Why Not See Nibbāna? (B)

revised on 2024-07-10

Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw; 17th November 1961

(Starting with the six attributes of Dhamma)

Dhamma is calling at you and then it disappears. If you follow it, you will see it's not existing. What kind of not existing is there? It is from existence to not existing. At the time of calling you, it exists, but when you follow it, then it’ll tell you, "I am dead. Don’t follow with the hand but with ñāṇa. It’ll tell you, "I am anicca. In this way, lobha, dosa, and moha do not arise. This is akāliko – now giving the result. Kilesas not arising is Nibbāna (khaṇa-nibbāna). If you are not able to follow it, saṁsāra will become long.

In reality, vipassanā dhamma is included in the six attributes of Dhamma taught by the Buddha, but we don’t know it. If you are unable to follow the dhammas, you not see aniccas. Buddhists take akālika as only Nibbāna, but it’s not true. The D.A process is cut off from the beginning to the end (see – the 12 links chart). It means lobha, dosa, and moha do not follow behind. You’re following the deceiving dhammas (kilesas) and do not find Nibbāna. Without encountering good teachers, even if someone has perfection, it becomes fruitless (ahosi kammas) [Sayadaw gave the example of king Ajātasattu]

Even if Sāriputta had pāramīs when meeting with Sañjaya, he achieved nothing. (his first teacher or wrong teacher – pāpamitta. This point is very important for yogis who want to end dukkha. There is much evidence in suttas and modern day yogis’ stories. It leads to wasting their time and perfections). Cooling down of kilesas is Nibbāna.

Therefore, when lobha, dosa, and moha do not arise, it is Nibbāna. Don’t believe what other people say but believe what the khandha’s is telling you. Opanayiko – the ñāṇa following aniccas will lead to Nibbāna directly. Paccattaṁ veditabbo viññūhi – only those who are doing the practice will see and know Nibbāna.

You do it and will get it, referring to magga dhamma, phala dhamma, and Nibbāna dhamma. The Buddha used to say only one thing – it exists, is true and beneficial. So Dhamma exists, and with the right practice, one can attain the results.

revised on 2024-07-10

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