
-- 空、有為及無為

Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw

Emptiness, Conditioned, and Unconditioned

7 (參考用譯文)

特別聲明:本參考用譯文疏漏、錯繆難免,讀者應慎思明辨。僅供法友參考;並祈藉此拋磚引玉,眾法友能共襄盛舉,共同圓滿此譯事。 Nanda 謹識。


Part 7 1

The Creators of Dukkha 1

苦的造作者 2

苦的創造者 3

Two Causes for Wrong View 6

邪見的兩個根本原因 8

兩種邪見的起因 11

The Beginning of Beings 14

有情之始 17

眾生的起始 19

Ending of the Unwholesome Life 22

終止不善的生命 23

何為值得與不值得的人生? 25

不善生命的終結 25

The Last Teaching of the Buddha 27

佛陀的最後教誨 29

緣起法與修行的關鍵 31

涅槃即是無常的終結 31

佛陀的最後教誨 32

The Hidden Treasure 35

隱藏的寶藏 37

隱藏的寶藏 39

Priceless Treasure of Mankind 42

人類的無價之寶 44

人類無價的寶藏 46

In Accordance with the Dhamma 48

依法而行 50

附註: 52

依循法 52

Perform a Dāna Properly 55

正確地行布施(Dāna 57

布施的正確觀念 57

欲求有身,便是向「集諦(samudaya sacca)」祈求苦 58

布施的真正意義——用老朽的蘊換取不生不滅的涅槃 58

十一種烈火(11種能毀滅財富的災難) 59

智慧的布施 vs. 盲目的布施 59

布施儀式——正確的迴向 60

正確地行布施 60

Dāna and the Ending of Dukkha 62

布施與苦的終止 64

布施與苦的終結 67

Two Guardians of Hells 70

地獄的兩位守門者 72

那麼,觀掉舉有何利益? 73

疑難以治療。 73

🕯 結語: 75

地獄的兩位守護者 75

Can’t Rely on the Outside Power 78

不能依賴外在力量 82

十二因緣之四段簡述: 82

正見與破疑: 83

智慧止息邪見與疑惑: 83

修行的對象:第二段(②)五蘊現象 84

練習重點: 84

八種不善去處包括: 84

比喻與關鍵指引: 85

核心結語: 85

核心修行點: 86

不能依靠外力 86

Dukkha and the End of Dukkha 90

苦與苦的止息 91

修行與邪見的障礙: 92

「苦是否存在?」這才是重點問題! 93

涅槃=苦的止息 93

修行即是「直行向苦的終點」 94

知苦=見法 94

核心總結: 95

苦與苦的終結 95

Importance of Feeling 97

受與其重要性 100

🌿 凡夫的反應: 101

🌿 無明的根源 101

🐝 一隻蚊子的威力 101

🌿 修行的轉折點:觀受 102

🧠 正知的力量: 103

🌿 聖者對受的反應: 103

🌿 受的性質與觀法 103

🌿 為什麼佛把它分成四念處來教? 104

🌿 觀行三階段(根據《相應部》): 104

🌿 真正的 satipaṭṭhāna bhāvanā 105

感受的重要性 105

Tanhā and Kamma 108

渴愛與業 111

🐍 若被這六種動物拉扯——你是否能從惡趣中脫身? 111

🧘‍♂️ 為何佛陀教導出入息念? 112

🧠 觀心為首 112

修行的目的:切斷十二因緣 112

📌 佛陀區分了「渴愛(taṇhā)」與「業(kamma)」 113

🎽 渴愛的比喻 113

📌 證悟者與凡夫的差異: 113

🪦 為何「怕業」是錯誤的? 114

📌 再舉一例: 114

🧘‍♂️ 修行是為了滅渴愛還是滅業? 114

🐵 馴服心猿 115

🧙‍♂️ 舍利弗尊者說: 115

🌀 「改變心」就是修行的本質 115

渴愛與業 116

Three Cups of Medicine and the Crazy Beings 119

三帖藥與癲狂眾生 122

👁️ 每當你觀察這個色身五蘊,它都在「生起—滅去」的過程中。 123

🌍 世間被「顛倒想(vipallāsa)」淹沒 123

🧠 不正思惟涵蓋三種顛倒: 123

🧟‍♂️ 眾生皆因貪、慢、邪見而發狂 123

💔 這些「顛倒法」會阻礙內觀智慧 124

🌊 入流(初果)能斷見的顛倒 124

🍵 內觀如同服藥——能緩解癲狂 124

👑 佛陀降世,就是為了傳這三帖藥 124

🌀 世間眾生都是病患 125

🙈 即便你禮佛、祈願… 125

🙉 所以眾生不斷發狂,從未停歇 125

🩺 沒有比這三帖藥更珍貴的解藥了! 125

請牢記佛陀的忠告: 126

🌱 除了這三帖藥——再無他法可救 126

📿 佛陀所說不是「聽來的」,而是「證得的」 126

🏠 誰建了地獄?是「不正思惟」! 126

🏡 善趣的功德也可以在人間開始建構 127

🎓 總結: 127

🔥 若證得道智,八大地獄與一百二十小地獄將完全瓦解! 127

三杯藥和瘋狂的眾生 127

Stream‐Enterer and the Inversions 131

初果聖者與顛倒想 132

☸️ 即使在死亡中保持對「無常」的觀照,來世亦將導向「不死法」 133

🙈 為何會有「不正思惟」? 133

🔥 只依賴業(kamma)是不夠的! 133

🪷 如果你找到能教導「苦」的老師,就不會再渴望這種苦了 133

🛤️ 三條道路 134

🧘‍♂️ 證得初果之後,將永遠不會: 134

🧠 將智慧投入於五蘊,即為「正思惟」 134

💡 初果聖者所斷的八種顛倒法為: 135

🤯 若你能正確見到「無常」,你的瘋狂就會減輕。 135

🪞 若你以智慧觀察五蘊,五蘊將告訴你: 135

預流者與顛倒 136

Breaking the Collar 138

掙脫項圈 139

最重要的是拯救自己,而非他人。 140

若你說:「我會照著貪愛的指使去做。」那就等同說:「我願墮入惡趣。」 140

你現在是一個被煩惱(kilesa)所逼的瘋子。 140

若貪愛告訴你:「人間、天界、梵天界都很好」——請千萬不要相信! 141

在病痛發生之前,就要尋找解藥。 141

(尊者重提狗與柱子的比喻) 141

那麼,人類是如何死去的?他們死後會往哪裡去? 141

過去你是如何活著的? 142

為何凡夫變成狗? 142

若能解開項圈與繩索,從凡夫將轉為聖者。 142

📿 深意補充: 142

掙脫項圈 142

Frightening Wrong View 145

可怖的邪見 147

可怕的邪見 149

How to Pay Your Debts? 151

如何償還你的債? 154

如何償還你的債務? 156

Do Buddhists Have Wrong Views? 160

佛教徒是否有邪見? 162

佛教徒有邪見嗎? 165

Compassion with Wrong View 167

慈悲與邪見 170

帶著邪見的慈悲 172

The Paths of the Wise and the Fool 175

智者與愚者之道 179

智者與愚者的道路 181

Searching for the Source 185

尋找根源 187

尋找源頭 188

The Three Knowledge in the Suttas 190

經典中的三種智慧 192

經文中的三種知識 195

The Doctrine of the Buddha 198

佛陀的教法 201

佛陀的教義 204

Unwise Attention and Sufferings 207

不正思惟與苦 209

不如理作意與苦難 211

Craving Overrules Actions 214

渴愛主導業行 216

渴愛凌駕於行為之上 218

Conditioned and Unconditioned 220

有為與無為 221

有為與無為 223

Part 7

The Creators of Dukkha

21st October 1961

The Buddha said clearly that taints (āsava) were the dhamma oppressing living beings. Kāma‐taṇhā is desire for sensual pleasure. Bhava‐taṇhā is this life not good and desire for next life. Diṭṭhāsava is not knowing the five khandhas and taking it as me and mine. Avijjāsava is not knowing the four Noble truths.

These four murderers are the four āsava and killing living beings to become bones of mountain and fleshes of earth. Can it be oppressed to everyone? It can’t oppress to someone has the knowledge on the khandha. We should be very thankful for the Buddha’s attributes and service. We can’t do anything except only deaths with our own desire. Our worshipping of the Buddha are not reaching to the ñāa Buddha and instead on the form Buddha.

We don’t know the nature of the khandha and oppress by the āsava. We don’t let the ñāa knowing on the khandha existence that we are suffered up to their treatment. The Buddha said; “Someone who knows (jānāti) and sees (passati) the khandha existence with knowledge (ñāa—knowing) will be free from the āsava.”

Āsava are making living beings whirling around and sinking in sasāra. Ānāsava (no taints) is Nibbāna. Seeing impermanence in the khandha and taint of ignorance (avijjāsava) becomes knowledge (vijjā). It’s not mine that becomes vanishing and taint of wrong view falls off. It has the nature of vanishing that no desire for it. And then taint of sensuality (kāmāsava) falls away.

In this way and the desire for becoming is also useless. Āsava is like a mother. Why the ñāa knowing not fits in with the khandha existence together? Because of unwise attention (ayonisomanasikāra) and falls into the province of āsava. With wise attention (yonisomanasikāra) ñāa knowing and khandha existence are fit in together. Without practice and āsava is unshakable.

The perception of man and woman disappears and khandha appears, it is the emptiness dhamma (suññatā dhamma). Knowing about the five khandhas is becoming a knowing person (jānāti). Let us contemplate it and becoming a seeing person (passati). It’s just knowing and not including seeing yet.

Therefore you have to contemplate at it for the knowing and seeing. Āsava will cease by combining these two practices. For example, seeing a white colour object, knowing the white colour is the aggregate of consciousness (The five aggregates are working together. Here just talk about the knowing which is consciousness).

Contemplate this knowing is passati. Contemplate as, it exists or not exists and you’ll not find it. It’s existing and not existing dhamma.

So, it’s arising and passing away. Note it with jānāti and contemplate with passati, and seeing the characteristics of impermanence, dukkha, anatta, asubha and the truth of dukkha.

Does there any other thing exist? The four āsava cease and no khandha exists. No death exists without the khandha. There are no piles of bone, blood and flesh any more. Therefore with the way of jānāti, passati will be finished the PRACTICE.




這四個「殺手」就是四種漏,它們使眾生死去,化為山骨大地的血肉。它們能夠壓迫所有人嗎?不會壓迫對於蘊有正知的人。我們應當深深感念佛陀的功德與教導。若無此正知,我們除了在欲望驅使下走向死亡,別無他法。我們所敬拜的佛陀,未能觸及「智佛」(ñāṇa Buddha),僅止於「色佛」(rūpa Buddha)。




當對「人」與「女人」的想法消失,而僅見五蘊,這便是「空法」(suññatā dhamma)。知五蘊者為「知者」(jānāti),觀照五蘊者為「見者」(passati)。然而,僅止於「知」尚未達到「見」。









這四個殺戮者就是四漏,它們殺害眾生,使其成為堆積如山的骨骸和遍佈大地的血肉。它們能壓迫所有人嗎?它們無法壓迫對五蘊有知見的人。我們應該對佛陀的德行和貢獻深懷感恩。除了在自己的欲望中走向死亡,我們無能為力。我們對佛陀的崇拜,並未到達智佛(ñāṇa Buddha),而是停留在形像佛(form Buddha)。




男女的感知消失,五蘊顯現,這就是空法(suññatā dhamma)。了解五蘊,就會成為一位知者(jānāti)。讓我們思惟它,成為一位見者(passati)。這只是知道,尚未包含看見。





Two Causes for Wrong View

23rd October 1961

Due to being afraid of dukkha, people are listening and practicing dhamma. In the Dhammacakka Discourse (the First Discourse, SN 56.11 Dhammacakkappavattanasutta), the Buddha mentioned some of the dukkhas. But among the many the most frightening to you all are dukkhas in the planes of misery. Dukkha is the resultant dhamma.

What is the cause you need to think about it? Taking the five khandhas as this is mine, this I am, this is myself. Diṭṭhi is the cause of it. If wrong view is abandoned the biggest root of dukkha to the planes of misery is destroyed. Even the Buddha said: Extinguish the head fire later but kill Diṭṭhi quickly. The chest pierced by a spear was also in this way. Piercing with a spear only dies once. You'll die for uncountable time if having wrong view.

(Sayadaw continued the story of Anāthapiḍika and the outsiders. They were discussion on dhamma.) Anāthapiḍika gave the answer to them on the causes of wrong view. ① Unwise attention (ayonisomanasikāra) ② Listening to the wrong teachings. There are many causes for diṭṭhi to arise.

These two causes are the most important points (There were eight causes, but he answered them used only 2) ① With the first cause, one falls into the planes of misery is by oneself ② With the second cause, one falls into the planes of misery by others. (In nature, there are two major causes, i.e. internal and external causes.)

The Buddha said; our homes were the four planes of misery. Let us deal with the first one. We'll get the 32 parts of it if we separate the body. Hair of the head, bodily hairs, teeth, bones, etc. And diṭṭhi becomes a little bit shaken. The perception of the pretty and beautiful body from the tahā dies out but diṭṭhi does not fall off.

If you ask whose hairs it is, diṭṭhi coming in as my hair, my teeth, etc. Then you still can’t do it with the 32 parts of the body (contemplation with bodily parts). It’s quite terrible. It will still come as my father’s bones, my father’s grave. Differentiate it into mind and form. We attach to the mind as me. Attach to the voice as me, etc.

This diṭṭhi is also very unshakable. Divide the five khandhas into the four satipaṭṭhāna and see the five khandhas as impermanent dukkha sacca, and then diṭṭhi is fleeing. Until not seeing impermanence diṭṭhi is sticking to it, and still not falls apart. It’s very difficult for diṭṭhi to fall off without the practice of vipassanā. (Just look at the Brahma gods. They attain jhānas but still have diṭṭhi.) Anicca (impermanence) and aniccānupassanā ñāa (knowledge of the contemplation of impermanence) join together only, diṭṭhi falls off.

People are looking into the mirrors and diṭṭhi arises. Using the mirrors is terrible. There was a story of a lion looking into a mirror and then died. If he showed its teeth, the shadow in the mirror also showed its teeth. If he was roaring at it, also the shadow there was roaring back.

Taking its shadow as another lion and ended up in death. Here also looking into the mirror wrongly that end up in the planes of misery. (Sayadaw’s talk became humorous). The mirror is reflecting on its own but you have the mind of a lion, unable to differentiate the shadow and the person.

Taking the great elements (the four great elements) as me, diṭṭhi arises. Don’t think that looking into the mirror is easy because of the mirror you will be in sorrow and lamentation. You have to look at the mirror in this way. Is the shadow in the mirror one oneself or other? If you say myself, then the one outside the mirror will be other. If it’s other, it should be not look like you.

The mirror has the clearness of the great elements that shadow appears. It’s difficult if you don’t know how to say about it. The second cause is listening to the wrong teaching. For an example, it was done by the permanent God (The Creator), etc. Also with the Buddhist view of kammassakatā ñāa,

I do it and I get it (kamma and kammic result), diṭṭhi not falls away. It becomes sassata diṭṭhi (view of eternalism); believing in the views that there were no wholesome and unwholesome dhammas and a country had been come into ruin. (Referred to a jātaka story of the wrong teaching and view which destroyed the country. We may find this kind of incidents in today's world.)

If you can look at the khandha and āyatana as suññatā (void or emptiness) diṭṭhi will fall away. I’ll give you the way of knowledge. Still not penetrate at suññatā and diṭṭhi will not fall off. Therefore suññatā dhamma is very important. The five khandhas only have the cause and effect of D. A. process. It only exists as dukkha and samudaya.

Diṭṭhi will fall away only listening to this kind of talks. (Anāthapiḍika answered to the outsiders in this way). “My view on the five khandhas is these are sakhata dhamma (conditioned phenomena). They have the characteristics of impermanence, dukkha and not‐self. Therefore I don’t take them as this is 'I', this is 'mine' and this is 'my self'.”

Someone who doesn’t practice is not knowing it. Someone discerns impermanence and taking them as this is mine, this I am and this is my self are impossible. You are not listening to wrong teachings, and don’t have unwise attention. So, contemplate impermanence with perseverance. It has the power of destroying the root to the planes of misery for you.

You should do this with satisfaction. What the meaning of just for eating and going to the planes of misery is! (This warning was hitting to the heart. Most living beings were born here as human beings and just doing for these. They are using their good kammas just for doing stupid things). Do the main work for the happiness of freeing oneself from the sasāric dukkha. Going downstream is not difficult.

Do you only concern for the stomach or want to end sasāric dukkha? For not becoming unwise attention you have to contemplate impermanence at any time. Also it is necessary for listening to suññatā dhamma. In this way you will be freed from the four planes of misery.










此種邪見極為堅固。若能將五蘊分別納入四念住(satipaṭṭhāna),並見五蘊為無常、苦、苦諦(dukkha sacca),則邪見便會遠離。只要未能見到無常,邪見便會依附其中,難以消除。若不修習內觀(vipassanā),邪見極難斷除。(觀察梵天即知,他們雖證得禪那,仍存邪見。)唯有無常(anicca)與觀無常之智(aniccānupassanā ñāṇa)相結合,邪見方能斷除。




第二個邪見的成因是聽聞錯誤的教法。例如,認為一切皆由「造物主」(常住神)所創造;或即便接受佛教的業報法則(kammassakatā ñāṇa)——「我造業,我受報」,卻仍未斷除邪見,因而落入「常見」(sassata-diṭṭhi)。若相信世間沒有善法與惡法,國家亦將因此滅亡。(長老引用了一則本生故事,講述錯誤教法與邪見如何導致國家毀滅。這類事件在今日世界亦可見。)

若能觀五蘊與六處(āyatana)為「空」(suññatā),邪見便會滅除。現在我要傳授「智慧之道」:未能徹見「空」,邪見便無法滅除。因此,「空法」(suññatā dhamma)極為重要。五蘊唯有因緣和合而生,僅是緣起法,唯有苦與集(dukkha & samudaya)存在。

唯有聆聽此類法義,邪見方能滅除。(阿那邠邸便是如此回答外道的。)「我對於五蘊的看法是:這些皆為有為法(saṅkhata dhamma),具有無常、苦、無我之特性。因此,我不執取它們為『我』、『我的』或『我自己』。」







由於害怕苦,人們聽聞並修行佛法。《轉法輪經》(初轉法輪經,SN 56.11Dhammacakkappavattanasuttaṃ》)中,佛陀提到了一些苦。但在眾多苦中,對你們來說最令人恐懼的是惡道的苦。苦是果報之法。






這種邪見也非常頑固。將五蘊分為四念處,並將五蘊視為無常、苦諦,然後邪見才會逃離。在沒有看到無常之前,邪見會緊緊抓住,仍然不會崩潰。沒有毘婆舍那的修行,邪見很難脫落。(看看梵天神。他們獲得禪定,但仍然有邪見。)只有無常(anicca)和無常隨觀智(aniccānupassanā ñāṇa)結合,邪見才會脫落。




鏡子具有四大元素的清晰度,影子才會顯現。如果你不知道怎麼說,那就很困難。第二個原因是聽聞錯誤的教導。例如,永恆的上帝(造物主)等等。還有佛教的業果智(kammassakatā ñāṇa)。

我做,我得(業和業報),邪見不會脫落。它會變成常見(sassata diṭṭhi);相信沒有善惡之法的觀點,導致國家毀滅。(指的是一個破壞國家的錯誤教導和觀點的本生經故事。我們可能會在今天的世界中找到這類事件。)


只有聽聞這類談話,邪見才會脫落。(給孤獨長者這樣回答外道。)「我對五蘊的看法是,它們是有為法(saṅkhata dhamma)。它們具有無常、苦和無我的特徵。因此,我不將它們視為『我』、『我的』和『我自己』。」




The Beginning of Beings

25th October 1961

[In Sāvatthi, Jetavana Monastery, the Buddha said to the monks. It couldn’t be discerned the beginning of a living being but knew the causes of it. Sayadaw said there were a lot of arguments about this problem.

The Buddha was said to be known everything and why didn’t he knows that? He quoted the Buddha’s saying that if he traced it backwardly, only his life span was finished and would never come to an end.

But he knew the causes of the khandhas. It was ignorance and craving. It was more important to know this and could end dukkha. It’s important to distinguish what is essential and what is not. Find out the cause only will solve the problem and not with the result.

The Buddha gave an example; the water in the ocean could be dry up when the time came for the end of the world. But the life of a living being would never end if he couldn’t destroy ignorance and craving. This was one of the reasons why a living being couldn’t discern directly in the beginning.

He gave two other examples again. Mt. Meru and the earth could be disappeared but without destroyed ignorance and craving dukkha would never end.

Sayadaw using D. A. described the continuation of the khandhas. Ignorance, volitional formation, craving, clinging, action (avijjā, saṅkhāra, taṇhā, upādāna, kamma) → consciousness, name and form, sense bases, contact, feeling (viññāṇaṁ, nāma‐rūpaṁ, saḷāyatanaṁ, phassa, vedanā—five khandhas) → ignorance…, etc. Saṁsāra is like this, on and on infinity. (This is very clear why the beginning of a living being is indiscernible.)

It’s also like a tree bears fruits. From the fruit a tree grows out, from a tree bear fruits, etc. The Buddha said we should first destroy diṭṭhi and later ignorance and then craving, because ignorance and craving were like the root of a tree. Diṭṭhi was like water supporting the root.

Supported by diṭṭhi, ignorance and craving became stronger and bigger. This is a very important point. After enter the stream and the advanced stages are not difficult anymore. With people experiences, the life of a sotāpanna is changing dramatically.

In this talk we can feel sayadaw’s concern and compassion for his two disciples who were leaving the place, after practising for sometimes. They were only at vipassanā ñāṇa, and like a young fruit easy to spoil. They should give their times for regular practice to be matured and reached the goal. Vipassanā ñāṇa is aniyata dhamma (unstable, it still may degenerate) and magga ñāṇa is niyata dhamma (stable, i.e., Nibbāna). ]

The Buddha said to the monks, it couldn’t see your own beginning. The beginning of this khandha saṁsāra was unknowable. This referred to the physical body saṁsāra (as living being). But he knew it causes. Even knowing of the body saṁsāra is not beneficial. It can bring saṁvega only and can’t lead to liberation. It’s beneficial to know the causes of its beginning.

By knowing the causes and has the benefit of stopping it. I will show the example of someone who can’t exterminate the beginning of the dhamma (i.e., ignorance and craving.) The third example is the great earth can be disappeared. Be without the ending of ignorance and craving, sasāra can’t end. It’s very fearful indeed.

So, practice hard for the ending of it. Even it’s not easy to know these dhamma. There are a lot of people who don’t know it. Even it is not easy to have the ability of ear for listening to these kinds of talk; for example, non‐Buddhist countries. With knowing and not practicing is like having the medicine and not taking it.

So, it can’t cure the illness. Before looking at other’s faults; at first you have to know if you are free from it? We can discern the three characteristics only without the darkness of ignorance. This girl is pretty but no morality. Is it good? Here it also, with the knowing but not do the practice. No cessation of ignorance is, because we take the khandha as this is mine, this I am and this is my self. Diṭṭhi is leading and joining with tahā and avijjā supporting them by not knowing the true nature. So, we are making it as me and mine. Three of them are together. Ignorance and craving are making the khandha. Again from the khandha, ignorance and craving arise. Again khandha arises; it’s on and on never end.

The five causes are: ignorance, volitional formation, craving, clinging, action. The five results are: consciousness, name and form, sense bases, contact, feeling → infinity (without practice). It’s similar to a tree: Tree → fruit → tree → fruit, etc.

With round of existence (vaṭṭa): kilesa vaṭṭa → kamma vaṭṭa → vipāka vaṭṭa (defilement → action → khandha) → kilesa vaṭṭa → kamma vaṭṭa → vipāka vaṭṭa, etc. (Something similar to eating → excreting → eating → excreting, etc. on and on. What a mess?! This is sakhāra dukkha).

There are two views: atta diṭṭhi (self view) and anatta diṭṭhi (not self view). By seeing not‐self view, ignorance and craving are not extinct yet. But you become a stream‐enterer (sotāpanna) and are free from the planes of misery. After killing diṭṭhi, continue to kill ignorance and craving. You must do the work of the right path factors (sammā maggaga) and look for a spiritual friend (kalyāna‐mitta).

The five wrong path factors (micchā maggaga) are: ignorance, volitional formation, craving, clinging, action. The right path factors couldn’t exist if the Buddha was not arsing. The right path factors can’t arise without associating with the disciples of the Buddha. The five path factors of insight right view are still young.

If it’s young, it could be spoiled like a fruit. Encountering with coarse objects, it becomes spoiled. It is similar to jhanic samādhi. With Path Knowledge (right view of the Path—magga sammā‐diṭṭhi), it becomes stable. (niyata). Are the five path factors and the eight path factors far from each other? For someone doing the practice is not for enough. Not doing the practice, even the five path factors (i.e., vipassanā ñāa) will disappear.

It becomes insight knowledge because of the objects of the five khandhas. If happening like this, it destroys the poison fruits of the five wrong path factors (i.e., avijjā, sakhāra, tahā, upādāna, kamma). The five path factors become eight factors and future khandha will not arise.







無明、行、渴愛、取、業(avijjā, saṁkhāra, taṁhā, upādāna, kamma)→ 識、名色、六處、觸、受(viññāṁa, nāma-rūpa, saṁāyatana, phassa, vedanā,即五蘊)→ 無明……如此循環不息,輪迴無盡。(這正是為何無法辨識有情之始的明證。)



在這篇開示中,我們能感受到禪師對兩位即將離開道場的弟子的關心與慈悲。他們已達內觀智(vipassanā ñāṁa),卻仍猶如未成熟的果實,容易腐壞。他們應該堅持定期修行,以達到成熟,進而證得究竟目標。內觀智(vipassanā ñāṁa)是不穩定的(aniyata dhamma),仍可能退轉,而道智(magga ñāṁa)則是穩定的(niyata dhamma,即涅槃)。







五種成因:無明、行、渴愛、取、業。 五種結果:識、名色、六處、觸、受。 → 若無修行,將無窮無盡地持續。

此輪迴如同樹與果實:樹 → 果 → 樹 → 果,無止無休。 亦如輪迴之三相: 煩惱輪(kilesa vaṭṭa)→ 業輪(kamma vaṭṭa)→ 果報輪(vipāka vaṭṭa (煩惱 → 行為 → 造作五蘊)→ 煩惱 → 行為 → 五蘊……無窮無盡。

(這如同進食與排泄的循環,令人厭惡!這便是行苦 saṅkhāra dukkha。)

有兩種見解: ① 我見(atta diṭṭhi) ② 無我見(anatta diṭṭhi

即使見無我,無明與渴愛仍未滅盡,但此時已成為須陀洹,解脫於惡趣。斷除邪見後,應繼續滅除無明與渴愛,必須依循正道(sammā maggaṅga)並尋求善知識(kalyāṇa-mitta)。

五種錯誤之道(micchā maggaṅga): 無明、行、渴愛、取、業。

若無佛陀出世,正道(sammā maggaṅga)便無法顯現。 若不與佛弟子為友,正道亦難生起。

五種正見之道(vipassanā ñāṇa)仍然稚嫩,猶如未成熟之果,容易腐壞。若遭遇粗重境界,便可能退失,猶如禪定仍不穩固。唯有道智(magga sammā-diṭṭhi)生起,方能穩定(niyata)。

修行者不應僅滿足於修行本身。 若不持續修行,即使五種正見(即內觀智)亦將消失。


若如此修行,便能滅除五種錯誤之道的毒果(無明、行、渴愛、取、業)。 五種正見之道將轉為八正道,未來五蘊不再生起。









長老用緣起(D.A.)描述了五蘊的延續。無明、行、渴愛、取、業(avijjā, saṅkhāra, taṇhā, upādāna, kamma)→ 識、名色、六入處、觸、受(viññāṇaṁ, nāma‐rūpaṁ, saḷāyatanaṁ, phassa, vedanā—五蘊)→ 無明…等等。輪迴就是這樣,無窮無盡。(這非常清楚地說明了為什麼眾生的起始是無法辨別的。)



在這段談話中,我們可以感受到長老對他兩位弟子的關心和慈悲,他們在修行一段時間後即將離開。他們只停留在毘婆舍那智(vipassanā ñāṇa),就像容易腐爛的幼果。他們應該花時間定期修行,才能成熟並達到目標。毘婆舍那智是不定法(aniyata dhamma,不穩定,仍然可能退轉),而道智(magga ñāṇa)是定法(niyata dhamma,穩定,即涅槃)。]





五個原因是:無明、行、渴愛、取、業。五個結果是:識、名色、六入處、觸、受 → 無窮無盡(沒有修行)。這類似於一棵樹:樹 → 果實 → 樹 → 果實,等等。

輪迴(vaṭṭa)是:煩惱輪(kilesa vaṭṭa)→ 業輪(kamma vaṭṭa)→ 異熟輪(vipāka vaṭṭa)(煩惱 → 行 → 五蘊)→ 煩惱輪 → 業輪 → 異熟輪,等等。(類似於吃 → 排泄 → 吃 → 排泄,等等。無窮無盡。多麼混亂?!這就是行苦。)

有兩種見解:我見(atta diṭṭhi)和無我見(anatta diṭṭhi)。透過看見無我見,無明和渴愛尚未熄滅。但你成為預流者(sotāpanna),並從惡道中解脫。在殺死邪見之後,繼續殺死無明和渴愛。你必須做正道分(sammā maggaṅga)的工作,並尋找善知識(kalyāna‐mitta)。

五個邪道分(micchā maggaṅga)是:無明、行、渴愛、取、業。如果佛陀沒有出現,正道分就不會存在。如果沒有與佛陀的弟子交往,正道分也不會產生。五個觀智正道分仍然年輕。

如果它年輕,就像水果一樣容易腐爛。遇到粗糙的對象,它就會腐爛。這類似於禪定三摩地。透過道智(magga sammā‐diṭṭhi),它變得穩定(niyata)。五個道分和八個道分相距很遠嗎?對於修行的人來說,這還不夠。不修行,即使五個道分(即毘婆舍那智)也會消失。


Ending of the Unwholesome Life

31st October 1961

In the D. A. process, paṭiccasamuppāda is the cause of our khandha. And paṭicca‐samuppanna is the result of the khandha. In our khandhas only cause and effect exist. Beings are alive with these two phenomena going on and on. There are two kinds of life; wholesome and unwholesome lives.

A being is alive with feeling if feeling arises; so with craving if craving arises. We are alive with one mind. Without the insight contemplation towards whatever mind arises is alive with ignorance. It’s unwholesome life. Mind is a life faculty; without mind, it is dead. We were growing up from young until now by wasting the rice and increasing the earth.

Therefore all are alive with the unwholesome mind states, after their death, we don't need to make merits for the dead person. It’s only one way to go (to the planes of misery). By contemplation of impermanence of whatever mind arises is living with knowledge and it’s a wholesome life. Can’t contemplate the impermanence of whatever causes arise and will give the results. Don’t pretend to be a moral person.

Differentiate with the wholesome and unwholesome qualities of mind and it becomes clear. Have to differentiate with the types of mind. I’ll give you a vipassanā mirror. Knowing whatever wholesome and unwholesome mind is vipassanā. Don’t be afraid of greed and anger arising. You should be afraid of not knowing them when they arise. In the satipaṭṭhāna sutta, the Buddha did not say to not let them arise, instead to know when they arose.

It is impossible not to let them arise. It will arise as a worldling encounters with sense objects. They arise for the D. A. process. The process will not continue if you follow behind with knowing. You have to make friends with enemies (i.e. with contemplation). In this way the path factors send the dhamma of painful rebirths to Nibbāna (Apāya dhamma becomes Nibbānic dhamma.) So, it's unnecessary to talk about you don’t have anything to contemplate.

I am always reminding you of paying attention to the dhamma. It means contemplate the arising dhamma from behind. Contemplate the preceding mind with the following mind is dhamma attention. Impermanence and magga are paying attention. It’s the same as be mindful and contemplate with paññā. Before is impermanence and follow behind with magga.

If you ask me; “Why the preceding mind is passing away?” Saṅkhāra dhamma has the nature of passing away. If you have doubt why it’s vanishing and knowing it as saṅkhāra dhamma. In the five khandhas whatever arises has to be vanished. Therefore you have to cross into the province of asaṅkhata which is free from the province of saṅkhata.

The province of saṅkhata is always connection with others. With relations to others create mental and physical suffering. (It can be with human, animals and natural surroundings). Asaṅkhata Nibbāna is free from these things and always with happiness. Path factors send to the ending of saṅkhata dhamma.

Form (rūpa) is connection with kamma, mind, temperature and foods. And the mind is with sense objects and sense bases (ārammaṇa and dvāras). Totally being free from these things is without the suffering of mind and body. By seeing the impermanence of the saṅkhata dhamma, its disenchantment and must follow to its ending. And at the time of arriving to the province of asaṅkhata is alive with the asaṅkhata Nibbāna.

If you differentiate yourself as worthy or worthless; following with path factors is worthy and the noble period. And not follow with the path factors is an animal period (moha leads to animal). If you are living with the path factors is an ariyan (noble being).







現在,我將給予你們一面內觀的明鏡vipassanā mirror)。能如實知曉當下的善心與不善心,便是在修行內觀(vipassanā)。不必害怕貪心或瞋心生起,真正該擔心的,是當它們生起時卻未能察覺。在《念住經》(satipaṭṭhāna sutta)中,佛陀並未說要防止煩惱生起,而是教導我們當它們生起時,要如實觀察

要完全防止煩惱生起是不可能的,因為凡夫接觸外境時,必然會生起煩惱,這是緣起法的必然過程。然而,若能在煩惱生起時以正念(sati)緊隨其後觀照它們,則輪迴的流轉便會停止。修行者應當與敵人交朋友——即與煩惱共存,但以觀智來對治。如此一來,原本導向惡趣的法(Apāya dhamma),便會轉為導向涅槃的法(Nibbānic dhamma)。因此,不必擔心「沒有東西可觀」,因為只要心生起,就有觀察的對象。

我時常提醒你們要專注於法,這並非單純的囑咐,而是指當心生起時,應當立即以智慧去觀察它。這便是「法隨觀」(dhamma attention)。先觀察無常,然後以道智(magga)跟隨其後,這就是修行的次第。

你若問:「為何先前的心剎那間便滅去?」因為諸行法(saṅkhāra dhamma)的本性便是滅去。若對此有所疑惑,則應當觀察它:「凡屬五蘊所生之法,皆必然滅去」。因此,應當超越有為界saṅkhata),進入無為界asaṅkhata)——即涅槃。

有為界(saṅkhata)的範圍,總是與他物相連,因而帶來身心的痛苦(例如:與人、動物、環境等產生關係,而生起煩惱與苦)。而**無為界(asaṅkhata Nibbāna**則是完全解脫於這一切束縛,唯有寂靜與安樂。












區分心的善惡品質,就會變得清楚。必須區分心的類型。我會給你一面毘婆舍那之鏡。知道任何善惡心就是毘婆舍那。不要害怕貪婪和憤怒的生起。你應該害怕它們生起時卻不知道。在《念處經》(satipaṭṭhāna sutta)中,佛陀並沒有說不要讓它們生起,而是說要知道它們何時生起。

不讓它們生起是不可能的。當凡夫遇到感官對象時,它們就會生起。它們為了緣起過程而生起。如果你跟隨其後並知道它們,這個過程就不會繼續。你必須與敵人交朋友(即透過觀照)。如此一來,道分就會將痛苦再生的法送到涅槃(Apāya dhamma 變成 Nibbānic dhamma)。因此,不必說你沒有任何東西可以觀照。


如果你問我:「為什麼先前的心會消失?」行法(saṅkhāra dhamma)具有消失的本質。如果你懷疑它為什麼消失,並知道它是行法。在五蘊中,任何生起的都必須消失。因此,你必須進入無為(asaṅkhata)的領域,才能擺脫有為(saṅkhata)的領域。

有為的領域總是與他人相關聯。與他人的關係會產生身心痛苦。(可以是人類、動物和自然環境。)無為涅槃(asaṅkhata Nibbāna)擺脫了這些事物,總是充滿快樂。道分引導到有為法的終結。

色(rūpa)與業、心、溫度和食物有關。心與感官對象和六入處(ārammaṇa dvāras)有關。完全擺脫這些事物,就沒有身心痛苦。透過看見有為法的無常,對其感到厭離,並必須追隨其終結。當到達無為的領域時,就是藉由無為涅槃而活著。


The Last Teaching of the Buddha

3rd November 1961

According to the Buddha, the best way of worshipping to him was with Dhamma. It was not reciting Dhamma. By practicing Dhamma and the ending of dukkha was the realization of Nibbāna. This was the greatest worship. It’s also the same to a teacher.

I am teaching to you with sakhāra dhamma. And you are also listening to me with sakhāra dhamma. (Sayadaw was using the last words of the Buddha to teach vipassanā). This physical body exists by kamma, mind, temperature and foods. It’s conditioned, so end up in ageing, sickness and death. This is referring to the relative truth (sammuti sacca).

According to the ultimate reality, now in the khandha, dhammas are arising by conditions and seeing their impermanences. These are seeing with the five path factors. Vaya‐dhammā sakhārā appamādena sampādetha—Sakhāra dhamma are have the nature of vanishing. Don’t be forgetful!

After the Buddha had passed away, the following verses were recited by Sakka (King of the Tāvatiṃsa Heaven): Anicca vata saṅkhāra uppāda‐vaya—dhammino; Uppajjitvā nirujjhanti, Tesaṁ vūpassamo sukho—Saṅkhāra dhamma are impermanent. The ending of them is Nibbāna.

(In most of his talks, Sayadaw never translated the Pali, word by word. He took the main points for teaching. Here Sayadaw made a very important point of the last day of the Buddha. The Buddha reminded the monks on practice and Sakka pointed out the end of the practice, i.e., Nibbāna).

Sakka was already a sotāpanna. So, he talked about followed to the end of the saṅkhāra dhamma. But most of you, after a person dies and say it’s saṅkhāra dhamma. So, it’s unstable and use it for reflection on death (maraṇānussati).

[This point is true in Thai tradition. Thai monks always chant these verses in funerals.]

The right place to use is in one’s own khandha. You have to use it for yourself when still alive. It is not for after death. At the end of saṅkhāra is Nibbāna exists (He explained the saṅkhāra dhamma had the nature of vanishing. By clapping two hands and sound arose and vanished.) In a being whole life and the whole of saṁsāra was with conditioning and vanishing.

We are going like this without beginning and ending. In your daily life just searching and eating, searching and eating etc. and it will never end for the whole life. (It’s very important not to forget the true nature of dukkha; i.e., oppressive, conditioning, burning and changing. Need to reflect them very often with our own experiences in life. Then we can easily to let go of attachment.)

It becomes clearer by explaining with the D. A. process. It’s not killing the past ignorance and volitional formation. But to kill what is arising in the present of ignorance and volitional formation which are arising by causes. Because of ignorance and volitional formation the five khandhas of dukkha sacca are arising all the times.

A person contemplates impermanence is doing the work of abandoning avijjā and sakhāra. From ignorance and it becomes knowledge. Only ignorance arises that volitional formation comes into being. Vijjā (knowledge) is the contemplative right view of the path factor.

The Buddha said not to be forgetful was reminding us to do vipassanā. Asking you for the practice is to make avijjā and sakhāra cease. Only with practice and reach our goals. When the path knowledge is reaching to the khandha and tahā also ceases. Without practice is except developing dukkha and no other thing.

If you really look at this khandha, it does neither include any personal being nor an affectionate thing in it. You will only find out the arising and passing away of phenomena. Therefore the ending of impermanence is true happiness.

The reason I am asking you; “Do you see the ending of impermanence?” This is asking you of seeing Nibbāna or not. Don’t ask me what Nibbāna is. It means doesn’t has this khandha. This khandha is dukkha sacca. Therefore you know it as doesn’t has one’s dukkha.

That’s the real happiness. Are you satisfied with Nibbāna existing at the end of impermanence? The Buddha and I myself taught you to see impermanence, its disenchantment and its ending (i.e., Yathābhūta, NIbbida and Magga Ñāas). Dukkha covers up the process that can’t see Nirodha.

Consume the five khandhas with the five maggaga (path factors). After it becomes the eight path factors and the consuming process is finished. At this place Nibbāna arises. You can’t see head, body, hands and feet. The two armed length body does not exist. At the place of two armed length body Nibbāna appears. Therefore dukkha sacca khandha covers up Nibbāna.

Even a person can’t see impermanence is covering up with ignorance (i.e., ignorance or kilesa covers up impermanence or dukkha. Again dukkha covers up Nibbāna). Therefore wanting to become a sotāpanna it needs a teacher. I am giving you the way of removing ignorance. By listening the dhamma and know the way of uncovering. This duty is the teacher’s duty.

To remove dukkha is your duty (i.e., following to the end of the process). Nibbāna is connecting with the five khandhas (i.e., close to the khandha).

The five khandha disappear and Nibbāna appears. Condense the whole teaching; the Buddha asked for practice to develop insight knowledge (i.e., the last verses of the Buddha). Sakka urged the yogis following it to the ending (i.e., Path knowledge). If you combine the verses of the Buddha and Sakka, they were only vipassanā knowledge and the Path knowledge.




現在,我正以「行蘊法」(saṅkhāra dhamma)教導你們,而你們也是以「行蘊法」來聽聞。(Sayadaw 以佛陀最後的遺言來講解內觀修行。)這個色身依賴業力(kamma)、心(citta)、氣溫(utu)與食物(āhāra)而存在。它是被條件所造作的,因此最終必然走向老、病、死。這是世俗諦(sammuti sacca)所指的相對真理。


「諸行法皆有壞滅之性,不可放逸!」Vaya-dhammā saṅkhārā appamādena sampādetha


Anicca vata saṅkhārā uppāda-vaya-dhammino; Uppajjitvā nirujjhanti, Tesaṁ vūpassamo sukho.


Sayadaw 在大多數開示中,不會逐字逐句地翻譯巴利語,而是直接取其要義來講解。在這裡,他指出佛陀在最後一天的教誨是「提醒比丘們要修行」,而帝釋天則強調了修行的終點——涅槃。)




Sayadaw 透過拍掌示範:「雙手一合,聲音生起;雙手一分,聲音滅去。」以此來說明行蘊的生滅本質。)




這可以從緣起法(paṭiccasamuppāda)來解釋。修行不是去「消滅過去的無明與行蘊」,而是滅除當下生起的無明與行蘊。因為當無明與行蘊生起時,五蘊的苦諦(dukkha sacca)也會隨之生起






涅槃的意義,就是「此五蘊不復存在」。五蘊即是苦諦(dukkha sacca),因此當五蘊滅去時,就沒有了「自身的苦」。




佛陀與我,都教導你們要觀察無常、對之生起厭離,最終導向解脫(即「如實知見」(yathābhūta ñāṇa)、「厭離智」(nibbida ñāṇa)、「道智」(magga ñāṇa))。


五種道支(maggaṅga)來滅除五蘊,最終成為八聖道(ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo,當這個「消耗過程」完成時,涅槃即在當下顯現。
















我正在用有為法(saṅkhāra dhamma)教導你們。你們也在用有為法聽我講課。(長老用佛陀的遺言來教導毘婆舍那。)這個色身是由業、心、溫度和食物所構成的。它是有條件的,因此最終會衰老、生病和死亡。這是指世俗諦(sammuti sacca)。

根據勝義諦,現在在五蘊中,諸法因緣生起,並看見它們的無常。這些是透過五個道分來觀察的。Vaya‐dhammā saṅkhārā appamādena sampādetha——有為法具有消逝的本質。不要忘失!

佛陀入滅後,帝釋(Sakka,忉利天王)誦念了以下偈頌:Anicca vata saṅkhāra uppāda‐vaya—dhammino; Uppajjitvā nirujjhanti, Tesaṁ vūpassamo sukho——有為法是無常的。它們的止息是涅槃。
















The Hidden Treasure

16th November 1961

Nibbāna is cool and peaceful nature; stable and not perishable. It’s without form and shape. You have the view of annihilation (uccheda diṭṭhi) if you don’t understand Nibbāna. It is uccheda to take the peacefulness of the arahants as nothing existing.

(Some later Buddhists even taking the arahants as symbol of selfishness, it was totally wrong. They don’t know that even the Buddha was an arahant.)

You can’t realize Nibbāna with wrong view because it’s the dhamma rejected by Nibbāna. People don’t like it if nothing exists. But they like the heavenly world and mansions which are arisen by cause and effect relationship. Nibbāna is apaccaya—causeless phenomenon.

It doesn’t have any connection with kamma, mind, temperature and foods. If it has connection with them will also perish. There are two causes; the causes of becoming and arriving. So, Nibbāna is the cause of arriving there and not becoming. It’s apaccaya and asaṅkhata—free from conditions (from Dhammasaṅgaṇi).

Every day of your contemplation with the knowledge of impermanence is the cause for arriving there. Even the Buddha was not arising, Nibbāna exists anytime. It’s atthi—presence, ajataṁ—undying, abhūtaṁ—unmade, asaṅkhataṁ—uncondition (from Udāna Pali).

A person who wants to get out from the sakhata province can arrive to Nibbāna. If not, he will not arrive there. Nibbāna always exists as a natural phenomenon. Then, why could people arrive there only after the Buddha arose in this world? (except the Paccekabuddha).

Only the Buddha could teach the dhamma to arrive there. The Buddha taught about it, so people could practice and arrive there. You have to ride on the maggan train (with the path factors). There are different kinds of train: Trains to good destinations (sugati) and bad destinations (dugati).

Without the Buddha arising, living beings are riding these two trains in turn. Asking you to contemplate saṅkhata dhamma, it does want you to see impermanence, its disenchantment and freedom from it. The reason of wanting you to do vipassanā is to come out from saṅkhata, and the knowledge need to be sharper. I am asking you about the ending of impermanence which is the same as the ending of saṅkhata.

The asaṅkhata is close to the ending of saṅkhata. Therefore the Buddha in the Saṃyutta Nikāya said that Nibbāna was near (Nibbānaseva santike) (Sayadaw gave an example for this point). At first, pictures are arising and disappearing one by one on the movie screen. After the movie ends the white movie screen appears. Why can’t we see Nibbāna? Because you can’t overcome saṅkhata. Don’t talk about overcoming it. Even very few people are seeing impermanence.

Is it too far that not arriving to Nibbāna? Is it too close and don’t know how to find it? You don’t know how to find it. You are retreating because of too far. It’s too close and you don’t look for it. And then you turn towards pāramī—perfection for the reason. In the Pesakopedasa Text (a commentary) it was mentioned as, listening to the sacca dhamma (teachings on truth) and paying attention to sacca dhamma will realize it.

It is too close and it is very bad that you can’t reach there. Therefore spiritual friend (kalyāna‐mitta) is very important. You must get this maggan train for yourself. In the whole sasāra beings were riding the wrong trains and encountered sufferings. Don’t ride the downwards train (dugati) and upwards train (sugati). But you have to ride the middle train (i.e., maggan).

The Buddha taught three kinds of dhamma, but you have to take the best one. (Continued the six attributes of Dhamma). Ehi passiko is object (ārammaṇa) and sandiṭṭhiko is contemplative knowledge (ārammaṇika). That is seeing saṅkhata. Saṅkhata covers up Nibbāna. Again, ignorance covers up saṅkhata and not seeing it. Kilesa covers up dukkha and dukkha covers up Nibbāna. It can be also taken as kilesa covers up knowledge (ñāṇa).

With kilesa covering on knowledge, you are still not seeing impermanence. Therefore samādhi is important. It can push away kilesa for some time and seeing impermanence. If you still can’t contemplate disenchantment of impermanence and not wanting of them, sakhata (dukkha) still covers it. Therefore you have to practice and not by prayers to arrive Nibbāna.

So, kilesa and dukkha cover Nibbāna and we can’t see it. Only those who can uncover kilesa and dukkha become diṭṭhadhamma—Dhamma been seen by oneself. (Sayadaw mentioned sotāpanna’s qualities). You have not yet overcome kilesa if you still have not seen impermanence. Hence, you still can’t penetrate dukkha and see Nibbāna. But Nibbāna will be near if you have seen impermenace and penetrated dukkha.



涅槃的本質是清涼與寧靜的;它是穩固且不會毀滅的,沒有形狀與形式。如果你不理解涅槃,就會落入斷滅見(uccheda diṭṭhi)。若認為阿羅漢的寧靜狀態等同於不存在,那便是斷滅見。




每天以觀察無常的智慧修行,便是邁向涅槃的因。即使佛陀未曾出世,涅槃也一直存在。它是存在的(atthi)、不生的(ajataṁ)、不滅的(abhūtaṁ)、無為的(asaṅkhataṁ(出自《自說經》Udāna Pali)。

一個希望從**有為(saṅkhata**的領域解脫出來的人,才能抵達涅槃;若不願意,他便無法到達。涅槃作為一種自然現象,始終存在。然而,為何只有在佛陀出世後,人們才得以證悟涅槃?(除辟支佛外 Paccekabuddha

這是因為唯有佛陀能夠教導通往涅槃的法。佛陀指明了這條道路,使眾生得以修行並抵達涅槃。我們必須乘坐道列車(maggan train,這列車由**道支(maggaṅga**組成。

然而,在沒有佛陀的時代,眾生只是來回乘坐「善趣列車(sugati)」與「惡趣列車(dugati)」,在輪迴中輾轉流轉。因此,佛陀要求我們觀察有為法(saṅkhata dhamma,以見無常、生起厭離,進而解脫。


無為法(asaṅkhata)即接近於有為法的終結。因此,佛陀在《相應部》Saṃyutta Nikāya中說:「涅槃就在附近」(Nibbānaseva santike)。(尊者舉了一個比喻)



在《Pesakopedasa 註釋》中提到:「聆聽四聖諦(sacca dhamma)並專注於聖諦,便能證悟涅槃。」

涅槃如此接近,卻仍然無法抵達,這是極其遺憾的。因此,善知識(kalyāṇa‐mitta)非常重要。我們必須親自搭上道列車(maggan train,否則,生生世世只會搭乘錯誤的列車,受盡輪迴的苦難。



**「來!親自體驗吧」(ehi passiko是對象(ārammaṇa);「能親自證得」(sandiṭṭhiko**是觀照的智慧(ārammaṇika)。這指的是見到有為法(saṅkhata)。









涅槃是清涼和平靜的本質;穩定且不朽。如果你不了解涅槃,你就會有斷滅見(uccheda diṭṭhi)。將阿羅漢的平靜視為虛無,就是斷滅見。



它與業、心、溫度和食物沒有任何關聯。如果與它們有關聯,也會消逝。有兩種原因;成為的原因和到達的原因。因此,涅槃是到達那裡的因,而不是成為的因。它是無因且無為(apaccaya asaṅkhata)的——擺脫條件(來自《法集論》)。





無為接近有為的終結。因此,佛陀在《相應部》中說涅槃就在附近(Nibbānaseva santike)。(長老為此觀點舉了一個例子。)起初,圖片在電影螢幕上逐一出現和消失。電影結束後,出現白色電影螢幕。為什麼我們看不到涅槃?因為你無法克服有為。不要談論克服它。甚至很少有人看到無常。



佛陀教導了三種法,但你必須選擇最好的。(繼續六隨念中的法隨念)。來見(ehi passiko)是所緣(ārammaṇa),自見(sandiṭṭhiko)是觀照知見(ārammaṇika)。那就是看見有為。有為遮蓋了涅槃。無明又遮蓋了有為,看不到它。煩惱遮蓋了苦,苦遮蓋了涅槃。它也可以被認為是煩惱遮蓋了知見(ñāṇa)。



Priceless Treasure of Mankind

16th November 1961

Your life span is between a mind arising and passing away; if next mind does not arise, it is dead. The Buddha was reminding us for many times as living with mindfulness and wisdom (sati and paññā). Mindfulness is being aware of what happening in the body.

Every time the body is talking to you must aware of it. Wisdom is making a decision on the arising phenomenon as what it will be? Be mindful and making a decision with paññā. A person with mindfulness knows the arising and passing away of a mind one by one in a series.

All what is happening is one’s own dying. One does not do this practice and then he doesn’t know that the body is becoming older; and doesn’t know the disintegration of it either. He doesn’t know these things due to not looking at it with mindfulness and wisdom. Not knowing is ignorance. Ignorant person will do and say what he wants.

In that way, he is turning towards avijjā paccaya sakhāra—ignorance conditions volitional formation. And then it ends up with ageing, sickness and death. Observe with mindfulness and wisdom, then ignorance ceases and becomes vijjā udapādi—knowledge arises. He will not encounter with ageing, sickness and death.

This is a very important matter. Therefore be always mindful in the body and make decision with paññā. For example, an itch arises in the body. Itching is dukkha and it is sukha after vanishing (unpleasant and pleasant). Pain is dukkha and its disappearing is sukha. In our bodies feelings are changing.

Does the body tell you man or woman, a person or a being? Or does it tell you feelings are changing? These are aggregate of feeling (vedanākkhandha), neither a person nor a being. So during the contemplation man or woman disappears in the body. From the young age parents taught us these were men or women all the times (with concepts). So we are clinging to a person or a being (Here I summarize what Sayadaw had said in his talk.)

Therefore, the disappearance of feeling and khandha is due to the concepts. They taught us the conventional truth. Therefore I have to teach you the ultimate truth (paramattha sacca). They were also right as concepts. It’s not truth because it does not really exist.

Be mindful and observe with paññā, and three types of feeling are arising in turn (i.e., sukha, dukkha and upekkhā vedanās). This is seeing the existing phenomenon, and knowing the ultimate truth before we end up with conventional truth. So you all are alive with the changing of feelings. There are feelings all the time. There are no places free from feeling if you are using a needle poking on the body because it’s vedanākkhandha. I am analyzing it how to be mindful and observe with paññā. (Sayadaw gave many examples for the three physical feelings, i.e., sukha, dukkha, and upekkhā in daily life).

Why I am talking so detail about it? I am concerning with the wrong view of why it happens to be like this come into your mind. (He also mentioned about mental feelings with examples)

Therefore at anytime we are never free from feelings. Every time feeling arises must know it. Every time feeling arises, observe with mindfulness and wrong view dies. These are aggregate of feeling, not a man nor a woman. After with mindfulness and decide with paññā. Only with paññā you get the knowledge.

Every time feeling arises and knowing is mindfulness. Sukha vedanā is passing away. Dukkha vedanā is passing away. And upekkhā vedanā is passing away. Making these decisions is paññā. Then it becomes insight knowledge. Paññā is making the decision of one by one vanishing. Mindfulness is seeing the arising process. The life span of a feeling is now arising and now vanishing.

Therefore it’s too short of life span. It has the life span of moment arising and moment vanishing. Be mindful and observe with wisdom and seeing impermanence. To get the Path Knowledge you have to do like this. Praying for the Path Knowledge is not only you can’t get it, but also craving arises. It’s because of the desire. By contemplation only get the insight knowledge.

Be mindful and observe with paññā. The things you can ask is ageing, sickness and death. Contemplation without asking is ending the ageing, sickness and death. There are five path factors in sati and paññā (three samādhi factors with two wisdom factors). These five path factors are cutting off kilesa and leading to NIBBĀNA.














觀察後,應以智慧作出判斷:樂受正在消逝,苦受正在消逝,捨受正在消逝。 這種判斷就是智慧(paññā。如此一來,就能生起觀智(vipassanā‐ñāṇa



僅靠祈禱並不能證得道智,反而會增長貪欲。 因為這樣做,是基於渴望而生起的執取(taṇhā)。唯有透過禪修觀察,才能生起觀智。

時時刻刻保持正念,並以智慧觀察。你所能詢問的問題,只應該是:「如何遠離衰老、疾病與死亡?」 若能無問自修,則終能滅除老、病、死。





你的壽命介於一個心的生起和滅去之間;如果下一個心沒有生起,那就是死亡。佛陀多次提醒我們,要以正念和智慧(sati paññā)生活。正念是覺察身體中發生的事情。



這樣,他就會轉向無明緣行(avijjā paccaya saṅkhāra)——無明緣行。然後它以衰老、疾病和死亡告終。用正念和智慧觀察,那麼無明就會止息,並變成明生起(vijjā udapādi)——知見生起。他不會遇到衰老、疾病和死亡。



因此,感受和五蘊的消失是由於概念。他們教導我們的是世俗諦。因此,我必須教導你們勝義諦(paramattha sacca)。作為概念,它們也是正確的。它不是真理,因為它並非真實存在。







In Accordance with the Dhamma

16th November 1961

There are five dullābha (Difficult to encounter/gain):

Now you are all encountering of the Buddha’s Teachings

Also meet a teacher who can teach sacca dhamma

You have the ear for listening the sacca dhamma.

Can discern impermanence by practice—Practice in accordance with the Dhamma—Dhammanudhammapatipatti. You have completed with these four points.

Can pay homage to the Buddha and teacher with Nibbāna which is the ending of impermanence.

Some has already fulfilled this point also. They are not so few. You all are my veneyya (enlighten by his instructions). The Buddha’s veneyyas were starting from the Pañcavaggi Bhikkhus (The first five‐group of disciples) to the last bhikkhu Subhadda. So, the other people have to fulfill the ④ and ⑤ points with perseverance in the practice.

I’ll talk about the practice in accordance with the Dhamma. Mind and form dhamma are in the body. You have to practice accordingly with them. You know its arising if it shows the arising. If, it shows the vanishing and you know its vanishing. The showing process is dhamma. Anupatipatti is practising accordingly.

Know its disenchantment if it’s showing disenchantment. Know its upekkhā if it’s showing upekkhā. These are anupatipatti. (from the Aguttara Nikāya). You all have the perfection (pāramī). Just fulfill this point (i.e., no. 4). This is important. To get it, you have to do the practice by yourself. With the practice, you’ll complete it. For example, sleepy mind arises and you know it as arising.

If, it’s vanishing and you know it as vanishing, etc. It takes longer time if kilesa comes in. If not coming in, it might take a week or seven days (to fulfill). Even you can achieve it by practice in the morning and realize in the evening. It can be fulfilled from ① to ③ by prayers. No. ④ is only with practicing by yourself.

It's sure for you to realize it if you can make your knowledge accordingly with impermanence. No. ④ is more important than no. ⑤. The reason is no. ④ the insight knowledge must be sharp for no. ⑤ Path Knowledge to arise. Have to contemplate as the arising is dukkha and the vanishing is dukkha. Their ending is the cessation of dukkha.

No. ④ has the five path factors and ⑤ has the eight path factors. The path knowledge, the fruition knowledge and the reviewing knowledge (Paccavekkhana Ñāa), all are seeing the cessation of dukkha (i.e., Nibbāna).

The body becomes light and the heart becomes cool. (Sayadaw continued the Sakka Pañha Sutta). Not being free from diseases and illnesses are the reason of issā and macchariya (envy and avarice). Craving, conceit and wrong view come from feeling.

[And then Sayadaw talked about living beings were oppressed and killed by the three feelings. Giving a simile of a fish, a fish is seeing a bait (upekkhā) and wants to eat it (sukha). It gulps the bait and pulls up by the fisherman and beats to death (dukkha)].


From the beginning of this talk, Sayadaw mentioned these words “Some have already fulfilled this point also. They are not so few. You all are my veneyya (enlighten by his instructions). These are referring to no. five point which is Nibbāna. This is inspiring and encouraging for us who study his talks. I have no doubt about the success of his teaching. The yogis he referred were the ones who often listened to his talks every day two or three times for many years at three places (Amarapura, Mandalay and Mogok). Some stayed at these centers and practiced under his guidance for a long retreat.

The three talks here: The Hidden Treasure, Priceless Treasure of Mankind and In Accordance with the Dhamma, all were delivered on 16th November 1961. In the Dhamma list of that year (i.e., November and December 1961) he gave two or three talks a day. The reason behind is some lay people led by U Tan Daing from Rangoon came to Amarapura and had a long retreat with Sayadawgyi. Mogok Sayadaw was a remarkable Dhamma workaholic and non-stop working for the Buddha Dhamma. There were some who had the misconception that Arahant Ideal was selfish. This is totally wrong and non-sense.




現在你們都已經遇到了佛陀的教法(Buddha Dhamma
你們也遇到了能夠教授聖諦法(sacca dhamma)的善知識。

其中,有些人已經圓滿達成第五點,這樣的人並不少。你們都是我的「隨法者」(veneyya,即受其教導而開悟者)。佛陀的隨法者,從最初的五比丘(Pañcavaggī Bhikkhu)直到最後的比丘須跋陀羅(Subhadda。因此,其他尚未圓滿④與⑤點的人,應當堅持不懈地修行,以達成這兩點。


「名」與「色」即是法(nāma-rūpa dhamma),它們存在於此身之中。你必須依照它們的本然來修行。


這些都是「依法而行」的修習內容(出自《增支部經》(Aṅguttara Nikāya))。






第四點的修行內涵涵攝五種道支(maggaṅga,而第五點則具足八正道(Ariya Magga


屆時,身心皆變得輕安,內心清涼寂靜。(接著,禪師繼續講解《釋迦問題經》(Sakka Pañha Sutta))。







在該年度(196111月至12月)的開示紀錄中,禪師每天講法兩至三次,這是因為仰光(Rangoon)的優坦定(U Tan Daing)居士帶領一群在家眾,前來阿瑪拉普拉進行長期禪修,因此禪師密集開示佛法。

摩谷禪師(Mogok Sayadaw)是一位不知疲倦、為佛法不斷精進的非凡法工,他從不間斷地弘揚佛法。






現在你們都遇到了佛陀的教導。 ②也遇到了能夠教導諦法的老師。 ③你們有耳朵可以聽聞諦法。 ④能夠透過修行來辨別無常——依循法修行(Dhammanudhammapatipatti)。你們已經完成了這四點。 ⑤能夠以涅槃供養佛陀和老師,涅槃是無常的終結。






第④點有五個道分,第⑤點有八個道分。道智、果智和省察智(Paccavekkhana Ñāṇa)都在看見苦的止息(即涅槃)。

身體變得輕盈,內心變得清涼。(長老繼續講述《帝釋所問經》)。無法擺脫疾病的原因是嫉妒和慳吝(issā macchariya)。渴愛、我慢和邪見來自感受。




Perform a Dāna Properly

22nd November 1961

[This was a dhamma talk for the offering of a Sālā building before the water pouring ceremony. ]

[In the beginning Sayadaw mentioned not to share the merits made by others for the vaṭṭa dāna (for the becoming or round of existence) because these kinds of merit are truth of dukkha and not for ending of it. It’s important not to end up at what others believed and said.

He gave the story of Ven. Rāhula's (the Buddha’s only son) past life as a king. At that time he met an ascetic with psychic power. Every day the ascetic went to a Nāga Kingdom under the sea for day rest. So he asked him about the place: the ascetic praised about the place. Rāhula believed him and vowed to be born there. So next life after death he became a serpent king. ]

Whatever khandha you have it’s never good. All are truth of dukkha, disgusting and useless. In the body there are excrements, urine, phlegm, etc. Only foulness (asubha) exists. Nobody wants to come closer to you if you died. It’s the same as asking "May I get the disgusting and useless thing?" if you pray for the khandha.

The meaning of samudaya (craving is the cause of dukkha) is the dhamma creating bad things. Therefore you are asking with the bad dhamma of samudaya sacca. Asking with the bad dhamma, you get the bad thing. You might get the bad thing after using the money, even you can have the real happiness of ending dukkha. Actually, you are making friend with the dhamma, which is association with dukkha (i.e., craving—samudaya). It’s the deceivable and cunning dhamma. I am talking with the knowledge of truth (sacca ñāa). So you must listen with the truth of ear. (Most people don’t have it. They only have the defiled ear and like to hear defiled things).

You have to make the wise attention of with this ageing and decrepit khandha and exchange with the not ageing and not decrepit Nibbāna. You must exchange this burning body, burning with the 11 kinds of fire with the cooling Nibbāna.

This is the dāna of exchanging dukkha with sukha. If you are using the money for eating and spending and it’s burning into ashes by kilesa fire. Therefore, this kind of dāna is pulling it away from kilesa fire.

In the performing of dāna (giving away), if you ask: “How much money has been spent?” This is not a right question. The right question is: “How much you got from it?” Because you are taking away the money and wealth from the 11 kinds of fire (Here Sayadaw didn’t mention some of the dangers which can destroy people wealth and money.

Such as robbers, thieves, fire, water, natural disasters, family members, etc. There are a lot can be mentioned about it. The 11 kinds of fire are: raga, dosa, moha, jāti, jarā, maraa, soka, parideva, dukkha, domanassa, upāyāsa—lust, hatred, delusion, birth, ageing, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair.)

This is the day of exchanging heat with coolness; exchanging dukkha with nirodha. It is knowing the two truth (dukkha and nirodha) with the analytical knowledge today. This is the forerunner of the Path Knowledge. You will really get the Path Knowledge if you really practice.

You are offering dāna as a good worldling (kalyāa puthujjana) and not as a blind worldling (andha puthujjana). Knowledge (ñāa) knows the truth and not kamma. Therefore this is a dāna performed with knowledge, and will sure to reach Nibbāna. Dāna is not for prolonging the round of existence (sasāra). Not knowing the right way of doing it only prolongs the sasāra.

[After that Sayadaw was leading people to perform a short ceremony of prayer and sharing the merit. This short prayer was in Burmese, about dukkha and for the ending of it; not including anything like, good rebirth, wealth, beauty, long life etc. because these things were truth of dukkha. He talked about many dukkha starting from the mother’s womb during the pregnancy; from giving birth to the whole human life with ageing, sickness and death].





開示一開始,禪師提到:「不要分享別人所作的輪迴布施(vaṭṭa dāna——即會導致生死輪迴的布施。因為這類福德屬於苦諦(dukkha sacca,並非通往苦的止息(苦滅)的途徑。」



過去世的尊者羅睺羅(Ven. Rāhula)曾是一位國王,當時他遇見了一位具有神通的苦行者。

這位苦行者每日入海,到**龍族王國(Nāga Kingdom**靜修休息。國王詢問該地如何,苦行者大為讚嘆,描述它是美好的地方。於是,國王信以為真,發願來生轉生到龍族王國。結果,他下一世真的成為一條龍王(Nāga King)。


無論你獲得什麼樣的「蘊身(khandha)」,都不可能是好的,因為它都是「苦諦(dukkha sacca)」,都是令人厭惡且無用的。



欲求有身,便是向「集諦(samudaya sacca)」祈求苦





這是「欺騙人」的法,是「狡詐的法」。我所講的是「真理智(sacca ñāṇa)」,因此你們應當以「真理之耳」來聆聽。











  1. 貪欲(rāga

  2. 瞋恚(dosa

  3. 愚癡(moha

  4. 生(jāti

  5. 老(jarā

  6. 死(maraṇa

  7. 憂愁(soka

  8. 悲歎(parideva

  9. 身苦(dukkha

  10. 心憂(domanassa

  11. 絕望(upāyāsa


這是一種**「智慧的布施」——透過「苦諦」與「滅諦」的觀察,來培養智慧(分析智,vipassanā ñāṇa**。這種觀察,便是「道智」的先行者(forerunner of the Path Knowledge)。

若你真正地修行,最終必定能證得「道智(magga ñāṇa)」。

智慧的布施 vs. 盲目的布施

今天,你們是以**「善智凡夫(kalyāṇa puthujjana)」的身份來布施,而不是「盲目凡夫(andha puthujjana)」**









[一開始,長老提到不要分享他人為輪迴布施(vaṭṭa dāna,為了成為或輪迴)所做的功德,因為這些功德是苦諦,而不是為了結束苦。重要的是不要以他人的信仰和說法為終點。



集(samudaya,渴愛是苦的原因)的意思是創造壞事的法。因此,你正在用集諦的壞法來祈求。用壞法祈求,你會得到壞事。即使你可以擁有結束苦的真正快樂,你也可能在使用金錢後得到壞事。實際上,你正在與與苦相關聯的法(即渴愛——集)交朋友。它是欺騙和狡猾的法。我正在用諦智(sacca ñāṇa)說話。因此,你必須用諦耳聆聽。(大多數人沒有。他們只有被染污的耳朵,喜歡聽染污的事物。)






你正在作為一位善凡夫(kalyāṇa puthujjana)而不是盲凡夫(andha puthujjana)進行布施。知見(ñāṇa)知道諦而不是業。因此,這是一次用知見進行的布施,一定會到達涅槃。布施不是為了延長輪迴。不了解正確的進行方式只會延長輪迴。


Dāna and the Ending of Dukkha

22nd November 1961

[This was a dhamma talk at the ceremony of Kaṭhina Robes offering]

Offering with the desire for the becoming of human being or heavenly being is for the cause of dukkha (Samudaya Sacca). Even becoming the blissful khandha, it is still the truth of dukkha. (Dukkha Sacca). With the giving (dāna) still get lost in dukkha. The truth has to be based on the khandha for becoming the knowledge of seeing.

During the giving we have to enrich with insight. Wanting to be free from the direct experience of dukkha and make the offering must contemplate the khandha in this way. The precepts (5 here) have been established already.

No contemplation of the khandha and just giving is an ordinary dāna. It is not the best dāna. With much capital (investment) and get little profit we should not do this business. (The donors were business people). Let contemplate on the khandha for five minutes.

(Sayadaw was quite different from other teachers. If anyone wanted to perform a big dāna, such as building a sālā, dwellings, etc., Sayadaw asked them to practice vipassanā for some times before the offering; and with the offering ceremony transformed into a vi‐vaṭṭa dāna—Dānas transcend the round of existence).

Do you see the impermanence of dukkha sacca? Without the path factor of samādhi you can’t see it. And also without the path factor of wisdom (paññā) you can’t see it. Now, you already completed with samādhi and paññā. (Sayadaw asked the disciples to follow him as he recited the Pali and translation for the vipassanā dāna offering. Before the water pouring ceremony, he asked disciples to observe the khandha at the same time by listening to the talk; if the hindrances come in, also observe them.)

(Sayadaw talked about the beginning of human being, starting from the combination of sperm and ovum, with them together were nāma (mind) dhamma.) You should offer things with the desire of ajāti Nibbāna ("no rebirth" Nibbāna) and with the fear of birth. It is for vi‐vaṭṭa dāna, so it's not the main point for which kinds of things to offer. It is important to have a noble mind.

(And then continue to talk about old age and sickness.) From the past life with ignorance, volitional formation conditioned this present life, starting from birth to ageing, sickness and death. Now, I am not talking about apuññabhisakhāra yet (demeritorious deed). Even puññabhisakhāra is very bad indeed (meritorious deed).

The situation in sickness is taking off the good clothes (when people are oppressing by sickness and disease, they can’t wear any good clothes). It’s also in the state of hunger. (Because can’t eat good foods or no desire to eat). The state in sickness is disgusting by others (Because the disease has bad or disgusting smell)

Are these things given to you by others? Or you make it for yourself (by kamma and prayer)!? Ignorance → volitional formation → rebirth consciousness. These situations are known by others and it becomes a shame and without any benefit. Those who lives with a bad life till death will have a bad dying. The sick person sees hell and other bad destinations and in crying at dying.

This offering is for fear of dukkha sacca and it becomes offer with knowledge. Let us do the water pouring ceremony. Our job is already completed even we don’t do this. We do this just for sharing the merit with others. We are afraid and disenchanted of ageing, sickness and death of the sasāra and perform this offering.

You also should have the three qualities from your side: you must have strong volition (cetanā) before, during and after the offering. From the side of the monks, we should receive these offerings with the spirit of practicing to be free from lust, hatred and delusion. The results are unspeakable if it’s in accordance with these six points. Offering without any clinging to personality, then it frees from wrong view. This is the kaṭhina ceremony of killing tahā and diṭṭhi—so it has a lot of benefit and is leading to NIBBĀNA.

[Note on the conception of a human embryo:

The beginning of human being starts with the combination of sperm, ovum and the rebirth consciousness. We should not take it literally because some doubt about these three combine together at the same time. This is not important for a yogi but he should not take them as a soul or a self, otherwise it becomes wrong view. To understand the real picture, we can consult the information in the suttas, stories in the texts, modern stories (yogis' experiences) and medical science. We can have the right answer by research, investigation and contemplation.

In Burma, most Abhidhamma teachers who talked about rebirth started with the combination of these three together: sperm, ovum and rebirth consciousness. But story in the Pali texts were different. One of the Dhammapada Stories was about a gem‐polisher. He killed his pet crane which died and conceived by his wife. It meant the sperm and ovum were combined before the crane death.

In Ajahn Mun's biography, it mentioned an old nun who sat in meditation and had the following experience. A white thread came out from her heart and went into her niece's womb. She told Ajahn Mun about this experience. He suggested her to cut off this white thread with her samādhi power next time. She did it what he said. Later she asked her niece whether she had any pregnancy before. She gave the positive answer and now it was aborted.

According to the embryology, the being in the womb starts breathing after two or over two months (I don't know the exact time). This can be counted as the rebirth consciousness arises at that time. It also make reasonable because mind and matter are changing in different rates. Mind is seventeen times faster than matter. ]



若以欲望投生為人或天人之心而行布施,是造作苦的因(集聖諦 Samudaya Sacca
即使投生為安樂的色身(blissful khandha,它本身依然是苦聖諦(Dukkha Sacca
要證得真理(四聖諦),必須依五蘊為基礎,發起現觀之智(vipassanā ñāṇa

若想從現前苦(dukkha sacca)中解脫,則在布施當下應觀照五蘊

若未觀五蘊而單純布施,即為世俗布施(lokiya dāna


如此一來,布施行為即轉化為**出離輪迴的布施(vi‐vaṭṭa dāna。)

你是否見到「苦諦的無常性(dukkha sacca anicca)」?


(尊者談到人類生命的起始:來自精子與卵子結合,並與之同時的是心法(nāma dhamma)的生起。)
你應以「不生之涅槃(ajāti Nibbāna)」為目標,並以畏懼生起的心布施。
如此,這就是出離的布施(vi‐vaṭṭa dāna




無明 → 行 → 有分識(rebirth consciousness




  1. 布施前的強烈意願(cetanā

  2. 布施當下的正念與正知

  3. 布施後的隨喜與迴向
















(長老與其他老師截然不同。如果有人想進行大型布施,例如建造僧房、住所等,長老會要求他們在供養前修行毘婆舍那一段時間;並將供養儀式轉變為離輪迴布施(vi-vaṭṭa dāna)——超越輪迴的布施。)


(長老談論了人類的起源,從精子和卵子的結合開始,它們結合在一起就是名(心)法。)你們應該以渴望無生涅槃(ajāti Nibbāna,“無再生”涅槃)和恐懼出生來供養。這是為了離輪迴布施,因此供養什麼樣的東西並不是重點。重要的是要有高尚的心。











Two Guardians of Hells

23rd November 1961

Restlessness (uddhacca) means the mind is not staying with the impermanent object. It’s an intervening mind. For example, during the contemplation of the impermanent of feeling, it ceases and restlessness comes in a blip. Instead of staying with the object of contemplation, the mind was going out to the external object. Sense object of the mind comes in as a substitute in the place of impermanence.

This is only known by the yogi. If not and you don’t know it. You don’t know the mind state because it’s floating around in a delusive state. Someone contemplates of feeling and contemplate the restless mind as upekkhā (neither pleasant nor unpleasant or neutral feeling) or just as restless mind.

It’s very important because you can take it as so many disturbances which will let you give up the practice. Don’t take it as disturbances. Take it as ehi‐passiko—it’s inviting the yogi to come and contemplate. Don’t forget this point. It comes as an object of contemplation.

During the sitting, you should have the mind state that I’ll contemplate whatever comes to me. Everything is good for contemplation. Restlessness is delusion (moha). It comes to tell you that, it will start the D. A. process in the beginning.

It’s ignorance which conditions to volitional formation and turns towards worldly matter. Without the satipaṭṭhāna there are no other dhamma arriving to Nibbāna. Satipaṭṭhāna is sati and sampajāna—mindfulness and clear comprehension.

Sati and paññā are going together. This becomes path factors (maggaga). It becomes knowledge by the contemplation of ignorance. Delusion (moha) dies then doubt (Vicikicchā) also dies. Wrong view also dies with doubt dying. Even we can contemplate on Nibbāna. Everything can be contemplated.

What is the benefit of contemplating restlessness? It can cut off the beginning of sasāra. (Because restlessness connects with moha or delusion) Avijjā→sakhāra.

Let us continue on doubt. It’s the mind of delusion. As a feeling, it’s upekkhā vedanā (neither pleasant nor unpleasant; or neutral). One doesn’t know his and others’ benefits if it comes in.

Doubt is difficult to cure. It exists and then wrong view does not fall away. Therefore the path knowledge of the stream‐entry (sotāpatti magga) has to exterminate it. If, it’s existing and wrong view will not fall away. Doubt also exists if wrong view exists.

Therefore the Path Knowledge of the stream‐entry has to exterminate both of them. They are more fearful than greed (lobha). There is also greed not falls into the planes of misery. These dhamma are (i.e., diṭṭhi and Vicikicchā) sending beings to the planes of misery.

These are dhamma of delusion and leading the D. A. process from the beginning. (avijjā→sakhāra) These are two leaders of dhamma send beings to the lower sasāra of existence. These are the seeds of hells and the seeds of painful rebirths.

Some Buddhists have doubts on their religion and change to other religion because they have wrong views. The wrong view arises with doubt. They are born together and associate together. I am teaching you daily on D. A. which is killing wrong view and doubt for you.

Without D. A. and the practice is becoming useless insight practice. It can’t realize the Dhamma because it is practising with wrong view and doubt. Take the example of Ven. Anurādha. He had doubt and couldn’t answer the question of the outsiders. He stayed near the Buddha and practiced and still not realized Nibbāna. It was sure as a hindrance for him (Sayadaw told the story).

You will see impermanence (anicca) if you contemplate. But you will have doubt and can’t get it if you don’t clear it up at the base, for example, as like Ven. Channa. "Where did I come from?" and "Where will I go?", all these are wrong view and doubt. The “I” does not exist. Without the existence of “I”, where does the “I” come from and where will it go?!

Living being does only exist in speech and doesn’t have any form at all. Only the five khandhas exist. Without stripping away wrong view and doubt with the intellectual knowledge (ñāta pariññā) and contemplation you can’t get it.

Only with the help of the teacher and you can clear it away. Every day you are listening on the D. A. process that wrong view and doubt are not a resistance to you. Without the resistance the disease is easy to cure.




當你原本在觀受,突然發現有掉舉時,可以將它當作是中性的受(upekkhā vedanā


一切皆是觀行的材料(meditation object


四念處的根本即是正念與正知(sati + sampajañña,而正念與智慧(paññā)必須同時運作



因為掉舉與無明(moha)連結——avijjā → saṅkhāra


就感受而言,它屬於中性受(upekkhā vedanā


所以,**初果道智(sotāpatti magga**必須徹底斷除它。





我每日為你們講解緣起法(D.A. process),就是為了替你們剷除邪見與疑惑。


舉一例子:阿那律尊者(Ven. Anurādha)曾經面對外道的質問而起疑,


再舉一例:闍那尊者(Ven. Channa)也曾陷入困惑——「我從哪裡來?我要去哪裡?」



若你不以**知見(ñāta pariññā)與修觀(vipassanā**剝除這些錯誤認知,



🕯 結語:





正念 + 正知(satipaṭṭhāna
修習觀智(vipassanā ñāṇa
破除概念我執(nāma-rūpa paññatti








它是無明,導致行,並轉向世俗事物。沒有念處(satipaṭṭhāna),就沒有其他法到達涅槃。念處是正念和明瞭(sati sampajāna)。



讓我們繼續談論疑。它是迷惑的心。作為一種感受,它是捨受(upekkhā vedanā,既不愉快也不不愉快;或中性)。如果它出現,人們不知道自己和他人的利益。

疑很難治癒。它存在,邪見就不會脫落。因此,預流道(sotāpatti magga)的道智必須消滅它。如果它存在,邪見就不會脫落。如果邪見存在,疑也存在。






眾生只存在於語言中,根本沒有任何形式。只有五蘊存在。如果沒有透過智遍知(ñāta pariññā)和觀照剝除邪見和疑,你就無法得到它。


Can’t Rely on the Outside Power

23rd November 1961

[This talk was based on the 12 links of D. A. process to explain the teaching. So you need to use the D. A. chart to understand the explanation.]

S ection ①: Past cause, Avijjā → sakhāra →

Section ②: Present effect, viññāa → nāma/rūpa → salāyatana → phassa → vedana →

Section ③: Present cause, tahā → upadānā → kamma) →

Section ④: Future effect, Jati, maraa

D. A. is the cause and effect connection of one’s own khandha process from one life to one life. It’s neither the connection of a person nor a being. These present results arose from the past causes. Avijjā and sakhāra do not follow to this side (from ① to ②).

We are taking with these five results as man or woman (i.e., no②). From the past life of no. ①, nothing came to this side of no. ②. Carefully note this point. It’s important. The doubt of "Where did I come from?" was solved. Doubt is called Vicikicchā.

In the cause and effect process, neither person nor being exists and identify view is falling away (sakkāya diṭṭhi). Doubt dies away by knowing the connection between cause and effect. You will not fall into the planes of misery if doubt falls away. The dhamma sending beings to the planes of misery is temporary falling away.

For one or two lives times not falls in there. These are unwholesome mind. These two also fell away from a sotāpanna. Yours fall away with intellectual knowledge is the same thing. For a sotāpanna it fell away from the heart with its root. Therefore you have to practice hard for them to fall away with the root. For example, you can’t practice and dies instantly.

But don’t be afraid and you can’t fall into the planes of misery. Even with the intellectual knowledge you can’t fall into the planes of misery for one or two lives. But you have to work hard to make it fall away by practice because wrong view and doubt will come back again if you meet with wrong parents and teachers in next life.

It’s better to be none of them exist in the heart. With these five (i.e., section ②, five khandhas or mind/body), seeing the impermanence of the mind/body process it will fall away. This is by practice. After entering the stream never fall into the planes of misery.

After that, continue again for the practice with impermanence and seeing three times (i.e., Nibbāna), the practice is finished. Wrong view falls off with intellect is a cūḷa‐sotāpanna and with practice a Mahā‐sotāpanna.

If you prefer form (rūpa) and contemplate form; prefer feeling, mind and dukkha sacca (i.e., dhamma) and contemplate them respectively. You will see impermanence by contemplating one of them, and then comes disenchantment and later see as real dukkha sacca. With these, the impermanence of dukkha sacca ceases. Then you become a sotāpanna. You don’t need my help again. You will continue to work for the higher level of Path Knowledge without anyone’s encouragement. After your becoming sotāpanna, my duty as a teacher is ended. You all are afraid of falling into the planes of misery. For the matter of consuming of foods, you have to search for here and there. These are making you in exhaustion.

This practice does only need watching and observing the khandha. With great respect and compassion for yourself, do the job of seeing impermanence. I am urging you for the practice. And after you’ll never fall into the four planes of misery with the eight faulty destinations and can be relaxed

(The eight faulty destinations are: the four planes of misery—hells, animals, petas (ghosts), asuras; a place where the Buddha’s teaching can’t reach, born into a family with wrong views, born as disable person, such as blind, deaf and dumb etc.)

Now you are an untouchable golden bowl and with a little bit slanting off will fall into the planes of misery. (We should not forget the Buddha’s warning of our permanent homes were these miserable planes. It was very rare we came to human world).

I am urging you to practice for the unchanging and stable Path Knowledge. With the short human life span, don’t be in a relax situation. It will be without any benefit if you die earlier. There are too many personal matters. Don’t seek pleasure in dukkha. Even dāna matters are hindrances for the Path and Fruit.

(Sayadaw referred to most Buddhists just doing dāna and other merits for the enjoyments in sasāra. Instead of using the times and chances for transcend dukkha).

You are searching and spending, and times are consuming in this way. Don’t want to be free from dangers are very bad indeed. Tomorrow you may be died, but with happiness in the present is quite a crazy person. Thing can save you are only the Path Knowledge. You have to do it regularly just like eating foods.

Every day you are eating for 3–4 times. For the practice you are saying no time for it. Section ② is the objects for practice (from consciousness to feeling).

Practicing with it is developing insight. You can contemplate anyone of them. The Buddha also not making a rule for contemplating all of them (the five khandhas are like the five lemons. Impermanence or the three characteristics is like the sour taste of the lemon.

You eat one of them and know about the other four also the same. If you continue to eat more and more lemons become disenchanted with it. And at the breaking point you let go all of them. Then there is peace. Combine all of them we get the five khandhas. If you discern impermanence is seeing dukkha sacca. Disenchantment to impermanence is disenchantment of dukkha.

Ending of impermanence is ending dukkha. The ending is Nibbāna. It’s important to see the impermanence of one of them in section ②. It cut off the process to section ③. For the sasāric traveller ② and ③ → are connecting.

If not a sasāric traveller between ② and ③ are cutting off. Vedanā nirodha tahā nirodho—with the cessation of feeling and tahā ceases. Someone who can cut off it will arrive to Nibbāna. Path factors can cut off from one life to another life. It cut off kilesa and khandhas.

Cut off kilesa is samudaya dies (craving). Cut off the khandha is dukkha sacca ceases. If you still can’t cut off between ② and ③ and don’t take it on the safe side. Don’t be in sleep. The important place to practice is cutting off between ② and ③. If you are busy, it’s busy with crossing from ② to ③.

If you contemplate one of their impermanence and you don’t need to ask anyone what will happen to you. This dhamma can be observed by oneself. Don’t say blindly I am happy to die (Some Buddhists had done a lot of practice on merits in their lives and to rely on them).

You have to check at ② it connects to ③ or not. If you are connecting to ③ even the Buddha couldn’t help you. (Later Buddhists rely on Buddhas and bodhisattas, but not on the Dhamma.) If ② not connects with ③ then it’s in safety. Sasāra is cutting off. After becoming a sotāpanna and not continues for contemplation, ② and ③ are still connecting. But only connect with the blissful existence (sugati bhava) and not to painful births. It gives you a lot of ease.

The Buddha gave the example of sotāpanna’s dukkha as the soil on his finger nail. But dukkha abandoned by sotāpanna were as much as the soil on the earth. Can you get it by prayers? The Buddha couldn’t save you. (He was not a Saviour). You have to save yourself. If the Buddha could save Devadatta and he couldn’t fall into the Great Hell (Mahā Avīci).

He was the brother‐in‐law of the Buddha. Because of his unwholesome kamma painful birth appeared for him. So don’t continue the process. If you continue it, then you have kinship with Devadatta. Are you afraid of tahā or kamma? Tahā connects it, and kamma quite far from it. You have to be afraid of tahā. Without tahā and no kamma arises.

You are not afraid of the root, but the tip. You have to afraid of the cause, but instead to the result. It’s like a dog not afraid of the thrower, but to the stone. If you cut off tahā and kamma cut off by itself. You have to check yourself for how many times a day you are connecting with it. You can cut off only by practice (Not by outside power).



(本開示根據**十二因緣(D. A. process**說明佛陀的教法,因此需要配合緣起圖來理解。)








即使僅以聞慧(intellectual knowledge)止息疑見,







再進一步如實見苦(dukkha sacca






  1. 四惡趣(地獄、畜生、餓鬼、阿修羅)

  2. 生於佛法不及之處

  3. 生於邪見之家

  4. 生為殘障者(瞎、聾、啞等)














唯一的依靠是「道智(Magga Ñāṇa)」!







第一部分:過去的因,無明 → 行 → 第二部分:現在的果,識 → 名色 → 六入處 → 觸 → 受 → 第三部分:現在的因,渴愛 → 取 → 業 → 第四部分:未來的果,生,死…



在因果過程中,既沒有人也沒有眾生存在,身見(sakkāya diṭṭhi)就會脫落。透過了解因果之間的聯繫,疑就會消失。如果疑消失,你就不會墮入惡道。將眾生送到惡道的法暫時脫落。
















如果不是輪迴的旅行者,第二部分和第三部分之間就會被切斷。受滅則愛滅(Vedanā nirodha taṇhā nirodho)——隨著感受的止息,愛就會止息。能夠切斷它的人將到達涅槃。道分可以切斷從一生到另一生。它切斷了煩惱和五蘊。



你們必須檢查第二部分是否與第三部分連接。如果你們與第三部分連接,即使佛陀也無法幫助你們。(後來的佛教徒依靠佛陀和菩薩,而不是依靠法。)如果第二部分不與第三部分連接,那就是安全的。輪迴就會被切斷。在成為預流者之後,如果沒有繼續觀照,第二部分和第三部分仍然連接。但只與善趣(sugati bhava)連接,而不是與惡道連接。它給你們帶來很多輕鬆。

佛陀將預流者的苦比作指甲上的泥土。但預流者捨棄的苦卻像大地上的泥土一樣多。你們可以透過祈禱得到它嗎?佛陀無法拯救你們。(他不是救世主)。你們必須自救。如果佛陀可以拯救提婆達多,他就不會墮入大阿鼻地獄(Mahā Avīci)。



Dukkha and the End of Dukkha

24th November 1961

[Sayadaw told the story of Acela Kassapa, a wanderer. He met the Buddha and asking question with wrong views. The four wrong views which the naked ascetic asked to the Buddha were:

Is suffering created by oneself?

Is suffering created by another?

Is suffering created both by oneself and another?

Has suffering arisen by chance or without any cause.]

One has done dukkha and one has suffered for it. This is the view of eternalism (sassata diṭṭhi) because it continues as the same one person. Due to ignorance and volitional formation (avijjā and sakhāra), dukkha arises.

You do it so you suffer for it. This is Buddhist sassata diṭṭhi. Buddhist religion in name, and internally it’s sassata. Most people die with sassata diṭṭhi. With wrong view, contemplation of vipassanā will get insight knowledge (i.e., you will see impermanence) but you can’t get the Path Knowledge (a good example was Ven. Channa and Ven. Yamaka).

The actor is one person and the sufferer is another person, it means cause and effect do not connect. It becomes uccheda diṭṭhi (view of annihilationism). If you can answer both questions as it’s not in this way, then you are free from sassata and uccheda views. Without a teacher’s explanation, all have wrong views.

You practice but can’t get the Path and Fruition Knowledge if you have wrong views because it’s resisted by wrong views. The fourth question was, “Is dukkha arisen by chance?” It was ahetuka diṭṭhi (view of noncausality). All wrong view will fall away if you know these four points clearly.

And then by practicing hard can realize Path and Fruition Knowledge. If not I can’t guarantee you. Also the Buddha said that it couldn’t be. If you ask: “Is there any dukkha existing?” The answer is dukkha exists. In this khandha whatever arising is dukkha arising.

This body is all dukkha. If you don’t believe just observe it. It’s arising and vanishing, arising and vanishing, etc. to infinity. When it will stop? If you can answer dukkha exists, and you get sacca ñāa. He asked the Buddha as did he know dukkha? The Buddha answered as he knew it.

You can’t get Nibbāna if the changing and perishing are not extinct. In your vipassanā practice, I am asking you of does the khandha disappear? It’s the same as does dukkha disappear? Nibbāna appears if dukkha disappears. The whole khandha is the assemblage of dukkha.

Dukkha khandhassa samudayo hoti—the whole dukkha khandha is arising. By following to the end of dukkha and its ending is Nibbāna. Just practice vipassanā and you can realized the ending of dukkha. Dukkhassa anta karissati—Will realize the end of dukkha. If you really and truly know dukkha and dukkha will end.

Dukkha existing is the khandha and the knowing is ñāa. In you dukkha sacca and magga sacca arise. And then you get the mundane path factors (lokiya maggan). You will get the supermundane knowledge if you continue the contemplation. Without the understanding of D. A. process and you have diṭṭhi (wrong views).



(本開示由阿致羅・迦葉(Acela Kassapa)的故事展開。他是一位裸形外道,遇見佛陀並以四種邪見發問:)

  1. 苦是自己造作的嗎?

  2. 苦是由他人造作的嗎?

  3. 苦是由自己與他人共同造作的嗎?

  4. 苦是偶然發生的嗎?(沒有因緣的嗎?)

這是常見(sassata diṭṭhi




雖然能觀無常,但無法證得道果智(Path Knowledge

(典型例子:闍那尊者(Ven. Channa)與耶摩迦尊者(Ven. Yamaka

即是將因果分離,是斷見(uccheda diṭṭhi



這是無因論見(ahetuka diṭṭhi






即得苦諦的智慧(sacca ñāṇa







dukkha-khandhassa samudayo hoti ——



dukkhassa antaṁ karissati ——




在你身上,苦諦(dukkha sacca)與道諦(magga sacca)同時生起。
此時你已有世間道支(lokiya maggan

若你繼續修觀,將會進入出世間智(lokuttara ñāṇa

若你對十二因緣(D.A. process)沒有了解,






苦是由自己創造的嗎? ②苦是由他人創造的嗎? ③苦是由自己和他人共同創造的嗎? ④苦是偶然產生或沒有任何原因的嗎?]

一個人做了苦,一個人為此受苦。這是常見(sassata diṭṭhi)的觀點,因為它延續為同一個人。由於無明和行(avijjā saṅkhāra),苦產生。


行為者是一個人,受苦者是另一個人,這意味著因果不相連。這就變成了斷滅見(uccheda diṭṭhi)。如果你能回答這兩個問題都不是這樣,那麼你就擺脫了常見和斷滅見。沒有老師的解釋,所有人都有錯誤的見解。

如果你有錯誤的見解,即使你修行也無法獲得道智和果智,因為它被錯誤的見解所阻礙。第四個問題是:「苦是偶然產生的嗎?」這是無因見(ahetuka diṭṭhi)。如果你清楚地了解這四點,所有錯誤的見解都會消失。


這個身體全是苦。如果你不相信,就觀察它。它是生滅的,生滅的,等等,無窮無盡。它什麼時候停止?如果你能回答苦存在,你就會獲得諦智(sacca ñāṇa)。他問佛陀是否知道苦?佛陀回答說他知道。


苦蘊的集起(Dukkha khandhassa samudayo hoti)——整個苦蘊都在生起。透過追隨苦的終點,它的終點就是涅槃。只需修行毘婆舍那,你就能證悟苦的終結。將證悟苦的終結(Dukkhassa antaṁ karissati)。如果你真正知道苦,苦就會結束。

苦存在是五蘊,知道是智(ñāṇa)。在你身上,苦諦和道諦產生。然後你獲得世間道分(lokiya maggan)。如果你繼續觀照,你將獲得出世間知見。如果不了解緣起過程,你就會有邪見(diṭṭhi)。

Importance of Feeling

25th November 1961

In the Vedanāsayutta, the monks asked the Buddha; “We want to know the differences between how the worldling (puthujjana) and noble person (ariya) react to feeling.” If you contemplate feeling and mind also are included together (sahajatā).

In the worldling, if the unpleasant feeling (dukkha vedanā) of pain and aches arise and follow with displeasure (domanassa vedanā). This is normal. Domanassa is mind of anger.

For example, with the mosquito bites and it becomes itchy. And then you slap the mosquito. A worldling hits by an arrow has suffered twice. It means internal and external sufferings. It is not only that much. Also he follows with desire (tahā) for the unpleasant feeling to go away.

In this way the worldling doesn’t know the impermanence of unpleasant, displeasure and joy feelings (dukkha, domanassa and somanassa vedanā). The unknowing latent disposition of ignorance (avijjānusaya) is latent in the mind. Therefore for a worldling unpleasant feeling arising is terrible for him.

Most people are taking this as normal. A person without any knowledge is following with all the three latent defilements (i.e., lobha, dosa and moha). According to the D. A. process, it follows in the beginning, middle and the end (see twelve links).

The D. A. process continues. Bitten by a mosquito, three of the D. A. processes arise. Mosquito bites me but I can’t do anything for it. It means you want to go to the plane of misery. Is it good with a mosquito biting and going there? Those who has no experience without a mosquito bite is very rare indeed.

(Some teachers observed their yogis who could stay in the fruition states didn’t see mosquitoes bite them. But instead normal yogis were bitten by mosquitoes. Kilesa smells attract mosquitoes).

The Buddha mentioned that after about 100,000 people's death, there was not one of them born in the blissful existences (sugatis). This was not an exaggeration (You can check your mind with the D. A. process and will know it). A lot of people don’t know what’s happening.

So don’t perform the transferring of merits for the dead person. It’s only just for a show. D. A. process will drag him down there. People without knowledge have to be followed this path.

(In the great religions of the world, Buddhists are small group. Again very few Buddhists know these things. Therefore it will be very frightening for wandering in the rounds of existence).

Samāhito yathābhūta pajānāti. Understand it as it really is with Samādhi. No Samādhi and paññā, you don’t know it. It’s very clear that without understanding of feeling it becomes quite difficult. Even I have to teach you how to deal with mosquito bite? The mosquito comes and disturbs you or you go to the plane of misery (apāya).

Without the knowledge and you take it as a disturbance. It happens here and has to solve the matter here. Don’t get up and run away. Die with greed (lobha) become hungry ghosts (peta). Die with delusion (moha) become animals. Die with anger (dosa) become hell beings (These are generally happening to living beings when they die).

Therefore knowledge is very important. So, vipassanā has to be done later (i.e. after the learning knowledge). Only by knowing it, you can practice properly (i.e., ñāta‐pariññā). For a noble being (ariya), when a feeling strikes him and he strikes it back (i.e., feeling arises and he contemplates its impermanence).

Those three kinds of D. A. process can’t follow behind you if you become the disciple of the ariyas. Only you contemplate impermanence, it'll become vipassanā if you are patient with painful feeling and only in the stage of sīla.

You have to be patient with it or contemplate impermanence. If you can contemplate feeling and just contemplate feeling. If you can’t overcome it and the desire arises for it to go away. Then you contemplate the desire (tahā). With knowledge three types of latent defilement cease.

By doing the job of sutavā ariya sāvaka (a learned disciple of noble beings) one will become ariya. The process is: from worldling (puthujjana) to → disciple of ariya (ariya sāvako) to → ariya (noble being). With the contemplation of feeling is also connection with mind and form (i.e., physical sensation—kayika vedanā, bodily consciousness—kāya viññā and bodily sensitivity—kāyapasada).

Contemplation of impermanence is also dhamma‐nupassanā. Feelings arise by conditions and sakhata dhamma. Therefore it ends up with anicca. The Buddha also said that feeling was like a bubble. Feeling is paṭicca‐samuppanna dhamma—resultant phenomena and vaya dhamma—vanishing phenomena.

So it must become the assemblage of dukkha—Dukkhakhandhassa dhamma. Therefore, it also can be contemplated as truth of dukkha (dukkha sacca).

Today I am teaching feeling and mind together. Why the Buddha taught them separately in four groups? (i.e. the four Satipaṭṭhāna). It's because of human characters. A person with strong tahā and contemplates feeling has the quick result. In the end whatever you are contemplating, converging at samudaya and vaya—arising and vanishing.

Therefore the Buddha in the Sayutta Nikāya divided insight contemplation into three stages. ① Satipaṭṭhāna ② Satipaṭṭhānabhavana ③ The end of Satipaṭṭhānabhavana. Knowing the arising is satipaṭṭhāna. Seeing the arising and vanishing become Satipaṭṭhānabhavana. The ending of bhavana is—it comes to the end after the Path Knowledge arises by not wanting of the impermanence.

In sati sampajañña—mindfulness and clear comprehension, sampajañña comes later. In the satipaṭṭhāna sutta, the Buddha taught that when feeling arises just know its arising. There is not impermanence included, so identity view did not fall away.

(Therefore he continued to talk about samudaya and vaya (anicca) to strip off Sakkāya diṭṭhi.) There is nothing of me and mine exist. It is only the existing of impermanent phenomena. After that it develops into truth (sacca). Then contemplate it as dukkha sacca. It’s bhāvetabba—have to contemplate for many times. This refers to mundane knowledge (lokiya magga).

Real knowledge arises is satipaṭṭhāna bhavana. Sati steps back and led by paññā in the series of bhavana. There are three stages of development of satipaṭṭhāna at what I have taught today: worldling → ariya sāvaka → ariya. All of these teachings are according to the Sayutta Nikāya.

以下是《受與受的意義(Importance of Feeling19611125日的繁體中文直譯版,完整還原本篇以《受相應》(Vedanāsaṁyutta)為根據,對「受與解脫之關係」的深入開示:





🌿 凡夫的反應:

苦受(dukkha vedanā)如痛苦、生病等生起,
凡夫會隨之而生起不樂受(domanassa vedanā



🌿 無明的根源

凡夫未見苦受、不樂受、樂受(dukkha, domanassa, somanassa)皆為無常(anicca




🐝 一隻蚊子的威力



因為煩惱氣息(kilesa smell)吸引蚊子。)






🌿 修行的轉折點:觀受

Samāhito yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti




🧠 正知的力量:

毘婆舍那應在學習知見後進行(即:ñāta-pariññā → tīraṇa-pariññā → pahāna-pariññā)。

🌿 聖者對受的反應:





透過這樣的練習,三種潛在煩惱(lobha, dosa, moha)得以止息。

行如sutavā ariya sāvaka(聞法之聖弟子)者,終將成為真正的聖者(ariya


凡夫(puthujjana)→ 聖弟子(ariya sāvaka)→ 聖者(ariya

🌿 受的性質與觀法



受由因緣生,是有為法(saṅkhata dhamma),所以終將無常(anicca



它是緣起生法(paṭicca-samuppanna,也是壞滅法(vaya dhamma
所以受是苦蘊的聚合體(dukka-khandhassa dhamma
也可作為**苦諦(dukkha sacca**來觀。

🌿 為什麼佛把它分成四念處來教?



生起與滅去(samudaya & vaya

🌿 觀行三階段(根據《相應部》):

  1. Satipaṭṭhāna(四念處):知道它的生起

  2. Satipaṭṭhānabhāvanā(四念處修習):見其生滅

  3. 結束的階段:當道智生起,對無常不再執取



接著發展成為四聖諦中的苦諦(dukkha sacca
須反覆修習(bhāvetabba,這就是世間道支(lokiya magga

🌿 真正的 satipaṭṭhāna bhāvanā

這就是 satipaṭṭhāna 三階段的演化歷程:

凡夫 → 聖弟子 → 聖者

所有這些皆出自《相應部》(Saṁyutta Nikāya)。





在世俗凡夫中,如果痛苦的苦受(dukkha vedanā)產生,就會隨之而來不悅的憂受(domanassa vedanā)。這是正常的。憂受是憤怒的心。


這樣,世俗凡夫不知道不愉快、不悅和喜悅感受(dukkhadomanassa somanassa vedanā)的無常。無明的潛在傾向(avijjānusaya)潛伏在心中。因此,對於世俗凡夫來說,不愉快感受的產生對他來說是可怕的。







如實正知(samāhito yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti)。用三摩地如實了解它。沒有三摩地和智慧(paññā),你就不會知道它。很明顯,如果不了解感受,就會變得非常困難。我甚至要教你如何應對蚊子叮咬嗎?蚊子來干擾你,還是你去惡道(apāya)?





透過做多聞聖弟子(sutavā ariya sāvaka)的工作,一個人將成為聖者。這個過程是:從世俗凡夫(puthujjana)到→聖弟子(ariya sāvako)到→聖者(ariya)。觀照感受也與身心(即身體感覺——kayika vedanā,身體意識——kāya viññā 和身體敏感度——kāyapasada)有關。

觀照無常也是法隨觀(dhamma-nupassanā)。感受由條件產生,是有為法(saṅkhata dhamma)。因此,它以無常(anicca)結束。佛陀也說感受就像泡沫。感受是緣起法(paṭicca-samuppanna dhamma)——結果現象和壞滅法(vaya dhamma)——消逝現象。

因此,它必須成為苦的集合——苦蘊法(Dukkhakhandhassa dhamma)。因此,它也可以被觀照為苦諦(dukkha sacca)。

今天我一起教感受和心。為什麼佛陀在四念處中將它們分開教導?這是因為人類的性格。一個貪愛強烈的人觀照感受,會有快速的結果。最後,無論你觀照什麼,都會匯聚在集和壞滅(samudaya vaya)——生起和消逝。


在正念和明瞭(sati sampajañña)中,明瞭(sampajañña)稍後出現。在《念處經》中,佛陀教導說,當感受產生時,只需知道它的產生。沒有包含無常,因此身見沒有脫落。

(因此,他繼續談論集和壞滅(無常),以剝除身見。)沒有我和我的存在。只有無常現象的存在。之後,它發展成諦(sacca)。然後將其觀照為苦諦。這是應該修習的(bhāvetabba)——必須多次觀照。這指的是世間道(lokiya magga)。


Tanhā and Kamma

28th November 1961

[Sayadaw based this talk on the Simile of the six Animals Discourse. The six animals are a snake, a crocodile, a bird, a dog, a jackal and a monkey. They represent the six internal sense bases—eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind respectively. ]

If we are dragging away by the six animals, can you see yourself will come up from the planes of misery. Taking the six ropes of the animals, bind together making a knot and bind them to a strong post. And then you can’t pull away by them.

The mind can concentrate thoroughly on an object and becomes absorption (jhāna). Jhānapaccayo—jhāna conditions are talking about samādhi. Which can concentrate thoroughly on an object is jhāna (not let the mind go away); binding the wild animal of the mind to the strong post of in‐breath and out‐breath (ānāpāna) with the rope of mindfulness (sati). And then this mind can’t run away to anywhere.

Therefore the Buddha taught the way of mindfulness of breathing (ānāpānasati). You'll have a bad living and dying if you can’t herd the six animals (six sense bases). If you know how to herd them, they lay down quietely at the foot of the strong post. I’ll talk about the way how to do it.

Contemplation of the mind is the best one. (Sayadaw usually emphasized on cittānupassanā. I don’t understand the reason why before. He gave one or two reasons for these objects of the mind and didn’t explain it in details. But after listening many times of his talks with contemplation, many things emerged from them themself.

So it’s very important to read the suttas and teachings of some very wise teachers for many times and with contemplation develops wisdom faulty). Contemplate the impermanence of the seeing mind. It goes up to feeling. Noting the nature of why it so? The seeing (eye consciousness), contact (phassa) and feeling (vedanā) are arising together.

If you can contemplate the impermanence of seeing consciousness and it becomes just seeing only. As a feeling it’s a neutral feeling (upekkhā vedanā). After seeing in this way, affection (tahā and clinging (upādāna) does not arise because you can make it lay down at the base of the mind (mano) post.

Insight practice is contemplation with the mind (mana). D. A. process is not cutting off without the contemplation (for example, in the samatha practice). It is Nibbāna that raga (lust), dosa (anger) and moha (delusion) are cut off.

So it’s cutting off the D. A. process. With the contemplation of the seeing mind, hearing mind, etc. and D. A. process cut off in the beginning. If you can’t contemplate the thinking mind, with more thinking and more arriving to the planes of misery (For worldly thoughts and thinking).

The Buddha differentiated between taṇhā and kamma. Kamma does not arise if taṇhā does not arise. Therefore taṇhā becomes samudaya sacca—the cause of suffering. The Buddha also said: ragakkhayo, dosakkhayo, mohakkhayo nibbānaṁ. The destruction of lust, anger and delusion is Nibbāna. So destruction of taṇhā is Nibbāna.

It is not by destruction of kamma. What is taṇhā look like? In the Aṅguttara Nikāya, the Buddha said that taṇhā was like a tailor, connecting the pieces of cloth together. Therefore, taṇhā will connect this life to next life if it exists. It is cut off without taṇhā. You might think kamma connects it. (Sayadaw gave an example of a man and a woman because of taṇhā, they marry to each other and two families become having connection).

Arahants without tahā can’t connect it (Later Buddhists have the view of without tahā and a noble being can come and go as he likes. Nibbāna is not a being, not a person, not an atta, not one is all and not all is one). But kamma is closer to the result. Kamma paccaya jāti—kamma conditions birth.

Therefore taṇhā is more fearful than kamma. Taṇhā has the power of connecting dukkha.. Do kammas become nullified? Kammas do not become nullified if taṇhā does not cease because taṇhā is similar to someone collecting of kammas. When a being life comes to the end and taṇhā releases another kamma and then lives are connected without ending.

Therefore taṇhā is more powerful than kamma. So the Buddha said that the destruction of taṇhā was Nibbāna. He did not say "the destruction of kammas". Taṇhā governs and controls over kammas. Kammas will never finish with taṇhā existing. After the destruction of taṇhā, kammas become defunct kammas (ahosi kamma).

I’ll give you the evidence (Sayadaw told the story of Bodhisatta Vessandra whose perfections had been reached the highest levels). Lust (raga) had destroyed and Siddhattha became a Buddha. If not the results of his good kammas as Bodhisatta Vessandra would not finish. Therefore with the destruction of tahā kammas are destroyed.

If you are in fear of kamma and this is a fear of an animal. It’s like throwing a stone to a dog. You have to afraid of the cause and not the result. Taṇhā is the cause and kamma is the result. Cutting off the birth to the planes of misery is also cutting off the great‐taṇhā (wrong view is called Mahā‐taṇhā).

To cut off the blissful rebirths (sugati) is to cut off small‐taṇhā (cūḷa‐taṇhā is representing all the lust and greed). Throwing a stone to a dog is also with taṇhā (i.e., dosa and it comes from taṇhā). You have to correct yourself as the most fearful thing for me is taṇhā. It is not right if you complain about kamma when you are in dukkha. For example, a pearl diver dies in the sea is the cause of taṇhā or kamma? Therefore taṇhā is King of the Death. But you all are making friend with taṇhā. Making friendship with the murderer is very idiotic.

Therefore many kinds of dukkha arise by tahā (Samudaya). Insight meditation is for the cessation of tahā or kamma? In the sutta it mentioned as kilesemarinto—let kilesa dies. If you are condemning on the wrong person and kilesa will smile.

The mind has the nature of wanting to go anywhere. You will not become a bad living and dying if you can make the animal of the mind to lie down at the base of the post. Whatever mind arises, contemplate its impermanence.

Ven. Sāriputta said that could observe one’s own mind would arrive to Nibbāna. Mind in sleep (i.e., bhavaga citta) doesn’t have the result of good or bad. We have to contemplate all the active minds; if not, they will give the results. Change the worldly mind into the noble mind (ariya mind).

By seeing impermanence and becomes ariya mind. Practice vipassanā is for the merits or changing the mind? These words are very important. If you can’t contemplate and only the worldly mind process is going on. Vipassanā mind arises is the ariya mind.

Contemplating the sotāpanna’s mind will become once‐returner (sakadāgāmin). Contemplating the sakadāgāmin’s mind will become non‐returner (anāgāmin), etc.; so changing the mind is important. Therefore one will never become an ariyan without practicing vipassanā.



(本講開示依據《六獸譬喻經》(Saṁyutta NikāyaSimile of the Six Animals Discourse)。六種動物分別象徵六根:蛇(眼根)、鱷魚(耳根)、鳥(鼻根)、狗(舌根)、狐(身根)、猴子(意根)

🐍 若被這六種動物拉扯——你是否能從惡趣中脫身?



🧘‍♂️ 為何佛陀教導出入息念?



🧠 觀心為首



作為受來說,那是「中性受」(不苦不樂受,upekkhā vedanā)。





📌 佛陀區分了「渴愛(taṇhā)」與「業(kamma)」

若無 taṇhākamma 便不會生起。
因此 taṇhā 是「苦的因」(samudaya sacca)。


Ragakkhayo, dosakkhayo, mohakkhayo—nibbānaṁ.


🎽 渴愛的比喻


但事實上,taṇhā 才是觸發業力連結的主要驅動。


📌 證悟者與凡夫的差異:

阿羅漢無 taṇhā,便無法再接上來生。

kamma 若無 taṇhā的推動,是不會啟動結果的。
一旦 taṇhā 存在,它就會釋放新業來繼續輪迴。

因此,佛陀說「滅除 taṇhā 即是涅槃」,而非「滅除業」。

🪦 為何「怕業」是錯誤的?


是因,kamma 是果。


丟石頭傷人的動作也來自 taṇhā(例如瞋)。

📌 再舉一例:

潛水者在海中喪命,是因 taṇhā 還是業?


taṇhā 是死亡之王(King of Death)。
taṇhā 為友,是與兇手為友,極為愚蠢。

🧘‍♂️ 修行是為了滅渴愛還是滅業?

佛經說:「kilesā marinto」——令煩惱死亡。

若你責怪錯對象,taṇhā 在旁會「偷笑」。

🐵 馴服心猿



🧙‍♂️ 舍利弗尊者說:


入睡的心(bhavaṅga citta)沒有善惡果。

🌀 「改變心」就是修行的本質

若你能觀無常,這顆心就是「聖者之心(ariya citta)」。















如果你能觀照見識的無常,它就會變成只有見。作為一種感受,它是中性感受(upekkhā vedanā)。以這種方式看見之後,愛染(taṇhā)和執取(upādānaṁ)不會產生,因為你可以讓它躺在心(mano)柱子的底部。



佛陀區分了渴愛和業。如果渴愛不產生,業就不會產生。因此,渴愛成為苦的原因(samudaya sacca)。佛陀也說:貪欲的毀滅,瞋恚的毀滅,愚癡的毀滅就是涅槃(ragakkhayo, dosakkhayo, mohakkhayo nibbānaṁ)。因此,渴愛的毀滅就是涅槃。


沒有渴愛的阿羅漢無法連接它。(後來的佛教徒認為,沒有渴愛,聖者可以隨心所欲地來去。涅槃不是眾生,不是人,不是自我,不是一是全部,也不是全部是一。)但業更接近結果。業緣生(kamma paccaya jāti)——業緣生。


因此,渴愛比業更強大。因此,佛陀說渴愛的毀滅就是涅槃。他沒有說「業的毀滅」。渴愛統治和控制業。如果渴愛存在,業永遠不會結束。在渴愛被毀滅之後,業就會變成無效業(ahosi kamma)。



切斷善趣的再生(sugati)就是切斷小渴愛(cūḷa-taṇhā 代表所有的貪欲)。向狗扔石頭也是因為渴愛(即瞋恚,它來自渴愛)。你必須糾正自己,對我來說最可怕的是渴愛。如果你在苦中抱怨業,那是不對的。例如,一個採珠人在海裡死去,是渴愛還是業的原因?因此,渴愛是死亡之王。但你們都在與渴愛交朋友。與兇手交朋友是非常愚蠢的。



舍利弗尊者說,能夠觀察自己的心就會到達涅槃。睡眠中的心(即有分心 bhavaṅga citta)沒有好壞的結果。我們必須觀照所有活躍的心;否則,它們會產生結果。將世俗的心轉變為聖者的心(ariya mind)。



Three Cups of Medicine and the Crazy Beings

29th November 1961

I’ll talk about the differences between wise attention and unwise attention (yoniso and ayoniso). By the parental traditions, mostly we were taught with the unwise attention. New unwholesome things arise from unwise attention which increase the old ones.

Whenever you are looking at this khandha, it’s arising and passing away. It’s the dukkha khandha and oppressed by ageing and sickness. It is anatta khandha and out of our controlling.

It’s asubha khandha (foulness) which excrement, urine, etc. are coming out from it. In daily life we are greeting and serving each other with impermanence as permanence, dukkha as sukha, anatta as atta and asubha as subha (we are doing all these with unwise attention).

In the world inversions (vipallāsa) are overwhelming. (Therefore in the world we encounter with a lot of unwholesome matters.) With unwise attention beings are far from Nibbāna, which is the ending of dukkha. Because of that all will fall into the planes of misery, is becoming evident.

Therefore in the world is there anything more frightful than unwise attention? Unwise attention includes inversions of perception, mind and view dhammas. (Perceive, know and view things wrongly.) Therefore the crazy worldlings of the world are opposed to the Buddha.

The Buddha seemed to be arisen among the crazy people. All are crazy with tahā, māna and diṭṭhi. The worldly dhamma and Buddha’s dhamma are opposite. All the dead ones are the funerals of the crazy people because no one dies by curing their craziness.

Therefore going to the planes of misery are too many. These dhammas will always resist to the insight knowledge. You can’t reach towards Nibbāna if you can’t get the insight knowledge. Craziness for lust and diṭṭhi is the outcome of unwise attention.

Only clear away all these will arrive to Nibbāna. With entering of the stream and inversion of wrong view is cured. These are twelve inversions that I have to teach for more days. Unwise attention is covering up the three dhammas of anicca, dukkha and anatta to Nibbāna.

If you practice vipassanā and craziness becomes lighter. If you are only doing merits and craziness will not cure. There are four cups of medicine for the cure of craziness. These are anicca, dukkha, anatta and asubha medicines. Without taking them craziness for lust and diṭṭhi are not cured. In reality there are three types of craziness; lust, wrong view and delusion (raga, diṭṭhi and moha).

The Buddha had arisen in the world for giving us the three cups of medicine; i.e., anicca, dukkha and anatta medicines. Therefore he was called Satthādevamanussāna—teacher of gods and humans. The medicines let the poisons of nicca (permanence), sukka (happiness) and atta (self) to vomit out. You are choosing and changing the time for taking these medicines.

If I urge you to practice vipassanā and the response is let me continues to be in craziness, or I’ll do it later. Your thinking is not different from a crazy person and taking the fire as gold and excrement as rice. This is psychotic—mental illness. Natural craziness or global craziness is craziness of lust, anger and delusion.

In the whole sasāra nobody is a good one. The Buddha was using many ways, sometime in soft way, by force and in normal, etc. to give the medicine for the treatments.

Even people are worshipping the Buddha, they ask in prayers with craziness; asking in prayers with lust for blissful existences (sugatis). It’s the craziness of lust (raga). Don’t know them as dukkha is the craziness of delusion (moha). I do it so I get it; this is the craziness of wrong view (diṭṭhi).

Therefore they will never end of the craziness. They are developing their inversions in front of the Buddha image. You couldn’t even find the beginning of when living beings were becoming crazy. It time span of craziness was quite a long time now. With the unwise attention the twelve inversions come in.

(Sayadaw gave some examples in the daily life, how the three inversions of perception, knowing and viewing are arising continuously).

In this way craziness is not cure only but increasing like a disease. There is nothing more valuable than the three cups of medicine for curing craziness. The Buddha himself offered his bones, blood and flesh to fulfill the perfections (pāramīs) for four incalculable aeons (4 asa kheyya kappa) and 100,000 eons (kappa) and discovered these three cups of medicines.

Now, you are getting it very easily and should drink it or not? The Buddha told us that after seeing, hearing, etc. not to continue forwards. You become crazy if you do it. Just stop at seeing, hearing, etc. or contemplate their impermanence. Except these three cups of vipassanā medicine, there is no other refuge.

The Buddha himself was arisen with these three cups of medicine. Seeing the impermanence is vomiting the poisons of inversion. Don’t think that you are not developing in your practice. If you are seeing fewer impermanence and the poison are vomiting in fewer.

If you want to vomit a lot, then drink it a lot (practicing a lot). You are vomiting the dhamma of craziness. The Buddha’s medicines were sure for its cure. They are sure for the cure if you really take it. It doesn’t like the worldly medicines.

He himself had been cured with it that gave it to living beings. He was not hearing it from what other people had said. If you drink little will better little and with more will get well. Don’t look for the medicine in other places (from other faiths). You’ll not find it.

I am only worry that you don’t know your craziness. Then you’ll not look for the medicine. After you are taking the medicine and will know that you are crazy (by seeing impermanence). Who constructs the four planes of misery? Unwise attention builds them. Are you unlucky? Or simply you built it by you yourself.

If you make a mistake and a home is built there. It’s quite frightening. Human beings are using the twelve inversions of tools and machines to build their homes. They go and live in the homes built by them themselves; from where they build the hells.

It is from the human world. You understand it now (This point is interesting. When living beings are still alive doing all sorts of kamma and it already starts taking form. During the dying moment one of them is making the decision).

Nandiya upāsaka built monastery and dwellings in the human world and started taking form in the celestial world. Is it not sure to build these things from the human world? (He told the story). After you were born, parents were teaching you the inversion dhamma.

You also have to go and stay there where you build your homes (Dwellings of hell, hungry ghosts and animals). But don’t become in low spirit. And also don’t make a show of nothing will happen to you. There is still have time. Medicine and teacher still exist, and you have time.

Don’t waste this time. Unwise attention is like a manager and the twelve inversions are like carpenters. With the Path Knowledge arises, the Great Eight Hells and the 120 small hells are disappeared.



我今天要談的是**正思惟(yoniso manasikāra不正思惟(ayoniso manasikāra**的差別。


👁️ 每當你觀察這個色身五蘊,它都在「生起—滅去」的過程中。

這是「苦蘊」(dukkha khandha),受老病壓迫;


🌍 世間被「顛倒想(vipallāsa)」淹沒



🧠 不正思惟涵蓋三種顛倒:

  1. 想的顛倒(saññā vipallāsa

  2. 心的顛倒(citta vipallāsa

  3. 見的顛倒(diṭṭhi vipallāsa


🧟‍♂️ 眾生皆因貪、慢、邪見而發狂



💔 這些「顛倒法」會阻礙內觀智慧

你若無法得到「觀智(vipassanā ñāṇa)」,就不可能到達涅槃。


🌊 入流(初果)能斷見的顛倒


🍵 內觀如同服藥——能緩解癲狂



  1. 無常(anicca

  2. 苦(dukkha

  3. 無我(anattā

  4. 不淨(asubha


👑 佛陀降世,就是為了傳這三帖藥

因此佛陀被尊為「天人之師」(Satthā devamanussānaṁ)。



🌀 世間眾生都是病患



🙈 即便你禮佛、祈願…


🙉 所以眾生不斷發狂,從未停歇



🩺 沒有比這三帖藥更珍貴的解藥了!






🌱 除了這三帖藥——再無他法可救



📿 佛陀所說不是「聽來的」,而是「證得的」




🏠 誰建了地獄?是「不正思惟」!



🏡 善趣的功德也可以在人間開始建構



🎓 總結:



🔥 若證得道智,八大地獄與一百二十小地獄將完全瓦解!




我將談論如理作意和不如理作意(yoniso ayoniso)之間的差異。根據父母的傳統,我們大多被教導不如理作意。新的不善事物從不如理作意中產生,增加了舊的不善事物。


它是穢惡蘊(asubha khandha),糞便、尿液等從中排出。在日常生活中,我們用無常為常、苦為樂、無我為我、不淨為淨來互相問候和服務(我們用不如理作意做所有這些)。






如果你修行毘婆舍那,瘋狂就會減輕。如果你只做功德,瘋狂就不會治癒。有四杯藥可以治癒瘋狂。這些是無常、苦、無我和不淨的藥。如果沒有服用它們,對貪欲和邪見的瘋狂就無法治癒。實際上,有三種瘋狂;貪欲、邪見和迷惑(ragadiṭṭhi moha)。







這樣,瘋狂不僅沒有治癒,反而像疾病一樣增加。沒有什麼比這三杯治癒瘋狂的藥更有價值了。佛陀自己獻出他的骨頭、血液和肉體,以圓滿波羅蜜(pāramīs),經歷四阿僧祇劫(4 asaṅ kheyya kappa)和十萬劫(kappa),並發現了這三杯藥。











Stream‐Enterer and the Inversions

30th November 1961

By practicing vipassanā and realize Nibbāna is seeing the Deathless. There will be no more death again. At near death and oppress by painful feeling with intense practice will overcome it. At near death can’t rely on doctors. So, with right attention and practice regularly can work well at near death.

Even dies with impermanence and next life will arrive to the Deathless (i.e., next life will become a sotāpanna as mentioned by the Buddha.). Therefore it’s never in loss. What is the reason of unwise attention arises? Don’t have a good teacher. Parents are crazy. Therefore sons and daughters are also crazy.

They teach them what they know only. Not find a teacher who can teach rightly and the dawn of light will not appear. And will be always in the darkness. All are born in the darkness and will die in the darkness. It is not much beneficial only to rely on kamma alone when the Buddha’s teachings still exist because it can not be free from ignorance.

We have to look for a teacher who can teach the truth. You don’t want the truth of dukkha again if you find a teacher who can teach the truth of dukkha. (Sayadaw explained the twelve inversions) After knowing these things with the contemplation and inversions become thin out. At the end of the contemplation, the stream entering of the Path Knowledge destroys eight of them.

Other Path Knowledge are not very important. The Path Knowledge destroy the eight inversions is not an ordinary one. Becomes a non‐returner ten of the inversions are gone. Only an arahant destroys all of them. There are three paths exist; from blissful existence (sugati) to Nibbāna, from sugati to sugati and from sugati to painful existence (dugati).

The crazy one doesn’t know how to go Nibbāna. Knowing about these things should come before. After that comes the contemplation. Later abandoning of them will come by itself. (Sayadaw gave some examples of the inversions in daily life). These distorted dhammas are making the D. A. process to arise.

If you can abandon them and D. A. process is cutting off. After becoming a sotāpanna, in the future you will be free from becoming a disable, blind, deaf, dumb person and a leper; and also be free from the wrong views and falling into the four planes of misery.

So, sotāpanna is abandoning these ten kinds of dukkha. Ñāa falls in line with the khandha is right attention. Therefore we have to be practiced.

The eight inversions the Stream‐Enterer has abandoned are:

view of permanence

view of happiness

view of beauty

view of self

perception of (permanence)

knowledge of permanence

perception of self

knowledge of self.

These are inversions if you take what the khandhas are telling you in the opposite ways. In the other hand, it is wise attention if you take it rightly. Your craziness becomes better if you see impermanence rightly. In your everyday life inversions are increasing. (Sayadaw gave some funny examples about them).

These are showing the increasing of craziness. Your bones are becoming mature but not your knowledge (i.e., the age increasing but not the knowledge). If you observe the khandha with knowledge, it will tell you about impermanence dukkha, non‐self and foulness (anicca, dukkha, anatta and asubha).





☸️ 即使在死亡中保持對「無常」的觀照,來世亦將導向「不死法」


🙈 為何會有「不正思惟」?


若沒有遇到真正能教授「苦諦(dukkha sacca」的老師,就永遠無法看到光明之曙光;

🔥 只依賴業(kamma)是不夠的!


🪷 如果你找到能教導「苦」的老師,就不會再渴望這種苦了

Sayadaw 接著說明了「十二顛倒法」)

到了觀行的盡頭,初果道智(sotāpatti magga ñāṇa)將破除其中的八種顛倒

🛤️ 三條道路

  1. 從善趣(sugati)通往涅槃(Nibbāna

  2. 從善趣轉生至善趣

  3. 從善趣墮入惡趣(dugati

Sayadaw 舉了很多日常生活中的顛倒例子)

這些扭曲的知見,正是讓**緣起流轉(D.A. Process**生起的因素。

🧘‍♂️ 證得初果之後,將永遠不會:


🧠 將智慧投入於五蘊,即為「正思惟」


💡 初果聖者所斷的八種顛倒法為:



🤯 若你能正確見到「無常」,你的瘋狂就會減輕。


Sayadaw 舉了一些日常生活中幽默的顛倒例子,說明我們的年紀越大,骨頭越成熟,但智慧卻沒有增長。)

🪞 若你以智慧觀察五蘊,五蘊將告訴你:













常見 ②樂見 ③淨見 ④我見 ⑤(常的)想 ⑥常的知 ⑦我的想 ⑧我的知


這些都在顯示瘋狂的增加。你的骨頭正在成熟,但你的知識卻沒有(即年齡增長,但知識沒有增長)。如果你用知識觀察五蘊,它會告訴你關於無常、苦、無我和不淨(aniccadukkhaanatta asubha)。

Breaking the Collar

30th November 1961

[Sayadaw said; man was really foolish and took one’s own body as this was "mine", this "I am" and this was "my self" because the body was becoming old, sick and death. Beings attached to their bodies with wrong view and sensual pleasure.

The Buddha gave a simile of a dog circling to a post like living beings were roaming in sasāra. The post represented the khandha, the rope to tahā, the collar to diṭṭhi and the dog to a worldling. The dog couldn’t leave the post because the rope and collar attached to it.

Circling around the post was like the khandha sasāra. It could only escape from the post by cutting off the rope and collar. Living beings are revolving in sasāra like the dog running or circling around the post].

It’s more important to save oneself than to save others. Even you are lazy to save yourself, so it is an empty word to save others. We are like this. We ourselves have the dangers of ageing, sickness and death. We have to reproach ourselves. Do the practice is like running away from dangers.

If you say I’ll do what taṇhā asks me. Then it’s the same as saying I’ll go to the apāya (planes of misery). Which one should you follow; taṇhā or ñāṇa asking you? If you follow ñāṇa asking you, then listen to dhamma talks and practice. You are kilesa lunatic. You become happy with joy if you get money. Taṇhā only gives you the bad result. Dukkha sacca arises because of samudaya sacca. Looking at the D. A. chart (i.e., Sayadaw’s well know D. A. process chart). If taṇhā tells you that human world, celestial world and brahma world are good, don’t believe it.

Taṇhā only sends you to a place where corpses are piling up. Only ñāṇa sends you to Nibbānic happiness. You were cheating by taṇhā before that seeing hell fire near death. You have to look for the medicine before the sore grows out. After it grows, you can’t do it (This referred to painful births).

During the time of sickness, you are looking to be free from death and have to spend money (i.e., to see a doctor). During the time of you are healthy and looking for the freedom of death, no need to spend any money (i.e., for practice).

But don’t do what tahā is asking you because you are healthy. In real, the khandha is always unhealthy. Because you are always making the adjustment for it (If we are carefully observe and contemplate our daily lives can see the burden of sakhāra dukkha very clear. It is never at ease. Therefore it’s called disease).

(Sayadaw continued to talk about a dog with collar and rope bound to a strong post). Living beings are taking the khandha dukkha sacca as mine. They always spend their times with me and mine if not encountering with a good teacher. And they die with tahā and diṭṭhi. I / me are diṭṭhi and mine is tahā.

How do human beings die? What do you think where they will go? "To apāya, Ven. Sir." (Answers from the audience. Apāya is the short form of Apāyabhūmi—planes of misery). Worldlings are taking affection to their khandhas as me and mine. This is very true indeed.

Before how did you live your life? Became dog and then fell into the planes of misery again and again. You were living like a dog with a collar bound to a post. Therefore you didn’t have any freedom before. Why the worldlings become dogs? To be answered as they have the mind of a dog (This was like a prediction. Nowadays most human beings have dogs as pets. Therefore their minds are closer to dogs than ever before.)

It will become the life of an ariyan (a noble being) from a worldling if the collar and rope are falling off. By contemplating the impermanence of the five khandhas, you are cutting off the dog’s collar and rope.











但貪愛只會帶來惡果。**苦諦(dukkha sacca之所以生起,是因為集諦(samudaya sacca**的緣故。








你總在調整照料它,這說明它根本就不自在,充滿了「行苦(saṅkhāra dukkha」。


眾生將「苦蘊(khandha dukkha sacca)」錯認為是「我的」。

「我 / 我是」就是邪見(diṭṭhi









📿 深意補充:

















Frightening Wrong View

5th December 1961

Wrong view comes from perception of self (atta saññā). What is the self (atta)? Take each of the five khandhas as "I" and "me" because of the atta saññā and diṭṭhi arises. Where is the atta saññā coming from? It is coming from the unwise attention. Unwise attention comes from ignorance. Again ignorance comes from the hindrances (nīvaraa).

These came from the Aguttara Nikāya. Nīvaraa → ignorance → unwise attention → self perception → view of inversion. We'll see it as an object without separating the five khandhas into each separated group. Therefore we have to separate each one of them. Form can be shown in numbers whereas not for the other four nāma (mind).

The wrong perception comes from unwise attention, or no knowledge about it. Ignorance is over controls of it. Hindrances also over shadow on ignorance. Ignorance means not knowing the four Noble Truths. It’s wrong knowledge. You must make the self perception to not‐self perception.

Yesterday I had said that because of the khandha and wrong view arose. Wrong view is piercing or seeping in the khandha, and in each of them. Clinging to view exists until you have diṭṭhi. Attachment to view → action → painful birth (Ditthupādāna → kammabhava → apāya jāti) (Sayadaw gave the example of Prince Ajātasatthu).

Urging him to kill his own father was this wrong view. Diṭṭhi and kilesa are decisive support conditions or causes (upanissaya). They can send beings to painful births (Sayadaw mentioned about the frightening of the Lohakhumbī Hell where Ajātasatthu fell into it.). Diṭṭhi is the root leader of the round of existence. It’s more fearful than tahā. With tahā still can arrive to blissful planes.

Therefore in the four Path Knowledge, the coarsest of all kilesa is diṭṭhi and firstly abandon by the Path Knowledge of the stream‐entry (Sotāpatti magga). Between the five heavy kammas and diṭṭhi, when the world is near of the destruction beings can be free from the hells. (i.e., hell beings who had committed the five heavy kammas in hells) But hell beings who have fixed wrong view (niyata micchādiṭṭhi) move to another world system and continue to suffer in hells where no Buddha had been arisen.

Therefore spiritual friend is very important. You must know the form, feeling, etc. as form, feeling. You know dukkha sacca as dukkha sacca. These become right attention. Not listening sacca dhamma, and cannot do the practice. Not doing the practice, and not becomes right view (because not seeing impermanence).

Why the Brahma god could become a pig? Samatha practices can’t overcome diṭṭhi (A Brahma god can’t become a pig or any other animal by directly after death. But all worldlings can take rebirths anywhere if they have the seed of diṭṭhi in their hearts).

Knowing the khandha as the khandha becomes wise attention. Seeing impermanence becomes right view. Right view (sammā‐diṭṭhi) arises and self view (atta diṭṭhi) or wrong view is running away. After ñāta pariññā (knowledge of mind/body) follow with tīrāa pariññā (knowledge of impermanence).

After tīrāa pariññā ends and pahāna pariññā arises (i.e., Nibbāna). Therefore the Buddha taught about three pariññās (understanding). What happens after diṭṭhi falls away with contemplation? The body becomes light. Body is too heavy by carrying along the hell seed. The contemplative mind becomes cool. The khandha also disappears. It's not because it wants to be cool but because diṭṭhi kilesa does not exist. Therefore the apāya sasāra is no more related to this yogi (i.e., sotāpanna). Every time diṭṭhi arises and it builds the woeful planes.

The practice process is: ① wise attention ② contemplation with knowledge ③ after many contemplations and the Path Knowledge will abandon the diṭṭhi builder. (It builds the planes of misery).

You should do the practice if you have compassion on yourself. Feeding the body, bathing the body, etc. does not have compassion on oneself. These are becoming a slave to the khandha. Sending metta (loving kindness practice) also does not have a compassion on yourself because you can’t abandon diṭṭhi. It is not very easy to hear these kinds of talk in the future; even nowadays, it becomes quite rare. Diṭṭhi overwhelms people without listening to them. Khandha disappears when Path Knowledge arises. Where can diṭṭhi go and hide with the disappearance of the khandha? Therefore, during the dhamma interview I am asking you: “Does the khandha disappear?” because the Buddha said that diṭṭhi was hiden in the khandha.



邪見源自於「我」的錯誤認知(atta saññā)。什麼是「我」(atta)?由於atta saññā,將五蘊中的每一個都認為是「我」與「我的」,於是diṭṭhi(見解)便產生了。那麼,atta saññā從哪裡來?它來自於不當作意(unwise attention)。不當作意又來自於無明。無明則來自於五蓋(nīvaraṇa)。

這些內容來自《增支部》(Aṅguttara Nikāya)。五蓋 → 無明 → 不當作意 → 我之認知 → 顛倒之見。我們會將「我」視為一個整體的實體,而不去分別五蘊為各自獨立的部分。因此,我們必須將它們一一分離。色可以用數字來表示,而其他四個屬於名法(心法)的則不能。


我昨天說過,因為有蘊的存在,所以邪見也生起。邪見滲透進五蘊之中,並存在於每一蘊中。只要還有diṭṭhi,就存在著對見解的執著。執著於見解 → 行為 → 苦的投生(Diṭṭhupādānaṁ → kammabhava → apāya jāti)(尊者舉了阿闍世太子的例子)。


因此,在四道智中,最粗重的煩惱是diṭṭhi,而它首先被入流道智(Sotāpatti magga)所斷除。在五種重業與diṭṭhi之間,當世界接近毀滅時,眾生尚可從地獄中解脫出來(例如:在地獄中造作五種重業的地獄眾生);但若是具有固定邪見(niyata micchādiṭṭhi)的地獄眾生,則會轉生至另一個世界體系,並繼續在沒有佛陀出現的地獄中受苦。



了知五蘊為五蘊,即是具足智慧的作意。觀察無常,即是正見的生起。正見(sammā‐diṭṭhi)生起時,「我」的見解(atta diṭṭhi)或邪見便會消散。在ñāta pariññā(名色之知)之後,隨之而來的是tīraṇa pariññā(無常之知)。

tīraṇa pariññā結束時,便會生起pahāna pariññā(即:涅槃)。因此佛陀教導了三種pariññā(徹見)。當diṭṭhi透過觀察而消除後,會發生什麼?身體會變得輕盈。身體之所以沉重,是因為承載著地獄的種子。觀察的心也會變得清涼。五蘊亦會消失。這並不是因為它想變得清涼,而是因為diṭṭhi kilesa已不復存在。因此,輪迴中的惡趣(apāya saṁsāra)與此修行者(即入流聖者)已無關聯。每當diṭṭhi生起時,它便在構築惡趣的生命形態。






邪見來自於我相(atta saññā)。什麼是自我(atta)?由於我相,將五蘊中的每一個都視為「我」和「我的」,邪見就產生了。我相從何而來?它來自於不如理作意。不如理作意來自無明。無明又來自於五蓋(nīvaraṇa)。



昨天我說過,由於五蘊,邪見產生了。邪見刺穿或滲入五蘊,滲入它們中的每一個。執著於見解,直到你有邪見。執著於見解→行動→痛苦的再生(Ditthupādānaṁ→kammabhava→apāya jāti)(長老舉了阿闍世王子的例子)。


因此,在四道智中,所有煩惱中最粗糙的是邪見,首先被預流道(Sotāpatti magga)捨棄。在五逆重罪和邪見之間,當世界接近毀滅時,眾生可以從地獄中解脫出來。(即在地獄中犯下五逆重罪的地獄眾生)但有固定邪見(niyata micchādiṭṭhi)的地獄眾生會遷移到另一個世界系統,並在沒有佛陀出現的地獄中繼續受苦。



知道五蘊是五蘊,就成為如理作意。看見無常,就成為正見。正見(sammā-diṭṭhi)產生,我見(atta diṭṭhi)或邪見就會逃跑。在智遍知(身心知識)之後,是諦了遍知(無常知識)。




How to Pay Your Debts?

7th December 1961

D. A. process continues because of inversions. Conceit (māna) is not arising together with wrong view. Māna is also tahā. Māna arises because of the perception of permanence (nicca saññā). People encounter with law cases with māna. Ordinary tahā arises because of the perception of beauty (subha saññā), it mostly happens with consumer goods which make things nice to look with attration.

People buy these things with tahā. (Consumerism nowadays does create a big problem in society and environments. There are a lot of needs to contemplate for these human problems connections with tahā). What shopkeepers have good sales is subha saññā. Wrong view of stability arises because of the perception of self (atta saññā); e.g., people are looking and searching for the stable things.

All three of them are proliferation phenomena (papañca dhamma). All start from perception. Therefore you must note as nicca saññā extends the D. A. of conceit, subha saññā for tahā and atta saññā for diṭṭhi respectively. With these perceptions exist can’t realize Nibbāna. For nicca saññā contemplates anicca. For subha (beauty) contemplates asubha (foulness of the body) or anicca.

We also have to do dāna (giving), sīla (precept) and samatha (calm). You will meet good teachers and Dhamma with these practices.

(These points are important. You can see many evidences in the Nikāyas. One of the nine attributes of the Buddha is vijjā‐caraṇa‐sampanno. Vijjā is knowledge represents wisdom. Caraa is conduct, represents dāna, sīla and samatha. Most Buddhists think only a bodhisatta or a Buddha needs it. Some Buddhists just do caraa and neglect vijjā and some in the opposite. It’s a very rare opportunity to come to the human world; so do not just look for sensual pleasure. It’s for the cultivation of goodness for oneself and others and purifying the mind (vijjā‐caraṇa) because the human world is the international air‐port to other destinations).

These dhammas are decisive support conditions (upanissaya paccayo), distant causes for Nibbāna. Insight knowledge is Path Condition (magga paccayo), near cause to direct Nibbāna. Note this point carefully. If not, may be you can think that with only good merits arrive Nibbāna. In the Conditional Relations (i.e. the Paṭṭhāna, the seventh Abhidhamma book) mentioned that one will never arrive to Nibbāna without the Path factors condition (magga paccayo).

All other dhammas can’t abandon perception (saññā). These are supporting Nibbāna only. For example, an animal can be reborn at human world again. Because of his/her good merits, he/she meets a good teacher and dhamma (see Maechee Kaaw’s Biography); but nothing will happen by sleeping. You must practice vipassanā. Therefore don’t abandon any of them (i.e., vijjā and caraa).

(Continued the story of Anāthapiṇḍika and the wanderers, about the QandA between them)

Amarāvikkhepa diṭṭhi (evasion) means, not giving an exact answer as yes or no if asking a question. Why give this kind of answer? Doesn’t know clearly by oneself and it’s not good to give no answer when asking. (Therefore the person gives an evasive answer); so comes this view. (Sāriputta’s first teacher, Sañjaya held this view).

Wrong view comes from not knowing the anicca and sakhata dhammas. Here Anāthapiḍika pointed out unwise attention and listening wrong teachings as two causes for their wrong views, to arise. There are eight causes for wrong views and these two points are very important. With unwise attention twelve inversions arise.

The four D. A. processes of tahā, dosa, māna and diṭṭhi from the six senses doors are arising uncountable for every day. Black dhammas gives the black results. Most people think only by wholesome and unwholesome volition that results arise. This is the knowledge of ordinary people.

There are more than that (These things are becoming more clear by understanding the D. A. processes. Only by studying the suttas in the Pali Nikāyas understand the dangers of sasāra). These kammas will make the khandhas (tahā, dosa, māna, diṭṭhi arise from the six senses doors).

Therefore how do you repay for them? You have to repay it with the khandhas. So, I had been told you very often that you were coming here for a visit. Later went back to you permanent places (i.e., four woeful planes). All these things have to be decided with the D. A. processes and not with your sīla. These khandha debts can be only repaid with vipassanā knowledge and the Path Knowledge.

Even in this life time your kammic debts are not few. Also the kammas of the past lives are waiting for the chances to give the results. It’s like this example; someone has million dollars in debt. But he is an ordinary worker. Can he pay back his debts? The Buddha arose in this world for this purpose.

Now, you find the way of how to pay the debts. But it will be never solved by kammas. You must pay the debt with knowledge. For example, the creditor comes and tells you, just licking these salts for once and all you debts are exempted. It’s important for you to realize the Path Knowledge for only once (i.e., sotāpatti magga). Then all the infinity of your debts are exempted.

The life span of blissful planes (sugatis) is like a pebble, throwing upwardly into the sky and staying there for a moment only. The life span in hells is like this pebble falling back to the ground and staying there for a long time (quite painful and frightening indeed). Whatever arises from the six senses doors, can contemplate the impermanence and ten kinds of D. A. process can’t arise (Just mentioned before, tahā, dosa, māna, diṭṭhi are arising from the six senses doors).

Therefore even insight knowledge (vipassanā magga) have the great benefit. The Buddha taught three universal characteristics but all are in the arising and passing away (anicca) because impermanence is dukkha sacca. (Three characteristics fall into dukkha sacca. Therefore penetrate dukkha is very important. Only then you can let go of your clinging to things. So the Buddha said he only taught dukkha and the end of dukkha).

All the other animals’ foot prints fall into the foot print of an elephant (Mahā‐hatthipadopama sutta, MN 28, Majjma Nikāya). Vipassanā magga can only cut off this life kamma. Lokuttara magga (Supramundane) cut off past, present and future kammas. This is the difference between these two knowledge. The important thing you must remember is doing the job of magga before for the sake of safety death (for not fall into painful births).

Later you can do other things which are not important. It you die earlier before that, will be very difficult for you. The kammas of this life and many of past lives are waiting for you to push you down (to painful births, hells, animals, hungry ghosts) at near death.



緣起(D.A.)的過程會因為顛倒而延續。慢心(māna)並非與邪見同時生起。慢也是一種貪(taṇhā)。慢之所以生起,是因為常的想法(nicca saññā)。人們因慢心而陷入訴訟糾紛。一般的貪欲則是來自於對美的認知(subha saññā),這通常與讓人感覺賞心悅目的消費品有關,人們被吸引而購買這些物品。

人們是因貪而購物。(現今的消費主義的確在社會與環境上造成巨大問題。人們應該深入省思這些與貪欲有關的人類問題)。商家之所以銷售良好,正是因為subha saññā。穩定的錯誤見解是來自於「我」的認知(atta saññā);例如,人們總是在尋找與追求穩定的事物。

這三者皆為戲論法(papañca dhamma)。它們皆從「想」(perception)開始。因此,你必須留意:nicca saññā延續的是慢的緣起過程;subha saññā對應於貪;而atta saññā則與邪見(diṭṭhi)相應。只要這些錯誤的認知存在,就無法證得涅槃。對於nicca saññā,應觀無常(anicca);對於subha,應觀身體的不淨(asubha)或無常。



這些法是決定性的助緣(upanissaya paccayo),是通向涅槃的遠因。觀智(vipassanā)則是道緣(magga paccayo),是直接導向涅槃的近因。請仔細記住這一點。否則你可能會誤以為僅靠善業就能達涅槃。在《依處論》(Paṭṭhāna,《阿毘達摩》第七書)中提到:若無道支作為條件,將無法證得涅槃。



Amarāvikkhepa diṭṭhi(詭辯見)指的是:當被問及某問題時,無法明確回答「是」或「否」。為何會給出這類答案?是因為自己本身沒有清楚地知見;而又認為不作答是不妥的(所以才給出模糊的答覆);這就成為一種見解。(舍利弗的第一位老師,山闍耶即持此見)

邪見源自於不了解無常與有為法(saṅkhata dhamma)。在此,阿那答賓陀指出不正確的作意與聽聞邪法,是造成他們邪見生起的兩大原因。邪見的成因共有八種,這兩點尤其重要。由於不當作意,會生起十二種顛倒。





現在,你找到了償還債務的方法。但這問題無法單靠業力解決。你必須以智慧來償還債務。例如,債主來說,只要你舔一次鹽巴,就豁免你所有的債。這裡的意思是:你只需一次證得道智(即入流道智 sotāpatti magga),便能免除無量劫的債務。


因此,即使是觀智(vipassanā magga)也有極大功德。佛陀教導的三法印皆表現在生滅之中(anicca),因為無常即是苦諦(dukkha sacca)。三相皆落入苦諦之中。因此,透徹苦諦極其重要。唯有如此,才能放下執著。所以佛陀說,他只教導苦與苦的止息。

就如同所有動物的足跡都能落入象跡之中(《大象足跡譬喻經》Mahā‐hatthipadopama sutta,中部28經)。vipassanā magga僅能斷除今生之業;而**出世間道智(lokuttara magga**則能斷除過去、現在與未來的業。這就是兩者間的差別。你必須記住最重要的事情:為了善終與免於惡趣,必須先完成道智的工作。





由於顛倒,緣起過程持續進行。慢(māna)不會與邪見同時產生。慢也是渴愛。慢的產生是由於常見(nicca saññā)。人們因慢而遇到訴訟案件。普通的渴愛是由於淨見(subha saññā)而產生的,它主要發生在消費品上,這些消費品使事物看起來很吸引人。人們帶著渴愛購買這些東西。(如今的消費主義確實對社會和環境造成了很大的問題。有很多需求去觀照這些與渴愛相關的人類問題)。店主銷售良好的是淨見。穩定的邪見是由於我見(atta saññā)而產生的;例如,人們正在尋找穩定的事物。

它們三個都是戲論法(papañca dhamma)。一切都從感知開始。因此,你必須注意,常見分別擴展了慢的緣起過程,淨見擴展了渴愛的緣起過程,我見擴展了邪見的緣起過程。有了這些感知,就無法證悟涅槃。對於常見,觀照無常。對於淨見(美),觀照不淨(身體的污穢)或無常。



這些法是決定性的支持條件(upanissaya paccayo),通往涅槃的遠因。觀智是道緣(magga paccayo),直接通往涅槃的近因。仔細注意這一點。否則,你可能會認為僅僅透過善功德就能到達涅槃。在《發趣論》(即第七部阿毘達磨論)中提到,沒有道支緣(magga paccayo),一個人永遠無法到達涅槃。



不死矯亂見(amarāvikkhepa diṭṭhi,迴避)意味著,如果提出問題,不給予明確的回答,例如是或否。為什麼要給出這種回答?自己不清楚,提出問題時不給予回答也不好。(因此,這個人給出了迴避的回答);因此產生了這種見解。(舍利弗的第一位老師,刪闍耶,持有這種見解)。









所有其他動物的腳印都落在象的腳印中(《大象跡喻經》,中部28經)。毘婆舍那道只能切斷今生的業。出世間道(lokuttara magga)切斷過去、現在和未來的業。這兩種知識之間的區別。你必須記住的重要事情是,為了安全死亡(不墮入痛苦的再生),先做道的工作。


Do Buddhists Have Wrong Views?

6th December 1961

This khandha is not following your desire. Therefore it’s not‐self (anatta). We take this body with sweat, pimples, etc. (i.e., 32 parts of the body) as beautiful (subha). Why the Buddha taught the three universal characteristics? To let the proliferations (papañca dhamma—tahā, māna and diṭṭhi) die out.

The Buddha was giving the three names to the arising and passing away phenomena. Therefore I myself take this as a main point to teach you. Seeing the arising and passing away and all are becoming clear. Wanting to discern the three characteristics must have wise attention.

The discovering knowledge kills papañca. Therefore the Buddha taught these Pali words very often. Neta mama, neso ha asmi, na meso attā—This is not mine, this I am not, this is not myself. These view, knowledge and seeing are coming to someone, then he will be free from it (papañca).

You must discern those three characteristic and have wise attention (i.e., anicca, dukkha, anatta and asubha), if you want tahā, māna and diṭṭhi to die out. It is the real Nibbāna after tahā, māna and diṭṭhi die out.

(Continued the Anāthapiṇḍika’s story and explained about the three lokas. These are: saṅkhāra loka—conditioned world, satta loka—world of living beings and okāsa loka—space world). It is saṅkhāra loka that the conditioned phenomena are arising and passing away. This includes both conceptual saṅkhāra and ultimate saṅkhāra.

(The other two lokas depend on the sakhāra loka; they can’t exist without it). Therefore condensing these three lokas, it's only arising and passing away. The wanderers were talking about their different views to Anāthapiḍika.

I am teaching you every day for wise attention and no need to correct for it; but I must correct on listening talks. By listening to the sutta discourses and view of eternalism can arise (sassata diṭṭhi). For example, Visākha died and became a female deity in Tusita Heaven. Visākha was a name and a concept.

The real existence was mind and body. Mind and body arose here and passed away here. Could it be gotten there? Even a little piece of it was not going there. It didn’t have any power to go. It simply took wrongly as this viññā arose in Tusita.

(Burmese word for viññāa is viññā. It also represents the soul in Burmese. This viññā here is moving there. This wrong view really exists in Buddhists. For example: His life has gone out and I/you/we don’t know where it’s becoming. People use it in this way. Burmese language has some words representing the soul. These are: viññā, life and butterfly.).

In Burma, sassata diṭṭhi might arise on people if they are listening to the sutta discourses (In the Mahātaṇhā-saṅkhaya Sutta (MN 38), Majjhima Nikāya, Bhikkhu Sāti held this view). This is called Buddhist wrong view.

It can’t get the Path and Fruition Knowledge to practice with this wrong view; but it doesn’t prevent from going to blissful rebirths (sugati).

He can’t correct it with wrong teacher. You may ask: Nothing is going there from here, then what is happening there? Is there nothing having any connection with here? It's the view of annihilation (uccheda diṭṭhi). It becomes fruitless after death by taking wholesome and unwholesome kammas which one has done. So after being free from sassata diṭṭhi, it becomes uccheda diṭṭhi again. It becomes uccheda diṭṭhi if taking the view of nothing is connection with here. It's very difficult to have right view without encountering with a good teacher.

I’ll help you to dispel uccheda diṭṭhi. Visākha died and his name and form (mind/body) were ceasing here. And similarity of name and form arose there by causes. The name and form from here caused the result of name and form to arise there. Nothing was followed there from this side.

The cause is not cut off. The name and form result another name and form, but not being followed there. It’s just connection between cause and effect and this is free from uccheda diṭṭhi. Combine together; ① It is free from sassata diṭṭhi that these name and form are not followed there. ② But they have connection between cause and effect connection, this is free from uccheda diṭṭhi.

These two words are very important. Only a Buddha arose and could teach these dhammas. Therefore Anāthapiḍika criticized the wanderers with these two points which were very important, i.e., unwise attention and listening to the wrong teachings. Among the Buddhists sassata diṭṭhi is in connection with life after death. With uccheda diṭṭhi is connection with Nibbāna. Because they take it as nothing exists. Their argument is after name and form cease and if nothing arises what is the use of it?

I will explain for it. You will see Nibbāna if you get the Path Knowledge. It exists that so you see it. The Buddha said, “Atthi bhikkhave nibbāna—Bhikkhu Nibbāna is existed.” After name and form cease become cool and peaceful. But if you don’t get the Path Knowledge, how do you know about it? This was asked by King Milinda to Ven. Nāgasena. He gave the answer that it was known by inference.

You want to be cured when a sore grows on your hand. After the medical treatment and it has been cured. The sore grows at this place and also has cured at the same place. So, Nibbāna exists like the place where the sore has cured. Dukkha sacca of the khandha disappears and sukha Nibbāna appears. This is known by inference. You’ll know its real existence if you really want to know it; then just practice.



此一「蘊」(khandha)並不隨你的意願運作,因此它是「非我」(anatta)。我們將這個帶有汗水、膿包等(即三十二身分)的身體視為美麗(subha)。佛陀為何教導三法印?是為了使戲論法(papañca dhamma——即貪、慢與邪見)止息。

佛陀為這生滅的現象給予了三種名稱。因此我也以此為教學的要點之一。當你看見生與滅,一切就會變得清楚。若欲辨識三相,必須具備正確的作意wise attention)。

發現性的智慧能消除戲論法。因此佛陀時常教導這三句巴利語:「Netaṁ mama, neso haṁ asmi, na meso attā」——這不是我的,這不是我,我不是這個。當這樣的見、智與知見生起於某人之時,他便能從戲論中解脫。


(續說阿那答賓陀的故事,並解釋三界:行界(saṅkhāra loka——即有為法之世界;眾生界(satta loka——即有情眾生之世界;空間界(okāsa loka——即空間之世界)。行界是指有為法的生與滅。此界涵蓋了概念性有為法與究竟有為法。


我每日教導你們正確作意,這方面不需修正;但我必須指出:對法的聆聽需修正。若聽聞某些經文講說,有時會產生常見(sassata diṭṭhi。例如:毘舍佉死後轉生為兜率天的一位天女。毘舍佉只是個名字與概念。



在緬甸,當人們聆聽某些經典時,常見(sassata diṭṭhi)可能會生起(如《大渴愛滅盡經》(MN 38)中,比丘薩帝即持此見)。這就叫做佛教徒的邪見


若遇到邪師,他將無法修正此見。你可能會問:「既然從這裡什麼也沒被帶去,那麼,彼處發生了什麼?難道這裡與那裡毫無關聯?」這就落入了斷見(uccheda diṭṭhi。人們認為,死後善惡業終結於無,這便是斷見。因此,當人從常見中解脫後,便可能落入斷見。若認為彼處與此處毫無因果聯繫,即是斷見。若無善知識引導,要生起正見實屬困難。

我將幫助你破除斷見(uccheda diṭṭhi。以毘舍佉為例:他死後,其名與色於此滅去,但因緣條件使得類似的名與色於彼處生起。此處的名色為因,彼處的名色為果;但並非有實體從此轉移到彼處。



  1. 此處的名與色未被帶往彼處,故可免於常見

  2. 此處名色為因,彼處名色為果,故不落入斷見


我來為你解釋:若你證得道智(Path Knowledge,便會看見涅槃。它真實存在,所以你能見到它。佛陀說:「Atthi bhikkhave nibbānaṁ——比丘們,涅槃是存在的。」


例如:手上長了瘡,你希望治癒它。接受治療後痊癒。瘡在此處長起,也在此處癒合。因此,涅槃就像瘡痊癒的地方。五蘊之苦(dukkha sacca)消失,涅槃之樂(sukha nibbāna)現起。這就是透過推理得知的。如果你真正渴望了知其實相,那就去實修吧。




這個五蘊不隨你的意願。因此,它是無我(anatta)。我們把這個充滿汗水、粉刺等的身體(即身體的32個部分)視為美麗(subha)。佛陀為什麼教導三相?為了讓戲論(papañca dhamma——渴愛、慢和邪見)消亡。


發現的知識殺死了戲論。因此,佛陀經常教導這些巴利語詞。Netaṁ mama, neso haṁ asmi, na meso attā——這不是我的,這不是我,這不是我自己。如果有人有了這些見解、知識和看法,他就會擺脫它(戲論)。


(繼續講述給孤獨長老的故事,並解釋了三個世間。它們是:行世間(saṅkhāra loka)——有為世間,眾生世間(satta loka)——眾生世界,和空間世間(okāsa loka)——空間世界)。有為現象生滅的是行世間。這包括概念上的行和究竟的行。


我每天都在教導你如理作意,不需要糾正它;但我必須糾正聽法。透過聽聞經文,可能會產生常見(sassata diṭṭhi)。例如,毗舍佉死了,在兜率天成為一位女天神。毗舍佉是一個名字和一個概念。


(緬甸語中,viññāṇaṁ viññā。它在緬甸語中也代表靈魂。這裡的 viññā 正在移動到那裡。這種邪見在佛教徒中確實存在。例如:他的生命已經消失了,我//我們不知道它變成了什麼。人們以這種方式使用它。緬甸語有一些代表靈魂的詞。它們是:viññā、生命和蝴蝶)。



有錯誤的老師,他就無法糾正它。你可能會問:這裡沒有任何東西去那裡,那麼那裡發生了什麼?那裡沒有任何與這裡有聯繫的東西嗎?這是斷見(uccheda diṭṭhi)。透過接受一個人所做的善惡業,死後就會變得毫無成果。因此,在擺脫常見之後,它又變成了斷見。如果認為沒有任何與這裡有聯繫的東西,它就會變成斷見。如果沒有遇到善知識,就很難有正見。




我會為此解釋。如果你獲得道智,你就會看到涅槃。它存在,所以你看到了它。佛陀說:「諸比丘,涅槃存在(Atthi bhikkhave nibbānaṁ)。」名字和色消失後,變得清涼和平靜。但是如果你沒有獲得道智,你怎麼知道它呢?這是彌蘭陀王向那伽犀那尊者提出的問題。他給出的答案是,它是透過推論知道的。


Compassion with Wrong View

8th December 1961

There only are the views of eternalism and annihilationism (sassata and uccheda diṭṭhi) after analyzing the 20 kinds of identity view (sakkāya diṭṭhi). Someone who has sassata diṭṭhi on the cessation of life is stepping back from you (dislike with it) if you teach him; whereas for someone who has uccheda diṭṭhi is overreaching it.

They all were not in the middle way what the Buddha wanted to be. With teaching as the ending of name and form (mind and body) is Nibbāna and the eternalists don’t like it. There is no feeling, so what the use of it? He is taking enjoyments in life. Therefore, he steps back and says as "I’ll stay in life". He prefers to be continued and enjoyed the life of gradual elevated heavenly beings with the enjoyment in life even they become sotāpanna, for example, the female devotee Visākhā. Their saying is like that; ‘‘It is good enough if I am free from the painful rebirth.’’

Most of these types of people are eternalists. Their words are describing the types of wrong view in their heart; by making the prayers such as: may I enjoy the life of human and heavenly being for many times; and they can’t reach towards Nibbāna because the view of eternalism prevents the realization. They are difficult to realize Nibbāna. People with attachement to life don’t like listening to Nibbāna dhamma and have no interest in it. They don’t want to pay attention to it. Majority of people have this wrong view. They prefer any of the khandha except the dukkha of painful existences.

So, wrong views prevent Nibbāna is becoming clear. They don’t want to try for Path and Frution Knowledge, because they are happy to be in life. The reason behind is not understanding and knowing dukkha sacca. It’s the same as for Nibbāna. View of eternalism is latent in their hearts. Making long prayers at the pagodas and Buddha images are these kinds of people. If they have the chance to get Nibbāna now and will not take it (They have strong bhava tahā).

If talking about the cutting off life, and have no interest in it. They don’t appreciate bhava nirodho nibbāna—Cessation of life is Nibbāna. With this wrong view can’t listen and practice dhamma.

There were many Buddhas had arisen in the world, and at least we had met one Buddha. But we had not been freed from the existence of dukkha was having this wrong view. Every Buddha taught the ending of life (This point is very important for all Buddhists. Therefore, we should not let kilesa deceive us, especially by wrong view disguised as love and compassion. Māra—the Evil One is everywhere).

They will do it in a grand way if you ask these people to do dāna. They want to enjoy the fortune of life. But they will step back if you ask them to practice for Nibbāna. Except Nibbāna, they are ordered by wrong view and doing a lot of prayers without knowing it.

Women have more sassata diṭṭhi than men, because they have greed characters. Wrong view and greed are together. With a lot of concerning for others have sassata diṭṭhi, because they enjoy life. Whatever kind of life you get only fuels and fire. So they take enjoyment in dukkha.

Now, I’ll talk about the view of annihilation. A person with this view prefer cutting off life. He is overreaching. Nothing happen again is good for him. Dukkha ceases and sukha exists is Nibbāna. Therefore, the annihilationist (uccheda person) overreaches the nature of Nibbāna.

He knows that because of name and form there are a lot of dukkha. He prefers to be without name and form but not prefers Nibbāna. With this wrong view in the heart and practice can’t realize Nibbāna. It is not easy and difficult to follow the middle way between these two wrong views. They have strong disgust on life and prefer annihilation.

The reason why one can’t see Nibbāna is that he is covered up by name and form; so, he can’t overcome dukkha sacca in section ② and can’t see Nibbāna in there (i.e., viññāṇaṁ, nāma‐rūpaṁ, saḷāyatana, phassa and vedanā or the five khandhas). He can’t accept the existence of Nibbāna and prefers being without khandha.

Sometimes it perhaps is better to think as without this body in the state of anger, merely uccheda view arises. You have to go the middle of the two existences towards Nibbāna. You had never been in the middle way and never went straight before. You were wandering with these two extremes, and mostly with the view of eternalism in the whole sasāra.

We are taking happiness and joys in eternalism, and disappointment with annihilation. The day before I had explained about the paths of smile and grimace are these two extremes. With everything going well is sassata diṭṭhi and not going well is uccheda diṭṭhi. If I die everything will be solved. (This is the view of uccheda). No, you don’t.

You continue to have dukkha sacca if you still have kilesa. In miserable situations and killing them themselves are annihilationists! What the Buddha taught was (that) you could go only with the wisdom eye if you wanted to go in the middle way. And also it can see the way.

Therefore, I have to give you the wisdom eye (paññā cakkhu). You have to know the existence of these five khandhas, and have to practice to become disenchantment with it and not wanting of it. With these you are in the middle way. Starting to see impermanence is in the middle way.

At first, you have to practice to see the more clear one (i.e., anicca); later, to see its disenchantment. After that, you will not want its dukkha sacca. You'll have these three knowledge and become a person in the middle way if you can practice.

So, every day I am teaching you are about the middle way. Dāna and sīla are running towards eternalism and samatha jhāna towards annihilationism (For this point see the Brahmajāla Sutta of Dīgha Nikāya, DN 1). Therefore, samatha and vipassanā have to go together. With samatha only is going towards uccheda diṭṭhi.

Every worldling is following with the pulling. It’s like a blind man follows behind a walking stick. Do you still have any of your own decision of movement? It will give the result to Nibbāna after vipassanā practice and doing dāna, sīla and samatha. See (that) the arising phenomenon is dukkha sacca and its passing way is dukkha sacca too, and then do the danā and sīla.

Faith and wisdom are including with them and leading to Nibbāna. Wisdom eye means seeing anicca. Not seeing anicca is leaning towards one of the extreme of eternalism and annihilationism. By meeting a teacher of eternalism will lean towards eternalism. By meeting a teacher of annihilationism will lean towards annihilationism. These are like following behind a walking stick.



在分析了二十種**身見(sakkāya diṭṭhi**之後,發現僅有兩種基本的見解:常見(sassata diṭṭhi)與斷見(uccheda diṭṭhi。當你教導某些人時,若他們在生命終結上抱持常見,他們會對你退卻(表現出不喜歡);而持斷見者則會「超越了頭」,過度偏執。



由此可見,邪見確實阻礙證得涅槃。他們不願意追求道與果,因為對生命感到滿意。其根源是不了解與不認識苦諦(dukkha sacca。對涅槃的無知也是如此。常見潛伏在他們心中。那些在佛塔或佛像前長期發願的人,常為此類人。即便眼前就能證得涅槃,他們也不會接受(因為**有愛(bhava taṇhā**強烈)。

若提到「斷盡生命」,他們也毫無興趣。他們無法欣賞「bhava nirodho nibbānaṁ」——「有的止息即是涅槃」。懷有此類邪見者,無法正確聽聞與修行佛法。

過去已有無數佛陀出世,至少我們曾遇過一位佛陀,然而我們卻未能從有的苦(bhava dukkha)中解脫,正是因為此種邪見。每一位佛陀都教導生命的止息(這一點對所有佛教徒而言非常重要,因此我們不應讓煩惱欺騙我們,特別是偽裝成愛與慈悲的邪見魔羅(Māra,無所不在)。


女性比男性更常傾向於常見(sassata diṭṭhi,因為她們多具有貪的性格。邪見與貪往往同時存在。對他人關懷越多者,越可能擁有常見,因為她們樂於生活。然則任何生命形態,只是柴薪與火焰的堆積而已。她們卻在苦中尋樂。

現在,我談談斷見(uccheda diṭṭhi。懷有此見者,偏好「斷盡生命」。他們過度偏離中道。對他們而言,「什麼都不再發生」才是好事。他們認為「苦的止息」就是「樂的存在」即涅槃。因此斷見者誤解了涅槃的本質





若仍有煩惱(kilesa苦諦仍將延續。處在極度困境中而選擇自殺的人,就是斷見者!佛陀所教導的是:若欲行於中道,唯有憑藉智慧之眼(paññā cakkhu。唯有此能見其道。



因此,我每日所教導你的,都是中道之法布施與持戒傾向常見,**止禪(samatha jhāna**則傾向斷見(此觀點可參考《梵網經》(Brahmajāla Sutta,《長部》第一經))。因此,止禪與觀禪(vipassanā)須並行。若僅修止禪,則會偏向斷見。






在分析了二十種有身見(sakkāya diṭṭhi)之後,只有常見和斷見(sassata uccheda diṭṭhi)。如果你教導某人生命的止息,有常見的人會退縮(不喜歡它);而有斷見的人則會過度反應。




如果談論切斷生命,他們對它沒有興趣。他們不欣賞有滅涅槃(bhava nirodho nibbānaṁ)——生命的止息就是涅槃。有了這種邪見,就無法聽聞和修行正法。




現在,我將談論斷見。有這種見解的人喜歡切斷生命。他過度反應。對他來說,沒有任何事情再次發生是好的。苦止息,樂存在,就是涅槃。因此,斷見者(uccheda person)過度反應了涅槃的本質。






因此,我必須給你慧眼(paññā cakkhu)。你必須知道這五蘊的存在,並且必須修行才能對它感到厭倦,並且不想要它。有了這些,你就在中道中。開始看見無常就是在中道中。





The Paths of the Wise and the Fool

10th December 1961

We have to learn from him, how he became a Buddha. We are Buddhists and have to follow his way. A devatā (deity) asked the Buddha, how he crossed over the wide saṁsāric ocean and arrived at the safety bank of Nibbāna (from Saṁyutta. N). Saṁsāra is like a whirlpool and it turning round and round. It’s like the circle of D. A. processes.

Turning around like a circle and can’t find the beginning. Not swimming in it is sinking. With the swimming is sweeping away. Therefore without sinking and sweeping away are free from sasāra. Avoidance from the two ways of sinking and sweeping away is crossing over sasāra.

You will sink if you follow the ways of the tradition. By following the ways of little knowledge is sweeping away. The traditional ways mean craving, clinging and action (tahā, upādāna and kamma), or the unwholesome path. One can do only wholesome things and sweep away or get the path of blissful existence (sugati) by meeting with an ordinary teacher. He's sweeping away to this and that existences with the desire for life (bhava tahā). As to the path of the gradually elevated heavenly existences, it's just the way of floating which are the floods of sensuality (kāmogha) and the becoming (bhavogha).

The floods (ogha) of views and ignorance (diṭṭhi‐ogha and avijjogha) are the ways of sinking. Most beings can’t distinguish them and only follow these two paths. Buddhists follow the first and the second paths (i.e., kāmogha and bhavogha).

They have strong desire for heavens. They don’t want to be separated from the members of family and wealth, taking them as real as the third and fourth paths (i.e., diṭṭhi‐ogha and avijjogha). All these four paths have inversions. The path of floating is heavenly happiness, taking dukkha as sukha. Celestial beings have long life, taking impermanence as permanence.

These places also have asubha because they will die, taking asubha as subha. The path of sinking is the cause of the inversion of view (diṭṭhi vipallāsa), taking them as my son, my wife, etc. Ignorance includes in both of the paths as a leader. The cause is not knowing the truth. All of them have the two roots of existence.

The leader of sugati is craving. The leader of dugati is ignorance. In another way, tahā is the path of floating and ignorance is the path of sinking. I’ll not exhort you if it's not important. Therefore it’s important. You must avoid these two paths. Don’t want happiness when you are making merits; just do it to be free from the khandha.

In this way you are on the middle path. If you don’t take things as this is mine, this I am and this is my self and you are free from sinking and in the middle way. The leader of the path of floating is tahā and sinking is ignorance. Both of them are including in them and the only difference is only leadership.

To be freed from these paths tahā must become non‐greed (alobha, not wanting the existences—bhava) and Ignorance (wrong view) becomes knowledge (right view). If not, is only running in circular way (like a whirlpool), and sinking (pull by the whirlpool down to the bottom). I am urging you all, with non‐greed (alobha) and right view (sammā‐diṭṭhi) to perform a lot of merits (with the middle way).

In anywhere we have these three paths. It is not only the two paths of indulgence in sensual pleasure and self mortification. So we have to use them wisely/rightly everywhere. In another way, wholesome minds are the path of floating, unwholesome minds are the path of sinking and the path factors are the middle path.

Let us walk on the middle way. Whatever it may be must have reflections and contemplations. In daily life, going and living with vipassanā ñāa. I don’t say not to give (i.e., dāna practice). It’s important in the middle way. Focus in the middle way. It's the middle way to want to be freed from the existences (vaṭṭa) with dāna and sīla.

It's the middle way not to want the khandha. This is non‐greed (alobha). From greed to become non‐greed is important. From wrong view to become right view is free from the path of sinking. It’s not easy to be in the middle way.

We can encounter it only with the arising of the Buddha. After becoming a Buddha he started to teach the middle way. We must observe with the eye of knowledge, with the kilesa fire is extinguished and will know the Four Noble Truth. The middle way exists only within the Buddha’s Teaching. Not exists outside the teaching.

There were Paccekabuddhas but they couldn’t help others on the path. They knew the truth by themselves but couldn’t teach others. I can teach you, not because better than the Paccekabuddha. He knew the truth without a teacher. I can teach you by relying on my teacher the Buddha.

If there is still has any teacher can teach the truth, can be freed from dukkha. Free from dukkha means free from the rounds of existence of defilement, action and khandha (kilesa, kamma and vipāka vaṭṭas). Your understanding of freedom is becoming an arahant but it is nothing to do with the personal identity.

In the khandha don’t have these dhammas is freedom. With freedom from kilesa vaṭṭa and the others are also free. So, kilesa vaṭṭa is important. The Buddha took kilesa vaṭṭa as the main point. In short free from lobha and everything is free. Samudaya sacca is lobha, dukkha sacca is mind and body and with the four Path Knowledge are the four middle ways.

After the first Path Knowledge no need to worry and it leads to the others. On the first path is more important. Right view is gradually leading to the higher levels. Right view is mature step by step. So the Buddha asked to develop the path factors, to make right view becoming maturity, to sharpen the knife of right view sharper and sharper. Step by step it passes through from the coarser to the refined level. So don’t relax on your development.

It becomes rusty if you leave it aside. It’s sharpened not only in sitting but also standing, walking and lying down. It must lead with mindfulness and wisdom. Therefore the Buddha exhorted us always living with mindfulness and contemplation with wisdom. In my exhortation these two points were very important. Lacking with them was never in the middle way.

He reminded us quite very often to have mindfulness and clear comprehension in everywhere. Without them kilesa will grow. It means D. A. process continues. For example, not mindful of the seeing, not contemplating its impermanence, and with the seeing arises desire. Then it continues D. A. process in the middle (see the twelve links of D. A. process), and continues to tahā, upādāna and kamma.

So the Buddha was saying of he was too worry for us to open our eyes. Even it was better with a hot iron bar to poke your eye. (Unwholesome dhammas are burning and poisoning the six senses doors and their consequences are unthinkable. Now, many unwholesome media are harming human beings all the times. So we can see the Buddha’s worry and compassion.)

It will never end since continuing to taṇhā, upādānaṁ and kamma and saṁsāra. After the seeing and wanting, clinging and action will come for many times. And with uncountable births arise. Lacking of sati and sampajañña (mindfulness and clear comprehension) is horrible.

So the Buddha had emphasized about it. Do you know how to open your eyes? You can’t open it accordingly to the tradition. Not knowing the truth is ignorance and sakhāra are following behind it. It can follow by the three D. A. processes with greed, hatred and delusion. These are the D. A. processes in the beginning, middle and end (see the twelve links of D. A.).

If you know how to open your eyes is in the middle way. If not you are in the extreme, i.e., floating and sinking. Do you know how to listen also? You have to correct all of them (With the six senses‐doors, don’t forget the Buddha’s Fire Discourse). In the Sayutta Nikāya, the Buddha reminded us for 34 times to look for a teacher who could teach rightly.

Without a right teacher can’t be in the middle way. If the fools become fortunate and they are following the sinking ways (We can see these fools around the world and human history. These people do foolish and stupid things, harming themselves and others after having wealth, powers and fames). Ordinary people become fortunate and following the floating ways (Only the wise knows how to use it for the benefits of others and themselves).






若隨順傳統世俗之道,將會沉沒;若隨順淺薄見解,則會被沖走。傳統之道指的是貪、取、業(taṇhā, upādāna, kamma),即不善道。僅僅行善,遇到普通的老師,也可能被沖向善趣之道(sugati,仍在生死中流轉。這是被有愛(bhava taṇhā)牽引,漂流於諸趣之中。逐步上升的人天之道,只是浮動的方式,是欲瀑流(kāmogha)與有瀑流(bhavogha



即使在天界也有不淨(asubha),因為最終也會死亡,卻將不淨視為清淨。沉沒之路則導向顛倒見(diṭṭhi vipallāsa),執取「這是我的兒子、我的妻子」等等。無明在這兩條路中皆為主導者。根本原因是不了解真理。





讓我們踏上中道。無論做什麼事,都需反思與觀照。日常生活中,行住坐臥皆應以**觀智(vipassanā ñāṇa**相應。我並非否定布施的重要性;它是中道之一。重點在於:以布施與持戒來求離三界之有(vaṭṭa,這就是中道。





五蘊中若不再有這些法,即是自由。斷除煩惱輪(kilesa vaṭṭa,則其他輪亦解脫。因此佛陀將煩惱輪視為關鍵。簡言之,若能斷貪,即萬法解脫。集諦為貪,苦諦為名色,四道智為四條中道。




佛陀常常提醒我們,無論身在何處都要具備正念與正知(sati sampajañña。若無它們,煩惱將滋長,緣起輪便繼續轉動。例如:未對「見」保持正念、未觀察其無常,則於見中生起貪欲,導致緣起中段的延續(見十二因緣),最終導向貪、取、業。












如果你遵循傳統的方式,你就會下沉。透過遵循知識淺薄的方式,就會被沖走。傳統的方式意味著渴愛、執取和業(taṇhāupādāna kamma),或不善的道路。透過遇到普通的老師,一個人只能做善事,並被沖走或獲得善趣的道路。他帶著對生命的渴望(有愛)被沖向這個和那個存在。至於漸漸提升的天界存在的道路,它只是漂浮的方式,即感官欲流(kāmogha)和有流(bhavogha)。

見流和無明流(diṭṭhi-ogha avijjogha)是下沉的方式。大多數眾生無法區分它們,只遵循這兩條道路。佛教徒遵循第一條和第二條道路(即感官欲流和有流)。


這些地方也有不淨,因為他們會死亡,認為不淨是淨。下沉的道路是邪見顛倒的原因(diṭṭhi vipallāsa),認為他們是我的兒子、我的妻子等。無明作為領導者包含在這兩條道路中。原因是不知道真理。它們都有存在的兩個根源。









如果仍然有任何老師可以教導真理,就可以從苦中解脫出來。從苦中解脫意味著從煩惱、業和五蘊(kilesakamma vipāka vaṭṭas)的輪迴中解脫出來。你們對解脫的理解是成為阿羅漢,但它與個人身份無關。






如果繼續渴愛、執取和業以及輪迴,它就永遠不會結束。在看見和想要之後,執著和業會多次到來。並且會產生無數的出生。缺乏正念和明瞭(sati sampajañña)是非常可怕的。




Searching for the Source

11th December 1961

The Buddha under the Bodhi Tree investigated the source of ageing and death of the khandha. Living beings suffer a lot because of ageing and death. It happens due to birth. So these are their personal properties. They are complaining as I am old now and very soon I shall die.

These complaining are without any grace and blessing. Because of birth people are getting old, sick and death and crying. From here I have to remind you. Don’t pray for any life. If not, these are the things you want (i.e., ageing, sickness and death). You are afraid of ageing, sickness and death but prefer birth (jāti). It’s too crazy. You do like it blindly.

Nothing is worse than not knowing the truth. It becomes clear that only by knowing the truth, sasāra will be cut off. Not knowing the truth is ignorance. Therefore ignorance is asking you to pray for birth. Even dukkha can be got without asking. Is it not so extreme by asking for it? It already existed even it was not talked by the Buddha. Ignorance is unwholesome dhamma. This is going in front of the Buddha Image and doing unwholesome thing. People have ignorance without any shame at all.

They think by asking and will get it. It’s like praying for the murderer. Bodily and verbal actions are more frightening than birth. With them you get birth. Today I’ll talk about the D. A. of the reverse order (paṭiloma). This is searching for the source of dukkha.

We can talk about the prosperity of life. But don’t know the cessation of life. Isn’t teacher important? Isn’t life really good? So correct yourselves. You still have time to correct. Your parents and grandparents were already died and couldn’t do anything for them.

Feeling is more frightening than craving, because of it taṇhā arises. A poor man wants to be rich. A rich man wants to be richer. Feeling causes craving to arise. Middle class people are also the same. Living beings are not fear of feeling. Taṇhā will not arise without it because taṇhā gets dukkha sacca. But a person who fears of richness is very rare indeed.

Is the feeling dhamma for preference or fearful one? Pleasant feeling is the most popular one. Is there anyone giving retirement by tahā? It blindly orders you whatever it wants. Craving governs on all beings. Now you find out your leader. It governs the 31 realms of existence. He is ordering you as much as he can and at last gives you dukkha sacca.

Is there anyone complaining for tahā? Even we take it as a prestige. It comes first as soon as in the morning but not insight knowledge. You have to observe the impermanence of feeling. Investigate backwardly and at last you find the culprit of ageing and death which is ignorance. If ignorance falling away the whole will fall away (There are ten fetters—sayojana, ignorance is one of them).

So, after becoming an arahant D. A. process totally cut off. In the whole sasāra living beings are living around with samudaya and dukkha. Turning around with darkness and blackness (Ignorance and tahā are darkness and dukkha/khandha is blackness). Therefore the Buddha couldn’t enter these things to help people. Our eyes were never gaining the light. It means you never have been had the light of the path.

You can contemplate with anyone of the four satipaṭṭhāna which you prefer. Seeing impermanence is ignorance (avijjā) or knowledge (vijjā)? It’s knowledge, Ven. Sir. Therefore by seeing impermanence is making ignorance ceases. When ignorance ceases, and tahā also ceases.

Now, you catch the culprit and also know how to kill him. So the beginning of sasāra is ignorance and craving. Sasāra will end only without the ignorance. With the ending of the impermanence and it will end.





沒有什麼比不了解真相更糟的了。只有了知真相,輪迴(saṁsāra)才會被斬斷。無知(avijjā)即是不知真理。因此,無明在要求你祈求再生。**甚至「苦」都不需要求就會來到你身上。**那麼,你還向它祈求,這豈不是太極端了嗎?即便佛陀未曾開示,苦也早已存在。無明是惡法(akusala dhamma。這就如同站在佛像前作不善之事。人們懷有無明卻毫無羞恥之心。

他們以為「只要祈求,就能得到」。這就像向殺人犯祈求一樣。身與語的造作比出生更令人恐懼,因為正是透過這些行為而得到投生。今天我將談逆向緣起(paṭiloma paticcasamuppāda。這是探尋苦之根源的方式。



那麼,「受」是應當喜愛的法,還是應當恐懼的法?「樂受」是最受人喜愛的。可有誰曾因貪欲而「退休」?沒有。貪是盲目的,命令你想要什麼就去追逐什麼。它控制一切眾生。你現在已找到你的主宰了。它掌控三十一界的存在,予取予求,最終給你的就是苦諦(dukkha sacca


因此,一旦成為阿羅漢,整個緣起輪(D.A. process)便完全斷除。整個輪迴中,眾生皆在集與苦之間流轉。在黑暗中旋轉不息(無明與貪為黑暗,苦與五蘊為黑色)。因此佛陀難以進入其中幫助眾生。我們的眼從未獲得光明,這表示你從未擁有過道的光明

















The Three Knowledge in the Suttas

15th December 1961

Your body is conditioned aggregate (sakhāra khandha). And after the conditions (sakhāra) finish and it ceases. Before they finish we can listen talks, eating, selling and buying. We can die because of kamma. If not conditioning by temperature (utu), or not connecting with it or it finishes will also die.

One also will die when next mind does not arise after this mind moment. One must die if one of these four nutriments—kamma (past kamma), mind (citta), temperature (utu) and foods (āhāra), ceases. Before death they are supporting for it. Do you have the chance for relaxing? If foods not produce the food elements also die.

So we must eat foods and we will die if the group of form (rūpa kalāpa) do not develop. It’s like the simile of a wooden doll (a puppet) with the four strings. It will perish if one of them going wrong. Can you say the body is your own and belongs to you? It’s conditioned body. It suffers according to their conditioning. From the side of the mind phenomena, they arise by sense objects and sense doors.

Therefore mind and body are conditioned aggregates (sakhāra khandha) and will end up with impermanence. So we had never been had a stable life. If can’t get out from conditions and we are just ready for death. By coming out from them will arrive to unconditioned Nibbāna. Have to contemplate a lot of the impermanence of conditioned phenomena (sakhāra anicca).

Arising is sakhāra and vanishing is anicca. One’s own khandha is these two. You are conditioning and vanishing. If you discern this and get the knowledge of as it really is (yathābhūta ñāa). Have to continue to contemplate its disenchantment. Seeing a lot of impermanence become disenchantment. For example, if a mother every time gives birth and the baby dies.

Does she have any desire for giving birth again? Yathābhūta ñāṇa becomes mature and develops to the knowledge of disenchantment. In the beginning, it needs to discern saṅkhāra and anicca in the body. In the body it doesn’t have anyone of the hand, feet, hair, etc., but only has impermanence. You get the yathābhūta ñāṇa if you know this. It is developing into the knowledge of disenchantment at the time when you don’t want to see impermanence (The mind becomes disenchanted with the process by contemplation a lot of anicca such as you become disenchanted with it if you eat lemons continuously. Khandas are always anicca, only the mind changed.).

If you develop to this point and I want to remind you beware for one thing. Your mind doesn’t want to continue the practice. Don’t get up and go away. Also don’t move from your place. Continue to contemplate with patience. Let the knowledge develop to until not wanting it.

If you contemplate patiently on disenchantment and it develops into the knowledge of not wanting it. Surely it will develop (It’s a natural process). The knowledge of not wanting is Path Knowledge. In anywhere of the Pali suttas the Buddha described the development with these three knowledge.

If you discern impermanence both of your eyes are gaining light. Your craziness and blindness is gone. Craving reduces with the becoming of disenchantment. The knowledge of not wanting will come if you become more and more disenchanted. At that time impermanences disappear.

That is dukkha sacca disappearing, because impermanence itself is dukkha sacca. Dukkha nirodho nibbāna—with the ending of impermanence of dukkha and Nibbāna arises. Contemplate anyone of them you prefer (i.e., one of the four Satipaṭṭhāna). The mind ends if the form (rūpa) ends. The form ends if the mind ends. (They are arising together and vanishing together). At the time of seeing the ending, there rises up to the three knowledge of Path, Fruit and Reviewing Knowledge (Magga, Phala and Paccavekkhana Ñāas) respectively.

(continued the Mahā‐parinibbāna Sutta) At the Nādikā Village, Ven. Ānanda asked the Buddha where about some of the lay disciples’ destinations after passing away (This was on the subject of Dhamma Mirror). A person knows him himself as never being going to fall into hells again, and also never becoming again as animals and hungry ghosts after entering the stream; he do know it that he is free from the dangers of uncertainty. (This is one of the terrible and frightening situations of the dangers of uncertainty).

A person whose dukkha has ceased knows himself. A very strong respect and veneration of mind arises to the Buddha, Dhamma and Sagha. With moral precepts (sīla), taking the life of beings and stealing things never arise. Wanting to take intoxicants never arise. It happens naturally. A person realizes the Path Knowledge knows it by himself. These are the mirror of the Dhammas, so knowing by oneself.

These are the check lists of a sotāpanna:

Will never fall into the four planes of misery

Unshakable faith and respect to the Buddha, Dhamma and Sagha

Stable in the five precepts (pañca sīla) in his whole life. Will never break it by knowingly.

By taking birth can never be born in these six places. (The four planes of misery; the place where the Buddha’s teaching can’t reach, born into a family with wrong views).

After becoming a sotāpanna what should one have to do? Don’t worry, when the time comes, it will continue. It will be encouraged by the already gained Path and Fruit Knowledge. Only this Path Knowledge is important (i.e., sotāpatti magga). The higher levels of Path Knowledge are not important. Where are you going after death if you don’t get this Path Knowledge yet? You have to practice for making the sure decision of that I will never fall into the planes of misery if I die.



你的身體是有為蘊(saṅkhāra khandha。當構成它的條件(有為)消失,它便滅去。在這些條件尚未消失之前,我們可以聽法、吃飯、買賣。但我們也會因業(kamma)而死;若**溫度(utu**不再調節、失去連結或終止,也會死亡。


因此,我們必須進食。若色法組合(rūpa kalāpa)無法發展,生命也會終結。這就像木偶比喻,牽引它的四條線中只要有一條出錯,它便崩壞。那你能說這個身體是你的、屬於你嗎?它只是因緣所成的身體,依緣而受苦。就心法而言,它們源於六根對六境而生。

因此,身與心皆為有為蘊(saṅkhāra khandha,最終以**無常(anicca**作結。這表示,我們從未有過真正穩定的生命。若無法脫離這些條件,我們就只是「等著死而已」。脫離條件之後,才是無為的涅槃。必須多加觀照一切有為法的無常(saṅkhāra anicca)。

生起即是有為,滅去即是無常。你的五蘊,就是這兩者的展現。你是在被「製造」與「滅去」中存在。若能如實知見這點,就得到如實智(yathābhūta ñāṇa。接著需繼續觀照其令人厭離的一面。觀無常愈多,厭離之心就愈深。譬如:若一位母親每次生下孩子,孩子都死去,她還會想再次懷孕嗎?

如實智(yathābhūta ñāṇa)的成熟,會發展為厭離智(nibbidā ñāṇa。起初,你需要在色身中辨識出有為無常。在身體之中,其實沒有手、腳、頭髮等的「實體」,只有無常。若你知見此,即得如實智。當你不再想見無常時,便進入厭離階段(如同你不斷吃檸檬,終會厭煩它的酸味。五蘊恆常無常,變的是心。


若你耐心觀照厭離,它自然會發展為不欲智(muñcitukamyatā ñāṇa。這是自然法則。這份「不欲智」即是道智(Magga Ñāṇa。在巴利經典中,佛陀多處以這三種智慧的發展來描述修行之道:

  1. 如實智(yathābhūta ñāṇa

  2. 厭離智(nibbidā ñāṇa

  3. 不欲智(muñcitukamyatā ñāṇa)→ 道智(magga ñāṇa


這就表示,苦諦(dukkha sacca)也消失了,因為無常即是苦諦苦滅即是涅槃(dukkha nirodho nibbānaṁ——當苦的無常終止時,涅槃即現起。你可選擇**四念處(satipaṭṭhāna**中的任一作為修觀對象。


(以下延續《大般涅槃經 Mahā‐parinibbāna Sutta》)佛陀在那提迦村(Nādikā)時,比丘阿難陀問佛陀,一些已往生在家弟子的去向(即所謂的「法鏡(Dhamma Mirror」)。





那麼,成為入流者後該怎麼辦? 不用擔心,時機到時,它會自然發展。因為已證得的道果智會推動修行前進。最關鍵的是這初步的道智(sotāpatti magga,其後更高階的道智則非首要。若你尚未證得此道智,死後將往何處?





你的身體是有為蘊(saṅkhāra khandha)。在諸緣(saṅkhāra)結束後,它就會停止。在它們結束之前,我們可以聽法談、吃飯、買賣。我們會因為業而死亡。如果沒有溫度(utu)的調節,或者沒有與之連接,或者它結束了,也會死亡。


因此,我們必須吃食物,如果色聚(rūpa kalāpa)不發展,我們就會死亡。這就像四條繩子的木偶(傀儡)的比喻。如果其中一條出錯,它就會毀滅。你能說身體是你的,屬於你嗎?它是有為的身體。它根據它們的調節而受苦。從心現象的角度來看,它們是由感官對象和感官門產生的。

因此,身心是有為蘊(saṅkhāra khandha),並將以無常結束。因此,我們從未有過穩定的生活。如果無法擺脫諸緣,我們就只能準備死亡。透過擺脫它們,就會到達無為的涅槃。必須大量觀照有為現象的無常(saṅkhāra anicca)。

生起是行(saṅkhāra),消失是無常(anicca)。自己的五蘊就是這兩者。你正在調節和消失。如果你辨別出這一點,就會獲得如實知(yathābhūta ñāṇa)。必須繼續觀照它的厭倦。看見大量的無常就會產生厭倦。例如,如果一位母親每次都生孩子,孩子都死了。





那就是苦諦消失,因為無常本身就是苦諦。苦滅涅槃(dukkha nirodho nibbānaṁ)——隨著苦的無常結束,涅槃產生。觀照你喜歡的任何一種(即四念處之一)。如果色(rūpa)結束,心就會結束。如果心結束,色就會結束。(它們一起產生,一起消失)。在看見結束時,會分別產生道智、果智和省察智(MaggaPhala Paccavekkhana Ñāṇas)這三種知識。




永遠不會墮入四惡道 ②對佛、法、僧有不可動搖的信心和尊重 ③一生中在五戒(pañca sīla)中穩定。永遠不會故意破壞它。 ④透過出生,永遠不會出生在這六個地方。(四惡道;佛陀的教導無法到達的地方,出生在有邪見的家庭中)。


The Doctrine of the Buddha

16th December 1961

You have to note that listening to the dhamma talks knows what should have, and what should not have in the khandha. What dhamma should have is right view and should not have is wrong view. These two are very important. It’s important to develop a lot of dhamma which should be had and abandon which should not be had.

This body comes under ageing, sickness and death is the cause of the dhamma which should not be had. If you have the dhamma which should be had and ageing, sickness and death will stop. Don’t know these things and in the sasāra we were living with ageing, sickness and death as our companions. In the khandha only sakhāra and anicca exist (Conditioned phenomena are impermanent or suffering).

Sabbe dhamma anatta—All dhammas (phenomena, including Nibbāna) are not‐self. In the khandha only these things exist. In short only exist as the arising and passing away of phenomena. Arising and vanishing, arising and vanishing etc., with only these things exist. People have wrong views and take impermanence and making them as this is me, this is him, this is man and this is woman.

These things arise because of the dhamma shouldn’t be had is existing. Wrong view is wrong knowing. Even without the Buddha taught about it, only anicca, dukkha and anatta exist. If he taught them also these things exist. Even without listening talks and the dhamma which should not have always exists.

Following behind with wrong views which we have is clinging to wrong view (diṭṭhupādāna). Later, follow with the action (kamma) of governing by wrong view. Kamma paccaya jāti—and then following with dukkha sacca (birth). The power of not listening talks is very bad indeed. By the way I have to remind you. Only by listening on aggregates (khandha), sense bases (āyatana), element (dhātu), truth (sacca) and wrong view will fall away.

With dāna, sīla, and samatha practices and wrong views will not fall away. For example, I do it and I get it (i.e., on dāna). The identity view (sakkāya diṭṭhi) of dhamma which should not be had comes in. Only by listening emptiness dhamma (suññatā) connection with khandha, āyatana is on the right path. Empty of person or being, it’s emptiness (suññatā).

Is it still has any person or being if talking on feeling? Therefore talking on khandha is emptiness. Talking on āyatana, dhātu, sacca and D. A. is emptiness. Only by listening to these kinds of talk that diṭṭhi will fall away. As an example, for my good fortune, I must make merits. It’s not suññatā dhamma and diṭṭhi does not fall away. By undertaking sīla, I’ll have a long life; this only diṭṭhi will arise.

If not listening on khandha, āyatana, D. A. and wrong view never fall away. And never free from the four planes of misery. So, suññatā dhamma is very important. By listening to the emptying of me and mine dhamma will arrive to suññatā. Living beings are descending from blissful to painful existences if not listening to the suññatā dhamma. In the Aguttara Nikāya, the Buddha said that without listening to the suññatā dhamma wrong view arose. With the suttanta method (discourses) using the person and being in the teachings are all right but not leading to emptiness. It needs to add something to them.

So, at last the Buddha ended it up with truth (sacca). This was for leading to suññatā. With wrong view never leads to Nibbāna, and can’t realize Path and Fruition Knowledge. (Here Sayadaw mentioned as in the past monks were giving talks from the sutta discourses and at the end finished their talks with reciting the Abhidhamma.

These were demolishing diṭṭhi. He continued to explain the Buddha’s way of gradual teachings). Is there any person or being including in the dukkha sacca, samudaya sacca, nirodha sacca and magga sacca? At the time when the mind was absent from kilesa and taught about suññatā dhamma and became sotāpanna, …, arahant respectively.

The Buddha taught suññatā dhamma at the end was his way of teaching. (These last points are good for contemplation. Because during the talk when the mind was absent from kilesa meant overcame the hindrances. And then the Buddha continued to talk about suññatā dhamma. At the same time the listeners contemplated their khandhas. In this way we can also help the dying person.)

(Sayadaw continued to talk about the monks from Devadaha wanted to go to the western province; from SN.22.2 Devadahasutta, the Khandha‐vagga Sayutta). Ven. Sāriputta said to the monks; “The people in these places will ask you these two questions. What is the Buddha’s Doctorine? And what the Buddha teaches very often?” For a Buddhist it’s important to know what the Buddha’s Doctorine is.

It even happens to make the accusation to the Buddha if you don’t know and answering in uncertainty (e.g., some Buddhists talk about that the enlightened Bodhisattas, arahants still have kilesa, etc. … misinterpretting his teachings in these ways).

The Buddha’s Doctrine is removal of desire and lust (chanda‐rāga). He always taught the removal of greed (lobha) without regarding to any person. Look at the D. A. process chart. He taught for not followed by tahā, upādāna and kamma; the Doctrine of not connection from section② to section③ (i.e., from viññāaṁ …. . vedanā to tahā …. kamma).

Therefore every day I teach you to observe for not connect sec. ② and sec. ③. You do not follow the Buddha’s Doctrine if you are connecting them. You have to decide for yourself. Contemplate with insight (vipassanā) to sec. ② and do not connet with sec. ③.

In regard to: what is the removal of desire and lust: for the removal of the desire on the five khandhas, what will happen if not remove it? When the khandha is perished and follow by sorrow, lamentation, etc. to someone attaches to the five khandha. It’ll turn towards avijjā paccaya sakhāra—ignorance conditions volitional formation. Or D. A. process appears again from the end to the beginning (i.e., from sec. ④ to go back sec. ① again).

In the present sorrow, lamentation, etc., arise and it continues to birth again in the future. In this present life you have to cry and after death will fall into the plane of misery. You will encounter these things if you attach to your and other khandhas. It becomes affection (desire/lust) to him/her if you are seeing someone.

Is this the Doctrine of the Buddha? This is the doctrine of going to the apāya—planes of misery. Tell me the benefit of non‐desire. Contemplate the impermanence of the affectionate dhamma and become non‐desire of them. Then not continue from sec. ② to sec. ③. And also is not arriving to sec. ④ and instead to Nibbāna. At the end of sec. ② is Nibbāna (i.e., the ending of the khandha).

The ending of the khandha is Nibbāna. The ending of craving (tahā) is Nibbāna. It’s the ending of crying, birth, ageing and death. The Buddha taught to the future generations to know the faults of desire/lust (craving, greed, attachment) and the benefits of non‐desire.





Sabbe dhamma anattā——一切法(包括涅槃在內)皆非我。在蘊中,唯有這些法存在。簡而言之,只是現象的生與滅而已:生、滅、生、滅……。只是如此而已。眾生因邪見而將無常執取為「我」與「他」、「男人」、「女人」等概念。


我們隨著既有的邪見走,這就是邪見取(diṭṭhupādāna。接著便會生起受邪見支配的行為(kamma)。由業緣生kamma paccaya jāti),再進一步導致**苦諦(dukkha sacca**的現起——也就是「生」的出現。


單靠布施(dāna持戒(sīla**止禪(samatha的修行,是無法斷除邪見的。舉例來說,若有人說:「我行布施,我將得福報」,那麼「不應有法」中的身見(sakkāya diṭṭhi便會生起。唯有聽聞關於五蘊與六處為空(suññatā**的法,才是正道。



**若不聽聞五蘊、六處與緣起之教法,邪見將永不止息,也將無法脫離四惡趣。**所以,空法(suññatā dhamma)極其重要。唯有聽聞「無我、無我所」的法,才能走向空性。




佛陀在每次講法的尾聲開示空法(suññatā dhamma,這是他的教法風格。(這一點值得深思:講法時,若聽者心離煩惱、五蓋被破,佛陀便說空法。此時聽者觀照自心、自身五蘊,我們同樣也能如此幫助臨終者。)





若問:「什麼是離欲與無貪?」——就是斷除對五蘊的渴愛。若不斷除會如何?當五蘊壞滅時,那個執取者會陷入憂愁、悲嘆……。這就成為無明緣行(avijjā paccaya saṅkhāra,輪迴的開端再度啟動(由第四段又倒轉回第一段)。











一切法無我(sabbe dhamma anatta)——一切法(現象,包括涅槃)都是非我。在五蘊中,只有這些東西存在。簡而言之,只有現象的生滅存在。生滅,生滅等等,只有這些東西存在。人們有邪見,認為無常,並把它們當作這是我,這是他,這是男人,這是女人。


跟隨我們所擁有的邪見,就是執取邪見(diṭṭhupādāna)。然後,跟隨邪見所支配的行為(kamma)。業緣生(kamma paccaya jāti)——然後跟隨苦諦(出生)。不聽聞開示的力量確實非常糟糕。順便說一句,我必須提醒你們。只有聽聞五蘊、六入、元素(界)、真諦和邪見,邪見才會消失。

透過布施、持戒和止禪修行,邪見不會消失。例如,我做了,我得到了(即關於布施)。不應該有的法——有身見(sakkāya diṭṭhi)就會產生。只有聽聞與五蘊、六入相關的空性法(suññatā),才會走上正道。沒有人或眾生,就是空性(suññatā)。










關於:去除欲望和貪欲是什麼:為了去除對五蘊的欲望,如果不去除它會發生什麼?當五蘊消逝時,會對執著於五蘊的人產生悲傷、哀嘆等。它會轉向無明緣行(avijjā paccaya saṅkhāra)——無明緣有為行。或者緣起過程會再次從結束到開始出現(即從第四部分回到第一部分)。




Unwise Attention and Sufferings

17th December 1961

The Buddha taught that with wise attention (yoniso) would arrive to Nibbāna. Sabbe sakhāra anicca—as all conditioned phenomena are impermanent, with contemplation of form (rūpa), feeling (vedanā), etc. and will see all of them are impermanent.

Close your eyes and observe the khandha with knowledge (ñāa) and will see the feelings are arising here and vanishing here. All are impermanent (anicca). Minds are also in the same way and you can’t control of them. Someone with wise attention doesn’t find me or him and only find impermanence.

Seeing the vanishing phenomena is seeing anicca. With unwise attention; my mind, I am feeling good, I am in pain, etc. making the feeling (vedanā) as; “I”. “I see it” is neutral feeling and making it as “I”. “I” is wrong view. From behind it will follow clinging with wrong view (diṭṭhupādāna). And also follow with action, kamma paccaya jāti—action conditions birth.

The fault of unwise attention is even leading to the planes of misery. The fault of unwise attention is very great indeed. We are taking impermanence, dukkha, not‐self as sons and daughters that become worry and crying follow with sorrow, lamentation, etc. Why does it happen? Because of not approaching a good teacher and not listening to the noble teaching.

Unwise attention hinders Path and Fruition Knowledge (Sayadaw mentioned some of the problems encounter in daily life by unwise attention). Therefore you have to note it as a very important dhamma. Smile and grimace arise by unwise attention. Hungry ghost and hell exist by unwise attention. Taints (āsava) send beings to the planes of misery, human beings, celestial beings and brahma gods. Sent by āsava, whatever planes you arrive, it only gets ageing, sickness and death. With unwise attention taking the sensual planes as will give us happiness and arriving there. So with unwise attention taints arise. Cause by the taints and beings arrive to different planes of existence. Beings arrive to whichever planes only get ageing, sickness and death.

(see the Sayadaw’s whole circle chart of D. A. process. The axle is representing the taints; the four spokes are actions cause by the taints. The outer—most iron wheel is representing ageing and death. People praying for any plane of existence are not knowing the truth. Not knowing is taint of ignorance (avijjāsava).

The desire for asking is taint of sensuality (kāmāsava). Planes of jhanic existence are taint of becoming (bhavāsava). I want to be there is taint of wrong view (diṭṭhāsava). Beings are taking rebirths according to the turning of the axle of taints. Turning up and down and to all sides are ageing and death.

All the taints are coming from unwise attention and ending up in dukkha sacca. With unwise attention and kilesa arises. Beings are doing actions with kilesa. They encounter ageing, sickness and death with actions and arriving to the planes of existence. Axle of taints is broken down and ends the problems with wise attention. Don’t follow the paths of smile and grimace. It can’t be free from ageing and death.

Noble beings (ariyas) can smile because they are free from ageing and death. They don’t have anything for the grimace and only have Savega for other living beings because they had direct experienced of dukkha sacca and the taste of Nibbāna. Because of unwise attention beings are wandering among the planes of existence.

In the Sayutta Nikāya (Khandhavagga), Ven. Mahākoṭṭhita asked Ven. Sāriputta “Someone has sīla and what should he do?” The answer was; he should have wise attention. Therefore whatever is arising and contemplate its impermanence and no taints arise. Contemplate the five khandhas as impermanent, suffering, disease, a tumour, a dart, misery, affliction, alien, disintegrating, empty and non‐self (11 ways).

By contemplating of impermanence and becomes wise attention. Impermanence is anicca and the seeing is magga. Therefore without the ignorance; wrong views, craving for becoming (bhavatahā) and the four taints (āsavas) cease. The axle of the taints is broken down. Without the spokes and planes of existence, free from ageing, sickness and death. In sitting meditation, if discerning impermanence and note it as I have right attention.

By seeing impermanence and all the ten ways of contemplation are including in it. (Sayadaw mentioned ten ways but in the sutta mentioned 11 ways. He said lay people no need to know all of them).

The Path Knowledge is like a knife. It’s breaking down the axle of the taint. Except vipassanā there is no other refuge. Except discerning impermanence no one will save you (No Buddhas, no bodhisattas and no Gods act as a Saviour. Nowadays a lot of Buddhists rely one outside powers and becoming like other faiths.)



佛陀曾教導:以正思惟(yoniso manasikāra)將導向涅槃
Sabbe saṅkhārā aniccā——



這會導致邪見執著(diṭṭhupādāna,進而產生業行——業緣生(kamma paccaya jāti,再導向生、老、病、死的苦諦(dukkha sacca

















道智(Path Knowledge)如一把利刀,能斬斷漏之輪軸。





佛陀教導說,如理作意(yoniso)會到達涅槃。一切行無常(sabbe saṅkhāra anicca)——所有有為現象都是無常的,透過觀照色(rūpa)、受(vedanā)等,會看到它們都是無常的。


看見消逝的現象就是看見無常。不如理作意;我的心,我感覺很好,我感到痛苦等,將感受(vedanā)當作「我」。「我看見它」是中性的感受,並將其當作「我」。「我」是邪見。從它後面會跟隨執取邪見(diṭṭhupādāna)。並跟隨行為,業緣生(kamma paccaya jāti)——業緣出生。











Craving Overrules Actions

18th December 1961

You were sent by craving to this human world. You may ask, “Isn't it because of good kamma becoming human being? Isn’t it sent by kamma?” Don’t take it in this way. Craving (tahā) overrules on action (kamma). Tahā → upādāna → kamma → jāti—craving conditions clinging, clinging conditions action, action conditions birth. Actions are doing things with the instruction of craving.

Take them as like the house owner and the carpenter. According to the house owner’s desire and the carpenter has to build the house. You all are carrying away by the tahā water. Dāna is not the main point and I am giving you the source of the answer. Wherever you are arriving and attaching to the khandha there. On the way of carrying away in the tahā water, you grasp and hold on to the things which are unreliable. (i.e., family members and wealth, etc.).

You don’t know yourself of holding on to the stable or unstable things. In this way and you are getting old. They are like the trees on the edge of the river bank and unstable whatever things you hold on to. The edge of the river banks are eroded by water and the roots of the trees are exposed.

When it falls on you and you have to cry for it. In the round of existences, how many parents, sons and daughters we had already before. But do you have any thought arising as I’ll never grasp and rely on them again? The Buddha taught this Nadi Sutta (from the Khandhasayutta, SN.22.93 Nadīsutta). With dissatisfaction, you get hold on them and it falls on oneself and sink.

Khandha is impermanent, dukkha and not‐self phenomena and so whatever khandha you are grasping will suffer. You don’t know what to do if you don’t have something to cling on to. You understand the knowledge of not‐self if you know it’s unstable. Now you are suffered by the pulling of the self knowledge. Not grasping on things before you are a floater.

After the grasping and becomes a sinker. Which one do you like? When you are suffered and blame it on kamma as unfortunate. Isn't it true? You are holding on to them by clinging to sense pleasures and wrong views (kāmupādāna and diṭṭhupādāna). The clinging objects of mind and body are impermanent so you have to shed tears.

The Buddha taught anicca for getting the Path and the Fruition Knowledge. But when things are showing anicca, you all shed tears. You get the insight knowledge if you know anicca. These things happen because you don’t rely on things which should be relied on, and instead rely on things which shouldn’t be.

So, don’t rely on one’s own and others’ khandhas. Crying is not the source. The source is grasping or holding on to. Kamma also ceases if only clinging ceases. Upādāna nirodho nibbāna—Cessation of clinging is Nibbāna.

In this sutta the Buddha taught mainly on clinging. The floater gets the raft (maggan raft) if he may contemplate its anicca while thinking arises for grasping. The Buddha gave us three cups of impermanence, suffering and not‐self medicines. In the world the real existence is these three cups of medicines. The medicines you like are none of them here.

You like the permanent, happiness, self medicines. In the past you all were stuck with the medicines you like and missed many Buddhas had arisen. You didn’t like the Buddha’s medicines and never drank it before. Therefore it's still very difficult to save beings if the Buddha had arisen. You should never rely on permanent, happiness and self (nicca, sukha and atta).

You get the maggan raft (path factors raft) if you know not‐self as not‐self. It’s you yourself making the axle of the taints and turning around it. And then die in the 31 realms of existence. With the wrong grasping and taints arise (This talk is connecting with the previous talk). All the taints and realms of existence are making by oneself.

So, D. A. process is one’s own process. Have to contemplate one’s and others’ khandhas as not‐self. We are constructing spokes of kamma on the axle of the taints. From the six senses doors construct the spokes of kamma. You also can’t make the spokes if you don’t make the axle.

Without the spokes, the outer most wheel of ageing, sickness and death can’t exist. Therefore, for not grasping contemplate impermanence of whatever arises from the six senses doors.



渴愛 → 執取(upādāna)→ 業(kamma)→ 生(jāti)——渴愛引發執取,執取引發業,業引發生




佛陀在《那提經》(SN 22.93 Nadīsuttaṃ,屬於《蘊相應》)中教導:




如果你如實知見無常,就生起觀智(vipassanā ñāṇa

Upādāna nirodho nibbānaṁ——

若你在「將要執取」的念頭升起時,能觀其無常,便能得到道筏(maggan raft——八正道的救生筏。



若你如實知見「無我」為「無我」,你就會得到道筏(maggan raft


我們是在漏的輪軸上建構業的輪輻(spokes of kamma





你們是被渴愛送到這個人世間的。你們可能會問,「難道不是因為善業才成為人嗎?難道不是業送來的嗎?」不要這樣認為。渴愛(taṇhā)凌駕於行為(kamma)之上。渴愛 → 執取 → 業 → 生(taṇhā → upādāna → kamma → jāti)——渴愛緣執取,執取緣業,業緣生。行為是在渴愛的指示下做出的。





抓住之後,就變成了下沉者。你們喜歡哪一個?當你們受苦時,將其歸咎於業的不幸。難道不是嗎?你們透過執著於感官享樂和邪見(kāmupādāna diṭṭhupādāna)來抓住它們。身心的執著對象是無常的,因此你們必須流淚。


因此,不要依賴自己和他人的五蘊。哭泣不是源頭。源頭是抓住或執著。如果執著停止,業也會停止。執取滅涅槃(upādāna nirodho nibbānaṁ)——執取的止息就是涅槃。


你們喜歡常、樂、我的藥。過去你們都被你們喜歡的藥困住了,錯過了許多佛陀的出現。你們不喜歡佛陀的藥,以前從未喝過。因此,如果佛陀出現,拯救眾生仍然非常困難。你們永遠不應該依賴常、樂、我(niccasukha atta)。

如果你們知道無我是無我,你們就會得到道筏(maggan raft)。你們自己製造了煩惱軸,並圍繞它轉動。然後在三十一個存在界中死亡。由於錯誤的抓住,煩惱產生(這次談話與之前的談話有關)。所有的煩惱和存在界都是自己製造的。



Conditioned and Unconditioned

22nd February 1962

There are two ultimate realities: conditioned and unconditioned dhammas. The impermanence of mind and body process, and the cessation of mind and body process; it is Nibbāna. It's at the entrance of Nibbāna if you can find out the conditioned ultimate real phenomena (sakhata paramattha dhamma).

At the ending of saṅkhata paramattha dhamma is the real existence of Nibbāna which is no conditions at all. You get the knowledge of things as really are (yathābhūta ñāṇa) if you discover the saṅkhata paramattha dhamma. First, strip away the concepts will discover the saṅkhata paramattha dhamma.

Combine the impermanence of the conditioned objects (i.e., the five khandhas) with the knowledge are called the processes of the knowledge. It can’t arrange by oneself. These arrangements are by the objects (i.e., natural processes). We are following with knowledge in accordance with its functions.

The province of sakhata paramattha dhamma ending is not because it wants to be ended. Its province of the boundary coming to the end or expire. The knowledge discover asakhata paramattha dhamma are the Path, the Fruition and the Reviewing Knowledge respectively.

It’s not so difficult and not much about it. First, strip off the worldly concepts and combine the sakhata paramattha dhamma with knowledge. And then following to its ending and will discover the asakhata paramattha dhamma. Therefore you see the ultimate realities in twice.

If seeing the asakhata paramattha dhamma, wrong views and doubt all fall away and greed leading to the planes of misery are gone. And will never be born into the six bad places (4 planes of misery, born into a family with wrong views and a place the Buddha’s Teachings never reach). As soon as seeing the asakhata dhamma and become a stream enterer.

It’s important how to look at these khandhas. (Told the story of Ven. Ānanda became a sotāpanna by Ven. Puṇṇa’s teaching, SN.22.83 Ānandasutta, S.iii.105f). With clinging and craving, conceit and wrong views arise. Without clinging and craving, conceit and wrong views are falling away.

The reason is they arise by clinging to one’s own and others’ khandhas. Smile and grimace come from clinging. Three of the craving, conceit and wrong views are arising in turn. Like the simile of a mirror, looking at the khandha mirror me and him shadows are coming out from it.

Ven. Puṇṇa asked them; “Form is permanent or impermanent?” If it’s impermanent taṇhā, māna and diṭṭhi not arise. Looking at with the ordinary worldling’s eye and taṇhā, māna and diṭṭhi arise. Looking with the eye of the disciple of a noble one it doesn’t arise. In Ven. Puṇṇa’s simile; khandha was like the mirror. Someone himself and others were like the shadows in the mirror. At first, you should have the intellectual knowledge and then do the practice. You have no progress without them.



世間有兩種究竟實相(paramattha dhamma):有為法(saṅkhata)與無為法(asaṅkhata

若你能找出有為究竟法(saṅkhata paramattha dhamma,就如站在涅槃之門前。


若你發現了有為法的實相,就會生起如實知見(yathābhūta ñāṇa

將對五蘊(khandha)等有為現象的無常觀,與觀智(vipassanā ñāṇa)結合,即稱為觀智運作的歷程

當智慧發展到此處,便會發現無為究竟法(asaṅkhata paramattha dhamma——即是**道智(magga ñāṇa)、果智(phala ñāṇa)、省察智(paccavekkhaṇa ñāṇa**相繼生起。


如此,你將對究竟實相(paramattha dhamma)作二重現觀

  1. 觀見有為法的無常、苦、無我

  2. 觀見無為法——涅槃

當下見到無為法,即證入入流果(sotāpatti magga)。

(此處尊者提及《相應部 SN 22.83 阿難經(Ānandasuttaṃ)》中,阿難尊者因聽聞富那尊者(Ven. Puṇṇa)的教導而證入入流。)






初步必須具備聞思智慧(intellectual knowledge,接著才能實修。




有兩種究竟真實:有為法和無為法。身心過程的無常,以及身心過程的止息;就是涅槃。如果你能找出有為究竟真實現象(saṅkhata paramattha dhamma),就處於涅槃的入口。

有為究竟真實法的結束,就是完全沒有條件的涅槃的真實存在。如果你發現有為究竟真實法,就會獲得如實知(yathābhūta ñāṇa)。首先,剝離概念,就會發現有為究竟真實法。







