Deceiving by The Mind

revised on 2024-07-10

Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw; 8th September 1961

With an ordinary eye, you look at a person as ugly, pretty, fat, thin, etc. When using the ñāṇa eye, you have to close the ordinary eyes and look at the objects. You can’t find the colours such as white, red, blue, etc. What you see is the sensations here and there. In ñāṇa experiences, personhood and being disappear. The sense door is accurate (here the eye door), but it is deceived by the mind. The eyes only detect the colour. Following minds of lobha, dosa, upāyāsa, etc. cause paṭiccasamuppāda dhammas to arise, but these are deceiving minds. They send beings (humans) to apāyas. Through the mind, one can be happy and arrive at Nibbāna. The mind can bring both good results and bad results.

Resultant minds (vipāka citta) are true (i.e., seeing, hearing, smelling, etc.), but vīthicitta – consciousness belonging to a cognitive process – is not true (i.e., the minds that follow behind the vipāka cittas). It doesn't matter whether you are seeing the colour or knowing the colour (seeing is the eye-consciousness, and knowing is mind-consciousness). You all are happy with the deceiving dhammas, by making the phenomena appear as man, woman, etc., and so you fall into apāyas.

revised on 2024-07-10

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