Humans Looking for Unreliable

revised on 2024-06-09

Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw; 27th February 1962

Living beings in the whole of saṁsāra were looking for unreliable things and encountered a lot of sufferings (mostly, beings rely on unwholesome dhammas and create a lot of unwholesome kammas. Consequently, their permanent places and rebirths are the four apāyas). Therefore, the Buddha delivered this discourse without anyone's request (to establish reliability). He warned us: "Except for the Dhamma, do not rely on other things."

If you don’t rely on Dhamma, then dependent origination will turn around again at the end (see the 12 links in D.A). Then it'll come back to the beginning (i.e., ignorance). From sorrow, lamentation, pain, and grief, etc., to ignorance. All the other things are unreliable, and you receive back these things. (Sayadaw explained how beings rely on the five khandhas, each one of them.) Why are you looking for something reliable? I want to cry! There are two types of reliable things— the wrong one and the right one. Sentient beings have been brought to tears countless times by unreliability. Even the Buddha mentioned it as beings shedding more tears in the round of existence than the water in the four great oceans. You are seeking the khandha, which inevitably leads to tears. If you do not pursue the next khandha, then you need not cry.

All these issues stem from a misguided view (diṭṭhi). The paramatā dhammas discuss their inherent nature, which causes your grief. True understanding (ñāṇa) should arise when the dhamma reveals its real essence, and it often brings tears, such as when a family member passes away. These emotional responses originate from the unreliable nature of the khandhas. With correct understanding and reliance, Nibbāna can be realized. This reliance is on the path factors. Tears begin with Diṭṭhi. Insight knowledge can temporarily extinguish sorrow (tadaṅga). Embracing the right path factors, both mundane and supramundane (lokiya and lokuttara maggas), leads to the permanent cessation of sorrow.

revised on 2024-06-09

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