
-- 空、有為及無為

Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw

Emptiness, Conditioned, and Unconditioned

6 (參考用譯文)

特別聲明:本參考用譯文疏漏、錯繆難免,讀者應慎思明辨。僅供法友參考;並祈藉此拋磚引玉,眾法友能共襄盛舉,共同圓滿此譯事。 Nanda 謹識。


Part 6 1

The Mind at Dying 1

臨終的心識 3

臨終心念 5

Perversions 8

顛倒 12

顛倒 15

關於「厭離心」(Saṁvega 16

顛倒見 17

The Nature of Vipassanā 21

內觀的本質 23

內觀與寂滅智(Nirodha Ñāṇa 25

The Right Association 29

正確的交往 31

正當交往 33

Did the Buddha Help Everyone? 35

佛陀是否幫助所有人? 37

佛陀為何會幫助某些人? 38

成為須陀洹(sotāpanna)的關鍵 39

不要氣餒,只怕你不實踐! 39

佛陀是否幫助所有人? 40

What is the Most Important Thing in Life? 43

生命中最重要的事情 45

人生中最重要的是什麼? 46

Polishing the Mind 48

心靈的淨化 50

淨化心靈 52

Searching for the Right Things 54

尋找正確的事物 56

尋求正確的事物 57

Practical Knowledge of Dukkha 60

苦諦的實踐智慧 64

第一場開示(T1 64

苦諦的實踐知識 66

苦諦的實踐知識 68

T3(晚間開示) 74

T3(晚間開示) 75

The Art of Thinking 78

思維的藝術 80

思考的藝術 82

Twelve Perversions 85

《十二顛倒》 87

十二顛倒 88

The End of the World 91

世界的終結 94

世界的盡頭 97

Kammic Energy 100

業力能量 101

業力能量 (Kammic Energy) 102

Weapon of Mass Destruction 104

大規模毀滅性武器 106

大規模毀滅性武器 (Weapon of Mass Destruction) 109

Vipassanā is Ñāṇa or Kamma? 112

內觀是智(Ñāṇa)還是業(Kamma)? 115

(Vipassanā) 是智 (Ñāṇa) 還是業 (Kamma) 117

Appreciation of Nibbāna 121

對涅槃的欣賞 123

對涅槃的體悟 (Appreciation of Nibbāna) 125

How to Use Desire and Conceit? 128

如何運用欲望與我慢? 130

如何運用慾望與我慢? (How to Use Desire and Conceit?) 134

The Beginning and the Ending 137

起點與終點 196192 139

開始與結束 (The Beginning and the Ending) 141

Four Types of Yogi 144

四種修行者 196194 146

四種瑜伽行者 148

Two Views on Insight 151

修行對照表:兩種內觀觀點 156

關於內觀的兩種觀點 157

Two Kinds of Disenchantment 159

兩種厭離 1961916 161

兩種厭離 164

Searching for the Truth 167

尋找真理 1961102 169

尋找真理 171

Dealing with Wrong View and Doubt 173

對治邪見與疑惑 1961103 175

結論:你現在已經斷除了三種主要的邪見: 177

處理邪見與疑惑 178

Controlling the Mind 180

控心之道 19611010 182

修行重點(比喻總結) 183

🧘 禪修實作法: 184

🧘‍♂️ 坐禪方法(逐步引導): 185

📌 是否要修很久?──不必! 185

控制心 186

Ñāṇa Eye and Normal Eye 188

智慧眼與凡夫眼 19611014 191

🪷 一個譬喻: 191

👁️ 凡夫眼(肉眼)是什麼? 192

🧠 智慧眼(ñāṇa eye)則會知道: 192

🧘‍♂️ 修行的正見: 192

📚 八正道的協助: 193

🧠 佛陀說:「cakkhuṁ udapādi」──眼生起了。 193

🧠 如何實踐? 193

🧘‍♀️ 修行關鍵:sandiṭṭhiko(現見) 194

✂️ 止與觀的區別: 194

☸️ 內觀是「akālika」(即時果報): 195

🧘‍♂️ Mahāsi禪修者: 195

結論: 195

智眼與肉眼 196

Insight Knowledge and Path Knowledge 199

內觀智與道智 19611015 202

修行要訣是什麼? 202

🧹 這樣修行有什麼利益? 203

當你仍未見到道智: 204

🧠 佛陀在《相應部》中只說兩種智: 204

Concept, Reality and Nibbāna (Ver. 2) 209

概念、實相與涅槃(第二版) 19611017 211

四種涅槃: 211

🙅‍♂️ 不要再祈求未來生命! 212

請正確認識: 213

🧠 關於《耶摩迦經》(Yamaka Sutta): 214

真相是: 215

🔚 最後提醒: 215

概念、實相與涅槃(版本二) 216

Spiritual Faculties and Nibbāna 218

五根與涅槃 19611019 222

🧘‍♂️ 那麼該在哪裡修習內觀? 222

🧩 為何分成四類? 222

🌱 修行對應如下: 222

📖 根據《念住經》: 223

🔍 什麼是無常的見? 223

實修效應: 223

🧠 五根(Indriya)會隨修行而成熟: 224

📌 修行正軌: 224

該觀哪一個蘊? 225

🧘 修行方法要點: 225

🛑 若觀的是「感受本身」而非「感受的消失」, 225

若你死時仍具內觀智,不會墮落惡趣: 226

⚠️ 然而,不可懶惰! 226

📌 為何佛陀強調「看見無常」? 226

🔁 從「五根」到「五力」: 227

根力與涅槃 227

Part 6

The Mind at Dying

29th May 1961

Dying is no inbreathing comes in after the out‐breathing goes out and then it is death. The Buddha said that all living beings without seeing the next rebirths at the dying moment would never die. They are seeing it with the five dying mind moments. Death consciousness arises (cuticitta) after these minds come. This mind is the last mind of this life. After that comes the rebirth consciousness.

The five dying mind must be anyone of the wholesome or unwholesome dhammas. These are arising continuously and passing away one by one for five times. What are these five minds are seeing? For example for the unwholesome mind, it sees the lying and cheating of others; or remembering them, seeing the unwholesome kamma one's had done before. For the wholesome mind, it is by seeing having made offering things to the monks.

For the practising yogi, he sees the impermanence of phenomena whereas for a stream enterer (sotāpanna), the impermanence of phenomena reappears. Therefore beings are seeing what they are used to do it (This point is very important to everyone in his daily life or whole life.

We should develop wholesome mind and kamma all the times and these become a habit.) So everyone seeing his or her actions has done before and dies. Some see huge black dogs, hell cauldrons (woks).

They become frightened and tears flow down from their eyes. We had lived our lives in wrong ways and arrive to the wrong places. They know these by themselves. The Buddha had spoken about these things. Some see celestial nymphs, celestial mansions and chariots of the heaven. A person who sees forest, hills and steep cliff will be born as a ghost.

Family member and others are surrounding and talk to him but he doesn’t hear it. Some are crying out with fright. Family members are near but they can’t help him. After the five mind moments and will die. There is no time to make correction. Therefore we have to make preparations earlier before death.

In 100,000 incidents with these kinds of situations, only one case could be made the correction. (Don’t know where Sayadaw got this information. It seems to be from the sutta and a story from Sri Lanka. An old novice was helped by his son who was a monk. In these kinds of situations, it's very difficult to help the dying person.)

It was very few indeed. Someone who sees the womb of an animal will be born as animal. Some fell into hell directly even did not have the chances of questioning by King Yama because their kammas were very heavy (Such as the five heavy kammas) (King Yama was like a judge in hell. A good‐hearted being that helped the hell beings to remember some of their goodness by questioning them.)

How to correct it? The Buddha warned us—Practice vipassanā. Don’t be headless! Someone, with the knowledge of impermanence, sees it as anicca khandha and dies. After death, he instantly arrives to the good destination (sugati), or he can enter the stream before death (according to the Aguttara Nikāya).

The Buddha lived for 45 years (as an enlightened Buddha) and warned the Bhikkhus for 1792 times of the above warnings (Practice vipassanā. Don’t be heedless!) Everyone without the practice of vipassanā, the Teachings of the Buddha is extinct for him. Therefore we should often practice vipassanā and it becomes a habitual kamma by without stopping it (Sayadaw continued the Mahānāma’s story to give the example of the benefit of the practice).

This task is no need to spend money. Only to sit down and observing the impermanence of the khandha. It is not a burden at all (Human beings are sometime very stupid. They can spend a lot of money and times doing foolish things; even giving up their lives for this stupidity). If you are afraid of dying and death that only get the knowledge of sense of urgency (savega).

If you do the practice will free from dukkha. By knowing these things clearly, and the desire for the practice will arise. You already have the perfections (pāramī) for yourselves. Because you meet the Buddha’s Teachings, encounter a teacher who can teach the sacca dhamma (teachings on truth) and possess the ears for listening them. (The last point may seem insignificant. Most people taking interest and pleasure to listen gossips and frivolous talks on sensual pleasure. Just examine the nowadays media.)

(Sayadaw continued on the contemplation of feelings—vedanā). Every itching, pain and aching etc. … arise, and with the contemplation will see their arising and passing away. From the three feelings (pleasant, unpleasant and neutral) one of them will always arise. With mindfulness, persistent effort and observe with wisdom (paññā).

Whatever arising in the khandha everything is impermanent. By showing their impermanence, we just following with, that’s right, that’s right. This is right seeing and even before death getting the path factors (maggaga). Nibbāna is covering up by conditioned phenomena. It is covering up with permanence.

King Milinda asked Ven. Nāgasena; “Does Nibbāna always exist or not?” Nibbāna is not connecting with everyone. Only the practicing yogi can see it. Today talk has three points. I talk about the good and unpleasant deaths. Nibbāna is covering up by conditioned phenomena.

In referring with the feeling, all three types of feeling are covering up Nibbāna. In referring to the mind, all minds are covering up Nibbāna. Therefore I urge you all for the practice.



死亡即是出息呼出後,無再吸入,便是死亡。佛陀說過,一切眾生若未見到來世之去處,則不會死去。他們在臨終時會透過五個瀕死心剎那(cuticitta)看見來生。這個心識是此生的最後一剎那,之後便是結生識(rebirth consciousness)。







那麼,如何修正這些問題呢?佛陀告誡我們——修習內觀禪(vipassanā)。不可放逸!若有人具備無常的智慧,能夠觀照蘊為無常(anicca khandha)並於臨終時保持正念,那麼死後將立即投生於善趣(sugati),甚至可能在臨終前證得初果(根據《增支部》(Aṁguttara Nikāya)記載)。



若能實踐修行,則可從苦中解脫。明瞭這些道理後,便會生起修行的意願。其實,你們自己已經具足波羅蜜(pāramī),因為你們得遇佛陀的教法,值遇能夠教授真理(sacca dhamma)的善知識,並擁有能聆聽正法的耳根。(最後這一點看似微不足道,但許多人只對八卦與感官享樂的閒聊感興趣,看看當今的媒體便可見一斑。)



涅槃被諸行法所覆蓋,使眾生誤以為世間是恆常的。彌蘭陀王(King Milinda)曾問那先尊者(Ven. Nāgasena):「涅槃是否始終存在?」涅槃並非與每個人皆有關聯,唯有修行者方能證悟。
















若你修習,則能從苦(dukkha)中解脫。透過清晰地知曉這些事情,修習之欲求將會生起。你已具備圓滿(pāramī)。因你遇到佛陀之教法,遇到能教導諦法(sacca dhamma)(真諦教法)之導師,並具備聆聽之耳。(最後一點看似微不足道。大多數人有興趣且樂於聆聽八卦與感官享樂之輕浮言談。只需檢視當今媒體。)






17th, 18th, 20th and 21st June 1961


We have to correct our mistakes on the khandha with our own knowledge. There are twelve inversions (vipallāsa). All living beings in daily life are reflecting on the five khandhas with the twelve mistakes (These are: perceive things as permanence, happiness, self and beautiful; knowing things as permanence, happy, self and beautiful; viewing things as permanence, happy, self and beautiful.).

Therefore these are twelve inversions always surrounding the five khandhas. We were in many lives in such situations. It has been like surrounded by walls. The inner part is the khandhas and 31 realms are the outer walls. According to the truth these are dukkha and samudaya (the cause).

Fuels and fire are together. So beings are becoming fire ghosts. In the awaken times, people are always burning with the kilesa fire. In the sleeping times they are always burning with the fire of aging. It was like burning all the times with fire in the security prison.

It was surrounded by the twelve walls of ignorance. If we don’t know our worst situations will never find the way out. These mistakes come from the khandha. By clearing away the khandha and it will disappear.


To understand the inversions are very important. Don’t think that these dhammas are only relates to the living khandha. It also has connection to lifeless objects. Human beings are born inside the inversions. They are happy and joyful with aging, sickness and death.

The matter of knowing these dhamma is not an ordinary thing. The Buddha himself had to know them for the correction of living beings. He had to fulfill the pāramīs (perfections) for the four incalculable aeons (asakheyya kappa) and hundred thousand aeons (kappa).

To expand the five khandhas it becomes the four satipaṭṭhāna and by condensing, it becomes only impermanence (i.e., rise and fall).

In the 31 realms of existence, there are only sakhāra and anicca. The twelve inversions have to be destroyed with their own path knowledge accordingly. By seeing impermanent wrong perceptions and views are gone.

Therefore should not take the khandha as a reliable thing. With impermanence the inversion of view falls away. After discerning of impermanence and die even without seeing the ending of it will become a sotāpanna after death. Why does that happen? Because by discerning impermanence has no wrong view.

You might ask why he becomes sotāpanna quickly arising in the heaven; it's because a heavenly being doesn’t have mucus and dirty matters in the body which can cover up the knowledge (ñāa). (You know how dirty and foul human bodies are. Heavenly devatas never come down to earth for this reason. They can’t bear this smell.)

Ñāa becomes clear and has the power of penetration. Heavenly beings can see far distances with their eyes are also this point. The importance of impermanence is more than that. After becomes a sotāpanna; of the twelve walls of inversions, eight of them are broken down and destroyed.

(The eight inversions sotāpanna eradicated are: ① The views of permanence, happiness, beauty and self ② the perceptions of permanence and self ③ The knowing of permanence and self).

If reborn again as a human being, never become a leper, blind and deaf etc. (physical disability); never be born in a family with wrong views and in a place where the teachings of the Buddha is out of reach. Become only as higher class human being and heavenly being. For the higher Path knowledge, also start again from impermanence.


The majority of people blame the problems on kammas (either good or bad). In reality the inversion of dhammas control over kammas. Therefore crazy kammas are under the control of a crazy dictator. So, nothing is good. Due to wrong views → become attachment to views → create kammas under the control of wrong views.

Without wrong views fall away every kamma creates is crazy kamma. Because of wrong views kammas become unstable kammas. Therefore beings create kammas out of desire. So, beings are falling down randomly, in the round of existence. Don’t be afraid of kammas. You have to fear of diṭṭhi and tahā.

After destroy diṭṭhi has a stable rebirth (Never fall into the planes of misery; can’t interfere by negative kamma). By examining the different types of characters of living beings can know crazy kamma or not. For example, Queen Mallikā fell into hell for short period was the cause of crazy kamma.

For worldlings all their kammas are crazy kammas. Not knowing the truth people become crazy. For good kamma, first have to cure our craziness. How can it be good kamma because the twelve lunatics are controlling over kamma? By seeing the khandha rightly craziness will be cured. Condense the five khandhas become three universal characteristics—anicca, dukkha and anatta.

Condense it again, anicca vata sakhāra—all conditioned phenomena are truly impermanence. Know the truth of dukkha by seeing impermanence. The khandha always has this only. Know it by yourself—sandiṭṭhika. Know the truth more and more by continuous practicing. At the time, you can make a firm decision as it’s real dukkha and then craziness will gone.

We take kamma as father and mother before. (i.e., rely on them as a small child relies on his parents. Mot Buddhists rely on good kammas. But Sayadaw usually said it was wrong. We should rely on knowledge; ñāa father and ñāa mother instead of kam father and kam mother. Here kam is the Burmese word for kamma.)


It will send you to Nibbāna if you know how to use the khandha. Without it the distorted dhammas arise and send you to old age, sickness and death. (Sayadaw explained on this point, gave the simile used by Ven. Nāgasena the simile of a boat).

The boat was the five khandhas. Boat man was the practising yogi. The other shore was Nibbāna. The khandha was like the boat; without it and the vipassanā knowledge, you couldn’t reach toward Nibbāna. If you know how to look at the khandha, it will send you to Nibbāna. Don’t know how to look at it will send you to old age, sickness and death.

You have to look at it like a boat man. He always look after the boat with mindfulness. Have to observe the khandha continuously. Don’t let oneself becomes over tired. Over tired is an extreme (atta‐kilamatha). Feelings are arising and disappearing.

This is their nature. The reason we don’t realize Nibbāna is our knowledge not reaching into the nature of khandha. Also inversions grow out and our knowledge can’t penetrate them. The task of the yogi is looking for a quiet place and not losing the track of the knowledge.

The Buddha asked to look for bodily seclusion—kāyaviveka. With it and then becomes mind seclusion—cittaviveka. And then the mind becomes in calmness. With this, the cessation of the khandha‐upadhi‐viveka comes. To make his simile clear Ven. Nāgasena used Ven. Sāriputta’s verses of instruction on practice, i.e., Kāya ima Gāthā.

It wants to get rid of inversions for today's talk, so that showing you the practice. Listening to talk is changing to ariyan eyes—noble eyes; so that you know how to look at it with the ariyan’s disciple eyes and knowing the truth. You thought as this khandha was nice to have it before. Now you know it as the real dukkha.

[Note on savega: Ajahn Thanissaro wrote on this Pali word in his essay—"Affirming the Truths of the Heart". "savega was what the young Prince Siddhartha felt on his first exposure to aging, illness, and death. It's a hard word to translate because it covers such a complex range—at least three clusters of feelings at once: the oppressive sense of shock, dismay, and alienation that come with realizing the futility and meaninglessness of life as it's normally lived; a chastening sense of our own complacency and foolishness in having let ourselves live so blindly; and an anxious sense of urgency in trying to find a way out of the meaningless cycle."

The Pali word saṁvega became a Burmese word like anicca, dukkha and anatta, but usually used as saṁvega nyan (nyan is for the Pali word of ñāṇa). So it is a kind of knowledge which is very important for Buddhists to develop. This needs study or listening of Dhamma and frequent contemplation. For some people whose sense of saṁvega is so strong that they want to abandon any worldly matters and even give up their lives for the path to the end of dukkha. People will live a meaningful life for themselves and others if they have the sense of saṁvega. "So the Buddhist attitude toward life cultivates saṁvega—a clear acceptance of the meaninglessness of the cycle of birth, aging, and death—and develops it into pasāda: a confident path to the Deathless."]










認識這些法並非尋常之事。佛陀為了導正眾生的錯誤認知,曾歷經四無量劫(asaṁkheyya kappa)及十萬大劫(kappa)以圓滿波羅蜜(pāramī)。






(須陀洹所斷除的八種顛倒為:① 常、樂、淨、我的見解 ② 常與我的想 ③ 常與我的知。)





摧毀邪見後,投生便趨於穩定(不再墜入惡趣,惡業亦無法干涉)。透過觀察眾生的不同性格,可以辨別何者造作錯亂業。例如,馬利卡王后(Queen Mallikā)曾短暫墮入地獄,即為錯亂業所致。



再進一步凝練,則為:「無常,諸行皆無常」(anicca vata saṁkhāra)。




若能善用五蘊,便能引領自己通往涅槃。若不能,則顛倒之法將升起,導致衰老、病痛與死亡。(禪師在此引用那先尊者(Ven. Nāgasena)所用的譬喻——船的比喻。)







如果知道如何運用khandha),它將引導你前往涅槃Nibbāna);如果不懂得運用,則顛倒法distorted dhammas)便會升起,使你墮入老、病、死的輪迴。(禪師Sayadaw)在此解釋,引用了尊者那先Ven. Nāgasena)所使用的比喻——「船的譬喻」。)




佛陀教導我們要追求身寂靜kāyaviveka,遠離身體上的干擾);接著,便能獲得心寂靜cittaviveka,內心的遠離與寂靜);最終,心將達到寂止khandha-upadhi-viveka),即五蘊的止息。為了讓這個譬喻更為清楚,尊者那先引用了尊者舍利弗Ven. Sāriputta)所教授的修行偈頌,即 Kāyaṃ imaṃ Gāthā

今日的開示,是為了讓你們擺脫顛倒,因此將修行的方法呈現給你們。聆聽佛法的開示,能使你的眼界轉變為聖眼ariyan eyes),使你能夠以聖弟子的眼光來觀察五蘊,進而洞見真相。過去,你曾認為這個五蘊可貴、值得擁有;然而現在,你已經明白它才是真正的dukkha)。


阿姜坦尼沙羅(Ajahn Thanissaro)在他的文章《確立內心的真理》(Affirming the Truths of the Heart)中,對「厭離心」(saṁvega)一詞作了如下解釋:

「當年輕的悉達多太子(Prince Siddhartha)首次目睹老、病、死時,內心生起的正是厭離心。這個詞很難翻譯,因為它包含了極為複雜且深刻的情感——至少有三個層次的感受同時存在:
  1. 震驚、憂惱與疏離shock, dismay, and alienation),即當人們領悟到世俗生活的虛無與無意義時,內心所產生的沉重感受;
  2. 對自身愚昧與麻木的慚愧與警醒chastening sense of complacency and foolishness),即我們竟然如此盲目地活著;
  3. 迫切渴望擺脫無意義輪迴的心anxious sense of urgency in trying to find a way out of the meaningless cycle)。」

Saṁvega(厭離心)這個巴利詞,與無常anicca)、dukkha)、無我anatta)一樣,已經成為緬甸語的一部分,通常以「saṁvega ñāṇa」(厭離智)的形式出現(nyan 對應巴利語的 ñāṇa,即「智慧」)。這是一種對佛教修行者來說極為重要的智慧,須透過學習佛法(聽聞正法)與持續觀照來培養。



















(入流者所斷除之八種顛倒見為:① 常、樂、淨、我之見解 ② 常、我之知覺 ③ 常、我之認知)。



大多數人將問題歸咎於業力(善業或惡業)。實際上,法之顛倒見控制著業力。因此,瘋狂之業力受瘋狂獨裁者之控制。故無任何事物是好的。由於錯誤之見解 → 執著於見解 → 於錯誤見解之控制下造業。




再次濃縮之,則為「諸行無常」(anicca vata saṅkhāra)。透過看見無常,可知苦之真諦。五蘊始終僅具此特徵。自行知曉——現觀(sandiṭṭhika)。透過持續修習,愈加了解真諦。此時,你們能堅定地決定,其為真實之苦,然後瘋狂將會消失。







佛陀要求尋求身遠離(kāyaviveka)。透過身遠離,然後成為心遠離(cittaviveka)。然後,心變得平靜。透過此,五蘊止息之遠離(khandha-upadhi-viveka)到來。為使譬喻清晰,那先尊者引用舍利弗尊者之修行教導偈頌,即《身觀偈》(Kāyaṃ imaṃ Gāthā)。



巴利語saṁvega成為緬語,如同aniccadukkhaanatta,但通常用作saṁvega ñāṇañāṇa為巴利語之智慧)。因此,其為一種對佛教徒而言,極為重要之智慧。此需要研習或聆聽佛法,以及頻繁之觀照。對於某些人而言,其saṁvega之感受極為強烈,以至於他們想要放棄任何世俗事物,甚至為解脫苦之道路而放棄生命。若人們具備saṁvega之感受,他們將為自己與他人過上有意義之生活。「因此,佛教對生命之態度,培養saṁvega——





The Nature of Vipassanā

22nd June 1961

I urge you to try hard in vipassanā practice. Why? You should do it if you have compassion to yourself. Tigers used to get their prey by hiding themselves. It can succeed only by hiding and catching. The tiger can’t catch the prey by chasing it. The nature of the khandha is changing.

You can’t see it normally. Only by watching and observing you’ll see it. For example, you don’t know that a mosquito is biting at you if you are talking. You know it only after the bite and it becomes itching. It's because the mind is floating around somewhere.

If you contemplate on feeling just on feeling, and on mind just on mind by watching and catching of them. They are arising by the contact of sense objects and sense doors. The arising phenomenon is the object of vipassanā contemplation. You have to aim at them with sati, samādhi and paññā.

Khandha will tell its nature: arising and disappearing, anicca and magga—impermanence and knowing accordingly. You didn’t know before because of not watching and observing them. After sometime you don’t need to watch. Because the khandha is showing it nature again and again, at that time let go of the watching and observing only at the mature stage.

Feeling arises and by watching and catching it, not becomes vedanā paccaya tahā (feeling conditions craving). Instead it becomes vedanā nirodha (with the cessation of feeling) and tahā nirodho (craving also ceases). Here tahā ceases by not arising at all. In the mind only path factors exist (magga).

By seeing impermanence, you do not find the feeling and craving. But only find out the feeling disappears and the path factors arise. With the substitution of the path factors and craving can’t arise. Therefore vipassanā contemplating yogi truly becomes vedanā nirodha—tahā nirodho (with the cessation of feeling and craving also ceases).

In the practice if you are still seeing feeling is not right yet. These words are very important. Feeling arises and ceases but craving ceases by not arising. These are: the cessation of the arising and the cessation of non‐arising (upādā nirodho and anupādā nirodho).

The main thing in vipassanā is to know impermanence (anicca). Which one vanishing is not the main point (e.g., vedanā or mind etc. ). Knowing about death is the main one. If you practise without any doubt, then if you practise in the morning, you will realize the Dhamma in the evening; if you practise in the evening, you will realize the Dhamma in the morning. It’s very quick if you get the Yathābhūta Ñāṇa (The knowledge of things as it really are, i.e., anicca).

Looking for it in contemplation is thinking—vitakka (Like a tiger is chasing its prey). Knowledge and thinking are not the same. Following with chasing is vitakka. By knowing that it’s not there is right view. It’s knowing nirodha (Temporary cessation, so sometimes using as tādinga nibbāna).

By seeing the feeling arises and then you are alive with the feeling (at that moment). By seeing as it’s not there and then you are alive with magga (at that moment with the path factors). These are quite different. Vedanā nirodha, tahā nirodho—Feeling ceases, so do craving ceases.

Therefore taṇhā can’t arise. It will connect to taṇhā if the future causes are not dying away, and then it will get a new khandha. It’s a great fault because it’s dukkha (Taught by the Buddha in the Majjhima Nikāya). By seeing impermanence, there is no solid and stable happiness. Perversions fall away is freedom. (Sayadaw continued to Channovāda Sutta, MN.144 Channovādasuttaṃ, recounting the story of Ven. Channa who killed himself).

Ven. Sāriputta asked to Channa on his experience of the practice. He answered that seeing the cessation of feelings and didn’t have tahā, māna and diṭṭhi (claimed as an arahant). This was one of the evidence that seeing nirodha is on the right track.

Therefore vipassanā contemplation is watching and observing of the cessation of phenomena. I want to tell you to see the cessation of all the saṅkhāra dhammas. In a Dhammapada verse the Buddha taught to the 1500 monk as—sabbe saṅkhāra aniccati—All conditioned phenomena are impermanent. Here, he didn’t make any division on the khandha. Taṇhā has to cease without arising. If after arising and ceasing, then becomes kamma. (Continue to talk vipassanā on unpleasant and neutral feelings) In the Cha‐chakka Sutta (Majjhima Nikāya, MN.148 Chachakkasuttaṃ), The Buddha said that after the feeling without the cessation of lobha, dosa and moha, dukkha would never end.

This was another evidence. Seeing the arising and ceasing moment to moment is seeing one’s own death. It is Yathābhūta Ñāa. After a long time and become disenchantment with it. It is Nibbidā Ñāa. Later making one’s own decision about it as the truth of dukkha and nothing is desirable.

The khandha vanishes with the contemplation of impermanence. Ñāa turns towards the state which is without arising and ceasing. This is seeing Nibbāna. During alive the khandha still exists (This seeing Nibbāna came from the Ven. Nāgasena’s answer to King Milinda).






如果你純粹地觀照感受(vedanā)即是感受,觀照心(citta)即是心,並透過持續地「觀看與捕捉」,你將發現它們是如何因為感官對象**sense objects)與感官門sense doors)的接觸而生起的。這些生起的現象,正是內觀禪修的對象。你必須以正念sati)、定力samādhi)與智慧paññā)來瞄準它們。

五蘊將會告訴你它的本質:生滅arising and disappearing),亦即無常anicca)與道智magga,知見其無常的智慧)。你過去之所以不知道,正是因為你未曾持續地觀察它們。


感受生起,如果你能「觀看並捕捉」它,它就不會變成**「感受緣生渴愛」vedanā paccaya taṇhā,即感受導致渴愛)。相反地,它會變成「感受止息」vedanā nirodha),並且「渴愛亦止息」taṇhā nirodho)。這裡,渴愛並非因「止息」而消失,而是根本不會生起。此時,心中只有道支**magga,指正道八支)。

當你見到無常(anicca)時,你不會發現感受渴愛,而是發現感受滅去,並且道支生起。由於道支取代了渴愛,渴愛便無法再生起。因此,真正修習內觀的行者,便能達到「感受滅,故渴愛滅」(vedanā nirodha, taṇhā nirodho)。


  1. 取著的止息upādā nirodho)——已經生起的煩惱止息;

  2. 不取著的止息anupādā nirodho)——煩惱根本不生



只要你獲得如實知見Yathābhūta Ñāṇa,洞見事物如實的智慧),證悟便會極其迅速

內觀與寂滅智(Nirodha Ñāṇa

在內觀中,「尋找」即是「思維」(vitakka),如同老虎追逐獵物。但「知見」與「思維」並非相同的概念。「思維」是追逐,「知見」則是正見sammā-diṭṭhi)。當你「發現它不存在」時,這便是涅槃的片刻止息(tādinga nibbāna


這兩者是截然不同的。「感受滅,渴愛亦滅」vedanā nirodha, taṇhā nirodho)。

因此,渴愛無法再生起。然而,如果未來的因緣尚未滅盡,則渴愛仍會復生,並導致新的五蘊生起。這是一個重大錯誤,因為這意味著苦的延續dukkha),正如《中部》(Majjhima Nikāya)中佛陀所教導的。


禪師接著引用《中部144》(Channovāda Sutta, MN.144),講述尊者闡陀Ven. Channa)自殺的故事。

尊者舍利弗Ven. Sāriputta)曾詢問闡陀關於他的修行經驗,闡陀回答說:「見到感受止息,且不再有渴愛、我慢與邪見」,並宣稱自己已證得阿羅漢果。這是一個證據,證明「見滅即為正道」(Nirodha Ñāṇa)。


佛陀在《法句經》(Dhammapada)中教導1500位比丘:「sabbe saṅkhārā aniccāti——一切行法皆無常。」



在《六處經》(Cha‐chakka Sutta, MN.148)中,佛陀開示:


這是另一個證據。「剎那剎那觀察生滅」即是「觀察自己的死亡」,這便是如實知見智Yathābhūta Ñāṇa)。經過長時間的修行,行者將對五蘊生起厭離智Nibbidā Ñāṇa),最終做出自己的結論:「這確實是苦,無一可取」。


即便在世間仍存有五蘊,行者仍能「見涅槃」。這正是尊者那先Ven. Nāgasena)對彌蘭王King Milinda)的回答。








感受生起,透過觀看與捕獲它,不會成為「感受緣渴愛」(vedanā paccaya taṇhā)。反之,它會成為「感受滅」(vedanā nirodha)與「渴愛滅」(taṇhā nirodho)。此處之渴愛滅,是透過完全不生起而滅。於心中僅有道支(magga)。

透過看見無常,你們不會發現感受與渴愛。反之,僅會發現感受消逝,道支生起。透過道支之取代,渴愛無法生起。因此,內觀觀照之瑜伽行者,真正成為「感受滅——渴愛滅」(vedanā nirodha—taṇhā nirodho)。

於修習中,若你們仍看見感受,則尚未正確。此等話語至關重要。感受生起與消逝,但渴愛透過不生起而消逝。此等為:生起之滅與不生起之滅(upādā nirodho anupādā nirodho)。

內觀之主要重點,在於知曉無常(anicca)。何者消逝並非重點(例如,感受或心念等)。知曉死亡才是主要重點。若你們毫無疑慮地修習,則若你們於早晨修習,將於傍晚證悟法;若你們於傍晚修習,將於早晨證悟法。若你們獲得如實智(Yathābhūta Ñāṇa)(如實知曉事物之智慧,即無常),則非常迅速。

於觀照中尋找它,即為思維(vitakka)(如同老虎追逐其獵物)。智慧與思維並不相同。追逐跟隨為思維。透過知曉它不存在,即為正見。此為知曉滅(nirodha)(暫時之止息,故有時用作 tādinga nibbāna)。

透過看見感受生起,你們(於該時刻)與感受同在。透過看見它不存在,你們(於該時刻)與道同在。此等截然不同。「感受滅,故渴愛滅」(Vedanā nirodha, taṇhā nirodho)。

因此,渴愛無法生起。若未來之因未消逝,它將與渴愛相連,然後獲得新之五蘊。此為重大過失,因其為苦(佛陀於《中部》教導)。透過看見無常,不存在堅固與穩定之快樂。顛倒見消失,即為解脫。(尊者繼續講述《中部144·闡陀教誡經》(Channovāda Sutta, MN.144 Channovādasuttaṃ),重述闡陀尊者自殺之故事。)


因此,內觀觀照即為觀看與觀察諸法之止息。我欲告知諸位,看見所有行法之止息。於《法句經》之偈頌中,佛陀向一千五百位比丘教導——「一切行無常」(sabbe saṅkhāra aniccati)。此處,他未對五蘊進行任何區分。渴愛必須於不生起之情況下止息。若於生起與止息之後,則成為業。(繼續談論對不悅與中性感受之內觀。)於《六處經》(中部148·六處經)(Cha-chakka Sutta (Majjhima Nikāya, MN.148 Chachakkasuttaṃ))中,佛陀說,若感受之後,貪、瞋、癡未止息,則苦永無止境。

此為另一證據。看見剎那生滅,即為看見自身之死亡。此為如實智(Yathābhūta Ñāṇa)。經過長時間後,對其感到厭離。此為厭離智(Nibbidā Ñāṇa)。隨後,自行決定其為苦之真諦,且無任何事物值得欲求。


The Right Association

22nd June 1961

Living in the society by selling and buying and sometimes greed (lobha) and hatred (dosa) arise. These are unwholesome minds and it can make us worry. And also we are afraid of becoming unwholesome with them.

I will help you to distinguish between them, which one leading to painful existence and the one not leading to it. I will explain it according to the Buddha’s teaching.

Not every unwholesome dhamma is leading to painful rebirth. Every Buddhist is afraid of it. There are greed falling into the planes of misery and some are not. Do not take it as every wholesome dhamma is good. Some wholesome dhammas are leading to dukkha and some free from dukkha.

There are wholesome dhammas reaching to Nibbāna and not arriving there. Normally people are not easy to distinguish them. Therefore carefully take note of it. Not knowing the way, we do not afraid of it. Do not be with the wrong association. I am not talking about association with people but on the association with wholesome and unwholesome dhammas.

Firstly, association with faith (saddhā); here means not the faith of generosity but in the attributes of the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sagha. Have to believe in the all knowing power knowledge (omniscience) of the Buddha (Sabbaññuta Ñāa). Have to believe in the teaching of the Buddha which can give the three kinds of happiness (Sayadaw did not mention it specifically).

These are the matters of saddhā. If you have unshakable faith in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sagha will not fall into the planes of misery. But still have lobha which can’t send you there. Secondly, associate with wisdom (paññā).

Therefore make companions with saddhā and paññā. Believe in what the Buddha had said that in the khandha only anicca existed. Saddhā can’t see it unless after one's observing with paññā. In this way, one will be free from the planes of misery and all dukkha. You have to know your own D. A. process.

For example, the greedy mind arises, you must observe with sati and paññā (mindfulness and wisdom). It can’t send you to the planes of misery; instead it will send you to Nibbāna by seeing the impermanence of the greedy mind. The enemy becomes friend. These were according to the Sutta Nipāta. I am warning you of don’t let greed on its own way (i.e., should contemplate its impermanence).

Treat it in this way if dosa arises. That is association with paññā. It becomes a problem if you are in association with clinging and action (upādāna and kamma). Associate with knowledge and wisdom (ñāa/ paññā). This is not a strange dhamma. It was also coming from the contemplation of mind in the satipaṭṭhāna sutta. Such as greedy mind, angry mind, etc. arise and know them.

If you have faith will know the arising. With the association of paññā and know the vanishing. Without destroy it with the Path knowledge the unwholesome mind will arise by conditioning. Wrong view and greed are always together.

By contemplating the impermanence of the arising greedy mind and wrong view can’t send to the planes of misery. Greedy mind also can’t send you to the planes of ghost. Whatever kinds of unwholesome mind arise and associate paññā no need to fear it. It becomes insight right view (vipassanā sammā diṭṭhi)

In the beginning of the practice saddhā is an ordinary one. It becomes the faculty of faith (saddhā indriya) after it’s mature. Then after more mature, it becomes the strength of faith (saddhā bala). Finally, after the most mature stage, it becomes the unshakable faith (saddhā maggan). It will develop in stages with a lot of contemplation.

Ordinary faith starts seeing impermanence. With the faculty of faith, the enemy of defilement can’t close too much. With the strength of faith can’t close in. With saddhā maggan, kilesa is destroyed. During the practice if you don’t see Nibbāna means, it need more contemplation. It’s not mature yet.

這是一篇講解「正確的交往」(The Right Association)的佛法開示,側重於如何與正確的法(dhamma)為友,以避免墮入惡道並導向解脫。我可以幫你翻譯成白話繁體中文,讓它更符合你的需求:





並非所有的不善法(akusala dhamma)都會導致惡趣(苦趣 rebirth in lower realms),這是許多佛教徒擔憂的問題。貪愛有些會讓人墮入惡趣,而有些則不會。同樣的,也不要以為所有的善法(kusala dhamma)都是好的,有些善法仍然導向苦,而有些則能解脫苦。


首先,要與信心(saddhā)為友。這裡的信心不是指布施的信心,而是對於佛、法、僧三寶的信心。你必須對佛陀的**一切智(sabbaññuta ñāṇa**具有堅定的信心,並且相信佛法能帶來三種安樂(Sayadaw未具體說明是哪三種)。




你必須了解自己的緣起過程(D. A. process, 指十二因緣)。例如,當貪念生起時,你應該用**正念與智慧(sati & paññā**去觀察它,如此一來,貪念便無法將你引向惡道,反而會透過觀察其無常而引導你走向涅槃。這樣,原本的「敵人」(貪念)反而成為「朋友」,這是《經集》(Sutta Nipāta)中的教導。


問題出現在你與**執取(upādāna)和業(kamma為友時。應該與知見與智慧(ñāṇa & paññā**為友。這並不是什麼新奇的法門,它就來自《四念住經》(Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta)中對心的觀察:當貪心、嗔心等生起時,要如實了知。

如果你具有信心,便能知道煩惱生起;若與智慧為友,則能見到煩惱的滅去。若未以道智(magga ñāṇa)根除煩惱,它仍會隨著條件而生起。貪與邪見(diṭṭhi)總是相伴而行,但如果你觀察貪心的無常,邪見就無法把你推向惡道。同樣地,貪心也不會讓你墮入餓鬼道。

無論何種不善心生起,只要與智慧為友,便無須恐懼。這便是觀智的正見(vipassanā sammā diṭṭhi

在修行的初期,信心還是一般的信心(saddhā)。當信心逐漸成熟,它會變成信根(saddhā indriya,這時煩惱的「敵人」便無法靠近太多。信根進一步增長後,會變成信力(saddhā bala,這時煩惱無法再靠近。最終,信心發展到圓滿的階段,成為道的信心(saddhā maggan,這時便能徹底摧毀煩惱。












首先,與信心(saddhā)交往;此處意指非布施之信心,而是對佛、法、僧之德行之信心。必須相信佛陀之一切智力(Sabbaññuta Ñāṇa)。必須相信佛陀之教導,其能帶來三種快樂(尊者未具體提及)。



例如,貪婪之心生起,你們必須以正念與智慧(sati paññā)觀察。它不會將你們送至惡趣;反之,透過看見貪婪之心之無常,它將送你們至涅槃。敵人變成朋友。此等依據《經集》。我警告你們,切莫讓貪婪自行其是(即,應觀照其無常)。

若瞋恨生起,以此方式對待它。此為與智慧交往。若你們與執取及業(upādāna kamma)交往,則會成為問題。與知識及智慧(ñāṇa/paññā)交往。此並非陌生之法。它亦來自《念處經》之心念觀照。例如,貪婪之心、憤怒之心等生起,並知曉它們。


透過觀照生起之貪婪之心之無常,邪見無法將你們送至惡趣。貪婪之心亦無法將你們送至鬼趣。無論何種不善之心生起,與智慧交往,無需懼怕。它將成為內觀正見(vipassanā sammā diṭṭhi)。

於修習之初,信心為普通之信心。於成熟之後,它成為信根(saddhā indriya)。然後,於更成熟之後,它成為信力(saddhā bala)。最終,於最成熟之階段,它成為不可動搖之信道(saddhā maggan)。它將透過大量觀照,分階段發展。


Did the Buddha Help Everyone?

23rd June 1961

There are two right views: insight knowledge and the path knowledge; the view of seeing impermanence but not Nibbāna, and seeing Nibbāna and not impermanence. It's not seeing feeling, mind etc. after with a lot of contemplation, instead only seeing impermanent of conditioned dukkha (sakhāra dukkha).

This view only existed in the teachings of the Buddha. These are conditioned arising by others, so it is sakhāra. Khandha is the truth of dukkha. So, it is the truth of conditioned dukkha. If you see sakhāra dukkha the debts of all the round of existence and this life done by foolishness will be freed.

This is called the forerunner knowledge. For example, wanting to eat something arises in the mind. It arises by the objects of food and saṅkhāra. The mind is the aggregate of consciousness (viññāṇakkhandha) and dukkha sacca (truth of dukkha). Combine together and becomes saṅkhata dukkha sacca (The truth of conditioned dukkha).

If you die with this view is not going to the planes of misery. After reaching to the blissful plane (i.e., heaven) Path Knowledge arises. This view is saccanulomika ñāa—forerunner view of the Path knowledge. Do not take it as an insignificant view. This view cut off the round of existence, and the view of the insight knowledge.

The view is cutting of the D. A. process. These are the different names given to it, but all are the same. In the suttas the Buddha went to help some beings for enlightenment were had this view before in their past lives. Even how much difficulties it were and he went to help them.

(There are some misconceptions and ideas on the Buddha, arahant disciples and the teachings. Even the Buddha became like a God and making people confuse about some of his teachings. Sometime the Buddha teaching becomes for thought games instead of put into practice to end dukkha).

This view was what the Buddha would help people. You will be free from the existence if you yourself have this experience (For this, Sayadaw recounted the story of Cūḷa‐Panthaka as an example). The Buddha would not go to someone if he did not have this knowledge. He could not penetrate the Dhamma even he met the Buddha.

Some among you have this view already. People who do not have it yet should work hard, and do not give it up. If you do not have this view please do not die yet. Therefore to see sakhāra dukkha is very important.

Some people make vows and prayers to meet the future Buddha Metteyya. You actually cannot be free from dukkha even meeting him if you do not have this view beforehand. (In some of the Pali Nikāya, there were many persons who were closed to him or met him did not have any realization; e.g., King Pasenadi Kosala and Queen Mallikā, Saccaka the Debater, etc. ) Instead of discerning few of them a lot is better (i.e., anicca). You have to follow it to the end. You will see the asaṅkhata sukha if you called it impermanence or saṅkhāra dukkha or whatever. Nibbāna is near if you see saṅkhāra dukkha. If you see a lot of saṅkhāra dukkha, then hitting your both arms with joy (A Burmese expression of the sense of joy).

You’ll become a sotāpanna in this life. In the past, these dhammas were not taught to people and it's as very far away from us to talk about Nibbāna. (e.g., In Ven. Ñāavīra Thera’s "Clearing the Path", he was mentioned that in Sri Lanka, i.e. around 1960, most people even thought that sotāpanna couldn’t exist.)

It’s very far away for them because they don’t know how to go there. The leaders are saying it as far away and the followers become lazy about that. Practice yourself and find it out. Your knowledge will tell you as it’s near. May be you’ll say my knowledge is weak. Don’t you know it’s itchy or painful? Think about it.

After itching and painful, it’s vanishing. Happy or sad even children know about it. But the bad thing is not following with knowledge. Happy exists or not exists have to follow from behind it. You will find the sakhāra of happy ends up with dukkha. It’s not difficult.

(Sayadaw continued his talk by quoting a Pali verse from a commentary explained the process of vipassanā to Nibbāna) There is nothing to be in low spirit. I am only in worry that you don’t practice. At the ending of sakhāra dukkha and magga sammā diṭṭhi arises (right view of the path).

This saying is in theory. With experience at the end of impermanence, Nibbāna arises. Before that without the help of a teacher is impossible. Later the dhamma will lead itself onwards. (explained on Nibbāna) Disappearance of khandha means it's free from the existence of the khandha (khandha vaṭṭa).

I am now, free from the dukkha of painful rebirths. With this feeling the mind becomes cool and peaceful. The whole process is coming first the forerunner of right view (seeing impermanence) and at last follow by Nibbāna right view (seeing Nibbāna).

這篇開示討論了佛陀是否幫助所有眾生,並重點說明了兩種正見(sammā diṭṭhi——觀智(vipassanā ñāṇa)與道智(magga ñāṇa),即「見無常但未見涅槃的正見」與「見涅槃但未見無常的正見」。我會將它翻譯成白話繁體中文,保持嚴謹性,同時讓內容更流暢易讀。




  1. 觀智(vipassanā ñāṇa)——能見到無常(anicca),但尚未證悟涅槃。

  2. 道智(magga ñāṇa)——能證悟涅槃,但不再見無常。

這種智慧不是透過長時間的思索或觀察感受、心念等而得來的,而是直接見到有為法的苦(saṅkhāra dukkha——即一切因緣所生之法皆苦。

這種見解唯有在佛陀的教法中才存在。因為五蘊(khandha)是苦諦(dukkha sacca),而它們又是因緣所生(saṅkhata),因此它們是有為苦saṅkhāra dukkha)。

如果能如實見到有為苦,便能解脫無明所造的輪迴債務,包括過去與今生因愚痴所造的一切業障。這種見解被稱為**「正見的前導智」(saccanulomika ñāṇa**

舉個例子,當「想吃東西」的念頭生起時,這是由「食物」這個目標(所緣)與有為法(saṅkhāra)所引發的。此時的心屬於識蘊(viññāṇakkhandha),而識蘊即是苦諦dukkha sacca)。二者結合起來,便形成**「有為苦的真理」(saṅkhata dukkha sacca**

如果一個人帶著這種見解往生,就不會墮入惡趣(苦趣),而會轉生於善趣(如天界)。此後,道智(magga ñāṇa)便會生起。這種見解不是微不足道的,而是能截斷輪迴的智慧。






有些人發願希望在未來能遇到彌勒佛(Metteyya Buddha)。然而,即使遇見彌勒佛,也無法從苦中解脫,除非你在這一世已具備這種見解。

(例證:在巴利經典中,有許多曾接觸佛陀或親近他的人,卻未能證悟,例如憍薩羅國王波斯匿王(King Pasenadi Kosala)、王后Mallikā、辯論家Saccaka等。)





在過去,這些法義並未被廣泛教授,因此人們覺得證悟涅槃遙不可及。例如,在1960年代的斯里蘭卡,許多人甚至認為「世間已無須陀洹可證得」。(這點在比丘Ñāṇavīra Thera的著作《Clearing the Path》中也有所提及。)











當「有為苦」的終點來臨時,便會生起道智(magga sammā diṭṭhi,正道的正見)。




當五蘊(khandha)不再生起時,就代表你已經解脫於輪迴(khandha vaṭṭa,蘊的流轉)。




  1. 首先,具備「前導智」(見無常),這是解脫的起點。

  2. 最終,證得「道智」(見涅槃),這是解脫的終點。






存在兩種正見:內觀智慧與道智;看見無常但未見涅槃之見解,以及看見涅槃但未見無常之見解。並非在大量觀照後看見感受、心念等,而是僅看見有為苦(saṅkhāra dukkha)之無常。


此稱為前導智慧。例如,心中生起想要吃某物之念頭。它由食物之對象與有為(saṅkhāra)而生起。心念為識蘊(viññāṇakkhandha)與苦諦(dukkha sacca)。結合在一起,則成為有為苦諦(saṅkhata dukkha sacca)。

若你們以此見解死亡,則不會墮入惡趣。抵達安樂之趣(即,天界)後,道智生起。此見解為諦隨順智(saccanulomika ñāṇa)——道智之前導見解。切莫將其視為微不足道之見解。此見解切斷輪迴,亦切斷內觀智慧之見解。









(尊者繼續其談話,引用註釋中一段巴利語偈頌,解釋從內觀至涅槃之過程。)無需沮喪。我僅擔憂你們不修習。於有為苦之終點,道正見(magga sammā diṭṭhi)生起。

此說法為理論。透過經驗,於無常之終點,涅槃生起。在此之前,若無導師之協助,則不可能。之後,法將自行引導前進。(解釋涅槃)五蘊之消失,意指其從五蘊之存在(khandha vaṭṭa)中解脫。


What is the Most Important Thing in Life?

25th June 1961

To know the truth is the most important thing. The Buddha didn’t say the truth of giving (dāna sacca), the truth of virtue (sīla sacca) and the truth of serenity (samatha sacca). For insight practice (vipassanā) he used it as truth.

You don’t know Nibbāna and not seeing Nibbāna if you don’t know the truth. Truth is connecting with the khandha. Therefore Nibbāna is connecting with the khandha. Khandha is truth of dukkha. So, Nibbāna is also connecting with dukkha (From the Kathāvutthu).

After you find the khandha and you will find Nibbāna. Knowing the truth is more important than worshipping the Buddha. This was the reason why the Buddha dispelled Ven. Vakkali away, out of concerning for his knowing the truth (AA. i. 140f).

The Buddha compared the benefit of knowing the truth to the fault of not knowing it. He gave a simile of a lake with the length, width and depth of one yojana (13 miles) each, it's compared filling with full of water to the seven droplets of water.

(Here in this simile, the suffering created for oneself due to not knowing the truth is similar to the volume of water in the whole lake. On the other hand, the suffering which is still left for the sotāpanna is only like the seven droplets of water).

(Sayadaw continued to talk about the state of the mind of people in daily life according to the D. A. process. And then he compared it with people doing goodness. The numbers of goodness are incomparable to the numbers of unwholesome mental states. So not knowing the truth is quite terrible.)

Of the five khandhas, knowing anyone of them very well is knowing the truth. The way you all are knowing it is; for example, the body is itchy. You know it with displeasure (domanassa), such as why so itchy! In the khandha all the arising dhammas are the process of dukkha sacca and continuously happen.

The Buddha was only pointing to it. They are happening all the times in the khandha. Dukkha sacca are arising and we do not know it. There are numerous of truths in the khandha. Not following with the knowledge that it becomes worthless. The dukkha we know before are bitten by dog, hungry for food etc.

These are unpleasant mind (dosa), displeasure mind (domanassa). These are not knowledge mind. You know the foulness (asubha) of a dead body. The asubha have to spend money on it (funeral). But you do not know the born and die asubha in the khandha (impermanent asubha).

These are asubha and also dukkha. It becomes dukkha nirodho hoti—the cessation of dukkha if craving, clinging and action are not following behind. This is knowing impermanent dukkha. Whatever arising in the khandha and knowing it as dukkha sacca, it becomes contemplation on dhamma (dhammānupassanā).

The thing to save you all is the knowledge of knowing the truth. The knowledge of knowing the truth of impermanent dukkha protecting you from the present action (kamma) arising. So, future khandha cannot arise. Not getting the future khandha, the kammas we had done a lot in our past lives cannot follow anymore.

Only you have the khandha they can follow you. Therefore the Buddha gave the example of a lake. The water in the lake dries up is like the past kammas. Also not filling the lake with water again and it dries up. This like not create kamma in the present. Therefore if you want to end dukkha have to work for knowing the truth.

Knowing the truth becomes knowledge (vijjā). People are worrying about the past unwholesome kammas, and also the unwholesome kammas of present life. They can give the results to us at any time. If you don’t want to be like this have to be worked very hard to know the truth.



認識真理是最重要的事情。佛陀並未提及布施的真理(dāna sacca)、持戒的真理(sīla sacca)或奢摩他的真理(samatha sacca)。但在內觀修行(vipassanā)中,他將其視為真理。

如果你不知道真理,你便不會知道涅槃,也無法見到涅槃。真理與五蘊(khandha)息息相關,因此,涅槃亦與五蘊相連。五蘊即是苦諦(dukkha sacca),因此,涅槃也與苦相關(摘自《論事》(Kathāvutthu))。

當你找到五蘊時,你便會找到涅槃。認識真理比禮拜佛陀更為重要。這就是佛陀為何遣散尊者瓦加利(Ven. Vakkali),因為他關心尊者是否能認識真理(《阿毗達摩義釋》AA. i. 140f)。



(接著,禪師繼續依據十二因緣(D. A. process)分析世人的日常心理狀態,並將之與行善者作比較。善行的次數遠遠不及不善心的次數,因此,不知真理是極為可怕的。)

在五蘊中,能夠徹底了解其中之一,便是認識真理。但一般人對它的認識方式是:例如,當身體發癢時,你會不悅(domanassa),並心想:「怎麼這麼癢!」然而,在五蘊之中,所有生起的法皆屬苦諦(dukkha sacca),而且不斷地生起。


你知道屍體的可厭(asubha),但你需要花錢處理它(如辦理葬禮)。然而,你並未認識五蘊中的「生死之不淨」(即無常的可厭)。這些現象既是不淨,也是苦。如果貪(taṁhā)、執取(upādāna)與行(kamma)不再相續,那麼便會達到「苦滅」(dukkha nirodho hoti)。這就是認識「無常之苦」。

無論五蘊中生起何種現象,若能將其認知為苦諦(dukkha sacca),便是在修習法隨觀(dhammānupassanā)。










知曉真諦是最重要的事。佛陀並未說布施之真諦(dāna sacca)、持戒之真諦(sīla sacca)與禪定之真諦(samatha sacca)。對於內觀修習(vipassanā),他將其用作真諦。


於你們找到五蘊之後,你們將找到涅槃。知曉真諦比崇拜佛陀更重要。此為佛陀遣走瓦卡利尊者之原因,出於對他知曉真諦之關懷(AA. i. 140f)。







此等為不淨,亦為苦。若貪愛、執取與業未隨之而來,則成為苦滅(dukkha nirodho hoti)。此為知曉無常之苦。於五蘊中生起之任何事物,並知曉其為苦諦,則成為法隨觀(dhammānupassanā)。




Polishing the Mind

27th June 1961

[ At Sāvatthi, Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery, Ven. Sāriputta, Mahā Moggallāna and many monks were there. They requested Sāriputta to give a teaching. He delivered the following teaching. (From the Majjhima Nikāya, Anaṅgaṇa Sutta, MN.5 Anaṅgaṇasuttaṃ)

There were four types of persons in the world:

1. Someone had a lot of defilements and didn’t know about it. He was an inferior person.

2. Someone had a lot of defilements and knew about it. He was a superior person.

3. Someone had few of defilements didn’t know about it. He was an inferior person.

4. Someone had few of defilements and knew about it. He was a superior person

(Sayadaw gave this talk for the yogis to make corrections for themselves) Sariputta gave the similes for these four persons.

A man bought a dirty bronze bowl from a market place and let it at home near a dirty conner and never cleaned it. And it became dirtier everyday.

A man bought a dirty bronze bowl and at home looked after it very well. He polished it every day and became brighter and brighter.

A man bought a clean bronze bowl and at home threw it near a dirty corner. And every day it became dirtier.

A man bought a clean bronze bowl and at home he looked after it very well and polished it every day and became shinning.

The meanings of the similes are as follow:

The first man is born with a lot of defilements and doesn’t know about it. So he associates with bad companions and goes to unsuitable and improper places and done many bad things. His mind becomes more and more defiled.

The second man is also born with a lot of defilements and knows about it. And he associates with good friends, restrains him himself, does good things and cultivates mind development. So his mind becomes purer.

The third man born with fewer defilements and doesn’t know about it and associates with bad companions, goes to unsuitable places and done many bad things. His mind becomes defiled.

The fourth man born with fewer defilements and knows about it, associates with good companions, restrains himself, does good things and cultivates mind development. So his mind becomes easily pure. Combine the first and the third persons and end up in the same ways and results.

The second and the fourth are also end up with the same results and can realize Nibbāna in this life or next life. Everyone should check himself with the four persons; correct mistakes and look after them themselves, and practice diligently in this life to end dukkha. ]

A person without knowing himself has defilements and the desire will never arise in his mind to clean it. And continue to do things connections with greed, hatred and delusion. He has defilements and making it more and more defiled. He will become more and more foolish without practice vipassanā, being born in the planes of misery after death. In this world there are too many people of this type. The second person knows he himself has defilements and practises vipassanā. He'll be born in the planes of bliss and realize Nibbāna after death.

The third person was born with less defilement and without knowing it and wandering amongst the forest of sensual objects. His defilements are rising up and increasing. With wrong companions and going amongst the five strands of sensual pleasures (kāmagua).

A person, even with pāramīs, has bad companions and going to the bad places, done bad things and his defilements becomes thicker and thicker (A very good example was Prince Ajātasattu associated with Devadatta and the outcome was very grave.)

The fourth person sometimes he is unavoidable has to go amongst the sensual pleasure but very careful to stay away from them and moving around with vipassanā knowledge.



【地點:舍衛城,祇樹給孤獨園。當時尊者舍利弗、尊者大目犍連與許多比丘們皆在座。他們請求舍利弗開示,舍利弗遂作如下開示。(出自《中部經典》〈無垢經〉,中部第五經《阿楠根那經》(MN.5 Anaṅgaṇasuttaṃ))】


  1. 有人具備許多煩惱而自己卻不自知,這樣的人是下劣之人。

  2. 有人具備許多煩惱並且自己知道,這樣的人是上等之人。

  3. 有人煩惱稀少卻不自知,這樣的人也是下劣之人。

  4. 有人煩惱稀少並且自己知道,這樣的人是上等之人。















第三種人雖煩惱稀少,卻不自知,沉迷於五欲之中,致使煩惱增長。他與惡友相處,追逐五欲(五種感官享樂 kāmaguṇa),終致心靈染污。

一個人即便具備福德資糧(波羅蜜 pāramī),若與惡友為伍,流連於惡地,造作惡業,最終煩惱也會不斷加深。(如阿闍世太子與提婆達多交往,其結果極為慘重,正是明證。)





[ 於舍衛城祇樹給孤獨園,舍利弗尊者、摩訶目犍連尊者及眾多比丘在此。他們請求舍利弗尊者給予教導。他給予以下教導。(出自《中部5·無穢經》(Majjhima Nikāya, Anaṅgaṇa Sutta, MN.5 Anaṅgaṇasuttaṃ))


某人具備大量煩惱,卻不知曉。他是劣等人。 2. 某人具備大量煩惱,且知曉。他是優等人。 3. 某人具備少量煩惱,卻不知曉。他是劣等人。 4. 某人具備少量煩惱,且知曉。他是優等人。


某人從市場購買一個骯髒之銅碗,並將其放在家中骯髒之角落,從未清洗。它每日變得更加骯髒。 某人購買一個骯髒之銅碗,並於家中仔細照料。他每日擦拭,變得愈來愈明亮。 某人購買一個乾淨之銅碗,並將其扔在家中骯髒之角落。它每日變得更加骯髒。 某人購買一個乾淨之銅碗,並於家中仔細照料,每日擦拭,變得閃閃發光。











Searching for the Right Things

28th June 1961

A person doesn’t know the truth is only turning towards dukkha. Men are searching for women and women are searching for men. They are searching for the wrong thing. The real searching is for the truth. The truth still exists in the world but people are searching for dāna, sīla and samatha practices.

(Sayadaw gave the simile of a blind turtle in the ocean for the rarity of getting the human existence. After that, he continued to talk about the Bodhisatta’s two former teachers, Āḷāra Kālāma and Uddaka Rāmaputta. They were arūpajhāna attainers but did not have the chance for enlightenment. Sayadaw wanted to emphasize the difficulty of having the opportunity to practice the truth).

These examples are describing your power of the good kamma. And therefore do not be lazy. Even the Bodhisatta without knowing the truth sometimes born as animals (For example, Bhuridatta, the Serpent King or King of Nāga). This point is very important. Any being without destroying the seed of the identity view—sakkāya diṭṭhi can be fallen into the four planes of misery in the round of existence.

Even the real Bodhisattas were no exception and no need to say about the unreal ones. There were 550 Jataka Stories of the Buddha’s past lives as Bodhisatta, and he was born as animals for many times. In one life as the prince Temiya, even had mentioned once in hell before (also Temiya; J. vi, 3, the Mūgapakkha Jātaka).

But there are some misconceptions about Bodhisattas always living in Heaven and other things). In the world there is no greater fault than not knowing the truth. (Sayadaw explained the three knowledge as mentioned in the First Discourse of the Buddha.

These are; Sacca Ñāṇa, Kicca Ñāṇa and Kata Ñāṇa. May be these are able to be translated as theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge and resultant knowledge). Sacca Ñāṇa is the lower knowledge. Kicca Ñāṇa is the middle knowledge. Kata Ñāṇa is the higher knowledge. Listening to what I am saying and paying attention to the khandha.

Whatever arising in the khandha and knowing as dukkha sacca is Sacca Ñāa (Exception of lobha). It’s not including anicca yet. At the moment of arising and knowing is Sacca Ñāa. Wanting something or wanting to do something is Samudaya Sacca (only lobha). Samudaya ceases is Nirodha Sacca.

To know whatever arising is Magga Sacca. All these are ordinary knowing. This is with the help of a teacher. These are the way of knowing in details (Not a combined knowing).

Every time dhamma arises in the khandha by knowing these four points with the analytical knowledge is Sacca Ñāa. Even this lower knowledge is not everyone knowing it. Knowing these things is coming from the help of a teacher’s explanation. Even Ālara Kālāma and Uddaka Rāmputta didn’t know this knowledge.

This way of knowing was listening to the dhamma by the group of five monks. (Pañca‐vaggiya bhikkus, the first five disciples of the Buddha). How can someone knows the arising dhamma if he never heard about these dhammas? Every time with the truth of arising and knowing of it is Sacca Ñāa. Kicca Ñāa—whatever arises in the khandha is rising and passing away. Knowing thoroughly as impermanence is dukkha sacca.

Knowing thoroughly as it is dukkha arising and dukkha vanishing. This is fully understanding of dukkha sacca (pariññāya). There is nothing existing except of Dukkha Sacca. Kicca is one thing and Ñāṇa is another thing (The object is kicca and contemplative mind is ñāṇa). Kicca Ñāṇa is the practice (contemplation). You'll become a disadvantaged person if you don’t have this knowledge. Penetrative knowing is knowing thoroughly. Sacca Ñāṇa is ordinary knowing. Contemplation is doing the Kicca Ñāṇa. What I am worrying about you is Ñāṇa not turning towards the Khandha’s Kicca (Function of the Khandha). Khandha is always telling us its function. Ñāṇa not turning towards it that cannot get the Kicca Ñāṇa.




(禪師舉了「盲龜遇浮木孔」的比喻,來說明獲得人身的稀有性。接著,他談到了菩薩(Bodhisatta)過去的兩位老師——阿羅羅·迦蘭(Āḷāra Kālāma)和優陀迦·羅摩子(Uddaka Rāmaputta)。他們雖然證得無色界禪那(arūpajhāna),但仍然沒有獲得解脫的機會。禪師想強調的是,能夠實踐真理的機會極其難得。)

這些例子都顯示出你過去所累積的善業(kamma)的力量。因此,絕對不要懈怠。即便是菩薩,在未證得真理之前,有時也會投生為動物(例如,菩利達多龍王〔Bhuridatta〕,即那伽王〔Nāga〕)。這一點至關重要。任何未能斷除「我見」(sakkāya diṭṭhi)——即對自我的執著——的眾生,都可能墮入四惡趣(地獄、畜生、餓鬼、阿修羅),在輪迴之中流轉不息。

即便是真正的菩薩也無法避免,更何況是那些未成就的菩薩呢?在《本生經》(Jataka)中,記載了550則關於佛陀過去世作為菩薩的故事,而他多次投生為動物。在一世,他作為太子提米(Temiya),甚至曾一度墮入地獄(見《Mūgapakkha Jātaka》,J.vi, 3)。

然而,世間對於菩薩的誤解甚多,比如認為菩薩總是住於天界等等。在這個世界上,最大的過失莫過於不知道真理。(禪師解釋了佛陀初轉法輪時所提到的「三智」:真理智(Sacca Ñāṇa)、行道智(Kicca Ñāṇa)、成就智(Kata Ñāṇa)。這三者或可譯為「理論知識」、「實踐知識」及「證得知識」。)

真理智(Sacca Ñāṇa)是較低的智慧,行道智(Kicca Ñāṇa)是中等的智慧,而成就智(Kata Ñāṇa)則是較高的智慧。請專注於我所說的內容,並留意自己的「蘊」(khandha)。

無論在「蘊」中生起何種現象,若能知曉其為「苦諦」(dukkha sacca),則是「真理智」(Sacca Ñāṇa)(貪欲〔lobha〕除外)。這還不包含「無常」(anicca)。於生起的當下即能辨識,這便是「真理智」。若生起「想要某物」或「想做某事」,則是「集諦」(Samudaya Sacca)(僅指貪欲)。而「集諦」的止息則是「滅諦」(Nirodha Sacca)。

凡是能夠知曉「所生起之法」,即是「道諦」(Magga Sacca)。這些只是一般性的認識,需要依靠老師的指導才能理解。這些識別方式屬於細分的認知(而非綜合的認知)。

每當法(dhamma)生起於「蘊」中,若能以分析智慧認識這四種真理,則為「真理智」(Sacca Ñāṇa)。然而,即便是這樣較低層次的智慧,也並非人人皆能具備。能夠了解這些道理,皆來自於導師的開示。連阿羅羅·迦蘭(Āḷāra Kālāma)和優陀迦·羅摩子(Uddaka Rāmaputta)都未曾知曉這種智慧。

這種認知方式,是透過聆聽佛法而來的,就如同佛陀的五比丘弟子(Pañca-vaggiya bhikkus)所學習的那樣。倘若一個人從未聽聞這些法,他又如何能夠辨識「生起的法」呢?每當真理生起而能夠認識它,就是「真理智」。

行道智(Kicca Ñāṇa——當「蘊」中的一切現象生起又消逝,若能徹底理解其「無常」,則即是「苦諦」。若能清楚地認知「苦」的生起與滅去,這便是對「苦諦」的圓滿理解(pariññāya)。世間的一切,除了「苦諦」,並無其他真實存在。

「行道」(Kicca)與「智慧」(Ñāṇa)是不同的概念。 「行道」指的是所觀察的對象,而「智慧」則是觀照的心識。行道智(Kicca Ñāṇa)即是修行(觀照)。若未能具備這種智慧,則將成為處於劣勢的人。


「蘊」時時刻刻都在向我們顯示其運作,但若智慧未能轉向它,則無法獲得「行道智」(Kicca Ñāṇa)。





(尊者以大海中盲龜的比喻,來說明獲得人身的稀有性。之後,他繼續談論菩薩的兩位前任老師,阿羅邏迦蘭(Āḷāra Kālāma)和鬱陀迦羅摩子(Uddaka Rāmaputta)。他們都證得了無色定(arūpajhāna),但沒有機會證悟。尊者想強調修習真相的機會是多麼困難。)

這些例子描述了你們善業的力量。因此,不要懶惰。即使是菩薩在不知真相的情況下,有時也會投生為動物(例如,布利達多,龍王或那伽之王)。這一點非常重要。任何眾生,若不摧毀身份見(sakkāya diṭṭhi)的種子,都可能墮入輪迴中的四惡道。

即使是真正的菩薩也不能倖免,更不用說虛假的了。佛陀過去世為菩薩的五百五十個本生故事中,他多次投生為動物。在提彌王子(Temiya)的一生中,甚至曾提到在地獄中(也是提彌;J. vi, 3,啞巴王子本生經)。


這些是;諦智(Sacca Ñāṇa)、業智(Kicca Ñāṇa)和果智(Kata Ñāṇa)。也許這些可以翻譯為理論知識、實踐知識和結果知識。)諦智是較低的知識。業智是中等的知識。果智是較高的知識。聆聽我所說的,並專注於五蘊(khandha)。

無論五蘊中生起什麼,並知道它是苦諦(dukkha sacca),這就是諦智(貪婪(lobha)除外)。它還不包括無常(anicca)。在生起的瞬間知道,這是諦智。想要某物或想要做某事,這是集諦(Samudaya Sacca)(僅限貪婪)。集諦滅盡,這是滅諦(Nirodha Sacca)。

知道任何生起的事物,這是道諦(Magga Sacca)。所有這些都是普通的知曉。這是藉助老師的幫助。這些是詳細的知曉方式(不是綜合的知曉)。


這種知曉方式是五比丘(Pañca‐vaggiya bhikkus,佛陀最初的五位弟子)聆聽佛法。如果一個人從未聽過這些法,他怎麼能知道生起的法呢?每次以生起的真相知曉它,這是諦智。業智——無論五蘊中生起什麼,都在生起和滅去。徹底知道它是無常,這是苦諦。


Practical Knowledge of Dukkha

29th and

30th June (morning and evening) 1961,

1st July 1961

[Sayadaw gave four talks on Kicca Ñāṇa connection to the four functions of Dukkha Sacca; Pīḷanaṭṭha (oppressive), Saṅkhatatha (conditioning), Santāpatha (burning) and vipariṇāmatha (changing)]


[Sayadaw said; Kicca Ñāṇa was vipassanā ñāṇa so you had to develop for many times (bhāvetabba). By seeing anicca at the same time and discern the four truths. Seeing the Khandha (anyone of the five Khandhas) arises is dukkha arising, seeing impermanence is magga ñāṇa, taṇhā not arising is samudaya, and not creating another khandha is nirodha. ]

A person not knowing the truth is like a blind man moving around, walking around with two of the wholesome and unwholesome legs. That is avijjā paccaya sakhāra—ignorance conditions volitional formation. (Here the blind man is ignorance, moving around with two legs are positive and negative actions).

Can not every dāna (giving) realize Nibbāna? If, it is led by ignorance (including tahā itself), then you will not get it (Nibbāna is without them). Therefore these two legs (wholesome and unwholesome) are moving towards dukkha in the whole round of existence (sasāra).

It is like a blind man moving around. Blind man walking around and falling down is dukkha sacca (jāti) because of avijjā and saṅkhāra receiving birth (jāti) khandhas. After falling down and what happen to him? He gets injuries. Get it back again the sores of dukkha. Viññāṇaṁ paccaya nāma‐rūpaṁ—rebirth consciousness conditions mind/body.

From nāma‐rūpa paccaya saḷāyatana—mind/body conditions six sense‐bases. Six sense‐bases are like infested wounds with pus and blood oozing out. These are happening in the six sense‐bases. Phassa paccaya vedanā—contact conditions feeling. Contact here means making your way in the thorny forest (Do not forget about the blind man is ignorance).

So, it is like a cane falling down on the wounds. And the feelings are arising. After knowing these things and the khandha’s nature you do not desire it again. Ignorance becomes knowledge (avijjā to vijjā). The mind becomes clean and pure. During listening to the talk, I am showing you the fault of the D. A. process. And you don’t have pleasure and enjoyment in it. Become not desiring this khandha and not wishing a new khandha. At that time have to analyze the truth. In the mind, knowledge of non‐greed arises. In Sacca Ñāa have to know Dukkha and Samudaya arise. And to know their cessation (i.e., Nirodha). Knowing them is magga sacca. Every arising phenomenon has to know these four points.

Today I’ll talk about Kicca Ñāṇa; Dukkha, Samudaya, Nirodha and Magga, all four of them. You have to ask; “What are their function?” To know about them is Kicca Ñāṇa. This knowledge is more important than Sacca Ñāṇa. This is a very rare opportunity to hear about it. During listening don’t let other mind states come in.

This is an important time (Recounted the story of layman Peya during the time of Kassapa Buddha) At that time his mind was clean and pure. And then the Buddha was in ready to talk about sacca dhamma. But at that moment he had some business and got up and left the place.

Because of that he missed the chance for realization (He had to wait for another chance to come quite a very long time. This was at the time of Gautama Buddha) It’s the time of turning your mind on the khandha for practice. So, turn your mind on it. Now, you have already listening to the talk for 45 minutes. Feelings are arising in the khandha. These feelings are oppressing the body/mind.

This khandha has the power of oppression—Dukkhasa Pīḷanaṭṭho: it has the nature of oppression. This feeling arising is for the oppression of other khandhas. Whatever arises in the khandha and know it as oppressive. Knowing it thoroughly as except has the oppressive function and no other matters.

At that time of knowing, samudaya not arises and dies away This is called cessation by not arising—Anupada Nirodho. The function of knowing (Magga Sacca) is also doing the expelling function (of samudaya tahā). This is tahā nirodha (cessation of craving). Observing the oppression again and again is bhāvetabba.

It is bhāvetabba by contemplation with magga sacca for many times on the oppression of dukkha. Kilesa also ceases for many times. At the same time is performing the four truths. Kilesa ceases by not arising is nirodha. Tahā nirodho Nibbāna—Tahā extinguished is Nibbāna. You will finish your task by practice and not by pāramīs if you contemplate in this way.

T2 (morning talk)

In Sacca Dhamma; Sacca is truth and Dhamma also is truth. There is nothing truer than that. Other dhammas can be said as not truth. It will give you the result sometime if you have done dāna (giving). But if other unwholesome dhamma comes in and destruct, it will not give the result.

Practice sīla (virtues) for long life but it becomes short life if other unwholesome kammas come in. (All these things are important for reflection. The functioning of law of kamma is not very simple. Only the Buddha fully comprehended it. If not we can be in misunderstanding and lost faith in it. The situations can be changed if some conditions come in.)

Samatha dhammas are also the same. (Sayadaw recounted back to the blind man simile in the first talk.) The blind man is looking for medicines after he is getting the different kinds of feeling but it will not be a good one.

Vedanā paccaya tahā—Feeling conditions craving. This is looking for medicines. Taking the wrong medicine and even the old wound is not cured, instead getting a new wound. Kamma paccaya jāti—Action conditions birth. This is a new wound. Your situation is like a monkey, gets a wound on the body. The wound is not cured and even becomes worse by scratching.

If you can’t find or get a good teacher, then it is developing of wounds and nothing. (Majority of people are thinking that indulgence in sensual pleasure is development. So they find ways to indulgence for sensual pleasures. This is the outcome of modern science and technology, with inventions for sensual pleasure).

In this 31 realms of existence and having different kinds of birth are blind people moving around there. It is not easy to teach people on truth because they had been blinded for a long time, for many lives, now. It will be quite difficult to cure them. Now you are coming here for listening talk is looking for the medicine.

This time is the best. You have to take the chance for treatment. If you do not, then next time will be not easy. Maybe you will not find a good teacher. Even have a good teacher, maybe you will not live for long enough.

(Sayadaw continued to explain the truth by using Cittānupassanā)

For example, seeing consciousness arises. Seeing consciousness is the wound with pus. This is dukkha sacca. Different kinds of mind arise and know them as dukkha sacca. It is Kicca Ñāṇa thoroughly to know them as diseases (rogato); as arising by the conditions of ignorance and craving of past life. The Kamma of past life made the arrangement to be here. Saṅkhatatho—this is the dukkha sacca of condition by taṇhā. The impermanence of minds are dukkha and conditions by taṇhā. Discerning impermanence every time is Kicca Ñāṇa. It’s also conditioning by kamma. The eyes are becoming not clear (ageing) and become damaged, etc. The khandha is talking about its function (Kicca). Knowing is Ñāṇa, therefore Kicca Ñāṇa.

Do you still desire these kinds of eyes? Tahā, upādāna and kamma not arise. The four truths are including in the Kicca Ñāa. So, just contemplate impermanence. Even you don’t know about them and all four truths are including in it.



(禪師在這幾日的開示中,講述了「作意智」(Kicca Ñāṇa)與苦諦(Dukkha Sacca)的四種特性之關聯:壓迫性(Pīlaṇaṭṭha)、緣生性(Saṁkhatatha)、燃燒性(Santāpatha)和變異性(Vipariṇāmatha)。)


禪師開示道:「作意智即是觀智(Vipassanā Ñāṇa),因此必須多次修習(bhāvetabba)。透過觀察無常(anicca),同時能夠洞察四聖諦。見到五蘊之一的生起,即是苦的生起(dukkha);見到無常,即是道智(magga ñāṇa);貪欲(taṇhā)不生起,即是集諦(samudaya);不再造作新的蘊,即是滅諦(nirodha)。」

一個不知真理的人,如同一個盲人四處遊走,依靠善與惡的兩條腿行走(指的是善業與惡業)。這即是「無明緣行」(avijjā paccaya saṁkhāra)——無明生起行(造作)。(在此比喻中,盲人象徵無明,行走時依賴的兩條腿則是善與不善業的造作。)


這就像盲人四處遊走,最終跌倒,這即是「苦諦」(dukkha sacca)。因為無明(avijjā)與行(saṁkhāra),導致了「生」(jāti),即新的五蘊生起。跌倒之後,發生了什麼?他受傷了。再次承受苦的創傷,這即是「識緣名色」(viññāṁaṁ paccaya nāma-rūpa)。

「名色緣六處」(nāma-rūpa paccaya saḷāyatana)——名色導致六處(六根)生起。這六根就像潰爛的傷口,膿血不斷流出。(這比喻的是六根接觸外境時產生的痛苦。)

「觸緣受」(phassa paccaya vedanā)——觸導致受(感受)。這裡的「觸」比喻在荊棘叢生的森林裡行走(請記住,盲人仍然代表無明)。這就像是傷口上又被狠狠地抽打了一下,疼痛因此生起。

當你了解這些過程,並且深入觀察五蘊的本質時,你就不會再渴望五蘊。無明將轉變為智慧(avijjā 轉為 vijjā),心變得清淨無染。當你聆聽這場開示時,我向你揭示了十二因緣(D. A. process)的過失,你因此不再對五蘊產生樂受與執取。當下便應深入分析四聖諦。當心中生起「無貪」(alobha)之智時,即可知苦、集的生起,以及它們的止息(即滅諦)。明白這些即是「道諦」(magga sacca)。每一個生起的現象,都必須以這四個層面來審視。

今日的主題是「作意智」(Kicca Ñāṇa),即苦、集、滅、道的實踐智慧。你應當問:「它們的功能是什麼?」能夠明白這些功能,即是「作意智」。這種智慧比單純的「真理智」(Sacca Ñāṇa)更為重要,且極為稀有。

(禪師講述了過去迦葉佛(Kassapa Buddha)時代一位在家居士 Peya 的故事,說明聆聽佛法的珍貴機會。)

當時 Peya 的心清淨無染,迦葉佛準備向他開示四聖諦,但就在那一刻,他因為世務而離席,錯過了證悟的機緣。他必須等到釋迦牟尼佛時代才再度遇到機會。


「五蘊具有壓迫性」(Dukkhasa Pīlaṇaṭṭho——它的本質即是壓迫。無論在五蘊之中生起何種現象,皆應視其為一種壓迫,除此之外,別無其他。

當你清楚觀察到這一點時,「集諦」(Samudaya)便不會再生起,最終消滅。這被稱為「不再生起即滅」(Anupada Nirodho)。「道諦」(Magga Sacca)即是此時的認知,它也具有滅除「集諦」的功能,這便是「貪欲的止息」(taṇhā nirodha)。


「貪欲的止息即是涅槃」(Taṇhā nirodho Nibbānaṁ——當貪欲止息時,即能證得涅槃。





[尊者對與苦諦的四種作用相關的業智(Kicca Ñāṇa)進行了四次開示;逼迫性(Pīḷanaṭṭha)、有為性(Saṅkhatatha)、燃燒性(Santāpatha)和變壞性(vipariṇāmatha]


[尊者說;業智是觀智(vipassanā ñāṇa),因此你必須多次修習(bhāvetabba)。同時看到無常,並辨別四聖諦。看到五蘊(任何一個五蘊)生起是苦生起,看到無常是道智(magga ñāṇa),貪愛(taṇhā)不生起是集諦(samudaya),不創造另一個五蘊是滅諦(nirodha)。]

一個人不知真相,就像一個盲人在四處移動,用善惡兩條腿走路。這就是無明緣行(avijjā paccaya saṅkhāra)——無明緣於意志活動。(這裡盲人是無明,用兩條腿走路是正面和負面的行為)。


這就像一個盲人在四處移動。盲人四處走動跌倒是苦諦(生,jāti),因為無明和行接受了五蘊的出生(jāti)。跌倒後他會怎麼樣?他受傷了。再次獲得苦的傷口。識緣名色(viññāṇaṁ paccaya nāma‐rūpaṁ)——再生意識緣於名色。

從名色緣六入(nāma‐rūpaṁ paccaya saḷāyatanaṁ)——名色緣於六根。六根就像充滿膿血的傷口。這些都發生在六根中。觸緣受(phassa paccaya vedanā)——觸緣於感受。這裡的觸意味著在荊棘叢林中行走(不要忘記盲人是無明)。

所以,這就像一根拐杖落在傷口上。感受正在生起。在知道這些事物和五蘊的本質後,你不再渴望它。無明變成了知識(avijjā 變成 vijjā)。心變得乾淨純潔。在聽開示時,我向你展示了緣起(D.A.)過程的錯誤。你不會從中得到快樂和享受。變得不渴望這個五蘊,也不希望一個新的五蘊。那時必須分析真相。在心中,無貪的知識生起。在諦智(Sacca Ñāṇa)中,必須知道苦和集生起。並知道它們的止息(即滅諦)。知道它們是道諦。必須知道每一個生起的現象的這四個要點。




這個五蘊具有壓迫的力量——苦諦的逼迫性(Dukkhasa Pīḷanaṭṭho):它具有壓迫的本質。這種感受的生起是為了壓迫其他五蘊。無論五蘊中生起什麼,都要知道它是壓迫性的。徹底知道它,除了具有壓迫作用外,沒有其他事情。

在知道的那一刻,集諦不生起並消失。這被稱為不生起的止息——Anupada Nirodho。知道的作用(道諦)也在執行驅逐作用(驅逐集諦的貪愛)。這是貪愛的止息(taṇhā nirodha)。一遍又一遍地觀察壓迫是修習(bhāvetabba)。

通過對苦諦的壓迫多次以道諦進行觀照,這是修習。煩惱也多次止息。同時執行四聖諦。煩惱不生起的止息是滅諦。貪愛的止息是涅槃(Taṇhā nirodho Nibbānaṁ)。如果你以這種方式觀照,你將通過修行而不是波羅蜜完成你的任務。





受緣愛(Vedanā paccaya taṇhā)——感受緣於貪愛。這是在尋找藥物。服用錯誤的藥物,舊傷甚至沒有治癒,反而得了新傷。業緣生(Kamma paccaya jāti)——行為緣於出生。這是一個新的傷口。你的情況就像一隻猴子,身上有傷口。傷口沒有治癒,反而因為抓撓而變得更糟。










[尊者對與苦諦的四種作用相關的業智(Kicca Ñāṇa)進行了四次開示;逼迫性(Pīḷanaṭṭha)、有為性(Saṅkhatatha)、燃燒性(Santāpatha)和變壞性(vipariṇāmatha]


[尊者說;業智是觀智(vipassanā ñāṇa),因此你必須多次修習(bhāvetabba)。同時看到無常,並辨別四聖諦。看到五蘊(任何一個五蘊)生起是苦生起,看到無常是道智(magga ñāṇa),貪愛(taṇhā)不生起是集諦(samudaya),不創造另一個五蘊是滅諦(nirodha)。]

一個人不知真相,就像一個盲人在四處移動,用善惡兩條腿走路。這就是無明緣行(avijjā paccaya saṅkhāra)——無明緣於意志活動。(這裡盲人是無明,用兩條腿走路是正面和負面的行為)。


這就像一個盲人在四處移動。盲人四處走動跌倒是苦諦(生,jāti),因為無明和行接受了五蘊的出生(jāti)。跌倒後他會怎麼樣?他受傷了。再次獲得苦的傷口。識緣名色(viññāṇaṁ paccaya nāma‐rūpaṁ)——再生意識緣於名色。

從名色緣六入(nāma‐rūpaṁ paccaya saḷāyatanaṁ)——名色緣於六根。六根就像充滿膿血的傷口。這些都發生在六根中。觸緣受(phassa paccaya vedanā)——觸緣於感受。這裡的觸意味著在荊棘叢林中行走(不要忘記盲人是無明)。

所以,這就像一根拐杖落在傷口上。感受正在生起。在知道這些事物和五蘊的本質後,你不再渴望它。無明變成了知識(avijjā 變成 vijjā)。心變得乾淨純潔。在聽開示時,我向你展示了緣起(D.A.)過程的錯誤。你不會從中得到快樂和享受。變得不渴望這個五蘊,也不希望一個新的五蘊。那時必須分析真相。在心中,無貪的知識生起。在諦智(Sacca Ñāṇa)中,必須知道苦和集生起。並知道它們的止息(即滅諦)。知道它們是道諦。必須知道每一個生起的現象的這四個要點。




這個五蘊具有壓迫的力量——苦諦的逼迫性(Dukkhasa Pīḷanaṭṭho):它具有壓迫的本質。這種感受的生起是為了壓迫其他五蘊。無論五蘊中生起什麼,都要知道它是壓迫性的。徹底知道它,除了具有壓迫作用外,沒有其他事情。

在知道的那一刻,集諦不生起並消失。這被稱為不生起的止息——Anupada Nirodho。知道的作用(道諦)也在執行驅逐作用(驅逐集諦的貪愛)。這是貪愛的止息(taṇhā nirodha)。一遍又一遍地觀察壓迫是修習(bhāvetabba)。

通過對苦諦的壓迫多次以道諦進行觀照,這是修習。煩惱也多次止息。同時執行四聖諦。煩惱不生起的止息是滅諦。貪愛的止息是涅槃(Taṇhā nirodho Nibbānaṁ)。如果你以這種方式觀照,你將通過修行而不是波羅蜜完成你的任務。





受緣愛(Vedanā paccaya taṇhā)——感受緣於貪愛。這是在尋找藥物。服用錯誤的藥物,舊傷甚至沒有治癒,反而得了新傷。業緣生(Kamma paccaya jāti)——行為緣於出生。這是一個新的傷口。你的情況就像一隻猴子,身上有傷口。傷口沒有治癒,反而因為抓撓而變得更糟。







T3 (evening talk)

The Buddha said that he was realizing enlightenment by knowing the causes of the arising of living beings and the cessation of them. It’s the arising of ignorance and the cessation of it. Today I’ll talk about the Kicca Ñāa of Santāpatha—Burning with kilesa fire. Dukkha Sacca of the khandha is always burning with kilesa. Beings are always burning with the kilesa fire (see the Fire Discourse to the Kassapa’s brothers of fire worshipping ascetics, SN.35.28 Ādittasutta).

Mind/body are burning with fire. This khandha is burning with 11 kinds of fire (lust—raga, hatred—dosa, delusion—moha, birth—jāti, ageing—jarā, death—maraa, sorrow—soka, lamentation—parideva, pain—dukkha, grief—domanassa, despair—upāyāsa).

So, it is dukkha sacca. It has the function of always burning with kilesa fire. Every phenomenon of arising and falling away has to be contemplated in this way. Prince Ajātasattu was burned by kilesa fire of greed and hatred, and killed his father. So his perfection of becoming a sotāpanna was also burned down by it. His good kammas were nullified (became ahosikamma).

Is there any dhamma not vanishing in the khandha? Contemplate every arising and vanishing phenomenon as burning with fire and disappearing. Then you get the Santapattha Kicca Ñāa. You see the mind and body dhammas as after burning and vanishing is Kicca Ñāa.

After that you don’t see any function of the burning process. The function of burning with fire is gone. This is seeing Nibbāna, the fuels (khandhas) are consumed and fire (kilesas) extinguished. It’s Kata Ñāa.

Mind and body are not arising as before is the fuels are consumed. Craving and clinging are not following after is the fire extinguished. Kicca Ñāa is seeing the fuels and fire are burning. In the Sayutta Nikāya the Buddha said; “If someone gets Kicca Ñāa and Nibbāna is near to him.”


Arriving to the hell and the hell fire there is so strong that it nearly blinds the eyes. By hearing the crying of the hell beings and ears are nearly deaf. The smell there is also so terrible that the nose nearly falling off. The hell foods and drinks go into the mouth are burning the small and large intestines and falling out at the bottom. The clothes in the hell are touching the body also burn it down.

Even thoughts are burning in the hell. Nothing is good there. It is called Mahā Pariḷāha Hell—The Hell of Great Burning. Even though the hell beings will still have the chances to be free from there. But not knowing the truth is more terrible than that. Why is that? It's because not knowing—ignorance (avijjā) is establishing these hells. These do not naturally appear. These are the works (kammas) of people who do not know the truths. The things in Hell and fall into it are creating by one’s own unwholesome kamma (not created by God). Wanting to go to Hell is very easy and also easy to cut it off.

Everything of arising must know as dukkha sacca. You have to be afraid of not knowing to cut off your own D. A. process. Do not be afraid of the Hell. The doors to the planes of misery are closed by knowing the truths. Kammas are opening the doors and Ñāa closing it. Kammas opened the doors did not mean it normally opened by itself.

Taking it as one’s own kammas is making ready for it. (This is one of the important points that we can change our kammas. For example, Subrahmā devata and his 500 celestial nymphs’ kammas were making ready for them to go there after death. They were listening to the Buddha’s teaching and nullified its result. In the same way by wholesome merits celestial mansions were appeared in the heaven, e.g., Nandiya upāsaka (Dhp 219~220; DhA. iii. 290ff, Vv. PTS:#862).

One’s dukkha is establishing by one’s D. A. process. It can’t do anything by kamma alone. Kamma do the jobs with the arrangement of kilesas. Do not be afraid of kamma but to kilesas. For example, the arrow and the shooter, arrow is like kamma and the shooter is kilesas. Between them, you have to be afraid of the shooter and not for the arrow.

The Buddha never taught not to think about things but just thought about the truths (for Nibbāna) if you wanted. Thinking with greed, hatred and harmfulness, then craving, conceit and wrong view (tahā, māna, diṭṭhi) will arise.

Today I will talk about change (vipariṇāma) in Dukkha Sacca. Change exists is Dukkha Sacca and not exists is Nirodha Sacca. Arising and vanishing are called vipariṇāma—changing or discarding one’s nature. If you can observe the change becomes Kicca Ñāṇa.

The arising and vanishing are the functions (Kicca) of the mind/body process. The knowing is Ñāa. Changing and destruction are not happening without causes. It happens by aging and death (jarā and maraa) in itself.


佛陀說,他是通過了知眾生生起與滅去的因緣,從而證悟了涅槃。這即是無明的生起與無明的止息。今天我將談論 Santāpatha Kicca Ñāṇa—即被煩惱之火燃燒的過程。蘊的苦諦(Dukkha Sacca)時時刻刻都在被煩惱燃燒,眾生亦不斷被煩惱之火焚燒(參見《相應部》 Kassapa 兄弟火崇拜修行者的《火經》(SN.35.28 Ādittasuttaṃ))。


因此,它即是苦諦,其作用即是不斷地燃燒於煩惱之火。每一個生滅的現象皆須如是觀察。阿闍世王(Prince Ajātasattu)因貪與瞋之煩惱火焚燒,遂弒父,因此他的成就須陀洹的機會亦被燒毀,其善業被抵消(成為無效業 ahosikamma)。

於五蘊之中,是否有不滅之法?應觀照每一個生起與滅去的現象,猶如被火焚燒而消逝,則可獲得 Santapattha Kicca Ñāṇa(燃燒與滅盡智)。見到身心法燃燒後歸於消逝,即是 Kicca Ñāṇa

爾後,便不復見燃燒之作用,燃燒之功能已消失,這便是見到涅槃,燃料(五蘊)耗盡,火焰(煩惱)熄滅,這即是 Kata Ñāṇa(成就智)。

身心不再如昔日般生起,即是燃料已耗盡;貪愛與執取不再追逐,即是火焰已熄滅。Kicca Ñāṇa 是見到燃料與火焰正在燃燒。《相應部》中佛陀說:「若有人得 Kicca Ñāṇa,則涅槃已近。」



即使是意念,在地獄中亦為烈焰所焚,毫無一物可稱為美善,因此此地亦被稱為「大熾燃地獄」(Mahā Pariḷāha Hell—The Hell of Great Burning)。然而,即便是地獄眾生,亦仍有機會得以解脫。但不知真理者,其狀況比地獄更為可怕。為何如此?因為無知(avijjā)創造了這些地獄。它們並非自然生起,而是那些不知真理之眾生所造作的業力(kamma)所形成。地獄之境與墮入其中皆是由自身的不善業所造(並非神所創造)。欲往地獄甚為容易,而斷絕之亦同樣容易。

所有生起之法皆應知為苦諦。應當畏懼的是不知如何斷除自身的「緣起」(D. A. process),而非畏懼地獄。墮入惡趣之門由無明與業所開啟,而由智慧(Ñāṇa)所關閉。業力開啟此門,並非此門自然敞開。

執著自身之業,即是為墮入地獄做準備。(這是我們可以改變業力的重要關鍵。例如,Subrahmā 天神與其五百位天女之業本來已準備使其死後墮入地獄,但因聽聞佛陀的教法,令此果報無效。同樣,透過善業之力,天界宮殿得以顯現,例如 Nandiya 居士(Dhp 219~220; DhA. iii. 290ff, Vv. PTS:#862))。

個人的苦受乃由自身的「緣起」(D. A. process)所建立,而非單憑業力而決定。業力的運作須依附於煩惱。因此,應畏懼的並非業力,而是煩惱。例如,箭矢與射手,箭矢猶如業力,而射手則為煩惱。二者之中,應當畏懼的並非箭矢,而是射手。

佛陀從未教導人們不應思考事物,而是應思惟真理(以求涅槃)。若思考時伴隨貪、瞋、害,則貪愛、慢心與邪見(taṇhā, māna, diṭṭhi)便會生起。

今日我將談論苦諦中的「變異」(vipariṇāma)。變異存在即是苦諦,不存在則為滅諦(Nirodha Sacca)。生起與滅去即是所謂的變異(vipariṇāma)—即變化與捨棄自性。若能觀察變異,即可獲得 Kicca Ñāṇa

生滅是身心過程的作用(Kicca),而知曉此生滅即是智慧(Ñāṇa)。變異與毀滅非無因而生,而是由於老與死(jarā maraṇa)之法自體內發生。






五蘊中有沒有不消失的法?觀照每一個生起和消逝的現象,就像被火燃燒並消失一樣。然後你獲得燃燒性的業智(Santapattha Kicca Ñāṇa)。你看到身心之法就像燃燒後消失一樣,這是業智。

在那之後,你看不到任何燃燒過程的作用。燃燒的作用消失了。這就是看到涅槃,燃料(五蘊)被消耗,火(煩惱)熄滅。這是果智(Kata Ñāṇa)。




即使是想法在地獄中也在燃燒。那裡沒有什麼好的。它被稱為大燃燒地獄(Mahā Pariḷāha Hell)。即使地獄眾生仍然有機會從那裡解脫,但不知真相比這更可怕。為什麼呢?因為不知——無明(avijjā)正在建立這些地獄。這些不是自然出現的。這些是不知真相的人的行為(業)。地獄中的事物和墮入地獄都是由自己的不善業創造的(不是上帝創造的)。想去地獄很容易,切斷它也很容易。


將其視為自己的業,就是為其做好準備。(這是我們可以改變業的重要一點。例如,善住天子(Subrahmā devata)和他的五百位天女的業正在為他們死後去那裡做好準備。他們聽了佛陀的教導,抵消了其結果。同樣,通過善行,天上的宮殿在天上出現,例如難提優婆塞(Dhp 219~220; DhA. iii. 290ff, Vv. PTS:#862)。


佛陀從未教導不要思考事物,而是如果你想獲得涅槃,就只思考真相。帶著貪婪、瞋恨和傷害性思考,那麼貪愛、我慢和邪見(taṇhā, māna, diṭṭhi)就會生起。


生起和消逝是身心過程的作用(業)。知道是智。變化和毀滅不是沒有原因發生的。它是由衰老和死亡(jarā maraṇa)本身發生的。

The Art of Thinking

1st August 1961

During the contemplation of one’s khandha; mind and body only exist as rise and fall. Khandha only has impermanence. Observe them and only see impermanence. And then your both eyes have light. With the traditional eyes of the parents we take it as this is my son, my daughter, etc.

If dying in this way we are born and die as blind people and end up in the coffins. It’s a great lost. Therefore the Buddha said about us as we were blind and crazy worldlings. What does it look like? Earth worms have no eyes by birth. They are moving blindly here and there and encounter deaths.

(It’s interesting to observe earth worms. They come out during the winter season and have a lot of difficult times. It has a difficult life. Poor things!).

You all will be born as animals, living as animals and die as animals if without seeing impermanence and dying. I urge you to work hard for this right view. And die in this way and not born in the planes of misery. Try hard for what the khandha has in itself and knowing it accordingly.

This becomes the eyes of right view (sammā‐diṭṭhi eyes) which know rightly. With this view and following it to the end will die with smile. If die with blindness, at near death will see mountain, hills and forest, hell fire, etc. Crying with fright, fear and struggle, in this kind of situation will die badly.

Dying with fright and fear is an ugly death with grimace. You'll reach toward Nibbāna if you die with the four Path Knowledge (i.e., as an arahant). If not (reaching toward Nibbāna), at least, you will reach toward good destinations (sugati). The Buddha was reminding the monks to do the practice for 1792 times in his life.

Now you find these sense objects (sensual pleasure) and don’t take it highly. These are not the salvation dhamma. They are big enemies (referred to the sense objects of family members and wealth). If you take care of them more than its need will die badly.

A monk asked the Buddha about the life span of a hell being. “How long does it take time to be suffered in hell, Ven. Bhante?” “I can’t tell you.” The Buddha knew it, but it took so long that couldn’t talk about it. If you really sick even have millions of dollars can’t cure it or make it better (referred to near death illness).

Observe the khandha to see its rise and fall asubha. And then continue to observe until you don’t desire it. You’ll see the disappearance of the khandha, which is Nibbāna. People don’t desire Nibbāna because there is no khandha. In true the bad thing disappears and the good one appears. In the Sayutta Nikāya, the Buddha taught us as if we wanted to think, thought about sacca dhamma not on children and business.

But you all are thinking about going to the planes of misery. Thinking about the truths is vipassanā contemplation. The arising dhamma is dukkha sacca and knowing is magga sacca. Think in this way if you want to think.

But you do not think about closing the door of misery, instead the opening of it. You have to reduce all these things. The doors of misery are opening by our craving (samudaya sacca). If you want to close them, only ñāa (magga sacca) will do it. From here you are constructing the hell wok (cauldron).

And also from here you can extinguish the hell fire. For example, like an electric button can swift on and swift off from here. (Sayadaw recounted the upāsaka Nandiya's story). Even before you are going there the woks are boiling and waiting for you. These are establishing from the human world.

From the human world you can also make the hell woks and celestial mansions to disappear. You all are following and developing the cauldron line (like a factory making woks). Therefore human world is very precious (Most human beings from the human plane are creating all sorts of kamma and going to the other planes as an international air‐port). Every time not knowing the arising dhamma, it becomes—avijjā paccaya sakhāra—ignorance conditions volitional formation → jāti (birth).You will go to the miserable planes if you do not know how to think. And know how to think, will go to Nibbāna. Knowing of how to think is right thought (sammā‐saṅkappa). With right thought and seeing is right view (sammā‐diṭṭhi).

Good thoughts are right thought. With good thought and knowing rightly is right view. Do not think about sensual thoughts (kāma vitakka), thought of ill will (vyāpāda vitakka) and thought of harming (vihisā vitakka). Instead think about renunciation (nekkhamma vitakka), without ill will or with love (avyāpāda) and harmlessness (avihisā). In accordance with our parent tradition people have big thoughts. It comes a Big Wok with a big thought. Do you want to compete with each other which one’s wok is Bigger? You will get magga if you contemplate whatever arising as dukkha sacca. In this way kilesa becomes thinner and thinner. At last it ceases and will reach Nibbāna.

Do you know how to think it in beds? (These words referred to majority but he had many upper class disciples sitting in front of him. Nowadays many politicians, industrialists and economists are thinking the Biggest Woks in beds.) Right thought is an important dhamma to Nibbāna.














然而,你們卻思索著如何前往惡趣。思惟真理,即是觀禪(vipassanā)。生起的法是苦諦(dukkha sacca),而知曉它則是道諦(magga sacca)。若要思考,應如此思考。




若未能了知生起之法,每次皆會落入「無明緣行」(avijjā paccaya saṅkhāra)→「生」(jāti)。若不知如何思考,便將墮入惡趣;若知如何思考,則將趨向涅槃。懂得如何思考,即是正思維(sammā-saṅkappa)。有了正思維並見到真相,即是正見(sammā-diṭṭhi)。

善念即為正思維。若以善念正確知曉,即是正見。不可思考感官欲念(kāma vitakka)、瞋恨念(vyāpāda vitakka)與加害念(vihiṁsā vitakka)。相反,應思考出離(nekkhamma vitakka)、慈愛(avyāpāda)與無害(avihiṁsā)。











這就變成了正見之眼(sammā‐diṭṭhi eyes),它能正確地知道。有了這種見解,並遵循它直到最後,就會帶著微笑死去。如果帶著盲目死去,在臨終時會看到山脈、丘陵和森林、地獄之火等等。帶著恐懼、害怕和掙扎哭泣,在這種情況下會死得很慘。








從人間你們也可以使地獄的鍋和天上的宮殿消失。你們都在遵循和發展大鍋的生產線(就像一個製造鍋的工廠)。因此,人間非常珍貴(大多數來自人間的眾生都在創造各種業,並像國際機場一樣前往其他界)。每次不知生起的法,它就會變成——無明緣行(avijjā paccaya saṅkhāra)——無明緣於意志活動 → 生(jāti)。如果你不知道如何思考,你就會去惡道。知道如何思考,就會去涅槃。知道如何思考是正思惟(sammā‐saṅkappa)。有了正思惟和正見,就是正見(sammā‐diṭṭhi)。

好的想法是正思惟。有了好的想法和正確的知道,就是正見。不要思考感官的想法(kāma vitakka)、惡意的想法(vyāpāda vitakka)和傷害的想法(vihiṁsā vitakka)。相反,思考出離(nekkhamma vitakka)、無惡意或帶著愛(avyāpāda)和無害(avihiṁsā)。按照我們父母的傳統,人們有很大的想法。一個大的想法就會產生一個大鍋。你們想互相競爭,看誰的鍋更大嗎?如果你觀照任何生起的事物是苦諦,你就會獲得道。以這種方式,煩惱變得越來越薄。最終它會止息,並到達涅槃。


Twelve Perversions

3rd and 4th August 1961

[There are twelve inversions (vipallāsas): i.e., three wrong attitudes to the four subjects (3 x 4=12); three wrong attitudes are: wrong perception, wrong knowing and wrong viewing. The four subjects are: Taking impermanence (anicca) as to be permanence (nicca), suffering (dukkha) as happiness (sukha), not‐self (anatta) as self (atta), and foulness (asubha) as beauty (subha).]

Without knowing the mistakes we are constructing perversive walls again and again and it become taller and darker. The Buddha gave an example of throwing a pebble upwardly to the sky and it stays a moment in the mid air and then falls down again.

In the same way living beings come to this human world for a short moment like the pebble in the mid air. But falling into the planes of misery is longer like the pebble staying on the ground. Your business and wealth are becoming useless after you die.

Every day you have to make adjustment to the khandha and request for long life, using foods, medicines and other things, etc. We get the khandha for making these three mistakes. You'll become an arahant if you transcend them all. You'll get the first Nibbāna if you can eradicate the third mistake. (i.e., diṭṭhi vipallāsa). You will become sakadāgāmin and anāgāmin if you can overcome the first mistake (i.e., saññā vipallāsa); becoming an arahant if overcoming the second mistake (i.e., citta vipallāsa). The first Path Knowledge eradicated eight factors of inversion (i.e., view of permanence, view of happiness, view of beauty, view of self, perception of permanence, knowing of permanence, perception of self and knowing of self).

The second and third Path Knowledge eradicated two factors and the fourth Path Knowledge eradicated two factors. One can’t get the first Nibbāna without eradicated wrong view. One can’t get the second and third Nibbāna without eradicated wrong perception. One can’t realize the fourth Nibbāna without eradicated beauty and happiness (subha and sukha) (according to the Aguttara Nikāya).

I’ll explain about the practice. In your khandha originally exists is impermanence, suffering, not‐self and foulness. To these four subjects multiply with wrong perception, wrong knowing and wrong viewing factors and become twelve inversions.

These dhammas are happening uncountable in everyday life. Kamma can’t send you to Nibbāna but Ñāa can. There is no good kamma directly to Nibbāna, but with good ñāa will get it. There were many Buddhas had arisen uncountable in the world. But living beings were for many lives surrounded themselves with many walls of inversions that Buddhas couldn’t enter to them. And light of Dhamma couldn’t enter through them.

Jhānas, Path and Fruition Knowledge can’t be attained by practicing with dāna, sīla and prayer; they only can be attained with direct practice of samatha and vipassanā. If you still can’t get Nibbāna even with direct practice, then your kilesas are thick.

Do not express it to people. If you do it, then there is no shame about it. So, just only try harder. And do not complain of wrong view. So, I will talk about it first. By talking before about inversions of perception and knowing, it misses the target.

(Recounted the story of Subrahmā Devata) 500 celestial nymphs were died instantly and fell into the hell. This was because of without eradicated wrong view and the seeds of hell were with them in the heaven. Destructive kamma (upaghātaka kamma) came in and struck them and fell into hell, even their life spans were not finished yet.

(This point is interesting because most of us may think; it can live for its life span as a devata. They did not have chances for developing good kamma there and only for enjoyments.

So sasāra is not good and very dangerous.)The Buddha could not save them directly but instead could stop it by giving the way of practice (To the other 500 celestial nymphs and Subrahmā Devata).



[顛倒(vipallāsa)共有十二種,即對四種事物的三種錯誤態度(3×4=12)。三種錯誤態度為:錯誤的知覺(saññā vipallāsa)、錯誤的認知(citta vipallāsa)與錯誤的見解(diṭṭhi vipallāsa)。四種事物為:將無常(anicca)誤認為是恆常(nicca)、將苦(dukkha)誤認為是樂(sukha)、將無我(anatta)誤認為是有我(atta)、將不淨(asubha)誤認為是清淨(subha)。]




初道智(第一果)能斷除八種顛倒(即常見、樂見、淨見、我見、常覺、常知、我覺、我知);第二與第三道智則各斷除兩種顛倒,第四道智則斷除最後兩種顛倒。若未能破除錯誤見解,則無法證得初果。若未能破除錯誤知覺,則無法證得二果與三果。若未能破除錯誤認知,則無法證得四果(依據《增支部經》Aṁguttara Nikāya)。





(講述蘇巴羅摩天神 [Subrahmā Devata] 的故事)

五百位天女瞬間喪命,墮入地獄。這是因為她們未能破除錯誤見解,因此,即便身處天界,地獄的種子仍然與她們同在。一旦毀滅業(upaghātaka kamma)成熟時,便立刻將她們擊落地獄,即便她們的天壽尚未終結。

(這一點值得深思,因為我們或許認為天人能享受完整的天壽,但實際上,若未能破除惡業種子,天壽也可能被終止。他們在天界沒有機會造作善業,只是享樂而已。因此,輪迴 [saṁsāra] 既不美好,也充滿危險。)





[有十二種顛倒(vipallāsas):即對四個對象的三種錯誤態度(3 x 4 = 12);三種錯誤態度是:錯誤的感知、錯誤的知曉和錯誤的見解。四個對象是:將無常(anicca)視為常(nicca),將苦(dukkha)視為樂(sukha),將無我(anatta)視為我(atta),以及將不淨(asubha)視為淨(subha)。]



每天你都必須調整五蘊,並請求長壽,使用食物、藥物和其他東西等等。我們獲得五蘊是為了犯這三個錯誤。如果你超越了它們,你就會成為阿羅漢。如果你能根除第三個錯誤(即見顛倒,diṭṭhi vipallāsa),你就會獲得第一個涅槃。如果你能克服第一個錯誤(即想顛倒,saññā vipallāsa),你就會成為斯陀含和阿那含;如果你能克服第二個錯誤(即心顛倒,citta vipallāsa),你就會成為阿羅漢。第一個道智消滅了八個顛倒因素(即常的見解、樂的見解、淨的見解、我的見解、常的感知、常的知曉、我的感知和我的知曉)。

第二和第三個道智消滅了兩個因素,第四個道智消滅了兩個因素。不根除邪見,就無法獲得第一個涅槃。不根除錯誤的感知,就無法獲得第二和第三個涅槃。不根除淨和樂(subha sukha),就無法證悟第四個涅槃(根據《增支部》)。





(重述善住天子的故事)五百位天女瞬間死亡,墮入地獄。這是因為沒有根除邪見,地獄的種子在天上與他們同在。破壞性的業(upaghātaka kamma)進來襲擊他們,使他們墮入地獄,即使他們的壽命還沒有結束。


The End of the World

4th August 1961

A person who knows dukkha can appreciate Nibbāna more than others. You have to observe the khandha intensely if you want to know dukkha. The khandha will tell you that it has no happiness at all. That this kind of dukkha has gone is Nibbāna. It will take long to look for Nibbāna at the wrong place.

In the Sayutta Nikāya, the Buddha said that Nibbāna was not far away, and near us. The yogis know about this. By practice and knowing that it is true and near us. You have to follow to the end of impermanence. At the end you will see it.

Contemplate any one of the vipassanā you like (i.e., the four satipaṭṭhāna): By contemplation of feeling and will see it after the end of feeling. By contemplation of mind and will see it after the end of mind. By contemplation of form and will see it after the end of form.

It is close to this body. This end here and that is the beginning (dukkha end and Nibbāna begin). The Buddha taught about it. And I also tell you about this. You can do the experiment with care. There were some who had done it before and had the experiences.

At the end of saṅkhāra dukkha, Nibbāna exists. Saṅkhāra are mind, feeling, form, dhamma and they arise and disappear. And after sometime they are totally cease, and not arise anymore, and you will see Nibbāna. At the end of the conditioned dukkha (saṅkhāra), unconditioned sukha (asaṅkhata) exists.

At the end of your contemplation of impermanence and will see it. Nibbāna appears as sun and moon at this place (Here Sayadaw used it as a metaphorical term). The five dhammas; wrong view, doubt, greed, hatred, wrong practices in sīla are ceased. Without latent defilements khandha becomes light. The khandha is heavy because of kilesas.

(With the lightness of body, in one of his talks Sayadaw mentioned an interesting story. One time a practiced monk travelled alone in a forest and had an accident. He couldn’t walk and sit there. Sometime later a man came by and carried him on his back. The monk continued the practice on his back and became an arahant.

The layman felt his body lightness. He told the monk, “Ven. Sir, in the beginning your body is too heavy for me. Now, it seems very light.” Instead of telling the truth directly his answer was: “May be it’s not the same body as before.”)

Heavy elements of kilesa are disappeared. (A documentary film of a Chinese woman who had a lot of hatred and anger to her husband and in‐laws very often that later developed illness. Later to see in a hospital and had an operation. The surgeon took out a few pebble size stones changed from the chemical elements from her body).

If you see the ending of impermanence once become a sotāpanna. A person sees the ending of sakhāra dukkha and the seed of hell is destroyed. If you still have the seed of hell, don’t be feel proud and enjoyment in pleasure. After you have done it away and can be in pleasure If not like taking pleasure with death sentence in jail.

Other people are seeking in pleasure but no need to imitate them. Noble beings (ariyans) have savega (sense of urgency) by seeing others in seeking pleasure. They feel pity on them. But are also happy for themselves because of free from the worse misfortune (fall into the planes of misery, especially in hells).

However long the road may be always has the end. Here the end is the end of dukkha. Even it’s close to us can’t go there with other dhammas. It can be only with the chariot of Noble Eightfold Path. In some of the suttas the Buddha taught us to search Nibbāna in the two armed‐lengths khandha.

First, the insight knowledge discover sakhāra dukkha and later supramundane knowledge discovers nirodha Nibbāna. (Sayadaw continued the Ānanda’s story)

[ There are three worlds (loka). These are: space (ākāsa loka), living beings (satta loka) and conditioned world (sakhāra loka). One time the Buddha mentioned these worlds to the monks and said that couldn’t go to the end of the world on foot or by vehicles.

Without the ending of sakhāra loka could not reach Nibbāna. After these words the Buddha went away. The monks did not understand the meaning and asked Ven. Ānanda for the answer. He said the five khandhas were sakhāra loka and the six senses bases also.

Only by following the Noble Eightfold Path, the world would be ended. Observing the five khandhas which arise from the 6sense doors is on the way to the end of the world. In the D. A. of cause and effect process, the effects are saṅkhāra. Seeing the khandha arises is seeing saṅkhāra.

Observing anicca is seeing dukkha. With sakhāra ends and dukkha also ends. The end of dukkha is Nibbāna. Without sakhāra loka the other lokas not exist (i.e., space and beings). They can only exist together. ]

Do not mix up Nibbāna with the wholesome kamma, with only wholesome kamma can’t realize Nibbāna. It connects with dukkha (i.e., kamma).

Maggan (path factors) cut off dukkha. They are different things. You can’t find Nibbāna in the satta and ākāsa and only in saṅkhāra loka. (This is the main reason except a Buddha no other beings can teach the way to Nibbāna). It exists at the end of saṅkhāra loka. I will talk about saṅkhāra loka. Every resultant dhamma is saṅkhāra (arising by conditioning). This itself also will condition other dhammas (In the Buddha’s Teaching no original cause or the first cause, so the Buddha rejected the Creator.)

For example, according to the D. A. process: Ignorance (the cause) → volitional formation (result/cause) → viññāa (result/cause)……etc. The 6sense doors (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind) are called loka. People have wrong view taking them as loka. At the end of sense bases (saḷāyatana) Nibbāna exists.

People taking my eyes, my ears, etc. and perceive them as loka. In short take the mind and body as loka. Contemplate one of the six senses bases. You cut off sakhāra and satta lokas if you can contemplate them to the end. Nibbāna exists at the end of the khandha or āyatana.

Contemplate the arising mind in oneself. Contemplate the preceding mind with the following mind (i.e. ñāa). If someone is not an ariyan and no ariyan mind states arise. Minds are not many (What sayadaw meant here was for practice by a worldling. According to the Abhidhamma there were 89 types of mind. But Sayadaw made it simple and condensed into 13 kinds of mind for vipassanā practice).

You can find the mind at any time. If no other mind arises, then contemplate the in‐breath and out‐breath minds. By contemplating the impermanent of the minds, their disenchantment and ending, and then sakhāra dukkha will end.

That is your khandha ends. Therefore sometime I ask you; “Do your khandha disappear?” The ending of khandha is Nibbāna. (This may be quite frightening for most people because eternalists are the majority in the world). Knowing the ending is Path Knowledge. At the ending of sense bases Nibbāna exists.







在「行蘊之苦」(saṅkhāra dukkha)的終點,涅槃即現。「行」即是心、受、色、法,它們生起又消逝。經過一段時間後,完全止息,不再生起,便能見到涅槃。在有為之苦的終點(saṅkhāra),無為之樂(asaṅkhata)即現。








首先,內觀智慧(vipassanā ñāṇa)會發現「行苦」,接著出世間的智慧(lokuttara ñāṇa)將證入「滅」與「涅槃」。(禪師接續了阿難的故事)

【有三種世界(loka):空間界(ākāsa loka)、有情界(satta loka)、有為界(saṅkhāra loka)。某次佛陀對比丘們提及這三界,說不能靠步行或乘車抵達世界的終點。







例如,根據緣起法:無明(因)→ 行(果/因)→ 識(果/因)……等等。六根(眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意)稱為「界」(loka),人們錯將它們認為是「世界」。在六根(saḷāyatana)之終點,涅槃即現。













在行苦(saṅkhāra dukkha)的盡頭,涅槃存在。行是心、感受、色、法,它們生起和消失。經過一段時間,它們完全止息,不再生起,你將看到涅槃。在有為苦(saṅkhāra)的盡頭,無為樂(asaṅkhata)存在。









[有三個世界(loka)。它們是:空間(ākāsa loka)、眾生(satta loka)和有為世界(saṅkhāra loka)。有一次,佛陀向僧侶們提到了這些世界,並說他們無法步行或乘坐交通工具到達世界的盡頭。






例如,根據緣起過程:無明(原因)→ 行(結果/原因)→ 識(結果/原因)……等等。六根門(眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意)被稱為世界。人們錯誤地認為它們是世界。在六根的盡頭,涅槃存在。





Kammic Energy

5th August 1961

The root of the dangers of ageing, sickness and death are the twelve inversions. These arise by not knowing the true nature of the khandha. Where are the inversions coming from? These come from perceiving, knowing and viewing wrongly of the khandha.

These arise to a worldling who doesn’t has any knowledge about them (assutavā puthujjana). A disciple of a noble one has knowledge about them and doesn’t has it (sutavā ariya sāvaka). Therefore approaching the virtuous and wise people is very important.

You must have a good living if you want a good death and then you have to fix with the ariyan eyes in order to have a good living. Perception is the sharpest one among the inversions (vipallāsas): perception (saññā) knowing (citta) and view (diṭṭhi). It's followed by citta and diṭṭhi after.

Someone without clothes is taken as a crazy person; but you don’t know yourself as a crazy person with clothes. The differences between them are a naked lunatic and a well clothed lunatic only. Nibbāna does not accept the crazy people.

There are 62 types of wrong view (During the Buddha’s time). All wrong views are cleared away if free from sassata and uccheda views. After death consciousness and arises birth consciousness. Does the kamma not ceases and becomes birth consciousness? If the kamma is not ceasing and not dies and doing the job, then become the view of eternalism (sassata).

The Buddha had two ways of teaching, direct and indirect ways. He does it so he receives it. This is indirect way (e.g., kamma follows like a shadow). It seems the kamma is not vanishing and going directly and doing the function. You all have this view. (Most Buddhists have this view on kamma). With this view in your mind and practice can’t realize Nibbāna.

It hinders by the view of eternalism. The Buddha taught by examples and the listeners took it directly. During the kamma functioning, kamma is volition (cetanā) or mind and like a foreman, whereas the body is like a worker. The mind gives order and the body acts. After function together and mind/body cease (i.e., vanishing)

Then why the Buddha taught kamma paccaya jāti?—Action conditions birth. Here the cause is continuing. Even though the mind/body cease and the kammic energy left behind (Modern Science knows this). This kammic energy functions it.

If you take the kamma (volition) as impermanence and can’t follow to somewhere and you are free from the view of eternalism. In the whole country, majority of people takes kamma as eternal. The Buddha said that only cause and effect connection and not the connection of entity (or identity).

The view of changing life to life (reincarnation), the soul or life (jīva) goes out (i.e., a being dies) are views of eternalism. Most Buddhists have these views. (The mistaken ideas and views arise by not knowing the Sutta teachings and no teacher explains properly. And also later Buddhists develop it by thought games).




這些顛倒會出現在對此一無所知的凡夫(assutavā puthujjana)身上;而聖者的弟子(sutavā ariya sāvaka)則具備對此的正確知見,因此不會執著於顛倒。因此,親近有德之人與智者至關重要。





佛陀透過比喻來教導,而聽者卻往往直接理解其字面意義。在業運作的過程中,業(即意志 cetanā)屬於心,猶如工頭,而身體則如同工人。心下指令,身體遂行動;然後,心與身一同運作後便消失(即滅去)。

那麼,為何佛陀說「業緣生」(kamma paccaya jāti,業為生之因)?這裡指的是因果相續,即便心身滅去,業力能量仍然殘留(現代科學已知此現象)。正是這股業力能量使得生起繼續發生。




業力能量 (Kammic Energy)


衰老、疾病和死亡的根源在於十二顛倒。這些顛倒源於對五蘊 (khandha) 的真實本質的無知。顛倒從何而來?它們源於對五蘊的錯誤感知、錯誤認知和錯誤觀點。

這些顛倒會發生在對五蘊毫無所知的凡夫俗子 (assutavā puthujjana) 身上。一位高尚的弟子 (sutavā ariya sāvaka) 則對它們有所了解,不會產生顛倒。因此,親近有德行和智慧的人非常重要。

若想善終,必先善生;若想善生,必須以聖者的眼光 (ariyan eyes) 來修正自己。在顛倒 (vipallāsas) 中,感知 (saññā) 最為敏銳,其次是認知 (citta) 和觀點 (diṭṭhi)


(佛陀時代)共有六十二種邪見。若能擺脫常見 (sassata) 和斷見 (uccheda),所有邪見都將被清除。死後意識消逝,生起生有意識。業力是否不會消逝,而轉變成生有意識?如果業力不消逝、不死,且持續運作,就會變成常見 (sassata) 的觀點。


這種觀點被常見所阻礙。佛陀用譬喻來教導,而聽者直接接受了這些譬喻。在業力運作的過程中,業力是意志 (cetanā) 或心,如同工頭,而身體則如同工人。心發號施令,身體執行。共同運作後,心/身消逝(即消失)。

那麼,佛陀為何教導「業緣生」 (kamma paccaya jāti)?— 行為是出生的條件。此處的原因是持續的。即使心/身消逝,業力能量 (kammic energy) 仍會留下(現代科學也知道這一點)。這種業力能量會繼續運作。


生命轉世 (reincarnation) 的觀點,靈魂或生命 (jīva) 離開(即眾生死去)的觀點,都是常見的觀點。大多數佛教徒都持有這些觀點。(這些錯誤的觀念和觀點源於對經文教導的無知,以及沒有老師正確地解釋。並且,後來的佛教徒通過思維遊戲發展了這些觀點)。

Weapon of Mass Destruction

10th August 1961

Inversion of wrong view, identity view, self view and wrong view (diṭṭhi vipallāsa, sakkāya diṭṭhi, atta diṭṭhi, and micchā diṭṭhi) are the same. These are different in names only. All are taking the five khandhas as self. In the Aguttara Nikāya, the Buddha mentioned that, if wrong view fell away and doubt also fell away.

It is not sure about the destination (rebirth) of a deceased person that we invite monks and make offerings for him. The most frightful thing is falling into the planes of misery after death. The five khandhas are sakkāya which really exist. Wrong view is taking sakkāya as I, he, she, etc. which do not really exist.

So the duty of the Buddha and me is to explain to you clearly that the five khandhas are "not me" or "not him" but only arising and vanishing phenomena. And then you know clearly, discern it and identity view is falling away. You will free from the planes of misery after death. It has no need to make merits for the dead.

You have to contemplate a lot and will know it’s not me/not him. It is only passing away of phenomena. It becomes right view with the five path factors if you see that way. The family members and relatives should not doubt about it. (Because the deceased person had this kind of experience before). Also you should not doubt yourself (The listeners have their experience).

So try hard in the practice to make wrong views fall away. You can hear these things only in the Buddha’s Teachings. To have the chances to encounter a good teacher, can have the ears of listening sacca dhamma (most people only interest in vulgarity) and to have human existences are difficult indeed.

It is more difficult than a needle falls from the Brahma world has to hit a needle in the human world (This point the Buddha warned us not to waste our precious births and times with vulgarity). You have to practice quickly to know impermanence.

In the whole world everybody wants the gold and silver mines to be mine. Therefore we can see many problems and wars. It happens by the encouragement of the identity view. You win it or lose it all have to go to the planes of misery (It is not difficult to justify human beings next rebirths if we understand the nature of the mind and cause and effect. Nowadays many human beings on earth live like animals, hungry ghosts and hell beings).

These are nothing to do with our concern. What we are concern is sakkāya diṭṭhi has to be fallen away. It is easy for sakkāya diṭṭhi to fall off. That is for someone can find a teacher who can teach and able to listen it. People arriving to the planes of misery are sent by the latent identity view.

The reason behind is being sent off by the latent identity view of unjust and unwholesome actions and searching for wealth. All are coming from for me and others (family members). These are entering from this view and you must know this very clearly.

Therefore the Buddha taught it was the root of hell. Beings can do any kind of unwholesome things, such as the five heavy kammas with this view in the heart. (Nowadays human beings are becoming more and more violent and cruel. There were a lot of news of killing parents and beating them seriously).

The Buddha taught us for practice to possess right view. In the Mirror of Dhamma Discourse, Ven. Ānanda asked the Buddha very often about the destinations of people who had died. Among the five khandhas, contemplate one of them. And will discern impermanence, its disenchantment, and its ending will never fall into the planes of misery.

This is the Dhamma mirror. Then you can make a definite decision that I’ll never fall again into the miserable planes. Don’t ask people for your destination. Without the practice and will not arrive there (i.e. Nibbāna). And then you can’t get the Dhamma mirror.

You don’t need to try hard for good living standard and using a lot of money for your funeral. Instead it is more important to close the doors of hell. (Sayadaw mentioned some of the terrible sufferings in hell). The mirrors in your homes are using for your physical purposes (i.e., for kilesa).

(Sayadaw continued about practice) Teaching knowledge benefits the contemplation (practice). In the same way contemplation benefits the realization. You'll dispel wrong view by the teaching knowledge if you know sakkāya and the five khandhas together. And it becomes right view. In this way identity view can’t arise temporarily.

It comes back again (without mindfulness) if you don’t know. This way of dispelling diṭṭhi is not safe. The second way is contemplating the every arising of one of the five khandhas and discerning their impermanence. Everything you have to see impermanence with the contemplative mind.

In the Saḷāyatana Sayutta, a monk asked the Buddha how to cut off sakkāya diṭṭhi. Knowing feeling as impermanence, discerning its impermanence (whatever arising) and sakkāya diṭṭhi falls away. This is falling away by contemplation. It comes back again and is still not safe enough if you don’t contemplate. It can become safe only by destroying the root.

Contemplate impermanence; arising is dukkha and the vanishing is dukkha are becoming clear. The teacher said about it before and you knew it as dukkha sacca. This was anubodha ñāa (secondary knowledge). Knowing thoroughly by contemplation is pativedha ñāa (Penetrative knowledge). As soon as knowing thoroughly as dukkha sacca and impermanent dukkha ceases.

This way of cutting off identity view is never come back again. It becomes totally safe. In the heart the seed of hell never exists anymore. It’s like a saintly cat even seeing a rat never chasing it again. The uncountable kammas which will send you to the planes of misery are gone with wrong view forever.



顛倒見(diṭṭhi vipallāsa)、身見(sakkāya diṭṭhi)、我見(atta diṭṭhi)與邪見(micchā diṭṭhi)實為同一事物,僅名稱不同。這些見解皆是執取五蘊為「我」。在《增支部經》(Aṅguttara Nikāya)中,佛陀曾說過:若邪見滅除,疑惑亦將隨之滅除。




因此,應努力修行,讓邪見滅除。唯有在佛法之中,才能聽聞這些教法。能夠遇見善知識、得聞真理之法(sacca dhamma),並獲得人身,實屬難得。






佛陀教導我們應修習,以建立正見。在《法鏡經》(Dhamma Mirror Discourse)中,尊者阿難經常詢問佛陀亡者的去向。佛陀指示,應從五蘊中選擇其中之一加以觀察,進而體悟無常、厭離與滅盡,如此便不會墮入惡趣。

這便是「法鏡」(Dhamma Mirror)。透過此法,我們可以確定地說:「我再也不會墮入惡趣。」不應詢問他人關於自己的來世,而應專注於修行,否則便無法證得涅槃,也無法獲得「法鏡」。

與其努力追求優渥的生活條件,並為自己準備奢華的葬禮,倒不如將重點放在如何關閉通往地獄的大門。(長老提到了一些地獄的可怕苦報)。你們家中的鏡子,僅是為了世俗用途(即煩惱 kilesa)。



在《六處相應部》(Saḷāyatana Saṃyutta)中,有一位比丘曾問佛陀如何斷除身見。佛陀回答:應觀察感受的無常,了知其不斷變化,如此身見便會滅除。這種透過觀察來滅除身見的方法,若未持續修行,邪見仍可能回來。因此,唯有徹底斷除其根本,才能達到真正的安全。

透過觀察無常,便能體悟:「生起是苦,滅去亦是苦」,這將變得清晰明了。老師之前已經解釋過此理,你們現在能夠了知這便是「苦諦」(dukkha sacca)。此乃「次等智慧」(anubodha ñāṇa,次級知見)。

然而,唯有透過不斷的觀察與親身體驗,才能達到「通達智慧」(pativedha ñāṇa,穿透知見)。當你真正深入體悟苦諦、見無常苦滅時,身見便徹底滅除,再也不會復生。




大規模毀滅性武器 (Weapon of Mass Destruction)


邪見顛倒 (diṭṭhi vipallāsa)、有身見 (sakkāya diṭṭhi)、我見 (atta diṭṭhi) 和邪見 (micchā diṭṭhi) 都是相同的。它們只是名稱不同。它們都是將五蘊視為自我。在增支部 (Aṅguttara Nikāya) 中,佛陀提到,如果邪見消失,疑惑也會消失。

我們為亡者邀請僧侶並供養,是因為不確定亡者的去向(來世)。最可怕的事情是死後墮入惡道。五蘊是真實存在的有身 (sakkāya)。邪見是將有身視為我、他、她等,這些並不真實存在。



因此,努力修行,使邪見消失。你們只能在佛陀的教導中聽到這些事情。能夠遇到一位好老師,能夠聽到真實的佛法 (sacca dhamma) (大多數人只對庸俗之事感興趣),並且能夠擁有人的存在,確實非常困難。






佛陀教導我們修行,擁有正見。在《法鏡經》 (Mirror of Dhamma Discourse) 中,阿難尊者經常詢問佛陀關於死者的去向。在五蘊中,觀照其中之一。然後辨別無常、其厭離和其止息,永遠不會墮入惡道。





在《六處相應》 (Saḷāyatana Saṃyutta) 中,一位僧侶問佛陀如何斷除有身見。了解感受的無常,辨別其無常(無論生起什麼),有身見就會消失。這是通過觀照而消失的。如果沒有觀照,它會再次回來,仍然不夠安全。只有通過摧毀其根源,它才能變得安全。

觀照無常;生起是苦,消逝是苦,變得清晰。老師之前說過,你們知道它是苦諦 (dukkha sacca)。這是隨覺智 (anubodha ñāṇa) (次要知識)。通過觀照徹底了解是通達智 (pativedha ñāṇa) (穿透性知識)。一旦徹底了解苦諦,無常的苦就會止息。


Vipassanā is Ñāṇa or Kamma?

16th August 1961

Do not mix up these two right views. These are right views on kamma and insight (kammassakatā sammādiṭṭhi and vipassanā sammādiṭṭhi). Right view on kamma can’t dispel wrong view and insight right view can dispel it. The right view of believing in the results of kamma and the right view of seeing the true nature of khandha are not the same.

We know the differences only by comparing their ability to dispel wrong view or not. Right view of the Path Knowledge (magga sammādiṭṭhi) can root out wrong view in a moment. The majority of Buddhists die only with one knowledge. You only know ① and ② types of kamma. Your intelligence can’t reach toward the other ③ and ④ types of kamma.

(Sayadaw continued to explain the four types of kamma. This talk was based on the Majjhima Nikāya, the Dog Ascetic Discourse (MN.57 Kukkuravatikasutta). The Buddha explained four types of kamma to a Dog Ascetic and Cow Ascetic, who were practicing the ways of dog and cow. The four types of kamma were: ① wholesome kamma, ② unwholesome kamma, ③ mixed kamma, i.e., wholesome and unwholesome mix together, ④ neither wholesome nor unwholesome kamma).

Is Nibbāna the result of vipassanā (path factors) or the way to arrive there? You have to take it as the path to arrive there. Other phenomena (dhamma) are arising by causes and the result of causes. Path factors are the way to Nibbāna and not the causes of it. It connects with the other three types of kamma that take it as kamma. In reality it is led by knowledge (ñāa).

There are no dhamma for the causes of Nibbāna. And if it exists, then after causes are vanishing and it must also vanish. The kammas to hell finished and the hell vanished. Hells appear by the causes of unwholesome kammas. These are causes and effects.

So, we can take Nibbāna as a place to arrive there by the way (i.e., path factors). (Here saydaw explained Nibbāna as causeless Dhamma. A place to arrive by the way was just explaining with concept and should not take it as literally).

By reading book you can’t get these things. Talking with kamma together and we take it as kamma. Among the four types of kamma, ①, ② and ③ are the causes for something to arise. The ④ is the cause of the way to arrive there. It is not becoming but to send you there. (Here Sayadaw was using the two Burmese words (phit) for the arising and (yauk) for the arriving.

The arising is for conditioned phenomena and the arriving is for unconditioned Nibbāna. Something can be arisen only by causes. Nibbāna is something already existing and no need for the causes to make it arise, so unconditioned. There were some talks on Nibbāna by him and mentioned that it was covering up by two dhammas, i.e., kilesa and dukkha. First have to uncover kilesa and dukkha appears. And then continue to uncover dukkha and Nibbāna appears. So, we need to walk the Noble Eightfold Path and will arrive there. This is my understanding of it). It’s really not easy to explain it. Next important thing to note is ①, ② and ③ kammas can be changed or destroyed by the coming in other kammas because of their impermanent nature.

Other kammas can’t come in to stop or destroy the ④ kamma. Sammatta niyata dhamma—It’s stable and without changing phenomenon. If someone was sure for the realization, and even before the attainment of Nibbāna nothing could destroy it. For example, fire couldn’t burn or kill novice Sankicca (ThagA. i. 533). He was sure for the arahantship that Dhamma protected him from danger. How much powerful the Dhamma is quite evident.

Queen Mallikā had done the great white kamma but near her death the black kamma came in and she fell into hell. A sotāpanna is stable in the five precepts. Path factors are leading to Nibbāna and cutting off ①, ② and ③ kammas. So the always reliable thing is maggaga dhamma.

It’s the permanent thing for us. It’s terminating kammas and leading to Nibbāna without change. Remember this point with care. It’s the thing we should not be without it. We should try hard for this dhamma as the truly reliable thing. Even jhāna and Nibbāna are very different in nature.

Jhāna can be perishable whereas Nibbāna as after seeing once (at Path Knowledge) is never perishable. You can always enter into the fruition state. We should also perform white kammas for the ending of dukkha (For supporting Nibbāna and not for enjoyment of the result).

But don’t let it stops at ordinary merits. Let's make some observations whether Path factors cutting off kamma are true or not (Sayadaw mentioned a few of them. The Bodhisatta’s good kammas were immeasurable. After enlightenment and became a Buddha all his good kammas were ended and for no more future birth. The great bandit Agulimāla had many black kammas by killing a lot of people. There is no more future birth after he became an arahant. Ālavaka the fearful spirit had mixed kamma. There are no more than seven future births after he became a sotāpanna).

We still have time; let us fulfill the path factors. Let us cut off our kammas. We have to start from insight knowledge, i.e., udayabbaya ñāa—knowledge of rise and fall. But you may also ask me what about the lower knowledge of mind and matter now. I am talking to people who already know these things, therefore no need for you to start from them.

You have already differentiated mind/body. Also already understand the connection of cause and effect. (Sayadaw continued the instruction of cittānupassanā). Here, not including non‐delusion mind. This is the contemplative path factors (maggaga). It’s not the object of insight, and also wisdom (paññā).

Contemplate impermanence at the arising place. Follow with the non‐delusion mind. Seeing impermanence does know the not existing of the object. You must know the not existing of the objects. In that way you are free from becoming a blind crazy worldling.

Because you know the not existing as not existing and know what is existing as existing (The same meaning as yathābhūta ñāa—knowledge of the way as it really is). This is knowing impermanence; before you are wasting your time as a blind crazy person.

It is not only for this life but also for many life times before. Between your death and other death which one is more disenchanted for you? Surely it is your death because it can’t separate with you. Therefore you become disenchanted with it. Then you know the truth of dukkha.

After thoroughly penetrate the truth of dukkha and the contemplative mind changes from the existing of dukkha to non‐existing of dukkha. Ñāa is changing. Your duty is have to contemplate from impermanence to disenchantment and from disenchantment to until not wanting of them.



請不要混淆這兩種正見,即業的正見與內觀的正見(kammassakatā sammādiṭṭhi vipassanā sammādiṭṭhi)。業的正見無法消除邪見,而內觀的正見能夠消除邪見。相信業果的正見與見到蘊(khandha)真實本質的正見並不相同。

我們唯有通過比較它們是否能夠除邪見,才能了解其區別。道智(magga sammādiṭṭhi)的正見能夠在一瞬間連根拔除邪見。然而,多數佛教徒僅以一種知見(knowledge)終其一生。你們僅知曉①和②類型的業,而你的智慧無法達到③和④類型的業。

(禪師接著解釋了四種業。本開示是基於《中部》〈狗行經〉(MN.57 Kukkuravatikasuttaṃ)。佛陀對修習狗行和牛行的兩位苦行者說明了四種業:①善業(wholesome kamma)、②不善業(unwholesome kamma)、③混合業(善與不善混合的業)、④既非善也非不善的業。)

你應將其視為抵達涅槃的道路。其他法(dhamma)是因緣生起的,屬於因的結果。而道支(path factors)是通往涅槃的道路,而非涅槃的因。它與其他三類業有所關聯,因此被視為業(kamma),但實際上,它是由智慧(ñāṇa)所引導的。

涅槃並無因法(causal dhamma)可生起,若有因,則因滅涅槃也應滅。正如造作惡業招感地獄,當惡業滅盡時,地獄亦隨之消失。這是因與果的關係。





、②、③業因其無常性,可被其他業取代或消除。然而,④業(通往涅槃的業)則無法被其他業阻斷或摧毀。此即「sammatta niyata dhamma」——穩固不變之法。若某人已確定證悟,即使尚未證得涅槃,亦無任何法能夠摧毀此業。例如,火無法燒死沙彌SankiccaThagA. i. 533),因其已確定將證得阿羅漢果,而佛法保護了他免受危險。可見佛法之力強大無比。

摩利夫人(Queen Mallikā)雖曾造大善業,但臨終時黑業現前,導致墮入地獄。一位須陀洹者則穩固持守五戒。道支(maggaṅga dhamma)引導至涅槃,並斷除①、②、③類業。因此,唯一可靠的法是道支。


禪那是可變壞的,而涅槃則不同——一旦見道(證悟道智),便不會再失去它。你可隨時入於果定(phala samāpatti)。我們也應行持白業,以終止苦(作為涅槃的助緣,而非為享受果報)。



從內觀智開始,即生滅智(udayabbaya ñāṇa)。

你們已分辨名色(nāma-rūpa),亦理解因果關係(paccaya)。(禪師繼續指導心觀(cittānupassanā)。)此處不包含無癡心(non-delusion mind),而是觀照道支(maggaṅga),它並非內觀的所緣,而是智慧(paññā)。


因為你了知「不存」為「不存」,亦知「存」為「存」。(這與「如實知見」(yathābhūta ñāṇa)同義。)此即了知無常,否則你將枉費時光,形同盲目癲狂之人。




(Vipassanā) 是智 (Ñāṇa) 還是業 (Kamma)


不要混淆這兩種正見。它們是關於業的正見和關於觀的正見(業果正見 (kammassakatā sammādiṭṭhi) 和觀智正見 (vipassanā sammādiṭṭhi))。業果正見無法消除邪見,而觀智正見可以消除。相信業果的正見和看見五蘊真實本質的正見是不同的。

我們只有通過比較它們消除邪見的能力來了解它們的差異。道智正見 (magga sammādiṭṭhi) 可以在一瞬間根除邪見。大多數佛教徒只帶著一種知識死去。你們只知道①和②類業。你們的智慧無法觸及其他③和④類業。

(西亞多繼續解釋四種業。這次談話基於《中部尼迦耶》的《狗戒經》(MN.57 Kukkuravatikasuttaṃ)。佛陀向一位狗戒行者和一位牛戒行者解釋了四種業,他們分別修行狗和牛的方式。四種業是:①善業,②惡業,③混合業,即善惡混合,④非善非惡業)。

涅槃是觀(道支)的結果,還是到達那裡的方法?你們必須將其視為到達那裡的路徑。其他現象 (dhamma) 是由因緣生起的,是因緣的結果。道支是通往涅槃的道路,而不是涅槃的因緣。它與其他三種將其視為業的業有關。實際上,它是由智 (ñāṇa) 引導的。




生起是針對有為現象,到達是針對無為涅槃。某事物只能通過因緣生起。涅槃是已經存在的事物,不需要因緣使其生起,因此是無為的。他曾多次談論涅槃,並提到它被兩種法覆蓋,即煩惱 (kilesa) 和苦 (dukkha)。首先必須揭開煩惱,然後苦顯現。然後繼續揭開苦,涅槃顯現。因此,我們需要行走八正道,才能到達那裡。這是我對它的理解)。解釋它確實不容易。接下來需要注意的重要一點是,①、②和③類業可以被其他業的到來改變或摧毀,因為它們的無常本質。

其他業無法阻止或摧毀④類業。正位決定法 (Sammatta niyata dhamma) — 它是穩定的,沒有變化的現象。如果有人確定會證悟,即使在證得涅槃之前,也沒有任何事物可以摧毀它。例如,火無法燒死或殺死沙彌桑吉迦 (ThagA. i. 533)。他確信自己會成為阿羅漢,因此法保護他免受危險。法的力量有多強大,顯而易見。





我們還有時間,讓我們圓滿道支。讓我們斷除我們的業。我們必須從觀智開始,即生滅智 (udayabbaya ñāṇa) — 了解生起和消逝的知識。但你們也可能問我,現在關於名色分別智的較低知識呢?我是在與已經了解這些事情的人交談,因此你們無需從它們開始。

你們已經區分了名色。也已經了解了因果關係。(西亞多繼續指導隨觀心)。這裡不包括無癡心。這是觀的道支 (maggaṅga)。它不是觀的對象,也不是慧 (paññā)


因為你們知道不存在為不存在,知道存在為存在(與如實知見 (yathābhūta ñāṇa) — 如實了解事物的方式具有相同的含義)。這就是了解無常;在此之前,你們都在浪費時間,像一個盲目的瘋子。


在徹底穿透苦的真相後,觀照的心從苦的存在轉變為苦的不存在。智 (ñāṇa) 正在改變。你們的責任是從無常觀照到厭離,從厭離觀照到不想要它們。

Appreciation of Nibbāna

18th and 19th August 1961

A lot of people are talking and wanting Nibbāna. In reality not many appreciate it. They like it by hearing from others. Not appreciation of Nibbāna becomes view of annihilation (uccheda diṭṭhi). The reason is talking as nothing exists.

After death nothing is happening and so people do not like it. Some know that it is happiness. But they do not know what happiness is like. Therefore their appreciation is speculation and without reason and not reach toward the point. Saying with nothing happening, then there is no connection of cause and effect. I am solving the problem for you.

People do not know about it is ignorance. After death nothing happen is uccheda. You will not want it if you do not know about it. You do not want to do it if nothing happening. You will see Nibbāna after uncovering wrong view and ignorance. Diṭṭhi niradho nibbānavijjā udapati—cessation of wrong view is Nibbāna‐Knowledge arises.

The five khandha are like fuels and the ten defilements are like fire. These are together with the worldlings. Our processes are becoming clear. Dukkha and Samudaya are going together. We are taking the fuels and fire together as the good results for our human life. Some mentioned American millionaires and wanted to be like them. (Here Sayadaw mentioned American millionaire Rockefeller of his time).

It is burning with cold fire to get fortunes and become happy with it. (Sayadaw compared the two fire elements, cold and hot, to the two opposite hells, i.e., cold hell—lokantarika and hot hell—lohakumbhī. Both of them have the tormented results). Getting the life of a devata is the corpse of a devata (asubha).

So do not think it as good. Their forms are like smokes and easy to burn down. (So devata dies and instantly disappears.)

With a good demonstration about them and people become no desire for it. The Buddha and Ven. Sāriputta talked with examples and similes. The khandha is always burning with fire. So Nibbāna is khandha fuels finished and kilesa fire extinguished. Therefore Nibbāna is pure happiness.

All 31 realms of existence are fuels and fire going together. Nibbāna exits, it is true that fuels and fire are extinct there. You appreciate Nibbāna because you know the khandha as dukkha. If not you’ll not like Nibbāna. People take kilesa as sukha. Take the fire as happiness. It’s like the insects taking the fire as gold and approaching it. People are truly like the crazy worldlings.

Some burning with the sorrow of fire and become without any clothes (e.g., see the story of Theri Patācārā, DhA. ii. 260ff). The heart is too hot and has to drink water. Some commit suicide. You can’t live without any heat. So you have it. For example, you take out a worm from the toilet with a stick and clean it with water. It wants to go back into the toilet. You all are also the same. Without them and it’s boring for you. It is the fire of dosa (displeasure). By knowing the extinction of fuels and fire, ignorance ceases. Uccheda falls away by knowing Nibbāna exists . You have to practice after with the intellectual knowing.

Wrong view is the most fearful dhamma. Before you perform and practice dāna and sīla, first have to clear away your mind of the three wrong views (i.e., sakkāya, sassata and uccheda views). As a Buddhist you have wrong view but thinking yourself as you don’t have it. And this is very bad indeed. You go and ask practitioners, “What is Nibbāna?” If they answer we don’t know. Then ignorance is influencing on them.

Even people have general knowledge about it and answer you that after the mind/body cease and nothing exists. This is answering with uccheda view. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know normally about it. But knowing with uccheda view is terrible. Most of you came from hells (Don’t forget what the Buddha said that our permanent homes were the four planes of misery).

When you were suffering in hells, made the resolution of after freeing from the hells and came to human world must do the works of ending dukkha. And after arriving here, you are deceiving by the surroundings and doing a lot of harm to yourselves. Nibbāna has the characteristic of peacefulness.

The khandhas fuels and kilesa fire are extinct from it. In talking about Nibbāna, we can only appreciate it by thoroughly understanding the truth of dukkha. It is not appreciation of dukkha that without any appreciation of Nibbāna.

(Sayadaw continued to explain the vipassanā process) At the time of discerning anicca yogi knows that fuels and fires are going together. It’s going on until the knowledge of disenchantment. After the ending of anicca dukkha sacca and experiences the peaceful place.

Nibbāna really exists that yogis are knowing the existence of peacefulness. This is the extinction of khandhas fuels and kilesa fire. That khandhas continued arising is the continuous arising of vipāka vaṭṭa khandhas. (Khandhas are the result of kamma for the round of existence.

Fuels (khandhas) and fire (kilesa) are burning and disappearing, burning and disappearing etc. These are anicca khandhas continuously arising and vanishing phenomena. By knowing these dhammas the doors to the planes of misery are closed for next life. (This is discerning anicca only).



許多人談論並渴望涅槃,但實際上,真正能夠欣賞它的人並不多。他們只是因為聽別人說起才喜歡它。對涅槃缺乏真正的欣賞,會導致陷入斷滅見(uccheda diṭṭhi),原因在於錯誤地認為一切都不復存在。


對於涅槃一無所知即是無明。認為死後什麼都不會發生便是斷滅見。如果你對涅槃不了解,你便不會想要它。如果你認為什麼都不會發生,你也不會想要修行。當你破除錯誤見解和無明時,你才能見到涅槃。Diṭṭhi niradho nibbānaṁ vijjā udapati——「邪見的止息即是涅槃,智慧便會生起。」






有些人因火焰的痛苦而燒得一絲不掛(如《長老尼傳》中巴達卡拉長老尼的故事,DhA. ii. 260ff)。他們的內心灼熱,需飲水解渴。有些人甚至選擇自殺。沒有熱量,人無法生存,因此仍然依附於它。例如,你用木棍將糞坑中的蟲撈出並用水清洗,但它仍想回到糞坑中。你們也是如此。若無煩惱,便覺得生活枯燥乏味。這便是瞋恚之火的作用。當你認識到燃料與火焰的滅盡時,無明便會消失。通過理解涅槃的存在,斷滅見便會消除。之後,你需以智慧修行。









對涅槃的體悟 (Appreciation of Nibbāna)


許多人都在談論和渴望涅槃。但實際上,真正體悟它的人並不多。他們只是聽別人說說而已。對涅槃缺乏體悟會變成斷滅見 (uccheda diṭṭhi)。原因是他們說一切都不存在。


人們對此一無所知是無明。死後什麼都不會發生就是斷滅見。如果你不了解它,你就不會想要它。如果什麼都不會發生,你就不會想去做。在揭開邪見和無明之後,你才會看到涅槃。邪見滅則涅槃現,明智生 (Diṭṭhi niradho nibbānaṁ vijjā udapati)






有些人被火焰的悲傷燃燒,變得赤身裸體(例如,參見比丘尼波吒遮羅的故事,DhA. ii. 260ff)。心臟太熱,不得不喝水。有些人自殺。沒有任何熱量,你們就無法生存。所以你們擁有它。例如,你們用棍子從廁所裡取出蠕蟲,然後用水清洗它。它想回到廁所裡。你們也都一樣。沒有它們,你們會感到無聊。這是瞋恚的火焰。通過了解燃料和火焰的熄滅,無明就會止息。通過知道涅槃的存在,斷滅見就會消失。你們必須在知性了解之後進行修行。

邪見是最可怕的法。在你們進行和修行布施和持戒之前,首先必須清除你們心中的三種邪見(即有身見、常見和斷滅見)。作為佛教徒,你們有邪見,但認為自己沒有。這確實非常糟糕。你們去問修行者,“涅槃是什麼?” 如果他們回答說我們不知道。那麼無明就在影響他們。







How to Use Desire and Conceit?

30th August 1961

[At one time, Ānanda was staying at Kosambī. A certain bhikkhunī fell in love for him and sent a man to inform him that she was sick. So he visited her. As soon as she saw him from a distance, lay down on a bed and covered her head with a blanket.

Ven. Ānanda came near to her and knew her real intention. And then he gave the following instruction to her. He said to her, this body supported by foods and should use it for Nibbāna. This body created by craving and should use it to destroy māna (conceit).

Sayadaw said it needs to comment on this instruction. This body is conditioning by four factors, i.e., kamma, mind (citta), temperature (utu) and foods (āhāra). It's born by kamma, so like a mother. It is developed by foods, so like a nurse. We want to eat foods, so we eat. In this case we should observe our desire or the taste during consuming.

In this way we use foods for the realization of Nibbāna. It can be also used foods with wrong view. As some ascetics eat little or abstaining from foods for some periods. The right way for consuming foods is contemplating desire or the taste during eating. ]

[Not every of desire and conceit are unwholesome, there are also wholesome desire and conceit. Use these wholesome tahā and māna to develop the practice. For an example, some yogi’s discern anicca, some reach toward the state of disenchantment (nibbidā) and some realize the end of dukkha (i.e., Nibbāna).

If they can achieve these things, I also want to succeed. This is wholesome desire. With these kinds of desire try hard in the practice and can destroy taṇhā. These kinds of taṇhā destroy taṇhā. Māna also can be used in the same way. Why should I not since some yogi can do it? In this way, push you yourself for practice. All these wholesome kinds of taṇhā and māna can cut off D. A. process and should develop it.

By ending this talk Sayadaw said that there were three ways can develop one’s practice. By saṁvega (sense of urgency), taṇhā and māna; three of them cannot do the practice at the same time. Saṁvega is the best of them. There were many stories of realizing Nibbāna with saṁvega during the time of the Buddha and up to this present day. (For example, the Bodhisatta himself and Ven. Yasa). This talk was based on a discourse in the Catukka Aṅguttara Nikāya. ]

Human and celestial worlds are good because we are looking at these things with the eye of tahā. And then create kammas with the arrangements of tahā and receive the khandhas with the dangers of ageing, sickness and death. Now, can you separate yourselves from the khandhas with dukkha sacca? Ignorance → craving → kamma → khandhas with the danger of ageing, sickness and death.

You have to know that khandhas are under the influence of kamma and kamma is under the influence of tahā. (Sayadaw continued the story of Ven. Ānanda and a bhikkhunī) This body is sustained by foods, so use it to reach toward Nibbāna. This body comes into being through craving, so kill craving to reach toward Nibbāna. This body comes into being through conceit, so use it to abandon conceit.

It’s not clear instantly. So I’ll explain it. This body exists by kamma, citta, utu and āhāra. Kamma had already finished it job. Now we are alive by āhāra. Kamma likes a mother and āhāra is a nurse. We want to eat foods and so we eat. We have to contemplate the impermanence of taṇhā with the eating. We can reach toward Nibbāna with eating. Contemplate the vanishing of the knowing mind of eating with the eating. Contemplate taṇhā if taṇhā comes in between them. Eating little and abstaining from foods, these are the practice of people with wrong view. It is the practice of torturing oneself. They can’t contemplate the good or bad mind states so that they fall into the planes of misery. If you can’t contemplate on feeling, then contemplate the impermanence of the delighting mind (i.e., taṇhā).

What have to contemplate, the foods or the mind state arises from it? Contemplate our reaction to foods. There are also good taṇhā and māna in vipassanā contemplation. Contemplate the cause of taṇhā, and taṇhā dies. You may ask; “Is taṇhā not unwholesome mind?” The answer of the commentary was it was not giving the result of birth. This kind of taṇhā cut off becoming.

In practice we need these kinds of taṇhā and māna. Most of your taṇhā and māna are arising at the wrong place. We can also use saṁvega (sense of urgency) in our practice. Therefore there are three ways of realization. You never realize the Dhamma if you don’t use any one of them. You can’t use all of these. They can’t arise together, only one of them is always in strength (bala). If saṁvega arises, taṇhā and māna do not arise. The other two are also in this way. Among three of them, if you use one of it and practice hard, you will realize the Dhamma in this life.

[ Note on savega: Ajahn Thanissaro wrote on this Pali word in his essay—"Affirming the Truths of the Heart". "savega was what the young Prince Siddhartha felt on his first exposure to aging, illness, and death. It's a hard word to translate because it covers such a complex range—at least three clusters of feelings at once: the oppressive sense of shock, dismay, and alienation that come with realizing the futility and meaninglessness of life as it's normally lived; a chastening sense of our own complacency and foolishness in having let ourselves live so blindly; and an anxious sense of urgency in trying to find a way out of the meaningless cycle."

The Pali word saṁvega became a Burmese word like anicca, dukkha and anatta, but usually used as saṁvega nyan (nyan is for the Pali word of ñāṇa). So it is a kind of knowledge which is very important for Buddhists to develop. This needs study or listening of Dhamma and frequent contemplation. For some people whose sense of saṁvega is so strong that they want to abandon any worldly matters and even give up their lives for the path to the end of dukkha. People will live a meaningful life for themselves and others if they have the sense of saṁvega. "So the Buddhist attitude toward life cultivates saṁvega—a clear acceptance of the meaninglessness of the cycle of birth, aging, and death—and develops it into pasāda: a confident path to the Deathless." ]










  1. 厭離心(saṁvega,迫切感)

  2. 善性的欲望(taṇhā

  3. 善性的我慢(māna

這三者不能同時生起,當其中之一生起時,其他兩者便不會現前。厭離心是其中最好的。在佛陀時代乃至現代,都有許多修行者因為厭離心的緣故而證得涅槃。(例如,菩薩自己及尊者耶舍(Ven. Yasa))。這次開示是基於《增支部·四集》(Catukka Aṅguttara Nikāya)中的一部經文。]


人間與天界之所以顯得美好,是因為我們透過渴愛的眼光來觀看它們,並在渴愛的安排下造作業力,最終獲得含有老、病、死苦的五蘊。現在,你能夠透過苦諦(dukkha sacca)將自己與五蘊分開嗎?

無明 → 渴愛 → 業力 → 五蘊(伴隨著老、病、死的苦)。














  1. 厭離心(saṁvega

  2. 善性的渴愛(taṇhā

  3. 善性的我慢(māna






阿姜坦尼沙羅(Ajahn Thanissaro)在他的文章《心靈真理的肯定》(Affirming the Truths of the Heart)中解釋了這個巴利詞:「saṁvega 是年輕的悉達多太子首次目睹衰老、疾病與死亡時的感受……」




關於 saṁvega 的註解:

阿姜·坦尼沙羅(Ajahn Thanissaro)在他的文章《肯認內心的真理》("Affirming the Truths of the Heart")中對這個巴利語詞彙「saṁvega」作出了詮釋。他寫道:「saṁvega 是年輕的王子悉達多在首次接觸到老、病、死時所感受到的情緒。這是一個難以直接翻譯的詞,因為它涵蓋了一種極為複雜的情感體驗——至少包含三個層面的感受:首先是震驚、憂慮與疏離的壓迫感,當人意識到生命在通常情況下是多麼虛無與無意義時,這種感受便油然而生;其次,是一種自我警醒的羞愧感,讓我們意識到自己曾經多麼怠惰、愚昧,以至於盲目地過活;最後,則是一種迫切的不安感,促使我們尋找擺脫這種無意義輪迴的方法。」

巴利語「saṁvega」在緬甸語中已成為日常用詞,如同「anicca」(無常)、「dukkha」(苦)與「anatta」(無我)一樣,但通常表達為「saṁvega nyan」(緬語中的「nyan」對應巴利語的「ñāṇa」,意為智慧)。因此,saṁvega 是一種對佛教徒極為重要的智慧,應當透過學習、聆聽佛法與經常性的思惟來培養。

對於某些人來說,saṁvega 的覺受極為強烈,以至於他們願意放棄世間的一切事務,甚至願意為了究竟滅苦之道而犧牲自己的生命。若人具足 saṁvega,便能為自己與他人活出真正有意義的人生。

「因此,佛教徒對生命的態度應當是培養 saṁvega——清楚地認知到生、老、病、死之輪迴的無意義,並將其昇華為 pasāda(清淨信心),一條通往不死(Nibbāna)的堅定道路。」


如何運用慾望與我慢? (How to Use Desire and Conceit?)



阿難尊者走近她,知道了她的真實意圖。然後他給了她以下教導。他對她說,這個身體由食物支撐,應該用它來證得涅槃。這個身體由渴愛產生,應該用它來摧毀我慢 (māna)

西亞多說,需要對這個教導進行評論。這個身體由四個因素構成,即業 (kamma)、心 (citta)、溫度 (utu) 和食物 (āhāra)。它由業而生,所以像母親一樣。它由食物發育,所以像護士一樣。我們想吃食物,所以我們吃。在這種情況下,我們應該在食用時觀察我們的慾望或味道。


[並非所有的慾望和傲慢都是不善的,也有善的慾望和傲慢。利用這些善的渴愛 (taṇhā) 和我慢 (māna) 來發展修行。例如,一些瑜伽行者辨別無常,一些人達到厭離 (nibbidā) 的狀態,一些人證悟苦的止息(即涅槃)。


在結束這次談話時,西亞多說有三種方法可以發展一個人的修行。通過悚懼感 (saṁvega)、渴愛和我慢;這三者不能同時進行修行。悚懼感是其中最好的。在佛陀時代和直到今天,有很多通過悚懼感證悟涅槃的故事。(例如,菩薩本人和耶舍尊者)。這次談話基於《四集增支部》中的一段經文。]

人界和天界是美好的,因為我們用渴愛的眼睛看待這些事物。然後通過渴愛的安排創造業,並接受具有衰老、疾病和死亡危險的五蘊。現在,你們能用苦諦將自己與五蘊分開嗎?無明 → 渴愛 → 業 → 具有衰老、疾病和死亡危險的五蘊。



應該觀照什麼,食物還是由它產生的心態?觀照我們對食物的反應。觀的過程中也有好的渴愛和我慢。觀照渴愛的因緣,渴愛就會消失。你們可能會問:“渴愛不是不善的心嗎?” 註釋的回答是它不會產生出生的結果。這種渴愛切斷了有。




The Beginning and the Ending

2nd September 1961

You all knew the verses recited by Sakka after the Buddha passed away (He was king of the Tāvatiṃsa Heaven). It expressed the beginning and the ending of the practice. Aniccā vata saṅkhārā, uppādavayadhammino; Uppajjitvā nirujjhanti, tesaṃ vūpasamo sukho. These verses are expressing the knowledge of insight and the Path Knowledge.

You will reach toward the goal if you practice according to these verses. Anicca vata sakhāra—telling the truth whatever arises in the khandha has to pass away. (Sayadaw sometime quoted the Pali words in the suttas or commentary for his teachings. But he never translated them as a scholar. Instead he explained it only and not exact translations).

It is important for you to watch and observe whatever arises with knowledge. Where the arising dhamma will end? After arises has to pass away. Vipassanā practice is watching and observing with knowledge. Just observe feeling (vedanā) if you observe feeling; just mind if mind. Just observe the arising and vanishing.

When he was still alive taught only that. We are talking about the Parinibbāna of the Buddha. In reality only formations (sakhāra) ceased. Nobody falls from the sky. Everything arises by conditions. The first parts were describing vipassanā and the latter part Nibbāna.

In the beginning, see saṅkhāra and anicca (i.e., arising and passing away). For example, with your finger nail scratch your arm. Feeling will arise. With the conditions of arm and finger nail, feeling of saṅkhāra arises. The main cause is finger nail. Whatever arising of itch, pain etc. are saṅkhāra dhamma. These are an assemblage of saṅkhāra dhamma. Man and woman are only in speech. Nothing exists in the khandha except an assemblage of saṅkhāra.

I am speaking clearly for you that originally there is no existence of a person, a living being, a man and a woman. Man and woman are concepts (saññā). The existences of paramattha dhamma (ultimate phenomena) are sakhāra (formations). This is referring to our khandhas. You do not see the mind and matter. Only seeing their arising and passing away.

This was not parinibbāna of the Buddha. Instead saṅkhāra dhamma were ending at anicca. The desire for becoming a human or a celestial being is wanting to die. Therefore I am warning you do not want to become anything. No desire for becoming and has no perishing. Do you understand that? Do not desire for saṅkhata (conditioned, i.e., khandha). But try to get the asaṅkhata (unconditioned, i.e., Nibbāna).

Someone only shows you the beginning and not the ending. And you get it by making merits and prayers. It means you want for sickness and death. It's like the example of a razor blade with honey on it. It is sweet but will cut your tongue. You do not see it.

Another example is that no separation and sorrow will arise if you live a bachelor life. For the desire of wanting for dukkha or saṅkhāra, people have families. At last, with the separation from son, daughter and wife, and you'll encounter suffering. Becoming a saṁsāric traveler is the result of craving for saṅkhāra. The oppression of saṅkhāra is clear to you now. You must listen with the ear of knowledge. You are shedding tears by the oppression of saṅkhāra.

The reason behind is the appreciation for the new arising. It becomes closer to shed tears and far from Nibbāna. Sakhāra becomes bigger and the oppression heavier. For example, you lost 100 dollars or 100,000 dollars, which dukkha is bigger? You have many children and more dukkha. I’ll show you the practice. Follow with knowledge whatever sakhāra shows up. Contemplate the impermanence.

Uppāda and vaya—only rising and falling exist. There is neither person nor being in it. Identity view is falling away. Uppajjitvā nirujjhanti—after arises and ceases. The Buddha was continuing to talk impermanence. Aniccā = uppāda‐vaya = uppajitvā nirujjhanti; (These three Pali words referred to impermanence) he was continuing to talk three times, because it was important. Tesa vūpasamo sukho—These two of ending or cessation (i.e., rise and fall) is the supreme happiness. Following to the end of impermanence was coming from this verse. The Buddha here taught only two knowledge: first seeing impermanence, their disenchantment and ending. It is at insight knowledge if you still only discern impermanence.

After the impermanence ends will see the permanent Nibbāna. Saṅkhata ends and asaṅkhata arises. And you see asaṅkhata Nibbāna. Without seeing impermanence and will never see Nibbāna, Therefore it is nothing to do with about the prayers.



Aniccā vata saṅkhārā, uppādavayadhammino; Uppajjitvā nirujjhanti, tesaṃ vūpasamo sukho.

Anicca vata saṅkhārā」——此句揭示真理:凡在五蘊中生起者,皆必消逝。











Uppajjitvā nirujjhanti——凡生起者,終將滅去。
Aniccā = uppāda-vaya = uppajjitvā nirujjhanti


Tesaṃ vūpasamo sukho——生與滅的止息即是最上之樂。





開始與結束 (The Beginning and the Ending)


你們都知道釋迦天王在佛陀入滅後所吟誦的偈頌(他是忉利天的國王)。它表達了修行的開始和結束。無常諸行,生滅法 (Aniccā vata saṅkhārā, uppādavayadhammino);生滅滅已,寂滅為樂 (Uppajjitvā nirujjhanti, tesaṃ vūpasamo sukho)。這些偈頌表達了觀智和道智的知識。

如果按照這些偈頌修行,你們將達到目標。無常諸行 (Anicca vata saṅkhāra) — 告訴我們五蘊中生起的一切都必須消逝。(西亞多有時會引用經文或註釋中的巴利語詞來進行教導。但他從不以學者的身份翻譯它們。相反,他只是解釋它們,而不是準確翻譯)。


當他還活著的時候,只教導這些。我們正在談論佛陀的般涅槃。實際上,只有行 (saṅkhāra) 止息。沒有人從天上掉下來。一切都是由因緣生起的。前面的部分描述了觀,後面的部分描述了涅槃。


我清楚地告訴你們,原本沒有人、眾生、男人和女人的存在。男人和女人是概念(saññā)。勝義法 (paramattha dhamma) 的存在是行(formations)。這是指我們的五蘊。你們看不到名色。只看到它們的生起和消逝。

這不是佛陀的般涅槃。相反,行法在無常中結束。想要成為人或天人就是想要死亡。因此,我警告你們不要想成為任何事物。沒有成為的慾望,就沒有消逝。你們明白嗎?不要渴望有為法 (saṅkhata) (即五蘊)。但要努力獲得無為法 (asaṅkhata) (即涅槃)。




生起和消逝 (Uppāda and vaya) — 只有生起和消逝存在。其中沒有人或眾生。有身見消失。生起滅已 (Uppajjitvā nirujjhanti) — 生起後止息。佛陀繼續談論無常。無常 (Aniccā) = 生滅 (uppāda-vaya) = 生起滅已 (uppajitvā nirujjhanti);(這三個巴利語詞都指無常)他連續說了三次,因為它很重要。寂滅為樂 (Tesaṃ vūpasamo sukho) — 這兩種止息(即生起和消逝)是至上的快樂。從這句偈頌中得出了跟隨無常的結束。佛陀在這裡只教導了兩種知識:首先是看見無常、它們的厭離和結束。如果你們仍然只辨別無常,那就是在觀智。


Four Types of Yogi

4th September 1961

The Buddha taught the ways to develop our practice without giving up. Before our practice, we need to contemplate that ageing and sickness are near to us. The danger of death is also not far away. (Actually sickness and death can happen to anyone at anytime.)

They are the cause of tahā. Only path factors can overcome it. Therefore we have to try hard to develop the path factors. There are four persons can get the path knowledge. They are; ① Difficult practice and slow realization, ② Difficult practice and quick realization ③ Easy practice and slow realization. ④ Easy practice and quick realization (From Aguttara Nikāya).

All of them can get to the Path Knowledge. But their ways of practice are different. You have to decide by yourself in which group you are in. There is nothing to be in low spirit. All of them get the Path and Fruit Knowledge. The differences are only in slow and quick realizations. Why has the first person difficulty in practice? In contemplation of impermanence kilesas come in between them. It takes times to move them out. With thick kilesa and the practice is difficult.

Faith (saddhā) is not sharp, effort (viriya) is not strong, mindfulness (sati) is not sharp, samādhi is not concentrate enough on the objects and wisdom is weak. If the spiritual faculties are weak have difficulties in the practice (The five spiritual faculties are just mentioned above). And also become slow in the realization.

In short to say, vipassanā wisdom is not sharp. Regard to the first person the Buddha said that he had a lot of kilesa and faculties were weak. The reason kilesa comes in is during the contemplations of impermanence, the mind moves to home or to somewhere else, etc.

It takes time to dispel the kilesa and difficulty in the practice. The way of correction is contemplating the impermanence of whatever kilesa comes in. In this way difficulty goes away and knowledge becomes sharp. Ehi passiko—Every dhamma invites you to come and contemplate.

It does become the fourth person from the first. Knowledge is becoming closer if you can contemplate kilesa. The reason knowledge (ñāṇa) not sharp is there is a big gap between the knowledge. When ñāṇa is closer to each other, then faculties become mature. Vipassanā knowledge are becoming closer and closer. With more contemplations and ñāṇa becomes sharper. (So a lot of contemplations and practices are important). The first person becomes the fourth person.

The second person has more kilesa and his knowledge is sharp. So if he contemplates the impermanence of all kilesas come in, will become the fourth person. If overcome kilesa always has the quick result. Without a teacher’s corrections, blame on the pāramīs and giving up is a big mistake.

For example, Ven. Sāriputta’s disciple, the goldsmith was with the Buddha’s instruction and had a quick realization. The ways of instruction also made the differences. Encountering a good teacher means you have pāramīs. Can contemplate whatever comes in is not led to suffering.

With kilesa coming in between the practice is for the continuation of D. A. process. With contemplation and not continue the process. (Sayadaw mentioned that the goldsmith was Buddha’s disciple, only achieved realization with his help, and not by Ven. Sāriputta).

A process cut off is Nibbāna. Every time it arises and can contemplate is closer to Nibbāna because tahā, upādāna and kamma extinct in Nibbāna. The third person has lesser kilesa. Therefore he is not difficult in practice. His slow realization is the knowledge are arising slowly. Seeing impermanence is far enough. This slowness comes with the relaxation in his effort. He must increase the effort.

Not difficult means practice in a relaxed way (This point is very important). With strong effort, you have to contemplate the impermanence of whatever arises. If death comes earlier it will be a great loss. Reflect in this way put great effort in your practice. It will come in even to the people who still have less kilesa.

Our life span is short. Only has the life span of each inhalation and each exhalation. You all prefer the fourth person. Your pāramīs are including respectively in all these four persons (Has connections with one of them). But with the help of a teacher becomes the fourth. There were more fourth persons during the time of the Buddha. Nowadays there are more first persons. Don’t forget the teaching until your death.




有四種人能夠證得道智(path knowledge),他們分別為:





Ehi passiko——每一法都在邀請你前來觀照。












































排除煩惱需要時間,修行也因此困難。糾正的方法是觀照任何介入的煩惱的無常。這樣,困難就會消失,智慧也會變得敏銳。「來觀」(ehi passiko)—一切法都邀請你前來觀照。








Two Views on Insight

12th September 1961

[ In this talk Sayadaw explained the two views on vipassanā. These two views are; ① Vipassanā observe by oneself ② Vipassanā show by the khandhas. It becomes arguments among yogis. He said both are right. The mind always turn inwards the khandha becomes vipassanā. The mind knows or sees the khandha process. Without turns inwards and observes can’t discern the khandha process.

The dhamma shows its nature and becomes vipassanā. The mind observes and becomes vipassanā. These two combine together become vipassanā ñāṇa. The dhamma is always showing its nature. Vipariṇāma lakkhaṇaṁ dukkha saccaṁ—changing and unstable nature are truth of dukkha.

Is vipassanā extinct then dhamma extinct? Or does the mind not turn inwards and observe? In these two questions; no vipassanā means there is without any observation. Don’t forget “ehi‐passiko”. (There are six attributes of Dhamma. Ehi passiko is one of them). The dhamma are inviting us, come and contemplate or observe. Ehi and passiko combining together becomes vipassanā.

The arising dhamma combines with the observing mind become vipassanā. Why are we so long in sasāra? Because ehi—the dhamma invites us all the times but we don’t follow with their invitation and rejecting it all the times. So, don’t separate ehi and passiko. If separate just wandering in sasāra. It will end suffering with not separating them. ]

In the Majjhima Nikāya, the Buddha said, you had to put down the khandha here. But to get another new khandha was the greatest fault. It was the most fearful thing for the Buddha. It was dukkha sacca and the Buddha disgusted about it. Your wisdom eyes are covering up with kilesa dusts.

So you all are making prayers for the next khandhas. If you are asking for life will be sunk in deeper. Craving for becoming (bhava tahā) is comforting you with pleasure and never find out for liberation. It’s like I may miss every Buddha to come if you are praying for existence. Some pray for liberation at the time of the future Metteyya Buddha. This is a kind of terrible thing to do.

Because in the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta, The Buddha gave the guarantee for a mature mind could realize the dhamma within seven days. This is a kind of disrespectful to the Gautama Buddha. It is unnecessary to do this kind of thing.

Even Gautama Buddha could not give you Nibbāna. Have to practice yourself for it. Metteyya Buddha also can’t give it to you in the future. You must practice for yourself. Each Nibbāna is not different from others Nibbāna. This is attachment to the personality. So you have wrong view. In sasāra it is one day long dukkha if you survive for one more day. Do not want a long suffering life. You have to follow the quicker way to Nibbāna.

We must do the vipassanā practice. What is vipassanā? There are two views on vipassanā. ① One’s own contemplation is vipassanā. ② There is also vipassanā shown by the dhamma and seeing it. ① is seeing with one’s own contemplation. ② is the dhamma showing it and you see it. (In the beginning ① is more prominent; then it becomes mature with the practice and ② is more prominent).

This is never taught before. There are a lot of arguments. I will explain these two views as not wrong. The khandhas do its work as rise and fall even you don’t contemplate. If you do not contemplate, does it become vipassanā? Stay away from the five cords of sensual pleasure and turning the mind towards it and become vipassanā. Turn your mind towards the khandha. The mind sees the khandha process.

This is seeing by contemplation. No contemplation is no seeing. Contemplative mind is vipassanā ñāa. This is from the point of knowledge. The dhamma also has to show it. So the dhamma shows and the mind contemplates, and contemplation becomes vipassanā with both. Extinctions of the Dhamma can be measured with this point.

The mind not turning towards it that Dhamma become in extinction. Ehi and passiko together become insight. Saṁsāra is long because ehi and passiko are not together. Therefore we are in trouble. You will reach towards Nibbāna with them together. You may think it is the cause of taṇhā and avijjā. In truth, saṁsāra is long on not combining ehi and passiko together.

No contemplation is heedless. Heedlessness is ignorance. Ignorance conditions volitional formation (avijjā paccaya saṅkhāra)..., and D. A. continues. But you follow ehi with greed, hatred and delusion that saṁsāra is long. For example, mosquito bites you. You slap it with your hand. You have to go there with knowledge (ñāṇa).

Then you will see anicca, before that all of you were going to the four planes of misery. Now! You do know how to go Nibbāna. So Nibbāna is not come to you by prayers.


【在本次開示中,禪師闡述了對於內觀(vipassanā)的兩種觀點。這兩種觀點是:① 自我觀察的內觀;② 由五蘊所顯現出來的內觀。這在修行者之間引發了不少爭論。而禪師指出,兩者皆正確。當心向內轉向五蘊之時,即成為內觀。心能夠知道或看見五蘊的運作過程;若不向內觀照,則無法辨識五蘊的流轉過程。】

這兩者合而為一,即是「內觀智」(vipassanā ñāṇa)。

Vipariṇāma lakkhaṇaṁ dukkha saccaṁ——



(來)與 passiko(觀照)結合起來,才是真正的內觀。






「渴愛有」(bhava taṇhā)總是用快樂來安撫你,使你永遠不會去尋求真正的解脫。






















無明緣行(avijjā paccaya saṅkhāra)……緣起之流繼續流轉不息。























1. 法(Dhamma)自然顯現 —— 無常、苦、無我


行者以智慧之心(ñāṇa)回應(Passiko) ——「我來觀照你」

法與心相遇 —— 成就內觀(Vipassanā

無明止息 → 緣起中斷 → 苦滅 → 證得涅槃





法(dhamma)展現其本質,成為毗婆舍那。心觀照,也成為毗婆舍那。這兩者結合在一起,就成為毗婆舍那智(vipassanā ñāṇa)。法總是展現其本質。「變異性是苦諦」(Vipariṇāma lakkhaṇaṁ dukkha saccaṁ)—變化和不穩定的本質就是苦諦。




所以你們都在為下一個蘊祈禱。如果你祈求生命,就會陷得更深。有身見(bhava taṇhā)以快樂來安慰你,使你永遠無法找到解脫。這就像如果你祈求存在,可能會錯過每一位未來佛陀的到來。有些人祈求在未來彌勒佛的時代解脫。這是一種可怕的行為。







沒有觀照就是放逸。放逸就是無明。無明緣行(avijjā paccaya saṅkhāra...,十二因緣繼續。但是你帶著貪、嗔、癡追隨「來」,所以輪迴漫長。例如,蚊子咬你。你用手拍打它。你必須帶著知識(ñāṇa)去那裡。


Two Kinds of Disenchantment

16th September 1961

Someone becomes the disciple of a noble one (sutavā ariya sāvaka) then his wrong view falls away. After becoming a sotāpanna, he still has tahā, but he doesn’t have the coarser one. The coarser tahā and māna (craving and conceit) which can let him fall into the planes of misery are gone with wrong view together.

Connection with wrong view the Buddha often mentioned with the ariya sāvaka in the suttas. You have to listen to Dhamma with the wisdom ear and not an ordinary one. The kind of ear in every day what we hear are no values. Hearing things with the wisdom ear, learning and practicing the ariya Dhamma is called sutavā ariya sāvaka.

It’s important to listen to sacca dhamma with the wisdom ear. I take this duty for you. And you have to learn it and practice. For the Path Knowledge of a sotāpanna is not difficult. It’s important to fulfill these two points (i.e., listening sacca dhamma and practice). You also know that you have the seed of hell in your heart. Only with dāna, sīla and samatha practices can’t abandon the seed of hell.

Wrong view is also a latent defilement (anusaya). Anusaya not arises from outside. It arises by conditions and like a blip. It arises until abandon with the Path Knowledge. But we think it as it's not there. It will be latent in the heart as an indifferent nature if it has no conditions. It's called anusaya because it arises by conditions and suitable causes.

One will becomes sutavā ariya sāvaka by listening with the wisdom ear and practice with wisdom. In the Anatta Lakkhaṇa Sutta (SN.22.59 Anattalakkhaṇasuttaṃ), one may become disenchantment by contemplation of feeling. There may be two ways for disenchantment: with saṁvega (sense of urgency) and vipassanā. Disenchantment with saṁvega is seeing the oppression of feeling and knowing that khandha is fearful, and then one becomes disenchantment.

It is nothing to do with the Path Knowledge. Disenchantment with vipassanā is not this kind. You can’t control it not to arise and pass away when feeling arises. Its nature is arising and passing away. It is not disenchanted with pain. One becomes disenchantment by seeing this rising and falling. It’s vipassanā nibbidā ñāa. It is savega that suffering with painful feeling becomes displeasure.

Without knowing this and take it as insight knowledge which is sharp. It doesn’t. Not only human being even animal knows it (i.e., painful feeling, not by contemplation). Saṁvega is only frightful knowledge (some intelligent in it). Vipassanā nibbidā ñāṇa is valuable. Can’t control the feeling not to be rise and fall, and then become disenchantment is vipassanā ñāṇa.

Saṁvega only supports vipassanā. It encourages yogi to practice vipassanā. It is vipassanā ñāṇa which really sends yogi to Nibbāna. It’s the decisive support condition (upanissaya paccayo). Becoming of disenchantment is supporting the Path Knowledge. Pain, aches are not the main factor. The main factor is becoming disenchantment by can’t control impermanence. This is vipassanā ñāṇa.

By knowing that this khandha is not the governing atta and become disenchantment. Only hear these things before and clear about it. I have practiced vipassanā quite a long time now. And it does not happen anything yet. Do not complain about it. Wrong view of defilement is eroding slowly if you really do it.

Just continue to do it. After long enough it becomes thin out. With every practice erodes it. Do not let doubt come in, and giving up. It is like the right view hand erodes the wrong view handle of an adze. (The Buddha gave this simile for the practice eroded kilesa slowly). I am not encouraging you. The Buddha himself taught it.

Every seeing of the impermanence of anatta erodes the self view (atta diṭṭhi). Do not let doubt and laziness come in. It will push you down into the planes of misery if diṭṭhi or taṇhā comes. Don’t separate anatta and ñāṇa (i.e., impermanence and ñāṇa).

Feeling aggregate arises depending on the other four aggregates. Going into the sun dukkha vedanā arises. And into the shade sukha vedanā arises. Vedanā vanishes on the spot of arising. It is like a flash of lightening in the cloud. Khandha arises on the khandha (i.e., feeling arises in the body).

You have to note on this point. Not knowing the guest khandha and vipassanā can’t come in. Vedanā is guest khandha. The others also guests. Today I am talking about vedanā and it is guest. The other four are hosts. Not knowing it as guest and talking it as me and mine.

This house and that house are in quarrel because not knowing it as guest (i.e., anatta). Vedanā life span is only ① and ②. Even counting of it takes time. Its impermanence is quicker than that counting. If you know every time the guest visits will realize Nibbāna. It does not matter if you can’t catch on the arising, but you must catch on the vanishing because the contemplative mind can’t come in during the arising.

Only knowing of the guest is not there and knowledge arises (i.e., knowing the vanishing). Not knowing the guest comes and dies is a great fault. Because not knowing is ignorance. It continues the D. A. process (avijjā → sakhāra……). You have to practice to know the guest comes in at any time.


若有人成為一位聖者的弟子(sutavā ariya sāvaka),他的邪見(diṭṭhi)就會被破除。

而能以智慧來聽聞、學習與實踐聖法的,才是「sutavā ariya sāvaka」——有聞聖弟子。

聆聽「真理之法」(sacca dhamma)時,必須使用「智慧之耳」,這一點非常重要。





在《無我相經》(Anatta Lakkhaṇa Sutta, SN.22.59)中,

因為「怖畏感」(saṁvega, 出離心)而生起的厭離;

Saṁvega 式厭離

Vipassanā 式厭離
這是「內觀的厭離智」(nibbidā ñāṇa)。

✔ saṁvega
vipassanā nibbidā 是對「無常現象」的如實觀照。














這會延續「緣起」的流程(avijjā → saṅkhāra → …)。





當一個人成為聖弟子(sutavā ariya sāvaka)時,他的邪見就會消失。成為須陀洹後,他仍然有渴愛(taṇhā),但他沒有粗重的渴愛。粗重的渴愛和慢(māna,我慢),會讓他墮入惡道的,與邪見一起消失了。


用智慧的耳朵聽聞真實法(sacca dhamma)很重要。我為你們承擔這個責任。你們必須學習並實踐。須陀洹的道智並不困難。重要的是要完成這兩點(即,聽聞真實法和實踐)。你們也知道你們心中有地獄的種子。僅僅透過布施、持戒和止禪的實踐,無法捨棄地獄的種子。


一個人透過用智慧的耳朵聽聞和用智慧實踐,就會成為聖弟子。在《無我相經》(SN.22.59 Anattalakkhaṇasuttaṃ)中,一個人可能透過觀照感受而產生厭離。厭離可能有兩種方式:透過悚懼感(saṁvega)和毗婆舍那。透過悚懼感的厭離是看到感受的壓迫,知道蘊是可怕的,然後產生厭離。

這與道智無關。透過毗婆舍那的厭離不是這種。當感受生起時,你無法控制它不生起和滅去。它的本質是生起和滅去。它不是對痛苦感到厭離。一個人透過看到這種生滅而產生厭離。這是毗婆舍那厭離智(vipassanā nibbidā ñāṇa)。痛苦的感受帶來不悅,這是悚懼感。





每一次看到無我的無常,都會侵蝕我見(atta diṭṭhi)。不要讓懷疑和懶惰進入。如果邪見或渴愛生起,它會將你推入惡道。不要將無我和智(ñāṇa,即無常和智)分開。

感受蘊依賴於其他四蘊而生起。進入陽光下,苦受(dukkha vedanā)生起。進入陰涼處,樂受(sukha vedanā)生起。感受在生起的地方立即消失。它就像雲中的閃電一樣。蘊在蘊上生起(即,感受在身體中生起)。




Searching for the Truth

2nd October 1961

Make the confirmation of what the khandha tells you. In sasāra, we were ending at what others said and swimming in the sea of dukkha. The khandha is changing in many ways and showing it to you. It will appear as nothing good in it. It is vanishing and replacing, vanishing and replacing on and on.

Khandha is always in this way. By seeing this is getting the knowledge of knowing things as it really are (Yathābhūta Ñāṇa). Listen to the dhamma and turn the mind to the khandha. And the khandha will tell you that it has the characteristic of changing dukkha (vipariṇāma lakkhaṇaṁ, dukkha saccaṁ).

You have to follow it and know the changing and vanishing phenomena. After discern the beginning and will see its continuous process.

Except dukkha sacca, it has nothing. Isn't someone telling you or seeing with one’s own knowledge? The Buddha said it as “Diṭṭha Dhammo”—dhamma seeing by oneself. He preferred the direct seeing (i.e., not like other faiths just believe).

Before in the texts, it had said like this and that. Do you see it yourself? The text books had said these were ending at what others had said. You can’t reach Nibbāna with the text books and hearing from others. The real dukkha sacca is in the khandha. Man and woman are talking by people, but what you really see is impermanence. And then wrong view is falling away.

Don’t fear dangers (i.e., all dangers including man‐made and natural disasters). Khandha exists that dangers come in. Without khandha and it will not come. Without believe in what others say and turn the mind into the khandha. And will see the changing and vanishing. It only exists of the arising dukkha and vanishing dukkha. Only find out disgusting and useless dukkha sacca by turning towards the khandha.

In this way concept and wrong view are disappeared. Taking notes of what others said is concept. It becomes wrong view believing in what they had said. It is clearer with the D. A.. Perceiving them by growing is wrong views. It becomes attachment to views (diṭṭhupādāna). And then it becomes actions which are led by wrong view. And it continues to rebirth in the planes of misery.

The body concept of self disappears at that moment by seeing anicca. (Sayadaw gave an example of a glass of water. He said holding a glass of water vertically, then incline it to a certain angle, then go back to the vertical position, then incline it again. You'll forget about the glass of water if you do this for many times; instead vertical and inclined positions are becoming clearer in the mind. Here, the glass of water is the body concept, the vertical and inclined positions are impermanence arising and vanishing).

What the khandha has and ñāṇa knowing become fit in together (i.e., khandha is impermanent, so you see impermanence). All dukkha is extinct because of the right seeing. (Sayadaw continued to talk about the importance and value of anicca as mentioned by the Buddha in the Aṅguttara Nikāya). From the right seeing and continue to develop the ending of right seeing. Changing is non‐stopping and ñāṇa also observing.

It becomes the Nibbidā Ñāa after knowing of its extreme situations. It becomes the Path Knowledge from the disenchantment to develop not wanting it. It arises by cooling the heart. If you contemplate up to the point of not wanting it and the khandha disappears.

Here the heart becomes cool is like putting down the very heavy burden load. Can contemplate whatever dhamma you prefer. And only seeing its changing and vanishing. Even the Buddha not exists anymore, but the main important thing is turning your mind to the object of contemplation (It doesn’t come by prayers and vows or meet the Buddha only).



能夠如實地見到這點,即是獲得「如實智」(Yathābhūta Ñāṇa)。

五蘊會告訴你:它的本質就是變異之苦vipariṇāma lakkhaṇaṁ),即「苦諦」本身(dukkha saccaṁ)。


佛陀稱這種境界為「現法見」Diṭṭha Dhammo——親自所見之法。













當你見到現象的極端無常之後,就會生起「厭離智(Nibbidā Ñāṇa」。









蘊總是如此。透過看到這一點,才能獲得如實知見(Yathābhūta Ñāṇa)。聽聞正法,將心轉向蘊。蘊會告訴你,它具有變異性是苦的特徵(vipariṇāma lakkhaṇaṁ, dukkha saccaṁ)。


除了苦諦,沒有其他。這不是別人告訴你,而是用自己的知識看到的嗎?佛陀將其稱為「自見法」(Diṭṭha Dhammo)—自己看見的法。他偏愛直接的看見(即,不像其他信仰只是相信)。






在知道其極端情況後,它會變成厭離智(Nibbidā Ñāṇa)。從厭離發展到不想要它,它會變成道智。它透過使心涼下來而生起。如果你觀照到不想要它的地步,蘊就會消失。


Dealing with Wrong View and Doubt

3rd October 1961

[This was a very simple talk to deal with wrong views and doubt for beginner. The listeners were two well known business men came from a far for practice]

You must dispelling three wrong views before doing vipassanā. You only get merits and not the Path Knowledge without doing it. This is not giving an ordinary talk. This is giving the way for your practice. I have to give the intellectual knowledge first. We missed many Buddhas in the past, and had lived with the khandha of painful births.

It was very clear that we were forbidden by these three wrong views. After clearing away wrong views and also for doubt later, I have to illustrate impermanence in the khandha. However it can’t realize the Dhamma even practicing hard if wrong views reside in the five khandhas.

The Buddha also mentioned this point. So, vipassanā comes later and clearing away doubt is before. The stages of practice are: ① Dispelling wrong view, ② Clearing away doubt, ③ Vipassanā practice. This is the right way of practice (For this point Sayadaw gave the story of Ven. Anurādha) Another story was regarding with Ven. Sāriputta and he cleared away Yamaka’s wrong view.

This is very important. Doing Samādhi before with knowing the in‐breath and out‐breath are only controlling the mind. Wholesome state of mind is one thing and Path and Fruition knowledge are another thing. You must strip of wrong view with the khandha process. For example, if you are turning towards a clock and seeing the clock arises. This mind not exists beforehand (i.e., seeing). Also it not arises by watching.

It is like a shadow appears by the body contacts with the mirror. Seeing is just mind and not man or woman. It is just the seeing nature. After the seeing and the wanting arises. Are the seeing and the wanting the same? It ceases after the seeing. And then wanting arises by substitute. Before is just seeing and not wanting. Now is wanting and not seeing also. These two minds are different. The nature of them is not the same. Seeing arises in the eye and ceases at the same place.

After that, wanting arises in the heart by substitute. This is showing the cause and effect connection. There are two kinds of wanting. Ordinary wanting (i.e., craving—tahā) and strong wanting arises. This small wanting mind ceases and big wanting mind arises. And then the big wanting ceases and the buying thing (here, a clock) of bodily action and verbal action arise.

So, the whole process is seeing, wanting, clinging and action. They are arising one after another with the ceasing of one after another. The seeing mind conditions the wanting mind. It's alive with the wanting mind after the seeing ceases. It substitutes with action after the wanting ceases. The seeing mind is just only the seeing mind. Is it a person or a being? This is stripping off the identity view (sakkāya diṭṭhi). The life span of the seeing mind is ① and ②. ① is arising and ② is ceasing. It substitutes with the wanting mind after it ceases. It’s also not a person or a being. You may ask, “Does it arise by no cause?” It doesn’t. The seeing mind conditions it as a substitute. Natthi paccayo—It’s the absence condition. (conditions it without together).

Then this mind (Here is wanting) arises by not automatic, but with causes. Because of the seeing mind and the result of the wanting mind arises. By the cause and the result appears. It is cause and effect connection. With the substitute and you are alive. Without the mind and you’ll die. Someone may think, after the seeing mind ceases and nothing arises.

This is the view of annihilation (uccheda diṭṭhi). It’s not cutting off. Still continues as cause and effect will free from uccheda diṭṭhi. Now, you are free from sakkāya and uccheda diṭṭhis. Wanting mind conditions the clinging mind. Wanting mind ceases and substitutes with the clinging mind. ① is arising and ② is ceasing.

Is the wanting mind permanent or impermanent? It is impermanent. You will be free from sassata diṭṭhi (view of eternalism) if you know it as impermanence. Now, you are free from the three wrong views: sakkāya, sassata and uccheda diṭṭhis.





















  1. 微細的欲望(如:taṇhā,貪愛)

  2. 強烈的想要(強化的渴望)


見 → 想要 → 執著(取)→ 行動(業)



生起、② 滅去,

不是的。「想要」心是由「見」心所引生的,這是**離有因緣(natthi paccayo**的因果關係。






「想要」 → 引生「執取」



  1. 我見(sakkāya-diṭṭhi

  2. 斷見(uccheda-diṭṭhi

  3. 常見(sassata-diṭṭhi











因此,整個過程是看見、想要、執著和行動。它們一個接著一個生起,一個接著一個停止。看見的心是想要心的條件。看見停止後,它藉由想要心而存活。想要停止後,它藉由行動替代。看見的心只是看見的心。它是人還是眾生?這是在剝離身見(sakkāya diṭṭhi)。看見心的壽命是①和②。①是生起,②是停止。它停止後,藉由想要心替代。它也不是人或眾生。你可能會問:「它是無因生起的嗎?」不是的。看見的心是它作為替代的條件。「無有近因」(Natthi paccayo)—它是無有近因條件。(沒有一起作為條件)


這是斷見(uccheda diṭṭhi)。它不是切斷。它仍然以因果關係繼續,才能從斷見中解脫。現在,你從身見和斷見中解脫了。想要心是執著心的條件。想要心停止,藉由執著心替代。①是生起,②是停止。

想要心是常還是無常?它是無常的。如果你知道它是無常的,你就會從常見(sassata diṭṭhi)中解脫。現在,你從三種邪見中解脫了:身見、常見和斷見。

Controlling the Mind

10th October 1961

[Sayadaw based his talk from the Telapatta Sutta (oil bowl), Mahāvagga Saṃyutta (SN.47.20 Janapadakalyāṇīsuttaṃ). In the original sutta, it was simpler than here. We can see his creative mind of wisdom. The Buddha stayed at Sedaka Town in Sambha (Sumbha) Province. He gave instruction on mindfulness to the monks. A criminal was ordered by the king to carry a bowl full of oil and followed behind by the five executioners with swords in their hands.

If a drop of oil fell and he would be executed instantly on the spot. On the way he had to pass two places: a bar with drunkards and a dancing place performed by a very beautiful girl, with five qualities. In this simile, the criminal was yogi. The bowl full of oil was mediation objects (i.e., the five khandhas or the four Satipaṭṭhāna).

The five executioners were D. A. process (craving → clinging → action → birth → ageing and death). If he spilled one drop of oil would be killed by them or unmindful of the objects and khandha process continued. Bar and dancing girl were yathābhūta ñāa and nibbidā ñāa respectively. If he had passed these two places and freed from death (yogi realizes Nibbāna).

Sayadaw was using this simile for instruction on the practice. Observe it if any hindrance comes in. Here like the criminal sometimes with the lacking of full awareness, and the bowl would slant a little. And he had to instantly straighten it back again. ]

Vipassanā practice appears only within the Buddha Dispensation (sāsana). We are also encountering it. Now, we meet a good teacher. So continue to practice hard and surely you will be succeeded. Do not believe in the pāramī (perfections) have to be fulfilled slowly.

The Buddha also gave you guarantee for success as within seven years, seven months and seven days. I want to remind you that do not waste this period of your life with son, daughter, family and business matters. It would be like losing the most precious thing. The Buddha was reminding of the important of ñāa must go straight in the practice. You have to catch it up quickly with ñāa when a phenomenon arises.

The Buddha said that impermanence and ñāa were not separating could finish the practice within seven days. Complete with prayer and practice (with pāramī) in the morning and will realize the Dhamma in the evening. Why do not we get it? May be ñāa is not going straight towards impermanence. Anicca and magga are not in straight line. In connection with this point the Buddha taught the Telapatta Sutta. (Here Sayadaw was using cittānupassanā to explain the Sutta).

Thirteen types of mind are representing the oil bowl. [According to Sayadaw’s method, the 13 types of mind are: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and bodily consciousness (5 external minds); Greed, anger, delusion, non‐greed, non‐anger and thinking (6 internal minds); Breathing in and out minds (2 primary minds)].

Contemplate the impermanence of whatever arises from the six senses doors. Do not let the mind go away to other place. If it is going towards outside objects or to the five cords of sensual pleasure and craving, clinging and action (tahā, upādāna and kamma) will kill you.

So, the mind goes out is very bad indeed. If you contemplate feeling and the three types of feeling are the oil bowl. If you do not separate impermanence and magga; “Is there any kilesa to come in between them?” Going outside of the satipaṭṭhāna objects will encounter aging, sickness and death. The mind not going out is a victory. It is quite important. It means the oil does not spill if D. A. process does not continue. I am not talking it for at other times. It is just for the period of vipassanā practice.

In the beginning of sitting just do the breathing in and breathing out. Knowing the breath comes in and goes out. Contemplate it if a mind arises. Go back to the in and out breaths if nothing arises. Contemplation of feeling is also in the same way. The object of contemplation is like the oil bowl. The completive mind (ñāa) is like the criminal. D. A. process is like the executioner.

This practice has to be done for a long period of time? It is not. Have to pass through these two groups of people (i.e., the bar with drunkards and spectators watching the dancing girl). You have to pass through the seeing of impermanence and its disenchantment. After pass through them and arrive at the Path Knowledge. If the mind is turning towards other sense

objects and have to contemplate their impermanence. This was straightening back the oil bowl when slanting. It came from the Sayutta Nikāya. I have to talk again from the Aguttara Nikāya. Don’t let kilesa come in during the contemplation of impermanence.

The main point is the same. Do not let the oil spill or not let kilesa come in. Make a determination of not letting kilesa come in for 15 or 30 minutes during the sitting mediation. After that, increase gradually the sitting period of time.


【本次開示以《油碗經》(Telapatta Sutta,《相應部·大品·念住相應》,SN.47.20《國色女經 Janapadakalyāṇī Sutta》)為基礎。在原始經文中內容較為簡單,但在此我們可以看到禪師具有創造性的智慧詮釋。】













🧘 禪修實作法:




若它偏向五欲與外境,則「愛 → 取 → 有」的流程將生起,導致「老、病、死」。






🧘‍♂️ 坐禪方法(逐步引導):

  1. 入座時,先觀照入息與出息

  2. 當其他心生起時,以智慧觀其無常

  3. 若一時無明顯所緣,則回到觀照呼吸

  4. 若感受生起,亦以此方式觀照


📌 是否要修很久?──不必!


  1. 如實知無常(酒館)

  2. 生起厭離心(舞女)

通過這兩關,就能抵達道智(magga ñāṇa






[尊者以《油缽經》(Telapatta Sutta)、《大品相應》(Mahāvagga SaṃyuttaSN.47.20 Janapadakalyāṇīsuttaṃ)為基礎進行開示。在原始經文中,它比這裡更簡單。我們可以看見他富有智慧的創造性思維。佛陀住在贍婆(Sumbha)省的塞達迦鎮。他向比丘們講述了正念的教導。國王命令一名罪犯端著一碗盛滿油的缽,後面跟著五名手持劍的劊子手。


五名劊子手是十二因緣的過程(渴愛→執取→行為→出生→老死)。如果他灑了一滴油,就會被他們殺死,或者對對象失去正念,蘊的過程就會繼續。酒吧和舞女分別是如實知見(yathābhūta ñāṇa)和厭離智(nibbidā ñāṇa)。如果他通過這兩個地方,就會從死亡中解脫(瑜伽行者證悟涅槃)。






觀照六根門生起的任何事物的無常。不要讓心跑到其他地方。如果它跑到外在的對象或五欲的束縛,貪愛、執取和行為(taṇhāupādāna kamma)就會殺死你。





Ñāṇa Eye and Normal Eye

14th October 1961

It is form that you can touch with the hand. Its nature is hot and cold, rise and fall and with tension happening in many different ways. It’s changing and perishing. If know these things directly is seeing. It’s the aggregates of form (rūpa) or rūpakkhandha. Feeling aggregates are nāma dhamma—mind dhamma.

Sometime it’s itching and vanishing. Sometime the mind is happy and then disappears. Whatever arises in the mind and follow their impermanence. Know them as arising and passing away. Knowing this is ñāa view. Feeling aggregates tell about them and disappear. You have to watch and observe them.

Sitting on the bank of a stream, look at the water flowing by. Don’t look at the upper and lower parts of the water flowing in and flowing down, but only look at one point. Observing the water is passing through this point. And you know it as not the water before is enough. Knowing it as not the form before, not the mind before etc. is vipassanā ñāa.

Now, listen carefully to what I say. For example, you make a number five marked post in the water. Don’t look anywhere, only look at the water of number five marked post. Don’t look at the water above flowing in and the water below flowing down. It is enough only knowing at the number five water as not the water before. Don’t mix up the ñāa seeing with the eye seeing. The eye seeing is—a fire burns and dies out. It’s only seeing the light and darkness.

This is the eye seeing. Ñāa eye finds out this dhamma not exists. The eye is seeing the differences (i.e., darkness and light). It doesn’t reach toward Nibbāna. Ñāa seeing is knowing them are not there (arise and disappear at the same spot). You must note down the differences.

Ñāṇa seeing is the dhamma before is not exist. And it’s another type of dhamma (i.e., emptiness). (This is the real emptiness. Not a concept of nothingness) For example, on the arm there is an itch and later not exist. Knowing the same thing not there (the same thing as there and not there). This is ñāṇa seeing. Knowing different things is not ñāṇa seeing (These are the worldly knowing). Ñāṇa view and the views of eye, ear, and nose are different.

Their views are not reaching toward Nibbāna. Ñāṇa view/mana view (mana=mind) is the right one. The Buddha had said pajānāti must know with knowledge. If you see a man is eye seeing. Seeing the arising and passing away of the khandha is ñāṇa seeing. For example, scratching your arm with a finger nail. Feeling arises and disappears. But the arm is still there. This is ñāṇa view.

Right view is ñāa seeing. Right thought (sammā‐saṅkappa) is exposing to see it (in one of his talk Sayadaw gave similes for right view and right thought: the eye for right view and glasses for right thought, so that the eye can see clearer). Right mindfulness is reminding to be mindful. Right concentration is pointing at here (The object to be contemplated). Right effort is encouraging to develop ñāa seeing.

Four of them are helpers (except right view). The eye can’t see the arm in pain and its disappearance. Only ñāṇa sees it. It is the penetration of things that reach towards Nibbāna. The Buddha said; cakkhuṁ udapādi—eye seeing arises. This is not saying of the normal eye seeing. Therefore he continued to say; ñāṇaṁ udapādi—knowledge arises. All are the same. It is ñāṇa seeing. Every mind arises and know it as not exist is ñāṇa knowing.

So with ñāṇa observes the khandha. Moliya Sīvalī asked the Buddha, “Ven. Sir, I want to know the ñāṇa view.” The Buddha said to him; “Greed arises in your mind. Can you talk about its colour and size? It is arising but you can’t tell it. After that, greedy mind does not exist. Can you know it or not? This is ñāṇa view.” In the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta, it was said that whatever mind arises had to know it (pajānāti).

Knowing is ñāa. Knowledge knows impermanence. It is other people seeing or your own seeing. It is sandiṭṭhiko—visible here and now. It knows the arising and falling. Why? The mind knows it after arising and falling. The arising and falling are before and the knowing is after. With listening Dhamma and you also have to practice. Practice to know it yourself—sandiṭṭhiko.

It becomes samatha practice if you use the attributes of Dhamma for prayers. It is vipassanā using it for knowing by you yourself. What are the differences between samatha and vipassanā? For example, a greedy mind of hungry for food arises. After it arises and passes away. Is it still existing? You know its arising and passing away (sandiṭṭhiko). It is becoming vipassanā. The greed of I want to eat so much not arise (i.e., clinging).

Bodily and verbal actions are not arising either. It kills tahā, upādāna and kamma. Vipassanā is cutting of the D. A. process. Samatha suppresses kilesa temporary only. It is akāliko—giving the result without delay. If you possess sandiṭṭhiko and everything is finished.

So do not go and ask others. Mahasi yogis are doing kāyanupassanā—Contemplation of the body, such as lifting, putting down (on walking etc.). After doing for a long time and the paramattha dhamma (ultimate reality of the phenomena) become apparent. Here is a mind wanting to eat arise. You contemplate and know it as not exists.

What do you know? You know the vanishing mind. It’s the paramattha dhamma contemplates the paramattha dhamma. Mind is paramattha dhamma and ñāa also. It’s not resisting by concepts. The Buddha said; it was easy to contemplate without the resistance of bodily concepts. Every contemplation becomes akāliko because it cut off the D. A. process.

No khandha process arises. It’s not a good khandha (i.e., D. A. process khandha or khandha continues). You are alive with the magga khandha (Path factors khandha). It’s a good khandha. The Buddha and arahants were alive with the magga. It becomes the akāliko only with the sandiṭṭhiko. Tahā and upādāna cease, it is Nibbāna. So next khandha does not arise. You have to work with sandiṭṭhiko (i.e., seeing impermanence).



而受蘊則是屬於「心法」(nāma dhamma)。



🪷 一個譬喻:



這樣的觀察與知見,就是內觀智慧(vipassanā ñāṇa



👁️ 凡夫眼(肉眼)是什麼?


🧠 智慧眼(ñāṇa eye)則會知道:




🧘‍♂️ 修行的正見:


你知道這種生滅現象──這是智慧之見(ñāṇa view

📚 八正道的協助:



🧠 佛陀說:「cakkhuṁ udapādi」──眼生起了。

因此他又說:「ñāṇaṁ udapādi」──智慧生起了。

🧠 如何實踐?


例:比丘摩利耶·尸婆離(Moliya Sīvalī)問佛陀:
那就是智慧眼的見(ñāṇa view。」


🧘‍♀️ 修行關鍵:sandiṭṭhiko(現見)

🧘‍♀️ 修行關鍵:sandiṭṭhiko(現見)

✂️ 止與觀的區別:



☸️ 內觀是「akālika」(即時果報):


🧘‍♂️ Mahāsi禪修者:









形色(rūpa)是你可以用手觸摸的東西。它的本質是冷熱、生滅,以及以許多不同方式發生的張力。知道這些事物是直接的看見。它是色蘊(rūpakkhandha)。感受蘊是名法(nāma dhamma)—心法。

有時它會發癢然後消失。有時心是快樂的,然後消失。無論心中生起什麼,都要追隨它們的無常。知道它們的生起和滅去。知道這個就是智見(ñāṇa view)。感受蘊告訴我們它們,然後消失。你必須觀看並觀察它們。

坐在小溪的岸邊,看著水流過。不要看流入和流出的水的上下部分,而只看一個點。觀察水流過這個點。並且你知道它不是之前的水就足夠了。知道它不是之前的形色,不是之前的心等等,就是毗婆舍那智(vipassanā ñāṇa)。


這是肉眼看見。智眼(ñāṇa eye)發現這個法不存在。肉眼看見差異(即,黑暗和光明)。它無法到達涅槃。智見知道它們不在那裡(在同一個地方生起和消失)。你必須記下這些差異。


它們的見解無法到達涅槃。智見/意見(mana view)是正確的。佛陀說,pajānāti 必須用知識知道。如果你看見一個人,那是肉眼看見。看見蘊的生滅是智見。例如,用指甲抓你的手臂。感受生起然後消失。但手臂仍然在那裡。這是智見。


它們中的四個是助手(除了正見)。眼睛無法看見手臂的疼痛和它的消失。只有智見才能看見。它是穿透事物,到達涅槃。佛陀說;cakkhuṁ udapādi—眼見生起。這不是在說普通的眼見。因此,他繼續說;ñāṇaṁ udapādi—知識生起。它們都是一樣的。它是智見。每個心生起,知道它不存在,就是智知。





因此,不要去問別人。瑪哈希瑜伽行者正在進行身隨觀(kāyanupassanā)—觀照身體,例如抬起、放下(在行走時等等)。經過長時間的修行,勝義諦法(paramattha dhamma,現象的終極實相)變得明顯。這裡,一個想要吃東西的心生起。你觀照並知道它不存在。


沒有蘊的過程生起。它不是一個好的蘊(即,十二因緣的蘊或蘊的延續)。你帶著道蘊(magga khandha,道支蘊)活著。這是一個好的蘊。佛陀和阿羅漢們都帶著道活著。只有帶著sandiṭṭhiko,它才會變成akāliko。渴愛和執著停止,就是涅槃。因此,下一個蘊不會生起。你必須用sandiṭṭhiko修行(即,看見無常)。

Insight Knowledge and Path Knowledge

15th October 1961

After the insight knowledge and the Path Knowledge will arise. Do the practice and you will see it by yourself. Seeing the mind arises and vanishes is insight knowledge. ① is observing by ②, and you’ll find its arising and vanishing (Here ① is phenomenon arises and, ② is the observing mind). The task to be carefully done is vipassanā practice.

After the insight knowledge and the Path Knowledge will arise. Do you have to expect for it? It happens to you without delay; anantara paccayo—proximity condition. The insight knowledge ceases and the Path Knowledge arises. If you ask in practice what have to be relied on? Don’t think anything. If you have insight knowledge is enough.

If you get it and Path Knowledge arises by itself (Just continue to develop the insight knowledge). Getting the Path Knowledge is reaching to Nibbāna. The important thing to be hold on to is insight knowledge. The Path Knowledge will arise by itself if the insight knowledge becomes mature enough. During the practice don’t expect for it. Then tahā includes in it.

The insight knowledge does not come to an end if tahā comes in, and then it can’t see Nibbāna. Your duty is following the impermanence. Anicca and magga, anicca and magga, etc. … and follow like this. What is the benefit for it? Ignorance becomes thinning out and wrong view disappears. Tahā also dies. Ignorance, craving and wrong view are ceased.

Insight knowledge is driving away these things. It’s eroding craving. Don’t ask how many times for doing the vipassanā magga. It depends on your kilesa thickness that vipassanā practice has to make it becomes thinning out. A person with thick kilesa has to take longer for it. One has to wash away one’s kilesa thickness with knowledge (ñāa).

This is the answer you want. It becomes quicker if your kilesa volume is little. I have to remind you that don’t blame it on the perfection (pāramī). It takes longer because of my few pāramī. Don’t give that kind of reason for it.

The Buddha also taught that the insight knowledge ended and the Path Knowledge arose. I also taught it. Path knowledge still not arises is because of the kilesa volume not finish yet. Do not have doubt on what is happening. Kilesa not becomes thin out for the Path Knowledge to arise. Do not take it as, I have few pāramī and may be cannot get it in this life.

The pāramī is completed if you are discerning impermanence. It takes a bit longer if your kilesa volume is big. It will take quicker if it is small. You have to make decision in this way. Kilesa becomes thin and anicca becomes apparently clear. After that it abandons the process of the impermanence. You do not see it (i.e., impermanence).

At that time Path Knowledge arises in a flash. In practice, this is making a decision for you. You have to stay with impermanence if Path Knowledge is still not arising. The Path Knowledge can has the chance to arise when all defilements are cleaned up by the insight knowledge. And then you become a sotāpanna.

In Sayutta Nikāya, the Buddha only taught two knowledge as, after insight knowledge and Path Knowledge arose. Whatever mind arises, observe and discern it not there. You get the insight knowledge. With ñāa discerns impermanence once and it clears up defilement once.

It is doing the job of making kilesa becomes thin. I have to talk about anantarapaccayo—proximity condition. In human world, a human being dies. After that the birth consciousness instantly arises in the heavenly world or hell. Is there any gap between them? This is anantarapaccayo (proximity condition).

Insight knowledge ceases in a flash after kilesa becomes thin out. It substitutes with Nibbāna, and you do not see impermanence, instead you only see Nibbāna. It is our duty to get insight knowledge. I have to show the process of the practice before I am talking about Bhikkhu Sāti. You have to live one more life if you die with insight knowledge (i.e., you will become a stream winnner in next life).

The Buddha did not like it because birth is dukkha sacca. What you heard before was Nibbāna was very far away. You take it as will get it slowly. Do not believe in what people say. After insight knowledge is Path Knowledge. Believe in what the Buddha had taught. If you do it slowly by slowly and ñāa becomes blunt. Also kilesa will come in and take a long time.

It becomes on the right track if you know your fault because you have to clean up your kilesa. (He continued to talk about Bhikkhu Sāti’s story. See the Mahātahāsaṅkhaya Sutta, Majjma Nikāya, MN.38 Mahātahāsaṅkhayasuttaṃ). Tongue consciousness is just eating. Knowing the taste of sweet, sour, bitter, etc. is mind consciousness (mano‐viññāṇaṁ).

Eating consciousness arises on the tongue. Knowing consciousness arises in the heart. They arise at their own places. Eating consciousness arises on the tongue and vanishes there. It is not changing the place. Even consciousness arises in the khandha and can’t change places. Consciousness or the mind changes from one life to another life is very mistaken idea or view. For example, you put sugar into your ear. Does the ear tell you it is sweet?

Therefore mind arises at its own place and vanishes at the same place. One example the Buddha gave for the insight knowledge was like this. Get up early, and look at the direction of the sun rises, and you’ll see the red sky. If you ask, why dawn arises? The answer is because the sun is nearly coming out. Here also, why you see impermanence? The answer is the Path Knowledge nearly arising.

You will see the light arising—āloko udapādi, if you see impermanence. (from Saḷāyatanavagga, Vedanā‐saṃyuttaṃ, SN 36. 25, Ñāṇasuttaṃ). You had done wrongs before. Such actions are for the painful rebirths. It will be finished by correcting with insight knowledge. You don’t need to fear it. It has to take a longer time for insight knowledge to clean up kilesa.

If you don’t see it anymore and its function is finished. With the Path Knowledge arises and you see Nibbāna. You don’t see it as like the round objects of sun and moon. You know that dukkha is ceased. This is NIBBĀNA.


在內觀智慧(vipassanā ñāṇa)之後,道智(magga ñāṇa)就會生起。

是現象(生起的法),② 是觀照的心,
觀照 ①,就會見到「生」與「滅」的過程。

它會立即發生,這就是「無間緣(anantara paccayo」。






Anicca → Magga → Anicca → Magga

🧹 這樣修行有什麼利益?


有人問:「內觀道支(vipassanā magga)要修幾次?」










🧠 佛陀在《相應部》中只說兩種智:

  1. 內觀智vipassanā ñāṇa

  2. 道智magga ñāṇa







禪師接著提到比丘「沙底(Sāti」的故事(詳見《MN 38 大愛盲經》):




這就叫:「光明生起」(āloko udapādi
出自《相應部·受相應》,SN 36.25《智經(Ñāṇa Sutta)》。









在內觀智之後,道智就會生起。你必須期待它嗎?它會立即發生在你身上;近因緣(anantara paccayo)—鄰近條件。內觀智停止,道智生起。如果你問修行中必須依賴什麼?不要想任何事情。如果你有內觀智就足夠了。












如果你知道自己的錯誤,就會走上正軌,因為你必須清除你的煩惱。(他繼續談論薩提比丘的故事。參見《大渴愛滅盡經》,《中部尼迦耶》,MN.38 Mahātaṇhāsaṅkhayasuttaṃ)。舌識只是進食。知道甜、酸、苦等的味道是意識(mano‐viññāṇaṁ)。



如果你看見無常,就會看見光明生起—āloko udapādi。(出自《六處品》,《受相應》,SN 36. 25,《智經》)。你之前做錯了。這些行為是為了痛苦的重生。透過內觀智糾正它,它就會結束。你不需要害怕它。內觀智需要更長的時間來清除煩惱。


Concept, Reality and Nibbāna (Ver. 2)

17th October 1961

[Translator's NOTE: This was already translated in group 2 (part2‐10).]

There are four Nibbānas: Sotāpanna’s Nibbāna, Sakatagami’s Nibbāna, Anagami’s Nibbāna and Arahant’s Nibbāna. The fifth Nibbāna is after the ending of the khandha with the existence of peace—santi sukha Nibbāna (i.e., the passing away of arahants—parinibbāna). What I want you to know is after the realization of the first Nibbāna, you can live in peace (that is no need to concern about anything).

For the other Nibbānas, you already have the momentum. Even you don’t listen to Dhamma; it will attract you and go upwardly for the higher levels of Nibbāna. Therefore to realize that first Nibbāna is more important.

The higher levels of Nibbāna are nothing in special on practice. Just go back to the impermanent process. If you ask; “Why couldn’t I get Nibbāna before?” Without knowing, you take the near as far away. You have to strip off three wrong views if you want the first Nibbāna. You will be sure to get it after the explanation. Diṭṭhi nirodho nibbāna—Cessation of wrong view is Nibbāna.

This refers to the first Nibbāna. Don’t pray for any life. Only the earth increases and you’ll be suffered. Don’t take these words as insignificance. Anyone is asking for it will suffer. I am correcting you for your strong mistake. You all want to enjoy is the feeling aggregates. Convert them into truth and it becomes dukkha sacca.

Your desires for the repeated enjoyments in the human and heavenly worlds are superficial actions. But it’s the same as encountering repeated sufferings in the human and heavenly worlds. Sacca is the truth. Feeling and enjoyment are not the truth. I am explaining clearly your great mistakes. It’s very rare indeed to encounter someone to correct our mistaken ideas and views. (What the Sayadaw mentioned here was very true indeed. Even later Buddhists encourage people to increase DUKKHA for repeated births).

You only see the enjoyment of feeling, but not the truth in it. You are dancing by the strings of tahā (Here Sayadaw referred to human being like a puppet). Feeling arising means you are in danger. Its vanishing is you are in suffering. Therefore it is dukkha sacca. This kind of prayers is covering up Nibbāna.

(So Buddhists should know clearly what the outcomes of their actions, vows. and aspirations are. Tahā, māna and diṭṭhi—craving, conceit and wrong view are under the guise of metta, karuā and paññā—kindness, compassion and wisdom).

You are making prayers with diṭṭhi and tahā. Not knowing is worse than not having with ignorance and delusion men can do all sorts of things foolishly and stupidly. The dukkha khandha you are praying for is covering up Nibbāna. You are making it as this is me and mine can’t penetrate the khandha. You are serving the khandha like a slave and Nibbāna is hidden. Craving for khandha and wrong view on khandha are covering Nibbāna. So, you cannot reach toward Nibbāna.

[Sayadaw continued to talk on Ven. Yamaka. He had the view of annihilation on Nibbāna. He held the view that after the arahant died and totally extinct. Ven. Sāriputta questioned him which of the five khandhas was arahant? (After he was entering the stream and became a sotāpanna and this question was put to him).

He answered that no arahant in anyone of the five khandhas. In the Yamaka Sutta, Ven. Sāriputta used the question and answering system to strip off Yamaka’s wrong view to let him understand concept and reality; and then taught him to observe the nature of the khandha and became a sotāpanna. After he became a sotāpanna, Ven. Sāriputta questioned him, if someone asked him what happened to an arahant after he died.

His answer was the five khandhas were anicca and it was dukkha. Only dukkha arose and dukkha ended. This answer was very important. Because only someone had abandoned wrong view and doubt could answer in this way. Dukkha ends and Sukha exists. The Buddha always emphasized that he only taught dukkha and the ending of dukkha. ]

The view of after an arahant dies and nothing exists is the same as no Nibbāna. The Buddha taught in many different ways that Nibbāna really existed. (For example, in Udāna Pali). In real there is no arahant, just a concept. Only the five khandhas really exist. Arahanta means, someone who has destroyed kilesa. Puthujjana (worldling) means someone who has a lot of kilesa.

After stripping off the concept and contemplate the paramattha dhamma will develop to Nibbāna. Yamaka had uccheda view. Because of not encountered a teacher to help him for uncovered the concepts and found out the paramattha dhamma.

People are praying for Nibbāna is without knowing about it. There is a place without dukkha. Also it must have to exist. It is Nibbāna which only exists with sukha (This is not the sukha of feeling aggregate). Dukkha covers on Nibbāna that is hidden.


【譯者註:此講記內容已於前一組文稿中(第2part 2-10)有過翻譯。】


  1. 須陀洹(Sotāpanna)的涅槃

  2. 斯陀含(Sakadāgāmī)的涅槃

  3. 阿那含(Anāgāmī)的涅槃

  4. 阿羅漢(Arahant)的涅槃

第五種,是阿羅漢身心完全止息後所證的「寂靜樂涅槃(Santi Sukha Nibbāna」——即般涅槃(parinibbāna








Diṭṭhi nirodho nibbānaṁ


🙅‍♂️ 不要再祈求未來生命!



但若將它轉化為真理的觀照對象,就會發現那是「苦諦」(dukkha sacca)。










你可能仍在用**貪愛、慢心與邪見(taṇhā, māna, diṭṭhi**為名義祈求來生。





🧠 關於《耶摩迦經》(Yamaka Sutta):




轉向觀照實相(paramattha dhamma








(例如《優陀那經》明言無為法 Nibbāna 是真實存在)


你若能**放下概念、轉向實相(paramattha dhamma**的觀照,


🔚 最後提醒:








有四種涅槃:須陀洹的涅槃、斯陀含的涅槃、阿那含的涅槃和阿羅漢的涅槃。第五種涅槃是在蘊結束後,存在平靜—寂靜樂涅槃(santi sukha Nibbāna)(即,阿羅漢的般涅槃—parinibbāna)。我想讓你們知道的是,在證悟第一種涅槃後,你們可以生活在平靜中(即,無需擔心任何事情)。


更高層次的涅槃在修行上沒有什麼特別之處。只需回到無常的過程。如果你問:「為什麼我以前無法獲得涅槃?」因為不知道,你把近的當作遠的。如果你想要第一種涅槃,你必須剝離三種邪見。「邪見滅盡即涅槃」(Diṭṭhi nirodho nibbānaṁ)。












Spiritual Faculties and Nibbāna

19th October 1961

[ In the Sayutta Nikāya, the Buddha asked this question to the monks. What is the Dhamma to Nibbāna? He himself answered it as insight meditation (vipassanā). (In the sutta, the Buddha’s answer was the Noble Eightfold Path).

Where to do vipassanā? It is on the khandha. Which one of the khandhas? Khandha can be separated into four groups, kāya (body), vedanā (feeling), citta (mind) and dhamma. Concentrating on one group will lead to Nibbāna.

Why are there four groups? Because of the different characters.

Weak in knowledge and thick in kilesa, should practice on the kāya.

Sharp in knowledge and thick in kilesa, should practice on the feeling.

Weak in knowledge and thick in wrong view, should practice on the citta.

Sharp in knowledge and thin in kilesa, should practice on sacca.

(Here Sayadaw used the word sacca—truth, instead of dhamma). Choosing the one suitable to one’s character is quicker in progress. How to know which one is suitable for one’s character? For example, observe vedanā and only see its arising and passing away or discern anicca quickly.

In the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta, the Buddha emphasized on seeing anicca. Seeing anicca is on the right path. Using the form, vedanā, citta and dhamma are to know the objects for contemplation, but in reality only anicca. ]

Knowing the existence to non‐existence is anicca, or the knowledge of knowing the characteristic of impermanence (anicca lakkhaa). Whoever discerns anicca will see Nibbāna in this life. You have to follow it throughout the practice from starting seeing impermanence. You will see the impermanence in the whole body.

At that moment man, woman and bodily form are disappeared. This is the anicca lakkhaa killing diṭṭhi. You will not fall into the planes of misery if you die during the vipassanā practice because it’s killing diṭṭhi.

[ Experience by practice in this way, one will never flow and sink in sasāric water. It is only moving upstream towards Nibbāna. Sayadaw strongly reminded disciples that upstream was always difficult than downstream. So put more effort in the practice.

Spiritual faculties (indriya) are developing and mature only by practice. Indriya are developing in three stages. For example, ordinary faith (saddhā), faculties of faith (saddhindriya) and the strength of faith (saddhā‐bala) (The five faculties are: faith, effort, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom).

Here Sayadaw gave a very important warning for Buddhists who want to see the future Metteyya Buddha and enlightened by him. He said: a Buddha only sees and helps someone who spiritual faculties are mature. So people who cultivate many good merits want to see him is possible.

But enlightenment is another thing. Even without direct seeing the Buddha, by practice and when faculties are mature will realize Nibbāna in this life. He said that after the Buddha’s Parinibbāna many people had realized Nibbāna in King Asoka’s time and ancient Ceylon. ]

The Buddha asked the monks question, and no one could answer; so he answered it by himself. We will reach towards Nibbāna directly if we follow it. The way to Nibbāna is no other answer for it except vipassanā. So we have to make a great decision to follow it.

We need to ask, there are five khandhas and which one should we contemplate? There are four groups, but contemplate one of them. Contemplate one group can reach toward Nibbāna. I will give you instruction for how to contemplate and become vipassanā.

There are four types of person, so separating into four groups. Someone comes for practice and can’t let him practice instantly. If giving the meditation object not suitable to the character and can it be possible? Even possible, it could take a long time. He will miss the chance if he dies earlier. It is not easy to become a meditation teacher.

After distinguish the character and give the instruction. You must ask, in contemplation how to see is the right seeing. If a dhamma is suitable to one’s character and the right seeing will appear quickly. In the contemplation of feeling, you do not see vedanā but their impermanence. In the contemplation of mind also do not see the mind but their impermanence.

If impermanence appears to you, then the dhamma is suitable to your character. These things need to be considered before the practice. (Sayadaw mentioned the story of Ven. Sāriputta’s disciple, a gold‐smith before his ordination. This story showed the importance of connection between the meditation object and the type of character.)

You all are better than the era of Paccekabuddha (Nobody could teach sacca dhamma at that time, even Paccekabuddha. Therefore we are more fortunate than the people of that time). Therefore I request you not to be lazy. You already completed with the quality.

The important thing is not to be lazy. Laziness is dosa nature, and it arises for the D. A. process. The object is suitable to you if you discern impermanence quickly. Why have I said to see impermanence? Because the Buddha himself mentioned it in the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta. It will be finished only by seeing samudaya and vaya (arising and vanishing).

If you still seeing feeling, mind, etc., even not totally wrong, ñāa is very low. It is still not vipassanā ñāa (Sayadaw’s view was insight knowledge started from seeing the impermanence).

You must see its vanishing. Feeling, mind, etc. are only labels. The seeing is impermanent. A person discerns impermanence is on the way to Nibbāna. Contemplate whatever is arising and seeing its existence to non‐existence will realize Nibbāna in this life. This was what the Buddha said in the sutta. If you start seeing impermanence will continue to see them in the whole body.

If you see them from there in a blip and from here in a blip, just follow them. I am giving you the method now. By following in the whole body, a man, a woman, a person, a being is disappeared because the contemplative insight has killed diṭṭhi. These are the arising and vanishing group of dhamma. Ñāa seeing kills the wrong view.

Without the vipassanā contemplation we take the three feelings as me. With the vipassanā contemplation and see all the feelings as impermanence. Dying with vipassanā knowledge and not falling into the planes of misery is due to having no wrong view for falling into it. The active level of wrong view is falling away.

But wrong view is still latent in the heart (anusaya). It doesn’t matter. It’s becoming clear that discerning impermanence means someone has pāramī. With the extermination of wrong view is becoming a sotāpanna. You can decide that this is my last life; neither a sinker nor a floater anymore in the sea of sasāra, and becoming a person on the way upstream. Why? Maggin (path factors) are only going upstream.

But don’t become lazy. Going upstream is not easy as downstream. Making your spiritual faculties become mature. Only with more practice it becomes mature. First it’s ordinary faith. After that become faculty and strength (Indriya and bala). It’s developing with more practice. It becomes strength at the time of seeing Nibbāna.

If you persevere in the practice even don’t think about, it’s possible or not. Just put more effort in it. With faculties become mature and hindrances can’t come near. You could possibly be not free from dukkha even meeting a Buddha if your spiritual faculties are still not mature. Immaturity comes from laziness and weakness.

You can make the decision that with the maturity of faculties will see Nibbāna. The Buddha and teachers only gave instructions. Developing for maturity is your own duty.



🧘‍♂️ 那麼該在哪裡修習內觀?


  1. 身(kāya

  2. 受(vedanā

  3. 心(citta

  4. 法(dhamma(禪師這裡用的是「sacca」(真理)來代指)

🧩 為何分成四類?


🌱 修行對應如下:













📖 根據《念住經》:


🔍 什麼是無常的見?

見到從有到無,這就是「無常相(anicca lakkhaṇa)」的智慧。






🧠 五根(Indriya)會隨修行而成熟:


  1. 信(saddhā

  2. 勤(viriya

  3. 念(sati

  4. 定(samādhi

  5. 慧(paññā


普通狀態 → 成為五根 → 再成為五力(bala





📌 修行正軌:







🧘 修行方法要點:




🛑 若觀的是「感受本身」而非「感受的消失」,

這還不是內觀智(vipassanā ñāṇa),只是世間觀察。










⚠️ 然而,不可懶惰!



📌 為何佛陀強調「看見無常」?





🔁 從「五根」到「五力」:










知識薄弱且煩惱深重者,應修身。 ②知識敏銳且煩惱深重者,應修受。 ③知識薄弱且邪見深重者,應修心。 ④知識敏銳且煩惱輕微者,應修諦(sacca)。



知道存在到不存在就是無常,或者知道無常特性的知識(anicca lakkhaṇa)。辨別無常的人,今生就會看見涅槃。你必須從開始看見無常,貫徹整個修行。你將在全身看見無常。












重要的是不要懶惰。懶惰是瞋恚的本質,它會導致十二因緣的過程生起。如果你迅速辨別無常,這個對象就適合你。為什麼我說要看見無常?因為佛陀自己在《念住經》中提到了它。只有看見生滅(samudaya and vaya),它才會結束。






但不要懶惰。逆流向上不像順流向下那麼容易。使你的根力成熟。只有透過更多的修行,它才會成熟。首先是普通信心。之後成為根和力(indriya and bala)。它透過更多的修行而發展。在看見涅槃時,它會變成力量。


