Dhamma Talks by Mogok Sayadaw
– Emptiness, Conditioned, and Unconditioned
第 5 部 (參考用譯文)
特別聲明:本參考用譯文疏漏、錯繆難免,讀者應慎思明辨。僅供法友參考;並祈藉此拋磚引玉,眾法友能共襄盛舉,共同圓滿此譯事。 Nanda 謹識。
Don’t End up at What Others Say 1
停止的內觀方法(Vipassanā) 7
停止與正念 7
發展與修行的總結 7
比喻內容 13
約束的智慧 13
修行的啟示 13
Breaking the Axle of the Taints 23
圖解輪子的結構 24
輪子的各部分解釋: 25
輪子的分解: 25
兩種緣起(Paṭicca‐Samuppāda) 28
輪子的運轉與停止 29
直接知苦與涅槃的智慧 29
煩惱軸心與輪迴的運轉 33
如何打破煩惱的軸心? 33
1. 觀察輪迴的構造 33
2. 使用智慧的劍 33
修行的方法 34
1. 起觀(Contemplation of the Mind) 34
2. 培養厭離(Disenchantment) 34
3. 道智的瞬間突破 34
結語 34
有為法與緣起法則 55
苦諦的四重涵義 55
修行的實踐與目標 56
竹子的比喻 56
重要提醒 56
總結 56
The Reality and the Knowing 57
心的觀照方法 64
問答討論: 65
Dukkha Exists and Dukkha Ceases 70
Can’t See Nibbāna with Wrong View 76
主要內容 77
1. 邪見與修行的障礙 77
2. 佛陀糾正比丘的邪見 77
3. 邪見的根源 77
4. 摧毀邪見的方法 77
5. 禪修經驗與見地的危險 78
6. 佛陀的教導:放下錯誤見解 78
正見的重要性與緣起的理解 80
緣起的解脫與錯見的對治 82
真那比丘的經歷 83
錯見與貪愛的危害比較 85
六根門與緣起法的運作 86
生命的真相:一心的連續 86
真那比丘的經歷 86
Khandha Calling and Ñāṇa Going 87
Don’t Waste Your Precious Life 101
講座一 103
The Most Important Thing in Life 107
生命中最重要的事 109
常見者的特徵 109
斷見者的特徵 110
如何觀察身體感覺 110
佛陀的教導 110
修行的成熟與不成熟 111
業與善行的重要性 111
認識自己 113
正法的教導 114
Formation and Impermanence 115
行蘊與無常 118
行蘊與無常的本質 118
行蘊的生滅與洞察智慧 119
無常的必然性 119
洞察的道路 119
結語 120
帶著微笑離世 124
四種類型害怕死亡的人: 124
四種類型不害怕死亡的人: 124
如何達成無畏 125
面對死亡的智慧 125
現實與反思 125
你必須做出決定: 125
死亡恐懼的原因 126
內觀的力量 126
四種無畏之人的修行基礎 126
微笑離世 126
涅槃與終結 127
觀察與觀照 130
正確的修行態度 131
修行指導 131
如何觀察? 131
內觀的實踐 131
四個關鍵偈頌 132
從無常到涅槃 132
修行與誦念 135
第一日:實踐「親見」(sandiṭṭhiko) 135
親見的意義 135
親見的修行過程 136
親見的力量 136
幽默故事中的啟發 136
總結 137
第二日:直面苦的真相 138
如何了解真相? 138
兩種真理的比較 138
佛陀的教導:害怕原因,而非結果 139
修行的呼喚:Ehi Passiko 139
直線與曲線的比喻 139
結語:從苦諦到滅諦 139
Khandha Fuel with Kilesa Fire 141
無常的洞察與涅槃 142
五蘊與煩惱的關係 143
內觀的戰鬥 143
從五蘊到涅槃的路徑 143
離開條件法(saṅkhata) 143
實踐三步驟 144
關鍵提示 144
從地獄到永恆 147
四惡趣與人間的特殊意義 147
錯見是輪迴的根源 148
錯見的運作方式 148
正見與錯見的對比 149
錯見的比喻: 149
正見的作用 149
比喻:從此岸到彼岸 149
結語 150
8th January 1961
Don’t end up at others’ mouths. (Animals ending up at human mouth die once, but human being ending up at others’ mouths die for many times). You must end up at your khandhas. What others say could be right or wrong. But your khandha never tell you wrong.
Burmese become Christian and Muslim are ending up at others’ mouths. They are under the danger of wrong view (micchā diṭṭhi). The Buddha said that there was no fault heavier than wrong view. The khandha never tell you it’s a man or a woman. They tell you only form, feeling, mind etc.
Don’t neglect it when they are telling you. They will tell you, Ehi‐passiko—Come! And contemplate me. When you contemplate, it’s not there—Sandiṭṭhiko—it’s visible here and now. Follow it with your own knowledge. Feeling (vedanā) is anicca. It is feeling which is calling at you.
It shows its impermanence to you. Vedanāṁ aniccaṁ—Feeling is impermanent. Is this other people (whatever their belief system) told you? Or the khandha itself shows you? You follow the khandha which shows you that, seeing vedanā anicca, consciousness anicca (mind anicca).
It can’t be wrong. Ehi‐passiko is impermanence (anicca) and sandiṭṭhiko is insight (vipassanā): i.e., form, vedanā, mind, dhamma and their anicca are insight knowledge—anicca vipassanā. When the bed bug bites you don’t follow with your hand but with ñāṇa (knowledge). If you follow with the hand Dependent Arising will continue.
Ehi‐passiko is the caller and sandiṭṭhiko is the follower. In this way becomes akāliko—non temporal, giving you the result without delay (continued the story of Anāthapiṇḍikovāda Sutta).
How to do it and become non‐attachment? You can contemplate the impermanence of the object of attachment. It becomes attachment if you do not see its faults. By seeing the faults and has no attachment. Any dhamma without any person or being is emptiness suññatā dhamma.
Seeing impermanence, their disenchantment and their ending are without person and being is emptiness (suññatā). There are two kinds of emptiness. Seeing their impermanence and disenchantment are the emptiness of without self (atta) and soul (jīva). The second is the emptiness of not‐self (anatta) NIBBĀNA.
有些緬甸人改信基督教或伊斯蘭教,這便是止步於他人的口中。他們因此處於邪見(micchā diṭṭhi)的危險之中。佛陀說,沒有比邪見更重的過失。五蘊從未告訴你「這是男人」或「這是女人」。它只告訴你:色、受、心等現象。
受(vedanā)是無常的。它正是「受」在召喚你,向你展示它的無常。Vedanāṁ aniccaṁ—受是無常的。這是別人告訴你的嗎?還是五蘊本身向你揭示的?你應追隨五蘊的指引,觀察受的無常、心的無常(consciousness anicca)。
Certainly, here's a translation of the English text into Traditional Chinese, aiming for a natural and readable style:
緬甸人皈依基督教、穆斯林,皆落入他人之口。他們處於邪見(micchā diṭṭhi)的危險之中。佛陀說,沒有比邪見更重的過失。五蘊絕不會告訴你是男是女,它們只告訴你色、受、想等。
它向你展示其無常性。Vedanāṁ aniccaṁ──感受是無常的。這是其他人(無論其信仰體系為何)告訴你的嗎?還是五蘊本身向你展示的?你追隨五蘊,它向你展示感受無常、意識無常(心無常)。
如何做到無執呢?你可以觀照執著對象的無常性。若不見到其過患,便會生起執著。見到過患,則無執著。任何無我、無眾生的法,皆是空(suññatā dhamma)。
9th January 1961
This khandha will torture you wherever you are in. From the beginning come out from the mother’s womb carrying on the head with aging and death. Don’t think that whatever life you are in will be good. It is really good only with the ending of khandha or the peacefulness. Don’t think it as good while flattering by taṇhā.
The Buddha mentioned it as the truth of dukkha. It was taught by the all knowing Buddha (sabbaññutā Buddha) that we have to take it as a confirmation.
You must end the khandha if you want to end dukkha. You must do the work of ending khandha, doing the ending of the cause. The Buddha taught people according to their temperaments. So don’t reject any of them.
The ways to heavens, Brahma Worlds and Nibbāna, all these were taught by him according to people temperaments. If you discern impermanence, you will reach toward Nibbāna. Continue forward with persistent practice and no need to give up.
You must get the ending of khandha which is Nibbāna. If you are disenchanted to the khandha and you will get it. Don’t let your doubt come in. Even you don’t get it in this life will get it in next life (to fulfill this point yogis must do their practices without any giving up in this life whatever the reasons may be).
Someone getting it in this life will finish it in next life (as Sayadaw). It is not necessary to perform the funeral if any kinds of life are good. (In Burmese a dead body is use as asubha, the Pali word for foulness. Literal translation will be "no need to throw the corpse away".)
When you are still alive this asubha (foul body) discharges urine and excrement. After death, this asubha (corpse) has to be taken away to outside the village because of the disgusting smell.
The works of ending khandha are the contemplation of impermanence and the stopping method. If you can’t stop with the stopping method and out of reach the target, then contemplate impermanence.
I’ll show you the stopping method of insight (vipassanā). Mālunkyāputta requested the Buddha to give him short instruction to Nibbāna (SN.35.95 Mālukyaputtasuttaṃ). Young and old can realize the Dhamma (At the time of the Buddha, young novices; such as Sumana, Paṇḍita, both of them seven years old and old people; such as Rādha, Bākula, both eighty years old etc., they had the realization). You will realize it by meeting a good teacher and with persistent effort.
You will reach Nibbāna if you don’t give the permission for taṇhā to come in. For example, you see a form, if you see the white color, then just stop at white. That is, seeing white and the knowing. Don’t let the other mind states come in.
You all are good runners (practicers) if you just stop at knowing the sweetness when you eat sweet food, and if you just stop at the coldness when you know cold;. for people mostly can’t stop. So, there are two ways of practice; Stopping and contemplation of impermanence.
Using mindfulness (sati) and wisdom (paññā) are also a kind of stopping (i.e. seeing anicca). In this way taṇhā ceases. In the Mūlapaṇṇāsa (Majjhima Nikāya) with contemplation can dispel āsava (taints).
Mālunkyāputta dispelled āsava by stopping. By stopping the sense faculties are in safety and dispel āsava. You can’t find this in books. Sense faculties are becoming safe and no taints come in. If you can’t stop will give you another method.
For example, in the seeing and knowing, contemplate the impermanence of seeing. Both of them are reaching to Nibbāna in the same way. You can stop by just seeing if you are staying alone in a quiet place; whereas it becomes difficult if you are mixed up with other people.
Indriyabhāvanā (development of sense faculty) and bojjhaṅga or maggaṅga bhāvanā (Development of enlightenment factors or the path factors) are the stopping and contemplation methods.
Sometimes even you can forget to contemplate impermanence. A lot of not knowing (avijjā) come into the practice. If kilesas come in then you will slow to get the knowledge.
(According to Sayadaw, stopping methods were only taught by the Buddha to two disciples, i.e., Bāhiya Dārucīriya and Mālunkyāputta. For most people it’s difficult to just stop at whatever arising in the beginning practice. But contemplation is easier.)
佛陀指出這便是真理中的苦(dukkha sacca)。這是由全知佛(sabbaññutā Buddha)親自教導的,我們應將此視為最終的確認。
馬隆伽子透過停止的方法斷除了漏。通過停止,感官根門(sense faculties)便得以安全,並杜絕漏的進入。這些內容在經書中難以找到。透過停止,感官變得安全,沒有煩惱進入。如果你無法停止,則可用另一種方法。
修行感官根門的開發(Indriyabhāvanā),以及七覺支與八正道的修行(bojjhaṅga 或 maggaṅga bhāvanā),便是停止與觀照的方法。
佛陀將其宣說為苦諦。全知悉達多佛陀(sabbaññutā Buddha)教導我們必須接受此為真理。
六根觀(Indriyabhāvanā)與七覺支、八正道支之修習(bojjhaṅga or maggaṅga bhāvanā),皆是止觀法門。
11th January 1961
Worldlings (puthujjana) were confused with the knowledge (ñāṇa). Therefore the Buddha gave this talk (Kimsupama Sutta ??). You will see Nibbāna if you discern the arising and passing away of phenomena. You must follow to the end of it (i.e., impermanence).
You can contemplate anyone of the five khandhas and when it comes to an end will see Nibbāna. Don’t be in low spirit. Minds arise and you observe them and not there. If you know it’s not there and that’s enough.
The mind observes the mind. Minds can’t arise together or can’t be in parallel. If you contemplate the mind all other khandhas are including in it. (The five khandhas are arising and vanishing together).
Just contemplate one of them which you prefer (the Buddha taught four objects for insight depending on the human characters. It is important to choose a right object for a yogi. (Some yogis' experiences support this point.)
During the first part, impermanence is before and followed by knowledge (ñāṇa) after (i.e., anicca / magga). At last Nibbāna is before and followed by Path knowledge after. (i.e., Nibbāna / maggaṅga) These two words are very important.
(Sometimes Sayadaw’s Dhamma explanations for direct experiences were subtle and profound. They can’t be listened superficially. There are a lot of food for the heart and thought for careful reflection).
Without discerning impermanence and the mundane knowledge (lokiya magga) can’t arise. Without ending of impermanence you can’t see Nibbāna. In between them (i.e., insight knowledge and path knowledge) you will only see impermanence.
Without a teacher you will have confused view and misunderstanding (in the sutta, the worldling monk had confusion). Worldlings are very strong in arguments because of their talkativeness.
“The main thing is discerning impermanence of whatever you are contemplating (this was the fourth arahant’s instruction to the worldling monk).” You can contemplate anyone of the four satipaṭṭhāna to your preference.
For example, if you prefer feeling and whatever feeling arises contemplate its impermanence, disenchantment and the ending of it. May be you’ll complain as can’t see impermanence.
For example, during the sitting you want to get up. After getting up the wanting mind is gone. Again, you want to sit down, after you sit down and the wanting mind is gone. Is this not impermanence?
/ magga)。最終階段,涅槃在前,而道智在後(即涅槃
/ maggaṅga)。這兩個階段的關鍵詞非常重要。
在初期,無常在前,智慧(ñāṇa)隨後(即無常 / 道)。最後,涅槃在前,道智隨後。(即涅槃 / 道支)這兩個詞語極為重要。
若不洞見無常,則世間智(lokiya magga)無法生起。若不滅盡無常,則無法見得涅槃。其間(即洞見智與道智),你僅能見得無常。
13th and 15th January 1961,
21st, 22nd March 1962
(The Buddha was the most remarkable teacher among all the spiritual teachers. In the Sutta Nikāya, he used similes, analogies, metaphors etc. to explain his teachings. It directly went into the hearts of listeners and effected strongly.
Sometimes it had subtle and profound meanings in itself and found out by the listeners with serious contemplation. We have to use the sutta teachings by serious contemplation to develop wisdom faculty and practice.
Sayadaw gave four talks based on the Salāyatanasaṃyutta, The simile of the Six Animals. The Buddha taught to the monks how to restraint the six sense‐faculties. It’s about restraint and non restraint and their consequences.
In this sutta the Buddha gave the analogy or simile of the six animals which represented the six sense‐faculties of eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind respectively.)
和 paññā)的力量,約束六根,避免被感官對象牽引。
Certainly, here's a translation of the English text into Traditional Chinese, aiming for a natural and readable style:
A man would catch six animals; a snake, a crocodile, a bird, a dog, a jackal and a monkey with different domains and feeding grounds, and tie them each with a strong rope. Having done so, he would tie all the ropes together with a knot in the middle and release them.
The six animals with different domains and feeding grounds would each pull in the direction of its own feeding ground and domain.
(It we contemplate this point it’s very funny and humorous and a lot of compassion to these animals. Human beings are also in the same situation even may be worse than animals.
The knot in the middle was representing ignorance and human being and the six ropes were taṇhā and connected with like six sense‐faculties, here the six animals, if we take this simile into our human life will find out that how funny and stupid human beings are.)
The snake wanted to enter an anthill. The crocodile wanted to enter the water. The bird wanted to fly up into the sky. The dog wanted to enter a village. The jackal wanted to enter a charnel ground and the monkey wanted to enter a forest respectively.
And then the Buddha taught the monks how to train the six animals (i.e., eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind), binding all the six animals to a strong post or pillar. Then, the six animals, with different domains and feeding grounds, would each pull in the direction of its own.
After struggling for sometime all became worn out, fatigued and lied down at the post. Here the strong post represented mindfulness practice.
The Buddha’s business was to teach people until they understood. You all business is after understand have to practice. Making wealth is tiring. After death everything left behind and wasted (Sayadaw talked about the six animals represented like six sense‐faculties.)
Each sense door connects with ignorance and craving. Therefore the khandha connects with avijjā and taṇhā. The six ropes are taṇhā. Tie the ropes together with a knot is ignorance. Herding the animals is yogi. All six of them are not the same nature and preferences.
(Sayadaw explained each animal nature corresponded to the six sense‐faculties of the nature in human life.) You all come to this human world look after these animals. To free from their pulling away you must strike a strong vipassanā post in the ground.
This khandha is not following your wishes. You have to live together with this khandha without any goodness in itself. It’s getting old. Has to look after and by feeding it, but it still becomes sick.
The reason why both of our eyes don’t get the light of knowledge is the power of ignorance. Taṇhā is also very blindly carving to things. So always we are living with the truth of dukkha. This khandha is inflicting with pain and sores.
Just look at it whether it’s true or not because it’s the aggregates of feeling. Now, you are sitting. Can you sit without any change? Inner feeling flares up. It’s the vipāka vaṭṭa khandha—the resultant body of the rounds of existence (created by defilements and kamma).
With the matters of defecating and urination, hunger and thirst etc. a lot of things are going on with this body. In these situations, a person in vedanā (here referred to dukkha) is suitable for him to go through into the thorny bushes (here means the six thorny sense‐objects). You can’t keep it anywhere for safety.
There is no feeling which gives you any good results. Pleasant feeling (sukha vedanā) connects to the greed of Dependent Arising. Unpleasant feeling (dukkha vedanā) connects to the anger of Dependent Arising.
Neutral feeling (upekkhā vedanā) connects to the delusion of Dependent Arising. Every feeling arises will be good only by contemplation. On the original feelings pierce by the thorns of six senses objects that pleasant mental feelings (somanassa), unpleasant mental feeling (domanassa) and neutral mental feeling (upekkhā) are arising again.
We must end the feeling. Inside us have full of feelings and then we are going into the outside thorny forest and new feelings arise. You can’t live without any feeling. It was like a monkey had a sore which he scratched randomly with hand and it becomes serious. The Buddha referred to the body in 40 different ways as diseases.
Therefore, what time you are free from it. We are living with the external and outer sores (Sayadaw explained each one of the thorns, i.e., sense objects with their examples). With outer thorns and feelings arise inside.
Your inner feelings (i.e., bodily feelings) are fulfilled by your past prayers and I can’t do anything for you. (For a popular example, later Buddhists want to be born again and again and they are making vows and prayers for that purpose).
We can make adjustment to the mental feelings. There are many thorns outside. The majority of common people know only the vedanā of near death on bed. They don’t know there are vedanā inside and outside.
Contemplate the impermanence of form, sound, smell etc. (i.e., seeing, hearing, etc. ). In this way knowledge arises and taṇhā will not follow behind vedanā. (By contemplation of seeing, hearing etc. not lead to taṇhā.)
For finishing all the vedanā by contemplation, you can contemplate the impermanence of sense objects and the knowing mind (consciousness). Therefore vedanā not arises and also finishing of taṇhā. If internal mental feeling arises can contemplate its impermanence and will not connect to taṇhā.
仔細觀察,這是否屬實,因為它是感受的聚合體(vedanākkhandha)。現在你正在坐著,你能夠一動不動地坐著嗎?內在的感受在不斷變化。這是輪迴果報的身體(vipāka vaṭṭa khandha),是由煩惱(kilesa)和業(kamma)所造。
樂受(sukha vedanā)會引發貪愛,與緣起中的貪相連;
苦受(dukkha vedanā)會引發瞋恨,與緣起中的瞋相連;
捨受(upekkhā vedanā)會引發癡,與緣起中的無明相連。
僅觀察之,是否真實,因其乃感受之聚合。今汝坐禪,汝能無有變化而坐乎?內在感受熾盛。此乃果報之身(vipāka vaṭṭa khandha)──由煩惱與業力所造之身。
無有感受能帶來善果。樂受(sukha vedanā)與緣起之貪相連。苦受(dukkha vedanā)與緣起之瞋相連。
捨受(upekkhā vedanā)與緣起之癡相連。任何生起的感受,唯有透過觀照方能轉為善。於本來的感受上,被六根之境之刺所刺傷,樂受、苦受、捨受等心感受復又生起。
People with sores (defilements) have greed, anger and delusion dhammas latent in them. They don’t arise without contacting with sense objects. If you push through into the thorny bushes—the forest of sense objects then the latent dhammas arise as greed, anger and delusion.
Therefore we always have latent sores within us. The Buddha warned us not pushed ourselves into the thorny bushes.
If you go into the forest of sense objects and no greed, anger, and delusion arise is without faults. The Buddha gave an example how to look after the six animals. Bound each of these six animals with strong ropes and together made a knot.
The other five animals would follow behind the strongest one as pulling by it. (Sayadaw told the nature of six animals). Every day we have to look after the six sense‐doors like the six animals. Always we are pulling away by one of the strongest one without our preferences. I will teach you the way to control them.
內心有瘡疤(煩惱)的人,隨身攜帶著貪、瞋、癡的潛伏煩惱(anusaya kilesa)。如果不接觸感官對象(sense objects),這些煩惱就不會顯現。但如果你推進到荊棘叢林——也就是感官對象的世界——那麼潛伏的煩惱就會因接觸而生起,化為貪、瞋、癡。
(Retold the nature of the six animals) We are bound with the six animals which have different nature and preference to the ropes of taṇhā and we're herding them by the knot of ignorance.
Strike a strong post on the ground and bind them there if you don’t want to die as being pulled by them. They have to come and lie down there. Therefore the Buddha taught us to live with one of the satipaṭṭhāna. Without it we are living and dying with the impermanence of lives. It does not become the knot of ignorance if you can contemplate before the taṇhā comes in.
You must contemplate whatever arises from the six senses doors (Sayadaw instructed contemplation of the mind—cittānupassanā). Living with lacking of mindfulness is a life of bad living and dying. Therefore the Buddha said that the way of mindfulness was very important.
5th January 1959,
16th January 1961 and 24th October 1961
[Those three talks were delivered at different times, but they had connection and using the wheel symbol to explain the Dhamma and practice. The picture of the wheel was mainly connected with the third talk but it also can be used for the other two talks.]
Fig 1: a complete set of the wheel with 4 spokes
Fig 2: separated parts of the wheel
The inner core, the axle (āsava)
The inner wheel, the red circle (avijjā and taṇhā)
The two outer circles, two outer wheels
The inner blue and the outer black
It becomes four circular parts after being taken out the parts (Explaining the above wheel picture).
There are all five parts in it:
1. Inner core—axle represents three āsava (taints); i.e., Taints of sensuality (kāmāsava), Taint of becoming (bhavāsava) and Taint of view (diṭṭhāsava). Combining them together becomes taṇhā and diṭṭhi (craving and wrong view)
2. The red circle—inner wheel represents ignorance and craving (avijjā and tanhā)
3. The 4 spokes are types of kamma created by beings. 1 and 2 are wholesome and unwholesome kammas. 3 and 4 are rūpa and arūpa jhanas.
4. Outer blue circle—the outer wheel represents the five khandhas or khandha
5. Outer black circle or outermost wheel represents old age, sickness and death
which follow or rolling with the blue khandhas. It’s made by iron or metal to protect the blue which is made of wood not to become worn out.
圖 1:完整的輪子,帶有四根輻條
圖 2:分解後的輪子部件
另兩根輻條代表色界禪(rūpa jhāna)與無色界禪(arūpa jhāna)。
vyādhi, maraṇa),
內核──軸心 代表三種漏(āsava):即欲漏(kāmāsava)、有漏(bhavāsava)、見漏(diṭṭhāsava)。三者結合,成為貪欲(taṇhā)與邪見(diṭṭhi)。
紅色圓圈──內輪 代表無明與貪欲(avijjā and taṇhā)。
四條輻 代表眾生所造的四種業:1、2 為善業與不善業;3、4 為色界禪與無色界禪。
外側藍色圓圈──外輪 代表五蘊或蘊。
外側黑色圓圈或最外層圓圈 代表老、病、死,隨著藍色的蘊而轉動。此輪以鐵或金屬製成,用來保護木質的藍色圓圈,使其不易磨損。
[Sayadaw gave this talk for yogis to decide their experiences of the end of dukkha, Nibbāna and Fruition (phala). Near the end of dukkha, the yogi only experiences dukkha is arising and dukkha is ceasing and does not see the khandhas. The yogi will not see vedanā but only anicca if he observes vedanā.
The perception of vedanā is disappeared when dukkha ends and Nibbāna appears. Path consciousness (magga) is seeing dukkha ends and Nibbāna appears. Fruit consciousness is only seeing Nibbāna.
There are two kinds of Dependent Arising, mūla and pavatti paṭicca‐samuppādas. Sayadaw explained as the long and short ones. The whole twelve links is called mūla paṭicca‐samuppāda. It is called pavatti paṭicca‐samuppāda from viññāṇa to kammabhava. Sayadaw explained the Dependent Arising from the Saṃyutta Nikāya.
A wheel has five parts; from the centre of the wheel to the outward.
These are :
1. inner core axle
2. inner wheel (the red)
3. the spokes
4. Outer wheel (blue)
5. the outermost (black)
Axle is āsavas. Ignorance and craving are the turners of the wheel. Inner wheel is avijjā and tanhā. Spokes are kammas. The outer wheels are khandhas and old age, sickness and death.
If kāmāsava is turning the wheel, beings are born in kāmaloka (sensual planes), i.e., human being and celestial beings. With avijjāsava is turning the wheel and beings are born in the planes of misery (the four apāyabhūmi). Bhavāsava turns the wheel to Brahmaloka (the planes of Brahma gods) (in this talk Sayadaw gave three spokes only for kamma) The whole twelve links of D. A. is about saṁsāra and develop saṁvega and urging one for practice. The six senses doors are factories produce the whole wheel.
The Buddha gave a very remarkable analogy of the wheel for D. A.. Inner wheel ignorance and craving support the spokes‐kammas and it support the outer wheel—khandhas. Axle—āsava is turning the inner wheel. If we are breaking down the spokes with satipaṭṭhāna bhavana and all the other parts—āsava, avijjā, taṇhā and khandhas come to a stop. This is the end of dukkha—Nibbāna. Living beings are turning the wheel of āsava for dukkha. But the Buddha was turning the wheel of Dhamma for ending dukkha.]
Kata Ñāṇa—Knowledge knowing the ending of dukkha. There are two points to know directly: Knowing the ending of dukkha and the arising of Nibbāna. This is only the real Kata Ñāṇa (There are three knowledge of the vipassanā process, i.e., Sacca, Kicca and Kata Ñāṇas respectively.
According to Sayadaw, Yathābhūta Ñāṇa—seeing impermanence is Kicca Ñāṇa. Penetration of the truth of dukkha, i.e., from Nibbidā Ñāṇa onward knowledge are Kicca Ñāṇa and Path Knowledge is Kata Ñāṇa). Yogi is only seeing dukkha is revolving when Kata Ñāṇa is close to arise. He can’t see the mind and body but knows dukkha is arising and dukkha is ceasing.
At the time of dukkha ceases and at the same time Nibbāna arises. (Sometimes Sayadaw was using language to describe the yogi’s own experiences directly, may be it makes some scholars in doubt and confusion. But if we carefully contemplate can find out the truth.
The best way is direct experience, even though may be still have difficulty to express in words.) ① arises and ② ceases (① is dukkha arises and ② dukkha ceases). The Path Knowledge is seeing it. After that fruition minds arise. These minds are seeing Nibbāna.
Therefore Path Knowledge and Fruition Knowledge are very different. D. A. is dukkha khandha revolving continuously. Nibbāna is this dukkha khandhas stop revolving or this dukkha khandhas not exist.
There are two revolving of the D. A; sections 1, 2, three and four are the long one and sections two and three are the short one. These are also called mūla and pavatti paṭicca‐samuppādas (D. A.). Mūla paṭicca‐samuppāda is also important because only good understanding of the saṁsāric dukkha can have strong saṁvega—sense of urgency. And then we want to make the effort to end dukkha. The outer wheel (blue) represents the five khandhas and the iron sheet (black) is aging, sickness and death.
禪師提到兩種緣起(Dependent Arising):根本緣起(mūla paṭicca‐samuppāda)與流轉緣起(pavatti paṭicca‐samuppāda)。
禪師以《相應部》(Saṃyutta Nikāya)的教法為基礎,闡釋緣起的結構,並將其比喻為輪子的五個部分:
通過四念處(satipaṭṭhāna bhavana)來破壞輻條,最終連帶使漏(āsava)、無明(avijjā)、貪愛(taṇhā)與五蘊(khandhas)停滯,這即是苦的終結——涅槃。
「Kata Ñāṇa」(知苦的結束)包含兩個直接了知的點:
這是真正的Kata Ñāṇa(知苦的智慧)。
禪修者在Kata Ñāṇa即將生起時,只會見到苦的生滅,而不會再看到身心五蘊。當苦滅時,涅槃便會同時顯現。
有兩種緣起:根本緣起(mūla)與流轉緣起(pavatti paṭicca‐samuppādas)。尊師將其解釋為長短兩種緣起。十二緣起全體稱為根本緣起。從識至業處稱為流轉緣起。尊師根據《雜阿含經》解釋了緣起。
軸心代表漏(āsavas)。無明與貪欲是車輪的轉動者。內輪代表無明與貪欲(avijjā and taṇhā)。輻條代表業。外輪代表五蘊。最外層代表老、病、死。
佛陀以車輪為喻,對緣起作了極為精妙的闡釋。內輪無明與貪欲支撐輻條──業,而輻條支撐外輪──五蘊。軸心──漏,轉動內輪。若以念處修(satipaṭṭhāna bhavana)斷除輻條,則所有部分──漏、無明、貪欲、五蘊,皆停止運轉。此即斷除苦諦──涅槃。眾生為苦諦而轉動漏之車輪。然佛陀為斷除苦諦而轉動法輪。]
覺知(Kata Ñāṇa):知曉斷除苦諦之智。有兩種直接知曉之點:知曉苦諦之滅盡,以及涅槃之生起。此即真實之覺知(Kata Ñāṇa)。
(有三重觀慧之智:即諦知、作意知、覺知。據尊師所言,如實知(Yathābhūta Ñāṇa)──見無常,即作意知(Kicca Ñāṇa)。洞察苦諦之真諦,即從厭離知(Nibbidā Ñāṇa)開始的智慧,皆為作意知(Kicca Ñāṇa),而道智為覺知(Kata Ñāṇa)。)當覺知(Kata Ñāṇa)將要生起時,修行者僅見苦諦在流轉。其無法見心與身,而僅知苦諦生起與滅盡。
故道智與果位智極為不同。緣起(D. A.)是苦蘊之持續流轉。涅槃是此苦蘊停止流轉,或此苦蘊不存。
緣起有兩種流轉:第一、二、三、四段為長流轉,第二、三段為短流轉。此亦稱為根本緣起與流轉緣起(D. A.)。根本緣起亦極為重要,因僅對輪迴之苦有深刻之理解,方能生起強烈之憂患(saṁvega)──急迫感。爾後,吾人欲努力斷除苦諦。外輪(藍色)代表五蘊,鐵皮(黑色)代表老、病、死。
[This talk includes with a few details in practice than the previous one. There are three āsava; kāmāsava, bhavāsava and diṭṭhāsava. These are like the axle of the wheel. Combine the three and become 2, taṇhā and diṭṭhi. Therefore, taṇhā is more powerful than avijjā, which is the inner wheel.
How to break the āsava? Use the sword of wisdom, the Noble Eightfold Path. There are two stages to cut down the āsava: Vipassanā Ñāṇa and Magga Ñāṇa (Insight Knowledge and Path Knowledge). Vipassanā Ñāṇa cuts down the other layers and Magga Ñāṇa destroys the core—the axle.]
The khandhas never have happiness (sukha). It’s the truth of dukkha. Who construct this khandha? Birth, aging and death are the iron sheet wheel (the outer black wheel). Who is turning this wheel? The axle is turning it. It’s āsava axle.
Not knowing is āsava, you will say the axle and the wheel are very far (i.e., the outer wheel). The axle and inner wheel are connecting. The inner wheel is ignorance and surrounded the axle.
How do you revolve in saṁsāra? The axle of āsava is surrounding by the inner wheel of avijjā and turning with birth, aging and death. The wholesome and unwholesome spokes (kamma) connect with birth, aging and death (the outer wheel) and ignorance (the inner wheel).
The spokes are sometimes going up and down during the turning or moving (Depending on the kammas of beings, but mostly in the planes of misery—dugati). The Buddha also mentioned that the permanent homes of living beings were mostly the planes of misery. If we are checking our own mind every day we will understand what he said).
The outer wheel is moving accordingly to the axle. This is turning the round of existence—saṁsāra. Āsavasamudaya → avijjāsamudayo (From Saṃyutta Nikāya)—Taints lead to ignorance. Avijjā paccaya Saṅkhāra, Saṅkhāra paccaya jāti → jarā, maraṇa—Ignorance condition volitional formation → birth → aging and death. This is describing D. A. in short way.
By the revolving of the taint of craving/taṇhā (axle), the inner wheel of ignorance is turning. Because of ignorance, volitional formation arises and spokes come into existence. And then it connects with birth, aging, and death.
Therefore the Buddha warned us whatever offerings were made, one must remind about the destruction of the taints—āsavas. Idaṁ me puññaṁ āsavakkhayā vahaṁ hotu—may this merit for the destruction of the taints to me. Destruction of taints is Nibbāna. The destruction of taints is very important. Taints and ignorance are mutually connecting to each other. If one of them exists, the other also does. Taints have to be destroyed.
There are three of them;
1. Kāmāsava—Taints of sensuality, clinging to the five cords of sensual pleasure (form, sound, smell, taste and touch).
2. Bhavāsava—Taints of becoming, desire for this and that life.
3. Diṭṭhāsava—Taints of view, making things as me and mine.
If you break them (the axle) the wheel can’t move. The wandering round of existence (saṁsāra) can’t continue. The khandhas you get are foul or loathsome dukkha (asubha dukkha). In this situation you are adding more of the asubha dukkha of the loads of sons and daughters is very shameful indeed (to the ariyans’ eyes).
We are quite foolish and crazy people. We had coffins and sometimes not when we were wandering in saṁsāra sometime; sometime we had clothes and sometime not (As human beings and animals, mostly without any clothes and coffins to bury).
Therefore we are wandering with shame and disadvantages. Let us do the job of breaking the axle. If we break the axle even though the whole wheel are connecting with it still can’t move on. The axle is greed and wrong view (lobha and diṭṭhi). Therefore taṇhā is more powerful than ignorance. We can only break the axle with the sword of the path (factors of the path).
So, I have told you contemplate with insight. The knowledge of insight (vipassanā magga) breaks it off as much as possible. The true path knowledge totally destroys it. It's something like you want to get the core of the wood, you can’t get it without trimming out the branches and the outer layers firstly. You must remember this example.
At first, use the vipassanā sword to cut the outer layers, then cut the core part by the magga sword. (Continued to talk about the contemplation of the mind). Whatever mind arises contemplate as impermanence and become anicca / magga. Because of anicca the affection to the khandha—kāmāsava not arises. This is me and mine, the wrong view not arises and becomes right view.
So, diṭṭhāsava also falls away. It cuts off the upper layers of three āsava and continuing the contemplation will become disenchanted. Disenchantment is developed by a lot of contemplation. It comes closer to the core when the knowledge becomes mature.
Knowledge becomes sharper means can cut more to the axle. Becoming is not to be joyful. Destruction of it is no need to be sad about. It’s because all are truth of dukkha. Cutting the outer layer is taking time. Cutting the core doesn’t take much time for it. Path Knowledge comes only once.
欲漏(kāmāsava): 對五種感官快樂(色、聲、香、味、觸)的執取。
有漏(bhavāsava): 對生命延續或來生的渴求。
見漏(diṭṭhāsava): 執著於「我」與「我所」的錯誤見解。
軸心(āsava): 內在驅動力量,由貪愛(taṇhā)與錯誤見解(diṭṭhi)驅動。
內輪(紅色): 無明(avijjā)與貪愛。
輪輻(kamma): 善業、惡業,以及禪定業(色界與無色界的禪那)。
外輪(藍色): 五蘊(khandha),即身心的組成。
最外層(黑色): 老、病、死(jarā, maraṇa)。
業的力量轉動輪輻,最終連接到五蘊(khandha)及老病死(jarā, maraṇa)。
觀智(Vipassanā Ñāṇa): 切割外層,逐步破除煩惱。
道智(Magga Ñāṇa): 斷除核心軸心,徹底解脫。
如何斷除漏呢?要用智慧之劍,即八正道。斷除漏有兩個階段:觀慧(Vipassanā Ñāṇa)與道智(Magga Ñāṇa)。觀慧削去外層,道智摧毀核心──軸心。]
因此,佛陀告誡我們,無論供養何物,皆須祈願斷除漏──āsavas。Idaṁ me puññaṁ āsavakkhayā vahaṁ hotu──願此功德能斷除我的漏。斷除漏即涅槃。斷除漏極為重要。漏與無明彼此相連。若其一存在,則另一者亦存在。漏必須斷除。
若斷除之(軸心),則車輪無法轉動。輪迴(saṁsāra)無法持續。所獲之五蘊是污穢、可厭的苦(asubha dukkha)。在此情況下,再增添子女之負擔,實為可恥(於聖者之眼中)。
故吾人以羞恥與不利而流浪。吾人應致力於斷除軸心。若斷除軸心,縱使整個車輪與其相連,仍無法轉動。軸心是貪欲與邪見(lobha and diṭṭhi)。故貪欲比無明更為強大。吾人僅能以道之劍(道支)斷除之。
故我已告誡汝等,以觀慧而觀照。觀慧(vipassanā magga)盡可能地斷除之。真實之道智徹底摧毀之。此如欲取木之心,須先修剪枝葉與外層,方能取之。汝等須銘記此例。
(繼續講述觀照心的法門。)觀照任何生起之心念為無常,而成為無常 / 道。因無常,對五蘊之愛著──欲漏不生起。此為我與我,邪見不生起,而成為正見。
The Buddha said that using his knowledge to trace backwardly of any living being past lives would never end even he did it for his whole life. But he could point out each living being’s saṁsāric existences as the cause of ignorance and craving. The beginning of living beings is ignorance and craving. Explaining the above wheel picture:
① Inner core—the axle represents three āsavas; i.e., kāmāsava, bhavāsava and diṭṭhāsava. These three āsavas combine together become taṇhā and diṭṭhi.
② The red circle—the inner wheel represents avijjā and tanhā.
③ The 4 spokes represent types of kamma beings create :⑴Wholesome kamma ⑵Unwholesome kamma ⑶rūpajhana and ⑷arūpajhana.
④ Outer blue circle—the outer wheel represents the five khandha, four khandhas and one khandha (i.e, Brahma gods with mind only and with body only)
⑤ The black circle—the outermost wheel represents birth, aging, sickness and death which follow the khandha wheel.
From ① to ⑤ each support each other outwardly and whirling together going on and on in the saṁsāric journey. How to break the āsava? By the sword of wisdom—the Noble Eightfold Path. There are two stages to cut down the āsavas.
Vipassanā Ñāṇa and Magga Ñāṇa—Insight and Path Knowledge. Vipassanā Ñāṇa cut off the outer layers and Magga Ñāṇa the core. Any type of kamma beings done always end up in birth, aging and death. To stop them for functioning, it’s important to destroy the core axle, i.e the āsavas and the inner wheel—avijjā and tanhā.
It is to know the D. A. of the khandha arising and ceasing to become a Buddha. About the connection of dukkhas are D. A. It’s the truth of dukkha. Therefore the cessation of dukkha is Nirodha Sacca. Not knowing the four Noble Truths is ignorance. Have affection to things wherever you are in is taṇhā.
Only one who knows one's own ugliness wants to make correction. The Buddha also said in this way. Except vipassanā and magga kammas, whatever you are doing cannot cut through the cycle of birth, aging and death. Whatever khandha you have only end up at aging and death.
Therefore don’t perform merits just for round of existence (Kusala Vaṭṭa). Just only do merits for no round of existence (Kusala vivaṭṭa) if you want; for it's never free from dangers wherever you are. Here the axle of āsava and the inner wheel of avijjā and taṇhā are the most important parts.
By their turning that khandhas are whirling around. All merits done under the influence of ignorance and craving will end up at the dangers of aging and death.
The whole wheel will stop only the axle and the spokes are breaking apart. Inside the wheel only exist two of the Noble Truths; dukkha and its cause. (Dukkha Sacca and Samudaya Sacca)
(Here Sayadaw explained clearly and openly why he didn’t accept making merits for rebirths. He was always making people to understand dukkha and want to transcend it by talks and meditations before performing their dānas. There were a few collections of talk by him on this topic.)
Have to follow with knowledge from behind the feeling. If not, it connects with taṇhā, upādāna kamma and whirling around. Whatever mind arises contemplate its impermanence. Taṇhā, upādāna and kamma do not arise with contemplation, axle and spokes are broken.
We are making spokes from the six senses doors. We change new spokes when the spokes are not good. From every sense door comes taṇhā, upādāna and kamma and every day it’s uncountable for us. From the factories of sense doors we are changing new spokes and the wheel is turning on non‐stop.
Therefore you have to cut it down with the Path Knowledge. Do the job of the path factors. In this way the axle of ignorance and craving are broken, and the spokes of kamma not exist, and the wheel can’t turn on and on.
T3 繁體中文翻譯
② 紅圈——內輪:
③ 四根輻條:
④ 藍圈——外輪:
⑤ 黑圈——最外圈:
因此,不要僅僅為了輪迴(善業輪——Kusala Vaṭṭa)而行善。如果你希望解脫,應行善以超脫輪迴(善業解脫——Kusala Vivaṭṭa);因為無論身在何處,都無法擺脫危險。這裡的漏軸(āsava)和內輪(無明與渴愛)是最重要的部分。
①內核──軸心 代表三種漏(āsavas):即欲漏(kāmāsava)、有漏(bhavāsava)、見漏(diṭṭhāsava)。三者結合,成為貪欲(taṇhā)與邪見(diṭṭhi)。
②紅色圓圈──內輪 代表無明與貪欲(avijjā and taṇhā)。
③四條輻 代表眾生所造的四種業:⑴善業 ⑵不善業 ⑶色界禪 ⑷無色界禪。
④外側藍色圓圈──外輪 代表五蘊,或四蘊與一蘊(即僅有心或僅有身之梵天)。
⑤外側黑色圓圈──最外層圓圈 代表生、老、死,隨著蘊之輪而轉動。
從①至⑤,彼此相互支撐,向外旋轉,於輪迴之旅中永無止盡。如何斷除漏呢?以智慧之劍──八正道。斷除漏有兩個階段:觀慧(Vipassanā Ñāṇa)與道智(Magga Ñāṇa)。觀慧削去外層,道智摧毀核心。
故勿為輪迴而行善(Kusala Vaṭṭa)。若欲行善,則僅為出離輪迴而行善(Kusala vivaṭṭa),因無論身處何處,皆無法脫離危險。在此,漏之軸心與無明、貪欲之內輪是最重要的部分。
以下是我對 T3 段落的翻譯:
① 內核-軸心 代表三種漏(āsavas):欲漏、有漏、見漏。這三種漏結合起來就成了貪欲和邪見。
② 紅色圓圈-內輪 代表無明和貪欲。
③ 四條輻 代表眾生所造的四種業:善業、不善業、色界禪和無色界禪。
④ 外側藍色圓圈-外輪 代表五蘊,或者說,四蘊和一蘊(比如只有心或只有身的梵天)。
⑤ 黑色圓圈-最外層圓圈 代表生、老、病、死,隨著五蘊的輪轉而轉動。
所以,不要為了輪迴而做功德(Kusala Vaṭṭa)。如果你想做功德,就為了出離輪迴而做功德(Kusala vivaṭṭa),因為無論你在哪裡都無法擺脫危險。這裡,漏的軸心和無明、貪欲的內輪是最重要的部分。
17th to 18th January 1961
[In the beginning Sayadaw was warning his disciples for the time near the end of one’s life. A thought would come up where one would go after death? At that time we can’t rely on kamma which is like a foot ball going up and down. We must rely on wisdom (ñāṇa) which is the only true refuge. So everyone should prepare for the true refuge when we still have times and will die with smile on our face.
Sayadaw based this talk on a sutta in Khandhavaggasaṃyutta, Nakulapitā Sutta (SN 22. 1, Nakulapitusuttaṃ). One time the Buddha travelled to the Bhaggā State at Sumsumāragiri in the Bhesakaḷā Grove. He met Nakulamātā and pitā (an old couple who had strong kammic links with the Buddha).
They requested the Buddha to give them short instruction on practice because of their advanced age. The Buddha taught them, the physical body was never healthy. So when the physical body was in pain don’t let the mind in pain. After that the Buddha left them.
They were very pleased and went to see Ven. Sāriputta. Seeing their happy mood Sāriputta asked them the reason. They answered that they had just received teaching from the Buddha, but didn’t understand very well. So Sāriputta explained the teaching to them. ]
The question of where I will go is becoming clear at the last moments of thought near death (with or without practice, the same for everyone sure to know). During when you are busying with businesses and happy with family members of wife and children, it’s not arising. Without any practice to be on the safe side and you’ll die with the feeling of insecurity in accordance with your kammas.
This kind of situation is common to people without any preparation. Anyone who has the preparation is happy to be put down the burdened khandha. These two kinds of thought will come in. If you let kammas decided for your fate then your own quality is totally blunt. I urge you all for work hard in your practice so that let knowledge (ñāṇa) decide your fate.
The power of knowledge (ñāṇa) is powerful than kammas. The power of kamma is unstable, going up and down like a foot ball. Then you’ll become a human foot ball. Rely on the power of knowledge. It’s very important.
You must work for the Dhamma, which can protect you from falling into the planes of misery and will feel safe at near death. In the worldly matters people are searching for wealth for their security. In the same way in the saṁsāric journey we should prepare for security (more important than any searching).
In the Khandhavagga Saṃyutta, the Buddha taught the way to security. In our past lives we were falling into hells, to animal realms, to celestial and Brahma worlds due to the unstable kammas. The Buddha warned us many times, as near death not to die regretfully for our mistakes.
Even a small ant sees it destination before death. An ugly death is frightening (everyone who has the chances to see many dying persons know this). I’ll tell you the way of security from the dangers of painful births (planes of misery). (Sayadaw told the story of Nakulamātā and Nakulapitā, mother and father of Nakula).
The Buddha said if we had the khandhas and never free from sores, wounds and diseases. Let us see it as true or not. Because of cold and heat there are many changes all the times. And so we are using bandages to treat the diseases (i.e., changing clothes all the times) There are sores of defecation and urination.
We are changing our bodily postures all the times because of pains and aches. The body is the source of all diseases. The body is sure to be in pains and aches. But if your mind is not in pain will realize Nibbāna. Let the body pain but not the mind. Ven. Sāriputta gave instruction to them. Worldlings took this body as mine, I am and my self.
But the khandha would show you that it was not as what you had thought (Sayadaw explained the body and mind are in pains by using each of the five khandhas to describe it). This physical body is made by four causes; kamma, mind (citta), temperature (utu) and foods (āhāra). If we make these as mine, I am, myself the mind will pain.
It’s a strong clinging. The mind Dhammas are made by sense objects and sense bases (ārammaṇa and dvāra). Your mind is in pain when something changes, which you take it as mine but it after all does not belong to you. If you think you are the owner then you are in suffering.
For example, you find a dead dog on the road and the death of your dog are different things. As dog they are the same but have different feeling because of ownership and non‐ownership. If you see arising and passing away you know very well that it’s not yours. Then your mind is not in pain.
In the whole saṁsāra we are living with the double blind eyes of this is mine, this I am and this is myself. It’s like a blind cock fights with blindness and takes it as mine. If I am not giving you the noble eyes (ariyan eyes) because of your attachment, you will be in sorrow, lamentation, pain, and grief.
這次開示以《蘊相應·那俱羅父經》(SN 22.1)為基礎。佛陀曾在跋耆國(Bhaggā)住於鹿野苑附近的黑石林(Bhesakaḷā Grove)。他遇到那俱羅母和那俱羅父(一對與佛陀有深厚業力聯繫的老夫妻)。他們請求佛陀用簡單的話教授修行之法,因為他們年事已高。佛陀教導他們:「身體永遠不會健康,當身體疼痛時,請不要讓心陷於痛苦。」隨後佛陀離開了他們。
在漫長的輪迴中,我們都因為「這是我的」、「這是我自己」的雙重盲目觀念而受苦,就像一隻盲雞,盲目地爭鬥並執著於一切。如果我不給你清淨的「聖眼」(ariyan eyes),你就會因為執著而陷入悲傷、憂愁、痛苦與哀慟之中。
尊師以《經集》中《那拘羅毗陀經》(SN 22. 1, Nakulapitusuttaṃ)為基礎進行了這次開示。有一次,佛陀前往跋耆國的須摩羅崛山中之藥草林。他遇到了那拘羅母與那拘羅父(與佛陀有深厚業緣的一對老夫婦)。
於整個輪迴中,吾人以「此為我、此是我、此是我身」之雙目盲目地生活。如盲雞以盲目而鬥,執以為我。若我不以聖眼(ariyan eyes)視汝,則汝將陷於憂愁、悲嘆、苦惱、怨恨。
Why sorrow, lamentation, pain and grief come in very often? You have to think about it. It always becomes sorrow, in tears and suffering because the view of me and mine is not falling away (atta and attaniya diṭṭhi). You think yourself as "me" and your wife, children and wealth as "mine", so that suffering arises.
This physical body is always changing with hot and cold. This is the nature of the body and you have to know it. Change is anicca and knowing mind is magga. And sorrow, lamentation, grief and pain not follow behind. This is because your eyes are transplanted with the ariyan eyes which know the original nature. Become the disciple of the ariyan your sorrow will be ceased. Without it when the body is in pain and the mind also in pain.
Contemplate the five khandhas as stranger (parato; parajana). If you don’t observe in this way never get the Path Knowledge. The five khandhas are changing and you have to look at them as stranger. They also tell you as a stranger, and sorrow, lamentation, grief and pain not arise. And it not becomes ignorance and volitional formation (avijjā and saṅkhāra).
If you know impermanence the mind is not in pain. At the present your mind is happy and also for the future the doors of the planes of misery are closed. The body in pain but not the mind in pain is the Buddha had arisen for you. If your mind is in pain then the Buddha had not arisen for you. In true the body is impermanent and not really painful.
為何悲傷、憂愁、痛苦和哀嘆會頻繁湧現?這是值得深思的問題。之所以總是悲傷、流淚和受苦,是因為「我」和「我的」這種錯誤觀念(atta 和 attaniya diṭṭhi)尚未消除。你將自己視為「我」,而將妻子、孩子和財富視為「我的」,因此痛苦隨之而來。
這副身體始終隨著冷與熱的變化而變化。這是身體的本性,你必須明白它。這種變化是無常(anicca),而觀知這種變化的心便是道智(magga)。當你如此了知時,悲傷、憂愁、痛苦和哀嘆便不再跟隨其後。這是因為你的眼睛已經被移植了聖者的眼(ariyan eyes),能夠看透事物的本來面目。一旦成為聖者的弟子,你的悲傷便會止息。若沒有這樣的觀照,當身體在痛苦中,心也會隨之痛苦。
應當將五蘊視為「外人(parato; parajana)」。如果你不以這種方式觀照,便無法獲得道智(Path Knowledge)。五蘊不斷變化,而你需要將它們視為陌生之物。它們本身也在告訴你,它們是「外人」。這樣一來,悲傷、憂愁、痛苦和哀嘆便不會產生,也不會轉變成無明和行(avijjā 和 saṅkhāra)。
為何憂愁、悲嘆、苦惱、怨恨頻頻出現呢?你必須思考這個問題。由於「我執」(atta)和「我所執」(attaniya diṭṭhi)沒有消失,所以總是陷入憂愁、淚水和痛苦之中。你認為自己是「我」,你的妻子、孩子和財產都是「我的」,因此產生了痛苦。
將五蘊視為他人、外物(parato; parajana)來觀照。如果不以這種方式觀察,就無法獲得道智。五蘊在不斷變化,你必須將它們視為他人、外物。它們也會向你展示它們是外物,這樣憂愁、悲嘆、苦惱、怨恨就不會生起。也不會產生無明和行。
19th January 1961
[Sayadaw based this talk from the Khandhavagga Saṃyutta, Devadaha Sutta (SN. 22.2 Devadahasuttaṃ). One time the Buddha was dwelling among the Sakyans in a town named Devadaha. At that time some monks wanted to go to the western province in order to spend the rain retreat there. So they went to see the Buddha and asked permission for it.
The Buddha asked them to see Sāriputta before. So they went to see him. Sāriputta knew that the Buddha wanted him to teach them. He said to them, they should answer in this way if someone asked what the Buddhavāda—the Buddha’s Doctrine was. The Buddha taught to remove or destroy desire and lust (chanda‐rāga) and the way to do it. ]
We are worshiping the Buddha and Dhamma, so it’s important to know the Doctrine of the Buddha. (In one of his talks on the same subject, Sayadaw said that most Buddhists know a lot of rites and rituals. Such as worship the Buddha in many different ways but may be they don’t know the doctrines. Without knowing it they can’t practice. Nowadays we see many monks teach the lay people ordinary things.)
(Sayadaw told the story of the sutta) Sāriputta gave the talk to the monks. The Buddha used to talk removed or destroyed desire and lust (chanda‐rāga). He also used to exhort for practice of removing and destroying it; to remove the causes of dukkha samudaya (i.e., taṇhā) and the way for it. The inquirers would not satisfy with that much. They would ask you again, in regard to what your teacher taught the removal of desire and lust. It's to remove the desire and lust on the five khandhas. If you didn’t, then what happened? There arose in one sorrow, lamentation, pain, displeasure and despair. If you did it, then what happened? It will not followed by sorrow, lamentation, pain, displeasure and despair by removing it and not either followed by ignorance and volitional formation (avijjā and saṅkhāra). If you don’t remove it, then you are an unwholesome person. You will fall into the planes of misery when death arrives. If you remove it, then you are a wholesome person. You will born in the blissful planes after death (as human and celestial beings) and realize Nibbāna. These are according to the sutta. I have something to explain more.
If you don’t remove or destroy it with Path Knowledge, the khandhas and samudaya (i.e., taṇhā) are always sticking together.
Here means latent tendency or defilements (anusaya kilesa). This is lobha (greed), affection to one’s own khandhas. If you don’t remove it, craving, clinging, action (taṇhā, upādāna, kamma) connect with birth, aging and death (jāti, jarā, maraṇa). It’s here to describe the way of practice. You can contemplate whatever you prefer, mind, feeling, etc.
Before you don't know and think it as permanence and have affection to the khandhas. By contemplation and know that it’s impermanent. Defilements have three stages: ① Latent stage (anusaya), ② Stimulating stage (pariyuṭthāna), and ③Active stage (vītikkama).
By seeing impermanence, vipassanā knowledge removes ② and ③ stages but it can’t overcome the latent tendency. With ①, ② and ③ will come back again. Whichever can destroy ① becomes the true Buddhavada. Don’t satisfy only with vipassanā knowledge.
Without the practice by encountering coarse sense objects and all of them arise back again. Knowledge of disenchantment and change of lineage (Nibbidā and Gotrabhū Ñāṇas) are still not enough. Therefore continue to practice until to the truth of the five khandhas as dukkha.
Have to practice until you totally don’t want the khandha. If you don’t want the truth of dukkha and the five khandhas disappear. Then defilement of wrong view has no khandha to dependent on. Khandha disappears and nothing exists for the dependence; so wrong view does not exist anymore. There are rebirths no more to the planes of misery without any attachment to wrong view with kamma. Hell fire and hell woks are totally gone for you. (Wok is a large iron cauldron for cooking and come from Chinese word.)
[這場講座以《堅達經》(Devadaha Sutta,相應部22.2)為基礎。當時佛陀住在德瓦塔哈村(Devadaha),位於釋迦族的地區。有一群比丘希望前往西方省份安居雨季,因此前來請示佛陀。佛陀建議他們在出發前先去見舍利弗。舍利弗知道佛陀的意圖,便向比丘們開示佛法的核心。舍利弗提到,若有人詢問「佛陀的教法是什麼?」應如何作答。舍利弗解釋,佛陀教授的是如何斷除欲望與貪愛(chanda-rāga),以及達成此目標的方法。]
舍利弗向比丘們闡明,佛陀的教法在於教導如何斷除欲望與貪愛(chanda-rāga),以及具體的修行方法。這些法門旨在斷除苦因(dukkha samudaya,即渴愛)。若有人進一步追問:「佛陀提到的欲望與貪愛是指什麼?」應回答:
如果不以道智(Path Knowledge)來斷除欲望與貪愛,五蘊與苦因(渴愛)將始終緊密相連。這裡的「苦因」特指潛伏的煩惱(anusaya kilesa),主要為對五蘊的貪愛。若不斷除,便會因渴愛(taṇhā)、取(upādāna)與業(kamma)的作用,導致生、老、病、死(jāti, jarā, maraṇa)。
觀照無常的內觀智慧(Vipassanā Ñāṇa)能斷除第二和第三階段的煩惱,但無法徹底清除潛伏的煩惱。潛伏的煩惱會在合適條件下再次顯現。因此,必須以道智徹底斷除潛伏的煩惱,這才是佛陀教法的真正核心。
[尊師以《經集》中的《帝須摩羅經》(SN. 22.2 Devadahasuttaṃ)為基礎進行了這次開示。有一次,佛陀住在舍衛國的帝須摩羅城。當時,有些比丘想要前往西境過雨季。於是,他們去見佛陀,請求允許。
(尊師講述了經文中的故事)舍利弗向比丘們開示了佛陀之教。佛陀曾教導要斷除、滅除慾望和貪愛(chanda‐rāga)。他還勸勉大家要實踐斷除、滅除的方法;斷除苦諦之因(即taṇhā),以及斷除之法。詢問者不會滿足於此。他們會再次詢問你,你的老師教導你如何斷除慾望和貪愛。就是要斷除對五蘊的慾望和貪愛。如果不斷除,會發生什麼呢?就會生起憂愁、悲嘆、苦惱、不樂、失望。如果斷除了,會發生什麼呢?斷除之後,不會再隨之而來憂愁、悲嘆、苦惱、不樂、失望,也不會隨之而來無明和行(avijjā and saṅkhāra)。如果不斷除,則為不善之人。臨死時,將墮入惡道。如果斷除了,則為善之人。死後將生於善趣(如人界、天界),並證得涅槃。這些都是根據經文所說。我有一些更深入的解釋。
這裡指的是潛伏的習氣或煩惱(anusaya kilesa)。這是貪(lobha),對自身五蘊的愛著。如果不斷除,貪欲、執取、業(taṇhā, upādāna, kamma)將與生、老、死(jāti, jarā, maraṇa)相連。
如果不修行,遇到粗重的感官對象,則一切皆會再次生起。厭離知(Nibbidā)和轉變種性知(Gotrabhū Ñāṇas)仍不足夠。因此,應持續修行,直至證得五蘊之苦諦。
5th February 1961
[Sayadaw explained Saṅkhata and Asaṅkhata or Dukkha and Nibbāna. It’s interesting, simple and profound. There are only two Dhammas; i.e., the conditioned (saṅkhata) and unconditioned (asaṅkhata). The five khandhas (mind and body) are saṅkhata and Nibbāna is asaṅkhata Dhammas. With saṅkhata the yogis see anicca and with asaṅkhata the yogis are not seeing anicca. With saṅkhata, dukkha does not end and with asaṅkhata, there is no dukkha.
He used the simile to explain them and the process mentioned in the Questions and Answers between King Milinda and Ven. Nāgasena. King Milinda asks Nāgasena; “Does Nibbāna exist within the three periods of time past, presents, future?” Nāgasena answers as;”No, it exists only for yogis who have practiced vipassanā. It’s like using two pieces of bamboo rubbing continuously together. After sometime it becomes hotter and hotter but don’t stop it. There, and continue to rub until fire comes out.” In this simile, the person who was rubbing continuously the two pieces of bamboo was the vipassanā yogi.
That the pieces of bamboo became hotter and hotter was like observing continuously anicca again and again until it became maturity. And then dukkha became clearer and disenchanted to it. After penetrated dukkha thoroughly and the yogi let go of the attachment to the khandhas (the saṅkhata).
After that the fire of Nibbāna (asaṅkhata) appeared. At that moment the physical body was not disappeared. The process were mentioned in the Aṅguttara Nikāya and Visuddhimagga. The yogi’s duty is continuously observe anicca (i.e., bhāvetabba). Nibbāna will appear naturally when it reach toward the highest maturity.]
Saṅkhata and paṭicca‐samuppāda are the same. All the khandhas arise together. Where are they coming from? Physical body comes from kamma, mind, temperature and foods. Mind comes from sense object and sense door. They all arise by causes. So mind and body are saṅkhata dhamma (conditioned phenomena). If the conditioned causes are finished, it will pass away. How long it has been now?
It’s uncountable. We are always living within the province of saṅkhata. So, we will live with arising and passing away. And we take it as good. This khandha is arising and passing away moment to moment. Therefore it’s saṅkhata dukkha—conditioned dukkha. This khandha is conditioning all the times without even rest for one second, because of the continuous destruction. Without conditioning and there is no replacement.
Therefore the khandha is called the paṭicca‐samuppanna dhamma—resultant phenomenon. It’s the result of arising dhamma by conditioning. In the whole round of existence (saṁsāra) we were living without any rest and with birth and death all the times. We had never done vipassanā before and never seen our own birth and death. So you had never seen saṅkhata dukkha.
(In the four Noble Truths, Dukkha Sacca is a very interesting subject. Only we understand this truth we can let go of our attachment to things. Even we can condense the whole Piṭakas into Dukkha and the Ending of Dukkha. So the truth of Dukkha is very important in our whole life for frequent contemplation.
There are four important meanings on truth of dukkha:
① Pīḷakato—opprssive nature; torture and torment the owner who attaches to the mind and body.
② Saṅkhatato—mind and body are conditioning by taṇhā and torments by it.
③ Saṁtapato—the khandhas are always burning with the fire of craving.
④ Vipariṇāma—tortured and tormented by changing.
Only you have seen saṅkhata dukkha will prefer asaṅkhata Nibbāna. It’s covering up with ignorance that you can’t discern it. In this way every day we take the khandhas as very good. Therefore I have to explain on saṅkhata. After go back home, sit and observe. The body is itching here and there, with sensation of impermanence. The body is consuming its time with saṅkhata dhamma.
People taking pleasure in it are enjoying with the truth of dukkha. Taking pleasure in birth and death, birth and death etc. … (How stupid it’s?) Making payers for saṅkhata dukkha are really crazy and double blindness (Some Buddhists are like this. Even they don’t know they have wrong view).
If you don’t understand saṅkhata, you will not appreciate and want to realize asaṅkhata Nibbāna. Even whatever you are thinking about these things, it will not happen. From saṅkhata you’ll reach toward asaṅkhata. Therefore who never discovers saṅkhata will never reach there.
Even though many Buddhas were arising before, people who had never seen saṅkhata dukkha had been left behind. If you have never seen saṅkhata dukkha, you will never appreciate asaṅkhata sukha. The desire to be there will never arise in the mind. You also can’t reach there. One knows one’s own miserable situation only by seeing saṅkhata dukkha, and then you want to be free from it. So you have to concentrate on the khandhas with knowledge. And you’ll only find out that nothing is there except saṅkhāra dukkha. By transplanting with the ariyan’s eyes you’ll see it. Your natural eyes only see the ugliness and the beauty.
In sight practice will be finished with two factors. First, seeing saṅkhata and later you’ll see the transformation to the asaṅkhata. Is it matured by pāramīs (past perfections) or discerned a lot of it? This knowledge (i.e., Path Knowledge) does not turn toward saṅkhata (impermanent khandhas) but toward the cessation of saṅkhata (i.e., not seeing the khandhas). Impermanence of the khandhas still exists but the knowledge turns toward that no khandhas exists. This point is very important.
So, you have to remember it carefully. You must observe a lot of impermanence. Don’t let the desire of I want Nibbāna to come in. Just observe saṅkhata. The way to Nibbāna is that all. There are only two dhammas. This was mentioned in the Dhammasaṅgaṇi (The first book of Abhidhamma);
Saṅkhata Dhamma and Asaṅkhata Dhamma—Conditioned Phenomena and Unconditioned Phenomenon. (Sayadaw continued to talk on Nibbāna, a question posed by King Milinda and answer by Ven. Nāgasena) There is no fire inside the pieces of bamboo. By rubbing two of them, it becomes hot; saṅkhata dukkha is like this.
After a while, it’s becoming too hot and the fire comes out; nibbāna is like that. Between the processes, whatever knowledge arising is only within the province of saṅkhata. If you don’t want to follow the process of knowledge is up to you (i.e., ten or sixteen knowledge). Just contemplate the SANKHATA.
長老用比喻來解釋這些法以及相關過程,並提到《彌蘭陀王問經》(Milinda Pañha)中彌蘭陀王與那迦犀那尊者的問答。彌蘭陀王問:「涅槃是否存在於過去、現在或未來的三個時間中?」那迦犀那回答說:「不,涅槃僅存在於已修行內觀(vipassanā)的修行者心中。這就像用兩根竹子不斷摩擦,經過一段時間竹子越來越熱,但不能停止摩擦。繼續摩擦,直到火出現。」在這個比喻中,那不斷摩擦竹子的修行者象徵內觀修行者。
竹子越來越熱,象徵不斷觀察無常,直到成熟。接著,苦變得更清晰,並對苦生起厭離心。當修行者徹底穿透苦之本質後,就會放下對五蘊(有為法)的執著。隨之而來的是涅槃之火(無為法)顯現。在那一刻,肉體並未消失。這個過程在《增支部》(Aṅguttara Nikāya)與《清淨道論》(Visuddhimagga)中都有提及。修行者的職責是持續觀察無常(bhāvetabba)。當修行達到最高成熟時,涅槃將自然顯現。]
有為法與緣起(paṭicca‐samuppāda)是一樣的。所有五蘊一起生起。那麼它們從哪裡來的呢?身體來自業(kamma)、心(citta)、溫度(utu)和食物(āhāra);心來自所緣(sense object)與根門(sense door)。它們都是因緣而生,因此屬於有為法(saṅkhata dhamma)。當有為的因緣耗盡時,它們就會滅去。那麼,這已持續了多久呢?
其長度已無法計算。我們一直生活在有為法的範疇內,因此我們總是隨著生起與滅去而存活,並錯誤地認為這是好的。這個五蘊每時每刻都在生滅,因此屬於有為苦(saṅkhata dukkha)。五蘊不停地被條件推動,甚至連一秒都不得休息,因為破壞是連續不斷的。若無條件,它就無法得以延續。
因此,五蘊被稱為緣起法(paṭicca‐samuppanna dhamma),即因緣所生之法。它是因緣所生法的結果。在整個生死輪迴(saṁsāra)中,我們無休無止地生活,始終伴隨著生與死。我們從未修習過內觀,也從未見過自己的生與死。因此,您從未見過有為苦。
① Pīḷakato—壓迫性本質;折磨並使執著於身心的擁有者受苦。
② Saṅkhatato—身心因渴愛(taṇhā)而受制約,並因此遭受折磨。
③ Saṁtapato—五蘊(khandhas)總是燃燒於渴愛之火中。
④ Vipariṇāma—因變化而受折磨與痛苦。
只有看見有為苦(saṅkhata dukkha)的人,才會渴望無為涅槃(asaṅkhata Nibbāna)。由於無明的遮蓋,你無法看清這一點。因此,我們每天都錯把五蘊視為美好。因此,我必須對有為法進行解釋。回家後,坐下來觀察:身體這裡癢,那裡痛,皆是無常的感覺。身體在消耗其時間於有為法中。
即使過去有許多佛陀出世,那些從未見過有為苦的人,終究還是被遺落在後。如果你從未見過有為苦,你永遠無法欣賞無為之樂(asaṅkhata sukha)。內心也不會生起前往涅槃的渴望,自然也無法抵達涅槃之境。唯有透過見到有為苦,才能意識到自身的悲慘境遇,並渴望脫離它。所以你必須用智慧專注於五蘊。你會發現除了行苦(saṅkhāra dukkha)之外,什麼都不存在。透過移植聖者的眼光,你將能看見真相。自然的眼睛只能看到醜陋和美麗。
在內觀的修行中,將以兩個因素結束:首先是看到有為法(saṅkhata),然後是見到向無為法(asaṅkhata)的轉化。是因過去的波羅蜜(pāramīs)成熟,還是因深入觀察?這種智慧(即道智,Path Knowledge)不再轉向有為法(無常的五蘊),而是轉向有為法的止息(即不再見到五蘊)。五蘊的無常仍然存在,但智慧轉向無五蘊存在的境地。這一點非常重要。
有為法(Saṅkhata Dhamma)與無為法(Asaṅkhata Dhamma)——即條件所生法與非條件法。
(長老繼續討論涅槃,引用彌蘭陀王與那迦犀那尊者的問答)竹子中本無火。透過不斷摩擦兩根竹子,竹子變得越來越熱;這就像有為苦(saṅkhata dukkha)。過了一段時間,竹子變得過熱,火終於冒出;涅槃(nibbāna)就像這樣。在這個過程中,任何生起的智慧都僅存在於有為法的範疇內。如果你不願意遵循這個智慧的過程,那是由你決定(如十種或十六種內觀智慧)。只需觀察有為法(SANKHATA)。
它們皆由因緣條件所生,屬於有為法(條件法)。當這些條件消失時,法便滅去。這種生滅已經持續了多久呢?時間已無法計算。我們一直活在有為法的範疇中,不斷經歷生滅。這種不斷的生滅便是有為苦(saṅkhata dukkha),因為五蘊不斷地被摧毀和重建,從未有片刻的安穩。
五蘊是緣起法(paṭicca-samuppanna dhamma),是因緣條件所生的結果。由於無明(avijjā)覆蓋,我們無法覺察這些真相,因此不斷執著於五蘊。
尊者指出,若要真正了解苦諦(dukkha sacca),必須經常深刻地反思其內涵。苦諦有四重涵義:
若修行者未曾洞見有為苦(saṅkhata dukkha),便無法理解無為的涅槃(asaṅkhata Nibbāna)。這是因為無明使人無法辨識有為法的本質,從而對五蘊產生錯誤的執著。
觀察有為法的無常(saṅkhata anicca):修行者持續觀察五蘊的生滅,逐漸洞見其苦性(dukkha)。
道智的作用:當修行者到達轉折點,道智(Path Knowledge)將不再指向五蘊,而是指向五蘊的滅盡。
①Pīḷakato──壓迫之性;折磨、摧殘執著於心與身之主人。 ②Saṅkhata──心與身受貪欲所制約,並受其折磨。 ③Saṁtapato──五蘊恆常為貪欲之火所燒灼。 ④Vipariṇāma──因變化而受折磨、摧殘。
6th to 8th February 1961
[These three talks were based on the Tevijjavaccha Sutta of Majjhima Nikāya (MN 71 Tevijjavacchasuttaṃ). As I had already mentioned before, Sayadaw mostly used the suttas only to explain the Buddha’s teaching and the practice in clearer and simpler ways. Maybe there were many Pali words in it but mostly known to the Burmese Buddhists.
He only took a few points from the suttas and used it for practice. People want to study a whole sutta must go back to the Nikāya itself. The second and the third talks were concentrating on the contemplation of mind. There were many important points in these talks for the practicing yogis. ]
[這三次開示是根據《中部經》第71經《三明婆蹉經》(MN 71 Tevijjavaccha Sutta)而進行的。如同之前提到的,尊者大多以經文為基礎,透過更清晰且簡單的方式闡釋佛陀的教法與修行之道。雖然講法中包含了許多巴利語詞彙,但大多是緬甸佛教徒所熟知的。
[這三次開示是基於《中阿含經》中的《三明婆蹉經》(MN 71 Tevijjavaccha Sutta)而來的。正如我之前提到的,尊者通常只選取經文中的部分內容,然後用更簡單、更清晰的方式來解釋佛陀的教法和修行方法。雖然這些講法中包含了很多巴利語的詞彙,但大多數緬甸佛教徒都熟悉這些詞彙。
選擇經文重點: 尊者沒有逐字逐句地講解整部經文,而是選擇了其中一些重要的觀念和教法來進行深入的闡述。
簡化語言: 尊者用更簡單易懂的語言來解釋佛法,避免使用過多的專業術語,讓聽眾更容易理解。
強調修行: 尊者將經文的教義與實際的修行相結合,強調了心的觀照在修行中的重要性。
指引方向: 尊者為那些想要深入研究佛法的人提供了方向,建議他們可以回到《尼迦耶》中去尋找更詳細的內容。
術語解釋: 如果您對「《中阿含經》」、「三明婆蹉經」、「尼迦耶」、「心的觀照」等術語不太熟悉,可以進一步查閱相關資料,或者向我提出問題。
修行方法: 您可以進一步詢問尊者在開示中具體講述了哪些心的觀照方法。
經文對比: 您可以對比《中阿含經》中的《三明婆蹉經》與尊者的開示,看看尊者是如何詮釋經文的。
Cutting off the Dependent Arising is Nibbāna. The khandhas processes are Dependent Arising. The knowledge (ñāṇa) comes in and cuts off the process. The original khandha process is the truth of dukkha. Breaking down the khandha process is the truth of the cessation of dukkha (Nirodha Sacca). (Sayadaw used the Dependent Arising Chart to explain the dhamma, see the twelve links).
Knowledge has to come in between section two and section three [Avijjā → saṅkhāra (section 1) → viññāṇa → nāmarūpa → saḷāyatana → phassa → vedanā (section 2) → taṇhā → upādāna → kammabhava (section 3) → jāti, jarā, maraṇa etc. (section 4)
This is cutting off the khandha process. Don’t let the five factors and the three factors to be connected (From section two is five factors and section three is three factors). Because of the khandha process we are afraid of the four planes of misery (hell, animal peta and asura).
Even if you arise to the blissful plane khandha (sugati) will fall down again from it (Never forget the Buddha’s warning of the permanent homes of the living beings were the four planes of misery). Insight meditation is a type of contemplation for the result of no desire to the khandha. If you condense the five khandhas and it become mind and body. Condense it again it’s only impermanent.
In the real contemplation, you are not contemplating form, feeling and mind but their impermanence. If you are discerning impermanence and it was like the dawn time in the early morning. By continuous contemplation for sometimes the sun of Nibbāna will come out (From the Nāmarūpa‐pariccheda Text, a Commentary)
Therefore the main point is working with impermanence. Without the development of the insight knowledge no Path Knowledge or supramundane knowledge (lokuttara magga) arises. For insight knowledge to arise is very important. Path Knowledge arises is not important. You will take rebirth in blissful plane and become a stream enterer (sotāpanna) there (From the Aṅguttara Nikāya) if you die with insight knowledge.
You even can become an arahant if you die with the Path Knowledge near death (it may be referred to a much matured yogi and it could be seen in some suttas). After become a stream enterer other stages are easy. (Sayadaw continued to talk about the Tevijjavaccha Sutta) At the time of discerning impermanence, you discard the fetters.
(These are ten fetters—saṁyojana: 1. sensual lust 2. attachment to rūpa‐jhānas 3. attachment to arūpa‐jhānas 4. aversion 5. conceit 6. wrong views 7. adherence to rites and ceremonies 8. doubt 9. restlessness 10. ignorance)
Because at that moment not continue to craving and clinging. Every form, feeling and mind arise let knowledge comes in behind them. Then craving, clinging, ignorance, volitional formation, sorrow and lamentation can’t arise. A person without practice can’t abandon the human fetters.
切斷緣起即是涅槃。五蘊的運作即是緣起,而智慧(ñāṇa)進入時會切斷這一運作。五蘊的原始運作即是苦諦(Dukkha Sacca),而打破五蘊的運作即是苦滅諦(Nirodha Sacca)。(尊者利用緣起圖來解釋法義,見十二支緣起)。
無明 → 行(第一節) → 識 → 名色 → 六處 → 觸 → 受(第二節) → 愛 → 取 → 有(第三節) → 生、老、死等(第四節)
因此,修行的關鍵在於專注於無常。若不發展觀智(Insight Knowledge),便無法生起道智(Path Knowledge)或出世間的智慧(Lokuttara Magga)。但觀智的生起比道智更為重要。
(十結使:1. 欲愛 2. 色界禪愛 3. 無色界禪愛 4. 瞋恨 5. 我慢 6. 邪見 7. 戒禁取見 8. 疑 9. 掉舉 10. 無明)
智慧必須介於第二階段和第三階段之間 [無明 → 行 (第一階段) →識 → 名色 → 六處 → 觸 → 受 (第二階段) → 渴愛 → 執取 → 業報 (第三階段) → 生、老、死等 (第四階段)]
因此,重點在於處理無常。若無洞見智慧的發展,就不會產生道智或勝義智(lokuttara magga)。洞見智慧的產生非常重要,道智的產生並不重要。如果你帶著洞見智慧而死,你將投生於善趣並成為初果阿羅漢(sotāpanna)。
(這十種煩惱—saṁyojana:1. 貪欲 2. 貪著色界禪 3. 貪著無色界禪 4. 瞋恚 5. 慢 6. 邪見 7. 執著儀式 8. 疑 9. 掉舉 10. 無明)
The Buddha reminded the monks for many times to stay with mindfulness of the khandha and observed with paññā. With mindfulness before and observed with paññā from behind. For example, in the physical body there are itches, pains and numbness etc. … and mind states are arising.
We watch them with mindfulness and observed with paññā. With mindfulness before and observe with paññā from behind. And the khandha will tell you as I am impermanent. You get the five factors of the path during you are observing them because you have mindfulness and seen with wisdom (there are three factors with mindfulness and two factors seeing with wisdom).
Only anicca exists and anicca arises. Closed your eyes and contemplate, you can’t find hand, feet, ear and nose but only anicca. With anicca existing, but someone will be a corpse with double blindness if he'd never seen it before dying.
You all are moving like an earthworm which was moving without eyes. (So it was eaten by bird or chicken). In the whole saṁsāra, our knowledge and the natural reality were never the same. (How much deluded are living beings? We all have the chance to know the reality of nature only when a Buddha had arisen.)
Therefore, we were ending up at other’s sayings and making many prayers (including merits), such as became human beings and celestial beings would be good. Anicca exists and you know anicca saṁsāra will be cut off.
(Sayadaw continued to talk on the contemplation of mind. So in the following, I insert his system in the contemplation of mind and let the readers to understand clearly what he said in these talks. Sayadaw’s favorite contemplation was on the minds. There may be some reasons behind it. One of the reasons may be he himself was an Abhidhamma expert and even as a very young novice had great interest in this subject).
Contemplation of the mind
5 external guest minds
(Bodily consciousness: unpleasant and pleasant experiences—itches, pain, etc.)
6 internal guest mind
1. breathing in mind and 2. breathing out mind (2 host minds) The two host minds are the primary objects for contemplation. You have to contemplate them if other minds (all the guest minds) are arising.
I’ll give you the contemplation of mind. Whatever you are seeing mind consciousness arises. Hearing and hearing consciousness, smelling and smelling consciousness, tasting and tasting consciousness arises respectively. They are arising here and passing away here.
In the physical body there are itches, pains, etc. regarding to the unpleasant sensation with the knowing of the unpleasant physical phenomena; also regarding to the pleasant sensations with the knowing of the pleasant physical phenomena.
(So regard to the physical body two types of knowing consciousness. But as bodily consciousness is one only.) There are totally five consciousnesses. They only arise sometime. Therefore these are external guest minds. Sometimes consciousness can arise as lobha, dosa, moha, alobha, adosa and thinking minds. All these six minds are internal guest minds; not including non‐delusion (amoha) because they are the contemplating mind (five maggaṅgas).
There are two host minds always exist; breathing in and breathing out minds. Therefore, in contemplation of mind, totally 13 types of mind have to be contemplated. Contemplate with amoha; i.e., the five maggaṅgas. If you are discerning the passing away, the five maggaṅgas arise naturally.
Among the 11 guest minds; if one of them arises, follow with the five path factors. Whereas follow the host mind with the path factors if nothing of them arises. The host minds are always there. Every following go with anicca and magga.
So kilesa can’t come in between them. The Buddha taught as, if you practice in the morning and became a stream enterer in the evening. And practiced in the evening and became a stream enterer in the morning. This was a teaching to Prince Bodhirājakumāra (MN.85 Bodhirājakumārasuttaṃ?). Why cannot most people realize it? Because the reality and the knowing are not fitting in.
The reasons are: don’t know the way of practice and not pay attention to it. Therefore we are far from the Path and Fruition Knowledge (Magga and Phala) and Nibbāna Every time it’s arising and no contemplation, for an example, by seeing an object become wanting, clinging, action and birth which continue the D. A. process. Then we will only get dukkha. We can’t follow with knowledge and will turn around with dukkha. And then we are trying for the arising of dukkha. “Don’t we have any pāramī or not doing the practice?” (We are not doing the practice, Ven. Sir). If you have compassion to yourself, just do the practice.
Once King Pasenadi Kosala asked the Buddha; “People are sending metta and praying for their happiness. But in reality they are following behind lobha, dosa, and moha. Do they really love themselves?”
The Buddha answered his question in negative.
Every mind arises you discern impermanence and see your own death. So, to tell the truth we are always alive with one mind only. Vipassanā is contemplating one’s own death.
For example, after you are breathing out and the mind wanting to breathe in not arises you are dead. Death is subha or asubha? (Asubha, Ven. Sir)
[Here the usage of asubha may be had the general idea of unpleasantness because death is unpleasant to the dying person and others. ]
Therefore, originally you don’t have any lucky sign with you. (Sayadaw continued to explain how to practice insight according to the Milinda’s Text, the Spider Method.) (Opamma‐kathā‐pañho—The Similes.)
(After about the practice, continuing with the Vaccha Brahmin, Tevijjavaccha Sutta).
The first question connected with lay person on practice. Can a lay person attain realization without discarding the fetters?
Human beings can’t realize Nibbāna if they and the fetters (saṁyojana) are connected. It means khandha connected with taṇhā, upādāna and kamma. On the other hand, they will realize it if khandha and ñāṇa (knowledge) are connected. Therefore if people are doing the practice, they are shaking off their fetters. This happens during the period of practice.
Lay people like Anāthapiṇḍika (billionaire), Visākha (as seven years old girl realized Dhamma) and Santati Minister were living among the fetters, but they had the knowledge to cut them off that realized Nibbāna. The second question was; “Do people reach toward blissful planes (good rebirths) by not discarding the fetters?” The answer was: “It can be”.
吸氣心 2. 呼氣心 (2種宿主心) 這兩種宿主心是觀想的首要對象。當其他心(所有客塵心)生起時,你必須觀想它們。
Whatever mind arises by watching and contemplating with sati and paññā is killing the three causes of taṇhā, upādāna and kamma. So; it’s preventing the three results of jāti, jarā and maraṇa. Vipassanā contemplation is cutting off the khandha process.
Magga (here the five maggaṅgas) is cutting off the future causes and no future result arises. Yogis of vipassanā contemplation are cutting off samudaya and dukkha saccas. Whatever arises is dukkha sacca. (Sayadaw explained cittānupassanā of the six senses doors one by one)
Cittānupassanā is observing one’s mind. You have to observe it exists or not exists because two minds can’t exist at the same moment. After the arising mind passes away and the observing mind can arise. The minds have to be observed are not more than 45 types of mind. From the 45, only one of them arises in turn. The preceding mind is anicca and the observing mind is magga.
A person who has a lot of observation will get magga. With a lot of observation not only discern anicca but also turn into Dukkha Sacca. 45 types of mind are for a tihetuka person (A yogi can be enlightened in this life by practice).
37 types of mind are for a dve‐hetuka person (A yogi can’t enlighten in this life even by practice, but develop the potential for next life. Ti‐hetuka person was born with non‐greed, non‐hatred and non‐delusion—the three wholesome roots of the mind; whereas dve‐hetuka person without the non‐delusion mind).
(Sayadaw continued the Q and A between Vaccha Brahmin and the Buddha, stopped at yesterday talk). ① is observing by ②. ①will tell you not there and ② know it not there. Discerning of impermanence is seeing one’s own death.
It becomes a dead person while another mind does NOT arise from behind. With the connecting of minds, we do not become a dead person. Our connections of deaths are Dukkha Sacca and seeing them is Magga Sacca. Knowing Dukkha is Magga Sacca.
Therefore we are contemplating the truth. You’ll get the magga by your own contemplation. The matter of getting the magga is the matter of observation. By observing the 45 minds arise, during cooking and working you’ll get the magga. Also it is during selling and buying. Just only you are observing them.
Taṇhā and upādāna kamma are preventing Nibbāna, but not to sugati (blissful rebirths). We may realize Nibbāna by performing wholesome kammas as vivaṭṭa kammas (Kamma which has no desire for the round of existences). And it becomes a strong supportive cause for Nibbāna. That is you have done it without taṇhā and upādāna. I’ll explain the last two questions as general knowledge.
(Sayadaw mentioned wrong views and practices in ancient India during the time of the Buddha connected with these questions).
“Can Ājīvakas realize Nibbāna?” They can’t. They are governing by wrong views so that they couldn’t realize it. Wrong views are always preventing Nibbāna. “Can they reach toward sugati?” “No, they can’t. But I see only one person.” That was the Bodhisatta himself and during that time he was practicing as a Ājīvaka. But at that time, he believed in the law of kamma so that he was born in sugati (good rebirth) after death.
This is nothing to do with identity view (sakkāya diṭṭhi). Identity view prevents Nibbāna but not sugati. Therefore the Buddha gave serious examples to destroy identity view was more important than your head was on fire and your chest was piercing with a spear (These situations are only die once, but with sakkāya diṭṭhi will never free from dukkha). Identity view is the fetter of wrong views.
道智(magga)(這裡特指五支道)可以切斷未來的因,從而阻止未來果的升起。修行毗婆舍那觀照的行者正在斷除集聖諦(samudaya sacca)和苦聖諦(dukkha sacca)。無論什麼升起,皆為苦聖諦。(尊者一一解釋了六根門中的心念觀(cittānupassanā)。)
擁有大量觀察經驗的人能獲得道智。通過頻繁觀察,不僅能辨別無常,還能將其轉化為苦聖諦(Dukkha Sacca)。45種心念適用於具足三根(tihetuka)的人(這類行者在本生中能透過修行證悟)。
尊者繼續前一天提到的**跋闍婆羅門(Vaccha Brahmin)**與佛陀的問答:
①被觀察的心由②進行觀察。①告訴你其不存在,②則確認它不存在。辨識無常即是看到自己的死亡。當心流不再相續時,即成為「死亡的人」。但由於心流的相續,我們不會成為死者。這種死亡的連續就是苦聖諦(Dukkha Sacca),而看見它則是道智(Magga Sacca)。認識苦聖諦即是道智。
**貪愛(taṇhā)與執取(upādāna)**的業力會阻礙涅槃的證悟,但不會阻礙往生善趣。我們可以通過行善業(vivaṭṭa kamma,不執取輪迴的善業)實現涅槃。此類善業不含貪愛與執取,因此成為涅槃的強有力助緣。
這與**身見(sakkāya diṭṭhi)**無關。身見阻礙涅槃,但不阻礙往生善趣。因此,佛陀以嚴厲的比喻強調摧毀身見的重要性——摧毀身見比頭髮著火或胸口被矛刺穿更重要(因為這些情況僅死一次,而身見會讓人永遠無法擺脫苦)。身見是錯誤見解的結縛。
(沙彌陀尊者繼續講述跋闍弗羅梵子和佛陀之間的問答,停在昨天的談話。)① 透過 ② 來觀察。① 將告訴你它不存在,② 知道它不存在。辨別無常就是看到自己的死亡。
貪、執、業阻止了涅槃,但不阻止善趣(善道)。我們可以透過行善業(vivaṭṭa kammas)來證得涅槃(無欲的善業,不執著於輪迴)。這成為涅槃的有力支持因。也就是說,你是在沒有貪、執的情況下做到的。我將以一般知識來解釋最後兩個問題。
這與身見(sakkāya diṭṭhi)無關。身見阻止涅槃,但不阻止善趣。因此,佛陀舉出嚴重的例子,摧毀身見比頭上著火、胸口被矛刺穿更重要(這些情況只會死一次,但有身見則永遠無法解脫苦)。身見是邪見的煩惱。
9th to 12th February 1961
(The following four talks were based on the Anurādha Sutta, SN.22.86 Anurādhasuttaṃ, PTS S iii 116)
Where did the beginning of this life come from? Saṅkhāra paccaya viññāṇaṁ: Volitional formation conditions consciousness (here rebirth consciousness). So, it started from the mind. Following it to the end; Dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti—The whole mass of suffering arises. (see the twelve links of D. A. process which lead to Dukkha).
So, it’s the assemblage of dukkha. In the whole life whatever happens all of them are the assemblage of dukkha. It’s the arising of the assemblage of dukkha. Therefore, whatever is happening in the body and mind are the truth of dukkha (Dukkha Sacca).
They are arising and passing away that have to take it as dukkha (born and die all the time every moment). In all the twelve links of D. A. process, each of the links doesn’t arise itself alone but with other dhammas together.
(Every mind at least has the seven universal mental factors together with it. See the Abhidhamma, especially the conditional Relations—Paṭṭhāna). Therefore, it’s the assemblage of dukkha and neither a person nor a being. From birth to death is the process of dukkha. Ven. Anurādha was discerning impermanence but he couldn’t realize Nibbāna because he was hindered by wrong view.
Whatever arising is dukkha sacca and without dispel wrong view like this, the contemplation will not lead to the realization of Nibbāna. From the six senses doors whatever arises is only the assemblage of dukkha arising.
By knowing in this way, wrong view falls away. After that, comes the contemplation of impermanence. And then you will realize easily the Path and Fruition Knowledge.
Dispel wrong view first and later do vipassanā. If you don’t know the khandha arising process can’t dispel wrong view. Before dispelling wrong view, first have to know the khandha process.
Khandha process (D. A.) → dispel wrong view → vipassanā (insight practice) → Path and Fruit. Dukkha can’t arise without samudaya (cause).
For example, because of viññāṇaṁ samudaya (caused by consciousness), mind and body dukkha arise (viññāṇaṁ paccaya nāma‐rūpam), etc.
Therefore in the whole saṁsāra, samudaya and dukkha processes are arising all the time. Neither personality nor a being is inside the natural process (natural phenomena of the process)
Here Samudaya not refer to lobha but for the causes. The causes of dukkha and the results of dukkha exist only. Neither a person nor a being arises.
Among the four Noble Truths; the two truths of Samudaya and dukkha are already explained. There are two more truths; magga and nirodha have to be explained. It needs a teacher to help.
Saṅkhāra nirodha → viññāṇaṁ nirodho → follow to the end; Dukkhakkhandhassa nirodho hoti—With the cessation of Volitional formation → consciousness ceases…… The whole mass of dukkha ceases. (see the twelve links of D. A. process)
The whole assemblage of dukkha ceases. It will only cease by contemplation and practice. Therefore, magga and nirodha; samudaya and dukkha are in pairs. Cessation by itself is naturally arising and ceasing. Contemplation of the cessation is ceasing by not wanting it. Can only contemplate by not wanting it, you’ll see Nirodha—the ending of Dukkha.
The physical body still exists but you can’t see the khandha process. It ceases in knowledge (mind). If khandha ceases then dukkha also ceases. If Khandhas are arising in serial, then dukkha also is arising. So, if you know the khandha process, the arising and ceasing of it and wrong view will fall away.
Whatever arising in the khandha is dukkha arising. If you can catch up with the arising dhamma, then you are contemplating of dukkha sacca. It becomes, the arising dhamma is dukkha sacca and the contemplation is magga sacca.
If you can’t catch it, it connects with dukkha sacca. Originally there is neither person nor being in it. I am helping you dispel wrong views which will send you to painful rebirths. Following with the knowing is getting the magga.
The reason saṁsāra was long for us was never had been followed dukkha sacca with knowledge before. Without it, Dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti—the whole mass of suffering arises. With knowledge; Dukkhakkhandhassa nirodho hoti—the whole mass of dukkha ceases. So, I remind you, always follow with knowing. Asaṅkhata dhamma (unconditioned phenomenon) is Nibbāna.
The way to it is vipassanā. The reason we were wandering in saṁsāra was without vipassanā before. (Continued to talk on cittānupassanā) If seeing the arising mind, contemplate it. If you can’t catch it, then contemplate at feeling.
Again if you can’t, then contemplate on craving. Whatever mind arises from the six senses door, you have to contemplate. If you can’t, it will mix up with the I‐ness. For example, when itching mind arises and becomes I am itchy. It becomes identity view (sakkāya diṭṭhi). (Continued the story of Anurādha) About the question: Is a being still becoming after dying? Death is dying consciousness and birth is rebirth‐linking consciousness (paṭisandhi viññāṇa). There is no being in it. It’s dukkha sacca at the beginning; also in the middle and at the end dukkha sacca. There is no being for dying and becoming. This kind of question the Buddha never answered because it was asking with wrong view. No need to answer for it. In that way wrong view is falling away.
Wrong views fall away by knowledge is cūḷa‐sotāpanna. Have the same right view as sotāpanna). It’s not falling away by contemplation. It is easy to get the Path and Fruition Knowledge after falling away by knowledge with contemplation.
One of the unwholesome roots is falling apart if wrong view is destroyed. Anurādha himself didn’t know how to exactly answer the real meaning of the question, he himself had wrong view and doubt.
(In the beginning of the talk) You should do the vipassanā contemplation only after dispelling wrong view by knowledge; because vipassanā contemplation is working with the paramattha dhamma (ultimate phenomena).
Everything arise from the six senses doors of mind and body process; neither person nor living being exists. For example, from the eye door eye consciousness arises, good or bad feeling, like or dislike taṇhā, etc. … no phenomenon has any person or living being. Person or being is only exists in speech and not in reality.
(continued the Anurādha’s story) The Buddha answered to his questions posed by other sect, and first cleared away his wrong view and doubt. With regarding to the five khandhas, using the three universal characteristics and explained to him in the Q and A forms. Whatever arising from the khandhas; all are anicca, dukkha and anatta dhammas and including neither person nor living being.
If wrong view and doubt are not destroyed whatever rebirth is taken, the seed of hell will follow behind as latent tendency. Even reach toward the celestial and Brahma god realms the seed of hell follows together there. In everyday life people are looking after their bodily needs, it seems to have compassion for them themselves.
You must destroy wrong view and doubt if you really have pity on yourself. Without the seed of hell falls off, you have to carry your burdened khandha as chicken, pig and cow. Becoming a horse is better than a pig because you have to work with your shoulder and back (toiling for human); as a pig serving with your flesh (eaten by human). In hell, it’s worse than a pig; suffering alive in hell and not being able to die. Pig dies only once but the hell being dies instantly and is born instantly. It continues until the kammas are finished. (The last part of the talk had strong saṁvega)
The duty of the Buddha and sāvakas were explained about the khandha and its process. The duty of the Buddha was teaching people about the way of practice and how to do it. Your responsibility is practicing to end dukkha.
Talking about how to do it, I have to point out the process of the khandha—D. A. process. You can cut it if you want; otherwise, also up to you if you don’t want; then just stay with dukkha. Dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti—the whole mass of suffering will arise. You have to do the practice from the vipassanā knowledge to the Path Knowledge.
Even by practice if you can’t cut it off in this life, and in next life you’ll sure about it. I can give you the guarantee. Why? Because near the end of his life the Buddha told about this to Subhadda (see the Mahāparinibbāna Sutta, DN 16). But you have to practice without fail. Don’t doubt about it.
It’s like the example of building fire by rubbing the bamboos. To become hot is our duty. The fire to come out is dhamma duty. It becomes hot fire will come out. With contemplation and seeing impermanence, wrong view of permanence can’t arise. By killing diṭṭhi taṇhā, upādāna and kamma, and no future birth will come into existence. Without the cause of taṇhā, upādāna and kamma the future result of birth can’t arise. Saccanulomika Ñāṇa—knowledge according to the truth is the knowledge of seeing impermanence.
Impermanence is dukkha sacca and knowing is ñāṇa. Therefore this is the knowledge, in accordance with the truth. Whatever arises in the khandhas contemplate as dukkha arises and dukkha passes away.
Knowing them is saccanulomika ñāṇa. After that continue the contemplation until become disenchantment and the ending of it. The ending of dukkha is Nibbāna.
13th to 15th February 1961
[The following talks were based on Channa Sutta, Saṃyutta Nikāya. It mentioned about important of right view, and the teacher. In most of Sayadaw’s teachings, he emphasized on right view and corrected people wrong views by using D. A. teaching and other suññatā dhammas.
Wrong views are very deep rooted in the mind of living beings up to the Brahma gods. In the four stages of enlightenment, the first one is destroyed wrong views. Even the Buddha referred to it as mahā taṇhā—the great craving. It was so deep rooted in living beings mind that during the Buddha’s time even some monks near the Buddha had wrong views, e.g., Channa, Anurādha, and Yamaka.
May be this was one of the reasons some later Buddhists formulated new ideas and thinkings into his teaching and caught up again in wrong view. In the Brahmajāla Sutta, Dīgha Nikāya, the Buddha mentioned 62 grounds for formulation of wrong views (DN 1).
He revealed that direct meditative experiences were the most frequent cause for formulating a view, while speculative thoughts assumed only subordinate roles. Forty‐nine instances appear to be based purely or at least in part on meditative experiences and again only 13 instances based on purely reasoning]
See Nibbāna with Wrong View
13th to 15th
February 1961
[以下的講座內容基於《真那經》(Channa Sutta),摘自《相應部經典》(Saṃyutta Nikāya)。經文強調了正見及善知識的重要性。在大多數尊者的教導中,他都特別強調正見,並透過緣起(D. A.)的教導以及其他空性法門,來糾正眾生根深蒂固的邪見。
邪見深深植根於眾生心中,直至梵天界也不例外。在四果的修行次第中,初果須陀洹的證悟即是斷除邪見。佛陀甚至將邪見稱為大貪(mahā taṇhā)——這種錯誤執著根深蒂固。
在《梵網經》(Brahmajāla Sutta,《長部經典》第一經)中,佛陀提及了62種邪見的基礎(DN 1)。佛陀揭示,直接的禪修經驗是形成見解的最常見根源,而純粹的推測性思維只佔次要地位。62種邪見中,有49種完全或部分基於禪修經驗,而只有13種完全基於純粹的理性推論。]
錯誤的觀點深深植根於眾生的心中,甚至深入到梵天。在四聖諦中,第一個就是斷除錯誤的觀點。佛陀甚至將其稱為「大貪」(mahā taṇhā)。它深深植根於眾生的心中,以至於在佛陀時代,甚至有一些接近佛陀的僧侶也有錯誤的觀點,例如迦那、阿那律陀、耶摩迦。
這可能是後來一些佛教徒將新的觀念和思想融入佛陀的教義,並再次陷入錯誤觀點的原因之一。在《長阿含經》的《梵網經》中,佛陀提到了62種形成錯誤觀點的基礎(DN 1)。
[In the beginning Sayadaw made a very strong emphasis on right view before vipassanā practice. He said it couldn’t realize Nibbāna to practice vipassanā without understanding D. A. because the views of eternalism and annihitionism prevent it to realize Nibbāna, even the yogi can discern anicca. It becomes weak insight.
So, here Sayadaw presented this Channa Sutta. There were also other suttas supported this point, e.g., Anurādha Sutta and Yamaka Sutta. Sayadaw said Channa was born at the same day as the Bodhisatta and sent him for the renunciation.
After the Bodhisatta became a Buddha he went to see him and ordained. So maybe he was practicing for more than 30 years after the Buddha passed away. At that time he was still a worldling. Why didn’t the Buddha help him?
Maybe Channa was not the person he could help directly. Later Ānanda helped him. Another possible reason was when the Buddha was alive he was still immature for the realization.
Sayadaw said everyone should follow the process taught by the Buddha. Looking for a teacher, listening to the sacca dhamma etc. as mentioned in the Aṅguttara Nikāya. Also in practice the Buddha mentioned about the three knowledge for many times. These are sacca ñāṇa, kicca ñāṇa and kata ñāṇa (see the first sermon).
According to the commentary, these are ñāta pariññā, tīrāṇa pariññā and pahāna pariññā—knowledge, practice and realization. Without a teacher’s guidance everyone has wrong views. A person with sassata view likes to make merits and avoid demerits; wanting to hide in saṁsāra for his good deeds to enjoy it. He doesn’t like it if he has a chance to meet a teacher who can guide him for transcending dukkha. But a person with uccheda view is the opposite. He gives up his views and practices diligently for the ending of dukkha if he meets a good teacher. ]
Sassata and uccheda views are arising because of not understanding the D. A. of the khandha. Sassata is for the increasing of bones and skeletons. Uccheda is for the increasing of hells. The middle way is the path factors. After dispelling wrong view with knowledge, and you are in the middle way.
The Buddha said that couldn’t find the beginning of a living being but knew the beginning of it causes. It was ignorance and craving. If you discern the arising of phenomena uccheda falls away. And discern the passing away sassata falls away. When the cause ceases so do the result and sassata falls away. For example, phassa (contact) arises, so vedanā (feeling) arises, and phassa ceases so vedanā ceases. After clear away wrong views and practice it’s sure to get the result. (He told the Channa’s story) Channa practiced with wrong view so that he couldn’t realized Nibbāna even he discerned impermanence.
T1: 正見與修行的基礎
[一開始,尊者強調在進行內觀修行前,正見的重要性。他提到,如果不理解緣起法(Dependent Arising, D.A.),即使修行者能觀察到無常,也無法證得涅槃,因為**常見(eternalism)與斷見(annihilationism)**會阻礙涅槃的實現,使內觀變得薄弱。因此,尊者引用了《真那經》(Channa Sutta)來說明這一點,並指出還有其他經典支持此觀點,例如《阿努羅陀經》(Anurādha Sutta)與《耶摩迦經》(Yamaka Sutta)。
或許是因為真那當時的成熟度不足以接受佛陀的教導,直到後來由阿難尊者幫助他。尊者進一步指出,每個人都應遵循佛陀所教的修行次第,例如:尋找善知識、聆聽正法(sacca dhamma),這在《增支部經》(Aṅguttara Nikāya)中有提及。
此外,佛陀在多處經文中提到過三種智慧:真理知識(sacca ñāṇa)、實踐知識(kicca ñāṇa)與成果知識(kata ñāṇa),可見於《初轉法輪經》。根據註解,這三者分別為:認知的圓滿(ñāta pariññā)、審查的圓滿(tīrāṇa pariññā)與捨斷的圓滿(pahāna pariññā),即知識、修行與證悟。
沙彌陀尊者說,每個人都應該遵循佛陀所教導的過程。尋找一位善知識,聆聽真理法等,如《增支部》所述。 同樣,在修行中,佛陀多次提到三種智慧。這些是智知(sacca ñāṇa)、業知(kicca ñāṇa)和作知(kata ñāṇa)(見初轉法輪)。
根據註解,這些是知解(ñāta pariññā)、斷解(tīrāṇa pariññā)和證解(pahāna pariññā)——知識、修行和證悟。沒有善知識的指導,每個人都有錯誤的觀點。
Annihilationism (uccheda diṭṭhi) is the desire for the extinction of life without knowledge (ñāṇa). Buddhas had arisen before near the number of sand grains in the Ganges River. And we are still here leaving behind. The reason was in past lives we were in the states of clinging to life which was the view of eternalism. Sometime we met with wrong teachers and followed the way of annihilationism (uccheda). Mostly we followed the way of eternalism (sassata). Most Buddhists are eternalists (without a teacher’s help most Buddhists believe in the law of kamma and easily fall into eternalism.
We can’t separate with our khandhas and family members. And then for the desire of existence, we are performing merits with the knowledge of law of kamma (kammassakatā ñāṇa). (Sayadaw continued by using each one of the links of D. A. process to explain how to free oneself from sassata and uccheda views.)
For example, contact (phassa) conditions feeling (vedanā); phassa arises and passes away. Seeing the passing away free from sassata (view of permanence). After passing away; phassa has conditioned the arising of vedanā, then the view of annihilationism is falling away. After clearing away wrong views and contemplate become strong insight.
The insight knowledge is proximity condition (anantara paccayo) and the Path Knowledge is the result of the proximity condition (The Path knowledge is the result of the insight knowledge). Therefore after the insight knowledge, the Path Knowledge arises instantly. So Nibbāna is not far away and very near. (Sayadaw continued to talk Channa’s experience)
Even though he discerned anicca but he was not seeing the ending of it, or the ending of saṅkhata, or the cessation of taṇhā, which is Nibbāna. By Seeing impermanence and fear arose in him. Attachment to the khandha also appeared. Fear arose because of the nature of not‐self which had without any reliance. Without any reliance became fear. The attachment of what I had to rely on also arose in him.
The mind of fear and looking for refuge appeared together. These came about because of without clear away sassata and uccheda views before the vipassanā contemplation.
T2: 消除斷見與常見的修行
斷見(uccheda diṭṭhi)是指缺乏智慧(ñāṇa)而希望生命滅絕的錯誤觀念。佛陀曾說,過去有如恆河沙數的佛陀已經出現過,但我們依然在輪迴中徘徊。原因在於我們過去世曾執著於生命,抱持著常見(sassata diṭṭhi)。有時我們遇到錯誤的老師,誤入斷見的道路;但大多數時候,我們更容易陷入常見。
多數佛教徒因為相信業報法則(kammassakatā ñāṇa),在沒有善知識指導下,傾向於執著於常見。他們難以割捨對五蘊(khandha)和家人的執著,並因對存在的渴求而不斷行善積德,卻未能真正解脫。
尊者藉由緣起法(Dependent Arising, D.A.)的每一環節,說明如何脫離常見與斷見。
當錯見被清除後,內觀(vipassanā)的智慧逐漸增強,洞察的智慧(vipassanā ñāṇa)成為近行緣(anantara paccayo),隨後即能證得道智(magga ñāṇa)。因此,道智是內觀智慧的結果。當內觀成熟時,涅槃不再遙遠,反而近在眼前。
斷見(uccheda diṭṭhi)是在沒有智慧(ñāṇa)的情況下,渴望生命的滅盡。
我們無法與我們的五蘊和家人分離。然後,為了存在的渴望,我們以業報法則的知識(kammassakatā ñāṇa)來行善。
洞見智慧是近因(anantara paccayo),道智是近因的結果(道智是洞見智慧的結果)。因此,在洞見智慧之後,道智立即生起。所以涅槃並不遙遠,而是非常接近。(沙彌陀尊者繼續講述迦那的經歷)
[Diṭṭhi is more fearful than taṇhā. It’s the source of painful destinations (dugati). So, it’s more dangerous than taṇhā. In this talk Sayadaw explained the D. A. process from the six senses doors. In our normal life we always create kammas without knowingly and most of them are unwholesome.
Only by vipassanā practice we stop creating kammas. He also emphasized about we were alive with each mind moment. We are seeing our birth and death moment to moment by practice.
He mentioned Channa’s own experience. Channa said every time he contemplated anicca, dukkha and anatta never experience Nibbāna. Instead fear arose and what had to be relied on? Commentary explained that he had sassata view and by seeing anicca became in fear and looked for refuge]
Between diṭṭhi and taṇhā, wrong view is more fearful than craving because wrong view always send beings to the planes of misery. There are also taṇhā not send beings to the planes of misery. Taṇhā always follow behind diṭṭhi.
Wrong view is the rope binder and taṇhā is the floater. If you binds a person hands and feet with a rope and floating down in a river and even this man encounter river banks it becomes hopeless for him.
With this example, wrong view is more fearful than craving is quite evident (The Buddha was very skillful in using language and similes to teach living beings. There are a lot of things and dhamma for contemplation on wrong views and to penetrate its evils).
Whatever arises from the six senses doors and can’t contemplate with insight will connect with craving, clinging and kamma. You will not connect with it if you can contemplate. Therefore without any contemplation no way can rise up from the planes of misery.
(Remember the warning of the Buddha as planes of misery were the permanent homes of living beings).
The Dhamma cutting off kammas are only insight and supramundane knowledge. Insight knowledge (vipassanā magga) is has to be developed (bhāvetabba). Insight knowledge is like collecting the rubbish and supramundane knowledge burning the rubbish. A man life span is only one mind life.
If the next mind is not arising, then he is dead. Because you are alive with taṇhā, upādāna and kamma and it will lead to dukkha. (Sayadaw continued Chana’s story) He had seen impermanence but Nibbāna not appeared. It happened because of without dispelling diṭṭhi beforehand for the insight practice.
T3: 錯見比貪愛更可怕
尊者提到了真那比丘的經歷。他提到,每當真那比丘觀照無常(anicca)、苦(dukkha)和無我(anatta)時,從未體驗過涅槃(Nibbāna),反而心生恐懼,並尋求依靠。註釋中指出,這是因為他抱持常見(sassata diṭṭhi)。當他見到無常時,內心感到恐懼,並尋求庇護。]**
唯有內觀智慧(vipassanā magga)與出世間智慧(lokuttara magga),才能切斷業的連鎖。
斷除業的只有洞見和勝義智。洞見智(vipassanā magga)必須發展(bhāvetabba)。洞見智就像收集垃圾,而勝義智就像焚燒垃圾。一個人的生命只有一心念的生命。
5th to 6th March 1961
By listening Dhamma talk, ñāṇa must turn towards the khandha. The khandha will tell you about impermanence, suffering and not‐self and truth of dukkha (anicca, dukkha, anatta and dukkha sacca). Don’t believe in what others say. Just believe in what the khandha will tell you. Stare at it and see what it has to tell you.
Ehi passiko—the khandha is calling at you to come and contemplate for moment to moment. You must follow it with ñāṇa. The calling is anicca and the following is ñāṇa. And you’ll know your khandha very well. For feeling, for example, body itching is calling at you. You go and look at it and it disappears. Minds are calling at you. Follow with sandiṭṭhiko and seeing that it’s not there. Don’t follow with lobha, dosa and moha (greed, anger and delusion). For example, the body is itching. It’s too itchy and you go with the hand. This is going with anger. Is there any time the khandha is not calling at you? I am only worrying that you are not following with ñāṇa. By going with ñāṇa and become akāliko—giving the result without delay.
Greed, anger and delusion—cease to arise. So no future khandha arises. Dhamma which are leading to the painful rebirths are not arising is akāliko.
Ehi passiko is calling and must follow with sandiṭṭhiko will close the doors to painful existence. Don’t follow with craving and anger. Also don’t forget it with delusion (These talks were based on the Susīma Sutta, SN.12. 70 Susimasuttaṃ). Is there any samatha practice including here? I had already told you about this yesterday.
This case also supported by the Buddha. Commentary also explained it. For example, at night bed bug bites you and follow with your hand. Vedanā is calling at you that your hand going there. It continues to taṇhā, upādāna and kamma because you follow with taṇhā. Whatever calling at you is anicca and every following is magga. Combining the process, it becomes object for contemplation, contemplating mind and the result.
You have to practice hard in this way. Samatha is including as samādhi and a necessary factor follows behind it. For an example, taking water is including the cup. Here water is like paññā and the cup is samādhi. The process of contemplation is anicca, magga and akāliko (the result). The Buddha and all ariyas finished their practices in this way.
If you do it now and it is sure to give you the result now—akāliko! There is no time that the Dhamma is not calling at you. There are only time you are not following it. The reason you missed each Buddha in the past was ehi passiko calling you and not following with sandiṭṭhiko.
It was not important, whether you missed the Buddha, but it is important to not miss the Dhamma. If you don’t follow the Dhamma then you are building hell fire and hell woks from here. Don’t take it as I am frightening you.
For example, Upāsaka Nandiya's wholesome merits from the human world caused celestial mansions appearing in the heaven even before his death.
(This episode came from Mahā Moggallāna during his visit to heaven and saw these mansions (DhA. iii. 290ff). We can also discover some of the points and factors concerning with kamma and rebirth by research and contemplation with some of the sutta stories in the Nikāya). You have to extinguish the hell fire with magga from here (Here Sayadaw’s talk was humorous and with saṁvega) Aging and death are always following behind you. So do the practice quickly.
(continued the Susīma Sutta) The arahants' answer to Susīma’s question was that, they became arahants without jhāna practice. According to the commentary it was called dry insight, and freed from defilements by wisdom.
(Some Buddhists, mostly in the west, reject dry insight because they think it is impossible for realization without any jhāna. This comes from misunderstanding and misjudgments on the Theravadin Texts, both Nikāyas and Commentaries.
For example, some Buddhists thought that in the Buddha’s time someone became an anāgāmin or arahant directly without going through the lower two or three stages by listening talks. Even the Bodhisatta couldn’t do it.
Mundane jhānas can’t destroy the fetters. Only supramundane jhānas can do it. Without any jhāna can’t enter into the fruition state after the realization. We need to count the yogis’ direct experiences also)
透過聆聽佛法,智慧(ñāṇa)必須轉向五蘊。五蘊將告訴你關於無常(anicca)、苦(dukkha)、無我(anatta)以及苦聖諦(dukkha sacca)的真相。不要相信別人所說的話,只需相信五蘊告訴你的真相。注視它,看看它有什麼要告訴你。
「Ehi passiko」——五蘊正在呼喚你,邀請你每一刻都去觀照。你必須用智慧(ñāṇa)跟隨它。這種呼喚是無常,跟隨則是智慧。通過這樣,你將清楚認識自己的五蘊。例如,當身體發癢時,這是五蘊在呼喚你。你去觀察它,然後它消失了。心念也在呼喚你。用「sandiṭṭhiko」去跟隨,觀察它不再存在。不要隨著貪(lobha)、嗔(dosa)、癡(moha)行動。例如,當身體發癢時,如果你用手去抓,那就是隨著嗔行動。是否有任何時刻五蘊沒有在呼喚你?我唯一擔心的是你未能用智慧(ñāṇa)跟隨它。通過智慧的跟隨,你將達到「akāliko」——即刻產生果報。
**呼喚是「ehi passiko」,你必須用「sandiṭṭhiko」跟隨,這樣才能關閉通往痛苦存在的大門。**不要隨著貪與嗔行動,也不要因癡而忽略它。(此段內容基於《Susīma經》,《相應部12.70 Susīmasuttaṃ》。)
(此故事來自大目犍連尊者於天界的探訪,並見到這些宮殿的記載(《法句經註解》DhA. iii. 290ff)。我們亦可通過研究與內觀,從《尼柯耶》中的經文故事中發現與業及輪迴有關的要點與因素)。你必須在此處用道(magga)熄滅地獄之火。(此處說法幽默且充滿警醒)。老病死如影隨形,務必迅速修行。
世間禪定(mundane jhānas)無法摧毀煩惱結,而只有出世間禪定(supramundane jhānas)能做到。若未經禪定,則無法於證悟後進入果定。我們亦需考慮禪修者的直接體驗。
透過聆聽佛法,智慧(ñāṇa)必須轉向五蘊,因為五蘊會告訴你無常(anicca)、苦(dukkha)、無我(anatta)及苦聖諦(dukkha sacca)。不要相信他人所說的話,只需相信五蘊告訴你的真相。直視它,看看它會告訴你什麼。
「Ehi passiko」——五蘊正在呼喚你,邀請你每一刻都去觀照。你必須用智慧(ñāṇa)跟隨它。呼喚是無常,跟隨則是智慧,這樣你就能完全認識自己的五蘊。例如,當身體癢的時候,它在呼喚你,你觀察它,然後它消失了。當心念出現時,五蘊也在呼喚你。用「sandiṭṭhiko」跟隨,觀察它不再存在。不要隨著貪(lobha)、嗔(dosa)、癡(moha)而行動。例如,當身體癢時,若因癢而用手抓挠,那就是隨嗔而行。五蘊是否有任何時刻不在呼喚你?我只擔心你未用智慧跟隨它。
**呼喚是「ehi passiko」,必須用「sandiṭṭhiko」跟隨,才能關閉通往痛苦重生的大門。**不要隨貪、嗔而行動,也不要因癡而遺忘它。
(此段內容基於《Susīma經》,《相應部12.70 Susīmasuttaṃ》。)
根據《Susīma經》,阿羅漢回答蘇西瑪的問題時提到,他們不需修禪定(jhāna)即可成為阿羅漢。註釋中稱此為「乾慧解脫」,即以智慧擺脫煩惱。這種解脫方式在佛教中受到爭議,但佛陀時代和經典中有不少相關記載。內觀智慧(vipassanā magga)是過程,而道智(supramundane jhānas)則是果。即使沒有世間禪定的修習,也可經由內觀智慧達到解脫。
透過聆聽法語,智慧(ñāṇa)必須轉向五蘊。五蘊將告訴你無常、苦、無我以及苦諦(anicca, dukkha, anatta and dukkha sacca)。不要相信他人所說的話。只要相信五蘊告訴你的話。凝視它,看看它要告訴你什麼。
Ehi passiko——五蘊正在呼喚你,請過來觀想每一刻。你必須以智慧來追隨它。呼喚是無常,追隨是智慧。你將非常了解你的五蘊。例如,對於感受,身體的癢在呼喚你。你去看看它,它就消失了。心識在呼喚你。以當下知見(sandiṭṭhiko)來追隨,並看到它不存在。不要以貪、瞋、癡(lobha, dosa, moha)來追隨。例如,身體發癢。它太癢了,你就用手去抓。這是以瞋恚來追隨。
Ehi passiko在呼喚,必須以sandiṭṭhiko來追隨,將關閉痛苦存在的門。不要以貪欲和瞋恚來追隨。也不要以迷惑(delusion)來忘記它(這些法語基於《中阿含經》第12卷第70經《須悉摩經》)。
如果你現在就做,它一定會立即給你結果——akāliko!沒有法不呼喚你的時候。只有你沒有追隨它的時候。你錯過過去的每一位佛陀的原因是,Ehi passiko在呼喚你,而你沒有以sandiṭṭhiko來追隨。
例如,優波灑迦難底(Upāsaka Nandiya)在人間的善業,甚至在他死前就導致了天上的天宮出現。
(這個片段來自大目犍連尊者在天界訪問時看到了這些天宮(《雜阿含經》iii. 290ff)。我們還可以通過研究和觀想《尼柯耶》中的一些經文故事,發現一些與業和投生有關的要點和因素。)你必須從這裡用道來熄滅地獄之火(這裡沙彌陀尊者的談話充滿幽默和警覺)
The five path factors (here two wisdom and three samādhi factors) must go toward the five khandhas. The five khandhas arise before and the five path factors later. Why it’s this way? It can’t happen together simultaneously. Right view (sammā‐diṭṭhi) means seeing the khandha as it really is. Right thought (sammā‐saṅkappa) means helping to see it as really is. They are like the eyes and glasses. Both of them are leading the process and three samādhi factors following with them. They include as necessary factors.
The real seeing is the two wisdom factors. (He continued Susīma’s story). Not including jhāna and only access concentration (upacāra samādhi) is necessary in this process.
Paññāmattaneva—Only with wisdom, vimutta—to liberation. I ask you to contemplate with these arahants’ way (the arahants in the sutta).
I’ll tell you how they realized the Dhamma. ① is Dhammānu and ② is dhammappaṭipatti. You will realize the Dhamma if you can practice in accordance with ① and ② .
This is the practice I give you now. In this way you’ll take away your hell fire and wok. You are in with the matters of sons, daughters and businesses that muddle with unwholesome dhammas. But you don’t have the practice of in accordance with the Dhamma to offer (to the three gems and teacher).
Khandha dhamma and magga dhamma must be in accordance with the Dhamma. For example, a feeling arises and you observe it and not there. It is passing away and you see the passing away. This is right knowing. You don’t see man or woman.
This dhamma process and this knowing are in accordance with the Dhamma. This point is very important. One might become a stream enterer in the evening by practicing from the morning if kilesa does not come in among the contemplation.
Let ① the existence of passing away and ② the knowing of passing away are in accordingly. This is Dhammānu‐dhammappaṭipatti—practice in accordance with the Dhamma. Another example is the mind of hungry to eat something arises. You contemplate it with the next mind. The hungry mind is anicca and contemplation is magga.
This is Dhammānu‐dhammappaṭipatti. Saṁsāra is long for all of us because these two dhammas are not in accordance with the Dhamma. You will be hopeless next time if you can’t make it accordingly this time because in the later period of the Buddha’s Sāsana, the mind of human beings will become much defiled. You will die HAPPILY if you can practice this one.
真正的觀察即是這兩種智慧支。(接著他談到了蘇西瑪的故事)。這個過程中不包含禪那(jhāna),只需接近定(upacāra samādhi)即可。
真正的看見是兩個智慧因素。(他繼續講述須悉摩的故事。)在這個過程中,不需要禪那,只需要入定(upacāra samādhi)。
我將告訴你他們是如何證得法義的。① 是法(Dhammānu)和 ② 是法行(dhammappaṭipatti)。如果你能按照① 和 ② 來修行,你將證得法義。
讓① 滅去的存在和 ② 對滅去的知見相符合。這就是Dhammānu‐dhammappaṭipatti——按照法來修行。另一個例子是渴望吃東西的心識生起。你以下一個心識來觀想它。渴望的心識是無常,觀想是道。
10th March 1961
Why are we suffering so many kinds of dukkha? We have to remember about the four factors. ① On bad soil, ② we plant the bad seed, ③ pouring bad water, ④ and it grows out a tree with bad fruits.
The soil of unwise attention (ayoniso‐manasikāra): For many lives we had the unwise attention of man, celestial being and Brahma god, and the mind and body were never appearing as the truth of dukkha. We had planted the ignorance (avijjā) seed. With unwise attention, ignorance follows behind it. Ignorance has the cause. It’s unwise attention.
It was said that the beginning of living being was ignorance. Also we must answer as the beginning of ignorance is unwise attention (ayoniso → avijjā). By pouring the taṇhā water—attachment to things as sons, daughters, etc., we didn’t know the reality and attached to them. And a bad khandha tree grows out.
This is the truth of dukkha arises. Ayoniso → avijjā → taṇhā → khandha. From a bad tree, it bears out bad fruits. These are dukkha fruits—aging, sickness, death sorrow, lamentation; etc. Many kinds of dukkha come out. Dukkha fruits fall on the soil and dukkha trees and fruits will continue.
This is the round of existence (saṁsāra). We have to make corrections starting from the soil; making it from unwise attention to wise attention. The process will be: yoniso (wise attention) → vijja (knowledge) → alobha (non‐greed) → sukha sacca (truth of happiness—i.e., Nibbāna). Not wanting the khandha (dukkha) is Path Knowledge.
We have to destroy the root of ignorance. This teaching came from the Aṅguttara Nikāya. Wise attention is the most important one. We talk ignorance and craving (avijjā and taṇhā) as the source before. Now we know the source earlier than ignorance. In the whole saṁsāra we were living with the big burdened load. And after death continue to birth (jāti) and will never end.
If we make prayers for the khandhas, then we are praying for becoming a coolie. (like coolies carrying heavy loads). Let us do the wise attention. Let us practice to know the khandha process.
The contact of the mind base sensitivity (hadaya vatthu) and mind object (dhammāramaṇa) condition for a thought to arise. The five khandhas are arising together. It’s neither a person nor a being. After the thought passing away the mind of pleasure arises. After that clinging mind and kamma (bodily or verbal action) arises, etc. …
All the ultimate phenomena (paramattha dhamma) are continuing arising. These are D. A. dhammas. Therefore whenever you contemplate, this dhamma passing away and that dhamma arising, etc. … (Sayadaw continued Anurādha) Anurādha had doubt (vicikicchā). Is there any being? After the being dies go to Nibbāna? (These were his doubts). Before, he was practising without wrong view and doubt fell away that, even staying near to the Buddha couldn’t realize Nibbāna.
據說,眾生的起始是無明。同樣地,我們也必須回答,無明的起始是不善巧作意(ayoniso → avijjā)。澆灌貪愛(taṇhā)的水,例如對兒子、女兒等的執著,我們因不明真相而依戀它們。結果長出一棵惡的五蘊之樹。
→ 無明 → 貪愛 →
→ 智慧(vijjā)
→ 無貪(alobha)
→ 幸福之真理(sukha
我們需要根除無明的根源。這教導源自《增支部》。善巧作意是最重要的一點。我們曾將無明與貪愛(avijjā 和 taṇhā)視為根源,如今我們知道了在無明之前的根源。在整個輪迴中,我們一直背負著沉重的負擔,死亡之後又繼續投生(jāti),無窮無盡。
**心基(hadaya vatthu)與法塵(dhammārammaṇa)**的接觸,成為心念生起的緣。五蘊一同生起。這既不是個人,也不是眾生。念頭消失後,樂受(pleasure)之心生起,隨後是執著的心與業(身口的行為),等等……
一切究竟法(paramattha dhamma)持續地生滅,這些都是緣起法(D. A. dhammas)。因此,無論何時觀照,便能看見這法滅去,那法生起,依此類推……
為什麼我們要承受這麼多種苦?我們必須記住四個因素。① 在不良的土壤上,② 我們種下壞種子,③ 澆灌壞水,④ 長出一棵結壞果的樹。
據說眾生的開始是無明。我們也必須回答,無明的開始是不善思惟(ayoniso → avijjā)。透過澆灌貪欲(taṇhā)之水——執著於事物,如兒子、女兒等,我們不知道真實性,並執著於它們。一棵壞的五蘊之樹長出來了。
這就是苦諦的生起。Ayoniso → avijjā → taṇhā → khandha。從一棵壞樹上,它結出壞果。這些是苦果——老、病、死、憂、悲等。各種各樣的苦都出現了。苦果落在土壤上,苦樹和苦果將繼續存在。
我們必須從土壤開始進行修正;從不善思惟變成善思惟。這個過程將是:yoniso(善思惟)→ vijja(知識)→ alobha(不貪)→ sukha sacca(幸福的真理——即涅槃)。不想要五蘊(苦)就是道智。
善思惟是最重要的。我們之前說過無明和貪欲(avijjā and taṇhā)是源頭。現在我們知道比無明更早的源頭。在整個輪迴中,我們都背負著沉重的負擔生活著。死後繼續出生(jāti),永無止境。
心基(hadaya vatthu)和心對象(dhammāramaṇa)的接觸,條件促使一個念頭生起。五蘊一起生起。它既不是人也不是眾生。念頭滅去後,快樂的心生起。在那之後,執著的心和業(身業或口業)生起,等等……
所有究竟法(paramattha dhamma)都在不斷生起。這些是集起法。因此,無論何時你觀想,這個法滅去,那個法生起,等等……(沙彌陀尊者繼續講述阿那律陀的故事)阿那律陀有疑(vicikicchā)。有眾生嗎?眾生死後會去涅槃嗎?(這些是他的疑惑)。以前,他在沒有錯誤觀點的情況下修行,疑慮消失了,即使住在佛陀身邊也無法證得涅槃。
11th March 1961
Fire element (tejo) increases the material form (rūpa). It also makes the material form to stop function. We were dying under the hands of fire element for many lives. Therefore in some of the Buddha’s teachings it mentioned that no fire element in Nibbāna.
Examine your body and it’s warm. It’s fire element and waiting to kill you. King of the Death already exists in the khandha. Who was putting you into the prison of your mother’s womb?
It’s craving (taṇhā). Taṇhā is a good preacher. By its teaching you created kamma and got the resultant khandha (vipāka vaṭṭa khandha). Therefore birth is the truth of dukkha. If you are not free from taṇhā and can’t escape from put into a prison. After coming out from the prison you are beaten by the fire element. And become aging, sickness and death.
Because of the fire element don’t have the chance of happiness. It’s terrible. Every day you have to request aging and sickness with foods and drinks. In this way to have a human life is without the dignity. For sickness you have to request with medicines. For King of the Death you can’t do anything for him. You have to go into the coffin. You have to feel your body very often (for fire element).
And then remind yourself that King of the Death is in the khandha and practice hard (Here Sayadaw’s talk was humorous). In this talk, I am asking you to feel your body and look for liberation. You handle it with mindfulness practice (satipaṭṭhāna). There are two ways you can choose from the king of the Death: the way to death and the way of liberation. But you all are enthusiastically following the way of death.
(continued Susīma’s story). Of the five khandhas, whatever arises, follow the impermanence. When impermanence is ending, the khandha is also disappearing. With khandha disappears and King of the Death also disappears.
Without King of the Death is Nibbāna. Therefore going to a place free from the King of the Death is the way of the path factors (maggaṅga). In the eight path factors, samādhi path factor does not include as a jhāna but including as access concentration (upacāra samādhi); and arising and passing away together. It does not include as absorption jhāna (appanājhāna) but including as vipassanā jhāna or lakkhaṇūpanijjhāna which is discerning the three universal characteristics. (anicca, dukkha and anatta, this explanation was from the commentary)
是渴愛(taṇhā)。渴愛是一位高明的說教者。由於它的教導,你創造了業,並獲得了相應的果報身(vipāka vaṭṭa khandha)。因此,生即是苦諦。如果你未能擺脫渴愛,就無法逃離被投入囚籠的命運。從囚籠出來後,你又會被火元素擊打,進而變老、生病、死亡。
沒有死亡之王的地方就是涅槃。因此,前往沒有死亡之王的地方,就是修行八正道(maggaṅga)的道路。在八正道中,正定(samādhi)並不包括禪那(jhāna),而是包含近行定(upacāra samādhi);即生滅同時發生。它並不包括吸收定(appanājhāna),而是包括觀禪(vipassanā jhāna)或三相禪(lakkhaṇūpanijjhāna),即分辨三法印(無常、苦、無我)。(這一解釋來自註釋書)
是貪欲(taṇhā)。貪欲是一位很好的說教者。通過它的教導,你創造了業,並得到了結果的五蘊(vipāka vaṭṭa khandha)。因此,出生是苦諦。如果你沒有擺脫貪欲,就無法逃離被投入監獄。從監獄出來後,你被火大擊打。並成為衰老、疾病和死亡。
沒有死亡之王就是涅槃。因此,前往沒有死亡之王的處所就是道支(maggaṅga)之路。在八正道中,定道支不包括禪那,而包括入定(upacāra samādhi);生起和滅去同時發生。它不包括吸收禪那(appanājhāna),而是包括觀想禪那(vipassanā jhāna)或勝義念處(lakkhaṇūpanijjhāna),即辨別三法印(無常、苦、無我)。(這個解釋來自註解))
12th to 13th March 1961
[The first talk was based on Susīma Sutta (SN.12.70 Susimasuttaṃ) and the second on Acela Kassapa Sutta (SN 12. 17, Acelakassapasuttaṃ).]
The Buddha was not acknowledged himself as a Buddha before he had still not known the truth. Only after realizing the truth, he was acknowledged as a Buddha. If you discern the impermanence of feeling, mind, etc. then you know the truth. Vipariṇāma lakkhaṇa dukkha saccaṁ—the characteristic of change is the truth of dukkha.
The changing of one’s own nature is truth of dukkha. Form changes the nature of form, feeling changes the nature of feeling, mind changes the nature of mind, etc. It is knowing in accordance with the truth—Saccanulomika Ñāṇa by discerning impermanence.
Impermanence is truth of dukkha. You will see the truth of the cessation of dukkha (i.e., Nibbāna or Nirodha Sacca) when all the impermanence of dukkha come to an end. So, try hard to discern impermanence. You get the knowledge of the truth if you discern the impermanence of any one of the five khandhas because impermanence is a truth.
For example, your back is itchy because it contacts with an object and becomes itchy. Contact is phassa and itchy is feeling. Phassa pacaya vedanā—contact conditions feeling. What is happening to the feeling? And you observe it and it’s passing away. You see it as not exists there and the knowing of it.
This is anicca. You'll be free from greed if you see anicca. Anicca is death. And death is dukkha. So, you also see dukkha if you see anicca. You'll be free from hatred (dosa) if you see dukkha. (It seems this point is very important in worldly matters for peace, harmony and happiness. Only by understanding dukkha, one can develop true wisdom, compassion and love.)
By seeing anicca D. A. is cutting off from the middle. And seeing dukkha is cutting off from the end (see the 12 links). You see it only one point. (Here the meaning is seeing impermanence only one point, but ñāṇa function in different ways). Can’t control the impermanence of feeling is not‐self (anatta).
By knowing the reality is free from delusion (moha). Discerning of anatta clears away moha. Only by discerning the three universal characteristics can dispel greed, hatred and delusion.
Dukkha will continue if D. A. continues. D. A. does not continue and dukkha will cease. From the air of electric fan pleasant feeling arises. Without it unpleasant feeling arises. Feeling is non‐stop arising. The magga will follow behind if you can see the cessation of feeling.
You can fulfill three functions by discerning anicca. First samudaya cease and after dukkha ceases because feeling does not connects with craving and samudaya ceases (i.e., craving). Feeling does not connects with kamma (action) and no khandha arises (i.e., dukkha ceases).
So, don’t live your life as usual. If you do it three types of D. A. will come to you. Because of greed, hatred, and delusion, you’ll receive respectively the births of peta (ghosts), hell beings and animals. It’s frightening. Let us finish Susīma’s story (continued Susīma). Insight knowledge are like collecting the rubbish together.
Path Knowledge is like burning the rubbish. Susīma became arahant was including with the lakkhaṇūpanijjhāna (concentration power which can discern the three universal characteristics, but not including the ārammaṇika jhāna which referred to absorption jhāna)
(第一次講座基於《蘇西摩經》(SN.12.70 Susimasuttaṃ),第二次基於《赤裸迦葉經》(SN.12.17 Acelakassapasuttaṃ)。)
佛陀在尚未了解真理之前,並未自認為是佛陀。只有在覺悟真理後,他才被承認為佛陀。如果你能洞察感受、心等的無常,那麼你就能認識真理。變異相是苦諦(Vipariṇāma lakkhaṇa dukkha saccaṁ)——變化的特徵即是苦的真理。
自身本性的改變就是苦的真理。色改變了色的本性,受改變了受的本性,心改變了心的本性,依此類推。通過洞察無常而知曉真相,這被稱為隨順真理智(Saccanulomika Ñāṇa)。
無常即是苦的真理。當所有苦的無常結束時,你將看到苦滅的真理(即涅槃或苦滅諦 Nirodha Sacca)。因此,努力去洞察無常吧。如果你能洞察五蘊之一的無常,就能獲得真理的智慧,因為無常即是真理。
例如,當你的背部因接觸某物而感到癢時,這種接觸稱為觸(phassa),而癢則是受(vedanā)。觸緣生受(Phassa pacaya vedanā)。這時,觀察這種受,它正在消逝,你會發現它不再存在,並對此有所知覺。
看見無常可以從中斷結構(D. A.)的中間切斷它,而看見苦可以從末端切斷它(參見十二緣起)。無常只能在一個點上被看見(此處的意思是,無常只能在一點上被看見,但智慧的功能卻以不同方式運作)。無法控制感受的無常就是無我(anatta)。
只要緣起結構(D. A.)持續,苦也將持續。若緣起結構停止,苦也將終止。電扇的風讓人產生舒適的感覺,沒有風時則感到不適。感受是不斷生起的。如果你能看到感受的滅,則道(magga)將隨之而來。
道智(Path Knowledge)就如同焚燒垃圾。蘇西摩成為阿羅漢時,具備的是觀禪(lakkhaṇūpanijjhāna)(能洞察三法印的定力,但不包含吸收定 ārammaṇika jhāna,這裡指的是禪那吸收定)。
在佛陀尚未了知真理之前,他並沒有承認自己是佛陀。只有在證悟真理之後,他才被承認是佛陀。如果你辨別了感受、心識等的無常,那麼你就知道真理。變化無常(Vipariṇāma lakkhaṇa)是苦諦。
自身本性的改變就是苦諦。色改變色的本性,受改變受的本性,想改變想的本性,等等。這是依於真理而知——Saccanulomika Ñāṇa,透過辨別無常而知。
無常是苦諦。當所有苦的無常結束時,你將看到苦滅諦(即涅槃或Nirodha Sacca)。因此,要努力辨別無常。如果你辨別了五蘊中任何一種的無常,你就會得到真理的知識,因為無常是一種真理。
例如,你的背部發癢,因為它與某個物體接觸而發癢。接觸是觸(phassa),癢是感受。觸(phassa pacaya)緣起受(vedanā)——觸條件促成感受。感受發生了什麼?你觀察它,它正在滅去。你看到它不存在,並知道它不存在。
道智就像焚燒垃圾。須悉摩成為阿羅漢,包括了勝義念處(lakkhaṇūpanijjhāna,可以辨別三法印的定力,但不包括對象念處(ārammaṇika jhāna),即指吸收禪定)
If you understand the D. A. process, the concept of a person or a being disappears and then clears away wrong view. If you don’t and running around in a circular way (like an ant moving around at the edge of a circular plate.) You will be free from the circular running if you understand. Not knowing the four Noble Truths is ignorance.
In the Satipaṭṭhāna Pali—Dukkhe añāṇaṁ: Not knowing dukkha is ignorance, etc.; not knowing the four Noble Truths is ignorance. (Sayadaw explained the twelve links of D. A. as an unending circle.) In the three periods of time: past, present and future, there are neither any person nor being included in it; only the connections of causes and effects. In each one of them becomes the cause (samudaya) and the effect (dukkha). It’s clear for you that only dukkha arises and dukkha ceases. Is there any person or being in it? In the ultimate truth (paramattha sacca) no such things exist. So, in every ending, if it is continuing become dukkha samudayo hoti—the whole mass of suffering arises.
If not continue become dukkha nirodho hoti—the whole mass of suffering cease. In the khandha whatever dhamma, arises, only dukkha arises and dukkha ceases. If you discern this becomes dukkhe ñāṇaṁ—the knowledge of knowing dukkha is arising. It’s knowledge (vijjā).
During the contemplation ignorance ceases. In loka (mind and body) there exist only the cause of dukkha and the result of dukkha. There is nothing good in it. It is only the running of dukkha machine and neither including a person nor a being.
Is dukkha done by oneself? No, it’s the continuation of cause and effect phenomena. This is clearing away the view of oneself. I am only dispelling wrong view and doubt for you. During listening this talk and if someone dies will become a cūḷa‐sotāpanna. The complete cessation is by practice and only become a stream enterer.
So, listening sacca dhamma is also beneficial. In the end of the future life (the twelve links) it mentioned sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair is taints (āsavas) arising. Āsava samudaya avijjā samudayo—because of the taint it causes ignorance to arise.
So it turns back to with the past. In every life only samudaya and dukkha are going on in turn. We have to insert knowledge in the present life. In this way no future khandha arises and cutting of D. A. process. Every present khandha arises have to follow with knowledge. Khandha is a disease—rogato.
If you don’t know the disease will not treat it. Path and Fruit Knowledge are medicines and can cure the present disease. In this way no future disease arises. (Sayadaw continued the story of Acela Kassapa)
如果你了解緣起結構(D. A.),個人或眾生的概念便會消失,並能消除邪見。如果你不了解,則會像螞蟻繞著圓盤邊緣打轉一樣,不斷在循環中徘徊。如果能理解,你便能擺脫這種循環。不知曉四聖諦即是無明。
在《四念住經》(Satipaṭṭhāna Pali)中提到:「不知苦是無明」等;不了解四聖諦即是無明。(禪師解釋了緣起的十二因緣,形容其為無盡的輪迴。)在三世(過去、現在、未來)之中,並無任何個人或眾生參與其中;只有因果的連結。每一件事既是因(samudaya),也是果(dukkha)。這清楚表明,只有苦生起,苦滅去。這其中有任何個人或眾生存在嗎?在究竟真理(paramattha sacca)中,並無此類事物。
因此,在每一結束中,若它繼續,便是「苦集生起」(dukkha samudayo hoti)——整體的苦聚集而生起。若不繼續,則是「苦滅生起」(dukkha nirodho hoti)——整體的苦終止。在五蘊中,任何法生起,只有苦生起,苦滅去。如果你能洞察到這一點,就會生起「知苦的智慧」(dukkhe ñāṇaṁ),這便是智慧(vijjā)。
因此,聆聽「真理之法」(sacca dhamma)也是有益的。在未來生命的結尾(十二因緣中),提到悲、憂、苦、惱和絕望即是漏(āsava)的生起。漏的生起導致無明(avijjā)的生起。
如果你不了解疾病,便無法治療它。道智與果智(Path and Fruit Knowledge)是治療的良藥,可以治癒當下的病。如此一來,未來的疾病便不會再生起。(禪師接續講述了《赤裸迦葉經》的故事。)
在《念處經》中——Dukkhe añāṇaṁ:不了解苦就是無明,等等;不了解四聖諦就是無明。(沙彌陀尊者將十二支緣起解釋為一個永無止境的圓圈。)在過去、現在、未來三個時間段中,都不包含任何人和眾生;只有因果的連結。它們中的每一個都成為因(samudaya)和果(dukkha)。你很清楚,只有苦生起,苦滅去。其中有人或眾生嗎?在究竟真理(paramattha sacca)中,不存在此類事物。因此,在每個結束中,如果它繼續存在,就會成為dukkha samudayo hoti——所有的苦都生起了。
如果不繼續,就會成為dukkha nirodho hoti——所有的苦都滅去了。在五蘊中,無論什麼法生起,只有苦生起,苦滅去。如果你辨別了這個,就會成為dukkhe ñāṇaṁ——知道苦的生起的知識。這是智慧(vijjā)。
所以,聆聽真理法也有益處。在未來生命的盡頭(十二支緣起),它提到憂、悲、苦、惱、悔是漏(āsavas)的生起。Āsava samudaya avijjā samudayo——由於漏,導致無明生起。
16th March 1961
[Sayadaw talked about the character of sassata and uccheda persons from the Majjhima Nikāya Commentary. A person with sassata view (eternalism) has the following characters. The view of his fault is small comparing with the uccheda view.
But it is difficult for him to be free from saṁsāra. ① Believe in kamma and rebirth ② Doing good and performing merits. ③ Afraid of unwholesome kamma ④ Take pleasure in the round of existence (vaṭṭa), desire for a good life and enjoying the result of wholesome kamma. ⑤ It is difficult for him to realize the Dhamma even if he had the chances to meet the Buddha and monks because of taking pleasure in life and so it's difficult to free him himself from it. Hiding in the existences for pleasure, you have to do wholesome merits and also dispelling wrong view. By doing it, you will near to Nibbāna.
A person with uccheda view (annihilationism) has the following characters. The view of his fault is great but easy to free from saṁsāra. ① Not believe in kamma and rebirth. ② Not create good kamma ③ Not afraid to do unwholesome actions ④ Not enjoy in becoming. Not taking pleasure in the round of existence. ⑤ If he had the chances to meet the Buddha and monks easy to realize the Dhamma. Any wrong view is not good. It hinders the Path Knowledge.
In this talk Sayadaw talked how to observe bodily sensations. He said if an itchy sensation arises on the body it seems to be continuous (santati). Actually it’s not. The yogi should observe the changing of the sensation. For example, the sensation becomes stronger, the milder one changes into a stronger one. And the milder one is disappeared and substitute with the stronger one. In the beginning, see anicca sparsely because the samādhi is not strong enough.
After sometime samādhi develops and see the whole body is in anicca. This is udayabbaya ñāṇa (knowledge of rise and fall of formation) becomes matured. Continue with the practice it becomes the knowledge of disenchantment (nibbidā ñāṇa). And then later the body disappears and Path Knowledge arises. ]
In Saṃyutta Nikāya the Buddha taught like this. We had to dispel and destroy wrong view quicker than to get rid of the dangers which our chests were piercing with spears and heads burning with fire. The reason we can’t get the first magga is hindering by wrong view. If it was unimportant the Buddha never mentioned it twice.
Now he mentioned it quite often, it meant it was very important. After destroying wrong view, doubt falls away naturally. The root sources of 62 types of wrong view are sassata and uccheda views. Identify view (sakkāya diṭṭhi) is already including in them. It’s important to talk about the characters of wrong views.
You have to decide yourself which character you are in. After that I’ll tell you how to dispel it. (Sayadaw talked about the characters of wrong view as mentioned above). We had these wrong views in saṁsāra that missed each Buddha and the Dhamma. (continued Acela Kassapa’s story) There are two knowledge. One is immature and the other is mature.
Knowledge can be mature only with a lot of practice. It never happens by itself. You have seen impermanence but not Nibbāna yet. That means your knowledge is still not mature yet. But don’t give up and try hard. If you still not see impermanence, then the observation is still not right. If you are seeing it as not exists is right. Then you see impermanence.
For an example, an itchy or painful feeling arises and you observe it. And you see it as not there. Another, arising is a substitution. Don’t take this instruction as insignificance. How to observe is very important? For example, if you contemplate the itchy sensation; a minor itch becomes a major itch.
Only the first small itch disappears and the bigger one can appear. Again you contemplate the second itch and it disappears, and substitutes with a bigger one. By uncovering the continuity of perception and observe will see the impermanence. Don’t think it as continuously itching and paining. Anyhow you’ll see impermanence.
Your knowledge is still not in mature state if you see intermittently. Is it no pāramī or immature? (It’s immature, Ven. Sir). After with a lot of practice will see the whole body of impermanence without a gap for a needle can insert into it. Continue with the persistent contemplation and become disenchantment with it. It is developing from yathābhūta ñāṇa to nibbidā ñāṇa.
At the time when you don’t want to stay with it, and it ceases instantly. The knowledge of not wanting arises and the khandha also disappears. Because ñāṇa becomes mature and it comes to an end. If you still don’t see it is lacking in efficiency.
Kammassakatā ñāṇa is also important (Believe in kamma and result). Because of this you met the Buddha Sāsana and good teacher. Taking satisfaction in itself is satisfied with life. Then sassata view comes in. Also don’t let go of the kammassakatā ñāṇa (Some yogis even think that only practice meditation is enough and no need to make merits. So they don’t want to help others when it’s necessary.
There was a saying by the Buddha in the Dhammapada; “Cease to do evil, cultivate that which is good, purify the heart. This is the way of the awakened ones.” We can’t practice for 24 hours every day. So, wholesome kamma and practice are inseparable.)
Which duty is heavier, looking after one’s khandha or the khandhas of sons and daughters? The responsibility on them is still limited. But we have to look after our khandhas all the time. So, the Buddha mentioned it as vipāka vaṭṭa khandha (resultant khandha of the round of existence).
最初,由於定力(samādhi)不夠強,修行者只能零星地看到無常。隨著定力的增長,最終可以看到整個身體都處於無常中,這被稱為「生滅隨觀智」(udayabbaya ñāṇa)。繼續修行,這種智識會發展為「厭離智」(nibbidā ñāṇa)。隨後,身體感消失,道智生起。
錯見的根源有62種,主要源於常見和斷見。身見(sakkāya diṭṭhi)也包含在其中。辨別錯見的特徵非常重要,因為這是修行的重要一步。
**業果智(kammassakatā ñāṇa)**同樣重要。正因為相信業果,你才能遇見佛陀教法和善知識。若只滿足於禪修,認為不需要行善積德,這可能導致錯見。
佛陀提到,我們對自己的五蘊負有比對子女更重的責任,因為五蘊時刻伴隨我們。這就是為什麼五蘊被稱為「輪迴的果報五蘊」(vipāka vaṭṭa khandha)。
但他很難擺脫輪迴。① 相信業報和輪迴 ② 行善積德 ③ 害怕不善業 ④ 享受輪迴(vaṭṭa),渴望美好生活,享受善業的結果 ⑤ 即使他有機會遇到佛陀和僧侶,也很難證得法義,因為他沉迷於生活,因此很難擺脫自己。為了享樂而隱藏在存在中,你必須行善,並驅除錯誤的觀點。通過這樣做,你將接近涅槃。
斷見論者(annihilationism)的特徵如下:錯誤觀點的影響很大,但很容易擺脫輪迴。① 不相信業報和輪迴 ② 不造善業 ③ 不害怕做不善業 ④ 不享受成為。不沉迷於輪迴。⑤ 如果他有機會遇到佛陀和僧侶,很容易證得法義。任何錯誤的觀點都不好。它阻礙了道智。
一段時間後,定力發展起來,看到整個身體都是無常。這就是「成壞觀」(udayabbaya ñāṇa)成熟了。繼續修行,它就會變成厭離觀(nibbidā ñāṇa)。然後,身體後來消失了,道智生起了。]
現在他經常提到它,這意味著它非常重要。摧毀錯誤的觀點後,疑慮自然就會消失。62種錯誤觀點的根源是常見和斷見。身見(sakkāya diṭṭhi)已經包含在其中。談論錯誤觀點的特徵很重要。
如果你是間歇性地看到,那麼你的知識還沒有成熟。是沒有波羅蜜還是不成熟?(不成熟,尊者)。經過大量的修行後,將會看到整個身體的無常,沒有任何縫隙可以插入針。繼續堅持不懈地觀想,並對其感到厭倦。它正在從如實知(yathābhūta ñāṇa)發展到厭離知(nibbidā ñāṇa)。
業報法則的知識(Kammassakatā ñāṇa)也很重要(相信業和果)。正因為如此,你遇到了佛陀的教法和善知識。自滿就是對生活感到滿意。然後常見的觀點就進來了。也不要放棄業報法則的知識(有些瑜伽行者甚至認為,只有修行就足夠了,不需要行善。因此,他們在必要時不想幫助他人。
哪個責任更重,照顧自己的五蘊還是照顧子女的五蘊?你對他們的責任仍然有限。但是我們必須一直照顧自己的五蘊。因此,佛陀將其稱為果報之五蘊(vipāka vaṭṭa khandha)。
20th March 1961
We must think about us ourselves: where did we come from? The answer will be—we don’t know. And after death where we’ll go? The answer is also we don’t know.
Not only in this life, but also it was the same in past life. It was like the story of the waver girl (DhA. verse. 174 or DhA.iii.170f, 7. Pesakāradhītāvatthu); everyone knows as one has to die, but he doesn’t know when it is; not knowing the time of death, and leaving the answer of not knowing where we came from.
But we can do decide where we’ll go after death. This is very important. (And then Sayadaw gave the story of Citta upāsaka as an example, SN.41.10 Gilānadassanasuttaṃ). So, there is the way. If you don’t do the way to know it and the answer will be negative. We should always reflect that I shall die for sure, only a period of time!
A period of time refers to near death. You all are in near death but concern about for the distant deaths (A lot of elderly people in the audience. Most Asian elderly people concern about their children, instead of concerning their practice).
This is a kind of stupidity. A person is drowning and even his mouth near the water level. But he is still shouting in worry for the children on the bank. It’s too crazy. Is it more important to struggle for our own concern? Taṇhā is as a lawyer defends on your behalf. Taṇhā is a good preacher. I can preach you only once a day. He is teaching you all the time, so you’ll follow with him. Taṇhā is very cunning. (continued the Kiṃsukopama Sutta, SN.35.245 Kiṃsukopamasuttaṃ)
Today I’ll talk about the right dhamma. According to the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta, there are five khandhas. You'll get the right view if you discern the impermanence of one of them. You have to observe one of them if I ask you to observe the five khandhas. A person who discerns impermanence can see Nibbāna because the ending of impermanence is Nibbāna. So, I urge you strongly to turn your knowledge towards the khandha. I want you to die with smile on your face. If you don’t get the right view and don’t know where to go after death. Discerning impermanence is right view. And you don’t see man and woman.
If you don’t get the right view of impermanence before and can’t get the right view of the ending of impermanence. This is Nibbāna. You are saying that we are practicing quite a long time now. But still don’t see impermanence yet.
There are piles of impermanence there. For example, you want to drink water. This mind arises and disappears. Did you drink it? (No, Ven. Sir). Anicca not exists or you only don’t know. (We don’t know it, Ven. Sir). Not knowing (i.e., ignorance) is more difficult than the not existing (i.e., anicca). The not existing is closed to you but you don’t know is quite difficult.
So don’t let this to effect my reputation (as a teacher). Do the practice to see the not existing and the knowing accordingly (i.e., seeing anicca). Don’t let it become not existing and not knowing (i.e., not seeing anicca). So don’t let this happen and effect the Buddha’s reputation because he knew it himself and taught to us.
You can get a bed bug even in the dark. But you can’t catch the anicca here which is very clear to you. Whatever mind arises, contemplate to know as it’s not there.
不僅在今生,過去生也一樣。這如同紡織女孩的故事(《法句經故事集》第174偈,或DhA.iii.170f, 7. Pesakāradhītāvatthu)。每個人都知道必然會死,但卻不知道死亡何時到來;不知道死亡的時間,也不知道我們從哪裡來。
然而,我們可以決定自己死後的去向。這一點非常重要。(隨後禪師舉了居士吉達(Citta upāsaka)的故事作為例子,出自《相應部》SN.41.10《探視病患經》,Gilānadassanasuttaṃ)。所以,還有方法。如果不努力尋求方法,答案將是否定的。我們應該時刻反思:我必定會死,只是時間問題!
這是一種愚癡。就像一個人正在溺水,嘴巴已接近水面,卻還在為岸上的孩子焦急大喊。這未免太瘋狂了!難道為自己掙扎求生不是更重要嗎?渴愛(taṇhā)就像一名辯護律師,總是在為你辯護。渴愛是一個高明的說教者。我一天只能為你們講一次法,而它卻時刻在教導你們,因此你們就會追隨它的引導。渴愛非常狡猾。(接著禪師講述《金樹譬喻經》(SN.35.245 Kiṃsukopamasuttaṃ)。)
不僅僅是今生,前世也是如此。就像浪女的故事(《雜阿含經》偈頌174或《雜阿含經》iii.170f, 7. Pesakāradhītāvatthu);大家都知道人終有一死,但他不知道是什麼時候;不知道死亡的時間,也沒有留下我們來自何方的答案。
但是我們可以決定死後要去哪裡。這很重要。(然後沙彌陀尊者以慈陀優婆塞的故事為例,SN.41.10 Gilānadassanasuttaṃ)。
這是一種愚蠢。一個人溺水了,即使他的嘴靠近水面。但他仍然在為岸上的孩子們擔心而大喊大叫。這太瘋狂了。努力為自己著想更重要嗎?貪欲(taṇhā)像律師一樣為你辯護。貪欲是一位很好的說教者。我一天只能教導你一次。他一直在教導你,所以你會追隨他。貪欲非常狡猾。(繼續講述《今須子經》,SN.35.245 Kiṃsukopamasuttaṃ)
21st March 1961
[This talk explained about formations and impermanence (Saṅkhāra and anicca). Sayadaw took the famous verse from the Mahā‐Parinibbāna (total unbinding) Sutta, Dīgha Nikāya to explain them.
Anicca vata saṅkhāra—Formations are surely indeed impermanent
Uppada‐vaya dhammino—Their nature to arise and pass away
Uppajjitavā nirujjhanti—They disband as they are arising
Tesaṁ vupasamo sukho—Their total stillness is bliss
From this verse and other teachings in the suttas referred to the important of saṅkhāra and anicca in practice of the Dhamma of the Buddha. ]
The worldling monk not appreciated the answers from the four arahants was not understanding of the saṅkhāra dhamma (conditioned phenomena). If he understood saṅkhāra dhamma were impermanent and this problem would not arise to him. (This episode was in the Kiṃsukopama Sutta, SN.35.245 Kiṃsukopamasuttaṃ)
To understand saṅkhāra dhamma is important. All mind and body are saṅkhāra dhamma. They all are ending at passing away. Arising by conditioning is saṅkhāra dhamma. The results of arising phenomena caused by conditions are saṅkhāra dhamma.
For example, the smell of food, because of the smell of food smelling consciousness arises. The smell of food is the cause and knowing the smell (consciousness) is the result. Insight practice is contemplating the resultant phenomena. If you don’t discern the passing away of the arising phenomena can never expect the freedom from the saṁsāric dukkha. Arise by condition is the nature of arising.
By contemplation and not existing is the nature of passing away. If you can catch up with the not existing of the arising dhamma and this is the real insight. By seeing the arising and passing away of phenomena develop the insight knowledge.
If you don’t know the arising phenomenon, then can’t know the passing away phenomenon. This point is important and analyzing it carefully. You know the arising and passing away by reflection. If you know the arising will ready to know the passing away. Except the nature of arising and passing away what still they have? If you don’t know the way of contemplation of insight and it’ll become quite difficult.
If you are searching for it will not find it. By knowing the beginning of the arising will know the passing away. The worldling monk didn’t know these things and became confusion. Another example is that the object of touch contacts with the body and itching consciousness arises. This is saṅkhāra dhamma. Where it will end up? It will end up in passing away. Therefore never forget that the arising phenomenon will pass away.
Form dhamma (rūpa) arises by the conditions of kamma, mind (citta), temperature (utu) and foods (āhāra). So, form is saṅkhāra dhamma and must end up in passing away. Mind and mental factors (cetasikas) are also conditioning by form dhamma.
So, it’s saṅkhāra dhammas. It must end up in passing away. Therefore whatever mind and body you have must end up in passing away. Don’t ask or beg for them with prayers (e.g., later Buddhists).
If you do it, wherever life you are getting in will be with an evil death. Your khandhas do exist only with the support of others. Later, out of support and have to die. (Human beings become old, their kammic energy also become weaker. The body becomes more and more in degeneration. At last, citta, utu and āhāra can’t do anything for the body. So, kammic energy is the most important one for support.)
Anicca vata saṅkhāra—Formations are surely indeed impermanent. Saṅkhāra is your mind and body. Where will it end up? End up in anicca. Vata—means surely indeed (Emphasize the nature of anicca). It’s real indeed and not lying at you. These verses are should not recite only (for practice).
If you do something again for the passing away dhamma and it’ll go the same way again. So, do the practice for the not passing away Dhamma (i.e., Nibbāna). Asaṅkhata dhamma (unconditioned dhamma) is not passing away (i.e., Nibbāna). We are in tears for asking the passing away phenomena (family members).
We love the formations and falling in tears for it. Is it good luck for you? We are moving around in the forest of formation and impermanence but don’t see it. So it’s sure that your eyes are covering up with thick clouds. Even before born, you were blind in the womb and also stayed inside the darkness of your mother’s womb. Now, I am treating you with maggan water (holy water of the paths for the blindness).
How many words are you speaking every day? It’s uncountable even though you are still not seeing anicca. Are you not sure every word is passing away after spoken? If I am telling people that everyone was blind from the womb, nobody will believe it. Do you believe it now?
Every time when you speak following behind as it’s passing away, passing away, etc. … If the two of the arising and passing way are ending, then it’s Nibbāna. You have to follow by making the impermanence as a background. Follow it accordingly and must see the ending of it if you see saṅkhāra. If you don’t see the beginning road to May Myo City (a city with a cool climate in upper Burma) can’t arrive there.
In the same way by seeing the beginning of saṅkhāra will see the ending of it, i.e., Nibbāna. It’s now clear for you as why you are not reaching to Nibbāna because you don’t see saṅkhāra. Saṅkhāra dhamma are surely indeed impermanent (Anicca vata saṅkhāra). Asaṅkhata dhamma is surely permanent (i.e., Nibbāna). You are ending up at what others say and appreciate the saṅkhāra dhamma (e.g., later Buddhists).
No mindfulness and people are moving without a proper direction. An earth worm is not seeing and moving accordingly to its desire. Now, you are sure will see the ending of the phenomena by seeing the beginning of them.
Uppada‐vaya dhammino—These dhammas (saṅkhāra) are arising and passing away. Saṅkhāra dhammas are arising and passing away. No man nor woman, neither a person nor a being exists. Uppajjitavā nirujjhanti—Arising in oneself and ceasing in oneself. Mind and body are never permanent is very clear. Tesam vupmasamo sukkho—Their total stillness is peaceful Nibbāna. Inside you without the impermanence of both (mind/body) and will realize Nibbāna.
[禪師在此次講座中解釋了行蘊(Saṅkhāra)和無常(Anicca)。他引用了《大般涅槃經》(Mahā-Parinibbāna Sutta,《長部》)中著名的偈頌來闡述這兩個概念:]
vata saṅkhāra ——「行蘊確實無常。」
dhammino ——「它們的本質是生滅無常。」
nirujjhanti ——「它們生起時便滅去。」
vupasamo sukho ——「它們的完全寂滅即是安樂。」
對於不了解行蘊法(saṅkhāra dhamma,條件性現象)的凡夫僧侶而言,他們無法真正理解四位阿羅漢的回答。若能理解行蘊法無常的本質,就不會產生這些困惑。(此段引自《金樹譬喻經》,SN.35.245 Kiṃsukopamasuttaṃ。)
生起是因緣的本性,觀察後的不存在即是滅去的本性。 若能覺知現象的滅去,這是真正的內觀智慧。通過觀察現象的生滅,逐漸培養洞察智慧。
色法(rūpa) 因業(kamma)、心(citta)、溫度(utu)和食物(āhāra)而生起。因此,色法是行蘊法,最終必定滅去。心與心所(cetasikas)也因色法而生,故亦屬行蘊法,最終必定滅去。
vata saṅkhāra
若你仍追求滅去的法,最終也將走向同樣的結果。因此,我們應該修行不滅的法,即涅槃(Nibbāna)。無為法(asaṅkhata dhamma) 是不生不滅的,即涅槃。我們常為滅去的現象(如親人)流淚,這樣做對你有益嗎?
我們在行蘊與無常的森林中徘徊,卻未曾見到它。這表明你的雙眼被濃霧遮蔽。甚至在出生之前,你已在母胎中盲目地停留於黑暗中。現在,我用道智的聖水(maggan water)來治癒這種盲目。
vata saṅkhāra ——「行蘊確實無常。」
dhamma ——「無為法確實是常住的(即涅槃)。」
nirujjhanti ——「生於自身,亦滅於自身。」
vupasamo sukho ——「它們的完全寂靜即是涅槃。」
[這次法語解釋了生成法和無常(Saṅkhāra and anicca)。沙彌陀尊者引用了《大般涅槃經》(Mahā‐Parinibbāna)的著名偈頌來解釋它們。
Anicca vata saṅkhāra—生成法 是無常的 Uppada‐vaya dhammino—它們的本性是生起與滅去 Uppajjitavā nirujjhanti—它們在生起時即滅去 Tesaṁ vupasamo sukho—它們的完全寂靜是福樂
世間凡夫不欣賞四位阿羅漢的回答,是因為他不理解saṅkhāra dhamma(有為法)。如果他明白saṅkhāra dhamma是無常的,這個問題就不會出現在他身上了。(這個片段出自《今須子經》,SN.35.245 Kiṃsukopamasuttaṃ)
了解saṅkhāra dhamma很重要。所有的心和身都是saṅkhāra dhamma。它們都以滅去而結束。由因緣生起就是saṅkhāra dhamma。由因緣所生起的現象之結果,就是saṅkhāra dhamma。
如果你在尋找它,就找不到它。透過知道生起的開始,就會知道滅去。世間凡夫不知道這些事情,就變得困惑了。另一個例子是,觸覺的對象與身體接觸,觸覺意識生起。這就是saṅkhāra dhamma。它將結束於何處?它將結束於滅去。因此,永遠不要忘記生起的現象將會滅去。
色法(rūpa)由業(kamma)、心(citta)、溫度(utu)和食物(āhāra)的因緣而生起。所以,色法是saṅkhāra dhamma,必須以滅去而結束。心和心所法(cetasikas)也由色法所條件化。
所以,它們是saṅkhāra dhamma。它必須以滅去而結束。因此,你擁有的任何心和身都必須以滅去而結束。不要祈求它們(例如,後來的佛教徒)。
Anicca vata saṅkhāra—生成法 是無常的。Saṅkhāra 就是你的心和身。它將結束於何處?結束於無常。Vata——意味著確實如此(強調無常的本性)。這是真實的,而不是對你撒謊。這些偈頌不應該只是為了修行而背誦。
如果你再次為滅去的法而做某事,它將再次走上同樣的路。因此,要為不滅的法(即涅槃)而修行。Asaṅkhata dhamma(無為法)是不滅去的(即涅槃)。我們在為滅去的現象(家人)而流淚。
同樣地, 透過看到saṅkhāra的開始,就能看到它的結束,也就是涅槃。現在你很清楚,為什麼你沒有達到涅槃,因為你沒有看到saṅkhāra。Saṅkhāra dhamma是無常的(Anicca vata saṅkhāra)。Asaṅkhata dhamma是永恆的(即涅槃)。你最終會聽從他人的話,並欣賞saṅkhāra dhamma(例如,後來的佛教徒)。
Uppada‐vaya dhammino——這些法(saṅkhāra)在生起和滅去。Saṅkhāra dhamma在生起和滅去。沒有男人也沒有女人,既不是人也不是眾生。Uppajjitavā nirujjhanti——在自身生起,在自身滅去。心和身絕非恆常,這是非常清楚的。Tesaṁ vupmasamo sukkho——它們的完全寂靜是平和的涅槃。在你內在,沒有身心二法的無常,就會證得涅槃。
30th March 1961
[Jāṇussoṇi brahman said to the Buddha that in his view everyone is afraid of death. The Buddha answered that it was not right. There were four kinds of persons afraid of death, whereas the other four kinds of persons not afraid of death. (AN.4.184 Abhayasuttaṃ)
Four kinds of persons afraid of death are:
① Someone attaches to the family members and wealth and when he comes near to death, he's afraid of dying. Sorrow, lamentation, pain and grief follow because he has to part from these things. He doesn’t understand that family members and wealth are truth of dukkha. He dies with attachment, pain and agony. The rebirth will be peta.
② Attachment to one’s own body also will die with fear of death.
③ Someone having done a lot of unwholesome things in his life becomes remorseful and fearful during dying.
④ Someone not understanding D. A. process and having doubt on future rebirth fear of death coming in because of ignorance.
The other four kinds of persons not fearing of death are the opposite. These are: No attachment to the family members and wealth; No attachment to the body; Doing wholesome deeds and Having No doubt.
For these four points to be succeeded:
1. One should practice insight (vipassanā) and understand the true nature of anicca, dukkha and anatta of these things.
2. Practice insight to understand one’s own nature.
3. Practice as much as possible in daily life.
4. Contemplate vedanā near death.
In these ways a yogi will face death fearlessly. Even can realize Nibbāna near death, or sure for good rebirth and realize Nibbāna in next life. It was mentioned by the Buddha in the Aṅguttara Nikāya. One can know the rebirth which is good or bad by looking at the face of the dead body. The bodily posture is also an indication. For example, the head is turning to the right side. ]
Today talk is concerning to everyone. We are going towards death from our births. From sitting, sleeping, eating and drinking, etc. one second to one second is going towards death. This is the surest things and other things are not sure.
We are vaṭṭa persons (persons in the round of existence). Therefore are always running on the same path. All are in grumbling with we are old and will die. Just only in grumble but never find the way out. I am giving this talk for finding the way out and become fearless at near death.
You must make the decision of becoming one of the four kinds of persons fearless to death. How it can be a good rebirth for you while going towards death with fear! It is not only for good rebirth going to die without fear but also it will end dukkha.
① Painful feeling will arise near death. You don’t want to be separated with family members and wealth so you become fearful with displeasure, sorrow, lamentation, pain and grief. This is because not knowing that death is the truth of dukkha—maraṇaṁ pi dukkha saccaṁ. One becomes attachment due to not knowing and can’t let go of wives, children and wealth. Mind with fear leads to sorrow, lamentation, pain and displeasure.
② One taking one’s own khandha as self (atta) becomes fearful near death.
③ Fear comes from the unwholesome actions (akusala kammas) which had been done by him himself before; thinking about things one had wasted time with it.
④ One doesn’t know the beginning and the ending of D. A. process (i.e., ignorance → volitional formation and birth → aging and death). One doesn’t know such as both "Where did I come from?" and "Where will I go?". One doesn’t have faith in the Buddha, Dhamma and Saṅgha. Doubt will come in near his death for all this kind of person.
You all understand the D. A. process. Contact (phassa) conditions feelings (vedanā), after contact ceases and feeling also ceases—in this way contemplate the impermanence of feeling. With the Path Knowledge arises birth aging and death can’t arise. So, you die with no doubt.
The four fearless persons are the result of vipassanā practice, with the contemplation of impermanence, dukkha and not‐self. They are sure to good rebirths and for ending dukkha. I urge you all to die with the practice. Also encourage your parents, family members and friends to do it. With this in the next life will finish the practice.
These were taught by the Buddha. So have faith in it. Never let go of vipassanā practice. A person died with smile, the head turned to the right side, and the complexion was clear and had a pleasant look. These were the causes of seeing the good rebirth and the power of Nibbāna. Die with an ugly face can be born in one’s home as lizard, cockroach and dog.
From now on you have to practice for the overcoming of feelings. At near death these feelings will come. When you see the cessation of feelings, as feeling ceases so too craving also ceases (Vedanā nirodha → taṇhā nirodho), and then the Path knowledge appears.
Running in circle is the ugly death. Smiling death is cutting off the circle. Near death don’t let yourself in shame for others to see your situation. The corpse itself is showing the sign of it. Even in your life you had done good merits such as building monastery, lake and shrine (ceti).
But in near death you can’t remember them, if the painful feelings are becoming very strong. Vedanā is sticking to the khandha. You have to insert knowledge between feelings (i.e., between each feeling). Feeling is passing away. The inserting knowledge is the path factors (magga). Vedanā and ñāṇa have to go in this way. Feelings do never exist in continuity. Only exist as rise and fall.
So you will see the passing away. Is it still in pain, numbness and aches? After seeing them a lot become disenchantment. Without them will be cool. Then ñāṇa making a decision as it’s only the truth of dukkha. And then feeling comes to an end. Vedanā and khandha end together at the place, and Nibbāna appears. This is a person dies with the freedom from the round of existence.
So, he has to smile. All of you have listened to my talks and at the time of death will know what happen. If you die with an ugly face what a shame! So, try hard not to become like this.
不明白緣起法(D. A.)且對未來投生有疑惑的人:此類人因無明而對死亡感到恐懼。
作為輪迴中的人(vaṭṭa persons),我們總是走在同一條路上,嘟囔著「我們變老了,終將死去」,但從不尋找出路。我今天的講座就是為了幫助你找到出路,讓你在臨終時不再恐懼。
pi dukkha saccaṁ)。由於不瞭解而產生執著,無法放下親人與財物,導致恐懼與痛苦。
如果你了解緣起法,就能在感受(vedanā)上觀察無常。例如,接觸(phassa)引生感受(vedanā),當接觸滅去時,感受也隨之滅去。通過觀察感受的無常,讓道智(Path Knowledge)生起,從而斷除生死輪迴(出生、衰老與死亡)。
從現在開始,修行以克服感受的束縛。臨終時,感受將湧現。當感受止息,渴愛(taṇhā)也隨之止息(Vedanā nirodha → taṇhā nirodho),隨後道智生起。
我們是輪迴中的人(vaṭṭa persons)。因此,總是走在同一条路上。所有人都抱怨自己老了,會死。只是抱怨,卻從未找到出路。我做這個演講的目的,是為了找到出路,在臨死時無畏。
① 臨死前會生起痛苦的感覺。你不想與家人和財產分離,所以你帶著不悅、悲傷、哀嘆、痛苦和悲痛而感到恐懼。這是因為不知道死亡是苦諦——maraṇaṁ pi dukkha saccaṁ。一個人由於不知道而產生執著,無法放開妻子、孩子和財產。帶著恐懼的心靈會帶來悲傷、哀嘆、痛苦和不悅。
② 把自己的五蘊當作自我(atta)的人,臨死前會感到恐懼。
③ 恐懼來自於他自己之前所做的不善業(akusala kammas);思考自己浪費時間的事情。
④ 不知道集起法過程的開始和結束(即無明→行→有→生→老死)。不知道「我從哪裡來?」和「我將去哪裡?」。對佛、法、僧沒有信心。對於所有這種人來說,臨死前都會產生懷疑。
從現在開始,你必須修行以克服感受。臨死前,這些感受會出現。當你看到感受的滅去時,隨著感受的滅去,貪欲也會滅去(Vedanā nirodha → taṇhā nirodho),然後道智出現。
31st March 1961
This teaching was leading the preacher and all the listeners becoming arahants (referred to the Khemaka Sutta, SN.22.89 Khemakasuttaṃ). I remind you as the ears listen to the talk and ñāṇa pay attention to the body. This reference came from this kind of story (There were many in the Nikāya). The body will show you what it has to show.
Anicca exists and shows anicca. Dukkha and anatta exist and shows dukkhas and anatta. Ears and ñāṇa are going around in turn. It is not the main point whether you like it or not because you have the three mistakes of saññā; citta, and diṭṭhi vipallāsas are with you.
[Vipallāsa is inversion. There are twelve of them; inversions of perception, knowing and view. These three are concerning with four things. Take impermanence as permanence, dukkha as happiness, not‐self as self and loathsomeness as beauty. So totally there are twelve inversions].
You have to follow what the Buddha taught and what the khandha telling you as a confirmation. Don’t follow your own desire. You are crazy, so don’t like it. But the nature of the Dhamma is true. For example, the majority of people don’t like the teachings of loathsomeness and not‐self. You’ll not like all of them if the three mistakes are gone. It’s the same as a sick man; not liking whatever medicine you give him. He doesn’t like it because of the illness.
(Sayadaw continued to give instruction on practice based on the teachings from Ven. Sāriputta and the Buddha). For the practice: (Then he recited the verses by Ven. Sāriputta) “Kāyaṃ imaṃ sammasatha, parijānātha punappunaṃ; Kāye sabhāvaṃ disvāna, dukkhassantaṃ karissathā.”.
Watching the body and observe it. How long have to be observed? You watch at it with a normal breathing. Sāriputta said that had to be watched and observed it again and again. Then the khandha will tell its nature. I’ll tell you the nature of impermanence, dukkha, not‐self and loathsomeness.
What the Buddha taught and what the khandha told you were the same thing. Whatever arising and disappearing are impermanent. Khandha arising and khandha disappearing are neither a person nor a being. It’s paining here and disappearing here. Hearing is at here and it disappears at here. Smelling is at here and disappears at here. You can make the decision with practice as it’s true and it becoms right view. It’s not the dhamma for using the rosary beads.
The dhamma is for watching and observing. This is a practical dhamma. Sāriputta said that if we saw this and dukkha would end. It’s not according with your view and disappears there.
The person with watching and observing will see it. Whatever is arising and following after with knowing is watching. I am explaining to you clearly because I am worrying about your mistaken idea in the letters. My worry is you are taking the watching with the five path factors (5 maggan) and anicca appears after. The reality is anicca appears first and ñāṇa follows behind or after.
For an example, gaccamitova gaccamiti paccanati—if going just knowing it as going; in this phrase, going is before and knowing is after. What the preceding dhamma shows you and know it behind with the watching. Persistent with mindfulness and observe with paññā (viriya, sati, paññā/the same as samādhi and paññā).
The first point may be difficult to catch. If you can catch up with one of them and become easier. What the Buddha taught and the khandha shows you are in accordingly and becomes right view. It is not alone but together with the other four factors. This is vipassanā knowledge. The khandha is always telling you. But the difficulty is we don’t listen to it.
(Note: The four verses of practice by the Buddha were:
1. Sabbe saṅkhāra aniccati—All conditioned phenomena are impermanent.
2. Yada paññāya passati—When it shows its impermanence and then observe with paññā.
3. Attha nibbindati dukkhe—By understanding dukkha and become disenchantment with it.
4. Esa maggo visudhiya—After disenchantment and dukkha will end. This is the way to the purification or Nibbāna.)
(Sayadaw recited the first and second verses) “Sabbe saṅkhāra aniccati—Yada paññāya passati” These are in practice equal to the object of insight and the contemplative mind. For insight practice these Pali verses are very good. First, you watch the in breath and out breath. When the khandha shows you leave the breath and observe whatever arises. If nothing arises do the ānāpāna (watching the breath).
The body will show you anicca. If nothing is clear just do the ānāpāna. By watching the breath, the body may be itching here and aching there or the mind is running away. These are the khandha calling at you. At that time, yada paññāya passati—contemplate with paññā.
You need to ask as; “How long I have to follow it?” If you become disenchantment with it, is enough. First you discern impermanence with the five path factors (maggaṅga). After that become disenchantment with the five path factors. At the time when you don’t want it and the Path Knowledge arises with the eight path factors.
At the time you don’t want it and what will you see? This khandha will disappear. The five khandhas disappear and Nibbāna arises. Esa maggo visudhiya—you get the purification or Nibbāna.
想顛倒(saññā vipallāsa):將無常看作常。
心顛倒(citta vipallāsa):將苦看作樂。
見顛倒(diṭṭhi vipallāsa):將無我看作有我,將醜陋看作美麗。
禪師引用了舍利弗尊者的教導:「觀察這個身體(kāyaṃ imaṃ sammasatha),反復地洞察它(parijānātha punappunaṃ)。通過看到身體的本質(kāye sabhāvaṃ disvāna),你將結束痛苦(dukkhassantaṃ karissathā)。」
Sabbe saṅkhāra aniccati——「一切行法無常。」
Yada paññāya passati——「當現象顯現無常時,以智慧觀察。」
Attha nibbindati dukkhe——「通過了解苦,生起厭離心。」
Esa maggo visudhiya——「厭離後,苦止息,這是通往涅槃的清淨之道。」
五蘊會顯示無常(如身體癢痛,或心散亂)。此時,應以智慧觀察(paññāya passati)。
當不再執著時,道智(Path Knowledge)生起,隨後五蘊止息,涅槃現前。
禪師最後說:**「當五蘊止息,涅槃便會出現。」**這是涅槃的清淨之道(Esa maggo visudhiya)。
[這次教導引導說法者和所有聽眾成為阿羅漢(參考《中阿含經》22.89 Khemakasuttaṃ)。我提醒你,耳朵聽著法語,ñāṇa注意著身體。這個參考來自這種故事(《尼柯耶》中有許多)。身體會向你展示它必須展示的東西。
無常存在並顯示無常。苦和無我也存在並顯示苦和無我。耳朵和ñāṇa輪流轉動。你是否喜歡它並不重要,因為你有三種錯誤的saññā;citta和diṭṭhi vipallāsas與你同在。
(沙彌陀尊者繼續根據尊者舍利弗和佛陀的教導提供修行的指導。)對於修行:(然後他誦唸了尊者舍利弗的偈頌)“Kāyaṃ imaṃ sammasatha, parijānātha punappunaṃ; Kāye sabhāvaṃ disvāna, dukkhassantaṃ karissathā.”.
有觀照和觀察的人會看到它。任何生起並跟隨知見而來的都是觀照。我清楚地向你解釋,因為我擔心你在信中出現錯誤的想法。我的擔憂是你正在以五道支(5 maggan)來進行觀照,而無常隨後出現。實際上,無常先出現,ñāṇa跟隨其後或之後。
例如,gaccamitovagaccamiti paccanati——如果只是知道它在行走;在這個短語中,行走是先前的,知道是後來的。前面的法向你展示什麼,並以觀照來知道它。以念處和 paññā(viriya, sati, paññā/與samādhi和paññā相同)來持續不斷地觀照。
Sabbe saṅkhāra aniccati—所有有為法是無常的。
Yada paññāya passati—當它顯示其無常性,然後以paññā來觀察。
Attha nibbindati dukkhe—通過理解苦而對它感到厭倦。
Esa maggo visudhiya—厭倦後,苦就會結束。這是通往淨化的道路或涅槃。)
(沙彌陀尊者誦唸了第一和第二偈頌)“Sabbe saṅkhāra aniccati—Yada paññāya passati”這些在修行中等於觀想的對象和觀想的心。對於止觀修行,這些巴利偈頌非常好。首先,你觀察出入息。當五蘊向你展示時,就離開呼吸並觀察任何生起的事物。如果沒有生起任何東西,就做ānāpāna(觀察呼吸)。
身體會向你展示無常。如果沒有什麼清楚,就做ānāpāna。透過觀察呼吸,身體可能會在這裡發癢,在這裡疼痛,或者心識在跑開。這些是五蘊在呼喚你。在那個時候,yada paññāya passati——以paññā來觀想。
當你不想留戀它時,你會看到什麼?這個五蘊會消失。五蘊消失,涅槃生起。Esa maggo visudhiya——你得到了淨化或涅槃。
1st to 2nd May 1961
[Sayadaw was using the qualities of Dhamma to give these talks. Most Buddhists are using it for chanting at pūjas, even may be they do not know the meanings very clear. The Buddha‐Dhamma is very systematic and practical. It needs to be study, reflect, contemplate and put into practice. The results are remarkable. The mind becomes intelligent, wise and penetrative].
Ask you to do vipassanā is to see it for yourself—sandiṭṭhiko. The khandha has the truth of dukkha, but you don’t see it, or never have seen it before. You see only what does not exist, such as this is a man, a person, beautiful, ugly, etc.; only seeing the outer forms. You were wasting your time in saṁsāra with the danger of aging, sickness and death. In the whole saṁsāra you had not seen what was good to see.
In the same way you had seen what was not good to see and suffered a lot before. Today what do you need is very clear. You need sandiṭṭhiko (see the Salāyatana Saṃyutta, a teaching the Buddha gave to Ven. Upavāṇa; SN.35.70 Upavāṇasandiṭṭhikasuttaṃ ).
Ven. Upavāṇa asked the Buddha: “What is sandiṭṭhiko? I want to know it” The Buddha answered: “You have to know it if lobha arises in you. So do dosa, moha, etc.”
Is this what others say or knowing by oneself? This becomes knowing the truth. Only by practice you can know it. In the Aṅguttara Nikāya a brahman asked about sandiṭṭhiko (AN.6.48 Dutiyasandiṭṭhikasuttaṃ). Today you’ll see it clearly with your own knowledge. For example, you see a form. In the seeing, the mind with affection will come to you (i.e., depending on the types of objects). The affectionate mind arises after the seeing consciousness.
You have to examine it with sandiṭṭhiko. What is the nature of the affectionate mind? You see it as not existing by examining with knowledge. The rise and fall of dukkha sacca becomes apparent in the mind because the mind of affection arises and passes away. This, you see it by yourself. You see it as it’s arising for dying and its death. Whatever arising, examine it as it exists or not. You’ll find it as not exists. You are examining your own death.
First, you are alive with the arising mind. Second you are alive with the examining mind. Only after the first mind is passing away and the examining mind can arise. This is a person seeing his own death. Craving for becoming not arises. The four Noble Truths are happening at the time of seeing one’s own death.
One’s own death is the truth of dukkha (dukkha sacca). The seeing is the truth of the path (magga sacca). Taṇhā, upādāna and kamma not arise is the truth of the cause (samudaya sacca). Next khandha not continues to arise is the truth of cessation (nirodha sacca). The power of direct seeing is indeed not small.
Every contemplation enters the four Noble Truths. This is the mundane truth. At the time enter Nibbāna also the four Noble Truths. It’s a kāliko—non‐temporal or giving the result without delay. By seeing impermanence taṇhā, upādāna and kamma not follow behind. This is non‐temporal.
Worldling mind is changing. (Sayadaw told the funny story of Ven. Sāriputta and an upāsaka) An upāsaka went a journey with Ven. Sāriputta. He had a plan of offering robes for him. On the journey, Sāriputta crossed the first small stream by jumping over it. The upāsaka saw that and lost respect and decided to reduce one robe for offering.
After sometime they encountered again a second stream and Sāriputta crossed it again by jumping over it. The upāsaka reduced another robe. Later they encountered a third stream, but instead of jumping Sāriputta went down and walking through it. The upāsaka asked him why he walked through it. Sāriputta answered was he didn’t want his mind to be disturbed and became unwholesome.
Without penetration of the four Noble Truths faith never becomes stable. No sandiṭṭhiko arises and akāliko never happens. Without the getting of sandiṭṭhiko, faith and rebirth are never in a stable stage. (He gave some stories of them.)
禪師指出,修習內觀(vipassanā)的目的是親自觀察與體驗佛法,這被稱為sandiṭṭhiko(親見)。五蘊本質上是苦(dukkha sacca),但我們未曾真正看到這一點。相反,我們看到的是不存在的東西,例如「這是某人」「這是美的或醜的」。
**苦諦(dukkha sacca):**心的生滅本質就是苦。
**道諦(magga sacca):**觀察心的過程本身就是修行之道。
**集諦(samudaya sacca):**當無貪(taṇhā)、無取(upādāna)、無業(kamma)時,煩惱不再生起。
**滅諦(nirodha sacca):**當煩惱滅去,新的五蘊不再生起,便是苦的止息。
同樣地,你也看到了不應該看的不好的東西,並因此遭受了很多痛苦。今天你需要什麼非常清楚。你需要sandiṭṭhiko(見《雜阿含經》35.70 Upavāṇasandiṭṭhikasuttaṃ)。
尊者優波跋那問佛陀:“什麼是sandiṭṭhiko?我想知道。” 佛陀回答說:“如果你生起貪欲,你就必須知道它。同樣地,對於瞋、癡也是如此。”
這是別人說的還是自己知道的?這就成為知道真理。只有通過修行,你才能知道它。在《增支部》中,一位梵志問到了sandiṭṭhiko(AN.6.48 Dutiyasandiṭṭhikasuttaṃ)。 今天,你將用自己的知識清楚地看到它。例如,你看到一個形相。在看到的時候,帶著愛慕的心會來到你身邊(即取決於對象的類型)。愛慕的心在看到意識之後生起。
一個人自己的死亡是苦諦(dukkha sacca)。看見就是道諦(magga sacca)。taṇhā、upādāna和kamma不生起就是集諦(samudaya sacca)。下一個五蘊不繼續生起就是滅諦(nirodha sacca)。直接看見的力量確實不小。
每一次觀想都進入四聖諦。這是世間的真理。在進入涅槃時,也是四聖諦。它是a kāliko——非時間性的或立即給予結果。透過看到無常,taṇhā、upādāna和kamma不跟隨其後。這是非時間性的。
The Buddha took some monks to a very high steep mountain cliff. A monk looked down and exclaimed with a fright. The Buddha said that fall into the steep cliff only died once. There was something more terrible than that. It was not to know the Noble Truths. Without knowing and doing things out of desire will not free from birth. These doing things are only for the truth of dukkha.
How to know the truth? You have to know impermanence. By doing vipassanā will discern impermanence. For example, the mind of wanting to sleep arises. Contemplate it as exist or not exist. You’ll see it as not exist. It’s born and dies because it is arising and disappearing.
Is there any dukkha bigger than that? Even you can’t find any pieces of it left behind. You get the saccanulomika ñāṇa—knowledge of knowing the truth. With a lot of contemplation is knowing the truth. Without the practice you are surviving with the two truths of the cause and the suffering (result) (i.e., samudaya and dukkha saccas).
By doing vipassanā get the two truths of freedom from the existence; i.e., cessation and the path (nirodha and magga saccas). Not contemplate the mind of wanting to sleep and continue to taṇhā, upādāna and kamma. This kamma passes away but not its energy. It was stored by lobha / taṇhā. The kammic energy will not die away if taṇhā does not dies.
This point is very important. So don’t be afraid of kamma, but instead must be afraid of the cause (samudaya). Therefore the Buddha taught that Samudaya was the cause of dukkha (here taṇhā) (continued the qualities of Dhamma) Ehi passiko—Come and contemplate. Ehi is the object and passiko is the contemplation. This is vipassanā. The dhamma is calling you but you go with taṇhā.
Example, in the dark bitten by mosquito and you go and slap it with the hand. This is going to the planes of misery. People are going to the planes of misery in a straight line, but to Nibbāna in a curved line. We must go there with knowledge. At first, the truth of dukkha is calling at you a lot. At the end the truth of cessation will call you.
(Here, Sayadaw used the two words straight line and curved line as followed. Human beings are easy and willing to do unwholesome things straight away—straight line. But for ending dukkha give many reasons, not easy and willing to do the practice. Even doing the practice, usually not straight forward—i.e., curved line.)
佛陀曾帶領一些比丘來到一個高而陡峭的懸崖邊。一位比丘向下看,驚恐地喊叫。佛陀說:「從懸崖上摔下去只會死一次,但有一件事情比這更加可怕,那就是不了解四聖諦。」如果不了解四聖諦,任由欲望驅使而行事,就無法擺脫生死輪迴。這樣的行為只會延續苦的真相(dukkha sacca)。
集諦(samudaya sacca):苦的原因,即渴愛(taṇhā)。
苦諦(dukkha sacca):苦果,即因集諦導致的生死輪迴。
滅諦(nirodha sacca):苦的終止,即涅槃。
道諦(magga sacca):通向涅槃的修行之道。
佛陀教法的一個特質是Ehi passiko,即「來觀察」。
Ehi 是對象,指向你內心的現象。
Passiko 是觀照,指用智慧去觀察它的本質。
直線: 人類很容易直接去做不善業,毫不猶豫地選擇追隨渴愛(taṇhā)。
曲線: 通向涅槃的道路卻需要智慧與努力。人們常給自己找各種理由,延遲修行,即使開始修行,也往往不能直接了當地執行,而是選擇繞路。
還有比這更大的苦嗎?即使你找不到任何遺留下來的碎片。你得到了saccanulomika ñāṇa——知道真理的知識。透過大量的觀想,就是知道真理。沒有修行,你就帶著因和果(即samudaya和dukkha saccas)的兩種真理而生存。
透過修行止觀,就能得到擺脫存在的兩種真理;即滅諦和道諦(nirodha and magga saccas)。不觀想想要睡覺的心念,而繼續貪、執、業。這個業滅去了,但它的能量沒有滅去。它被lobha / taṇhā儲存起來了。如果taṇhā不滅去,業力就不會滅去。
這一點非常重要。所以不要害怕業,而要害怕因(samudaya)。因此,佛陀教導說,集起是苦的因(這裡的taṇhā)。(繼續講述法的特性)Ehi passiko——來觀想。Ehi是對象,passiko是觀想。這就是止觀。法在呼喚你,但你卻跟著貪欲而去。
13th May 1961
A person discerning impermanence is near to Nibbāna. It doesn’t take very long if the causes are conducive. This point came from the Udana Pali. Worldlings are happy with taking pleasure in the khandhas which they desire for it. For the noble ones (ariyans), these are getting the fuels and fire. Eleven types of fire are burning all the time.
Therefore listening dhamma talks is to fix the deluded eyes with the ariyan eyes. The 31 realms of existence are big piles of fire. It is only for the fuels with prayer for asking any khandha.
It is Nibbāna while khandha fuels burnt out and kilesa fire gone out. The five khandhas are fuels. The eleven types of kilesa is fire (e.g., lobha, dosa, moha, soka, etc.). They can’t be separated.
Fuels are vipāka vaṭṭa—the result of the round of existence. Fire is kilesa vaṭṭa—the defilement of the round of existence. Two vaṭṭas are going together. You actually are taking in pleasure to burn yourself if you are happy with both of them. Vipassanā practice is battling with the kilesas latent in the khandha.
You have to extinguish the kilesa fire in the khandha. Must use the holy water of the path to extinguish it. There must also exist the extinguishing of fire if there are fuels and fire existing.
This is not a fable (i.e., just like other faiths and belief systems). This was known by the Buddha directly before and taught to the living beings. Nibbāna really exists as the fuels and fires have been extinguished.
At first, before talking about Nibbāna, I have to mention about the evil and terrible things. Those who simply want to like the good things might not know the bad things. During the time of each one of the past Buddhas, many had enlightened. Is there anyone of them coming back?
(This is an important point for Buddhists to contemplate because some people have the idea that in the cosmos there are permanent places for permanent beings. This is an eternalist view and bhava taṇhā. It’s a kind of defilements.)
Without knowing to get the khandha is getting the fuels and fire. This is ignorance. After getting and taking pleasure in it is craving/taṇhā. Now, you have caught the culprit. I’ll show you the way out of it.
We have to take the examples of people who were going out from it before. They had left from saṅkhata. The five khandhas are saṅkhata dhamma. They become disenchantment with it by seeing saṅkhata dhamma. And with the cessation of it, they will reach asaṅkhata. Saṅkhata and saṅkhāra are the same (i.e., conditioned phenomena).
Form arises due to action, mind, temperature and foods (kamma, citta, utu and āhāra). Mind arises due to ārammaṇa and dvāra (sense objects and sense doors). Therefore mind/body arises due to the conditioning of other. Sabbe saṅkhāra anicca—All conditioned phenomena were impermanent as said by the Buddha. So you'll find out the beginning of the path if you discern impermanence.
You are ready to get out from it if you become disenchantment with it. Mind/body (saṅkhāra) will disappear if you want to be free from saṅkhāra. In the practicing knowledge, fuels and fire are extinguished.
You'll reach toward Nibbāna which is nobody can make it arising or disappearing. Seeing impermanence, becoming disenchantment and not wanting of it; you will surely reach toward Nibbāna. Remember these three points.
一個能洞察無常的人已接近涅槃。如果具備合適的因緣,這個過程並不會花很長時間。這觀點出自《自說經》(Udāna Pali)。凡夫沉迷於五蘊,將它們視為愉悅的對象。而對聖者(ariya)而言,這些卻是燃料與火焰。十一種火焰(如貪、瞋、癡、悲、苦等)不斷燃燒著五蘊。
過去那些解脫的人已從條件法(saṅkhata)中走出。**五蘊屬於條件法(saṅkhata dhamma),即因緣和合之法。**當人們通過洞察條件法而對其生起厭離心,便能體驗條件法的止息,進而達到無為法(asaṅkhata),即涅槃。
色法(form, rūpa): 由業力(kamma)、心(citta)、溫度(utu)和食物(āhāra)而生。
心法(mind, nāma): 由所緣(ārammaṇa)和感官門(dvāra)而生。
因此,身心(五蘊)完全是由他法所條件化而生起的。佛陀曾說:**「一切有為法皆無常(sabbe saṅkhāra anicca)。」**洞察無常便是修行的起點。
涅槃是無生無滅之法(nobody can make it arising or disappearing)。看到無常,生起厭離心,對五蘊不再執取,必然導向涅槃。
當五蘊燃料燃盡,煩惱之火熄滅時,就是涅槃。五蘊是燃料。十一種煩惱是火(例如,lobha, dosa, moha, soka, 等等)。它們無法分離。
燃料是vipāka vaṭṭa——輪迴的結果。火是kilesa vaṭṭa——輪迴的染污。兩個vaṭṭa一起運作。如果你對它們感到滿意,你實際上是在取悅自己以燃燒自己。止觀修行是在與潛伏在五蘊中的煩惱作戰。
我們必須以之前擺脫它的人為榜樣。他們已經離開了saṅkhata。五蘊是saṅkhhata dhamma。他們透過看到saṅkhhata dhamma而對它感到厭倦。隨著它的滅去,他們將達到asaṅkhata。Saṅkhhata和saṅkhāra是相同的(即有為法)。
色法由業、心、溫度和食物(kamma, citta, utu 和 āhāra)而生起。心由ārammaṇa和dvāra(感官對象和感官門)而生起。因此,心/身由其他事物條件化而生起。Sabbe saṅkhāra anicca——所有有為法都是無常的,如佛陀所說。所以,如果你辨別無常,你就會找到道的開始。
14th May 1961
Living beings are floating and sinking in the four planes of misery. Human world is a place for temporary visit for them. The four planes of misery are their permanent homes.
[These things are very important for reflection. In the 31 realms of existence human world is a very significant and the most important place among them. A Buddha only appears to this world. Beings can create all sorts of kammas in this place.
Combine together only four types: positive kamma (wholesome), negative kamma (unwholesome) mixed kamma (wholesome and unwholesome mixed up) and neither positive nor negative kamma (vipassanā kamma). Therefore from here human beings take rebirths elsewhere. It’s like the sun in the centre of the planetary system.
As the sun light spreads out to everywhere. For the other planes of existence, the four planes of misery are only for suffering and no chances to create wholesome kamma. The other realms are planes of bliss and pleasure; only for enjoyment. So, mostly no chances for create wholesome kammas.
Therefore human beings are not here for power, wealth, fame and seeking for sensual pleasure and enjoyments; but to create wholesome kamma as much as possible, to study and practice for the teaching of the Buddha].
The Buddha was using his knowledge and observed as what was the root cause of all these misery. And he found out that it was diṭṭhi—wrong views. Whatever merits (such as building monastery, etc.), wholesome kamma is one thing and the seed of hell is another thing.
They are different. Diṭṭhi as latent defilement is going with the merits. After the power of wholesome kamma is finished it pulls the being down to the plane of misery. The seed of the hell is identity view (sakkāya diṭṭhi). There is no dukkha greater than hell.
You get this suffering because of diṭṭhi, not knowing the truth. Dispelling diṭṭhi first and do the wholesome kamma later. Without diṭṭhi falling away, kamma becomes vaṭṭa kamma (action for the round of existence). So you can’t free from the round of existence. Diṭṭhi and lobha are together.
Therefore kamma leads by wrong view can take rebirth in the plane of misery. Every birth is truth of dukkha. So, it makes things becoming worse. Diṭṭhi comes from the five khandhas and has unwise attention to it. For example, on the body is an itchy sensation arises. But instead of ñāṇa paying attention on the feeling, and it becomes I am itchy. Between the feeling and attention I or self arises.
This I or self is the seed of hell. It’s terrible. Therefore the Buddha said that it was more important than the head was on fire and the chest was piercing with a spear. Whoever falls into the hell is wrong view. Perception becomes I perceive. To the mind is also my mind.
With wrong attention to the khandha, many of the "I" or "self" arise. "I" or "self" is identity view. It’s the cause for beings falling into hell. The stream enterer doesn’t go there is already destroyed it. Nothing is more terrible than wrong attention because the seed of hell arises from there.
(Here Sayadaw gave a simile for wrong view. A long thread in the kite roller is like diṭṭhi. The kite is the khandha. The wind current is like merits. Living beings are suffered by the arrangement of diṭṭhi and kamma without their wishes. After the dispelling of diṭṭhi it becomes vi‐vaṭṭa kamma (Kamma without the round of existence).
It becomes right view with wise attention. Unwise attention is like people looking into the mirror, taking the shadow in the mirror as, he, she, etc.; and then taṇhā, mana, diṭṭhi (craving, conceit and wrong view) come in. Here the mirror is the khandha and shadow is wrong view. It’s like a very small child who has never seen a mirror before.
He becomes frighten and running towards the mother after seeing his own shadow. You'll just go back to the wok (i.e., hell cauldron) if you have unwise attention. You will be tortured by the shadow with unwise attention. Correct yourself with wise attention. In the middle of you and the mirror anicca, dukkha and anatta shadows appear. With the right seeing and right view arises.
I ask you to contemplate the impermanence of the five khandhas for the right view. Then sammā‐diṭṭhi arises and micchā‐diṭṭhi dies away. And the seed of hell disappears. Some people think, if you understand the nature of mind/body and diṭṭhi will fall away. It’s not yet, you have to discern impermanence.
Without the help of a teacher right view can’t arise. Every wise attention is including the five path factors. Kamma also dies if diṭṭhi dies and so do taṇhā, upādāna because they are led by diṭṭhi. Therefore you don’t get the painful khandha belong to the planes of misery. The stream enterer never falls into the planes of misery again.
The path factors (magga) have functions. For example, a boat is carrying a load and crossing to the other shore of a river. Boat is the path factors, load is yogi, this side of the river is dukkha sacca, the other shore is Nibbāna (nirodha sacca) and the river is diṭṭhi and taṇhā (samudaya sacca).
四惡趣: 只有痛苦,無法創造善業。
天界及其他樂趣界: 主要是享樂,極少機會創造善業。
風箏與線: 風箏代表五蘊,線代表錯見,風力象徵善業。只要線存在,風箏(五蘊)就受錯見的掌控,任由風(善業)的力量飄動,無法擺脫輪迴。
鏡中的影像: 鏡子是五蘊,鏡中的影像是錯見。人們如同未見過鏡子的孩子,誤以為影像是真實的「他人」,從而產生貪愛(taṇhā)、我慢(mana)和錯見(diṭṭhi)。
此岸: 苦諦(dukkha sacca),即輪迴與痛苦。
彼岸: 滅諦(nirodha sacca),即涅槃與解脫。
河流: 集諦(samudaya sacca),即渴愛與執取。
渡船: 道諦(magga sacca),即通向涅槃的修行之道。
只結合四種:善業(wholesome)、不善業(unwholesome)、混合業(wholesome and unwholesome mixed up)和非善非不善業(vipassanā kamma)。因此,人類從這裡投生到其他地方。它就像太陽系中心的太陽一樣。
它們是不同的。diṭṭhi作為潛在的染污,與善業一起運作。在善業的力量結束之後,它將眾生拉入苦趣。地獄的種子是身見(sakkāya diṭṭhi)。沒有比地獄更大的苦了。
你因為diṭṭhi而得到這個苦,因為不知道真理。先驅散diṭṭhi,然後再做善業。如果diṭṭhi沒有消失,業就會成為vaṭṭa kamma(輪迴之業)。所以你無法擺脫輪迴。diṭṭhi和lobha在一起。
(在這裡,沙彌陀尊者給出了錯誤觀點的比喻。風箏捲軸中的長線就像diṭṭhi。風箏是五蘊。氣流就像善業。眾生在diṭṭhi和業的安排下受苦,而沒有他們的願望。在驅散diṭṭhi之後,它就成為vi‐vaṭṭa kamma(沒有輪迴的業)。
道支(magga)具有功能。例如,一艘船載著貨物,橫渡河岸。船是道支,貨物是瑜伽行者,河的這一岸是苦諦,另一岸是涅槃(nirodha sacca),河流是diṭṭhi和taṇhā(samudaya sacca)。)