About the Translator (Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw)

revised on 2024-08-05

By Bhikkhu Uttamo(鄔達摩 比丘)

Note: Ven. Uttamo Thera kindly provided the following resume in response to numerous requests from the editor.

There is nothing worthy of mentioning about it. Only the Dhamma has value.

  • Born in 1948 in Burma. This is the beginning of the Dukkha.
  • In 1980 moved to Taiwan.
  • In 1986 went to Thailand and in 1988 took the higher ordination (became a monk) at a Monastery of Loong Por Chah’s Forest Tradition.
  • Stayed in Thailand until 2005, and then
  • Spent four years at branch monasteries in Italy and New Zealand.
  • In 2010 returned to Taiwan.
  • Now is living in the east coast of Taiwan. (2021)

At last, everything will come to an end and become empty.

It is just a dream.

revised on 2024-08-05

  • Content of "Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw"

  • Content of Publications of Bhikkhu Uttamo

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