The Paths of Action And Knowledge

revised on 2024-07-10

Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw; 8th October 1960

(Tell the story of Rohitassa Devatā) Only with knowledge can one arrive at the end of the world. One can arrive at Nibbāna with good knowledge (ñāṇa), not by good kamma. Nibbāna is the path of knowledge. The thirty-one realms of existence are the path of kamma. There are three paths : kamma, jhāna, and ñāṇa. The kamma path is the far cause of Nibbāna. The jhāna path is the near cause. The ñāṇa path is what arrives at Nibbāna and sends you there. You have to walk on the two arm's length of Khandha with the path factors of knowledge. You use one of the four satipaṭṭhāna based on your preference. If your knowledge fits in with feeling, then go with feeling. You must follow with ñāṇa on the arising and vanishing of saṅkhāra loka (conditioned mind and form). You should take it as a vipassanā task.

The Buddha teaches that there are four truths in the khandha. Aside from lobha, mind and form are dukkha sacca. With no lobha, no dukkha exists. Therefore, I am asking you, does the khandha disappear? (the ending of rise and fall). By observing loka (mind and form), it will tell you, "I am dukkha sacca." Khandha is the teller and ñāṇa is the onlooker. If there is no more telling you will see the end of the khandha. This is Nibbāna. Birth and death, birth and death, etc. are loka (arising and vanishing, arising dukkha and vanishing dukkha). You have to note that in loka you will not see happiness. If you ask, “How long do I have to practice?” If your kilesa is thick, it will take a long time; with less kilesa, it will take less time. You can even attain it within seven days (e.g., Soon Loon Sayadaw’s disciple U Manisara).

You have to increase your confidence, samādhi, and energy. An ordinary sāvaka does not need pāramīs. He needs to listen to sacca dhamma and practice to see the truth (i.e., arising and vanishing of dukkha). Birth is dukkha, living is dukkha, and dying is dukkha. Except for dukkha arising and dukkha ceasing, there is nothing else that exists.

There’s nothing that exists except dukkha sacca. At the time when you can make the decision thoroughly and see it as real dukkha, dukkha will end. The khandha will disappear. Khandha dukkha disappears under the influence of ñāṇa. Therefore, Nibbāna exists at the end of the khandha. If you follow the process, it’ll come to an end.

With good kammas, heavenly mansions arise; and with good jhānas, Samatha nimittas arise; and with good ñāṇa, Nibbāna will arise.

revised on 2024-07-10

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