stay with the peaceful mind. Therefore I have to mention that incline the mind to the ending of arising and passing phenomena as ending. Don't contemplate Nibbāna. It is not a dhamma for contemplation. It is a reviewing dhamma (paccavekkhana), an investigating dhamma. What is its characteristic and quality? Can it be investigated in this way? It does not matter. The Path is impermanent and Fruition also impermanent. Contemplate conditioned as impermanence (saṅkhata). As for unconditioned Nibbāna, reviewing as "That it's", "That it's".

毗舍佉(Visākha)問道:「捨受(neutral feeling)的相反是什麼?」





  • 若有智生起,無明便不在;若無明存在,智便不會生起。
  • 因此,你的觀照便是智慧之道(the path of knowledge)。這是「真知生起」(vijjā udapādi) 與「覺知智慧生起」(ñāṇa udapādi) 的工作。



  • 智(vijjā) 是「智慧」(ñāṇa);
  • 果智 則是「解脫的心」(vimutti citta,自由的心)。



  • 為什麼呢?

    ◦ 果智 的生起必須透過長時間的修行,這是一種緣生法(saṅkhata dhamma,有為法)。

    ◦ 而涅槃 是無為法(unconditioned dhamma),不依因緣而生起,超越一切有為法。

    ◦ 所以,果智 與涅槃 是對立的。



佛陀說:「應當觀照果智為無常(anicca),因為果智是有為法(saṅkhata dhamma)。」

  • 果智是緣起的,必然會隨生滅而結束,所以其本質是「無常」。


  • 對於涅槃,只需傾向於它(incline towards it),不需觀照。
  • 有為法(saṅkhata):觀照「無常」;
  • 無為法(涅槃):只需「傾向」並住於平靜的心中。


  • 涅槃 並非觀照的所緣,它是回顧之法(paccavekkhana dhamma),是一種省察與審察。
  • 你可以回顧涅槃的特徵與品質,並了知:「那就是它」(That it's,That it's)。


  1. 觀照有為法(saṅkhata dhamma) 為「無常」(anicca)。
  2. 對於無為法(Nibbāna), 只需傾向、回顧與確認:「那就是它。」
  3. 解脫之道(Path)與果智(Fruition) 也是無常的,應觀照它們的生滅本質。
  • 有為法 → 觀照「無常」;
  • 無為法(涅槃) → 只需傾向,回顧:「那就是它。」



維薩卡問道:「中性感受的對立面是什麼?」 達摩達多回答:「是無明。」這是真的,每次中性感受生起而不知道就是無明。那麼無明的對立面是什麼呢?答案是知識或知道(vijjā)。如果其中一個存在,另一個就不存在。因此,你的觀照是知識之道。這是真知(vijjā udapādi)和洞見知(ñāṇa udapādi)的工作。什麼是vijjā的對立面?是果(phala)。Vijjā是ñāṇa(知識)。果是解脫心(vimutti citta)。什麼是果的對立面?是涅槃。為什麼?因為果心要生起,必須多多修行。是有為法(saṅkhata dhamma)。涅槃存在於無為法,無因。所以它們是相反的。維薩卡對她的回答非常滿意。然後佛陀要求觀照果為無常,因為它是條件的(來自《發趣經》)。是有為法,所以以無常而結束。對於涅槃,只需傾向於它。無論什麼無常都觀照無常。那些永恆的只是傾向於它。意思是保持平和的心態。因此,我必須提到傾斜心態,使生滅現象的結束作為結束。不要觀照涅槃。它不是觀照的法。它是審查法(paccavekkhana),是調查法。它的特徵和品質是什麼?可以這樣調查嗎?這並不重要。道是無常的,果也是無常的。觀照有為法為無常(saṅkhata)。至於無為涅槃,審查為「它是」、「它是」。


For ending the dhamma talk, to realize Nibbāna start from the conditioned, conditioned knowledge is not the Path Knowledge, only insight knowledge. The kinds of knowledge which come out from the conditioned are Path Knowledge and Fruition Knowledge. Insight knowledge is taken the objects of conditioned. Contemplate conditioned as anicca is insight knowledge. After the ending of the insight knowledge, you will see the unconditioned, i.e. Nibbāna. Why? It is free from the conditioned. Vipassanā practice is finished when the practice of the conditioned is ended. Then the knowledge incline towards the unconditioned will happen. You can’t find Nibbāna inside the province of conditioned. If it is possible, it must be Diṭṭhi—Nibbāna (wrong view Nibbāna). Eating is good, drinking is good, and people take these things as momentary Nibbāna. It is wrong view Nibbāna. Therefore, if you want Nibbāna, have to come out from the province of conditioned. If you don't know the condition, then can’t find out the exit. The arising is conditioned and the passing away is anicca. If you can’t see, this then it is impossible. First make oneself from blind worldling into right view worldling (kalyāṇa puthujjana). And then realize the Path Knowledge of noble view and you will see Nibbāna. Blind worldling does not see the conditioned but good worldling see it. If he sees the unconditioned then becomes a noble person must develop in these ways. Before encountering a spiritual friend, everyone is blind. If you find one, you'll become a good worldling. For example, when Sāriputta and Mahā‐Moggallāna met Sañjaya (their first teacher), they were blind worldlings. They became good worldlings after met with Assaji (one of the first 5-disciples of the Buddha), later becoming noble persons. Don't take the blind worldling as 3‐rooted or 2‐rooted person (tihetuka or duhetuka) only as without a good spiritual friend. Before not met the Buddha, all were in blindness. Therefore, don't have doubt about it.

結束法談時,若要證悟涅槃,必須從「有為法」(conditioned phenomena)開始修行。

  • 觀智(Insight Knowledge) 是觀察有為法的生滅,但它本身並非道智(Path Knowledge)。
  • 然而,從觀智所生起的,便是道智與果智(Fruition Knowledge),這兩者引導我們見到涅槃。


  1. 觀智(Vipassanā ñāṇa):

    ◦ 觀察有為法為「無常」(anicca),即是觀智的修行。

    ◦ 它以「有為法」為所緣(object),即觀察現象的生起與滅去。

  2. 道智(Path Knowledge)與果智(Fruition Knowledge):

    ◦ 當觀智的修行完成後,所緣便轉向「無為法」(unconditioned phenomena),即涅槃。

    ◦ 為何如此? 因為涅槃超越了一切有為法,不再受生滅所拘束。


  • 「涅槃」不在「有為法」之中。

    ◦ 若認為在有為法中找到涅槃,這便是邪見的涅槃(Diṭṭhi-Nibbāna)。

    ◦ 例如:人們認為吃好食物、喝美酒、享樂的片刻快樂即是「暫時的涅槃」,這是錯誤的涅槃觀。

  • 真正的涅槃 是超越有為法的,必須「出離」有為法的範疇才能見到。


  1. 認識「有為法」的真相:

    ◦ 生起是因緣和合的結果,滅去即是無常(anicca)。

    ◦ 若看不見這一點,便無法找到「出離之門」。

  2. 轉變自己:

    ◦ 從「盲目凡夫」(blind worldling)轉變為「正見凡夫」(kalyāṇa puthujjana,具足正見的凡夫)。

    ◦ 若進一步見到「無為法」(涅槃),便能成為聖者。

  3. 精神導師的重要性:

    ◦ 未遇到善知識(spiritual friend) 之前,所有人都是「盲目凡夫」。

    ◦ 遇到善知識後,便能轉變成「正見凡夫」。

    ▪ 例如: 舍利弗與大目犍連初時跟隨山闍耶(Sañjaya),那時他們仍是盲目凡夫;

    ▪ 後來遇見阿說示尊者(Assaji,佛陀最初五比丘之一),聽聞正法,才成為「正見凡夫」,最終證悟成為聖者。


  • 盲目凡夫 的狀態不是由於二根人(duhetuka) 或三根人(tihetuka) 之分,

    ◦ 而是由於尚未遇到善知識的指導。

  • 在未遇佛陀或正法之前,所有人皆處於「盲目」的狀態。

  • 因此,不要對自己或他人的根器產生懷疑,專注於修行。


  • 從觀察「有為法的無常」開始,培養觀智,進一步生起道智與果智,見證無為法—涅槃。
  • 未遇善知識之前,皆是盲目凡夫;找到正法後,便能轉變,趨向解脫。
  • 精進修行,遠離錯誤的見解,專注於觀察「無常」與「生滅」,出離有為法的範疇,最終見到涅槃。


為了結束法義的談話,要實現涅槃,從有為法開始,有為法知識不是道智,只有洞見智。從有為法中產生的知識是道智和果智。洞見智以有為法為對象。觀照有為法為無常是洞見智。洞見智結束後,你會看到無為法,即涅槃。為什麼?它是自由的有為法。當有為法的修行結束時,洞見修行就結束了。然後知識就會傾向於無為法。你找不到涅槃在有為法的省份內。如果可能,它一定是Diṭṭhi-Nibbāna(錯誤觀點的涅槃)。吃是好的,喝是好的,人們把這些東西當作瞬間的涅槃。這是錯誤觀點的涅槃。因此,如果你想要涅槃,必須從有為法的省份出來。如果你不知道條件,那麼就找不到出口。生起是有條件的,消逝是無常的。如果你看不見,那麼就不可能。首先把自己從盲目的世俗人變成正見的世俗人(kalyāṇa puthujjana)。然後實現聖者的道智,你就會看到涅槃。盲目的世俗人看不到有為法,但善良的世俗人能看到。如果他看到無為法,就會成為聖人,必須以這些方式發展。在遇到精神導師之前,每個人都是盲人。如果你找到一個,你就會成為一個善良的世俗人。例如,舍利弗和大目犍連遇到珊闍耶(他們的第一位老師)時,他們是盲目的世俗人。他們在遇到阿薩耶(佛陀的第一個五位弟子之一)後成為善良的世俗人,後來成為聖人。不要把盲目的世俗人當作三因人或二因人(tihetuka 或 duhetuka),只是沒有好的精神導師。在沒有遇到佛陀之前,所有人都處於盲目狀態。因此,不要對此產生懷疑。



MN. 64 大摩倫迦經(Mahāmālukyasuttaṃ瑪魯迦大經): 六十四.大摩倫迦經(蕭式球譯): “阿難,什麼是斷除五下分結的道路和途徑呢?一位比丘離開了依,捨棄了不善法,止息了所有不恰當的身行,內心離開了五欲、離開了不善法,有覺、有觀,有由離開五欲和不善法所生起的喜和樂;他進入了初禪。他視任何由色、受、想、行、識所組成的東西為無常、苦、侵害、膿瘡、中箭、不幸、病、敵人、破滅、空、無我,內心背離這些東西。他的內心背離了這些東西後,傾向於寂靜、高尚、平息所有行、捨棄所有依、盡除渴愛、無欲、息滅、湼槃的甘露界。他確立了這種觀察後,便能把漏盡除;如果不能把漏盡除,也能以這種法欲、法喜來斷除五下分結,在上界化生,在那裏入滅,不會從那世間回來。阿難,這就是斷除五下分結的道路和途徑了。 https://www.chilin.org/upload/culture/doc/1666608320.pdf

瑪魯迦大經(莊春江譯): 阿難!而什麼是道,什麼是道跡:為了五下分結的捨斷呢?阿難!這裡,比丘從依著的遠離,從惡不善法的捨斷,從一切身粗重的安息,就從離諸欲後,從離諸不善法後,進入後住於有尋、有伺,離而生喜、樂的初禪,在那裡,任何是色之類的、受之類的、想之類的、行之類的、識之類的,他看那些法為無常的、苦的、病、腫瘤、箭、禍、疾病、另一邊的、敗壞、空的、無我的,他使心從那些法脫離;他使心從那些法脫離後,心集中在不死界上:『這是寂靜的,這是勝妙的,即:一切行的止、一切依著的斷念、渴愛的滅盡、離貪、滅、涅槃。』在那裡住立的他到達諸漏的滅盡。如果仍以那個法貪、以那個法歡喜沒達到諸漏的滅盡,以五下分結的滅盡,成為化生者,在那裡入了究竟涅槃,為不從那個世間返還者。阿難!這是道,這是道跡:為了五下分結的捨斷。(「另一邊的」(parato,另譯為「其他的,對面的」),菩提比丘長老英譯為「如外人;如外國人」(as alien)。按:《顯揚真義》等以「非自己的之義」(asakaṭṭhena, SN.22.122, MN.64, AN.9.36),或「無常」(aniccato, SN.8.4)解說,《滿足希求》以「不應順從的之義」(avidheyyaṭṭhena, AN.4.124)解說。) http://agama.buddhason.org/MN/MN064.htm


Para,(Ved.para,parā,paraṁ),【形】1.其他的,另外的,外國的,外僑的,局外人(beyond,on the further side of (with Abl.or Loc.),over,paro and parā & cp.cpds.like paraloka)。2.他,敵(na para,無障難,無敵,無對手)。 parajana【陽】陌生人,局外人。 (《巴漢詞典》明法尊者增訂) https://dictionary.sutta.org/browse/p/para/

parato:Further,afterwards,beyond (Pali-Dictionary Vipassana Research Institute) https://dictionary.sutta.org/browse/p/parato/

AN. 4.124 差異經第二 Dutiyanānākaraṇasuttaṃ、AN. 9.36 禪經 Jhānasuttaṃ、MN.74 長爪經 Dīghanakhasuttaṃ

SN.22.122 持戒者經 Sīlavantasuttaṃ 尊者摩訶拘絺羅傍晚時,從獨坐出來,去見尊者舍利弗、SN.22.123 多聞者經 Sutavantasuttaṃ、

更新:西元 2025-01-15

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