The Fool and the Oppressor

revised on 2024-06-10

Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw; 18th May 1962

The khandha is always oppressing us. In Pāli, it's called pīḷanaṭṭha – having the nature of being oppressive. We don't know it because we do not investigate it with knowledge (without Dhamma education and knowledge, nobody knows about it. Thus, humans are like fools). As an example, the one who has affection works all the time to feed it, oppressed by dukkha sacca and samudaya taṇhā, which must pay the taxes. You all don’t have free time because the oppression is too strong. You’re busy and can’t practice. Even though you’re paying the taxes all the time with no benefit, because it is always moving towards ageing, sickness, and death. So, you’re lost in stupidity. After death, the wrong view of "me and my body" will also pull you down to apāyas.

Not knowing its oppressive nature leads you to maintain affection. The Buddha also says: not knowing the oppressive nature of the khandha means you don’t believe someone will become a stream-enterer or achieve arahantship. It’s only by knowing the truth (sacca) that there is no affection, and with no affection, taṇhā dies, and taṇhā's death signifies Nibbāna. Without purification of the three wrong views – i.e., sakkāya, Sassata, and Uccheda – diṭṭhis, beings will have affections towards the khandhas. You must discern the arising phenomenon free from uccheda view and see the vanishing of it free from sassata-view, discerning both the arising and vanishing free from sakkāya-diṭṭhi — the identity wrong view.

Whatever arises from the khandha is dukkha sacca arising. Being free from them by listening to Dhamma (i.e., paṭicca-samuppāda teaching, emptiness, etc.) makes you a cūḷa-sotāpanna (Sayadaw told the story of Ven. Channa). Firstly, you must dispel diṭṭhi and then proceed to practice. However, Ven. Channa practiced first. He had a self (atta) view (sakkāya–diṭṭhi) and sassata–diṭṭhi, and did not hold a uccheda-diṭṭhi. Therefore, becoming fearful, he was looking for a refuge. After dispelling the wrong views and practicing a preferred Satipaṭṭhāna object, you make the determination to attain it.

revised on 2024-06-10

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