On the Main Road to Nibbāna

revised on 2024-07-10

Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw; 23rd September 1961

The ears listen to the Dhamma and ñāṇa has to turn around the khandhas. In this way, the knowing and the existing dhamma fit together. If you ask me, "What ñāṇa is it?" You get the yathābhūta ñāṇa. What’s yathābhūta ñāṇa? There is no man nor woman, not a person, and not a being in the khandha. It only exists as anicca. If you discern these two factors, you’re close to Nibbāna. Don’t think about "What’ll happen to me?" If you continue in this way, you will arrive at Nibbāna. People who don’t get yathābhūta ñāṇa want to become human and celestial beings (devatā). If you get this ñāṇa, you will not want to become any of them. You only have the desire to arrive at Nibbāna, the cessation of dukkha.

Yathābhūta ñāṇa means "Knowing as it really is." According to the Buddha, if you end up at other people's mouths, you become like cotton wool moving around here and there. In a past life, one encountered the danger of not knowing. In this life, one ends up at other people's mouths and encounters the danger of wrong view. Only by knowing the wrong thing and knowing the benefit of the right thing does it become clear. If you still don’t get the yathābhūta ñāṇa, you will always encounter the two dangers of not knowing and wrong view (from Sacca Saṃyutta).

If you correct the danger of wrong view, you will also be freed from the danger of not knowing. It refers to diṭṭhi and avijjā falling away. It’s vipassanā ñāṇa – yathābhūta ñāṇa. Someone discerning anicca is free from the two dangers of not knowing and wrong view. If you discern anicca by listening to Dhamma, you are close to Nibbāna. With the continuing practice, one becomes wearisome of anicca and with the ending of it, one arrives at Nibbāna.

revised on 2024-07-10

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