Dhamma Is The Creator

revised on 2024-06-09

Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw; 17th November 1961

Becoming a Buddha is cutting off D.A. process. Connecting lives are death and birth, passing away (cuti) and conception (paṭisandhi). The connection of kamma and result is D.A. process. If the D.A. process is cutting off then it’s Nibbāna.

Not knowing the way of cutting off D.A. process and doubt that takes the cause to parents. This is only part of the truth, and a far cause.

Christians and Muslims believe it was created by the eternal God. In that case, the reason for it is also incomplete.

And then we can ask— Who created the eternal God? According to the Hindus these are created by the Mahā Brahmā. Doubt comes in because all these things are not completed. Diṭṭhi comes in as— Are these mind and form me?

Not knowing the D.A. process, all die with wrong view and doubt. Therefore, they fall into apāyas (i.e., hells, animals and hungry shades).

[This we can also see in the Discourse on Fearless, Book of the Fours, Aṅguttara Nikāya (AN 4.184 Jāṇussonī Suttaṃ or Abhayasuttaṃ), the Buddha answered Brahmin Jāṇussonī, in the 4th answer.]

This is not understanding of the cause and effect of the D.A. process. Therefore, the Dhamma which closes the doors to apāyas or stops apāya dhammas is the understanding of D.A. process which cut off diṭṭṭhi and vicikicchā.

Not knowing sacca and saṁsāra is long, and has wrong view and doubt leads to apāyas. With only an understanding of it one becomes cūḷa-sotāpanna, closing the door to apāyas for one life.

There is no person nor being (God or gods) who makes these things happen. It happens by dhammas. These are made by dhammas.

The Buddha said in the Saccasaṃyutta— if someone thinks about a person or being, their processes of wandering is never ending (a lot of living and dying). If you think about their khandha bodies, they are never ending or uncountable.

Not knowing its beginning and it cannot be found out the beginning (Sayadaw using the D.A. chart explained the process). In the past ignorance was leading the process and saṅkhāra is cetanā (volition).

You have a lot of perfection (pāramī) when hearing these kinds of Dhamma. (This important point is quite true; even most Buddhists don’t know the teaching of dependent co-origination. In this talk Sayadaw only used sections one and two to explain the teaching.)

revised on 2024-06-09

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